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A 69-year-old man was admitted to our hospital due to pancytopenia and a marked bleeding tendency. On admission, he had a white cell count of 2.8 x 10(9)/l, hemoglobin level of 6.0 g/dl, and a platelet count of 3 x 10(9)/l. He was given a diagnosis of refractory anemia on the basis of bone marrow aspiration findings, which disclosed trilineage myelodysplasia. After discharge, the patient remained dependent on blood transfusions. The sole administration of an active form of vitamin D3 (calcitriol) was started in July 1997, and one and a half years later, the patient's transfusion dependency disappeared. However, bone marrow aspiration findings at this point disclosed marked cell dysplasia of erythroid lineage and a prognostically unfavorable chromosomal abnormality (monosomy 7) that had not been found during the initial examination. Nonetheless, the patient's hemoglobin level and platelet count increased to more than 9 g/dl and about 1.0 x 10(11)/l, respectively. The finding in this case suggested that vitamin D3 therapy is useful for refractory anemia even if aggravated marrow cell dysplasia and cytogenetic anomalies develop.  相似文献   

PRESENTING FEATURES: An 18-year-old white man was admitted to the Osler Medical Service with the chief complaint of back pain. Two weeks prior to admission, the patient developed diffuse and aching upper back pain. Over the next couple of days, he also developed severe anterior chest pain that was somewhat pleuritic in nature but diffuse and extending bilaterally into the shoulders. One week prior to admission, he developed intermittent fevers and night sweats. The patient denied any lymphadenopathy, pharyngitis, sick contacts, shortness of breath, rash, or bleeding. He was seen by a physician and told that he had thrombocytopenia. There was no history of recent or remote unusual bleeding episodes. His medical history was unremarkable except for a childhood diagnosis of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. He was not taking any medications and had no history of tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drug use. He had no risk factors for human immunodeficiency virus infection. Physical examination showed that he was afebrile and had normal vital signs. He was a well-appearing man who was lying still because of pain. HEENT examination was unremarkable. There was no pharyngeal erythema or exudates. His lungs were clear. His neck was supple and without lymphadenopathy. Examination of his back and chest revealed no focal tenderness. There was no hepatosplenomegaly, and his skin was without petechiae or rashes. Examination of the patient's joints showed pain on passive and active movement of his shoulders bilaterally, but no frank arthritis. There was no rash, petechiae, or echymoses. Chest radiograph and electrocardiogram were unremarkable. On admission, the laboratory examination was notable for a hematocrit level of 32.5%, with a mean corpuscular volume of 79 fL, and white blood cell count of 2.8 x 10(3)/microL. Platelet count was 75 x 10(3)/microL. A white blood cell differential revealed 7% bands, 53% polys, 34% lymphs, 5% atypical lymphocytes, 2% nucleated red cells, and a few young unidentified cells. His chemistry studies were unremarkable. What is the diagnosis?  相似文献   

In this case report, we present a child who was admitted to hospital with the features of autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) and was diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)-related AIHA. A 14-year-old female patient was admitted to our hospital with the chief complaints of palpitation, icterus, and fatigue for 2 months. She was pale and icteric. Diffuse hepatosplenomegaly was palpated. Hematological examination revealed a hemoglobin of 3.4 g/dl, red blood cell count of 2x10(12)/l, white blood cell count of 3x10(9)/l, platelet count of 14x10(9)/l, and reticulocyte count of 1.7%. Blood smear examination revealed significant anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, and tear drop cells. The direct Coomb's test was positive. Bone marrow aspirate showed hypercellularity, micromegakaryocytes, dyserythropoiesis, and dysmyelopoiesis with 2% blasts. The patient was diagnosed with MDS-refractory anemia and AIHA secondary to MDS. Rarely, AIHA can occur secondary to MDS. To our knowledge, this patient is the first pediatric case with MDS and AIHA reported in the literature.  相似文献   

We describe a 76-year-old man with acute-type adult T-cell leukemia, who demonstrated a spontaneous decrease in leukemic cell number, apparently coincident with apoptotic cell death. On admission the patient's white blood cell count was 38.9 x 10(9)/l with 77% abnormal lymphocytes. He also had hypoproteinemia (4.3 g/dl) from protein losing enteropathy. After admission the leukemic cell count decreased without chemotherapy, reaching 5.9 x 10(9)/l after 2 months. Studies of peripheral lymphocytes demonstrated appearance of the apoptotic cells and DNA ladder formation from the beginning of regression. Same truncated proviral DNA was recognized in primary ATL cells through the whole clinical course. The hypoproteinemia improved with intravenous nutrition, followed by increase of the leukemic cells. This case is the first report that demonstrates tumor-cell apoptosis induced clinical regression in adult T-cell leukemia. Further, we speculate that the hypoproteinemia may have been involved in the leukemic cell apoptosis.  相似文献   

