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目的分析X连锁慢性肉芽肿病(X-CGD)的临床特征及CYBB基因突变。方法回顾分析1例X-CGD患儿的临床资料及其家系的CYBB基因检测结果。结果男性患儿,新生儿期起病,以反复严重的肺部感染为主要表现。患儿无刺激组及脂多糖(LPS)刺激组四唑氮蓝试验(NBT)均为0%,中性粒细胞氧化指数(NOI)为1.15。基因分析显示,患儿CYBB基因第6外显子出现缺失突变(579-582del ATTA),由此引起编码序列从189位异亮氨酸(I)发生移码突变,于212位氨基酸提前出现终止密码子(I 189 fs X 212)。患儿母亲及外祖母均为突变基因携带者。患儿母亲下一胎羊水细胞的CYBB基因未发现相同缺失突变。结论基因诊断1例CYBB基因突变X-CGD患者及其家系,产前基因检测可避免X-CGD患儿出生。  相似文献   

儿童X连锁慢性肉芽肿病临床特点和CYBB基因突变分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解X连锁慢性肉芽肿病患儿的临床特点及基因突变类型。方法观察X连锁慢性肉芽肿病(X-CGD)患儿起病方式、感染部位、病原谱和炎症并发症等临床特点,总结基因突变类型。结果 22例男童被诊断为X连锁慢性肉芽肿病,平均起病年龄为0.7岁,平均诊断年龄为2.7岁,6例有家族史。首发症状发热18例,咳嗽9例,皮肤/黏膜/淋巴结炎症6例,腹泻4例。首次诊断前3位依次为肺炎14例,败血症4例,脓疱疹及腹泻病各3例。感染前3位依次为至少1次肺部感染22例,败血症12例,肛周脓肿6例。肺组织及血培养曲霉菌2例、伤寒杆菌1例。BCG接种同侧腋下淋巴结钙化12例、肿大1例,远距离淋巴结钙化4例,播散性卡介苗病(BCG-osis)1例,高度怀疑肺结核4例,骨结核1例。CYBB基因突变分析示缺失/插入2例,拼接区突变6例,无义突变6例,错义突变8例。新发现的突变为8例。结论对于反复肺炎的患儿,尤其伴有败血症、皮肤过度疤痕/肛周脓肿者,若常规体液和细胞免疫功能正常,应考虑慢性肉芽肿病可能,曲霉菌肺炎需尤其关注。重症BCG淋巴结炎具有提示诊断的意义。CYBB基因突变分布广泛,异质性明显。基因突变分析是开展遗传咨询和产前诊断的重要工具。  相似文献   

目的 探讨慢性肉芽肿病的临床特征及基因突变特点。方法 回顾性分析2015年1月至2018年6月在郑州大学附属儿童医院确诊的8例慢性肉芽肿病患儿的临床资料,包括临床表现、 中性粒细胞呼吸爆发试验、基因测序、 治疗及预后。结果 男性7例,女性1例,中位起病年龄和中位诊断年龄分别为17 d和44 d。全部病例病初均有发热症状。肺炎8例,卡介苗接种后异常反应3例; 反复腹泻、 血便合并肛瘘者1例; 肛周脓肿1例; 化脓性淋巴结炎2例; 皮肤脓疱疹2例。病原学结果: 分枝杆菌4例(50%),其中包括3例卡介苗感染,1例结核分枝杆菌感染; 金黄色葡萄球菌1例(12.5%); 烟曲霉菌1例(12.5%); 烟曲霉菌合并白色念珠菌1例(12.5%); 洋葱伯克霍尔德菌1例(12.5%)。全部病例中性粒细胞呼吸爆发试验活化率均<20%。7例患儿明确基因突变类型,其中6例男性患儿CYBB基因突变,1例女性患儿NCF2基因突变。3例死亡,5例存活。结论 慢性肉芽肿病起病早,病死率高,肺部感染最常见,卡介苗接种后异常反应对慢性肉芽肿病诊断具有重要提示意义。中性粒细胞呼吸爆发试验及基因测序有助于早期诊断。  相似文献   

