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BACKGROUND: Few population-based studies have assessed the physical and mental health consequences of both psychological and physical intimate partner violence (IPV) among women or men victims. This study estimated IPV prevalence by type (physical, sexual, and psychological) and associated physical and mental health consequences among women and men. METHODS: The study analyzed data from the National Violence Against Women Survey (NVAWS) of women and men aged 18 to 65. This random-digit-dial telephone survey included questions about violent victimization and health status indicators. RESULTS: A total of 28.9% of 6790 women and 22.9% of 7122 men had experienced physical, sexual, or psychological IPV during their lifetime. Women were significantly more likely than men to experience physical or sexual IPV (relative risk [RR]=2.2, 95% confidence interval [CI]=2.1, 2.4) and abuse of power and control (RR=1.1, 95% CI=1.0, 1.2), but less likely than men to report verbal abuse alone (RR=0.8, 95% CI=0.7, 0.9). For both men and women, physical IPV victimization was associated with increased risk of current poor health; depressive symptoms; substance use; and developing a chronic disease, chronic mental illness, and injury. In general, abuse of power and control was more strongly associated with these health outcomes than was verbal abuse. When physical and psychological IPV scores were both included in logistic regression models, higher psychological IPV scores were more strongly associated with these health outcomes than were physical IPV scores. CONCLUSIONS: Both physical and psychological IPV are associated with significant physical and mental health consequences for both male and female victims.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined the health consequences of having experienced both sexual and physical abuse relative to women experiencing physical abuse but not sexual abuse. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 203 women seeking refuge in battered women's shelters. Controlling for sociodemographics, logistic regression analyses were conducted to assess the consequences of experiencing both sexual and physical abuse. RESULTS: Compared to women experiencing physical abuse, women experiencing both sexual and physical abuse were more likely to have a history of multiple sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in their abusive relationships, have had an STD in the past 2 months, be worried about being infected with HIV, use marijuana and alcohol to cope, attempt suicide, feel as though they had no control in their relationships, experience more episodes of physical abuse in the past 2 months, rate their abuse as more severe, and be physically threatened by their partner when they asked that condoms be used. CONCLUSIONS: Given the prevalence of adverse health outcomes, domestic violence shelters could counsel women to avoid using alcohol/drugs as a coping strategy, educate women about alternative healthy coping strategies, counsel women about methods of STD prevention that they can control, and provide STD screening and treatment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Few epidemiologic studies of physical violence or intimate partner violence provide population-based surveillance data. OBJECTIVES: To estimate the prevalence and describe the characteristics associated with physical violence among adult men and women in the past year. METHODS: A random sample of Montana households was contacted via the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System telephone survey in 1998 (N=1804). RESULTS: Five percent of men (39/787) and 3% of women (33/1017) reported experiencing physical violence in the past year. Among respondents reporting physical violence in the past year, women were more likely than men to report that the perpetrator was a current/former partner (58% vs 10%, p/=0.05). Men who reported experiencing physical violence in the past year were more likely to be younger and not to be living with a current partner. Women who reported experiencing physical violence in the past year were more likely to be younger, not currently living with a partner, have no health insurance, and have more days with mental health problems in the past month. CONCLUSIONS: Recent physical violence is common for both men and women; however, the perpetrators, locations, and demographic characteristics differ. Further study is needed to better understand the factors associated with physical violence among men and women in the context of designing and implementing appropriate interventions to reduce violence.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To measure the lifetime prevalence of physical, emotional, and sexual Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in women attending general practice in Spain and to assess sociodemographic factors associated with the different types of abuse. METHODS: The sample included 1402 randomly selected women, aged 18 to 65 years, attending general practice in three Spanish regions. A self-administered structured questionnaire specifically developed for the study was used. Given the overlap between the different types of lifetime abuse, various categories were created by combining the different types. Multiple logistic regression models were developed to identify the sociodemographic factors independently associated with the different categories of abuse. RESULTS: Lifetime prevalence of IPV was 32%, and 14.4% referred having experienced emotional abuse alone. Factors independently associated with all categories of abuse included being separated/divorced/widowed, having three or more children, and lacking social support. Increasing age was protective for physical and emotional abuse (odds ratio = 0.96; 95% confidence interval = 0.93-0.99). Women with the lowest monthly family income (< 600 euro) (1 euro = 1.32 euro) were most likely to experience all IPV categories, except for emotional abuse alone. CONCLUSIONS: IPV is a common problem in general practice. The identification of factors associated with this public health problem is essential for its prevention and treatment.  相似文献   

