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In living related liver transplantation, the right lobe has come to be used as a graft to meet the metabolic demands of adult or adolescent recipients. In harvesting the right lobe as a graft, however, there is controversy as to whether or not the middle hepatic vein (MHV) should be included and reconstructed. Anatomical intrahepatic anastomosis between the right hepatic vein (RHV) and MHV is considered to exist, but the formation process of this functional anastomosis has not been demonstrated by Doppler ultrasonography (US). In our case, a right lobe including a right branch of the MHV was used as a graft. In implanting, the RHV was anastomosed to the inferior vena cava and the right branch of the MHV was ligated. Using Doppler US, we checked the blood flow in the hepatic vein after transplantation. Within 3 days of surgery, no flow was detected in the right branch of the MHV. A flow around the right branch of the MHV was observed at postoperative day 6. At postoperative day 9, a reverse flow was detected in which the right branch of the MHV drained into the RHV via the anastomosis between them. Based on our results, it appears that a functional intrahepatic anastomosis between hepatic veins formed gradually within 10 days of ligation of an afferent branch, during which time the graft function did not deteriorate.  相似文献   

A right liver graft without the middle hepatic vein (MHV) trunk is now commonly used in adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation (LDLT), but it is unclear whether hepatic venous collaterals would develop in clinical patient just after occlusion of hepatic veins. Between January 2005 and October 2006, 56 consecutive adult patients underwent LDLT using right lobe grafts without MHV in our center. Twenty-four patients (42.9%) had MHV tributaries reconstruction. Vascular flow in the graft and interposition vein graft patency was checked by Doppler ultrasonography (US) daily during hospital stay and monthly follow-up after discharge for 2 y. Among 24 cases with MHV reconstruction, interpositional graft block occurred in one case within 7 d after transplantation. A reversed flow in MHV tributaries and collaterals between MHV and right hepatic vein (RHV) was detected by Doppler US. Vessel graft blocks were found in 10 of 22 cases of MHV tributaries reconstruction between 4 to 9 mo after transplantation. Collaterals formation between MHV and RHV developed in 4 of 10 cases of vessel graft block, and their graft function did not deteriorate. In conclusion, nearly half of the patients needed reconstruction of MHV tributaries when a right lobe graft without MHV was used in LDLT. The authors thought that the reconstruction of MHV tributaries should be established when the congested area was dominant by the clamping test or when the diameter of the tributaries was >5 mm. It was found that there may not be any problems if reconstructed vessel graft obstruction was found 3 mo after transplantation, as intrahepatic venous collaterals between MHV and RHV could develop.  相似文献   

End-stage liver disease is often accompanied by thrombosis of the portal vein and the formation of splanchnic collateral vessels. Successful liver transplantation in such situations is more likely if the surgeon uses a strategy to establish a graft inflow. A 59-year-old male with a decompensated liver secondary to idiopathic portal hypertension underwent living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) using a right lobe liver graft donated from his son. His portal venous trunk was atrophied and a splenorenal shunt drained the mesenteric venous flow into the systemic circulation. LDLT was performed with renoportal anastomosis (RPA) using his right internal jugular vein as an interposed venous graft, without dissecting the collateral vessels. Although he developed temporary functional hyperbilirubinemia, he was discharged from the hospital 23 days after LDLT. This case suggests that RPA is a useful technique to manage patients with an obstructed portal vein and a splenorenal shunt.  相似文献   

Between March 2002 and September 2004, 36 patients at Mie University Hospital underwent living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) of a right lobe graft without the middle hepatic vein. The patients were divided into two groups: group I (n = 25) received ordinary hepatic vein anastomoses, and group II (n = 11) received a venous graft patch in the subsequent procedure. Between groups, we compared hepatic vein blood flow (ultrasound), liver volume (CT scan), laboratory data, and ascitic fluid volume. Outflow block developed as a complication in 1 patient in group I. Hepatic vein blood flow on postoperative day (POD) 3 was significantly better in group II, and hepatic vein waveforms of most group II patients showed the triphasic pattern, especially on PODs 3 and 5. The total bilirubin and aspartate aminotransferase values on POD 1 were significantly better in group II, and daily ascitic fluid volume on PODs 3 and 5 was significantly lower in group II. Thus, modified venoplasty with a graft patch in the right hepatic LDLT not only improved hepatic vein hemodynamics (based on the ultrasound findings), but also improved liver function and decreased daily ascitic fluid volume.  相似文献   

