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Locomotor strategy for pedaling: muscle groups and biomechanical functions.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A group of coexcited muscles alternating with another group is a common element of motor control, including locomotor pattern generation. This study used computer simulation to investigate human pedaling with each muscle assigned at times to a group. Simulations were generated by applying patterns of muscle excitations to a musculoskeletal model that includes the dynamic properties of the muscles, the limb segments, and the crank load. Raasch et al. showed that electromyograms, pedal reaction forces, and limb and crank kinematics recorded during maximum-speed start-up pedaling could be replicated with two signals controlling the excitation of four muscle groups (1 group alternating with another to form a pair). Here a four-muscle-group control also is shown to replicate steady pedaling. However, simulations show that three signals controlling six muscle groups (i.e., 3 pairs) is much more biomechanically robust, such that a wide variety of forward and backward pedaling tasks can be executed well. We found the biomechanical functions necessary for pedaling, and how these functions can be executed by the muscle groups. Specifically, the phasing of two pairs with respect to limb extension and flexion and the transitions between extension and flexion do not change with pedaling direction. One pair of groups (uniarticular hip and knee extensors alternating with their anatomic antagonists) generates the energy required for limb and crank propulsion during limb extension and flexion, respectively. In the second pair, the ankle plantarflexors transfer the energy from the limb inertia to the crank during the latter part of limb extension and the subsequent limb extension-to-flexion transition. The dorsiflexors alternate with the plantarflexors. The phasing of the third pair (the biarticular thigh muscles) reverses with pedaling direction. In forward pedaling, the hamstring is excited during the extension-to-flexion transition and in backward pedaling during the opposite transition. In both cases hamstrings propel the crank posteriorly through the transition. Rectus femoris alternates with hamstrings and propels the crank anteriorly through the transitions. With three control signals, one for each pair of groups, different cadences (or power outputs) can be achieved by adjusting the overall excitatory drive to the pattern generating elements, and different pedaling goals (e.g., smooth, or energy-efficient pedaling; 1- or 2-legged pedaling) by adjusting the relative excitation levels among the muscle groups. These six muscle groups are suggested to be elements of a general strategy for pedaling control, which may be generally applicable to other human locomotor tasks.  相似文献   

Effect of pedaling technique on muscle activity and cycling efficiency   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to examine the acute effect of talocrural joint position on muscle activity and gross mechanical efficiency (GE). Eleven trained cyclists participated in three randomized 6-min cycling bouts at approximately 80% of maximal aerobic capacity on an electromagnetically braked cycle ergometer while oxygen consumption and muscle activity (EMG) were monitored during the subject's self-selected pedaling technique (control) and while using a dorsi- and plantarflexed pedaling technique. The mean differences in range of motion of the dorsi- and plantarflexed technique from the control position were 7.1 +/- 4.4 and 6.9 +/- 5.4 degrees , respectively. Gastrocnemius EMG activity was higher with the dorsiflexion technique than when using the self-selected control position (33.2 +/- 13.0 and 24.2 +/- 8.4 microV s, respectively; P < 0.05). Moreover, GE was 2.6% lower while riding with the dorsiflexion technique than the control position (19.0 +/- 1.2 and 19.5 +/- 1.3%, respectively; P < 0.05). The data suggested that introducing more dorsiflexion into the pedal stroke of a trained cyclist increases muscle activity of the gastrocnemius lateralis and decreased GE when compared to the self-selected pedal stroke.  相似文献   

