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It is well known that to achieve an acceptable engraftment and survival in stem cell therapy, an human leukocyte antigens (HLA) identical stem cell transplant is strongly required. However, the availability of the HLA matched donors even among family members is extremely limited, so preimplantation HLA typing provides an attractive practical tool of stem cell therapy for children requiring HLA matched stem cell transplantation. The present experience of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for HLA typing of over one thousand cases shows that PGD provides the at-risk couples with the option to establish an unaffected pregnancy, which may benefit the affected member of the family with hemoglobinopathies, immunodeficiencies and other congenital or acquired bone marrow failures. Despite ethical issues involved in preimplantation HLA typing, the data presented below show an extremely high attractiveness of this option for the couples with affected children requiring HLA compatible stem cell transplantation.  相似文献   

The Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) system has a critical role in immunorecognition, transplantation, and disease association. Early typing techniques provided the foundation for genotyping methods that revealed HLA as one of the most complex, polymorphic regions of the human genome. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), the latest molecular technology introduced in clinical tissue typing laboratories, has demonstrated advantages over other established methods. NGS offers high-resolution sequencing of entire genes in time frames and price points considered unthinkable just a few years ago, contributing a wealth of data informing histocompatibility assessment and standards of clinical care. Although the NGS platforms share a high-throughput massively parallel processing model, differing chemistries provide specific strengths and weaknesses. Research-oriented Third Generation Sequencing and related advances in bioengineering continue to broaden the future of NGS in clinical settings. These diverse applications have demanded equally innovative strategies for data management and computational bioinformatics to support and analyze the unprecedented volume and complexity of data generated by NGS. We discuss some of the challenges and opportunities associated with NGS technologies, providing a comprehensive picture of the historical developments that paved the way for the NGS revolution, its current state and future possibilities for HLA typing.  相似文献   

《Human immunology》2015,76(12):917-922
We report the development of a general methodology to genotype HLA class I and class II loci. A Whole Genome Amplification (WGA) step was used as a sample sparing methodology. HLA typing data could be obtained with as few as 300 cells, underlining the usefulness of the methodology for studies for which limited cells are available. The next generation sequencing platform was validated using a panel of cell lines from the International Histocompatibility Working Group (IHWG) for HLA-A, -B, and -C. Concordance with the known, previously determined HLA types was 99%. We next developed a panel of primers to allow HLA typing of alpha and beta chains of the HLA DQ and DP loci and the beta chain of the DRB1 locus. For the beta chain genes, we employed a novel strategy using primers in the intron regions surrounding exon 2, and the introns surrounding exons 3 through 4 (DRB1) or 5 (DQB1 and DPB1). Concordance with previously determined HLA Class II types was also 99%. To increase throughput and decrease cost, we developed strategies combining multiple loci from each donor. Multiplexing of 96 samples per run resulted in increases in throughput of approximately 8-fold. The pipeline developed for this analysis (HLATyphon) is available for download at https://github.com/LJI-Bioinformatics/HLATyphon.  相似文献   

多重置换扩增是一种新兴的全基因组扩增技术,能对单个细胞进行全基因扩增,产生大量的优质DNA,具有高扩增效率和高保真性等特点.多重置换扩增联合常规PCR已被成功用于植入前遗传学诊断,进一步扩展了后者的应用范围.  相似文献   

HLA A:B:C:DRB1:DQB1 allele and haplotype frequencies were determined among India, Andhra Pradesh, Telugu speaking population from South India by Next Generation Sequencing. 180 bone marrow registry donors and 6 cord blood units from Jeevan Stem Cell Foundation (part of Be The Cure Registry), Chennai, Tamilnadu state were included in the study.  相似文献   

