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高速磨钻在侵袭性骨肿瘤治疗中的应用   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
目的:探讨高速磨钻在治疗侵袭性骨肿瘤治疗中的作用。方法:首先开窗刮除瘤腔内肿瘤组织,然后直视下应用高速磨钻沿各个方向仔细磨除瘤腔内壁表面骨嵴,尤其是瘤腔顶部,额外磨除瘤腔皮质骨下1~5mm的骨组织,直至显露正常骨质。必要时也磨除部分软骨下骨,部分病变区域需至关节软骨平面。选择非结构性移植物,包括自体髂骨或同种异体骨、碳酸化羟基磷灰石,填充骨缺损。结果:术后平均随访时间27个月(7~41个月)。3例局部复发,无远处脏器转移。术后关节功能轻度受限1例;切口早期炎性反应2例;深部感染1例;病变部位远侧肿胀1例。未发生继发性病理骨折。结论:高速磨钻对骨组织具有较强的切割作用,能较易磨平凸出的骨嵴,虽然仍为病灶内手术,但应用高速磨钻后扩大了手术切除的范围,可以达到边缘切除的效果,保证手术的彻底性。  相似文献   

同种异体骨移植在骨肿瘤手术中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨同种异体骨移植在骨肿瘤手术中应用的范围、效果以及排异反应等问题.方法:1983年10月~2003年3月在骨肿瘤手术中使用异体骨移植120例。其中肿瘤刮除、异体松质骨移植102例;肿瘤刮除、异体大块皮质骨和松质骨移植12例;肿瘤段切除、异体股骨干移植2例;肿瘤段切除、异体半关节移植3例;肿瘤切除、大块异体骶骨移植l例:结果:120例中只有2例出现较轻的排异反应,表现为手术后切口渗出较多,3个月后停止渗出,切口愈合.其余病例均一期愈合.结论:同种异体骨在骨肿瘤手术中应用范围,一、效果好、很少出现排异反应,在骨缺损填充物中占有重要位置.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨保留皮质的扩大切除与重建术的临床应用及疗效。[方法]12例侵袭性骨肿瘤患者男6例,女6例;平均年龄37.1岁。根据MRI表现选择不同截骨方法。I型肿瘤位于干骺端偏心性生长,采用保留一侧皮质骨的肿瘤外截骨,截骨线呈“匚”形。Ⅱ型病例肿瘤侵蚀部分关节面,采用保留一侧皮质的部分关节截骨,截骨线呈“L”形。Ⅲ型病例肿瘤侵蚀整个关节面和骨皮质,可切除包括关节在内的整个瘤段骨,只是近骨干侧截骨呈阶梯状。[结果]手术时间1~3h,术中出血量150~400ml,术后切口一期愈合。12例患者获6个月一8年随访。按ISOLS评分标准评价肢体功能恢复情况:上肢平均22.3分,下肢平均25.3分。灭活回植骨、异体骨与截骨端平均3个月愈合,局部复发1例,复发率7.69%。无恶性变及全身转移。[结论]保留皮质的扩大切除与重建术可提高四肢侵袭性骨肿瘤的治疗效果;严格掌握适应证、无瘤无菌操作、彻底灭活瘤壳和截骨端是降低复发率的关键。  相似文献   

复发恶性骨肿瘤的临床病理X线分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
复习14例复发恶性骨肿瘤的临床、病理、X线资料。男10例,女4例,年龄平均27.8岁,骨肉瘤5例,骨巨细胞瘤3例,恶性纤维组织细胞瘤2例,软骨肉瘤3例,恶性骨母细胞瘤1例,通过分析发现复发的原因为:手术不彻底,术中没有按无瘤操作,手术前后没有及时、正确应用各种辅助治疗,复发常表现为:原手术部位疼痛或出现肿块,X线片示病变范围增大,瘤骨或瘤软骨形成或出现软组织肿块,ESR和ALP升高,复发后肿瘤的组织学类型无变化,但细胞的增殖能力较前增强,复发后若位于可完整切除的骨骼或周围软组织未受侵袭,可行保肢术;反之需行截肢或关节离断术。  相似文献   

