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趋化因子是能够激发白细胞趋化性的小分子分泌性蛋白质,是可受化学诱导物及细胞因子调节、并能刺激细胞趋化运动的一类细胞因子.趋化因子将循环中的淋巴细胞募集到组织损伤或炎症反应部位.早期对趋化因子的研究是基于其在炎症中的功能.最近发现趋化因子及其受体和机体内单核细胞的迁移,适应性免疫应答以及多种疾病的发病机理相关.趋化因子受体作为炎症和免疫应答的调控分子而成为多种药物的靶向分子.临床上已经开始利用趋化因子的拈抗剂治疗炎症疾病,本篇旨在阐述趋化因子及其受体在炎症疾病中的作用以及这些趋化因子在临床上的应用.  相似文献   

Xanthogranulomatous inflammation of the female genital tract   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe three cases of xanthogranulomatous inflammation in the female genital tract--one affecting endometrium, tube and ovary, one affecting tube, ovary and parametrium and one confined to the endometrium. To date, xanthogranulomatous inflammation in the female genital tract has been reported in a total of 19 cases including the present three. The inflammation most often affects the endometrium but involvement of the vagina, cervix, fallopian tube and ovary may also occur.  相似文献   

目的 研究自创多腔一体式输卵管再通器在临床中应用的价值。方法 380例输卵管阻塞所致不孕患应用自创的输卵管再通器,行选择性输卵管造影和介入再通术。结果 发现708条输卵管阻塞,疏通678条,再通率95.8%(678/708),怀孕率47.4%(180/380),无严重并发症。结论 输卵管再通术中应用该自创输卵管再通器是安全、高效的。  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) plays an important role in the immune response by modulating the complex interactions between leukocytes and tissue cells under inflammatory conditions. PGE(2) may possibly influence pro-inflammatory effects of chemokines and chemokine receptors that are among the main regulators of directional leukocyte migration. We analyzed whether PGE(2) affects chemokine receptor expression on human monocytes and their functional responsiveness to inflammatory chemokines. Expression of CCR5 on monocytes was significantly reduced, whereas CCR2 and CXCR4 expression were not affected by PGE(2). However, PGE(2 )treatment significantly increased the chemotactic response of monocytes to monocyte-chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), RANTES and stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1). In addition, PGE(2) induced a higher calcium mobilization and actin polymerization upon chemokine stimulation. To better characterize PGE(2) effects, we used specific agonists for the PGE(2) receptors (EP(1) - EP(4)) characterized so far. The 11-deoxy PGE(1), an EP(2) /EP(4 )ligand, could mimic the effects observed using PGE(2). In contrast, the EP(1 )agonist, sulprostone, had not effects on monocytes, indicating that the effects of PGE(2) are mediated by EP(2)/EP(4 )receptors. Monocytes acquire a higher functional responsiveness to MCP-1, RANTES and SDF-1 after exposure to PGE(2), independently of the level of chemokine receptor expression. This mechanism might enhance the local monocyte recruitment under inflammatory conditions, and suggests specific PGE(2) receptor EP(2)/EP(4) antagonists as novel agents for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

The FSH receptor shows three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), one in the promoter and two in exon 10. In addition, the FSH receptor mRNA undergoes extensive alternative splicing. While no physiological role for the SNP in the promoter and for alternative spliced isoforms has been demonstrated so far, the SNPs in exon 10 result in four discrete allelic variants characterized by the amino acid combinations Thr307-Asn680, Ala307-Ser680, Ala307-Asn680 and Thr307-Ser680. Several studies have demonstrated that the first two allelic variants are very frequent (approximately 60 and 40% respectively) in the Caucasian population. The rarer Ala307-Asn680 and Thr307-Ser680 variants are much less frequent (<5%) in the Chinese. In males the FSH receptor variants are not related to testicular volume, serum FSH or serum inhibin B levels. The two most common receptor variants transiently transfected in COS-7 cells displayed similar functional characteristics. Frequency distribution of the two polymorphisms in normal women and patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome or premature ovarian failure is still under investigation. The homozygous Ala307-Ser680 variant seems to be associated with significantly higher basal serum FSH levels and with a higher amount of FSH required for ovarian stimulation in women undergoing assisted reproduction. This suggests that the FSH receptor genotype can influence the ovarian response to FSH stimulation. The presence of SNPs in the FSH receptor gene capable of modifying FSH action paves the way for future patient-tailored, genotype-based hormone therapies.  相似文献   

Chemokines are proinflammatory mediators that regulate leukocyte trafficking at different steps of the leukocyte recruitment cascade. Studies using new imaging approaches and new mouse models are giving new insights into the role of chemokines in neutrophil migration at sites of inflammation. Conventional rolling and adhesion paradigms as well as previously unappreciated functions of signaling pathways triggering leukocyte adhesion, intralumenal crawling and transendothelial migration are compiled and described here. In this review we will summarize recent work in this field, highlighting in vivo imaging studies that examine the behavior of neutrophils in response to chemokines.  相似文献   

