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Xp11.2易位/TFE3基因融合相关性肾癌的病理特征与临床分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨Xp11.2易位/TFE3基因融合相关性肾癌的临床病理特征、免疫表型、鉴别诊断及预后。方法对11例Xp11.2易位/TFE3基因融合相关性肾癌进行光镜观察和免疫组织化学研究及随访10~112个月,并复习相关文献。结果11例肿瘤中女性7例,男性4例。年龄8~26岁,平均16、3岁。肿块直径2.5~6.0cm。光镜下癌组织呈两种结构,一种为腺管状、乳头状、巢状分布。细胞界限清楚,有大量透明或嗜酸性胞质。泡状染色质、核仁明显,沙砾体多见。另一种结构更加紧密,多见实性巢状结构,癌细胞缺乏大量的胞质,核仁不明显,沙砾体少见。免疫表型:本组11例均TFE3、CD10、a-甲酰基-CoA消旋酶(P504s)弥漫表达,细胞广谱角蛋白(CK—pan)、上皮细胞膜抗原(EMA)、波形蛋白仅部分病例表达,所有病例CK7、肾脏特异性钙黏蛋白(Ksp—cadherin)、CD117阴性表达。结论Xp11.2易位/TFE3基因融合相关性肾癌是一种少见肿瘤,诊断主要依据患者的年龄。病理学形态和免疫组织化学TFE3阳性。  相似文献   

目的 探讨Xp11.2易位/TFE3基因融合相关性肾癌的临床病理学特点.方法 对4例Xp11.2易位/TFE3基因融合相关性肾癌进行临床资料分析、组织学观察和免疫组化研究,并复习相关文献.结果 4例患者年龄自6~20岁,均具有腰痛的症状和较高的临床分期.肿瘤最大径2.5~10 cm,切面灰黄间灰红色.组织学上,肿瘤显示乳头状和腺泡状2种生长方式, 间质可见钙化.肿瘤细胞界限清楚,胞质淡红染至透亮,染色质呈泡状,核仁易见.4例肿瘤均弥漫高表达TFE3和CD10,不同程度表达CK、EMA和vimentin.结论 Xp11.2易位/TFE3基因融合相关性肾癌是最近被定义的一种罕见肿瘤,好发于年轻患者,预后较差.其诊断主要依靠特征性的组织病理学改变和免疫标记TFE3阳性.  相似文献   

目的检测P70S6K在Xp11.2易位/TFE3基因融合相关性肾癌(renal cell carcinoma associated with Xp11.2 translocation/TFE3 gene fusion,TFE3 RCC)中的表达,探讨其在TFE3 RCC发生、发展中的作用及临床意义。方法采用免疫组化法检测23例确诊的TFE3 RCC、14例肾透明细胞癌(clear cell RCC,CCRCC)和6例乳头状肾细胞癌(papillary RCC,PRCC)组织中P70S6K的表达,观察其表达与三种RCC的关系,同时观察P70S6K表达与TFE3 RCC发生、发展和相关临床病理参数的关系。结果 P70S6K在TFE3 RCC组织中的表达(91.3%)明显高于其在CCRCC组织(64.2%)和PRCC组织中的表达(66.6%),差异有显著性(P0.05)。P70S6K在TFE3 RCC组织中阳性表达水平的H-score评分值(88.2±9.8)亦显著高于其在CCRCC组织(54.4±7.6)和PRCC组织(43.7±6.2)中阳性表达水平的H-score评分值,差异具有显著性(P0.05)。P70S6K表达与TFE3 RCC患者年龄、有无淋巴结转移和脉管瘤栓有关,与患者性别、肿瘤直径等临床病理参数无关。结论与CCRCC和PRCC组织相比,TFE3 RCC组织中P70S6K表达显著增高,有助于TFE3 RCC的鉴别诊断。P70S6K在TFE3 RCC组织中高表达,同时提示mTOR信号通道在TFE3 RCC的发生、发展中可能起重要作用。为TFE3 RCC的靶向治疗寻找潜在药物靶点提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