股骨近端的良性骨肿瘤和瘤样病变并不少见,其病变亦多种多样,术前术后均易发生各种并发症。本文统计分析了我所1983年7月~1993年10月收治的49例股骨近端良性骨肿瘤和瘤样病变的病人,所有病人均经手术治疗,术后病理诊断。本组病人采用病变刮除,50%氯化锌烧灼,皮质骨和/或松质骨植骨的方法治疗。不同的植骨方法对病变的预后有不同的影响,皮质骨植骨有助于防止术后髋内翻和病理骨折的发生。对于病变累及股骨头的病人,其病变较大可能发生股骨头无菌坏死,用单纯病变刮除,50%氯化锌烧灼加植骨的方法难以奏效,需用更彻底的方法去除病变和功能重建,如人工股骨头置换。  相似文献   

将整个骨肿瘤制成组织大切片,通过光镜观察和图像分析,对10例侵袭性骨肿瘤的骨质破坏机制进行研究,其中骨肉瘤2例,纤维肉瘤3例,骨巨细胞瘤、软骨母细胞瘤、淋巴瘤、骨髓瘤和骨旁骨肉瘤各1例。结果表明:肿瘤中心区的骨质破坏程度明显高于肿瘤边缘区和外围区,同时未见到破骨细胞被激活致溶骨增强的现象,这些都支持侵袭性骨肿瘤的骨质破坏机制,主要是肿瘤细胞直接溶骨的学说。根据我们的观察,骨肿瘤组织破坏骨质有三种方式:(1)肿瘤细胞与骨质直接接触,溶解骨质。(2)肿瘤组织侵入哈氏管,引起管腔扩大,管壁破坏。(3)肿瘤组织直接压迫致骨皮质萎缩变薄,骨小粱变纤细。结果还表明:侵袭程度不同的骨肿瘤,其骨质破坏的主要方式也不同。侵袭性较高的骨肉瘤、纤维肉瘤和淋巴瘤,其肿瘤中心区和边缘区的哈氏管内较多见肿瘤组织的浸润,提示这些肿瘤可能首先通过哈氏管进行扩散的;侵袭性较低的骨巨细胞瘤和软骨母细胞瘤则未见到这种现象,而以局部骨质破坏和压迫萎缩为主;骨旁骨肉瘤虽然也出现哈氏管浸润,但管壁的破坏程度明显比骨肉瘤轻。  相似文献   

目的:总结儿童股骨近端骨肿瘤手术治疗的经验教训。方法:37例14岁以下的患者接受不同方式的手术治疗,平均随访37.2个月。结果:病变刮除、瘤壁残留肿瘤组织灭活、植骨术仍是目前治疗良性病变常用的手术方法,应避免损伤股骨头骨骺。对病灶范围较大伴有髋内翻畸形的良性病变,行病变部分刮除、外翻截骨及内固定后可维持正常的颈干角和髋关节功能。瘤段切除、长柄人工股骨头置换术,是修复股骨近端恶性骨肿瘤切除后大块骨缺损的一种较好的方法,具有早期恢复肢体功能、并发症少、材料来源充足等优势。结论:儿童股骨近端骨肿瘤的手术治疗应考虑到病变的性质、侵袭范围、股骨近端的应力分布及儿童骨骺未闭合等特点,采用适当的术式,多可获得良好的效果。  相似文献   

