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Background: Mucocele-like tumor (MLT) is a rare benign condition, and often misdiagnosed as mucinous carcinoma. Methods: We encountered a 31-year-old woman with MLT of the breast. The patient presented with an elastic hard mass, 0.5 cm in diameter, located in the upper outer quadrant of the right breast. Results: Physical examination as well as ultrasonography and mammography indicated a benign lesion. However, mucinous carcinoma was suspected based on aspiration biopsy cytology. MLT was finally diagnosed on excisional biopsy. Conclusions: Awareness of this breast disease helps to prevent misdiagnosis and unnecessary surgery.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The increasing use of mammographic screening has led to an increased detection of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast. The detailed biological characteristics of DCIS and a new classification of DCIS based on these characteristics are needed. METHODS: Immunohistochemical studies were performed to assess the expression of c-erbB-2 (ErbB-2), estrogen receptor (ER), p53 and proliferative activity (Ki-67) in 65 patients with pure DCIS and 60 with invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). We classified pure DCIS tumors using three classifications, the architectural, Nottingham, and Van Nuys classifications. RESULTS: ErbB-2, ER and p53 staining was positive in 34%, 66% and 21% of patients with DCIS, respectively, and 58%, 42% and 33% in patients with IDC, respectively. Ki-67 stained positively in 1.5% of patients with DCIS and 11.2% of patients with IDC. The comedo type showed a high rate of positive ErbB-2 and p53 staining. The cribriform and papillary types showed a high rate of positive ER staining. Under the Van Nuys classification, ErbB-2, p53 and Ki-67 expression were highest in the group with high nuclear grade and lowest in the group with non-high nuclear grade without necrosis. CONCLUSION: Although the biological markers of IDC tended to suggest aggressive behavior more so than those of DCIS, these differences were based on the histological sub-type, comedo or non-comedo. The Van Nuys classification best defined the subgroups of DCIS with a distinct expression pattern of biological markers, and the best candidates for breast-conserving surgery.  相似文献   

A 39-year-old Japanese woman noticed a right breast tumor in July 2004. Mammography (MMG) demonstrated an oval tumor without calcification. Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging (D-MRI) demonstrated a high-intensity mass on T2-weighted images, showing mild enhancement during the arterial phase and persistent enhancement during the arterial late phase. Core needle biopsy revealed papillary carcinoma suggestive of Intracystic Papillary Carcinoma (IPC). Auchincloss operation was performed following a partial mastectomy, as the surgical margin after partial mastectomy was positive for carcinoma. Histopathologic mapping of her right breast revealed wide and extensive intraductal spread of DCIS around the IPC. IPC was originally reported to be a localized non-invasive mammary carcinoma. But approximately, half of IPC cases are associated with invasive carcinoma or DCIS beyond the tumor. Careful selection of operative procedure is needed after localized non-invasive IPC or IPC associated with DCIS around the main tumor or invasive carcinoma is diagnosed.  相似文献   

A case of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) with microinvasion arising in a radial scar of the breast is presented. A 57-year-old woman visited our hospital with bloody discharge from her left nipple. There were no abnormal findings on cytology, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level of nipple discharge was <500 ng/ml, and mammograms were normal. After 2 years of careful periodic follow-up, spiculation without a central core appeared on mammograms. The CEA level of the nipple discharge increased to 1,000 ng/ml. Ductgraphy showed a connection between the duct with the discharge and the center of the spiculation. Since these findings suggested malignancy, she underwent segmentectomy of the breast, and pathological examination showed a radial scar and DCIS with microinvasion in the ducts within the radiating bands of fibrous tissues. We discuss the characteristics of a radial scar and its relationship to breast cancer based on our experience and a review of the literature.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: As the incidence of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is increasing, it is necessary to make a guideline for the pathological examination and diagnosis of DCIS, by creating criteria based on clinical and biological aspects of the disease. METHOD: We collected biopsy specimens originally diagnosed as benign lesions, from patients who subsequently developed invasive carcinoma in the ipsilateral breast. The histology of the biopsy specimens was re-evaluated principally according to the 1995 Philadelphia Consensus on DCIS. Histopathological agreement on each biopsy specimen was made by the JBCS Study Group members under a multiviewer microscope. In the course of making conclusive agreements among the pathologists, we developed a consensus for the histopathological diagnosis of DCIS, especially non-comedo types. RESULTS: DCIS is defined as a carcinoma of ductal epithelial origin, without any evidence of stromal invasion. It is necessary to note the methods of pathologic examination required to diagnose DCIS. Stromal invasion is an important prognostic factor, and should be diagnosed with caution. Classification of proliferative ductal lesions as benign or malignant (DCIS), the subtype of DCIS (nuclear grade, architecture, and necrosis), and the histological grading of DCIS are proposed and recommended. CONCLUSION: Although we have made a new proposal according to current concepts, there are still several unresolved problems. Thus further examination and modification will be necessary in the future.  相似文献   