Locomotion requires uninterrupted transitions between limb extension and flexion. The role of contralateral sensorimotor signals in executing smooth transitions is little understood even though their participation is crucial to bipedal walking. However, elucidating neural interlimb coordinating mechanisms in human walking is difficult because changes to contralateral sensorimotor activity also affect the ipsilateral mechanics. Pedaling, conversely, is ideal for studying bilateral coordination because ipsilateral mechanics can be independently controlled. In pedaling, the anterior and posterior bifunctional thigh muscles develop needed anterior and posterior crank forces, respectively, to dominate the flexion-to-extension and extension-to-flexion transitions. We hypothesized that contralateral sensorimotor activity substantially contributes to the appropriate activation of these bifunctional muscles during the limb transitions. Bilateral pedal forces and surface electromyograms (EMGs) from four thigh muscles were collected from 15 subjects who pedaled with their right leg against a right-crank servomotor, which emulated the mechanical load experienced in conventional two-legged coupled-crank pedaling. In one pedaling session, the contralateral (left) leg pseudo-pedaled (i.e., EMG activity and pedal forces were pedaling-like, but pedal force was not allowed to affect crank rotation). In other sessions, the mechanically decoupled contralateral leg was first relaxed and then produced rhythmic isometric force trajectories during either leg flexion or one of the two limb transitions of the pedaling leg. With contralateral force production in the extension-to-flexion transition (predominantly by the hamstrings), rectus femoris activity and work output increased in the pedaling leg during its flexion-to-extension transition, which occurs simultaneously with contralateral extension-to-flexion in conventional pedaling. Similarly, with contralateral force production in the other transition (i.e., flexion-to-extension; predominantly by rectus femoris), hamstrings activity and work output increased in the pedaling leg during its extension-to-flexion transition. Therefore rhythmic isometric force generation in the contralateral leg supported the ongoing bifunctional muscle activity and resulting work output in the pedaling leg. The results suggest that neural interlimb coordinating mechanisms fine-tune bifunctional muscle activity in rhythmic lower-limb tasks to ensure limb flexion/extension transitions are executed successfully.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine whether muscle synergies are constrained by changes in the mechanics of pedaling. The decomposition algorithm used to identify muscle synergies was based on two components: "muscle synergy vectors," which represent the relative weighting of each muscle within each synergy, and "synergy activation coefficients," which represent the relative contribution of muscle synergy to the overall muscle activity pattern. We hypothesized that muscle synergy vectors would remain fixed but that synergy activation coefficients could vary, resulting in observed variations in individual electromyographic (EMG) patterns. Eleven cyclists were tested during a submaximal pedaling exercise and five all-out sprints. The effects of torque, maximal torque-velocity combination, and posture were studied. First, muscle synergies were extracted from each pedaling exercise independently using non-negative matrix factorization. Then, to cross-validate the results, muscle synergies were extracted from the entire data pooled across all conditions, and muscle synergy vectors extracted from the submaximal exercise were used to reconstruct EMG patterns of the five all-out sprints. Whatever the mechanical constraints, three muscle synergies accounted for the majority of variability [mean variance accounted for (VAF) = 93.3 ± 1.6%, VAF (muscle) > 82.5%] in the EMG signals of 11 lower limb muscles. In addition, there was a robust consistency in the muscle synergy vectors. This high similarity in the composition of the three extracted synergies was accompanied by slight adaptations in their activation coefficients in response to extreme changes in torque and posture. Thus, our results support the hypothesis that these muscle synergies reflect a neural control strategy, with only a few timing adjustments in their activation regarding the mechanical constraints.  相似文献   

