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The Ts65Dn mouse is a genetic model for Down syndrome. Although this mouse shows abnormalities in cognitive function that implicate hippocampus as well as marked deficits in hippocampal long-term potentiation, the structure of the hippocampus has been little studied. We characterized synaptic structure in Ts65Dn and control (2N) mice, studying the hippocampus (fascia dentata, CA1) as well as the motor and somatosensory cortex, entorhinal cortex, and medial septum. Confocal microscopy was used to examine immunostained presynaptic boutons and to detail the structure of dendrites after Lucifer yellow microinjection. Both presynaptic and postsynaptic elements were significantly enlarged in Ts65Dn in all regions examined. The changes were detected at the youngest age examined (postnatal day 21) and in adults. In studies detailing the changes in fascia dentata and motor cortex, the enlargement of spines affected the entire population, resulting in the presence of spines whose volume was greatly increased. Electron microscopy confirmed that boutons and spines were enlarged and demonstrated abnormalities in the internal membranes of both. In addition, spine density was decreased on the dendrites of dentate granule cells, and there was reorganization of inhibitory inputs, with a relative decrease in inputs to dendrite shafts and an increase in inputs to the necks of spines. Taken together, the findings document widespread abnormalities of synaptic structure that recapitulate important features seen in Down syndrome. They establish the Ts65Dn mouse as a model for abnormal synapse structure and function in Down syndrome and point to the importance of studies to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for synapse enlargement.  相似文献   