Preimplantation HLA matching has recently emerged as a tool for couples desiring to conceive a potential donor progeny for transplantation in a sibling with a life-threatening disorder. In this paper we describe a strategy optimized for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of haemoglobinopathies combined with HLA matching. This procedure involves a minisequencing-based genotyping of HLA regions A, B, C and DRB combined with mutation analysis of the gene regions involved by mutation. Analysis of at least eight polymorphic short tandem repeat (STR) markers scattered through the HLA complex has also been included to detect potential contamination and crossing-over occurrences between HLA genes. The above assay can also be used for preimplantation HLA matching as a primary indication. The strategy was clinically applied for HLA matching in 17 cycles (14 for beta-thalassaemia, one for Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome and two for leukaemia). A reliable HLA genotype was achieved in 255/266 (95.9%) of the blastomeres. In total, 22 (14.8%) embryos were obtained that were HLA-matched with the affected siblings, 14 (9.4%) of which were unaffected and transferred back to the patients. Four clinical pregnancies were obtained, three of which (one twin, two singletons) are ongoing and were confirmed as healthy and HLA-identical with the affected children. Minisequencing-based HLA typing combined with HLA STR haplotyping has been shown to be a reliable strategy for preimplantation HLA matching. The major advantage of this approach is that the validation of a single assay can be done once and then used for the majority of the patients, reducing notably time needed for preclinical set-up of each case.  相似文献   



A simplified protocol for HLA-typing -by NGS, developed for use with the Illumina MiSeq, was performed by technologists with varying NGS experience to assess accuracy and reproducibility.


Technologists from six laboratories typed the same 16 samples at HLA-A, B, C, DRB1, and DQB1. The protocol includes long range PCR, library preparation, and paired-end 250 bp sequencing. Two indexing strategies were employed: locus-specific indexing whereby each locus was tagged uniquely and sample-specific indexing whereby all 5 loci for a sample were pooled prior to library preparation. Sequence analysis was performed with two software packages, Target HLA (Omixon) and NGSengine (GenDx).


The average number of sequence reads per library was 387,813; however, analysis was limited to 40,000 reads for locus-indexed libraries and 200,000 reads for sample-indexed libraries resulting in an average depth of coverage of 1444 reads per locus. Sufficient reads for genotype analysis were obtained for 98.4% of libraries. Genotype accuracy was >97% in pooled amplicons and >99% in individual amplicons by both software analysis. Inter-laboratory reproducibility was 99.7% and only cause of discordance was cross-contamination of a single amplicon.


This NGS HLA-typing protocol is simple, reproducible, scalable, highly accurate and amenable to clinical testing.  相似文献   

DNA samples isolated from corresponding uncultured amniotic fluid, cord blood and maternal blood (n=5) were subjected to low resolution typing of the HLA-A, -B and -DRB loci by the polymerase chain reaction using sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP). Furthermore, the effect of ethylene diamine tetraacetate disodium salt (EDTA) on the quality of genomic DNA isolated from amniotic fluid samples after long-term storage was evaluated. Unambiguous results of HLA typing could be achieved from all amniotic fluid samples stabilized with EDTA. PCR-SSP typing failed in DNA samples from amniotic fluid without the addition of EDTA. In all cases the fetal HLA type could be confirmed by the result from the corresponding cord blood typing. Contamination with maternal DNA led to additional weak PCR-SSP bands in one case, but data interpretation was still unambiguous. Reliable fetal HLA typing can be achieved directly from amniotic fluid and culturing of amniocytes is not required.  相似文献   

HLA matching at an allelic-level resolution for volunteer unrelated donor (VUD) hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) results in improved survival and fewer post-transplant complications. Limitations in typing technologies used for the hyperpolymorphic HLA genes have meant that variations outside of the antigen recognition domain (ARD) have not been previously characterized in HCT. Our aim was to explore the extent of diversity outside of the ARD and determine the impact of this diversity on transplant outcome. Eight hundred ninety-one VUD-HCT donors and their recipients transplanted for a hematologic malignancy in the United Kingdom were retrospectively HLA typed at an ultra-high resolution (UHR) for HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1, -DQB1, and -DPB1 using next-generation sequencing technology. Matching was determined at full gene level for HLA class I and at a coding DNA sequence level for HLA class II genes. The HLA matching status changed in 29.1% of pairs after UHR HLA typing. The 12/12 UHR HLA matched patients had significantly improved 5-year overall survival when compared with those believed to be 12/12 HLA matches based on their original HLA typing but were found to be mismatched after UHR HLA typing (54.8% versus 30.1%, P?=?.022). Survival was also significantly better in 12/12 UHR HLA-matched patients when compared with those with any degree of mismatch at this level of resolution (55.1% versus 40.1%, P?=?.005). This study shows that better HLA matching, found when typing is done at UHR that includes exons outside of the ARD, introns, and untranslated regions, can significantly improve outcomes for recipients of a VUD-HCT for a hematologic malignancy and should be prospectively performed at donor selection.  相似文献   