The importance of bilateral sensorimotor signals in coordination of locomotion has been demonstrated in animals but is difficult to ascertain in humans due to confounding effects of mechanical transmission of forces between the legs (i.e., mechanical interleg coupling). In a previous pedaling study, by eliminating mechanical interleg coupling, we showed that muscle coordination of a unipedal task can be shaped by interlimb sensorimotor pathways. Interlimb neural pathways were shown to alter pedaling coordination as subjects pedaling unilaterally exhibited increased flexion-phase muscle activity compared with bilateral pedaling even though the task mechanics performed by the pedaling leg(s) in the unilateral and bilateral pedaling tasks were identical. To further examine the relationship between contralateral sensorimotor state and ipsilateral flexion-phase muscle coordination during pedaling, subjects in this study pedaled with one leg while the contralateral leg either generated an extensor force or relaxed as a servomotor either held that leg stationary or moved it in antiphase with the pedaling leg. In the presence of contralateral extensor force generation, muscle activity in the pedaling leg during limb flexion was reduced. Integrated electromyographic activity of the pedaling-leg hamstring muscles (biceps femoris and semimembranosus) during flexion decreased by 25-30%, regardless of either the amplitude of force generated by the nonpedaling leg or whether the leg was stationary or moving. In contrast, rectus femoris and tibialis anterior activity during flexion decreased only when the contralateral leg generated high rhythmic force concomitant with leg movement. The results are consistent with a contralateral feedforward mechanism triggering flexion-phase hamstrings activity and a contralateral feedback mechanism modulating rectus femoris and tibialis anterior activity during flexion. Because only muscles that contribute to flexion as a secondary function were observed, it is impossible to know whether the modulatory effect also acts on primary, unifunctional, limb flexors or is specific to multifunctional muscles contributing to flexion. The influence of contralateral extensor-phase sensorimotor signals on ipsilateral flexion may reflect bilateral coupling of gain control mechanisms. More generally, these interlimb neural mechanisms may coordinate activity between muscles that perform antagonistic functions on opposite sides of the body. Because pedaling and walking share biomechanical and neuronal control features, these mechanisms may be operational in walking as well as pedaling.  相似文献   



We aimed to test the effect of additional electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) during moderate-intensity voluntary pedaling exercise on metabolic and cardiovascular responses.


Eleven healthy male subjects performed moderate-intensity pedaling exercise at a constant workload (80 % of ventilatory threshold) for 20 min while EMS was applied to thigh muscles from 5 to 10 min and from 15 to 20 min during the exercise.


A significantly higher oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate, and respiratory gas exchange ratio were observed during the exercise periods with EMS despite the constant workload. These changes were accompanied by an elevated blood lactate concentration, suggesting the existence of additional fast-twitch motor unit (MU) recruitment during the exercise with EMS.


Our data suggest that the use of intermittent EMS during a constant load exercise mimics the high-intensity interval training, possibly due to additional fast-twitch MU recruitment and co-contractions of the quadriceps and hamstrings muscles, leading to higher anaerobic metabolism and a lower mechanical efficiency.  相似文献   

目的 比较正走和倒走两种不同行走模式时膝关节的生物力学特征。方法 采用三维运动捕捉系统Vicon T40和测力台AMTI OR6-7采集并比较13名健康青年男性志愿者正走和倒走时的时间、空间、运动学和动力学参数。结果 与正走相比,倒走时的步速、步频和步幅均显著减小,跨步周期和支撑相所占百分比显著增加;在矢状面上,倒走时膝关节活动度、最大屈伸力矩较正走小;在冠状面上,倒走时膝关节内翻外展活动范围也较正走小,内翻力矩峰值在支撑早期较正走小,但在支撑晚期较正走大;地面反作用力在支撑早期较正走大,但在支撑晚期较正走小。结论 倒走和正走膝关节生物力学特征差异明显。与正走相比倒走在支撑相早期能减轻膝关节内侧间室的负荷,而倒走在支撑相晚期对膝关节负荷的影响则尚须进一步研究。  相似文献   

In numerical simulations of skeletal muscle contractions, geometric information is of major importance. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) technique is suitable to obtain valid input with regard to skeletal muscle fibre direction. The accuracy of the DTI method was therefore studied by comparison of DTI fibre directions in the rat tibialis anterior muscle with fascicle striation patterns visible on high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and with fibre directions in an actual longitudinal section (ALS) through the same muscle. The results showed an excellent qualitative agreement between high-resolution MRI and DTI. Despite less accurate quantitative comparison with ALS, it was concluded that DTI does indeed measure skeletal muscle fibre direction. After the experiment, it was possible to determine an appropriate voxel size (0.9 mm3) that provided enough resolution and acceptable accuracy (5°) to use DTI fibre directions in biomechanical analyses. Muscle deformation during contraction, resulting from a finite element simulation with a mesh that was directly generated from the experimental data, has been presented.  相似文献   

