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To study whether the thymic major histocompatibility complex (MHC) imposes a constraint on the receptor repertoire of maturating cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) precursors, the restriction phenotypes of virus- specific CTL of MHC-compatible and of MHC-incompatible thymus- and bone marrow-grafted (A X B)F1 chimeric mice were compared. Dependent on the mode of in vitro sensitization, thymocytes or splenocytes of both types of chimeric mice generated Sendai virus-specific, self-MHC-or allo-MHC- restricted CTL. By applying the limiting-dilution technique, the CTL- precursor (CTL-P) frequencies of self-MHC-restricted and allo-MHC- restricted virus-specific T cells as well as of alloreactive T cells were determined. The data obtained revealed that independent of MHC differences between thymus and bone marrow, the frequencies of self-MHC- restricted and allo-MHC-restricted CTL-P were comparable, and in the same older of magnitude as those previously determined in conventionally reared mice. Self-MHC-restricted, virus-specific CTL-P were in a three- to fivefold excess over allo-MHC-restricted CTL-P. A segregation analysis revealed that clonally distinct CTL-P give rise to either self-restricted or allo-MHC-restricted, virus-specific CTL. Both sets were found not only in the spleen, but also in the thymus of chimeric mice, formally demonstrating the intrathymic differentiation pathway of self-MHC as well of allo-MHC-restricted CTL-P. These data reveal no major constraint of the thymic MHC on the capacity of T cells to recognize viral antigens either in the context of self-MHC or of allogeneic MHC products.  相似文献   

The in vitro secondary cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response to Sendai virus-treated stimulator cells by primed spleen cells from thymus gland-grafted nude mice was examined. BALB/c (H-2d) nude mice grafted with allogeneic C57BL/10 (H-2b) thymus glands developed CTL responses directed exclusively to Sendai virus-infected H-2d target cells. (C57BL/6 X BALB/c)F1 nude mice grafted with thymus glands of either parent developed CTL responses preferentially against infected target cells expressing the MHC antigens present in the parental thymus graft, but also had detectable activity for infected target cells of the parental haplotype not expressed in the thymus. These results provide evidence against the concept that self recognition by MHC-restricted CTL is directed exclusively by the MCH type of the thymus.  相似文献   

If the collaborative requirement of Lyt 1 T helper cells is bypassed by the Lyt 1 T cell-derived mediator of T help, termed Il-2, upon antigenic stimulation, PNA+ Lyt 123 thymocytes differentiate into either alloreactive or H-2-restricted PNA- Lyt 23 cytotoxic effector cells. Along the differentiation pathway from Lyt 123 leads to 23 effector cells, cytolytic activity is carried out by T cells that still express the Lyt 123 phenotype. The data establish that Lyt 23 CTL are produced by differentiation from antecedent Lyt 123 cells.  相似文献   

We have examined the CD8+ peripheral T cell repertoire of C57BL/6 (H-2b) mice for cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) reactivities to insulin, using in vitro immunization with a chymotryptic digest of reduced bovine insulin. The results presented in this study demonstrate that potentially autoreactive H-2Kb-restricted cytotoxic T cells specific for an autologous insulin B chain peptide are present in the preimmune splenic T cell repertoire. The immunogenic peptide comprises residues 7-15 from the insulin B chain and has features in common with naturally processed Kb-restricted peptides identified by others. The minimal peptide sequence recognized by these cytotoxic T cells is 10-15, which is highly conserved in mammalian species and constitutes a self-peptide in mice. The presence of class I major histocompatibility complex-restricted CTLs with potentially autoreactive specificities in preimmune animals raises the possibility of a role for such cells in autoimmune disease states. Possible mechanisms for the in vivo expansion of insulin peptide-specific CTLs are discussed.  相似文献   