  目的  追踪比较湖南省工业地区夫妻暴力发生状况十年间的变化。  方法  分别于2001 — 2002年(2002年组)和2011 — 2012年(2012年组),由相同的调查员采用相同的家庭暴力调查问卷,对湖南省工业地区夫妻暴力发生状况进行调查。  结果  两组施暴者中男性分别占85.7 %和69.2 %,受虐者中女性分别占87.0 %和69.1 %,2组施暴者和受虐者的性别差异均有统计学意义(χ2 = 50.125、19.550,P = 0.000);两组夫妻暴力发生的首位诱发因素均为子女教育问题(41.1 % vs 51.9 %),最常见的暴力形式都是羞辱和谩骂(90.5 % vs 93.2 %),差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05);2012年受虐者受到精神损伤和身体损伤的比例分别为35.3 %和15.0 %,明显高于2002年组的16.8 %和4.2 %,差异均有统计学意义(χ2 = 9.481、6.897,P < 0.01);2组施暴者认可夫妻暴力的比例分别为69.4 %和50.8 %,受虐者认可夫妻暴力的比例分别为54.3 %和35.3 %,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.012 5)。  结论  夫妻暴力仍以男性施暴为主,精神暴力是夫妻暴力最常见的形式,子女教育问题仍是诱发夫妻暴力的首要因素,受虐者受到较十年前更多的精神损伤和身体损伤,施暴者和受虐者对夫妻暴力的态度十年来无明显变化。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Women with activity limitations (ALs) are at risk for Intimate partner violence (IPV). This study examined IPV in men versus women with ALs. METHODS: Data from the Canadian 1999 General Social Survey compared physical, sexual, emotional, and financial IPV from a current/expartner in 5 years for men and women with ALs compared with those without ALs. Logistic regression examined sex differences in IPV among those with ALs, adjusting for sociodemographic factors. RESULTS: Rates of physical (11.9% versus 7.8%; p < 0.0001), sexual (3.5% versus 1.4%; p < 0.0001), emotional (27.1% versus 17.7%; p < 0.0001), and financial (7.5% versus 3.4%; p < 0.0001) IPV were greater in women with compared with without ALs. A similar pattern was seen for men, with greater rates of physical (9.2% versus 6.6%; p = 0.006), emotional (22.6% versus 18.2%; p = 0.002), and financial (2.6% versus 1.4%; p = 0.005) IPV in men with ALs than men without ALs. Risk factors for IPV included younger age, being divorced/separated or single, and having lower income and poorer health. Women with ALs were more likely than men to experience any IPV (29.1% versus 24.9%) and more severe and more incidents of IPV. In multivariable analysis, women were no longer at greater risk for "any IPV" after adjusting for sociodemographic variables (odds ratio = 1.09; 95% confidence interval, 0.88-1.36). CONCLUSION: This is the first study to document IPV rates in men with ALs. Women with ALs were more likely to be divorced/separated, living in poverty, and in poorer health than men with ALs. These factors accounted for sex differences in IPV rates.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We examined whether frequent drug use increases the likelihood of subsequent sexual or physical intimate partner violence (IPV) and whether IPV increases the likelihood of subsequent frequent drug use. METHODS: A random sample of 416 women on methadone was assessed at baseline (wave 1) and at 6 months (wave 2), and 12 months (wave 3) following the initial assessment. Propensity score matching and multiple logistic regression were employed. RESULTS: Women who reported frequent crack use at wave 2 were more likely than non-drug using women to report IPV at wave 3 (odds ratio [OR]=4.4; 95% confidence interval [CI]=2.1, 9.1; P<.01), and frequent marijuana users at wave 2 were more likely than non-drug users to report IPV at wave 3 (OR=4.5; 95% CI=2.4, 8.4; P<.01). In addition, women who reported IPV at wave 2 were more likely than women who did not report IPV to indicate frequent heroin use at wave 3 (OR=2.7; 95% CI=1.1, 6.5; P=.04). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that the relationship between frequent drug use and IPV is bidirectional and varies by type of drug.  相似文献   

