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<正> 据文献报道,脑刺激和吗啡镇痛均依赖于下行性5-羟色胺(5-HT)能通路的完整性。含有大量下行5-HT能神经元的中缝大核(NRM),正是这一通路的重要发源地。电针可激活NRM而镇痛,也能使中缝核区5-HT和它的主要代谢产物5-羟吲哚乙酸含量升高,NRM内5-HT能胞体荧光增强。减少中枢5-HT可相应减弱或消除电针镇痛效应[11~15]。那么电针激活NRM是否为5-HT能神经元机能活动的增强?为此,本工作在以往观察到电针对NRM神经元具有激活作用  相似文献   

<正> 我们以往的工作证明电针大鼠“足三里”可激活中缝大核(NRM)神经元,并抑制其伤害性反应。这种效应可被纳洛酮所翻转。NRM是下行抑制系统的主要起源部位又可看做脑内镇痛系统的最后驿站。它的活动的受脑内高位镇痛中枢的调控,在整体内发挥镇痛作用。我们以往研究了导水管周围灰质(PAG)和尾核对NRM的调控作用,看到损毁PAG和尾核头部后电针“足三里”的镇痛作用均明显减弱。代核为位于脑中线附近的结构,有吗啡受体及脑啡肽能神经纤维的分布。伏核微量注射吗啡可引起镇痛作  相似文献   

刘乡 《针刺研究》1996,21(1):4-10
针刺镇痛是通过机体内部机制实现的一种生理性镇痛。我们应用电生理技术,以脑镇痛系统主要下行抑制起源部位中缝大核(NRM)为中心,系统地研究了大鼠大脑皮层和某些核团对NRM的调控及其在电针镇痛中的作用。NRM神经元大多数可对伤害性刺激发生兴奋、抑制或兴奋抑制转化型反应。电针(EA)“足三里”或其他穴位可以激活NRM,抑制伤害性反应呈现出明显的镇痛作用。NRM神经元受导水管周围灰质、尾核头部和伏核的调控,刺激这些核团可激活NRM引起镇痛。而外侧缰核对NRM具有刺激中兴奋,刺激停止后抑制的双向作用,且此种作用随刺激强度的增加而增强。还发现损毁这些核团中的任何一个,电针镇痛作用均减弱或消失,甚至引起痛反应的增大,即痛觉过敏。表明这些核团参与针刺镇痛,并起重要作用。还提示,在脑内各部结构完整,功能健全的情况下,穴位针刺才能发挥最大的镇痛作用和最佳疗效。伏核和尾核头部微量注入吗啡受体阻断剂纳络酮,可阻断电针“足三里”的镇痛作用。而导水管周围灰质注入纳络酮,则不仅阻断电针“足三里”和腹腔注射吗啡的镇痛作用,而且阻断刺激伏核和尾核头部激活NMM引起的镇痛效应。表明内源性吗啡物质为这些镇痛结构参与电针镇痛的主要递质。电解毁损大脑皮层体感Ⅱ区(SmⅡ)可使E  相似文献   

针刺所引起的镇痛作用,是通过机体内因实现的一种生理性镇痛,近年来发现脑内存在以脑室周围及导水管周围灰质为中心,以内源性吗啡样物质为主要递质的内在镇痛系统,通过下行抑制通路,特别是中缝大核(NRM)阻断痛信息的传入,发挥镇痛作用。针刺镇痛是否也是通过此种中枢机制实现的呢?为此我们记录大鼠NRM的单位放电及其伤害性反应,以反映下行抑制活动的水平及伤害性信息被阻断的情况,观察电针的效应,并研究高位中枢对它的调控。所得结果如下: 1.NRM神经元一般对非伤害性刺激无反应,而大多数对伤害性刺激能发生兴奋、抑制、双相或兴奋抑制转化等型式的反应,其中以兴奋型居多。还注意到兴奋型神经元自发放电频率较低,而抑制型神经元放电频率较高,而且兴奋型抑制转化型神经元,其对伤害性刺激的反应也与其自发放电背景有关,这些事实表明各种不同类型神经元,也许就是同一类神经元,只是由于处于不同的机能状态而反应有所改变。 2.电针(EA)“足三里”可以激活NRM神经元使其单位放电频率增加,并使其伤害性反应降低。伤害性刺激(尾端)过强或重覆使用也可像EA一样可较长时间激活NRM的自发放电和抑制其伤害性反应,说明EA和伤害性刺激均可激活此负反馈的痛调节机制 3.腹腔注射吗啡或芬太尼可明确而稳定地抑制伤害性反应,但未见有激活NRM自发放电的效应。吗啡类药物和EA的效应均可被钠洛酮(i.P)所阻断。表明两者所引起的镇痛作用有某种类似的中枢机制,但也存在着某些差异。 4.电解损毁双侧PAG可减弱EA和芬太尼的效应,PAG微量注射钠洛酮也可阻断EA的作用,此外还看到刺激PAG也可明显激活NRM放电,并抑制其伤害性反应。表明EA可经PAG内释放的吗啡样物质,激活NRM而发挥下行抑制作用。 5.尾核和伏核损毁或微量注射钠洛酮,可减弱EA的效应,刺激两者可以激活NRM这一重要的下行抑制起源部位,而这种效应可被PAG微量注射钠洛酮所阻断,表明这两个高位中枢,可通过其本身及PAG内的吗啡样物质激活下行抑制环节NRM引起镇痛作用。  相似文献   