Adenoviruses (Ad) have been extensively studied as gene delivery vectors in gene therapy and as vaccine carriers. The cell-mediated cytotoxicity induced by Ad is of great interest in both applications. However, the mechanism underlying Ad-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) generation and effector function remains unclear. In this study, we used a novel MHC class I tetramer and an in vivo CTL assay to examine the role of CD28, perforin, Fas ligand (FasL), and TNF-alpha in the generation and function of Ad-specific CTLs in vivo. During the primary response, there was a significant defect in both the generation and in vivo effector function of Ad-specific CTLs in CD28-/- mice, but not in CD4+ T cell-depleted mice or CD4-/- mice. The relative role of CTL effector molecules was assayed by in vivo CTL assay in perforin- or FasL-mutant mice, using donor cells from Fas-deficient or TNFR1/TNFR2-deficient mice. The results indicated that the in vivo CTL activity is mediated mainly by perforin. In the absence of perforin, production of FasL, but not TNF-alpha, by the CTLs results in lower level Ad-specific killing of target cells. These results provide important implications concerning the development of safe and effective Ad vectors for gene therapy and vaccines.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes of the mouse intestinal mucosa, identified in tissue sections or purified suspensions of intraepithelial lymphocytes as T cells (gut T lymphocytes [GTL]), were studied in normal mice or in beige mice (the equivalent of the Chediak-Higashi syndrome in man, characterized by giant granules in various cell types, including mast cells). Mice were studied in normal or in germ-free conditions, or during a graft versus host (GVH) reaction resulting from the injection of parental thymocytes into lethally irradiated F1 mice, a condition leading to massive accumulation of T lymphocytes of donor origin in the host gut mucosa. In normal as well as in GVH conditions, a high percentage of the gut IE lymphocytes contain granules (up to 80% in the beige mouse). These granules have ultrastructural, hostochemical and other features resembling those of mast cell granules; in beige mice, up to 50% of them can be shown to contain histamine. Granulated T cells are also found in the lamina propria. It appears that the GTL may progressively lose their surface T antigens when the granules become more developed. Kinetics of [3H]TdR labeling of the GTL, transfer experiments with T cells of various origins, selective [3H]TdR labeling and selective irradiation of the Peyer's patches (PP), and effect of thoraic duct (TD) drainage led to the conclusion that GTL are the progeny of T cells stimulated to divide in the PP microenvironment, which endows them with a gut-homing tendency. From the PP, these cells follow a cycle, migrating to the TD and to the blood to colonize the whole intestinal mucosa, the majority of them as dividing cells undergoing a single round of traffic, with some probably able to recirculate and becoming a more long-lived variety. Antigenic stimulation within the PP is necessary for the emergence of GTL progenitors, but their gut-homing property is unrelated to the antigen as shown with fetal gut grafts, notably in GVH where grafts syngeneic to the host or donor become similarly infiltrated by GTL. On the basis of their properties and of further evidence to be reported elsewhere, it is proposed that GTL belong to a special class of T lymphocytes, related to the immune defenses of the mucosal systems in general, and capable of acting as progenitors of mucosal mast cells.  相似文献   

The expression of T4/T8 surface markers on human T cells and of L3T4/Lyt-2 on murine T cells has lead to the association of these surface markers with recognition of either class II or class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens. It has been suggested that these T cell surface antigens interact with MHC antigens. We have examined the role of L3T4 in the recognition of Dd by the T cell hybridoma, 3DT52.5. This T cell hybridoma was found to be specific for the N/Cl domain of Dd. The recognition of a class I antigen by an Lyt-2-, L3T4+ T cell hybridoma allowed the separate evaluation of interactions between L3T4/Ia and the T cell antigen receptor, Dd. Recognition by this hybridoma resulted in the production of interleukin 2 (IL-2) and cytolytic activity. Antibody blocking experiments have demonstrated that L3T4 was involved in triggering the effector function of 3DT52.5 only on Ia+ stimulator or target cells. We have demonstrated that an L3T4+, Dd-specific T cell hybridoma, 3DT52.5, uses the L3T4 molecule to directly interact with nonpolymorphic Ia determinants.  相似文献   