A 21-year-old man presented to the emergency room complaining of fever, chills, diarrhea and nausea with vomiting of two days' duration. He had a past medical history of remote jejunal dysplasia, which was surgically corrected when he was a child. He was taking no regular medications. He had been well until two days earlier, when he developed a sudden onset of fever to 39.9 degrees C, chills and severe nausea with frequent bouts of vomiting. He remembered feeling more tired than usual for three days before the onset of his fever, but nothing more specific. He saw a physician the day after the onset of fever, and the physician prescribed oral cotrimoxazole double-strength, of which he took one dose. Due to persistence of the above symptoms, he presented to the emergency room. He had travelled to Cuba for a seven-day vacation at a resort, and returned home 14 days before the onset of symptoms. He had experienced one day of mild diarrhea while in Cuba, but two of his friends experienced two to three days of diarrhea without fever at the same time while there. He denied abdominal pain, headache, cough, shortness of breath, rash, urinary symptoms or other problems. He had no risk factors for HIV infection. On examination, he was toxic and experiencing rigors, but was awake and alert. His temperature was 39.8 degrees C, pulse was 107 beats/min and respirations were 30 breaths/min. The examination was normal except for evidence of dehydration and marked splenomegaly without tenderness. A chest radiograph and urinalysis were normal. The patient's hemoglobin level was 167 g/L, his platelet count was 138x10(9)/L and his leukocyte count was 9.5x10(9)/L with a marked shift to the left. The patient's creatinine level was 139 mumol/L, urea level was 6.8 mmol/L, total bilirubin level was 48 mumol/L (44% conjugated), alanine aminotransferase level was 113 U/L and gamma glutamyl transpeptidase level was 83 U/L. Other liver function tests were normal. Blood and urine cultures were obtained. An abdominal ultrasound confirmed the presence of splenomegaly with a tiny splenic cyst and an otherwise normal examination (including a normal liver). Infectious enteritis with sepsis was diagnosed and the patient was started on intravenous ciprofloxacin. The following day, two sets of blood cultures that were taken while the patient was in the emergency room showed the presence of Gram-negative rods, which were identified the next day as Salmonella species (serogroup C1), susceptible to ampicillin, cotrimoxazole, fluoroquinolones and ceftriaxone. After three days of taking parenteral ciprofloxacin, the patient felt subjectively better but continued to have afternoon and evening fevers of more than 40 degrees C, accompanied by rigors and extreme exhaustion. His platelets decreased daily, to a nadir of 49x10(9)/L, and his leukocytes decreased to 3.8x10(9)/L. HIV serology was negative. He had no other new complaints, and the examination was unchanged. Repeat blood cultures were negative. A diagnostic procedure was performed to explain the persistent sepsis.What is your diagnosis?  相似文献   

The patient was a 47-year-old man who was diagnosed in 1989 as having chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). He had been treated with interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) and hydroxyurea. In August 1999, he was admitted to our hospital for examination of severe anemia and increased platelet count. On admission, his hemoglobin level was 6.3 g/dl, reticulocyte count was 0.7%, WBC count was 5,100/microliter, and platelet count was 57.3 x 10(4)/microliter. Bone marrow aspiration showed myeloid hyperplasia and near absence of erythroblasts. Bone marrow karyotype analysis showed a Ph chromosome with additional abnormalities. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) with accelerated-phase CML was considered. The IFN-alpha therapy was discontinued. Hydroxyurea at an increased dosage was effective in controlling the CML. In contrast, administration of cyclosporin A was not effective for the PRCA. The patient's condition was later complicated by acute hepatitis C virus infection. The IFN-alpha was restarted to control the CML and hepatitis. The patient remained erythroblastopenic and transfusion-dependent for more than 2 years. Association of CML and PRCA is rare. We discuss the mechanisms underlying PRCA occurring during the course of CML.  相似文献   