Although estrogens whose production is catalyzed by aromatase are considered to play a role in human breast carcinogenesis, it remains unclear whether aromatase expression occurs in ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast. Aromatase expression in 61 cases of pure DCIS and 101 cases of invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) was investigated by immunohistochemical analysis using a polyclonal anti-aromatase antibody. The level of aromatase expression was semiquantified by the H-score which was estimated by the percentage of positive-staining cells and the intensity of staining. The levels of aromatase expression were compared between the DCIS and IDC samples, and were also compared among the tumor cells and stromal cells in the DCIS and IDC samples. Positive cytoplasmic staining for aromatase expression was found not only in stromal cells but also in tumor cells. The levels of aromatase expression in the tumor cells and stromal cells from the DCIS samples were significantly higher than those in the respective cells from the IDC samples. Among the DCIS samples, those specimens from patients of ages 50 years or over showed higher levels of aromatase expression in stromal cells, than those from patients below 50 years. The finding that significantly higher aromatase expression levels were found in DCIS than in IDC indicates that it may be possible to treat DCIS patients with aromatase inhibitors, especially as an adjuvant hormonal therapy for postmenopausal patients.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the expression of ErbB-2 and pS2 proteins in 59 ductal carcinomain situ (DCIS) of the breast, either pure DCIS or DCIS associated with invasive carcinoma, using immunohistochemical staining of paraffin-embedded sections. Positive staining for ErbB-2 and pS2 proteins was noted in 32% (19/59) and 46% (27/59) of DCIS, respectively. An inverse relationship between ErbB-2 and pS2 status in DCIS was observed (p < 0.01). From the viewpoint of histological subtype, the prevalence of ErbB-2 protein expression was significantly higher in the comedo subtype than the cribriform-micropapillary subtype. The prevalence of immunoreactivity for ErbB-2 in solid subtype was intermediate between those of the other two groups. In contrast, the prevalence of pS2 expression was significantly lower in the comedo subtype than in the cribriform-micropapillary subtype. Again, the prevalence of pS2 protein expression in the solid subtype was intermediate between those of the other two subtypes. Our results suggest that DCIS is biologically heterogeneous with regard to such marker substances. This has possible implications for management of these lesions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ductal carcinomas in situ (DCIS) are sometimes treated too aggressively by surgery. We discuss minimal invasive surgery for DCIS on the basis of our experience at the Cancer Institute Hospital in Tokyo. METHODS: We performed surgery for 667 cases of DCIS between 1987 to 1998. This twelve year period we divided into three periods; 1987-1990,1991-1994, and 1995-1998. RESULTS: DCIS comprised 10% of all breast cancers, and tended to increase in incidence over time. The number of minimally invasive procedures such as breast conserving treatment (BCT), surgery without axillary dissection, and day surgery increased in later periods. In BCT for DCIS the surgical margin status is the most important factor, the rate of negative surgical margins was higher in DCIS than invasive cancer, and especially high in cases of mammographically detected nonpalpable cancer, the incidence of which is increasing yearly. The outcome of the 667 cases was very good. No distant metastases were observed, and the incidence of ipsilateral breast cancer(including second primary cancer) in these cases was 5% CONCLUSIONS: Because small cancers, including nonpalpable cases, will be detected more frequently, minimal invasive surgery will become more common for DCIS.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the clinical characteristics, treatment and prognosis of ductal carcinomain situ (DCIS) of the breast. Methods: Clinicopathological and follow-up data were collected in 52 patients with DCIS. Results: The clinic data showed that 50 patients had signs of breast lumps or/and nipple discharges, 2 patients presented abnormal mammography; 2 patients had lymph node involved; and 14 patients were accompanied with intraductal papillomatosis. All patients were received surgical therapy. The follow-up data showed 1 patient locally recurred after lumpectomy, and was underwent mastectomy again, then cured. There were no patients died of DCIS. Conclusion: Mastectomy should be a standard surgical mode, and the prognosis of DCIS was favorable, but mammography for screening of asymptomatic women should be strengthened to find DCIS.  相似文献   

