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A study was made of the cells forming the crescents in human crescentic glomerulonephritis. The investigation was performed using a panel of antibodies with immunoperoxidase techniques in formalin fixed, paraffin embedded renal biopsy material. Some of the cells of glomerular crescents were found to contain cytokeratin intermediate filaments, as did some of the cells of the normal parietal epithelium of Bowman's capsule. Leucocytes were also found in crescents, often in the outer part, and their presence was associated with a mantle of inflammatory cells around the glomerulus. The use of paraffin embedded rather than frozen tissue allowed better histological assessment than has been possible in previous studies. The glomerular crescents appeared to be primarily epithelial in origin, with leucocytes contributing to the overall inflammatory response.  相似文献   

In order to investigate their possible role as prognostic markers, staining with the antibodies NKI/C-3 and anti-S100, that are applicable on paraffin sections, was examined using a group of primary cutaneous melanomas and autologous metastases using the immunoperoxidase procedure. All melanoma lesions stained with anti-S100, and the large majority with NKI/C-3. In primary melanomas showing a moderate or dense associated lymphocytic infiltrate, significantly more tumour cells stained with anti-S100 than in primary melanomas with a slight or absent infiltrate. In markedly pigmented metastases, significantly more tumour cells stained with NKI/C-3 than in less pigmented lesions; in primary melanomas this phenomenon just failed to be significant. In metastases with a high mitotic index a significantly lower proportion of tumour cells stained with NKI/C-3 than in lesions with a low mitotic index. No significant differences in staining were found between a group of primary melanomas with metastases and a group without metastases within a follow-up period of 5 years. Therefore, although staining with NKI/C-3 and anti-S100 appears to be associated with certain histopathological characteristics, it has no direct contribution to the assessment of prognosis in primary melanoma.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize human anti-Rhesus monoclonal antibodies cross-reacting with tissue antigens. Of the 155 monoclonal alloantibodies tested, 49 also reacted with intracellular antigens, as demonstrated by immunofluorescence assay on cryostat sections of animal and human tissues. This cross-reactivity was mainly a property of monoclonal alloantibodies belonging to the IgM isotype (among the 49 cross-reacting Mabs, 37 were IgM). The results confirm that during an immune response against a foreign antigen (alloantigen), B cells that produce polyreactive antibodies are not excluded from the pool of responding cells.  相似文献   

目的:探讨类风湿性关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis,RA)并发新月体性肾小球肾炎(crescenticglomerulonephritis,CrGN)抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体(antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody,ANCA)检测的临床意义。方法:回顾性分析2000年1月至2010年12月萍乡市人民医院诊治的5例RA并发CrGN患者(RA并发CrGN组)、86例RA(RA组)和16例ANCA相关性小血管炎患者(ANCA相关性小血管炎组)的ANCA检测结果及临床病理特征。结果:RA并发CrGN组中,5例都为中年妇女,且具有7~14年的RA病龄,最初的临床症状都为血尿,从血尿发展到具有明显组织病变平均时间为17个月,ANCA检测均为核周型ANCA(pANCA)阳性,靶抗原为髓过氧化物酶(myeloperoxidase,MPO),被检肾小球平均有31%形成新月体,同时也存在肾小球硬化和间质性纤维化等症状;RA组ANCA检测均为阴性,ANCA相关性小血管炎组ANCA检测阳性,阳性率为87.5%(14/16),且均为pANCA;与ANCA相关性小血管炎组相比,RA并发CrGN组确诊年龄明显小于前者(P<0.05)。结论:RA并发CrGN发病年龄趋于年轻化,疾病的发展过程趋于漫长并且伴随轻微肾功能损伤,ANCA检测对RA并发CrGN患者早期发现、治疗具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