目的了解X-连锁慢性肉芽肿病(X-CGD)患儿的临床特点、治疗方法及基因突变类型。方法选择我科2013年4-12月经基因检测明确诊断为X-CGD的病例,总结患儿起病时间、症状、影像学表现、病原学检查、治疗及转归情况,了解基因突变类型。结果研究期间共收治4例X-CGD患儿,均为男婴,起病日龄13~17天,诊断日龄24-34天,1例有家族史。首发症状发热3例,咳嗽1例。肺CT表现为结节、不规则、球形或类圆形高密度灶。痰培养1例为烟曲霉菌和金黄色葡萄球菌,1例为白色念珠菌,2例阴性;血培养均阴性;血清半乳甘露聚糖(GM)试验阳性3例。应用抗细菌联合抗真菌治疗2-3周,4例均好转出院,随访6个月3例未复发,1例出院后未按医嘱服药生后5个月因反复严重感染死亡。CYBB基因突变分析示缺失突变1例,插入突变1例,错义突变2例,患儿母亲均为携带者。结论本病在新生儿期呼吸道症状及体征相对较轻,但影像学显示肺部病变严重,肺CT表现为多发结节或团块影,常规体液和细胞免疫功能正常的新生儿应考虑X-CGD。CYBB基因突变分布广泛,异质性明显,基因突变分析将成为产前诊断的重要工具。  相似文献   

目的了解新生儿慢性肉芽肿病(CGD)的临床特征和诊断。方法回顾分析1例新生儿CGD的临床资料。结果患儿系新生儿期起病,除反复发热外,临床症状及体征不明显,接种疫苗后出现皮疹,曾有小脓疱性皮疹;中性粒细胞呼吸爆发功能检测提示刺激指数(SI)明显下降,曲霉菌抗原阳性,结核抗体、PPD实验及T-SPOT均阴性,肺部CT影像学可见多处结节实变影。抗感染及对症治疗效果不佳,后期出现巨噬细胞活化表现,自动出院后不久死亡。CYBB基因分析发现1个半合子突变:c.845_855del(缺失),导致氨基酸改变p.E283Afs*61(移码突变)。该变异不属于多态性位点,在人群中发生频率极低,为自发突变。结论对于新生儿期起病,存在疫苗接种后反应或皮肤感染、反复发热、中性粒细胞呼吸爆发功能检测SI下降、肺部CT影像学特征性多发结节实变影者,要高度怀疑CGD,CYBB基因突变是其常见致病原因。  相似文献   

目的 了解慢性肉芽肿病的临床特点及早期诊断要点.方法 回顾性分析1例新生儿期诊断的慢性肉芽肿患儿资料,并结合相关文献进行总结.结果 患儿系足月产男婴,生后18d即出现反复发热,肺部有感染灶,多种抗生素治疗无效.患儿母亲有两兄长在新生儿期夭折.对患儿及其父母行中性粒细胞呼吸爆发试验,患儿确诊为慢性肉芽肿,患儿母亲为致病基因携带者.结论 对早期反复出现感染的男性患儿,特别是母系有阳性家族史者,应警惕慢性肉芽肿病,中性粒细胞呼吸爆发试验可早期明确诊断.  相似文献   

目的 探讨新生儿慢性肉芽肿病(CGD)的临床特征及基因表型,为早诊断、早治疗、预防再次感染以及改善患儿预后提供依据.方法 回顾性分析首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院2013年1月至12月收治的6例新生儿期CGD,总结其临床特点、辅助检查结果及基因表型特点.结果 6例患儿均为男性,平均起病日龄为出生后19 d.首发症状:6例发热、咳嗽,3例皮疹.6例呼吸爆发试验阳性.影像学均表现为肺内大小不等结节影.6例患儿均存在CYBB基因突变,其中氨基酸突变4例,剪切点消失1例,移码突变1例.6例患儿白细胞升高,以中性粒细胞为主;5例完善免疫球蛋白系列结果,未见明显异常.所有患儿均予抗生素及抗真菌药物治疗,患儿好转出院.对6例患儿进行电话随访1年,5例遵医嘱预防用药的患儿均存活,且生长发育良好.1例患儿未遵嘱预防用药,于出生后5个月因严重感染导致多脏器衰竭死亡.结论 新生儿期有发热、咳嗽表现,肺部胸片及CT可见真菌感染或金黄色葡萄球菌感染的典型大小不等弥散性结节状、大片状高密度影,应高度重视CGD可能.对于诊断为新生儿CGD的患儿,应规律预防性应用抗生素及抗真菌药物,以改善患儿预后.  相似文献   