Tyrosinase-related protein (TRP)-2 is an immunogenic antigen in melanoma. The authors sought to investigate whether TRP-2 could be a potential target for patients with malignant glioma. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that TRP-2 was present in 51.2% of primary tumor cell lines derived from patients with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). The percentage of TRP-2-6b, TRP-2-INT2, TRP-2-LT, and TRP-2-8b isoform expression in all tested GBM cells was 13.9%, 34.9%, 41.9%, and 39.5%, respectively. TRP-2 protein expression was detected in GBM cells and tumor tissues by Western blot and immunohistochemistry. In addition, an HLA-A2-restricted cytotoxic T cell clone that recognizes the TRP-2(180-188) peptide (SVYDFFVWL) specifically lysed the TRP-2 positive GBM cells in a HLA-A2 restricted manner. In addition, the level of TRP-2 mRNA expression, as determined by real-time quantitative RT-PCR, correlated with the level of CTL recognition as measured by IFN-gamma secretion (R = 0.90; p < 0.01). To further test the immunogenicity of TRP-2 in glioma, PBMCs from a healthy donor were primed in vitro using autologous dendritic cells (DCs) pulsed with irradiated GBM cells. These in vitro generated T cells specifically lysed T2 cells pulsed with TRP-2(180-188) peptide and TRP-2 positive GBM cell lines. Most importantly, TRP-2(180-188) specific CTL frequency in four patients' PBMC who were both HLA-A2 and TRP-2 positive was significantly (p < 0.01) increased, respectively, after vaccinations with DCs pulsed with autologous tumor lysate. The authors' studies demonstrate that TRP-2 could be a useful antigen target for monitoring or developing immunotherapeutic strategies for glioma patients.  相似文献   

H-2d-encoded gene products were analyzed as restriction antigens for anti-vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Cold target competition experiments revealed that VSV recognition was H-2D region-restricted; H-2K-end-restricted recognition of VSV could not be demonstrated. That VSV is not recognized in the context of K-region-encoded gene products is also supported by the observation that H-2dm1 and H-2dm2 mice, strains that contain H-2Kd but have an alteration in H-2L and/or H-2D/L, are nonresponders in the CTL assay. Two different lines of evidence eliminated H-2Dd, H-2Md, and H-2Rd as the restriction antigens: (a) H-2dm2-VSV inhibitors that express H-2Dd and H-2Md did not block the lysis of P815-VSV targets by Balb/c anti-VSV killer cells, and (b) a hybridoma specific for H-2Dd failed to inhibit killer cell activity in this same effector/target combination. However, two monoclonal antibodies specific for H-2Ld but not H-2Rd completely blocked anti-VSV cytotoxic activity. Taken together, in the H-2d haplotype, anti-VSV CTL recognize VSV solely in the context of the H-2Ld molecule. This is the first demonstration of the exclusive use by a mouse stain of the H-2L molecule only for H-2-restricted recognition, and thus supports the notion that H-2L plays a major role in restricting antigen specific recognition. Finally, the fact that an anti-H-2Ld monoclone completely blocked an H-2dm2 anti-BALB/c CTL response indicates that H-2R, a molecule absent in H-2dm2 anti-BALB/c CTL response indicates that H-2R, a molecule absent in H-2dm2 but not BALB/c, does not sensitize H-2 alloreactive CTL.  相似文献   