Although a number of studies have been devoted to the analysis of the activity pattern of the muscles involved in pedaling in sedentary subjects and/or amateur cyclists, data on professional cyclists are scarce and the issue of inter-individual differences has never been addressed in detail. In the present series of experiments, we performed a non-invasive investigation using functional magnetic resonance imaging and surface electromyography to determine the pattern of activity of lower limb muscles during two different exhausting pedaling exercises in eight French professional cyclists. Each subject performed an incremental exercise during which electromyographic activity of eight lower limb muscles and respiratory variables were recorded. After a 3-h recovery period, transverse relaxation times (T2) were measured before and just after a standardized constant-load maximal exercise in order to quantify exercise-related T2 changes. The global EMG activity illustrated by the root mean square clearly showed a large inter-individual difference during the incremental exercise regardless of the investigated muscle (variation coefficient up to 81%). In addition, for most of the muscles investigated, the constant-load exercise induced T2 increases, which varied noticeably among the subjects. This high level of variation in the recruitment of lower limb muscles in professional cyclists during both incremental and constant-load exercises is surprising given the homogeneity related to maximal oxygen consumption and training volume. The high degree of expertise of these professional cyclists was not linked to the production of a common pattern of pedaling and our results provide an additional evidence that the nervous system has multiple ways of accomplishing a given motor task, as has been suggested previously by neural control theorists and experimentalists.Fabrice Salanson, in memoria  相似文献   

A Iwasaki 《Medical physics》1990,17(2):195-202
This paper describes a method of calculating three-dimensional (3-D) photon primary absorbed dose in a homogeneous or heterogeneous medium. The method is based on a technique of convolving a pair of forward and backward spread dose-distribution functions with the primary water collision kerma distribution. Both spread dose-distribution functions can be constructed by analyzing the zero-area tissue-maximum ratio, the primary absorbed dose near the beam exit surface, and the laterally spread dose distribution. Primary absorbed dose calculations are performed along the beam axis for 10-MV x rays. The characteristic patterns of primary dose in heterogeneous phantoms containing an aluminum or lunglike material slab can be obtained.  相似文献   

Reliable tissue fixation is of fundamental importance to the successful development of muscle powered motor prostheses. This report describes a series of canine implant trials used to develop stable tissue-device interface mechanisms. Muscle pumps were fitted with prototype tendon and chest wall anchoring schemes and secured to the ribs and humeral insertion of latissimus dorsi (LD) muscles. LD stimulation was initiated 1 week postimplantation and continued throughout the implant period to stress these fixation sites. Design modification and implant testing were continued until both muscle and chest wall attachment points were found to be stable. Chest wall fixation was best achieved using perforated metallic plates wired to the ribs, as opposed to bone screws or wire mesh, which were subject to degradation. Direct attachment of the native tendon by means of spiked clamping plates proved ineffective. Stable muscle attachment was ultimately achieved by replacing the humeral tendon with an artificial substitute formed from fine polyester fibers gathered into 6-8 bundles and sewn into the LD insertion. Braided into a single cord, these fibers were fixed to the device by means of spiked clamping plates. Based on these findings, we conclude that perforated anchor plates and multifibrous artificial tendons can function as effective tissue-device interface mechanisms.  相似文献   

Mechanical analysis of movement plays an important role in clinical management of neurological and orthopedic conditions. There has been increasing interest in performing movement analysis in real-time, to provide immediate feedback to both therapist and patient. However, such work to date has been limited to single-joint kinematics and kinetics. Here we present a software system, named human body model (HBM), to compute joint kinematics and kinetics for a full body model with 44 degrees of freedom, in real-time, and to estimate length changes and forces in 300 muscle elements. HBM was used to analyze lower extremity function during gait in 12 able-bodied subjects. Processing speed exceeded 120 samples per second on standard PC hardware. Joint angles and moments were consistent within the group, and consistent with other studies in the literature. Estimated muscle force patterns were consistent among subjects and agreed qualitatively with electromyography, to the extent that can be expected from a biomechanical model. The real-time analysis was integrated into the D-Flow system for development of custom real-time feedback applications and into the gait real-time analysis interactive lab system for gait analysis and gait retraining.  相似文献   