目的探讨X染色体连续缺失所致的与X连锁慢性肉芽肿病(X-CGD)相关的Mcleod综合征的临床特征。方法回顾分析2例经基因分析诊断为Mcleod综合征和X连锁慢性肉芽肿病患儿的临床资料。结果两例男性患儿分别为4岁1个月及1岁9个月,均以迁延性肺内感染入院,既往有反复重症感染史,均有卡介苗相关淋巴结炎,因呼吸爆发缺陷和CYBB基因全外显子缺失明确诊断为X连锁慢性肉芽肿病。患儿同时有运动落后,用MLPA方法分别检测到DMD基因外显子1-44及肌肉特异性启动子区及外显子1-2缺失,诊断为Duchenne型肌营养不良(DMD)。例1外周血涂片有明显棘状红细胞,例2 XK基因突变分析为全外显子缺失,诊断为Mcleod综合征。结论 X染色体连续缺失可导致Mcleod综合征及DMD和X-CGD的组合,使病情复杂化。由于缺乏Kx抗原,反复输普通血会产生相关抗体,出现急骤的输血危象。  相似文献   

目的总结分析感染洋葱伯克霍尔德菌的X连锁慢性肉芽肿病患儿的临床特点。方法回顾分析2010年1-2月于北京儿童医院住院治疗的2例感染洋葱伯克霍尔德菌的X连锁慢性肉芽肿病患儿的临床资料。结果 2例男性患儿,分别为0.5岁和1.7岁,均经CYBB基因突变分析明确诊断为X连锁慢性肉芽肿病。1例经反复血培养、1例经反复尿培养诊断为洋葱伯克霍尔德菌感染。药敏试验结果提示均为敏感菌株。结论洋葱伯克霍尔德菌是人类机会性病原,常表现为慢性肉芽肿病。常规抗生素治疗可根除感染。预防应用复方磺胺药物对此类患儿具有保护意义。  相似文献   

目的探讨NCF2基因突变所致儿童慢性肉芽肿的临床特点并基因分析。方法回顾分析1例因肺内多发结节影而被发现的慢性肉芽肿患儿的临床资料及基因检测结果,并复习相关文献。结果患儿,女,生后20天因呼吸道感染症状行胸部CT检查发现双肺多发类圆形结节影,中性粒细胞活化刺激试验显示未见刺激活化细胞。基因测序显示NCF2基因纯合突变,c.233GA;p.(Gly78Glu)。确诊为儿童慢性肉芽肿病。结论对于无明显诱因出现反复感染、肺部多发结节,但免疫球蛋白水平及淋巴细胞亚群无异常的患儿应考虑慢性肉芽肿可能,中性粒细胞活化刺激试验有助于诊断,最终诊断依靠基因检测。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is a primary immunodeficiency characterized by early onset of recurrent and severe infections. The molecular defects causing CGD are heterogeneous and lead to absence, low expression, or malfunctioning of one of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase components. The aim of this study was to analyze the clinical features and to investigate the molecular genetic defects of Latin American patients with CGD. PROCEDURES: The study included 14 patients. The diagnosis was based on a history of recurrent severe infections, impaired respiratory burst, and the demonstration of an underlying mutation by single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) or RT-PCR analysis, followed by genomic DNA or cDNA sequencing. RESULTS: Seven unrelated patients were found to have the X-linked form of CGD (X-CGD). Heterogeneous mutations affected the CYBB gene: two insertions, one substitution, and four splice site defects; two of them are novel. Seven patients presented with one of the autosomal recessive forms of CGD (A47-CGD); all had the most common mutation, a DeltaGT deletion in exon 2 of the NCF1 gene. Pneumonia was the most frequent clinical feature, followed by pyoderma, sinusitis, otitis, and liver abscess. Patients with X-CGD were more likely to have initial infections before age 2 years and to have inflammatory obstructive granulomas later. None of the patients had severe adverse reactions to BCG immunization. CONCLUSIONS: X-CGD patients from Latin America showed a high degree of molecular heterogeneity, including two novel mutations. Their clinical characteristics included early onset of infections and eventual obstructive granulomas. A47-CGD represented 50% of the reported cases, a higher prevalence than reported in other series.  相似文献   