We present a rapid and simple method for simultaneous quantitation and separation of mononuclear cell (MNC) subsets. When lymphoid cells are sensitized with monoclonal antibodies of the OK and Leu series, they rapidly form rosettes with ox erythrocytes (ORBC) coated with affinity-purified rabbit IgG against mouse IgG. Rosette-forming cells (RFC) may then be counted and separated from non-rosetting MNC by Isopaque-Ficoll gradient centrifugation. The yield and viability are close to 100% after ORBC lysis. Adherent cells do not interfere. Isolated T8+ and Leu3a+ cells were further tested: the purity was 97–99%, and the cells were functionally intact with respect to their modulating activity on the generation of immunoglobulin-secreting cells by MNC after stimulation with pokeweed mitogen.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to produce monoclonal antibodies to cultured human glomerular mesangial cells in order to obtain specific markers for these cells and to aid the study of their function. Using standard monoclonal antibody techniques, 29 hybridomas producing antibodies directed to cultured mesangial cells were obtained. Most of these antibodies were not reactive with normal or neoplastic haematopoietic cell lines by flow cytometry. Fourteen of the 29 culture supernatants bound to various components of normal human kidney sections stained by the alkaline phosphatase/anti-alkaline phosphatase (APAAP) method. Ten of these supernatants reacted with components within the glomerulus, with six binding to the mesangium. These studies suggest that (1) mesangial cells in culture may show significant de-differentiation, because most supernatants which reacted with mesangial cells in culture did not do so in tissue sections; (2) antibodies reactive with haematopoietic cells may not detect the majority of immunogenic surface antigens on cells in tissues; and (3) some of the antibodies which we have produced may prove to be useful markers for mesangial cells in glomerular disease.  相似文献   

Two new monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs), UCL3D3 and UCL4D12 were obtained following immunization with follicular lymphoma (UCL3D3) or low-grade primary B cell gastric lymphoma cells (UCL4D12). In normal splenic white pulp, tonsil and small intestinal Peyer's patches, UCL4D12 recognizes marginal zone B cells and a subpopulation of follicle centre cells, whereas mantle zone B cells are UCL4D12 negative. In contrast, UCL3D3 recognizes mantle zone B cells and follicular dendritic cells, but not marginal zone B cells or follicle centre B cells. Double-immunofluorescence studies showed that in the splenic white pulp, these antibodies stain reciprocally. The majority of UCL3D3+ cells are sIgM+ and sIgD+ whereas a higher proportion of UCL4D12+ cells express surface IgM (sIgM) but not surface IgD (sIgD). Less than 10% of splenic B cells express both 3D3 and 4D12 antigens. None of the cell lines tested expressed either antigen. Functional studies showed that both antigens play a role in B cell activation as the MoAbs increase the mitogenic effect of Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I on tonsil B cells. This effect was maximal at 72 h in culture. TPA activation was reduced, and no effect was observed with anti-immunoglobulin (anti mu) or CDw40 (G28.5). UCL3D3 and UCL4D12 did not show any stimulatory effect on their own. Biochemical studies show that both MoAbs recognize proteins of 80-90 kD under reducing conditions. These two MoAbs appear to recognize new B cell surface antigens which may be useful for identifying subpopulations of B cells.  相似文献   

Bispecific antibodies (BsAb) can be used to retarget T cells irrespective of their specificity to certain target cells inducing target cell lysis. We have tested the efficacy of the BsAb SHR-1, directed against the T cell antigen CD3 and the B cell antigen CD19 to induce (malignant) B cell kill by T cells as measured in a 51Cr-release assay. Two cytotoxic T cell clones (CTL), expressing TCR alpha beta or TCR gamma delta, were effective in killing CD19 expressing B cell lines at different stages of differentiation in the presence, but not in the absence, of the BsAb. CD19- target cells were not killed. Fresh CD19+ leukaemia/lymphoma cells were also efficiently killed by SHR-1 preincubated CTL clones. In addition, phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) or CD3-activated IL-2 expanded peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of normal donors did so after 2 weeks of stimulation. A concentration of 100 ng/ml of the BsAb was sufficient to obtain optimal lysis of all target cells tested. These results show that fresh human leukaemia/lymphoma cells, freshly derived from active lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) as well as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) patients, can be effectively killed in the presence of this BsAb by activated T cells.  相似文献   

Injection of isologous monoclonal antibodies (SR2, SR3) caused anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody-induced glomerulonephritis (anti-GBM nephritis) in WKY/NCrj rats. The antibodies were obtained from hybridoma cells derived from fusion of the spleen of a nephritic WKY/NCrj rat injected with rat solubilized renal basement membranes with adjuvant, and mouse SP2-myeloma cells. They belonged to the rat IgG2a subclass and bound to rat kidney in a linear pattern along the glomerular and tubular basement membranes. Histological changes in glomeruli were detected at day 1 after the injection; proteinuria with haematuria appeared on day 2; and proteinuria became severe and reached a plateau by day 5. These results demonstrate that anti-GBM nephritis can even be induced by an isologous monoclonal antibody and that the rat IgG2a subclass is at least nephritogenic. The experimental model of anti-GBM nephritis with isologous monoclonal antibodies makes it possible and easier to analyse further the mechanism of anti-GBM nephritis.  相似文献   