目的:评价脊椎及椎旁组织对原发性脊柱肿瘤局部侵袭的屏障作用。方法:将10例脊柱脊索瘤与7例脊柱骨巨细胞瘤患者手术切除标本分为骨皮质组、软骨组、骨松质组、肌肉组、脂肪组和瘢痕组,观察肿瘤侵袭前缘瘤周组织完整性,分别测量其肉眼边界(MSM)、组织学边界(HLM)与分子边界(MCM)的长度,并进行边界长度组内比较和MSM—HLM、MSM—MCM差值组间比较。结果:瘤周骨皮质、软骨结构多保持完整,其余4组瘤周组织存在不同程度破坏。各组MSM、HLM和MCM长度组内单因素方差分析,除骨皮质组与软骨组外,其余各组内边界长度间均存在显著性差异(P〈0.05),其中骨松质组、肌肉组存在非常显著性差异(P〈0.01)。骨松质组及肌肉组MSM的长度显著大于组内HLM、MCM的长度(P〈0.05),脂肪组及瘢痕组MSM长度显著大于MCM长度(P〈0.05)。骨松质组、脂肪组MSM—HLM与MSM—MCM差值显著大于软骨组、骨皮质组(P〈0.05);肌肉组、瘢痕组MSM—HLM、MSM—MCM差值显著大于软骨组(R0.05),瘢痕组MSM—MCM差值显著大于骨皮质组(P〈0.05)。结论:骨皮质及骨膜、软骨终板、椎间盘、关节突软骨是限制原发性脊柱肿瘤局部侵袭的天然屏障,而骨松质、肌肉、脂肪组织及瘤旁瘢痕组织不具备屏障作用。  相似文献   

柴本甫  汤雪明 《中华骨科杂志》1994,14(2):105-107,T003
对12例全髋关节置换手术时取下的骨关节炎股骨头,进行关节软骨脱落部位及象牙骨部位的扫描电镜观察。发现:(1)关节软骨脱落部位。软骨下骨板的排列杂乱,大小不一的片状最小梁向层状骨组织演变。(2)象牙骨部位。层状骨组织向哈氏系统以及向间骨板演变。因之具有皮质骨的特征,而变特别坚硬。(3)在象牙骨的表面,尚有纤维软骨小岛,代表来自骨髓的修复反应。  相似文献   

同种异体骨复合人工关节置换治疗骨肿瘤   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨分析同种异体同关节复合人工假体移植治疗骨肿瘤的临床应用及疗效。方法:对应用同种异体骨关节复合人工假体移植治疗骨肿瘤12例进行临床回顾分析。其中髋关节周围7例,膝关节周围3例,肩关节周围(肱骨近端)2例,病变性质;骨巨细胞瘤6例,皮质旁骨肉瘤2例,软骨肉瘤2例,转移性腺癌2例,均行肿瘤切除及异体骨关节复合人工假体移植。结果:本组12例病人手术均顺利,肿瘤获彻底切除,平均随访时间2.5年(1-5年),伤口均一期愈合无1例感染,关节功能按Mankin标准评定,优良率为91.6%,结论:同种异体骨关节复合人工假体移植是修复骨肿瘤的有效手段。  相似文献   

Treatment of giant-cell tumors of long bones with curettage and bone-grafting.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
BACKGROUND: The use of curettage, phenol, and cement is accepted by most experts as the best treatment for giant-cell tumor of bone. The present study was performed to evaluate whether equivalent results could be obtained with curettage with use of a high-speed burr and reconstruction of the resulting defect with autogenous bone graft with or without allograft bone. METHODS: The prospectively collected records of patients who had a giant-cell tumor of a long bone were reviewed to determine the rate of local recurrence after treatment with curettage with use of a high-speed burr and reconstruction with autogenous bone graft with or without allograft bone. All of the patients were followed clinically and radiographically, and a biopsy was performed if there were any suspicious changes. RESULTS: Fifty-nine patients met the criteria for inclusion in the study. According to the grading system of Campanacci et al., two patients (3 percent) had a grade-I tumor, twenty-nine (49 percent) had a grade-II tumor, and twenty-eight (47 percent) had a grade-III tumor. Seventeen patients (29 percent) had a pathological fracture at the time of presentation. The mean duration of follow-up was eighty months (range, twenty-eight to 132 months). Seven patients (12 percent) had a local recurrence. Six of these seven were disease-free at the latest follow-up examination after at least one additional treatment with curettage or soft-tissue resection (one patient). One patient had resection and reconstruction with a prosthesis after a massive local recurrence and pulmonary metastases. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the high rates of recurrence reported in the literature after treatment of giant-cell tumor with curettage and bone-grafting, the results of the present study suggest that the risk of local recurrence after curettage with a high-speed burr and reconstruction with autogenous graft with or without allograft bone is similar to that observed after use of cement and other adjuvant treatment. It is likely that the adequacy of the removal of the tumor rather than the use of adjuvant modalities is what determines the risk of recurrence.  相似文献   