目的探讨单倍体造血干细胞(haplo-HSC)联合第三方脐血(tpCB)移植治疗X连锁慢性肉芽肿(X-CGD)的临床疗效。方法 2014年4月至2018年3月我院收治26例男性X-CGD患儿,采用haplo-HSC联合tpCB移植治疗,移植中位年龄3.5岁,供者25例为父亲,1例为姑姑。HLA配型5/6相合9例,4/6相合12例,3/6相合5例。清髓性预处理方案选用白消安/环磷酰胺/氟达拉滨/抗胸腺球蛋白;预防急性移植物抗宿主病(aGVHD)采用环孢素A和吗替麦考酚酯。于移植第1天分别输注单倍体骨髓造血干细胞和tpCB,移植第2天输注单倍体外周造血干细胞,回输单倍体总有核细胞中位数为14.6×108/kg体重,CD34+细胞中位数为5.9×106/kg体重,CD3+细胞中位数为2.1×108/kg体重。结果中性粒细胞和血小板植入中位天数分别是移植后12 d和23 d。移植后30 d为供者型完全嵌合,其中25例为单倍体,1例为脐血。无1例发生原发性植入失败和植入功能不良,1例发生继发性植入失败。NADPH氧化酶活力于移植后1个月均恢复正常。Ⅰ~Ⅱ度aGVHD发生率达35%,Ⅲ~Ⅳ度达15%,1例出现慢性GVHD(cGVHD,皮肤局限性),予激素未进展。随访6~52个月,存活25例,其中24例为无病存活(23例不伴cGVHD,1例伴慢性局限型皮肤排异),NADPH氧化酶活性均恢复正常,1例发生继发性植入失败但仍存活;1例于移植后16个月死于病毒性间质性肺炎。5年的EFS率和OS率分别为81%±12%和89%±10%。结论 haplo-HSC联合tpCB是治疗儿童X-CGD的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is a primary immunodeficiency due to absent or decreased NADPH oxidase activity in phagocytic cells. The X-linked form of the disease (X-CGD) arises from mutations in the CYBB gene, which encodes the 91-kD glycoprotein gp91(phox), the largest component of the oxidase. METHODS: The authors recently started the molecular characterization of X-CGD in 18 patients reported to the Argentinean Registry of Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases. The authors reviewed data from clinical records to examine the relationship of clinical presentation and the type of mutations responsible for the genotype. RESULTS: The frequency and type of infections present in these patients were similar to prior reports. However, pulmonary tuberculosis was observed in the group as well as unusual complications such as eosinophilic cystitis, hepatic abscess with cholangitis, and chronic orchitis. Eleven different mutations in the CYBB gene were identified, and seven of them were novel. The types of mutations were intronic, single-nucleotide substitution resulting in nonsense or missense codons and one or two nucleotide deletions resulting in frameshifts. Molecular studies of 18 mothers revealed X-CGD carrier status in all but 2. CONCLUSIONS: No correlation existed between the type of mutation and the clinical phenotype of the disease: the molecular defects identified resulted in no expression of the flavocytochrome b558 in patients' neutrophils, leading to the X91(o)-CGD phenotype. The lack of gp91(phox) protein could explain the early onset and the severity of the clinical manifestations of CGD in this group of patients from Argentina.  相似文献   

Tacrolimus has become an effective alternative to cyclosporine as a component of primary immunosuppression in pediatric renal transplant patients, but the information on the pharmacokinetic characteristics of tacrolimus in young patients is still limited. The primary objective of this study was to determine the effect of patient age, ethnicity, and concurrent steroid administration on tacrolimus pharmacokinetics in pediatric renal transplant patients. The study population consisted of 30 pediatric patients, age 1.5-18.6 yr, who received a kidney transplant between July 1999 and February 2004. After twice daily dosing was stabilized based on clinical judgment, at least 5 days postoperatively, tacrolimus levels were drawn prior to, and 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 h after the morning dose. The mean dose of tacrolimus was 0.12 mg/kg/dose. Mean trough level was 11.9 +/- 5.0 ng/mL. Mean area under the curve (AUC) was 192 +/- 84 with a range of 78-360 h x (ng/mL). The correlation between trough level and AUC was only fair (r = 0.74); later time points correlated better with AUC, and an excellent correlation (r = 0.96) was obtained between the mean of trough and 2-h level (C(2)) and AUC. There was a negative correlation between age and dose per body weight (r = -0.68). African-American patients had marginally lower drug exposure with similar dosing. Three age groups (<5, 5-12, and >12 yr) were compared with respect to dosing and AUC. Despite similar AUC in all three groups, the mean dose per kg required to achieve the AUC was 2.7- and 1.9-fold higher in the <5 and 5-12-yr groups, respectively, compared with the >12-yr group. Nine of the 30 patients were on a totally steroid-free regimen. Their tacrolimus dose and trough levels were similar to those of steroid-exposed patients, but their mean AUC was 41% higher. Our results show an inverse correlation between age and required tacrolimus dose, wide interindividual variation, and greater exposure with steroid-free regimen despite no change in trough level.  相似文献   

Ten patients of nephropathic cystinosis were admitted during the period 1995-2000. Their mean age was 12 months. The signs of failure to thrive and advanced rickets were seen in all patients. Other features included polyuria, polydipsia, pathologic fractures and deafness. Laboratory findings included glucosuria, hyposthenuria, hypocalcemia, proteinuria and azotemia. Therapy with phosphocysteamine showed marked clinical improvement.  相似文献   