The Ts65Dn mouse, an adult model of Down syndrome displays behavioral deficits consistent with a dysfunctional hippocampus, similar to that seen with DS. In looking for mechanisms underlying these performance deficits, we have assessed adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of Ts65Dn. Under untreated conditions, Ts65Dn mice (2-5 months old) showed markedly fewer BrdU-labeled cells than euploid animals. Chronic antidepressant treatment for over 3 weeks with the serotonin selective reuptake inhibitor, fluoxetine, increased neurogenesis in the Ts65Dn to comparable levels seen in the euploid by augmenting both proliferation and survival of BrdU-labeled cells in the subgranular layer and granule cell layer of the hippocampus, respectively.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) is a neurological disorder causing impaired learning and memory. Partial trisomy 16 mice (Ts65Dn) are a genetic model for DS. Previously, we demonstrated widespread alterations of pre‐ and postsynaptic elements and physiological abnormalities in Ts65Dn mice. The average diameter of presynaptic boutons and spines in the neocortex and hippocampus was enlarged. Failed induction of long‐term potentiation (LTP) due to excessive inhibition was observed. In this paper we investigate the morphological substrate for excessive inhibition in Ts65Dn. We used electron microscopy (EM) to characterize synapses, confocal microscopy to analyze colocalization of the general marker for synaptic vesicle protein with specific protein markers for inhibitory and excitatory synapses, and densitometry to characterize the distribution of the receptor and several proteins essential for synaptic clustering of neurotransmitter receptors. EM analysis of synapses in the Ts65Dn vs. 2N showed that synaptic opposition lengths were significantly greater for symmetric synapses (~18%), but not for asymmetric ones. Overall, a significant increase in colocalization coefficients of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD)65/p38 immunoreactivity (IR) (~27%) and vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT)/p38 IR (~41%) was found, but not in vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1)/p38 IR. A significant overall decrease of IR in the hippocampus of Ts65Dn mice compared with 2N mice for glutamate receptor 2 (GluR2; ~13%) and anti‐γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA)A receptor β2/3 subunit (~20%) was also found. The study of proteins essential for synaptic clustering of receptors revealed a significant increase in puncta size for neuroligin 2 (~13%) and GABAA receptor‐associated protein (GABARAP; ~13%), but not for neuroligin 1 and gephyrin. The results demonstrate a significant alteration of inhibitory synapses in the fascia dentata of Ts65Dn mice. J. Comp. Neurol. 512:453–466, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that increased GABAergic innervation in the hippocampus plays a significant role in cognitive dysfunction in Down syndrome (DS). Bolstering this notion, are studies linking hyper‐innervation of the dentate gyrus (DG) by GABAergic terminals to failure in LTP induction in the Ts65Dn mouse model of DS. Here, we used extensive morphometrical methods to assess the status of GABAergic interneurons in the DG of young and old Ts65Dn mice and their 2N controls. We detected an age‐dependent increase in GABAergic innervation of dentate granule cells (DGCs) in Ts65Dn mice. The primary source of GABAergic terminals to DGCs somata is basket cells (BCs). For this reason, we assessed the status of these cells and found a significant increase in the number of BCs in Ts65Dn mice compared with controls. Then we aimed to identify the gene/s whose overexpression could be linked to increased number of BCs in Ts65Dn and found that deleting the third copy of App gene in Ts65Dn mice led to normalization of the number of BCs in these mice. Our data suggest that App overexpression plays a major role in the pathophysiology of GABAergic hyperinnervation of the DG in Ts65Dn mice. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Ts65Dn (TS) mouse, the most widely used model of Down syndrome (DS), has a partial trisomy of a segment of chromosome 16 that is homologous to the distal part of human chromosome 21. This mouse shares many phenotypic characteristics with people with DS including neuromorphological, neurochemical, and cognitive disturbances. Both TS and DS brains show earlier aging and neurodegeneration. Since fibroblast cultures from TS mice and human DS hippocampal regions show increased apoptotic cell death it has been suggested that alterations in cerebral apoptosis might be implicated in the cognitive deficits found in TS mice and in people with DS. In the present study we have evaluated brain expression levels of several proapoptotic and antiapoptotic proteins from the mitochondrial (Bcl-2, Bcl-XL, Bax and Bad) and the extrinsic (Fas-R and Fas-L) apoptotic pathways as well as the final executioner caspase-3, in the cortex and hippocampus of TS mice. No significant alterations in the expression levels of the proapoptotic Bad and Bax or the antiapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins in the cortex or hippocampus were found in TS mice. However, TS mice showed downregulation of Bcl-XL in the hippocampus. In the extrinsic pathway we found unchanged levels of Fas-L in both structures and also in the expression levels of Fas-R in the hippocampus. Although Bcl-XL downregulation suggests that the hippocampus of TS mice is less protected against programmed cell death, we did not find any evidence for increased apoptosis in TS mice since neither TUNEL-positive cells nor active caspase-3 expression were found in cortex or hippocampus of TS or CO mice.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS), the leading genetic cause of mental retardation, is characterized by reduced number of cortical neurons and brain size. The occurrence of these defects starting from early life stages points at altered developmental neurogenesis as their major determinant. The goal of our study was to obtain comparative evidence for impaired neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) of DS fetuses and Ts65Dn mice, an animal model for DS. Cell proliferation in human fetuses was evaluated with Ki-67 (a marker of cells in S + G(2) + M phases of cell cycle) and cyclin A (a marker of cells in S phase) immunohistochemistry. We found that in the DG of DS fetuses the number of proliferating cells was notably reduced when compared with controls. A similar reduction was observed in the germinal matrix of the lateral ventricle. In both structures, DS fetuses showed a reduced ratio between cyclin A- and Ki-67-positive cells when compared with controls, indicating that they had a reduced number of cycling cells in S phase. In the DG of P2 Ts65Dn mice cell proliferation, assessed 2 h after an injection of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), was notably reduced, similarly to DS fetuses. After 28 days, Ts65Dn mice had still less BrdU-positive cells than controls. Phenotypic analysis of the surviving cells showed that Ts65Dn mice had a percent number of cells with astrocytic phenotype larger than controls. Using phospho-histone H3 immunohistochemistry we found that both DS fetuses and P2 Ts65Dn mice had a higher number of proliferating cells in G(2) and a smaller number of cells in M phase of cell cycle. Results provide novel evidence for proliferation impairment in the hippocampal DG of the DS fetal brain, comparable to that of the P2 mouse model, and suggest that cell cycle alterations may be critical determinants of the reduced proliferation potency.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) in humans is caused by trisomy of chromosome 21 and is marked by prominent difficulties in learning and memory. Decades of research have demonstrated that the hippocampus is a key structure in learning and memory, and recent work with mouse models of DS has suggested differences in hippocampal activity that may be the substrate of these differences. One of the primary functional differences in DS is thought to be an excess of GABAergic innervation from medial septum to the hippocampus. In these experiments, we probe in detail the activity of region CA1 of the hippocampus using in vivo electrophysiology in male Ts65Dn mice compared with their male nontrisomic 2N littermates. We find the spatial properties of place cells in CA1 are normal in Ts65Dn animals. However, we find that the phasic relationship of both CA1 place cells and gamma rhythms to theta rhythm in the hippocampus is profoundly altered in these mice. Since the phasic organization of place cell activity and gamma oscillations on the theta wave are thought to play a critical role in hippocampal function, the changes we observe agree with recent findings that organization of the hippocampal network is potentially of more relevance to its function than the spatial properties of place cells.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Recent evidence has disrupted the view that spatial deficits are associated with place cell abnormalities. In these experiments, we record hippocampal place cells and local field potential from the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome, and find phenomenologically normal place cells, but profound changes in the association of place cells and gamma rhythms with theta rhythm, suggesting that the overall network state is critically important for hippocampal function. These findings also agree with evidence suggesting that excess inhibitory control is the cause of hippocampal dysfunction in Down syndrome. The findings also confirm new avenues for pharmacological treatment of Down syndrome.  相似文献   