KIR3DL1 is a natural killer (NK) cell receptor that recognizes the Bw4 epitope of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecules. Following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for patients lacking Bw4, KIR3DL1‐expressing NK cells from Bw4‐positive donors can be alloreactive and eliminate tumor cells. However, KIR3DL1 alleles having T instead of C at nucleotide 320 (encoding leucine 86 instead of serine 86) are not expressed on the cell surface. Thus, not all individuals testing positive for KIR3DL1 are optimal donors for Bw4‐negative recipients. Therefore, we developed a method for genotyping codon 86, which was validated by its perfect correlation with NK cell phenotype for 100 donors of diverse KIR3DL1/S1 genotype. We typed 600 donors and found that ~12.2% had the KIR3DL1 gene, but did not express cell‐surface KIR3DL1. By contrast, high‐expressing allotypes were identified when haplotypes from four families with duplicated KIR3DL1/S1 genes were characterized at high resolution. Identifying donors who have KIR3DL1 but lack cell‐surface KIR3DL1 would refine donor selection. With this technique, the number of individuals identified who may not be optimal donors for Bw4‐negative patients increases by threefold, when compared with standard methods. Taken together, we propose that allele typing of killer cell Ig‐like receptor (KIR) polymorphisms should become a standard practice when selecting donors.  相似文献   

《Human immunology》2022,83(1):17-26
The heterogenous population of Malaysia includes more than 50 indigenous groups, and characterizing their HLA diversity would not only provide insights to their ancestry, but also on the effects of natural selection on their genome. We utilized hybridization-based sequence capture and short-read sequencing on the HLA region of 172 individuals representing seven indigenous groups in Malaysia (Jehai, Kintaq, Temiar, Mah Meri, Seletar, Temuan, Bidayuh). Allele and haplotype frequencies of HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1, -DQA1, -DQB1, -DPA1, and -DPB1 revealed several ancestry-informative markers. Using SNP-based heterozygosity and pairwise Fst, we observed signals of natural selection, particularly in HLA-A, -C and -DPB1 genes. Consequently, we showed the impact of natural selection on phylogenetic inference using HLA and non-HLA SNPs. We demonstrate the utility of Next Generation Sequencing for generating unambiguous, high-throughput, high-resolution HLA data that adds to our knowledge of HLA diversity and natural selection in indigenous minority groups.  相似文献   

Robertsonian translocation (RT) is a common cause for male infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, and birth defects. Studying meiotic recombination in RT‐carrier patients helps decipher the mechanism and improve the clinical management of infertility and birth defects caused by RT. Here we present a new method to study spermatogenesis on a single‐gamete basis from two RT carriers. By using a combined single‐cell whole‐genome amplification and sequencing protocol, we comprehensively profiled the chromosomal copy number of 88 single sperms from two RT‐carrier patients. With the profiled information, chromosomal aberrations were identified on a whole‐genome, per‐sperm basis. We found that the previously reported interchromosomal effect might not exist with RT carriers. It is suggested that single‐cell genome sequencing enables comprehensive chromosomal aneuploidy screening and provides a powerful tool for studying gamete generation from patients carrying chromosomal diseases.  相似文献   

Matching of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes is critically important in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). HLA genes are highly polymorphic and HLA matching has historically been limited by technologies that are unable to unambiguously determine HLA genotypes. Next generation DNA sequencing (NGS) overcomes these limitations by enabling near full-gene sequences with phase determination for heterozygous alleles. Here we examine the efficacy and utility of HLA-NGS in the clinical setting. In a 54-sample validation study and 955 patient samples subsequently tested using HLA-NGS, we observed significant improvement in the ability to unambiguously identify HLA genotypes in both the validation (97.3%) and clinical (97.4%) sample cohorts compared to previous standard-of care HLA genotyping methods. We modeled the clinical impact of this improved diagnostic ability by comparing National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) search results for 56 patients using HLA-NGS genotypes and simulated standard-of-care HLA genotypes. Surprisingly, we observed significant differences in 7.1% of NMDP searches, with improved unambiguous HLA genotyping correlating with improved prediction of finding well-matched and partially-matched unrelated HSCT donors. These data demonstrate that HLA-NGS can provide highly accurate and unambiguous HLA genotyping that facilitates donor selection for allogeneic HSCT.  相似文献   