目的通过研究儿童期不同形式虐待与其成人后亲密伴侣暴力的关系,为家庭暴力的心理干预提供科学的理论依据。方法采用自编《新婚夫妇婚前暴力调查表》和《儿童期虐待问卷》对湖南省长沙市2个社区领取结婚证愿意接受婚前暴力调查研究的291对新婚夫妇进行调查。结果受虐组的情感虐待因子分、躯体虐待因子分及量表总分高于非受虐组;女性受虐组的躯体虐待因子分和性虐待因子分高于非受虐组;男性受虐组的情感虐待因子分、躯体虐待因子分和情感忽视因子分均高于非受虐组。但差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。2组间在受教育程度、职业、婚前有无同居史上差异有统计学意义(x^2=10.433,P=0.034;x^2=15.525。P=0.008;x^2=8.843。P=0.003)。结论儿童期情感虐待和躯体虐待对其成人后受虐有影响;女性儿童期躯体虐待和性虐待对其成人后受虐有影响;男性儿童期虐待对其成人后受虐无影响。亲密伴侣暴力(IPV)与受教育程度、职业、婚前同居史相关。  相似文献   

We estimated rates of intimate partner violence and related injuries in a sample of 1371 women aged 18 to 49 years in Yokohama, Japan. By the age of 30 years, 14.3% of women who had ever had a partner had experienced violence from that partner, and 3.3% had suffered injuries related to such violence. By the time women had reached the age of 49 years, these percentages were 19% and 4%, respectively. In addition to the need for increased prevention efforts, our findings indicate the need for an expanded legal definition of intimate partner violence in Japan given that the current definition excludes premarital violence.  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence (IPV) has been recognized as a risk factor for HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among women, particularly among those who are drug involved. This study examines the temporal relationships between sexual and/or physical partner violence (IPV) and sexual risk of HIV/STI transmission in a longitudinal study with a random sample of 416 women enrolled in methadone maintenance treatment programs in New York City. Two hypotheses are tested: whether sexual risk-related factors or risk reduction behavior leads to subsequent IPV (H1); and whether IPV decreases likelihood of subsequent risk reduction behavior (i.e., requesting to use condoms) or increases likelihood of certain sexual risk-related factors (i.e., inconsistent condom use, having unprotected anal sex, having more than one partner, exchanging sex for drugs or money, having had an STI, being HIV positive, having a partner who engaged in HIV risk) (H2). Participants were interviewed at three waves: baseline, six months and twelve months. Hypotheses were examined using propensity score matching and multiple logistic regression analyses. The prevalence rate of any physical or sexual IPV was 46% at baseline. Findings for H1 indicate that women who reported always using condoms at wave 2 were significantly less likely than women who reported inconsistent or no condom use to experience subsequent IPV at wave 3. Similarly, increased risk of IPV at wave 3 was associated with self-reported STIs (OR=2.0, p=.03), and unprotected anal sex (OR= 2.0, p<.01); always requesting that partners use condoms was associated with a significant decrease in subsequent IPV (OR=.18, p<.01). Findings for H2 suggest that IPV at wave 2 decreased the subsequent likelihood of always using condoms at wave 3 (OR=.41, p<.01) and always requesting that a partner use condoms (OR=.42, p=.02). The implications of the findings for HIV prevention interventions for women on methadone are discussed.  相似文献   

Male perpetration of intimate partner violence (IPV) against women in Tanzania is widespread. Theory and empirical evidence suggest peer networks may play an important role in shaping IPV perpetration, although research on this topic in sub-Saharan Africa is limited. Grounded in social learning theory, social influence theory, and the theory of gender and power, the purpose of this study was to examine whether and how peer networks influence men’s perpetration of IPV in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. We conducted in-depth interviews (n = 40) with a sub-sample of 20 men enrolled in the control condition of an ongoing cluster-randomised controlled trial. We purposively sampled participants who previously reported perpetrating physical IPV. To analyse the data, we generated narrative summaries and conducted thematic and interpretative coding. We saw no evidence that men self-selected into peer networks with certain values or behaviours. Rather, men described several mechanisms through which their peers influenced the perpetration of IPV, including: (1) the internalisation of peer network norms, (2) pressure to conform to peer network norms and (3) the direct involvement of peers in shaping couple power dynamics. Our findings suggest that peer networks influence men’s perpetration of IPV and should be targeted in future programmes and interventions.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study examined women's and men's reported experience of intimate partner violence in general practice in the greater Dublin region. A high prevalence of reported experience of controlling behaviour and violent incidents was found. Although the reported prevalence of both was higher in men, women were more likely to have reported fear of a partner and a severe level of violence. CONCLUSION: The findings demonstrate that intimate partner violence is a major problem among the men and women surveyed.  相似文献   

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