Background Adult living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) has become a routine treatment option for patients waiting for liver transplantation. In European and North American countries, LDLT for adult recipients is mainly performed with right lobe grafts. Indications, when compared to deceased donor liver transplantation, are controversial. Materials and methods In our institution, patients suffering from hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis, non-resectable hilar cholangiocarcinoma, viral hepatitis associated cirrhosis, as well as cholestatic liver and biliary disease are considered good candidates for LDLT. Results In this overview, donor evaluation, graft selection, and the donor operation with special regard to operative techniques and strategies are discussed. For visualization, a 5-min video sequence of the standard donor operation as performed in our institution is attached. Conclusion Given the ongoing shortage of donor organs, adult LDLT has become a routine treatment option for patients waiting for liver transplantation. The associated inevitable risk for the healthy donor, however, remains ethically controversial. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In right lobe living donor liver transplantation (ALDLT), reconstruction of middle hepatic vein (MHV) tributaries is often necessary to avoid severe graft congestion. From March 2001, we performed 36 right lobe ALDLT (segments 5, 6, 7, and 8) without MHV and one pediatric transplant (segments 2 and 3). In the presence of MHV tributaries larger than 5 mm, we intraoperatively evaluated the need for reconstruction. At a mean follow-up of 848 days (range=8-2412), 33/37 transplanted patients are alive with overall patient and graft survivals of 89.2% and 83.8%, respectively. Large MHV tributaries (>5 mm) were present in 10 cases, and inferior right hepatic veins (IRHV) draining segment 6 in 11 cases. In 10 cases, we performed an end-to-side anastomosis between the IRHV and the side of the recipient vena cava. In three cases, the MHV tributaries were end-to-end anastomosed to the stump of the recipient MHV. In all other cases, the vein tributaries were not reconstructed. A computed tomography scan performed from 1 to 3 months after surgery did not show any congested area in the liver parenchyma. In our experience, reconstruction of the MHV tributaries was not always necessary when graft-to-recipient weight ratio is >0.8. Pre- and intraoperative evaluation of the segmental branches of the hepatic vein is crucial to decide about reconstructing these collaterals. Anastomosis of V5 or V8 to the stump of the recipient MHV reduces the number of vascular anastomosis and maintains a physiological angle between these collaterals and the caval vein.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study sought to describe the surgical management of right portal venous (PV) branches encountered among 104 cases of right lobe living donor liver transplantation (LDLT). METHODS: From January 2002 to September 2007, we performed 104 cases of right-lobe LDLT including 11-donors who had anomalous right portal venous branches (APVB). One recipient had PV sponginess hemangioma. The donor right PV branches were type I in 93 cases, type II (trifurcation) in nine cases, and type III in two cases. Except one narrow bridge of tissue excision, the PV branches were transected on the principal of donor priority: PV branches were excised approximately 2 to 3 mm from the confluence while leaving the donor's main portal vein and confluence intact. In type II APVB, donor PV branches were obtained with two separate openings in six cases; with two separate openings joined as a common orifice at the back table in two cases, with one common opening with a narrow bridge of tissue in one case. In type III APVB, the donor right anterior and posterior PV branches were obtained with separate openings. The donor right PV branches with one common opening in 92 cases of type I PV branches and a joined common orifice in three cases of type II APVB were anastomosed to the recipient's main portal vein or to right branching. As the unavailable recipient PV for sponginess hemangioma, one case of type I right PV branches was end-to-end anastomosed to one of the variceal lateral veins of about 1 cm diameter in a pediatric patient. The PV were reconstructed as double anastomoses in six type II APVB and in one type III APVB obtained with two separate PV openings. In the another type III APVB reconstruction, we successfully utilized a novel U-shaped vein graft interposition. RESULTS: The type II APVB donor receiving a narrow bridge of portal vein tissue excision developed portal vein thrombosis on the third postoperative day and underwent reexploration for thrombectomy. There were no vascular complications, such as portal vein thrombosis or stricture among other donors or all recipients. The velocity of blood flow in the U-graft was normal. The anastomosis between the type I donor right portal vein and recipient variceal lateral vein was unobstructed. CONCLUSION: Right PV branches should be excised on the principal of donor priority while leaving the donor's main portal vein and confluence intact. Single anastomoses was the fundamental procedure of right branch reconstruction. Double anastomoses could be used as the main management for type II and type III APVB reconstruction. U-graft interposition may be a potential procedure for type III APVB reconstruction. Single anastomoses between the donor right portal vein and the recipient variceal lateral vein may be performed when recipient portal vein is unavailable. These innovations for excision and reconstruction of right PV branches were feasible, safe, and had good outcomes.  相似文献   