A 61-year-old male visited his doctor in October 2000 because of a high fever. Laboratory examination revealed leukocytosis with blast-like cells and thrombocytopenia. He was referred and admitted to our hospital in November 2000. Although he had mild splenomegaly, he had no lymphadenopathy on the first admission. The white blood cell count was 10,520/microliter with 45% blast-like cells and the platelet count was 51 x 10(3)/microliters. Bone marrow aspiration revealed 82% blast-like cells, which were positive for CD5, CD10, CD13, CD19, and CD20. Immunohistochemistry of the bone marrow clot sections revealed blast-like cells were positive for CD5, but negative for TdT, CD23 and cyclin D1. We diagnosed the patient as having de novo CD5-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) with leukemic dissemination. He obtained a complete remission after two courses of CHOP therapy. The third chemotherapy was postponed because of strangulation of the intestine. He relapsed and died in spite of the third chemotherapy. CD5-positive DLBCL is one of the established disease entities that requires an appropriate therapy regimen because it is characterized by elderly onset, extranodal involvement, and a poorer prognosis.  相似文献   

A 43-year-old woman with liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma was admitted for the chief problem of ascites. Laboratory data revealed a leukocyte count of 3.8 x 10(9)/L on the second day of admission. Spironolactone was prescribed for diuresis beginning on the third day. Routine blood tests on the tenth day disclosed marked leukopenia (1.8 x 10(9)/L). Four days later, the leukocyte count was still 1.8 x 10(9)/L and a differential count revealed agranulocytosis (neutrophils, 0.25 x 10(9)/L). Eight days after withdrawal of spironolactone, the leukocyte count returned to normal (leukocytes, 4.9 x 109/L; neutrophils, 1.76 x 10(9)/L). On review of the patient's clinical condition, concurrent medication, and previous reports, we highly suspected that this episode of agranulocytosis was caused by spironolactone. Unlike four previously reported cases, this one did not involve furosemide, which is reported to be associated with leukopenia and agranulocytosis.  相似文献   


Presenting features

A 47-year-old African American man was admitted to the Osler Medical Service with a chief complaint of light-headedness. He was a heavy drinker and consumed 2 pints of fortified wine every day. On the day of admission, he had been at home consuming alcohol when he stood up, became lightheaded, and immediately had to sit down. He denied any loss of consciousness, dyspnea, hematemesis, coffee-ground emesis, lower abdominal pain, bright red blood per rectum, or melena, but he recalled a burning epigastric discomfort. The patient's medical history was notable only for a 20-year history of hypertension and recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus. He was not taking any medications. He had a normal hematocrit of 43% 6 months prior to admission.Physical examination showed a supine heart rate of 115 beats per minute and blood pressure of 165/90 mm Hg, without orthostatic changes. There was scleral icterus and a jaundiced palate, but no other stigmata of end-stage liver disease. His abdominal examination was unremarkable; there were no masses, tenderness, or hepatosplenomegaly. Rectal examination revealed guaiac-negative stool. The chest radiograph and electrocardiogram were unremarkable.On admission, the laboratory examination was notable for the following values: hematocrit, 22.8% with a mean corpuscular volume of 86.7 fL and a red cell distribution width of 25.7%; absolute reticulocyte count, 177,500/mm3; total bilirubin, 4.2 mg/dL; direct bilirubin, 2.3 mg/dL; albumin, 3.3 g/dL; lactate dehydrogenase, 481 U/L; aspartate aminotransferase, 106 U/L; and alanine aminotransferase, 44 U/L. The prothrombin and activated partial prothrombin times were normal. There was no evidence of iron, vitamin B12, or folate deficiency. The patient's haptoglobin level was severely depressed (<6 mg/dL) with a negative direct Coomb test and normal glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity. A peripheral blood smear was compatible with hemolysis and demonstrated normocytic, normochromic erythrocytes with moderate poikilocytosis, as well as rare spherocytes and target cells Figure 1).On the second day of hospitalization, a lipid panel revealed hypercholesterolemia with a total cholesterol level of 300 mg/dL. Due to the patient's complaint of burning epigastric pain and long history of alcohol consumption, esophagogastroduodenoscopy was performed and revealed grade 1 nonbleeding esophageal varices.What is the diagnosis?  相似文献   