<正> 近年来研究表明,发源于中脑导水管周围灰质(PAG)的脑干下行抑制系统,在吗啡镇痛、脑刺激镇痛中具有十分重要的作用。延脑中缝大核(NRM)是该系统换元传递的枢纽。国外一些学者设想,下行抑制系统中PAG到NRM的下行通路可能是由吗啡类物质调制的。这一观点在我们以往的工作中得到了初步证实。我们观察到,电针对NRM神经元的激活效应可被局部导入吗啡拮抗纳洛酮所阻断。那么,在NRM直接微电泳导入脑啡肽和吗啡,是  相似文献   

<正> 导水管周围灰质(PAG)、中缝大核(NRM)、脊髓下行抑制系统在针刺镇痛中的作用已为许多生理研究所证实,电针刺激可能通过激活PAG和NRM不同的神经递质系统而发挥镇痛作用。形态学研究揭示PAG腹外侧部和NRM不仅含有多种生物胺类、肽类和乙酰胆碱神经元和纤  相似文献   

<正> 全身注射纳洛酮可阻断电针镇痛作用,说明内源性吗啡样物质参与针刺镇痛,进而我们又在脊髓背角伤害感受神经元胞体附近微电泳导入纳洛酮可以明显阻断电针对脊髓背角伤害性反应的抑制效应,进一步说明脊髓水平脑啡肽参与电针阻抑痛信息的传递。脊髓是外周各种传入冲动进入中枢的第一站,在此初步加工过程中,受着来自脊上水平的下行性调控。以往工作毁损中缝大核(NRM)可减弱针刺镇痛效应,电针穴位可激活中缝大核,电刺激模拟激活可产生与针刺穴位相似的明显镇痛效应,而此效应可被全身注射纳洛酮所阻断说明5-HT能下  相似文献   

<正> 我国多年来关于针刺镇痛原理的研究表明,针刺镇痛作用是通过神经系统实现的。近年来证明脑内存在有内在的痛控制系统。它可通过延脑中缝大核下行抑制脊髓背角神经元,阻止痛信息的传入而起到镇痛作用。我们和一些研究者报道了刺激NRM可加强针刺的镇痛作用,而毁损NRM可使针刺的镇痛作用减弱。近来我们直接记录NRM神经元放电看到电针可激活NRM神经元的自发放电并抑制其伤害性反应,而且纳洛酮可以翻转此种效应  相似文献   

<正> 延脑中缝大核(NRM)是中枢内源性下行痛抑制系统的重要核团之一,有工作表明,富含吗啡受体和内源性吗啡样物质(OLS)的中脑导水管周围灰质(PAG)是吗啡镇痛和脑刺激镇痛的高效区。在PAG注入吗啡或是进行电刺激,均能下行性抑制脊髓背角神经元的伤害性反应。若损毁NRM,则可阻断这种抑制作用。说明PAG对于痛觉的下行抑制有赖于NRM机能的完整性,PAG-NRM-脊髓背角神  相似文献   