The FGL peptide is a neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) mimetic comprising a 15-amino-acid-long sequence of the FG loop region of the second fibronectin type III module of NCAM. It corresponds to the binding site of NCAM for the fibroblast growth factor receptor 1. FGL improves cognitive function through enhancement of synaptic function. We examined the effect of FGL on synaptic and dendritic structure in the brains of aged (22-month-old) rats that were injected subcutaneously (8 mg/kg) at 2-day intervals until 19 days after the start of the experiment. Animals were perfused with fixative, brains removed and coronal sections cut at 50 µm. The hippocampal volume was measured, tissue embedded and ultrathin sections viewed in a JEOL 1010 electron microscope. Analyses were made of synaptic and dendritic parameters following three-dimensional reconstruction via images from a series of ∼100 serial ultrathin sections. FGL affected neither hippocampal volume nor spine or synaptic density in the middle molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. However, it increased the ratio of mushroom to thin spines, number of multivesicular bodies and also increased the frequency of appearance of coated pits. Three-dimensional analysis showed a significant decrease in both post-synaptic density and apposition zone curvature of mushroom spines following FGL treatment, whereas for thin spines the convexity of the apposition zone increased. These data indicate that FGL induces large changes in the fine structure of synapses and dendritic spines in hippocampus of aged rats, complementing data showing its effect on cognitive processes.  相似文献   

Genes from the Down syndrome (DS) critical region of human chromosome 21, which contribute to the pathology of DS, are also found on mouse chromosome 16. Several animal models of DS with triplication of genes from the DS critical region have been generated, including mouse trisomy 16 (Ts16) and a partial trisomic mouse, Ts65Dn. Using computer-assisted imaging of fura-2 fluorescence, we found an elevation of intracellular cytoplasmic calcium in cortical astrocytes from neonatal Ts65Dn mouse brain, similar to that observed previously in embryonic Ts16 astrocytes. Furthermore, astrocytes from both Ts65Dn and Ts16 cortex fail to respond to the anti-proliferative actions of glutamate. These results suggest that defective regulation of cell proliferation and cellular calcium can result from triplication of DS critical region genes.  相似文献   

Ts65Dn mice have been developed as a model for Down syndrome (DS). Because of its involvement in complex behaviors, including sexual and aggressive behaviors, we investigated the nitric oxide (NO) system in specific brain regions of these mutant mice (TS) after isolation-induced aggression. Male TS mice displayed significantly higher aggression than wild type (WT) mice and the comparison of the NO system, both with immunohistochemical and histochemical methods, resulted in robust differences between TS and WT mice in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, in the nucleus of the diagonal band and in the medial septum, but not in the striatum of TS mice. In conclusion, we document alterations in the neuronal NO system of the TS mouse model of DS, suggesting a correlation of the behavioral aggressiveness with deficient NO production.  相似文献   