The grade of recurrent in situ and invasive carcinoma occurring after treatment of pure ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) has been compared with the grade of the original DCIS in 122 patients from four different centres (The Royal Marsden Hospitals, London and Sutton, 57 patients; Guy's Hospital, London, 19 patients; Nottingham City Hospital, 31 patients and The Royal Liverpool Hospital, 15 patients). The recurrent carcinoma was pure DCIS in 70 women (57%) and in 52 women (43%) invasive carcinoma was present, which was associated with an in situ element in 43. In all, 19 patients developed a second recurrence (pure DCIS in 11 and invasive with or without an in situ element in eight). The majority of invasive carcinomas followed high-grade DCIS. There was strong agreement between the grade of the original DCIS and that of the recurrent DCIS (kappa=0.679), which was the same in 95 of 113 patients (84%). The grade of the original DCIS showed only fair agreement with the grade of recurrent invasive carcinoma (kappa=0.241), although agreement was stronger with the pleomorphism score of the recurrent carcinoma (kappa=0.396). There was moderate agreement, in recurrent invasive lesions, between the grade of the DCIS and that of the associated invasive element (kappa=0.515). Other features that showed moderate or strong agreement between the original and recurrent DCIS were necrosis and periductal inflammation. The similarity between the histological findings of the original and subsequent DCIS is consistent with the concept that recurrent lesions represent regrowth of residual carcinoma. In addition, although agreement between the grade of the original DCIS and that of any subsequent invasive carcinoma was only fair, there is no suggestion that low-grade DCIS lesions progress to higher grade lesions or to the development of higher grade invasive carcinoma. This is in agreement with immunohistochemical and molecular data indicating that low-grade and high-grade mammary carcinomas are quite different lesions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We examined the relationship between biological markers, apoptotic indices and pathologic subtypes of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast. The tumor-biological factors can be divided into invasive and proliferative markers. We chose urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) and Cathepsin D as invasive markers, and Ki-67 and C-erbB2 oncoproteins as proliferative factors for our study. METHODS: We used immunohistochemical methods to investigate the expression of uPA, PAI-1, Cathepsin D, Ki-67, C-erbB2 and ssDNA (single-stranded DNA for apoptotic cells) in 20 cases of DCIS. Tumor histological grade and the immunohistochemical expression of invasive and proliferative markers were compared. RESULTS: Histological grade is associated with C-erbB2, MIB-1, apoptotic index (AI) and expression of PAI-1 in cancer and stroma. The correlation coefficient of the MIB-1 index and AI was 0.867. Of these invasive markers, only expression of PAI-1 in tumor and in stroma was associated with C-erbB2. CONCLUSION: Our results show that the apoptosis index is closely related to the MIB-1 index, and also suggest that the immunohistochemical detection of PAI-1 in the cytoplasm of both carcinoma cells and stromal cells of DCIS is related to histological grade and expression of the proliferative markers MIB-1 and C-erbB2. Therefore, we infer that both invasiveness and proliferation are affected by the tumorigenesis of DCIS.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyse whether immunohistochemistry (IHC) applying a broad set of markers could be used to categorise ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast in distinct subgroups corresponding to the recently defined molecular categories of invasive carcinoma. Immunohistochemistry of pure DCIS cases constructed in tissue arrays was performed with 16 markers (oestrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), androgen receptor (AR), Bcl-2, p53, Her2, insulin-like growth factor receptor, E-cadherin, epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), CA125, keratins 5/6, 14, 19, epidermal growth factor receptor, S100, and CD31). Results in 163 cases were analysed by unsupervised hierarchical clustering. Histological classification was performed by review of whole tissue sections and identified 36 well-, 55 intermediately, and 72 poorly differentiated DCISs. Unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis categorised DCIS into two major groups that could be further subdivided into subgroups based on the expression of six markers (ER, PR, AR, Bcl-2, p53, and Her2). In the major predominantly ER/Bcl-2-positive (luminal) group, three subgroups (AR-positive (n=33), AR-negative (n=40), and mixed (n=34)) could be identified and included 34 well-differentiated DCISs. Within the major predominantly ER/Bcl-2-negative (nonluminal) group, a Her2-positive subgroup (n=34) was characterised by 31 poorly differentiated lesions. Eight triple-negative lesions, including one positive for keratin 5/6 and two positive for p53, were encountered. Intermediately differentiated DCIS shared a comparable IHC staining pattern with well-differentiated DCIS that was distinct from poorly differentiated DCIS (P<0.001). Ductal carcinoma in situ could be categorised by IHC into two major groups and five subgroups using six markers. Morphologically, intermediately differentiated DCIS seems to have more biological similarities with well-differentiated lesions as compared to poorly differentiated lesions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is often difficult to pre-operatively diagnose ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)or intraductal papilloma (IDP). Current reports show that breast cancer frequently has numerical aberrations of chromosomes 1, 11 and 17. We investigated whether fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis using three centromere-specific probes for chromosomes 1, 11 and 17 was feasible for diagnosing intraductal breast lesions. METHODS: Fine-needle aspiration specimens from 102 breast lesions including DCIS (10), invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) (78), IDP (7), fibroadenoma (6) and mastopathy (1) were examined for numerical aberrations on chromosomes 1, 11, 17 using FISH. If over 15% of all cells showed one signal, the sample was judged monosomic. If over 20% of cells showed three or more signals, it was considered polysomic. If the specimen had an aberration of at least one chromosome, it was judged positive. RESULTS: Nine of 10 DCISs showed numerical aberrations of at least one chromosome whereas 65 of 78 IDCs and 2 of 14 benign lesions (containing 7 IDPs of which one case was positive) showed numerical aberrations on these chromosomes. The proportion of positive results was highest with DCIS. Moreover 6 out of 7 DCISs showed an aberration of all three chromosomes simultaneously and one case showed an aberration of two chromosomes. All aberrations in case of DCIS were polysomic while two benign lesions and 15 IDCs showed a monosomic pattern. CONCLUSION: FISH may enable more accurate diagnosis of intraductal breast lesions.  相似文献   