A model for immunologically T cell-mediated hepatitis was established in mice infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). The severity of hepatitis was monitored histologically and by determination of changes in serum levels of the enzymes alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH), and alkaline phosphatase (AP). Kinetics of histological disease manifestations, increases of liver enzyme levels in the serum, and cytotoxic T cell activities in livers and spleens all correlated and were dependent upon several parameters: LCMV-isolate; LCMV-WE caused extensive hepatitis, LCMV-Armstrong virtually none. Virus dose. Route of infection; i.v. or i.p. infection caused hepatitis, whereas infection into the footpad did not. The general genetic background of the murine host; of the strains tested, Swiss mice and A-strain mice were more susceptible than C57BL or CBA mice; BALB/c and DBA/2 mice were least susceptible. The degree of immunocompetence of the murine host; T cell deficient nu/nu mice never developed hepatitis, whereas nu/+ or +/+ mice always did. B cell-depleted anti-IgM-treated mice developed immune-mediated hepatitis comparably or even more extensively than control mice. Local cytotoxic T cell activity; mononuclear cells isolated from livers during the period of overt hepatitis were two to five times more active than equal numbers of spleen cells. Adoptive transfer of nylon wool-nonadherent anti-Thy-1.2 and anti-Lyt-2 plus C-sensitive, anti-L3T4 plus C-resistant lymphocytes into irradiated mice preinfected with LCMV-WE caused a rapid time- and dose-dependent linear increase of serum enzyme levels. This increase was caused by adoptive transfer of lymphocytes if immune cell donors and recipient mice shared class I, but not when they shared class II histocompatibility antigens. The donor cell dose-dependent increase of these enzymes was first measurable 6-18 h after transfer with 2 X 10(8) cells or 3 X 10(6) cells, respectively. The time-dependent increase caused by the adoptive transfer of 1-2 X 10(8) cells was strictly linear during a period of up to 25-40 h. These results indicate single-hit kinetics of liver cell death and suggest that effector T cells destroy infected liver cells via direct contact rather than via soluble toxic mediators. The results may represent the best in vivo correlate of the in vitro 51Cr-release assay that has been analyzed so far, and strongly support the view that antiviral cytotoxic T cells are directly cytolytic in vivo.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Using a direct binding assay based on photoaffinity labeling, we studied the interaction of T cell receptor (TCR) with a Kd-bound photoreactive peptide derivative on living cells. The Kd-restricted Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite (PbCS) peptide 253-260 (YIPSAEKI) was reacted NH2-terminally with biotin and at the TCR contact residue Lys259 with photoreactive iodo, 4-azido salicylic acid (IASA) to make biotin-YIPSAEK(IASA)I. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones derived from mice immunized with this derivative recognized this conjugate, but not a related one lacking the IASA group nor the parental PbCS peptide. The clones were Kd restricted. Recognition experiments with variant conjugates, lacking substituents from IASA, revealed a diverse fine specificity pattern and indicated that this group interacted directly with the TCR. The TCR of four clones could be photoaffinity labeled by biotin-YIPSAEK(125IASA)I. This labeling was dependent on the conjugates binding to the Kd molecule and was selective for the TCR alpha (2 clones) or beta chain (1 clone), or was common for both chains (1 clone). TCR sequence analysis showed a preferential usage of J alpha TA28 containing alpha chains that were paired with V beta 1 expressing beta chains. The TCR that were photoaffinity labeled at the alpha chain expressed these J alpha and V beta segments. The tryptophan encoded by the J alpha TA28 segment is rarely found in other J alpha segments. Moreover, we show that the IASA group interacts preferentially with tryptophan in aqueous solution. We thus propose that for these CTL clones, labeling of the alpha chain occurs via the J alpha-encoded tryptophan residue.  相似文献   