Examination of the morphological correlates of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus requires the analysis of both the presynaptic and postsynaptic elements. However, ultrastructural measurements of synapses and dendritic spines following LTP induced via tetanic stimulation presents the difficulty that not all synapses examined are necessarily activated. To overcome this limitation, and to ensure that a very large proportion of the synapses and spines examined have been potentiated, we induced LTP in acute hippocampal slices of adult mice by addition of tetraethylammonium (TEA) to a modified CSF containing an elevated concentration of Ca(2+) and no Mg(+). Quantitative electron microscope morphometric analyses and three-dimensional (3-D) reconstructions of both dendritic spines and postsynaptic densities (PSDs) in CA1 stratum radiatum were made on serial ultrathin sections. One hour after chemical LTP induction the proportion of macular (unperforated) synapses decreased (50%) whilst the number of synapses with simple perforated and complex PSDs (nonmacular) increased significantly (17%), without significant changes in volume and surface area of the PSD. In addition, the surface area of mushroom spines increased significantly (13%) whilst there were no volume differences in either mushroom or thin spines, or in surface area of thin spines. CA1 stratum radiatum contained multiple-synapse en passant axons as well as multiple-synapse spines, which were unaffected by chemical LTP. Our results suggest that chemical LTP induces active dendritic spine remodelling and correlates with a change in the weight and strength of synaptic transmission as shown by the increase in the proportion of nonmacular synapses.  相似文献   

The Ts65Dn segmental mouse model of Down syndrome (DS) possesses a triplication of the section of chromosome 16 that is most homologous to the human chromosome 21 that is trisomic in DS. This model exhibits many of the characteristics of DS including small size, developmental delays, and a decline of cholinergic systems and cognitive function with age. Recent studies have shown that vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) systems are upregulated in aged Ts65Dn mice and that VIP dysregulation during embryogenesis is followed by the hypotonia and developmental delays as seen in both DS and in Ts65Dn mice. Additionally, astrocytes from aged Ts65Dn brains do not respond to VIP stimulation to release survival-promoting substances. To determine if VIP dys-regulation is age-related in Ts65Dn mice, the current study examined VIP and VIP receptors (VPAC-1 and VPAC-2) in postnatal day 8 Ts65Dn mice. VIP and VPAC-1 expression was significantly increased in the brains of trisomic mice compared with wild-type mice. VIP-binding sites were also significantly increased in several brain areas of young Ts65Dn mice, especially in the cortex, caudate/putamen, and hippocampus. Further, in vitro treatment of normal neurons with conditioned medium from VIP-stimulated Ts65Dn astrocytes from neonatal mice did not enhance neuronal survival. This study indicates that VIP anomalies are present in neonatal Ts65Dn mice, a defect occurs in the signal transduction mechanism of the VPAC-1 VIP receptor, cortical astrocytes from neonatal brains are dysfunctional, and further, that VIP dysregulation may play a significant role in DS.  相似文献   

Agonist- and guanine-nucleotide-stimulated phospholipase C-beta (PLC) activity was characterized in crude plasma membrane preparations from cerebral cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum of Ts65Dn mice, a model for Down syndrome, and their control littermates. The levels of expression of PLC-beta((1-4)) isoforms and G-protein alpha(q/11) subunits were also quantified by Western blot analysis to establish their contribution to the patterns of PLC functioning. PLC activity regulated by G-proteins and muscarinic and 5-HT(2) receptors presented a regional distribution in both control and Ts65Dn mice. In both groups of mice, the intensity of PLC responses to maximal activation by calcium followed the sequence cerebellum > cortex > hippocampus. Both basal and maximal PLC activities, however, were significantly lower in cerebellar membranes of Ts65Dn than in control mice. This difference was mostly revealed in crude plasma membranes prepared from cerebellum at the level of G-protein-dependent-PLC activity because the concentration-response curve to GTPgammaS showed a reduction of the maximal effect in Ts65Dn mice, with no change in sensitivity (EC(50)). Western blot analysis showed a heterogeneous distribution of PLC-beta((1-4)) isoforms in both groups of mice. The levels of PLC-beta4 isoform, however, were significantly lower in the cerebellum of Ts65Dn than in control mice. We conclude that the cerebellum of Ts65Dn mice has severe deficiencies in PLC activity stimulated by guanine nucleotides, which are specifically related to a lower level of expression of the PLC-beta4 isoform, a fact that may account for the neurological phenotype observed in this murine model of Down syndrome.  相似文献   