Sustained myeloid engraftment is an important determinant of outcome in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Human tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha is encoded by a gene, TNFA, located in the class III region of the major histocompatibility complex on chromosome 6, flanked by the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I and II regions. A number of polymorphisms in the promoter region of the TNFA gene have been associated with increased production of TNF-alphain vivo. Additionally, raised TNF-alpha levels have been reported to have a detrimental effect on the outcome in HSCT, in particular on early complications such as acute graft vs host disease, failure to engraft, and transplant-related mortality. There is evidence of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between TNFA promoter polymorphisms and extended HLA haplotypes. We have genotyped 73 cell lines and 189 donor/recipient pairs (undergoing HSCT) for their TNFA polymorphism, all of which had been well characterized with respect to their HLA genes. We found evidence of strong LD between HLA genes and TNFA; however, there was also evidence for recombination events having taken place, as we found that a number of transplant pairs who were matched for their HLA haplotypes were not matched for their TNFA alleles. We analyzed early outcomes in the transplant recipients and found a significant delay in engraftment in those pairs where both donor and recipients possessed an AG allele (associated with higher TNF-alpha levels). Our results suggest a functional effect of TNFA polymorphisms on myeloid engraftment in unrelated HSCT.  相似文献   

Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs), expressed on Natural Killer (NK) cells, activate/inhibit NK cell function through interactions with their HLA–A, B and C ligands. KIR3DL1 is one of the most polymorphic genes and its effect varies depending on the interaction of the specific allotype with its Bw4 ligand. We investigated the allelic diversity of KIR3DL1/S1 using sequence based typing and we typed as well, their Bw4 ligands in Mexican Mestizos of Mexico City. The results showed that this population has a great KIR3DL1 allelic diversity with 101502 (19.9%), 100101 (13.2%) and 100501 (12.8%) being the most common alleles, while KIR3DS1 showed predominance of 101301 (86%); these data agree with the diversity found in most populations studied. At least one KIR3DL1-HIGH surface expression allele was present in 67.5% of the subjects. Phylogenetic comparisons between Mestizos and 28 different populations showed that allelic diversity of KIR3DL1/S1 was similar in Mexican Mestizos from Mexico and in Hispanics from USA. Knowledge of KIR and MHC diversity worldwide is fundamental for understanding the impact of KIR and KIR-ligand polymorphism on NK cell effector functions and is relevant in genetic anthropology, disease association and transplantation.  相似文献   

Killer cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptor (KIR) genes are a family of genes located together within the leukocyte receptor cluster on human chromosome 19q13.4. To date, 17 KIR genes have been identified including nine inhibitory genes (2DL1/L2/L3/L4/L5A/L5B, 3DL1/L2/L3), six activating genes (2DS1/S2/S3/S4/S5, 3DS1) and two pseudogenes (2DP1, 3DP1) classified into group A (KIR A) and group B (KIR B) haplotypes. The number and the nature of KIR genes vary between the individuals. In addition, these KIR genes are known to be polymorphic at allelic level (907 alleles described in July 2017). KIR genes encode for receptors which are predominantly expressed by Natural Killer (NK) cells. KIR receptors recognize HLA class I molecules and are able to kill residual recipient leukemia cells, and thus reduce the likelihood of relapse. KIR alleles of Hematopoietic Stem Cell (HSC) donor would require to be known (Alicata et al. Eur J Immunol 2016) because the KIR allele polymorphism may affect both the KIR+ NK cell phenotype and function (Gagne et al. Eur J Immunol 2013; Bari R, et al. Sci Rep 2016) as well as HSCT outcome (Boudreau et al. JCO 2017). The introduction of the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) has overcome current conventional DNA sequencing method limitations, known to be time consuming. Recently, a novel NGS KIR allele typing approach of all KIR genes was developed by our team in Nantes from 30 reference DNAs (Maniangou et al. Front in Immunol 2017). This NGS KIR allele typing approach is simple, fast, reliable, specific and showed a concordance rate of 95% for centromeric and telomeric KIR genes in comparison with high-resolution KIR typing obtained to those published data using exome capture (Norman PJ et al. Am J Hum Genet 2016). This NGS KIR allele typing approach may also be used in reproduction and to better study KIR+ NK cell implication in the control of viral infections.  相似文献   

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