Although ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) precedes invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), the related genomic alterations remain unknown. To identify the genomic landscape of DCIS and better understand the mechanisms behind progression to IDC, we performed whole-exome sequencing and copy number profiling for six cases of pure DCIS and five pairs of synchronous DCIS and IDC. Pure DCIS harbored well-known mutations (e.g., TP53, PIK3CA and AKT1), copy number alterations (CNAs) and chromothripses, but had significantly fewer driver genes and co-occurrence of mutation/CNAs than synchronous DCIS-IDC. We found neither recurrent nor significantly mutated genes with synchronous DCIS-IDC compared to pure DCIS, indicating that there may not be a single determinant for pure DCIS progression to IDC. Of note, synchronous DCIS genomes were closer to IDC than pure DCIS. Among the clinicopathologic parameters, progesterone receptor (PR)-negative status was associated with increased mutations, CNAs, co-occurrence of mutations/CNAs and driver mutations. Our results indicate that although pure DCIS has already acquired some drivers, more changes are needed to progress to IDC. In addition, IDC-associated DCIS is more aggressive than pure DCIS at genomic level and should really be considered IDC. Finally, the data suggest that PR-negativity could be used to predict aggressive breast cancer genotypes.  相似文献   

We report a rare case of synchronous bilateral and multifocal ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) in a 30-year-old patient operated on for gynecomastia following repeated injections of stanozolol, a non-aromatizable androgen. The familial medical history was negative for breast cancer and work-up of serum hormone levels was normal. The patient underwent a modified radical mastectomy without axilla dissection 6 weeks following the primary procedure and recovered uneventfully. The role of synthetic androgens in the development of male breast neoplasia warrants further scrutiny.  相似文献   

Up to 50% of recurrences of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast are associated with invasive carcinoma but no pathological or molecular features have yet been found to predict for the development of invasive disease. For a tumour to invade, it requires the formation of new blood vessels. Previous studies have described a vascular rim around ducts involved by ductal carcinoma in situ, raising the possibility that the characteristics of periductal vascularisation may be important in determining transformation from in situ to invasive disease. Periductal vascular density and phenotype were determined using morphometry and a panel of anti-endothelial antibodies (von Willebrand factor, CD31, CD141 and CD34) and related to the presence of invasive carcinoma and other histological features. Compared to normal lobules, pure ductal carcinoma in situ exhibited a greater density of CD34+ and CD31+ vessels but a decrease in those that were immunopositive for vWF, indicating a difference in phenotype and in density. Ductal carcinoma in situ associated with invasive carcinoma showed a profile of vascular immunostaining similar to that of pure ductal carcinoma in situ but there were significantly greater numbers of CD34+ and CD141+ vessels and fewer staining for vWF. There was a significant negative correlation between vascular density and both the cross-sectional areas of the ducts involved and the extent of the necrosis of the tumour they contained. A correlation between vascular density and nuclear grade was also noted, being highest in the intermediate grade. The greater density of CD34+ and CD141+ vessels around ductal carcinoma in situ associated with invasive carcinoma could reflect a greater predisposition to invade but a direct effect of co-existent invasive carcinoma cannot entirely be ruled out in the present study. The relationship between vascular density, grade, duct size and nuclear grade suggests that periductal angiogenesis increases with tumour growth rate but is unable to keep pace with the most rapidly growing lesions.  相似文献   