The most common genetic cause of mental retardation is Down syndrome, trisomy of chromosome 21, which is accompanied by small stature, developmental delays, and mental retardation. In the Ts65Dn segmental trisomy mouse model of Down syndrome, the section of mouse chromosome 16 most homologous to human chromosome 21 is trisomic. This model exhibits aspects of Down syndrome including growth restriction, delay in achieving developmental milestones, and cognitive dysfunction. Recent data link vasoactive intestinal peptide malfunction with developmental delays and cognitive deficits. Blockage of vasoactive intestinal peptide during rodent development results in growth and developmental delays, neuronal dystrophy, and, in adults, cognitive dysfunction. Also, vasoactive intestinal peptide is elevated in the blood of newborn children with autism and Down syndrome. In the current experiments, vasoactive intestinal peptide binding sites were significantly increased in several brain areas of the segmental trisomy mouse, including the olfactory bulb, hippocampus, cortex, caudate/putamen, and cerebellum, compared with wild-type littermates. In situ hybridization for VIP mRNA revealed significantly more dense vasoactive intestinal peptide mRNA in the hippocampus, cortex, raphe nuclei, and vestibular nuclei in the segmental trisomy mouse compared with wild-type littermates. In the segmental trisomy mouse cortex and hippocampus, over three times as many vasoactive intestinal peptide-immunopositive cells were visible than in wild-type mouse cortex. These abnormalities in vasoactive intestinal peptide parameters in the segmental trisomy model of Down syndrome suggest that vasoactive intestinal peptide may have a role in the neuropathology of Down-like cognitive dysfunction.  相似文献   

The morphology of neurons in the main divisions of the hippocampal complex allow the easy identification of granule cells in the dentate gyrus and pyramidal cells in the CA1 and CA3 regions of Ammon's horn. However, neurons in the CA2 subfield have been much more difficult to reliably identify. We have recently identified a set of genes whose expression is restricted to either the dentate gyrus, CA1, CA2, or CA3. Here we show that these genes have an essentially nonoverlapping distribution throughout the entire septotemporal extent of the hippocampus. 3-Dimensional reconstruction of serial sections processed for in situ hybridization of mannosidase 1, alpha (CA1), bcl-2-related ovarian killer protein (CA3), and Purkinje cell protein 4 (dentate gyrus+CA2) was used to define the boundaries of each subregion throughout the entire hippocampus. The boundaries observed for these three genes are recapitulated across a much larger set of genes similarly enriched in specific hippocampal subregions. The extent of CA2 defined on the basis of gene expression is somewhat larger than that previously described on the basis of structural anatomical criteria, particularly at the rostral pole of the hippocampus. These results indicate that, at least at the molecular level, there are robust, consistent genetic boundaries between hippocampal subregions CA1, CA2, CA3, and the dentate gyrus, allowing a redefinition of their boundaries in order to facilitate functional studies of different neuronal subtypes in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Kurt MA  Kafa MI  Dierssen M  Davies DC 《Brain research》2004,1022(1-2):101-109
Ts65Dn mice are partially trisomic for the distal region of MMU16, which is homologous with the obligate segment of HSA21 triplicated in Down syndrome (DS). Ts65Dn mice are impaired in learning tasks that require an intact hippocampus. In order to investigate the neural basis of these deficits in this mouse model of Down syndrome, quantitative light and electron microscopy were used to compare the volume densities of neurons and synapses in the hippocampus of adult Ts65Dn (n=4) and diploid mice (n=4). Neuron density was significantly lower in the CA1 of Ts65Dn compared to diploid mice (p<0.01). Total synapse density was significantly lower in the dentate gyrus (DG; p<0.001), CA3 (p<0.05) and CA1 (p<0.001) of Ts65Dn compared to diploid mice. The synapse-to-neuron ratio was significantly lower in the DG (p<0.001), CA3 (p<0.01) and CA1 (p<0.001) of Ts65Dn compared to diploid mice. When the data were broken down by synapse type, asymmetric synapse density was found to be significantly lower in the DG (p<0.001), CA3 (p<0.05) and CA1 (p<0.001) of Ts65Dn compared to diploid mice, while such a difference in symmetric synapse density was only present in the DG (p<0.01). The asymmetric synapse-to-neuron ratio was significantly lower in the DG (p<0.001), CA3 (p<0.01) and CA1 (p<0.001) of Ts65Dn compared to diploid mice, but there were no such significant differences in symmetric synapse-to-neuron ratios. These results suggest that impaired synaptic connectivity in the hippocampus of Ts65Dn mice underlies, at least in part, their cognitive impairment.  相似文献   