We examined the clinical course of 17 preterm infants with chronic lung disease who received loop diuretics and developed nephrocalcinosis; nine of them were followed for up to 4.5 years. The mean gestational age was 26.8 weeks (SD 2.2 weeks), and mean birth weight was 830 gm (SD 276 gm). The diagnosis of renal calcification was made at a mean age of 12 weeks (SD 6.5 weeks) by abdominal x-ray examination, screening abdominal ultrasound studies or, both. Calcification was associated with both furosemide therapy and the presence of multiple potential risk factors. Renal calcification, length, and function were subsequently evaluated in nine patients at a mean age of 21.3 months (SD 15.3 months). Improvement in calcification occurred in five patients, with total resolution in four. Renal length, determined by ultrasound examination and corrected for body length, was normal in 17 of 18 kidneys. Serum creatinine values and calculated glomerular filtration rates were abnormal in four of nine patients. We conclude that renal calcification in preterm infants is associated with multiple risk factors, including furosemide usage, and tends to diminish during the first year of life. However, renal function may remain compromised in some patients.  相似文献   

It is generally agreed that low osmolar contrast media are better tolerated than conventional media. This study examined both tolerance and image quality of ioxaglate in a group of paediatric patients undergoing angiocardiography for congenital heart disease. A consecutive series of 50 patients (mean age 5.47 years; range 4 days-14 years) were examined. The mean dose of ioxaglate administered per patient was 2.93 mL/kg. In general, ioxaglate was well tolerated. Three patients became febrile and another developed eosinophilia. Serum creatinine rose by a mean of 10 mumol/L. Significant renal dysfunction occurred in 12 patients with an increase in creatinine of 20-30 mumol/L. In no patient, however, were these effects a significant clinical problem. Diagnostic image quality was generally considered to be good with both cine-angiography and digital subtraction angiographic techniques.  相似文献   

 The effects of sex hormones on bladder function have been evaluated in adult females, especially in regard to postmenopausal incontinence and bladder irritability syndromes. These have not been investigated in children in regard to urodynamic findings. An intersex patient whose bladder is under the influence of androgens is a natural model to investigate the effects of male sex hormones on bladder function in females. To evaluate the urodynamic findings and clinical symptoms in a group of intersex patients and to determine how androgens influence bladder function in female children, clinical and urodynamic records of 12 intersex patients with adrenogenital syndrome were investigated retrospectively. The mean age was 9 ± 5.7 years (1.5–18) and the mean follow-up period was 5.1 ± 4.4 years (1–12). Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) was present in all cases. Only 3 patients had urinary symptoms and incontinence, but these findings did not correlate with their urodynamic findings. None of the patients required medications for their urinary symptoms. Nine are still being treated medically by the pediatric endocrine team with hydrocortisone for CAH. The upper urinary tract was found to be normal with no hydronephrosis. The mean bladder capacity (269 ± 122 ml) was lower (86.7%) than the estimated capacity for age. The mean compliance was 20 ± 13.7 ml/cmH2O. No unstable detrusor contractions were encountered. The most remarkable finding was this reduced bladder capacity of androgenized female patients for age, which shows the antagonistic effect of androgens on bladder urodynamics in females. Accepted: 11 January 2000  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) has been found to be of significant importance in clinical practice because numerous blood pressure (BP) measurements may be made throughout the 24-hour period. OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical utility of ABPM in children with secondary hypertension. METHODS: We studied 37 patients (21 boys and 16 girls), with a mean age of 16.4 +/- 4.1 years, after kidney transplantation and 38 patients (27 boys and 11 girls), with a mean age of 10.2 +/- 2.1 years, after surgical correction of aortic coarctation. Data, expressed as mean +/- SD, were analyzed after dividing the patients into 4 groups. Group A consisted of 25 patients receiving antihypertensive therapy; group B included 12 patients not receiving antihypertensive therapy. Group C included 25 patients operated on before 3 years of age (8 +/- 7 months of age); group D included 13 patients operated on after 3 years of age (74 +/- 29 months of age). RESULTS: In groups A and B, casual BP measurement showed that 16 of 37 patients (43%) were hypertensive; 24-hour ABPM detected a larger number of patients who were hypertensive (23 of 37, 62%); there were 18 in group A and 5 in group B. In groups C and D, casual BP measurement identified 6 of 38 (15%) patients as hypertensive, whereas 24-hour ABPM again identified a higher number (13 of 38, 34%). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings confirm that 24-hour ABPM is more sensitive than casual BP in detecting abnormal BP in patients at high risk for secondary hypertension.  相似文献   

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