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Patnaik PK 《Leprosy review》1999,70(4):440-447
As part of a country-wide modified leprosy elimination campaign (MLEC) carried out in 21 selected States in India in 1998, the State of Orissa launched activities in early January of that year, during which 28.9 million people were examined, giving 85% coverage of the enumerated population. Using general health care staff and volunteers, 416,604 suspect cases were identified and 62,804 of these were confirmed as leprosy by experience observers. The period of intensive search activity lasted 1 week only, but this was preceded by several months of community mobilization and involvement, health education, training of government and voluntary staff, media messages and the involvement of all relevant health departments, officials and politicians. Both this and the intensive search period were characterized by a high level of interest and cooperation by all concerned. The total of new cases detected and put on treatment (multi-drug therapy; MDT) during the period of only 7 days was approximately equal to that which, on routine population survey by the leprosy services, would be recorded over a period of 2 years. The MLEC in Orissa is judged to have been not only an historic step forward in the control of leprosy in a State previously classified as highly endemic for leprosy, but also one of the most successful State health interventions ever mounted. In the 5 months after completion of the campaign, the voluntary reporting rate increased from 50 to 90%. As a direct result of the campaign, facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of leprosy are now available daily in an additional 1639 institutions, over and above those in existence before the campaign was launched. The achievements in terms of detecting hidden (and thus undiagnosed and untreated) cases exceeded the outset predictions, underlining the importance of continued vigilance and the need to maintain involvement of general health care staff. It is anticipated that the rise in prevalence due to the addition of 62,884 cases will be reduced by the implementation of MDT by 80% by about March 1999. Overall the results of the MLEC in Orissa strongly support the likelihood that an elimination level of less than 1 case per 10,000 of the population will be reached in this State by the year 2000.  相似文献   

The prevalence rate of leprosy among household contacts is an important epidemiological indicator in the character and trend of the disease. During the period January 2001 to December 2002, families of 400 primary cases were studied to detect contact (secondary) cases. Seventy-two cases were detected from 54 families; of these 72 cases, 45 (62.5%) were in the paediatric age-group (0-14 years) and of these 45.8% belonged to 6-14 years group. Out of the 72 cases, there were more (58) of paucibacillary (PNL+I+TT+BT) cases. Secondary cases were significantly high when there was lepromatous type of leprosy in the family. The attack rate among those exposed to paucibacillary type (TT, BT) of leprosy, though much less, was still observed. The influence of duration of contact revealed that a maximum number of cases (N=43, 59.7%) acquired the disease during 0-6 years of contact. A majority of the patients belonged to low-income groups, were illiterate and lived in extended families. The father was the source case for most of the secondary cases (N=41, 57%). Conjugal leprosy was very rare. The results of the study points to the fact that PB leprosy is still a potential source of infection and cannot be ignored. It is important to evolve a hospital-based surveillance programme for contacts of leprosy patients since early detection and treatment of contacts are important measures for reducing the reservoir of infection in the community.  相似文献   

A leprosy project was established in a difficult to reach area under guidelines of Government of India. The leprosy services were provided by Koraput Leprosy Eradication Project (KORALEP) and general health services by Primary Health Care (PHC). Leprosy elimination campaigns (LECs) were suggested by WHO to detect more cases in the community. A modified leprosy elimination campaign (MLEC), carried out utilizing the services of primary health care workers is discussed in this paper. Apart from the trained health workers, Anganwadi workers along with some literate people from the district were also included in the search teams. In all, 1543 cases were shortlisted from the suspects identified and on re-examination 576 cases were confirmed as active cases. Sixty percent of the cases detected were very early cases with two to three skin lesions. This could be achieved with a very brief training of health workers and involving village voluntary workers. MLEC was found to be a useful tool for case finding in such areas.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to study the adequacy of leprosy teaching at the undergraduate level of the four medical colleges in Bombay, and to suggest possible routes towards the reorientation of leprosy teaching. Over 55% of the medical faculty contacted expressed dissatisfaction with the existing pattern of leprosy teaching. The survey reveals ample evidence pointing to the necessity of redesigning the curriculum at the undergraduate level, so as to provide increased weightage to both the theoretical and the practical aspects of leprosy. A heartening feature of the study is the inclination shown by a majority of medical teachers to associate themselves with the PSM Department in order to help improve leprosy teaching and thereby help in leprosy control. This offer should definitely be taken advantage of for furthering the cause of leprosy eradication as a part of achievement of "Health for All by 2000 AD".  相似文献   

Multi-drug therapy (MDT) has been successfully implemented in all leprosy endemic countries. Prevalence of leprosy has declined remarkably after the introduction of MDT. Detection of new cases did not show expected decline in many endemic and low endemic situations. Bihar in India started implementing MDT in 1993. The Damien Foundation India Trust (DFIT) supported the leprosy control programme in Bihar by providing a district technical support team (DTST) for each district assigned to DFIT. Effective coverage was achieved in 1996-98. Data for the period 1996-2004 from 10 districts are presented in this paper. The total population in these districts was 29.4 million. Deformity among newly detected leprosy patients declined to 1% indicating effective early case-detection. Intensive new case-detection activities were in vogue contributing to high new case-detection rate (NCDR). The NCDR remained high during the 9-year period reported here and did not show any declining trend.  相似文献   

Genetic predisposition to both disease susceptibility and to host immune response has been postulated. In India, about 64% of leprosy prevalence and 78% of new case detection of the worlds estimated 719,330 cases occur. Convincing results have been reported from studies on HLA class II association in leprosy. However data on HLA class I association are limited and inconsistent. The HLA A, B and C allele distribution in 103 leprosy patients and 101 normal healthy control individuals were studied by microlymphocytotoxicity assay. Further 32 multibacillary leprosy patients along with the 67 controls were studied by molecular high-resolution PCR-SSOP technique. The significant results from the present study were: 1) serologically, a significant increase in HLA A2, A11, B40 and Cw7, while a decrease of A28, B12, B15 and Cw3 were observed among the leprosy patients when compared with the controls; 2) molecular subtyping in multibacillary leprosy patients revealed a significant increase in frequency of HLA A*0203, A*0206, A*1102, B*1801, B*4016, B*5110, Cw*0407 and Cw*0703 while a decrease in the frequency of HLA A*0101, A*0211, B*4006, Cw*03031, Cw*04011 and Cw*0602 leprosy patients was observed when compared with the controls; 3) further haplotypes A*1102-B*4006-Cw*1502; A*0203-B*4016-Cw*0703; A*11-B*40 was significantly increased among the multibacillary leprosy patients when compared with the controls. It seems that HLA class I alleles play vital roles in disease association/pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Monitoring childhood leprosy in terms of incidence and occurrence of deformities are crucial for better control and understanding the transmission of the disease. In this paper, a profile of all new untreated leprosy patients below 15 years of age who reported at a Leprosy Referral Centre in West Bengal during 2004-2006 are described. Of 151 children studied, 84 (55.6%) were males, 33% were multibacillary and of them, 30% were smear positive. 16% had already developed grade 2 disability (WHO). Multiple nerve involvement was seen in a quarter of children. These findings highlight the seriousness of leprosy among children and the great need to address these issues urgently. Awareness, active case detection especially among contacts and motivation are the essential needs of the hour to prevent tragedy of deformed children due to a totally manageable disease.  相似文献   

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