A cell separation method using immunoglobulin (Ig)-coated plates, originally devised for murine spleen cells, was modified and adapted for enrichment (and depletion) of cellular subpopulations from human peripheral blood. For the direct separation of B and T cells, F(ab')2 fragments of anti-human Ig were used to coat the plates. For indirect separation, the cells were first incubated with monoclonal antibodies to cell surface antigens and then separated in plates coated with anti-mouse Ig. Plates were first coated with poly-L-lysine to facilitate the adherence of anti-Ig antibodies, and finally with bovine serum albumin to mask free poly-L-lysine. Cells which did not react with the anti-Ig antibodies or which were nonadherent to the plate were pipetted off; cells which reacted with the anti-Ig antibodies or which were adherent were eluted after incubation with excess serum. T, non-T, T4+, T4-, T8+, and T8- lymphocytes were separated with high viability, purity, and yield. The method was used to study suppressor activity of a patient who was treated by bone marrow transplantation for myelofibrosis. Strong suppressor activity was associated with unfractionated peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes, monocytes, T, T8+, and T4- cells but not with B, T8-, and T4+ cells.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood from 25 patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus was examined for any alteration in the proportions and or functions of immunoregulatory T-cell subsets, defined with monoclonal antibodies. Ten of 25 (40%) patients demonstrated deficiency of OKT8+ (suppressor/cytotoxic) T-cells. Eight of these 10 patients had abnormally high ratios of OKT4+/OKT8+ T-cells. Nine of 10 patients with abnormally low proportion of OKT8+ T-cells had deficient concanavalin A-induced suppressor cell activity against the proliferative response of autologous or allogeneic lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin. No correlation was observed between the deficiency of suppressor T-cells and the control of diabetes. Therefore, it is likely that the deficiency of suppressor cells is related to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus itself and not to the metabolic changes that are associated with diabetes mellitus. This study demonstrates both quantitative and qualitative deficiency of suppressor T-cells in at least some patients with insulin-dependent diabetes, that might play an important role in the pathogenesis and autoimmune manifestations of a proportion of patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) has recently been recognized as an important profibrotic factor and is up-regulated in various renal diseases with fibrosis. The present study describes the sequential localization of CTGF mRNA and its association with transforming growth factor (TGF)-1 in human crescentic glomerulonephritis (CRGN). Furthermore, we examined the phenotype of CTGF-expressing cells using serial section analysis. Kidney biopsy specimens from 18 CRGN patients were examined using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. CTGF mRNA was expressed in the podocytes and parietal epithelial cells (PECs) in unaffected glomeruli. In addition, it was strongly expressed in the cellular and fibrocellular crescents, particularly in pseudotubule structures. Serial sections revealed that the majority of CTGF mRNA-positive cells in the crescents co-expressed the epithelial marker cytokeratin, but not a marker for macrophages. Moreover, TGF-1, its receptor TGF- receptor-I, and extracellular matrix molecules (collagen type I and fibronectin) were co-localized with CTGF mRNA-positive crescents. Our results suggest that CTGF is involved in extracellular matrix production in PECs and that it is one of the mediators promoting the scarring process in glomerular crescents.  相似文献   

We have previously described two human cold agglutinin MoAbs 216 and A6(H4C5), that are derived from the VH4-34 (VH4.21) gene that bind specifically to a cell surface ligand on human B lymphocytes. In this study, we report that binding of 216 and A6(H4C5) leads to rapid killing of target B cells. This complement-independent cytotoxicity was measured by three independent assays, cell viability dye uptake on FACS, 3H-thymidine uptake, and the 3(4,5)-dimethylthiazol-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. Cytotoxicity was specific for CD20+ mononuclear cells in human spleen and peripheral blood. The MoAbs were also cytotoxic to human B cell lines Nalm-6, OCI-LY8, Arent and SUP-B8, but not to T cell lines HuT 78 and PEER. As observed by scanning electron microscopy, membrane pores were formed within 15 min of exposure to the MoAbs. Cytotoxic activity was dependent on MoAb concentration and temperature of exposure. Killing was greater at 4°C than 37°C. Sodium azide and EDTA did not block the cytotoxic activity. No DNA fragmentation typical of apoptosis was observed. This rapid cytotoxic activity, independent of physiologic cellular processes and independent of complement, suggests a novel mechanism of cell death via membrane perturbations.  相似文献   

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