刮除植骨治疗骨巨细胞瘤的临床研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究骨巨细胞瘤(giant-cell tumor,GCT)刮除植骨的局部复发率和并发症。方法:48例GCT选自1988-1995年我院收治的82例GCT患,采用囊内刮除植骨,进行临床和放射学随访。结果:经过28月-123月随访,功能优良率86.9%,局部复发率16.7。结论:本研究提示辞除植骨复发率低,可能与肿瘤充分刮除有关。  相似文献   

Giant-cell reparative granuloma (GCRG) or a solid variant of an aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) is an uncommon benign reactive lesion with a predilection for the small tubular bones of the hands and feet. Treatment usually involves wide resection or amputation because of unacceptable high recurrence rates after curettage. Adjuvant therapy usually is applied to reduce the recurrence of locally aggressive bone tumors. We report 2 cases of GCRG that were treated successfully with curettage, adjuvant phenol and ethanol, and autogenous bone grafting.  相似文献   

《The Foot》2014,24(1):1-5
Using bone cement for the reconstruction of defects created after curettage of benign aggressive bone tumors is among acceptable methods. The study aimed to assess the effect of bone cement used in aggressive bone tumors in the feet on the function of the feet. Five patients were reviewed. They were treated between 2004 and 2010. Three cases were female and two male. Their age ranged from 16 to 55 with an average of 34.8. Follow up period ranged from 14 to 86 months with an average of 34. Two cases were giant cell tumor of bone located in calcaneus and 3 were solid variant aneurysmal bone cyst located in talus, navicular and first proximal phalanx. None had any previous treatment. A biopsy was done in all cases. Treatment was curettage, high speed burring (except phalanx case), and filling the cavity with bone cement. The case located in talus recurred and re-operated 1 year later doing the same procedure. Final evaluation included physical examination, X-ray and Maryland Foot Score.No recurrence was present in the final evaluation. No problems were detected related to bone cement. Maryland Foot Scores ranged 84–100, average of 94. Cement integrity was not disturbed. The procedure is found not to effect foot functions adversely.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Aneurysmal bone cyst is a benign, locally destructive lesion of bone. The rates of local recurrence after curettage have varied widely. Therefore, we performed a retrospective study of patients who had had an aneurysmal bone cyst in order to identify the rate of local recurrence and the prognostic factors related to local recurrence after use of contemporary methods of curettage with a high-speed burr. METHODS: We reviewed the cases of forty patients who had been managed by the same surgeon for an aneurysmal bone cyst, as diagnosed on the basis of the latest pathological review, between January 1, 1976, and December 31, 1993. The patients were evaluated with regard to age, gender, the duration and type of symptoms, the presence or absence of pathological fracture, the status of the growth plate, the bone and part of the bone that were involved, the type of operative procedure, the outcome, the radiographic stage, the findings on magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomography (when it became available) and on bone scintigraphy, and histological parameters. The median duration of follow-up was eighty-seven months (range, fifteen to 267 months). According to the criteria of Enneking, no patient had a stage-1 lesion (one with a surrounding rim of cortical bone), twenty-four had a stage-2 lesion (one with a clearly defined border but no cortical bone), and sixteen had a stage-3 lesion (one with no clearly defined border). RESULTS: Of the forty patients, thirty-four had curettage with use of a high-speed burr. Of these thirty-four, twenty-two had filling of the defect with a cancellous autogenous graft; four, with a cancellous allograft; and three, with polymethylmethacrylate. In five patients, no material was put into the defect. The remaining six patients had resection through the margin of the lesion. Four (12 percent) of the thirty-four patients who had curettage had a local recurrence. No patient who had an excision through the margin of the lesion had a local recurrence. All local recurrences were in skeletally immature girls who were three, four, ten, and eleven years old. Univariate analysis with use of the chi-square, Fisher exact, and Wilcoxon log-rank tests showed that local recurrence was associated only with a young age (p = 0.0036) and open growth plates (p = 0.039). All local recurrences occurred within two years postoperatively, at two, seven, nine, and twenty-four months, and all were treated successfully with a second operation. CONCLUSIONS: Rates of local control of almost 90 percent can be achieved with thorough curettage with use of a mechanical burr and without use of liquid nitrogen, phenol, or other adjuvants in patients who have an aneurysmal bone cyst of an extremity. A young age and open growth plates are associated with an increased risk of local recurrence.  相似文献   