Myelination is considered as one of the last steps of neuronal development and is essential to the physiologically matured function of afferent and efferent pathways. In the present study, myelin formation was examined in the human fetal, postnatal and adult hippocampal formation in Down syndrome and in age-matched controls with immunohistochemistry detecting a protein component of the myelin sheath, the myelin basic protein synthesized by oligodendroglial cells. Myelination is mainly a postnatal event in the hippocampal formation of both healthy controls and in patients with Down syndrome. In patients with Down syndrome the sequence of myelination of the hippocampal formation followed a similar developmental pattern to that in controls. However, myelin formation was generally delayed in Down syndrome compared to age-matched controls. In addition, in the hilus of the dentate gyrus a decreased density of myelinated axons was detected from the start of myelination until adulthood. The majority of local axons (mossy fibers) are not myelinated in the hilar region and myelinated fibers arriving in the hilus come mainly from the subcortical septal nuclei. Since intact septo-hippocampal connections are necessary for memory formation, we hypothesize that decreased myelination in the hilus may contribute to the mental retardation of Down syndrome patients.  相似文献   

Shetty AK  Hattiangady B 《Hippocampus》2007,17(10):943-956
Degeneration of the CA3 pyramidal and dentate hilar neurons in the adult rat hippocampus after an intracerebroventricular kainic acid (KA) administration, a model of temporal lobe epilepsy, leads to permanent loss of the calcium binding protein calbindin in major fractions of dentate granule cells and CA1 pyramidal neurons. We hypothesize that the enduring loss of calbindin in the dentate gyrus and the CA1 subfield after CA3-lesion is due to disruption of the hippocampal circuitry leading to hyperexcitability in these regions; therefore, specific cell grafts that are capable of both reconstructing the disrupted circuitry and suppressing hyperexcitability in the injured hippocampus can restore calbindin. We compared the effects of fetal CA3 or CA1 cell grafting into the injured CA3 region of adult rats at 45 days after KA-induced injury on the hippocampal calbindin. The calbindin immunoreactivity in the dentate granule cells and the CA1 pyramidal neurons of grafted animals was evaluated at 6 months after injury (i.e. at 4.5 months post-grafting). Compared with the intact hippocampus, the calbindin in "lesion-only" hippocampus was dramatically reduced at 6 months post-lesion. However, calbindin expression was restored in the lesioned hippocampus receiving CA3 cell grafts. In contrast, in the lesioned hippocampus receiving CA1 cell grafts, calbindin expression remained less than the intact hippocampus. Thus, specific cell grafting restores the injury-induced loss of calbindin in the adult hippocampus, likely via restitution of the disrupted circuitry. Since loss of calbindin after hippocampal injury is linked to hyperexcitability, re-expression of calbindin in both dentate gyrus and CA1 subfield following CA3 cell grafting may suggest that specific cell grafting is efficacious for ameliorating injury-induced hyperexcitability in the adult hippocampus. However, electrophysiological studies of KA-lesioned hippocampus receiving CA3 cell grafts are required in future to validate this possibility.  相似文献   

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