背景与目的:乳腺导管原位癌伴微浸润(ductal carcinoma in situ with microinvasion,DCISMI)是乳腺导管原位癌(ductal carcinoma in situ,DCIS)发展到浸润性乳腺癌(invasive breast cancer,IDC)的中间阶段,该研究旨在分析乳腺DCIS和DCIS-MI这两类早期乳腺癌不同临床病理学特征和各个分子分型间的差异。方法:本回顾性研究纳入了317例DCIS患者,其中227例(71.6%)为纯DCIS患者,90例(28.4%)为DCIS-MI患者。所有患者根据其DCIS成分而非微浸润成分的免疫组织化学检查结果分成腔面A型[雌激素受体(estrogen receptor,ER)和(或)孕激素受体(progesterone receptor,PR)阳性,人类表皮生长因子受体2(human epidermal growth factor receptor 2,HER-2)阴性]、腔面B型[ER和(或)PR阳性,HER-2阳性]、HER-2过表达型(ER和PR阴性,HER-2阳性)和基底样型(ER和PR阴性,HER-2阴性)。结果:DCIS-MI患者的肿瘤大小倾向更大(P=0.059),病理核分级显著更高(P=0.002)。和DCIS患者相比,乳腺DCIS-MI患者中腔面A型比例较低而基底样型比例较高(P=0.001)。结论:乳腺DCIS和DCIS-MI间分子分型分布不同,临床病理特征迥异,提示DCIS-MI是DCIS发展的新阶段,有了“质”的改变,本结论有待后续更大样本量的研究进行验证。  相似文献   

The introduction of screening mammography (MMG) will lead to increased detection of preclinical early breast cancer in Japan. It has become more important to understand the nature of these lesions. We tried to elucidate the long term prognosis and clinical and pathological characteristics of noninvasive cancers. A total of 336 (5.4%) ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and 32 (0.5%) lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) were diagnosed in 6 277 breast carcinomas at the National Cancer Center Hospital from 1962 to 1995. Most (80%) LCIS occurred in premenopausal women. LCIS has significantly higher bilaterality than that of DCIS. Local recurrence occurred in approximately 10% of patients after breast conserving surgery for DCIS and LCIS. Four patients died of breast carcinoma, which were initially diagnosed as noninfiltrating carcinoma. The 15-year cause specific survival rates of patients with DCIS and LCIS were 98.5 % and 100 %, respectively.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Outcomes after different treatment strategies for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast were analyzed for a geographically defined population in the East Netherlands. METHODS AND MATERIALS: A total of 798 patients with a first diagnosis of DCIS between January 1989 and December 2003 were included and their medical records were reviewed. Survival rates for ipsilateral recurrences were calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method and a multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to evaluate the prognostic significance of different variables. RESULTS: The 5-year recurrence-free survival was 75% for breast conserving surgery (BCS) alone (237 patients) compared with 91% for BCS followed by radiation therapy (RT; 153 patients) and 99% for mastectomy (408 patients, p < 0.01). Independent risk factors for local recurrences were treatment strategy, symptomatically detected DCIS, and presence of comedo necrosis. Margin status reached statistical significance only for patients treated by BCS (hazard ratio, 2.0; 95% confidence interval, 1.1-4.0) whereas significance of other prognostic variables did not change. CONCLUSIONS: In a defined population outside a trial setting, RT after BCS for DCIS lowered recurrence rates. Besides the use of RT, a microscopically complete excision of DCIS is essential. This is especially true for patients with symptomatically detected DCIS and with tumors that contain comedo necrosis, as these groups are at particular high risk for recurrent disease.  相似文献   

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