目的:探讨儿童肾细胞癌(renal cell carcinoma,RCC)的临床病理特征、分类、诊断与鉴别诊断。方法:收集2003年~至今湖南省儿童医院3例儿童RCC病例,其中男性2例,女性1例,年龄5.5~9岁。进行光镜及免疫组化检测重新分类。结果:1例镜下以乳头状结构排列胞浆透亮的癌细胞为主,乳头间可见纤维、血管及炎细胞浸润,伴有较多钙化小体结构;其余2例镜下均以实性巢索状、腺管状排布的嗜酸性颗粒癌细胞为主,灶性区域有少量透明癌细胞排列成不典型乳头状结构,未见钙化小体;免疫组化结果:其中1例表达TFE3、Vimentin、CK-pan和CEA;第2例表达Vimentin、CK-pan、CEA及p53;第3例表达Vimentin、CK-pan、CEA、NSE、CgA、Syn及Ki-67。结论:儿童RCC较少见,HE形态下以乳头状结构排列的透明癌细胞类型需结合TFE3免疫组织化学或基因检测等手段明确诊断。术前采用静脉化疗能提高肿瘤完整切术率。儿童RCC整体预后与成人相比较好,但Xp11.2易位/TFE3基因融合相关性肾癌(Xp11 RCC)预后较透明细胞性肾细胞癌(clear cell renal cell carcinoma,CCRCC)差,由于其在儿童期多表现为惰性进展,需长期的随访观察。  相似文献   

目的探讨1例成人Xp11. 2异位/TFE3基因融合相关性肾癌的临床病理学特征。方法采用免疫组化及荧光原位杂交检测1例Xp11. 2易位/TFE3基因融合相关肾细胞癌,分析其影像学特点、组织学特征,并复习相关文献。结果CT示右肾下极占位,考虑为透明细胞型肾癌可能;行机器人辅助腔镜下右肾肿瘤切除,显微镜下见肿瘤境界清楚,有纤维组织包膜;肿瘤细胞上皮样胞质嗜酸性,由大小两种细胞组成,肿瘤组织中见散在钙化及砂粒体形成,少数细胞含有色素。免疫表型:肿瘤细胞vimentin、E-cadherin、P504S均呈强阳性,TFE3部分阳性,其他标志物均为阴性。FISH检测:(1)可见TFE3基因断裂;(2) TFE3基因断裂阳性。结论Xp11. 2异位性肾细胞癌属于罕见的恶性肾肿瘤,诊断主要依靠组织病理学特征和免疫表型及基因检测,以手术治疗为主,部分可辅助靶向治疗。  相似文献   

目的探讨肾黏液样小管状和梭形细胞癌(mucinous tubular and spindle cell carcinoma,MTSCC)伴Xp11.2易位/TFE3基因融合相关性肾癌(renal carcinomas associated with Xp11.2 translocations/TFE3 gene fusions,Xp11.2 RCC)的临床病理学特征、诊断及鉴别诊断。方法回顾性分析1例MTSCC伴Xp11.2 RCC的影像学、组织学及免疫表型特点,并复习相关文献。结果患者女性,60岁,增强CT检查示左肾中极见一直径约2.3 cm的圆形低密度区,界淸。镜下见肿瘤呈浸润性生长,由两种不同的形态组成:梭形细胞区和乳头状区。梭形细胞区肿瘤细胞梭形,胞质红染,可见紧密排列的小管结构;乳头状区肿瘤细胞乳头状排列,可见大量透明细胞及砂粒体。免疫表型:两种区域肿瘤细胞均表达vimentin、CK7、CK19、RCC、CD10,乳头状区肿瘤细胞表达TFE3。结论 MTSCC及Xp11.2 RCC均是临床少见的肿瘤,两种肿瘤组成的混合型肾细胞癌罕见。诊断依据组织学形态及免疫表型。  相似文献   

目的:采用生物信息学方法分析miR-130b-3p在肾透明细胞癌(KIRC)组织中的表达,预测其靶基因,并探究其预后价值,为进一步研究miR-130b-3p在KIRC中的调控机制和临床应用提供理论依据.方法:采用miRBase分析miR-130b-3p的保守性;dbDEMC2.0数据库评估miR-130b-3p在人肿瘤...  相似文献   