Summary This study was conducted to determine whether the pedaling frequency of cycling at a constant metabolic cost contributes to the pattern of fiber-type glycogen depletion. On 2 separate days, eight men cycled for 30 min at approximately 85% of individual aerobic capacity at pedaling frequencies of either 50 or 100 rev·min–1. Muscle biopsy samples (vastus lateralis) were taken immediately prior to and after exercise. Individual fibers were classified as type I (slow twitch), or type II (fast twitch), using a myosin adenosine triphosphatase stain, and their glycogen content immediately prior to and after exercise quantified via microphotometry of periodic acid-Schiff stain. The 30-min exercise bout resulted in a 46% decrease in the mean optical density (D) of type I fibers during the 50 rev·min–1 condition [0.52 (0.07) to 0.28 (0.04)D units; mean (SEM)] which was not different (P>0.05) from the 35% decrease during the 100 rev · min–1 condition [0.48 (0.04) to 0.31 (0.05)D units]. In contrast, the meanD in type II fibers decreased 49% during the 50 rev·min–1 condition [0.53 (0.06) to 0.27 (0.04) units]. This decrease was greater (P<0.05) than the 33% decrease observed in the 100 rev·min –1 condition [0.48 (0.04) to 0.32 (0.06) units). In conclusion, cycling at the same metabolic cost at 50 rather than 100 rev·min–1 results in greater type II fiber glycogen depletion. This is attributed to the increased muscle force required to meet the higher resistance per cycle at the lower pedal frequency. These data are consistent with the view that force development as opposed to velocity of contraction determines the degree of type II fiber recruitment when the metabolic cost of exercise is held constant.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the pedaling rate (PR) adopted by professional cyclists in different mountain passes. PR, heart rate (HR), velocity and power to overcome gravity were monitored during special (HM), 1st (M1), 2nd (M2) and 3rd (M3) category mountain passes. HM and M1 within high-mountain stages were classified into mountain passes before the final mountain pass of the stage (M-BF) and mountain passes placed in the final of the stage (M-F). PR was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in M3 (82 +/- 1 rpm) than that in M2 (75 +/- 3 rpm), M1 (75 +/- 2 rpm) and HM (73 +/- 1 rpm). Velocity and power output decreased in the following order: M3, M2, M1 and HM. Also, greater values (P < 0.05) were observed in M-BF (24.1 +/- 0.8 km h(-1) and 308.5 +/- 10.4 W) and in M-F (17.6 +/- 0.9 km h(-1) and 270.1 +/- 9.9 W). In addition, PR was higher (P < 0.05) in M-BF (79 +/- 2 rpm) than that in M-F (73 +/- 1 rpm). In conclusion, PR was modified according to the characteristics and the race strategies adopted by the cyclists, thus the cyclists chose higher PR to improve their performance.  相似文献   

目的通过建立膝关节三维有限元模型,研究内侧副韧带维持膝关节稳定性的作用。方法膝关节韧带用金属丝标记,止点采用钻孔标记,行CT扫描,应用Mimics、Geomagic和Ansys软件对数据进行三维重建,建立膝关节三维有限元模型,在膝关节5个不同的屈曲角度下模拟膝关节的前后平移、外翻和内外旋运动。结果膝关节在屈曲0°、30°6、0°、90°和120°时,MCL的应力为4.84、3.55、2.17、1.26和0 MPa;膝关节在5个角度下向前平移时,MCL的应力为7.22、5.78、4.07、2.84和1.4 MPa;向后平移时,应力为8.14、6.454、.19、2.92和1.6 MPa;内旋时,应力为6.815、.233、.292、.25和0.97 MPa;外旋时,应力为6.285、.003、.342、.21和0.82 MPa;外翻时,应力为11.00、9.55、7.25、5.94和3.11 MPa。结论通过建立膝关节三维有限元模型模拟膝关节前后移、外翻和内外旋各动作,可以有效地分析膝关节内侧副韧带的生物力学功能。  相似文献   

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