Homeostatic roles of naturally occurring antibodies: an overview   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:2  
Immunoglobulins may have been developed in evolution to provide specificity for clearing body waste in the first animals with three germ layers. Tissue homeostasis in vertebrates comprises clearance of proteins released from lysed cells, elimination of altered plasma proteins, of senescent and apoptotic cells. Rather specific IgM and IgG naturally occurring antibodies (NAbs) to cytoplasmic and cytoskeletal proteins bind to proteins released from lysing cells and the IgG NAbs are slightly upregulated upon demand. Some of these NAbs along with complement have devastating effects when massive amounts of intracellular proteins are released during an infarct or an ischemia/reperfusion experiment. IgM NAbs to neoepitopes on plasma proteins/lipids help clear denatured proteins and are protective. IgG NAbs to an exposed protein, band 3 from red blood cells, bind to oligomerized band 3 and due to an affinity for C3 within their framework preferentially form C3b2-IgG complexes from nascent C3b. Thus, anti-band 3 NAbs gain potency by using avidity and generating a potent precursor of the amplifying C3 convertase. IgM NAbs to neoepitopes, which are generated by oxidized lipids forming Schiff bases with proteins, are protective and help clear this waste in atherosclerosis, but IgG antibodies (NAbs?) of the same specificity promote disease.  相似文献   

<正>癌痛是指由于肿瘤压迫神经或者肿瘤直接侵犯组织导致的疼痛,这严重降低了癌症患者的生活质量。大多数癌痛是慢性的,病程3个月以上,疼痛程度通常与肿瘤生长或诊疗情况密切联系。癌痛可以分成伤害感受性疼痛及神经病理性疼痛,前者又区分为躯体痛及内脏痛;后者表现为持续出现痛觉过敏症状,这与外周或中枢神经发生病变有关。目前,关于癌痛的诊治尚缺乏有成效的具体方案。近年报告观察到,乳腺癌患者的外周血中CC趋化因子配体2(C-C motif chemokine ligand 2,CCL2)、CCL20、CXC趋化因子配体13(C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 13,CXCL13)等明显升高;在骨癌痛小鼠,  相似文献   

Oxyuris granulomas of pelvic peritoneum and appendicular wall   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Infestation with Enterobius (Oxyuris) vermicularis is very common but seldom produces lesions and even more rarely causes granulomas. Two cases of oxyuris granulomas/nodules), one in the serosa of ovaries and left fallopian tube in a female of 32-years and the other in the submucosa of the appendix in a 10-year old girl are identified by the presence of true necrotizing granulomas containing the parasite. The pathogenesis and differential diagnosis of abdominal granulomas is discussed.  相似文献   


The extracellular vesicles (EVs) represent a relatively new field of research in neurodegenerative disease and they are thought to be one of the ways that neurodegenerative pathologies, such as Parkinson’s Disease (PD), spread in the brain. EVs are membrane vesicles released from cells into the extracellular space and they are produced by all cells of the nervous tissue. The classification of the vesicle subtypes comprises exosomes, microvesicles/microparticles, apoptotic bodies. EVs change in number and content in response to environmental conditions and may function as shuttles for the delivery of cargo between cells. Recent data suggest that exosomes secreted by both activated microglia and neurons play an important role in α-synuclein (α-syn) spreading and increase of neuroinflammation, thus exacerbating neuronal dysfunction and disease progression. α-syn is a presynaptic protein secreted by neurons in small amounts, and it is the main component of Lewy bodies, one of the histopathological features of PD. Several factors have shown to induce and/or modulate α-syn structure and oligomerization in vitro. Under pathological conditions, progressive accumulation of α-syn and the formation of oligomers have been proposed to play a critical role in the pathogenesis of PD. This review gives an overview about the multiple roles of exosomes in PD, despite their role in the progression of neurodegeneration, exosomes could represent a specific drug delivery tool for a difficult target such as the brain, which poses an obstacle to most drugs and they could also represent new biomarkers to track the progression of PD.  相似文献   

A new subfamily of chemokine receptors is emerging that do not signal along classical G-protein-mediated pathways. Instead, these "silent" receptors efficiently internalize their cognate chemokine ligands, hence their suggested name, "chemokine interceptors", for internalizing receptors. Two of these interceptors, DARC and D6, possess intriguing patterns of tissue expression and are believed to be involved in controlling the local levels of proinflammatory chemokines. In this issue of the European Journal of Immunology, the biochemical properties of a third silent chemokine receptor, CCX-CKR, have been characterized and it is suggested that it may act as a scavenger for homeostatic chemokines, pointing to a broad and significant role for this group of chemokine binding molecules in chemokine biology.  相似文献   