The MiT family translocation renal cell carcinomas (RCCs) are relatively rare in comparison to the conventional RCC. The cytologic features overlap with conventional clear cell RCC and papillary RCCs, thereby making the diagnosis extremely challenging. Here, we describe a case of TFE3 translocation associated RCC in a 58‐year‐old patient, with emphasis on cytomorphologic features and clues toward this diagnostic entity. Correlating the cytohistologic findings and review of touch imprints revealed that presence of hyaline nodules resembling leisegang rings and psammoma bodies in cytologic smears from kidney tumors serve as an important clue in raising a suspicion for the diagnosis of MiT family translocation RCCs.  相似文献   

We report a case of a 16-year-old girl with a left renal tumor discovered by her family practitioner.On physical examination the patient had a painless abdominal mass, located in the upper medium portion of the abdomen on the left side with a voussure of the abdominal wall. Ultrasound and abdominal pelvic CAT scan revealed a large heterogeneous mass with calcifications in the inferior portion of the left kidney.We made touch-imprint cytological preparations of the biopsy fragments, obtained under ultrasound guidance. Cytological analysis revealed highly cellular smears with malignant cells arranged in large clusters or rarely isolated, sometimes surrounding hyaline nodules with numerous psammoma bodies. After May-Grünwald-Giemsa staining, cells displayed moderately irregular nuclei with an abundant and pale basophilic cytoplasm with well-defined borders and a finely granular texture. The diagnosis of a special type of renal cell carcinoma was suspected, and was then confirmed after examination of the biopsy sample and the corresponding surgical specimen.The histomorphologic features were those of a renal cell carcinoma associated with an Xp11.2 translocation. Immunohistochemistry revealed this translocation by showing nuclear positivity in tumor cells for an antibody raised against the TFE3 protein.The clinical outcome was marked several months later by metastases in lymph nodes, bone, lung, and adrenal gland as well as a local recurrence.  相似文献   

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in children and young adults is rare and pathologically problematic. RCC can be either hereditary or sporadic and has a guarded prognosis because appropriate management has not been established. A case of RCC in an 11-year-old is reported. The clinical presentation was a right abdominal mass, hematuria, urinary tract infection, and wasting. Radio-logically, the mass was found within the right kidney with calcification and paraaortic lymphadenopathy. The postsurgical diagnosis was Wilms' tumor stage T4N2M0. On gross inspection, the tumor was ill defined, extending across Gerota's fascia and into the ureter lumina. Microscopically, the tumor consisted of malignant epithelial cells with clear and eosinophilic cytoplasm in nested, papillary, and alveolar configuration. Hyaline nodules, psammoma bodies, vascular invasion, capsular invasion, and extension into the ureter were also found. Immunohistochemically, the cells showed strong nuclear immunoreactivity for TFE3. We concluded that this case was an RCC associated with Xp11.2 translocation/TFE3 fusion, Fuhrman grade 3, stage IV.  相似文献   

Wu A  Kunju LP  Cheng L  Shah RB 《Histopathology》2008,53(5):533-544
Aims: Recent studies suggest that paediatric renal cell carcinoma (RCC) may represent a distinct group of tumours; however, its biological behaviour and classification remain poorly understood. The aim was to analyse 13 RCCs from patients ≤23 years of age to determine their clinicopathological, immunohistochemical and molecular characteristics. Methods and results: The histological spectrum included: Xp11.2 translocation‐associated (6/13 patients, 46%), clear cell (5/13 patients, 38%), papillary (1/13 patients) and unclassified (1/13 patients) types. The Xp11.2 translocation‐associated RCCs had a wide morphological spectrum, with high nuclear grade cells with abundant cytoplasm ranging from clear to granular and architecture ranging from solid to papillary. These tumours lacked cytokeratin expression and were confirmed by nuclear reactivity for TFE3 protein. Most of these translocation‐associated tumours presented at high stage and had an unfavourable outcome. Three clear cell RCCs had unusual features that have not been previously characterized, including solid and cystic architecture, cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm yet low nuclear grade and focal cytoplasmic inclusions, resembling oncocytoma. Deletion of subtelomeric 3p25 was observed in two of these RCCs. Conclusions: Xp11.2 translocation‐associated RCC represents a predominant and aggressive subtype in the paediatric age group. Increased awareness of this subtype is important due to its heterogeneous morphology.  相似文献   

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