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患者女。50岁.反复上腹痛3个月余。超声提示:胃小弯侧胃外胰腺上方可见大小3.0cm×2.8cm极低回声团,边界清楚,与胰体无分界。超声诊断:胰体上方占位。CT表现:左侧胃底部胃外见-囊性病灶(图1A).大小约3.5cm×3.4cm×3.3cm.类椭圆形,境界清晰,边缘光滑锐利,膨胀性生长,胃底部胃壁受压内陷,病灶与胃壁不可明显分开, 相似文献
患者男,36岁。数小时前饮酒后出现胸部胀满不适,尔后出现胸闷,胸痛,持续不缓解。CT检查:后下纵隔见一4 cm×6cm软组织密度影,其内可见散在高密度影。CT值范围为14~62 Hu,向邻近一侧肺野突出,食管受压移位。MRI检查:后纵隔心脏水平见类圆形占位,T1WI病变呈等,低信号。T2WI病变呈 相似文献
患儿,女,3岁,“发现右颈前包块3年”,于1995年5月17日入院,患儿出生时其母即发现其右颈前有一如豌豆样大小包块,局部皮肤无红肿等,行穿刺细胞学检查提示“右颈前囊肿(先天性)”未作任何治疗。近3年来,包块呈进行性增大,速度缓慢,现如麻雀蛋大小,无... 相似文献
患者女 ,2 7岁 ,第 1胎 ,孕 2 8周 ,行常规产前检查 ,胎儿呈头位 ,腹围 (AC)2 4 .1cm ,双顶径 (BPD) 7.3cm ,头围 (HC)2 5 .5cm ,股骨长径 (FL) 5 .1cm ,胸围(TC) 2 6 .7cm ,胎心率 (FHR) 14 0次 /分 ,规则 ,羊水指数 (AFI) 11.5cm。超声于胎儿胸 相似文献
患者男性,44岁。10年前体检时B超发现左肾上腺囊肿,此后检查有时未见,平时未感不适,仅在剧烈运动如打球后感腹胀,未做任何治疗。近期在我院体检,B超又发现肾上腺包块,CT平扫示左肾上腺区域可见类圆形低密度影,边缘尚清,大小为2.5 cm×2.3 cm,增强扫描示肾上腺区域结块影呈不均匀强化(图1),考虑左侧肾上腺腺瘤。遂行肾上腺肿瘤切除术。术中见左肾上腺4 cm×3 cm×2 cm大小囊性肿块,完整切除组织送病理检查。病理检查巨检:灰白色结节4 cm×3.5 cm×2 cm大小,表面稍粗糙,切开为囊性,内为土黄色胶冻状物,壁厚0.1~0.2 cm,内壁大部分光滑,见3处直径0.3 cm灰白区。经仔细检查,囊壁外见0.8 cm×0.8 cm大小灰黄区似肾上腺组织。镜检:囊壁成于纤维结缔组织,其间见软骨及黏液腺体(图2),囊壁局部可见肾上腺组织(图3),囊内壁被覆纤 相似文献
病例男,51岁。阵发性头痛半年余,加重半个月。疼痛位于头颅中线右侧,呈阵发性胀痛,每次持续2~3min,每日1~2次,无明显缓解方式。 相似文献
患儿,男,13岁,因腹痛CT检查发现左侧肾上腺占位而人院治疗.实验室检查:24 h尿儿茶酚胺及血中儿茶酚氨、肾索系列、血管紧张素、醛固酮、皮质醇、血铅均在正常范围.骨穿骨髓液分析示:骨髓增生性改变,神经母细胞表型分析(一).CT平扫 增强示:左肾上腺区见梭形软组织影,大小约33 mm×23 mm,形态规则,平扫时CT值约50 HU,增强后强化不明显. 相似文献
患者男,24岁,右胸部肿块20余年,近来增大伴刺痛1个月.查体:右胸部可见4.5 cm×4.5 cm大小的肿块,质中,表面光滑,活动度可,有轻触压痛.B超:右锁骨内侧约4.3 cm×2.6 cm大小囊性占位,透声差. 相似文献
Chao Li Xin-Wei Zhang Chang-An Zhao Min Liu 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》2022,10(34):12671-12677
BACKGROUNDBronchogenic cysts are cystic masses caused by congenital abnormal development of the respiratory system, and usually occur in the pulmonary parenchyma or mediastinum.CASE SUMMARYA rare case of a bronchogenic cyst discovered in the abdominal cavity of a 35-year-old man is reported. Physical examination found a space-occupying lesion in the patient’s abdomen for 4 d. Laparoscopic exploration found the cyst tightly adhered to the stomach and its peripheral blood vessels; therefore, intraoperative laparotomy was performed. The cystic mass was resected en bloc with an Endo-GIA stapler. The final postoperative pathological diagnosis confirmed an abdominal bronchogenic cyst.CONCLUSIONThis is a rare case of a bronchogenic cyst that was discovered within the abdominal cavity of a male patient. The cyst is easily confused with or misdiagnosed as other lesions. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish abdominal bronchogenic cyst from gastrointestinal stromal tumor, Meckel’s diverticulum, enteric duplication cyst, or lymphangioma. Although computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were the primary diagnostic approaches, endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration could assist with clarification of the cytological or histopathological diagnosis before surgery. 相似文献
食管壁内支气管囊肿1例报告 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
患者女,15岁,因反复吞咽困难15年入院;口服解痉药物可缓解。1999年曾在我院行食管钡餐检查提示贲门失弛缓症,后行内镜下食管下括约肌扩张术失败;2001年在当地医院行食管括约肌切开术,术后吞咽困难仍未缓解。再次以贲门失弛缓症收入院。胸部正位片于心脏右缘重叠处见一水滴状的软组织密度增高影,边缘尚清晰(图1);食管碘水造影:见食管下段轻度扩张,食管右前壁见一长约5.0cm光滑的充盈缺损,局部黏膜平展,未见破坏,食管向右侧偏移,钡剂通过尚顺畅,在距贲门约4cm处见造影剂不规则局限性外溢,呈囊袋状,大小约4.0cm×1.6cm;立位可见囊状气液平面及… 相似文献
We herein report a rare case of ileal bronchogenic cyst that was found in a 39-year-old Chinese man. He had no symptoms and the physical examination was normal. Tumor markers were within the normal range. Abdominopelvic enhanced computed tomography showed a mass in the lower abdominal cavity and the tumor had a complete capsule. Diagnostic laparoscopy was then performed, which showed that a spheroid mass with a complete capsule was located at the antimesenteric border of the distal ileum 20 cm from the ileocecal valve, measuring 6.0 cm × 6.0 cm × 5.0 cm. Considering that the malignancy of the tumor cannot be ruled out, and there is a risk of rupture during laparoscopic surgery, the patient was converted to an open surgery. Partial resection of the ileum with the tumor was performed, followed by a side-to-side anastomosis. The tumor was gray-red in color, filled with grayish yellow mucus and had no septum. The postoperative pathology revealed that the cystic wall was lined by pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium without cellular atypia. The wall consisted of bronchial mucous glands and smooth muscle fibers, and no abnormalities were found in adjacent ileum tissues. Thus, a diagnosis of bronchogenic cyst of the ileum was made. 相似文献
患者,男,49岁,因“发现右下腹包块1周”入院,入院前1周患者院外彩超体检提示“右下腹团块样回声,大小约8.0×7.0cm,病变性质难以确定”,无腹胀、腹痛、恶心、畏寒、发热等不适。 相似文献