The differentiation of cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursor cells (CTL-P) into CTL effector cells is a two-step process. In the first step, na?ve CTL-P (CTL-PN) become activated (CTL-PA) but do not yet have the capacity to kill target cells. CTL-PA can be distinguished from CTL-PN because the former are far less sensitive than the latter to the effects of in vitro-generated suppressor cells. Thus, the addition of suppressor T cells (Ts) to a fresh MLC can totally inhibit the production of CTL from CTL-PN, whereas the same Ts only minimally affect the generation of CTL from CTL-PA. It is not known whether these Ts act directly on CTL-PN or on a helper cell needed for activation to CTL-PA. The production of CTL-PA can take place in allogeneic mixed leukocyte cultures (MLC) treated with the drug pyrilamine, or when heat-inactivated stimulator cells are used. Each of these treatments inhibits the differentiation of CTL-PA to CTL. However, if pyrilamine is removed, a nonspecific MLC-derived signal can induce these CTL-PA to become CTL, even in the presence of significant numbers of Ts. This two step process of differentiation of CTL-P to CTL may be analogous to the way na?ve B cells become antibody-producing cells.  相似文献   

Among murine class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones specific for type A influenza virus, we have identified both noncytolytic clones and clones exhibiting H-2 I region-restricted cytolytic activity. After appropriate antigenic stimulation, both cytolytic and noncytolytic clones proliferated in the absence of exogenous interleukin 2. All of the clones possess the Thy-1.2+, Lyt-1+2-, L3T4+ phenotype. The class II MHC restriction of viral recognition by the CTL clones was mapped by proliferation using recombinant mouse strains and by inhibition of cytotoxic activity with monoclonal antibodies directed to class II MHC products and L3T4a. The restriction specificity of two CTL clones was unambiguously assigned to the E beta d chain by using L cell transfectant lines expressing E alpha kE beta d or E alpha kE beta k gene products. Analysis of the viral specificity of the cloned lines revealed subtype-specific and crossreactive patterns of viral antigen recognition; the pattern of viral antigen specificity exhibited by each clone in proliferation and cell-mediated cytotoxicity was identical. Each CTL clone also demonstrated antigen-dependent release of helper factor(s) that promoted in vitro primary anti-SRBC responses. Finally, the cytotoxic effector function of the class II MHC-restricted CTL clones was mediated by direct lysis of virus-infected cells, and not by secretion of a cytolytic lymphokine.  相似文献   

In the present communication, the repertoire of alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) clones was quantitatively investigated by limiting dilution analysis and by target inhibition with a panel of monoclonal antibodies (mAb). These mAb have previously been shown to define two distinct alloantigenic domains, A and B, on the H-2Kk molecule. The Poisson distribution analysis of H-2Kk-specific CTL clones generated in a limiting dilution system revealed three CTL populations with different precursor frequencies. The high frequent population is suppressed by an unknown suppressive mechanism that allows less frequent CTL populations to become visible. Target inhibition studies with a panel of Kk-specific mAb showed that these CTL populations differ not only in their precursor frequency but also in their specificity for different H-2 epitopes on the Kk molecule. Thus clones of the high frequency population are almost exclusively specific for determinants within domain A. In contrast, the low frequency population displays predominant specificity for determinants of domain B, while the population with medium frequency is blocked equally well by mAb against either domains A or B. Each mAb blocked only a fraction of clones indicating that each CTL subpopulation may consist of a large number of clonotypes with specificity for different H-2 epitopes. The data suggest that CTL recognize basically the same polymorphic domains on the H-2Kk molecule defined by antibodies, and they show that regulatory mechanisms determine the expressed repertoire in CTL populations.  相似文献   

Mice with congenital severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID) failed to mount either a T cell-independent IgM or T cell-dependent IgG anti-vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) Indiana (IND) response. They did not generate cytotoxic T cells against lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) or vaccinia virus, but exhibited NK cell-like activities. When SCID mice were given bone marrow from syngeneic BALB/c (H-2d) nu/nu mice, all immune responses were expressed at control levels. If SCID mice were reconstituted with allogeneic H-2b C57BL/6 nu/nu bone marrow, the following primary anti-viral immune responses were measured. T-independent IgM anti-VSV-IND were normal, but T-dependent IgG anti-VSV-IND responses were absent. Cytotoxic T cell responses to LCMV and vaccinia virus were within normal ranges, were donor cell mediated, and were specific exclusively for the recipient SCID H-2d type. Since antigen presentation by spleen cells was functional in these chimaeras, the presented results indicate that (a) thymic selection of T cell restriction is strict; and (b) the type of T help necessary for B cells depends upon H-2-restricted contact between T and B cells, whereas, such contact-dependent help is not mandatory for the induction of virus-specific cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   