Summary A case of giant-cell tumor (GCT) of the pelvis treated by curettage followed by packing the cavity with cement is reported. The results of different series published during the last years are discussed. The series comparing curettage and packing with resection and allografts show that recurrences occur mainly in the former and that their incidence is between 5 and 20%. Resections with allografts are followed in a considerable number of cases by complications due to the allograft. Other series relate to different sites, of which some are regarded as more dangerous: spine, pelvis, lower end of radius and upper end of fibula (where resection, if indicated, must include the whole of the upper tibiofibular articulation). The use of cement must be preceded by a scrupulous curettage of the cavity, with burring of the wall with a dental burr and possible tamponade with phenol. Cement is useful in three ways: a thermal effect on any tumor residues; support for the subchondral bone; contrast medium for postoperative monitoring. The technique of curettage and packing with cement seems indicated for benign tumors (stage III aggression does not indicate a malignant tumor), whose walls are not breached, including a stage of recurrence.
Utilisation du ciment dans le traitement des tumeurs à cellules géantes

计算机辅助导航技术在骶骨肿瘤外科治疗中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评估计算机辅助导航技术在术中指引骶骨肿瘤的骨性边界精确外科切除中的意义.方法 2007年12月至2010年6月,对13例骶骨肿瘤患者实施计算机辅助导航的外科治疗,男5例,女8例;年龄21~69岁,平均44岁;肿瘤位于骶S3水平以上10例,S3水平以下3例.术前行穿刺活检或前次手术明确病理诊断,脊索瘤7例,骨巨细胞...  相似文献   

A 24-year-old male patient presented with a painful eccentric lytic lesion of the proximal tibial epiphysis with a soft tissue component. Clinical and radiological assessment led to the tentative diagnosis of aggressive giant cell tumor of bone. The patient was treated with curettage, high-speed burr, and cementation after intraoperative pathology consultation. The final pathological report indicated that the tumor was giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath with bone invasion. Although uncommon, GCTTS should be considered in the differential diagnosis of such lesions when there is a prominent soft tissue component. Although the resection was intralesional, the thermal effect of the cementation of the involved cavity and complete removal of the tendon sheath may allow successful local control conjecture of lesions that otherwise present with clinical and radiographic findings suggesting giant cell tumor of the bone.  相似文献   

Giant cell tumors are neoplasms of mesenchymal stromal cells with varied manifestations. There is no uniform accepted treatment protocol for these tumors. Curettage, although an accepted method of treatment, carries a high local recurrence rate. Adjuvant therapies including high-speed burr debridement, cryotherapy, and phenol treatment have been advocated to reduce local recurrence. We have used these adjuvants to determine if improved cure rate with improved outcomes could be attained with regard to local tumor control and functional outcome. Twenty-eight cases of proven giant cell tumors of the distal femur and proximal tibia were included in this prospective case series. The lesions were at the upper tibia in 14 cases and the lower femur in 14 patients. The patients were evaluated clinically, radiologically, and by histological examination. Companacci grading and Enneking staging were determined. The treatment was done in the following steps: Curettage and further debridement with a high-speed burr, cryotherapy, impaction of the cavity with subchondral iliac crest bone graft, and, finally, cementation with or without internal fixation. Functional evaluation was done by Enneking’s system. The follow-up time was between 24–40 months with a mean of 34 months. The functional results of the procedure were rated as good to excellent with a mean of 93.9%. This technique has the advantages of joint preservation, excellent functional outcome, and low recurrence rate when compared with other treatment modalities. For these reasons, it is recommended as an adjuvant to curettage for most giant cell tumors of bone.  相似文献   

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