A 48-year-old woman was referred to Tohoku University Hospital in November 1981 because of leukocytosis pointed out in a group examination. At that time white blood cell count was 26.8 x 10(3)/microliters with no blasts, platelet count 268.0 x 10(4)/microliters and hemoglobin 11.4 g/dl. Bone marrow aspirates showed marked increase of megakaryocytes (15,900/microliters). Bone marrow chromosome analysis revealed 46, XX, -18, +mar without Ph1 chromosome, and DNA analysis showed no bcr rearrangement. She was diagnosed as having essential thrombocythemia and was treated with busulfan. On November 1986, she developed remarkable leukocytosis with leukemic blasts. White blood cells reached 153 x 10(3)/microliters with 33% blasts. Her blasts were positive for peroxidase staining, but negative for platelet peroxidase on electron microscopic study and platelet specific glycoproteins. A diagnosis of acute myeloblastic leukemia (M2) was made. The patient received various combination chemotherapy, which was ineffective, and she died due to pneumonia on June, 1989. In Japan, there has been reported only 8 cases of essential thrombocythemia transformed to acute leukemia. The clinical pictures of these 9 cases were discussed.  相似文献   

Clinical manifestations of hereditary spherocytosis (HS), the most common red blood cell (RBC) membrane disorder, can be abrogated or markedly reduced by splenectomy. However, concerns regarding risks from overwhelming infections after splenectomy have restricted its use, especially in children. This study was designed to determine if partial splenectomy can decrease the hemolytic rate while maintaining phagocytic function of the spleen. Partial splenectomy was performed in 11 children (age 2 to 13) with HS. The effect on hemolytic rate was assessed by comparing the presurgical and postsurgical values for hemoglobin, reticulocyte number, and RBC life span. The residual splenic phagocytic function was assessed using technetium 99m scans and by enumerating the percentage of pitted RBCs in circulation. There were no complications from the surgical procedure in any of the 11 individuals. Following partial splenectomy, hemoglobin increased on the average by 3 g/dL, reticulocyte count decreased by 300 x 10(6)/L, and RBC life span was substantially prolonged. Normal technetium uptake was noted in the splenic remnant and the percentage of pitted RBCs was in the normal range. Partial splenectomy is effective in decreasing the hemolytic rate while maintaining residual splenic phagocytic function of the spleen in HS. We conclude that the use of this procedure as treatment for RBC membrane disorders warrants consideration, especially in infants under 5 years of age who need frequent transfusions.  相似文献   

PRESENTING FEATURES: A 70-year-old African American man was admitted with a history of fever, chills, and malaise of several days' duration. His past medical history was notable for end-stage renal disease requiring hemodialysis, coronary artery disease, and aortic stenosis requiring a bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement. On the day of admission, the patient was noted to have a shaking chill while undergoing dialysis through his catheter and was admitted to the hospital. He complained of pain at the catheter insertion site, shortness of breath, and dyspnea on exertion, but denied chest pain. On physical examination, the patient had a temperature of 100.4 degrees F, with a heart rate of 64 beats per minute, blood pressure of 127/72 mm Hg, and an oxygen saturation of 97% on room air. He was a mildly obese man in no apparent distress. He had shotty cervical lymphadenopathy and a right subclavian dialysis catheter in place, with erythema and pus at the entry site. His jugular venous pressure was 10 cm H(2)O. Lung examination showed bibasilar rales. Heart sounds were normal, with no rub or gallop. He had a 2/6 systolic ejection murmur best heart at the left sternal border as well as a 3/6 holosystolic murmur at the apex that radiated to his left axilla. Examination of the abdomen and extremities was unremarkable. The patient's neurological examination was unremarkable, and he was alert and oriented to person, place, and time. Laboratory studies showed an elevated white blood cell count of 16,700 cells/microL. His blood urea nitrogen level was 43 mg/dL and his serum creatinine level was 4.9 mg/dL. Multiple blood cultures grew methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. An admission, chest radiograph showed no infiltrate. An admission electrocardiogram showed normal sinus rhythm with first degree atrioventricular block, left anterior fascicular block, and left ventricular hypertrophy. shows rhythm strips from lead II electrocardiograms 5 months before admission (top), on admission (middle) and 5 days after admission (bottom). What is the diagnosis?  相似文献   

A 66-year-old man was presented with thrombocytosis in February, 1988. Laboratory examinations on admission revealed a white blood cell count of 17,700/microliters and a platelet count of 274.4 x 10(4)/microliters. Bone marrow aspirates showed an increase of megakaryocytes (1,294/microliters). There was no fibrosis or Ph1 chromosome. He was diagnosed as having essential thrombocythemia and was treated with thrombopheresis, carboquone and ranimustine (MCNU). Subsequently his platelet count was well controlled approximately for three years. He was readmitted because of pyrexia and left hypochondralgia in February 1991. Physical examination revealed hepatosplenomegaly. Peripheral blood revealed leukoerythroblastosis associated with the occurrence of tear drop cells. Bone marrow aspiration resulted in a dry tap and the biopsy specimen showed reticulin fibrosis. This is a fairly rare case of essential thrombocythemia that transformed to myelofibrosis.  相似文献   