By using a panel of HLA-D-defined subtypes of HLA-DR2 HCL with known beta chain structural variabilities, we have demonstrated that HLA-DR2, OKT4+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones specific for measles virus are apparently restricted to a distinct DR beta chain. The presence of this DR beta 2 molecule correlated precisely with the susceptibility of measles virus-infected HLA-DR2 HCL to lysis by these CTL clones. These studies demonstrate that delineation of HLA-DR2 into various subgroups can have a functional significance that parallels the structural differences within the HLA-D region. These results are discussed in the context of the possible association of HLA class II-restricted, measles virus-specific CTL and multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   

Transgenic murine lines have been constructed that express a chimeric class I molecule composed of the alpha 1 and alpha 2 domains of HLA-A2.1 and the alpha 3, transmembrane, and cytoplasmic domains of H-2Kb. Upon immunization with influenza virus, transgenic mice developed a strong A2.1Kb-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response specific for the same matrix protein epitope that serves as the dominant A2.1-restricted determinant in the equivalent human response. Fine specificity analysis of CTL clones using truncated peptides revealed strong similarity between the response repertoire of transgenic mice and that previously reported using influenza-specific A2.1-restricted CTL clones from humans. This suggests that even when considering T cell responses by different species, the alpha 1 and alpha 2 domains of the restriction element play a dominant role in determining the CTL specific repertoire. Thus, substituting the alpha 3 domain of A2.1 with a murine counterpart has permitted development of a transgenic strain that should serve as an excellent model system in studies of HLA-restricted responses.  相似文献   

We developed a method for production of antigen-specific, H-2-restricted T cell hybrids. The tumor cell partner in the fusions was itself a T cell hybrid, FS6-14.13.AG2 (or its derivatives), which could be induced to produce the growth factor, interleukin-2 (IL-2), in response to a challenge with concanavalin A, but had no known antigen specificity. The normal T cell partner in the fusions was a population of lymph node T cell blasts that had been highly enriched in antigen-specific, H-2-restricted T cells by in vivo immunization, followed by in vitro challenge with antigen and clonal expansion in IL-2-containing medium. These fusions produced hybrids that grew constitutively in culture. A sizable proportion of the hybrids demonstrated the ability to produce IL-2 in response to a challenge with specific antigen presented by irradiated spleen cells of the appropriate H-2 type. Four cloned antigen/H-2-specific hybrid lines were produced. AO-40.10 responded to chicken ovalbumin (OVA) when presented by I-A(k)-bearing cells. DC1.18.3 responded to the apo form of beef cytochrome c when presented with I-A(d). AODK-10.4 responded to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) presented with I-A (d). AODK-1.16 also responded to KLH presented by a product of the I region of H-2(d), but the data were consistent with either a product of the I-J-I-E(d) region or a combinatorial molecule with elements from both I-A(d) and I-E(d)/I-C(d). Coincidentally, AO-40.10 was shown to have an unexpected alloreactivity with a product of H-2(b) mapping to the K-I-A region. These hybrids should prove invaluable as sources of monoclonal material for the study of the receptor(s) on T cells with H-2-restricted antigen specificities. We also generated T cell hybrids with two antigen/H-2 specificities by fusing an azaguanine-resistant clone of AO-40.10 to normal T cells with a different antigen/H-2 specificity. Many of the hybrids retained reactivity to OVA plus H-2(a) and to the second antigen/H-2 combination. None reacted to either OVA plus the second H-2 type or to the second antigen plus H-2(a). One of these hybrids was successfully cloned to produce the line AOFK- 11.11.1. It retained the ability to recognize OVA plus I-A(k) inherited from one parent, and KLH plus IA(f) inherited from the other. It did not recognize OVA plus IA(f) or KLH plus I-A(k). These results have some bearing on models describing the nature of T cell receptors for antigen recognized in association with H-2 products. They do not support models in which antigen and H-2 are recognized separately by two independent T cell receptors.  相似文献   