刘乡 《针刺研究》1994,19(1):4-7
以往曾证明刺激皮层体感Ⅱ区(SmⅡ)可以激活具有下行痛调制机能的中缝大核(NRM),神经元自发放电增多,伤害性反应受到抑制,而且刺激SmⅡ的这种效应与电针“足三里”所引起的效应成正相关关系(P<0.001),表明两者有某种共同中枢机制。本文的工作进一步证明电解损毁SmⅡ区,可削弱电针“足三里”激活NRM神经元和抑制伤害性反应的作用。表明SmⅡ区参与电针镇痛,它的结构和机能的完整是电针镇痛所必须的,但不是唯一的结构。因SmⅡ损毁后电针的镇痛效应并未完全消失,可能还可通过其它中枢结构,参与内源性镇痛系统的作用,而产生一定的镇痛作用。  相似文献   

电针穴位对中脑中央灰质自发放电的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正> 按祖国医学理论,针刺怍为外因,通过体内各调节系统产生效应.针刺镇痛则是通过激活和加强体内的抗痛系统而实现。在吗啡镇痛的研究中,提出脑内存在抗痛系统,脑室—导水管周围灰质(PAG)是吗啡镇痛的高效区,富有阿片受体及脑啡肽神经元,微量注入吗啡或电刺激PAG  相似文献   

X Liu 《针刺研究》1990,15(3):159-166
In recent years I am interested in the role of nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) in acupuncture analgesia, NRM is the one of important descending inhibitory systems included in the intrinsic analgesic systems in brain, and we gave more systematic study on the question. The primary results are as follows: 1. Experiments were performed on male rats, unit discharges of NRM were recorded extracellularly with glass electrode. The neurons respond to noxious stimulation were chosen to observe analgesia of EA. The spontaneous firing rates of NRM neurons were about 0.5-20 Hz, a few of them over 20Hz or have no any discharges. NRM neurons have not often responses to nonnoxious stimulation (to brush hair) or only have a light responses and adaptation appeared fast. But responses of them to noxious stimulation (to clamp or to prick skin) or electro-stimulation (over 6V) were obviously displayed with excitatory (increasing firing rates) or inhibitory (decreasing) types. The spontaneous firing rates of excitatory NRM neurons were lower than that of inhibitory neurons. In addition, a few excitatory-inhibitory reversible type NRM neurons were found unexpected, and the reversal of response were related to background firing rates. During low firing rates, the response was an excitatory one, and during high firing rates, it became an inhibitory one. 2. EA of 'Zusanli' could activate NRM neurons, increasing spontaneous firing rates, and inhibit their nociceptive responses. The effect induced by EA could be reversed by naloxone (I.P.). 3. Raphe-spinal neurons in NRM were identified by antidromic activation and collision technology, their axons project to dorsal horn of spinal cord via dorsal lateral fasciculus (DLF), that seem to be centrifugal units.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

<正> 由延髓下端到中脑头端、脑干中缝两旁,有相对集中的中缝核。人、猫、兔和鼠的中缝核,由尾侧向头端均可分成下述八个核团:中缝隐核、中缝苍白核、中缝大核、中缝桥脑核、中央上核、中缝背核、线形中核和线形上核。在中枢神经内,5-羟色胺(5-HT)神经元主要分布在中缝核及其邻近的网状结构内。中缝核的联系相当广泛,共机能是多方面的。近来研究表明,它在针刺镇痛中起重要作用。 (一)损毁或电刺激中缝核对针刺镇痛的影响无论以电针刺激大鼠尾部引起嘶叫反应测痛,还是以刺激大鼠牙髓诱发的皮层  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to clarify the role of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACCX) in acupuncture analgesia. Experiments were performed on 35 female Wistar albino rats weighing about 300 g. Single unit recordings were made from ACCX neurons with a tungsten microelectrode. Descending ACCX neurons were identified by antidromic activation from electrical shocks applied to the ventral part of the ipsilateral PAG through a concentric needle electrode. Cathodal electroacupuncture stimulation of Ho-Ku (0.1 ms in duration, 45 Hz) for 15 min was done by inserting stainless steel needles bilaterally. An anodal silver-plate electrode (30 mm x 30 mm) was placed on the center of the abdomen. Naloxone (1.0 mg/kg, i.v.) was used to test whether changes of ACCX activities were induced by the endogenous opioid system. Data were collected from a total of 73 ACCX neurons. Forty-seven neurons had descending projection to the PAG, and the other 26 had no projections to the PAG. A majority of descending ACCX neurons were inhibited by electroacupuncture stimulation. By contrast, non-projection ACCX neurons were mainly unaffected by electroacupuncture. Naloxone did not reverse acupuncture effects on the changes of ACCX neuronal activities. Acupuncture stimulation had predominantly inhibitory effects on the activities of descending ACCX neurons. Since the functional connection between ACCX and PAG is inhibitory, electroacupuncture caused disinhibition of PAG neurons, whose activity is closely related to descending antinociception to the spinal cord. This disinhibitory effect elicited by acupuncture stimulation is thought to play a significant role in acupuncture analgesia.  相似文献   