Inhibins,activins and follistatin in reproduction   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The regulation of reproductive processes involves a complex network of communication systems between the brain, endocrine organs, the gonads and other reproductive tissues. Classically, our understanding has focused on the role of endocrine hormones, but more recently interest has also dwelt on the paracrine and autocrine regulation of these cell systems. In this review, the structure and physiology of the inhibins, activins and follistatin are discussed in terms of the evidence supporting their role as endocrine hormones, and how they might function as paracrine factors within the pituitary, gonad and associated tissues. With the advent of more specific techniques and assays for their measurement, the potential of inhibins, activins and follistatin as clinical markers of reproductive function and in the screening of various pathologies is also evaluated.  相似文献   

Japanese encephalitis (JE) is the commonest encephalitis in South East Asia associated with high morbidity and mortality. Neuronal injury is attributed to a number of proinflammatory cytokines. This study evaluates cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cytokines and chemokines in encephalitis and correlates these with clinical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. We examined 14 patients with encephalitis (8 JE, 1 dengue, 5 nonspecific encephalitis) and 10 healthy controls. CSF cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12p70, TNF-α, IL-8) and chemokines (IP-10, MCP-1, MIG, IL-8 and RANTES) were estimated using Cytometric Bead Array, compared with controls and were correlated with severity of encephalitis, radiological findings and presence of movement disorders. Median age of the patients was 25.5 (range 6–55 years); 6 had seizures, 10 movement disorders and 6 out of 11 had MRI abnormalities. The MRI abnormalities included thalamic involvement in 5, basal ganglia and mid brain in 3 each and cortical involvement in 2 patients. Both the patients with cortical involvement had seizures and 5 of the 10 patients with movement disorders had thalamic, basal ganglia and/or mid brain involvement. There was significant increase in IL-6 (p = 0.01), RANTES (p = 0.02) and IL-8 (p = 0.02) in encephalitis compared to controls but there was no difference in IL12p70, TNF-α, IL-10, IL-1β and MCP-1. Cytokines and chemokines did not correlate with severity of encephalitis, radiological changes and presence of movement disorders. CSF IL-6, IL-8 and RANTES were significantly higher in encephalitis patients compared to controls.  相似文献   

目的:探讨急性心肌梗死大鼠心肌局部趋化因子和T细胞趋化因子受体的表达,揭示AMI后T细胞浸润心肌组织的机制。方法:结扎冠脉左前降支建立AMI大鼠模型,用半定量RT-PCR方法分析心肌梗死区和非梗死区趋化因子的表达,包括γ干扰素诱导的单核因子(MIG),正常T细胞表达和分泌、活化时表达下降的因子(RANTES),巨噬细胞炎性蛋白-1α(MIP-1α),以及T细胞趋化因子受体的表达(包括CXCR3、CCR3、CCR5)。HE染色切片进行心肌梗死区和非梗死区淋巴细胞计数分析。结果:心肌梗死区和非梗死区趋化因子RANTES、MIP-1α、MIG的mRNA表达于术后3天开始升高,1周达峰值,然后开始下降,8周降至正常,而趋化因子受体的表达没有明显改变。AMI大鼠心脏梗死区和非梗死区均可见淋巴细胞浸润,梗死区1周达高峰(81.0±10.3vs2.6±1.1,P<0.05),非梗死区2周达高峰(19.0±8.0vs3.2±0.8,P<0.05)。RANTES和MIP-1α的表达与淋巴细胞浸润显著相关。结论:AMI后心肌局部趋化因子表达增高,可能是诱导T细胞浸润心肌组织的始动因子。  相似文献   

A partial cDNA of pregnancy-specific beta 1 glycoprotein isolated from human term placenta was used as probe for slot-blot analysis of total RNA extracted from placental and non-placental tissues in the rat. RNA hybridization with the probe was observed in rat placenta, indicating the presence of mRNA highly homologous to human SP1. The quantity of hybridizing RNA increased with increasing gestational age. In non-pregnant rats, SP1-hybridizing mRNAs were found in uterus, intestine and testis, while no hybridizing material was detected in liver or muscle. The amount of rat SP1 mRNA, based on percentage of total tissue RNA, was greatest in the testis followed by intestine, uterus and placenta. Using the same probe, six clones were obtained by screening a rat testis cDNA library. These clones carried cDNA inserts ranging in size from 1530 to 1983 bp. An internal EcoRI site was present in all cDNA clones. Southern blot analysis confirmed that the cDNA insert of all the clones was homologous to human placental SP1 cDNA. These results suggest a possible origin for the trace quantities of SP1 detected in non-pregnant individuals. It also confirms that the rat is an appropriate model for studying the physiological functions of SP1.  相似文献   

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