Upon primary challenge with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), H-2d (BALB/cByJ) mice mount a cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response to a single immunodominant domain of the viral nucleoprotein (NP) but no detectable response to the viral glycoprotein (GP). To manipulate this CTL response, the viral NP gene was expressed in the thymus and peripheral T lymphocytes using the murine Thy1.2 promoter. As a result, such Thy1.2-NP (H-2d) transgenic (tg) mice deleted their high-affinity anti-LCMV-NP CTL, but generated equal numbers of lower-affinity NP CTL. Further, they made an alternative anti-LCMV-GP CTL response that is not normally found in non-tg mice indicating a hierarchial control of the CTL response. Unlike the H-2d mice, H-2b (C57Bl/6J) mice normally mount a CTL response to both LCMV-GP and -NP. When the LCMV-NP was expressed using the Thy1.2 promoter in these H-2b mice, the LCMV-NP-specific CTL response was completely aborted and no CTL to new, alternative viral epitopes were generated. Dilutions of H-2b or H-2d NP peptides indicated that 3-4 logs less H-2b NP peptide was required to sensitize syngeneic target cells for CTL-specific lysis, suggesting that the differing affinities of H-2b and H-2d major histocompatibility complex molecules for their peptides likely account for the total removal of NP CTL in the H-2b mice but only partial removal in H-2d mice made to express thymic NP. Thymic grafting experiments done with thymi from newborn Thy1.2-NP tg mice show that selection processes studied in this model are of central (thymic) origin and are not caused by Thy1.2- positive LCMV-NP-expressing T lymphocytes in the periphery.  相似文献   

The relative immunogenicity of the H-7.1 alloantigen has been shown in a previous communication to be regulated by a gene in the D region of the mouse major histocompatibility (H-2) complex. The level of relative immunogenicity was inferred from survival times of H-7.1-incompatible skin grafts donated by donors with different H-2 haplotype origins of H-2D region genes. In this communication we report the results of an extension of these previous investigations into the possible role of H-2D region genes in controlling the capacity of H-7.1-incompatible lymphocytes to stimulate H-7.1-speciflc mixed lymphocyte culture proliferation and generation of cytotoxic effector cells. The results reported herein demonstrate that the H-2D genotype of H-7.1-incompatible stimulator cells determines the relative H-7.1-specific capacity of those lymphocytes to stimulate H-7.1-specific proliferation of in vivo primed responder T cells in secondary mixed lymphocyte culture. H-2D(b)-bearing, H-7.l-incompatible stimulators were significantly more effective in stimulating H-7.1-specific proliferation than H-2D(d)-bearing stimulators. As expected, H-2D(b), H-7.1-in-compatible stimulators were also more effective than H-2D(d) a stimulators in generating H-7.1- specific cytotoxic effector cells. Further, the susceptibility of (51)Cr- labeled, H-7.1-incompatible lymphoblast targets to H-7.1-specific lysis was similarly regulated by an H-2D gene. Reciprocal H-2 restriction (F(1) cells are capable of killing only the cells bearing the immunizing cell parental H-2 haplotype) observed by other investigators for cytolysis of non-H-2-incompatible targets was not observed. H-2D a-bearing, H-7.1- incompatible stimulators stimulated generation of cytotoxic effectors capable of detectably lysing H-2D(b) but not H-2D(a)-bearing, H-7.1- incompatible targets. The impact of these observations on the proposed models for H-2 restriction of non-H-2 histocompatibility antigen-specific cytolysis is discussed.  相似文献   

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