<正> 针刺穴位所引起的镇痛作用是通过机体内因实现的一种生理性镇痛。大量研究资料证明针刺是通过神经,特别是中枢神经系统发挥镇痛作用的。近十几年来发现脑内存在有内在的镇痛系统。此系统涉及到脑室周围和导水管周围灰质以及一些其他结构并通过最后的驿站延脑的下行抑制  相似文献   

Antiserum of methionine-enkephalin (Met-Enk) applied intrathecally abolished acupuncture analgesia (AA) caused by low frequency stimulation of an acupuncture point (tibial muscle, APS) of rats, but antisera of leucine-enkephalin (Leu-Enk) and dynorphin (Dyn) did not. Antiserum of Dyn applied intrathecally abolished analgesia (NAA) produced by stimulation of a nonacupuncture point (NAPS) which was revealed by lesion in the analgesia inhibitory system (AIS), whereas antisera of Met-Enk and Leu-Enk did not. NAA was antagonized by the kappa-receptor antagonist, Mr2266, and analgesia was produced by the kappa-agonist, U50-488H, in the AIS lesioned rats. Potentials in the dorsal periaqueductal central gray (D-PAG) evoked by APS were antagonized by naloxone and antiserum of Met-Enk, and those in the lateral PAG (L-PAG) evoked by NAPS were antagonized by Mr2266 and antiserum of Dyn. After adrenalectomy, AA, potentials in the D-PAG, and analgesia caused by stimulation (SPA) of the D-PAG were abolished 12 hour; and NAA, potentials in the L-PAG, and SPA of the L-PAG were abolished in 24 hour. All were then restored one hour after intravenous application of 1 ml of 5% NaCl solution. AA and NAA which were augmented for several hours before their abolition after adrenalectomy were not antagonized by naloxone nor M 2266, respectively. However naloxone and Mr2266 did antagonize AA and NAA, respectively, one hour after treatment with 1 ml of 5% NaCl solution.  相似文献   

K Xiong  P Zheng 《针刺研究》1990,15(1):1-5, 12
This review summarized some articles on the effect of the septal area in acupuncture analgesia. The data showed that the pain threshold of animal was increased when septal area was stimulated by electro-acupuncture, and that electrical stimulation of septal area had a marked inhibitory effect on the pain discharges of cells in parafascicular nucleus of thalamus, lateral habenular nucleus, periaqueductal gray and dorsal raphe nucleus. The septal area play an important role in acupuncture analgesia. The majority of the cholinergic neurons in septal area are located in nucleus of the vertical limb of the diagonal band (VDB); gamma-aminobutyric acid of septal area is mainly found in the diagonal band nucleus(td); Dopamine is present in high levels in td and lateral septal nucleus(S1) of septal area; The S1 contain high densities enkephalin-containing neuronal cell bodies and terminals; In addition, substance P and norepinephrine are also high levels in the septal area. These substance above-mentioned have a relations with acupuncture analgesia of septal area. A large number of serotonin-containing neurons are found in the raphe nuclei. The serotonin play an important role in acupuncture analgesia. The serotonin-containing neurons in dorsal raphe nucleus project to S1. The fiber connections of the raphe nuclei with the td are reciprocation. The periaqueductal gray is a important structure on pain modulation. It projects to septal area and receives the fibers from S1. A number of adrenergic neurons are located within the locus coeruleus. The locus coeruleus participate pain modulation and acupuncture analgesia. The neuro-anatomy study demonstrated that locus coeruleus projects to septal area.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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