A spontaneous complete remission of 5 month's duration was observed in a 70 year-old man with acute myeloblastic leukemia complicated with severe pneumonia. The remission occurred after severe pancytopenia. He was treated only with antibiotics and blood transfusions. On admission, the leukocyte count was 6.4 x 10(3)/microliters with 98% myeloblasts. The hemoglobin level was 9.9 g/dl and platelet count was 1.5 x 10(4)/microliters. Marrow aspirate was hypercellular with 98.5% myeloblasts, which weakly showed Ia like antigen and myeloid related antigen. On relapse after five weeks' complete remission, leukemic cells were more immature, peroxidase negative and showed no surface markers. Chromosomal abnormalities were detected. During remission induction therapy he died of severe bacterial and fungal sepsis. Such cases of spontaneous complete remission have been rarely reported, previous adult cases were summarized and the role of etiologic factors were discussed.  相似文献   

A 45-year-old Caucasian female with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis was found coincidentally to have a circulating lymphocytosis (6.4 x 10(9)/l) and neutropenia (0.1 x 10(9)/l). Initial presentation was with mouth ulceration and recurrent infections. A spleen scan showed no evidence of splenomegaly and serum titres against EBV, CMV and toxoplasmosis were negative. No anti-neutrophil antibodies were found. Marrow aspiration demonstrated a lymphocytosis of 60% with reduced numbers of granular precursors. Lymphocytes in both blood and bone marrow were CD3, CD8, CD16 and HLA-DR positive. Lymphocyte conditioned medium (LCM) generated from the patient's blood lymphocytes (without phytohaemagglutinin) was found to inhibit allogeneic colony-forming unit, granulocyte-macrophage (CFU-GM) stem cells in semi-solid culture compared with control LCM. This inhibitory activity was abrogated by the cytolytic removal of CD8 cells prior to LCM production and was significantly reduced by co-culture with indomethacin. Culture of the patient's marrow at autostimulatory light density marrow cell concentrations showed poor spontaneous CFU-GM colony formation until marrow CD8 lymphocytes were removed cytolytically. Prednisolone was used therapeutically (40 mg/d) and resulted in the patient's neutrophil count rising from 0.06 x 10(9)/l to 1.1 x 10(9)/l and a fall in the total lymphocyte count to 1.9 x 10(9)/l. Reevaluation of the patient's LCM post steroid therapy showed loss of the previous inhibitory effect. The patient's neutrophil count is maintained on oral azathioprine and indomethacin.  相似文献   

We report a patient with splenic vein thrombosis (SVT) in whom splenectomy resulted in the unmasking of essential thrombocythemia (ET). He had portal hypertension with haematemesis, resulting in anaemia requiring repeated blood transfusions. Investigations revealed SVT. Following splenectomy, he suffered a transient ischaemic attack episode, associated with persistent thrombocytosis (> 2000 x 10(9)/l). Other myeloproliferative disorders were excluded and a diagnosis of ET was established. He responded to hydroxyurea but, due to financial constraints, he discontinued treatment and subsequently relapsed. The association of ET with SVT is rare and the diagnosis of ET was missed initially as the platelet count was normal prior to splenectomy.  相似文献   

A 66-year-old man was admitted to our hospital for fever on January 19, 1998. He began showing periodic high fever in June 1997 and an increased serum LDH in August 1997. His history included surgery for esophageal cancer in 1993. On admission, the patient's body temperature was 38.5 degrees C. Physical examination was negative for lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, and skin rash. Peripheral blood revealed a hemoglobin level of 8.6 g/dl and a platelet count of 7.9 x 10(4)/microliter. Bone marrow examination showed hypocellularity with marked histiocytic hemophagocytosis. The various bacterial cultures were negative. Serum LDH was elevated to 1,606 IU/l, and ferritin was greater than 3,000 ng/ml. Antinuclear antibodies were negative. No significant elevation of viral antibody titers including that to Epstein-Barr virus was found. Hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS) was diagnosed, but no underlying diseases was identified. The patient's condition was complicated by interstitial pneumonia and pleural effusion. gamma-globulin and pulse methylprednisolone both proved ineffective for the HPS; however, complete remission was achieved with cyclic intravenous administration of etoposide (VP-16, 150 mg/day). Interestingly, the interstitial pneumonia resolved promptly with etoposide therapy. The patient relapsed, in July 2001, exhibiting high fever, cytopenia, and marrow hemophagocytosis. His condition was ameliorated by administration of etoposide. This was a rare case of chronic and recurrent HPS of unknown etiology accompanied by interstitial pneumonia. Etoposide should be considered as a primary therapy for HPS and its complications in cases such as our patients.  相似文献   

