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New Zealand is in the process of implementing major changes in the organisation and funding of its health services. Central to these changes is a largely elected area health board responsible for the funding and coordination of all services for a defined population, both public as well as non-government. Four different models of decentralisation, deconcentration (administrative), devolution (political), corporatisation (functional) and privatisation (non-government), have been used to describe and analyse these changes. There is expected to be a major devolution of powers to area health boards from central government, reversing the centralising tendencies which have occurred over the past century. Within boards a pluralistic system of service management, incorporating the above models of decentralisation, is being implemented to replace the present system of institutional administration and to give greater decision-making responsibility to health professionals, non-government agencies and community groups. These initiatives are associated with population-based funding of hospital boards complemented by service planning guidelines. Of particular importance has been the recent government decision to place the funding and management of primary health care under area health boards. However, there are serious concerns as to whether such radical changes, which could put New Zealand ahead of the rest of the world in achieving an integrated health system, can be implemented given the management expertise needed.  相似文献   

Abstract: In 1993, New Zealand implemented radical health sector reform, separating purchaser from provider and creating a competitive market. This paper reports on a 1994 survey of senior managers' perceptions of how well public health services were adapting to this more commercial environment. An initial questionnaire to chief executive officers of Crown health enterprises, the main providers of public health, as well as secondary treatment services, was followed by a telephone survey of managers of public health services. Chief executives expressed generally positive views about the importance of public health, especially health promotion, within their organisations. Public health managers indicated a wide range of negative and positive views about the new system. They were concerned especially about service fragmentation, diminished information-sharing and decreased collaboration, especially with Maori and general practice providers. Questions were raised about the compatibility of competition with the need for collaboration in public health. The major issue was the inefficient, costly, conflicting and fragmented purchasing arrangements for public health. Managers wanted unified systems and fewer purchasers. More positive views were expressed on an improved focus on outputs and clearer directions, and none wanted to return to the former era of an entirely separate system for public health services. The abolition of the Public Health Commission during 1995 should lead to increased integration of purchasing and policy making, but important questions remain about the place of public health services, especially in their links with primary care.  相似文献   

资源整合和服务整合是卫生服务提供系统两种整合方式,它们从不同角度体现了整合的本质内涵和卫生服务系统的变革方向。两者的联系在于都是以服务需求为驱动力,具有相同的运行机制,通过交易成本的节约,提高了组织绩效。但两者在理论基础、目标重点、侧重对象、纵向整合顺序、整合方式和条件上区别明显。最后文章简要提出了灵活开展资源整合和服务整合的适用条件和注意要点,旨在为我国卫生领域的整合探索提供指导。  相似文献   

The radical organisation changes implemented in the New Zealand health system in recent years are discussed and analysed in this study which is based upon a review of documents and interviews with general managers of area health boards. Service management, which involves the decentralisation of general management to programme or product groupings (medicine, child health etc) has been widely implemented in almost all boards completely replacing the traditional disciplinary hierarchies. It is also leading to a population-rather than an institutional-based system of management. General managers report positively on the achievements of service management including greater accountability and commitment of clinical staff, innovation and team building, improved performance and service quality, the integration of hospital and community-based care and a customer rather than an occupational orientation. There is an increasing trend towards the recognition of primary health care as a key service entity.  相似文献   

A conflict between perceived management skill and educational deficiencies led to a survey of Australian hospital chief executive officers, directors of medical services, directors of nursing, and other managers of equivalent status in an effort to improve the caliber of senior health officials in the future. The results are outlined and analyzed in this article. Although measurement of their characteristics is mainly of interest to Australians, the information on the background, process, and education for management has much wider relevance.  相似文献   

The 1984 liberalization of the New Zealand economy has resulted in a health care sector that has become very competitive (Zwier and Clarke, 1999). The private sector is now able to supply health care services and, as a result, a greater value is being placed on patient satisfaction (Zwier and Clarke, 1999). However, despite the increasing focus on customer satisfaction, research into health care patients' perceptions of the dimensions of service quality is scarce. This can be problematic, as quality of care is an essential issue in the strategic marketing of health care services (Turner and Pol, 1995). This study takes a step towards addressing this deficiency by identifying patients' perceptions of the dimensions of service quality in health care. The findings of this study are based on the empirical analysis of a sample of 389 respondents interviewed by telephone. The findings indicate that the service quality dimensions identified in this health care specific study differ in number and dimensional structure from the widely adopted service quality dimensions first identified by Parasuraman, Berry and Zeithaml (1988): reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles. The service quality dimensions identified in this study were: reliability, tangibles, assurance, empathy, food, access, outcome, admission, discharge and responsiveness. In addition, health care patients perceive the service quality dimensions relating to the core product in health care delivery (for example, outcome and reliability) as more important than the service quality dimensions relating to the peripheral product in health care delivery (for example, food, access and tangibles). Finally, the results of this study suggest that patients with different geographic, demographic, and behavioristic characteristics have different needs and wants during health care delivery and therefore perceive different service quality dimensions as important.  相似文献   

This article explores the process of seeking compensation for occupational illness under a no-fault accident insurance scheme. The author uses two case studies--firefighters who attended a fire at a chemical storage depot and timbermill workers who worked with pentachlorophenol--to illustrate how science can be used to deny compensation to sick and dying workers. The results of the studies suggest that a no-fault accident compensation scheme, considered to be a victory for workers, offers no guarantee of just outcomes for working people. And science can be co-opted and used to support business and state interests against workers; this ideological support is increasingly hidden behind the development of "objective" systems of assessing compensation claims.  相似文献   

This article describes New Zealand's program for developing managers in health services, called the National Management Development Program (NMDP), run by a newly established unit of the Department of Health. This is a set of programs for training various groups of individuals in health administration: those with no experience who wish to enter the field, those in a particular area of health, and those who are already managers in the health field. The Top Management Program, designed for professionals already heading health agencies, offers continuing education as a sustained approach to improving individual management ability.  相似文献   

Over the last ten years or so, many countries have undertaken public sector reforms. As a result of these changes, accounting has come to play a more important role. However, many of the studies have only discussed the reforms at a conceptual level and have failed to study how the reforms have been implemented and operated in practice. Based on the work of Lipsky (1980) and Gorz (1989), it can be argued that those affected by the reforms have a strong incentive to subvert the reforms. This prediction is explored via a case study of general practitioner (GP) response to the New Zealand health reforms. The creation of Independent Practice Associations (IPAs) allowed the State to impose contractual-accountability and to cap their budget exposure for subsidies. From the GP's perspective, the IPAs absorbed the changes initiated by the State, and managed the contracting, accounting and budgetary administration responsibilities that were created. This allowed individual GPs to continue practising as before and provided some collective protection against the threat of state intrusion into GP autonomy. The creation of IPAs also provided a new way to manage the professional/financial tension, the contradiction between the professional motivation noted by Gorz (1989) and the need to earn a living.  相似文献   

The article examines hospital administrators' perceptions of health information professionals moving into leadership positions within health care organizations. Data for this study were collected from a national random sample of hospital administrators (N = 62). Findings from the study suggest that, although health information managers are viewed as integral to the success of the health care organization, health information managers are perceived as lacking appropriate educational training to move into administrative or leadership positions. For the health information professional to move into a leadership position, educational training (at the master's level) must focus on quality management, statistical process control, and performance evaluation.  相似文献   

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