A 69-year-old man was found to have leukocytosis and a bleeding tendency, when he underwent surgery for hemorrhoids in November 1992, at the age of 69. The patient was referred to our department for further examination, and was admitted on December 4. On admission, he had hepatomegaly (5 cm) and splenomegaly (12 cm). Laboratory data on admission showed that the leukocyte count was 173,400/microliter, erythrocyte count, 314 x 10(4)/microliter, hemoglobin level, 10.5 g/dl, hematocrit value, 29.7%, and platelet count, 14.4 x 10(4)/microliter, respectively. Peripheral hemogram revealed neutrophilia with a shift to the left to promyelocytes, and the positivity of neutrophil alkaline phosphatase (NAP) was very low. The bone marrow was hyperplastic with a high M/E ratio (5.8). As the chromosome analysis revealed that he had 9:22 translocation in all 20 karyotypes, chronic myelogenous leukemia in the chronic phase, was diagnosed. After the daily intramuscular administration of 9 megaunits interferon alpha-2b was started on December 9, 1992, his leukocyte count stabilized between 5,000 and 8,000/microliter. Thereafter, intramuscular administration of IFN alpha has been continued regularly almost twice a week at the outpatient clinic until now. The leukocyte count ranges from 3,000 to 6,000/ml and he is asymptomatic. In April 1995, complete cytogenetic response was achieved 28 months after the start of interferon alpha therapy. The recent bone marrow chromosomes examination showed Philadelphia-negative metaphases until now, December, 2002, although major bcr-abl still remains positive. This case suggests that treatment with interferon alpha may still be useful in some elderly patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia.  相似文献   

A 43 year-old black man with sickle cell trait documented by hemoglobin electrophoresis presented with severe pleuritic chest pain and hypoxemia three weeks after discharge following abdominal surgery. A pulmonary embolus was diagnosed by angiography and he was treated with heparin; the minimum arterial pO2 was 55 torr while O2 was being administered at a rate of 3 L/min. During this therapy, he developed abdominal pain. Computerized tomography suggested splenic infarction, which was documented by radionuclide liver-spleen scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); the patient's spleen had been normal at exploratory laparotomy three weeks previously. No source for emboli was identified in the deep venous system by MRI. Although splenic infarction has been reported in patients with sickle cell trait at high altitude, this is the first reported case of splenic infarction secondary to the hypoxemia of pulmonary embolism in a patient with sickle cell trait. The spleen is subject to infarction in sickle cell trait because blood flow is slow through a hypoxemic and acidemic environment. The additional hypoxemia due to pulmonary embolism is presumed, in our patient, to have created a local splenic environment which permitted infarction to occur.  相似文献   

An otherwise healthy 73-year-old female was admitted to our department in 1997 because of easy bruising and a platelet count of 12 x 10(9)/L. The patient was taking no medications. Bone marrow examination revealed erythroid hyperplasia, megakaryocytic hypoplasia, and no sign of malignancy. Chromosome analysis showed a normal karyotype. There was serological evidence of previous infection with parvovirus B19. No antibodies to HBV, HCV, CMV, or EBV were found. ANA and cardiolipin antibodies were not detected. Treatment with prednisolone was without effect, but 3 weeks after i.v. gamma-globulin therapy, the platelet count was normal, 233 x 10(9)/L. Two years later, the patient was readmitted with a platelet count of 11 x 10(9)/L. At this time, treatment with corticosteroids, azathioprine, and gamma-globulin had only a temporary effect, and further therapy was stopped because of side effects. During the next 3 years, the patient developed transfusion-dependent anemia, and her white blood cell count decreased to 1.8 x 10(9)/L. A new bone marrow examination showed aplastic anemia with bone marrow cellularity about 10%. After an intracerebral hemorrhage, the patient accepted treatment with rituximab and received 4 weekly doses of 375 mg/m2. This therapy was followed by an increase in the platelet count to 232 x 10(9)/L, white blood cell count to 6.8 x 10(9)/L, and no more need for blood transfusions. A bone marrow examination 5 months after treatment with rituximab showed hyperplastic myelopoiesis, normoblastic erythropoiesis, and slightly reduced megakaryopoiesis. The use of anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody in aplastic anemia warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

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