Congestion of right liver graft in living donor liver transplantation   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
Lee S  Park K  Hwang S  Lee Y  Choi D  Kim K  Koh K  Han S  Choi K  Hwang K  Makuuchi M  Sugawara Y  Min P 《Transplantation》2001,71(6):812-814
BACKGROUND: Left liver graft from a small donor will not meet the metabolic demands of a larger adult recipient. One solution to this problem is to use a right liver graft without a middle hepatic vein (MHV). However, the need for drainage from the MHV tributaries has not yet been described. METHODS: Five right liver grafts without a MHV were transplanted in patients including two hepatitis B virus-cirrhosis, two fulminant hepatic failure and one secondary biliary cirrhosis. The graft weight ranged from 650 to 1,000 g, corresponding to 48 to 83% of the standard liver volume of the recipients. RESULTS: Two of five recipients were complicated with severe congestion of the right median sector immediately after reperfusion, followed by prolonged massive ascites and severe liver dysfunction. One of the patients died of sepsis with progressive hepatic dysfunction 20 days after the operation. CONCLUSIONS: Preservation and reconstruction of the MHV tributaries is recommended to prevent congestion of the right liver graft without MHV.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Bile duct complications are the modern Achilles' heel of adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation. A duct-to-duct anastomosis is currently performed in the presence of single graft ducts, while cholangiojejunostomy is used to drain multiple ducts. Our aim is to describe the feasibility of duct-to-duct anastomoses independent of the presence of one or multiple graft bile ducts. METHODS: The probe technique for right bile duct dissection in donors and a proximal hilar bile duct division in recipients are illustrated. The BARIGA LDLT (biliary anastomosis in right graft for adult living donor liver transplantation recipients) with end-to-side or end-to-end hepatico-hepaticostomy was used in five recipients of right grafts (segments 5-8). RESULTS: All donors and recipients are doing well; all grafts are functional at 13 months. Duct-to-duct anastomoses to single, double, or triple graft ducts have been performed. Two early anastomotic stenoses at 5 and 10 weeks were successfully treated endoscopically. CONCLUSION: The duct-to-duct anastomosis represents a valid alternative to the standard hepaticojejunostomy for right living donor liver grafts. Using this method, biliary complications can be treated endoscopically. End-to-side or end-to-end BARIGA LDLT has the potential to become a standard method in segmental transplantation, including split liver.  相似文献   

Biliary complications are one of the most important problems in liver transplantation. Regardless of various improvements of surgical technique, liver transplantation is associated with significant biliary problems. In this article, we have described a biliary anastomosis method with a continuous suture (CS) technique in the posterior wall and interrupted suture (IS) technique for the anterior wall. We performed this biliary reconstruction in 28 adult patients between September 2003 and August 2007. Prior to that time our procedure was a CS anastomosis for both the anterior and posterior walls. A 5-Fr catheter is inserted into the biliary system. The current biliary complication was 3 cases (13.0%) of stenosis at the anastomosis, which is lower than that for a CS anastomosis. This anastomosis reduced biliary complications and is simple.  相似文献   

右半肝活体肝移植验证标准肝体积公式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 分析216例活体肝移植患者的临床资料,探讨适合中国成人活体肝移植肝体积评估标准.方法 华西医院移植中心2001年7月至今共实施216例活体肝移植,选取符合标准的成人间活体右半肝(不含肝中静脉)179例肝移植供体,将供体的术中实测右半肝体积与CT测量右半肝体积以及各公式计算的标准右半肝体积进行比较,评估哪种公式更适合中国成人.结果 CT测量右半肝体积大于实际右半肝体积(P<0.01).德国Heinemann、美国Yoshizumi、日本Urata、美国Vauthey、韩国Lee公式计算的右半肝体积结果显著大于实际肝脏体积(P<0.01).香港Sheung Tat 公式计算的右半肝体积结果小于实际肝脏体积,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).华西Lünan-yan公式计算的右半肝体积结果与实际肝脏体积比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 华西Lünan-yan 标准肝体积公式适合中国成人活体肝移植标准肝体积评估.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This article reviewed our experience with right lobe donor hepatectomy in living donor liver transplantations (LDLT), particularly in the context of preserving donor safety. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From January 2000 to August 2005, we performed 206 adult LDLT operations using the right lobe. The donor characteristics, operative findings, postoperative results including the peak values of liver enzymes (aspartate transferase [AST], alanine transferase [ALT], and bilirubin) and regeneration volumes, as evaluated by computed tomography volumetry, were reviewed at 1 week, as well as 3 and 6 months after surgery. The effects of three risk factors on donor safety were analyzed: age (<55 years, > or =55 years): fatty change in the donor liver (<10%, > or =10%); and remnant volume (<35%, > or =35%). RESULTS: The liver enzymes and regeneration volumes showed no significant difference according to age, only ALT was significant increased associated with the severity of fatty change (P < .05). There were significant differences in postoperative AST, ALT, and regeneration volume between the group with <35% and the group with > or =35% remnant liver volume (P < .05). Upon further analysis with combinations of two out of three risk factors, the group according to remnant volume and fatty change was meaningful. Follow-up data on donor ALT showed a return normal levels and after postoperative 3 months there was regeneration of the remnant liver to more than 70% of the whole liver preoperatively. There was no donor mortality, but postoperative complications were observed in 39 patients (39/206, 18.9%). Biliary complications were encountered in 24 patients: one bile duct injury, 22 bile leakages, and one bile duct stricture. Other complications consisted of pleural effusion (n = 8), delayed gastric emptying (n = 6), atelectasis (n = 1), and hepatic encephalopathy (n = 1). CONCLUSION: In cases of careful donor selection, a right lobectomy can be performed safely with minimal risks when the remnant liver volume exceeds 35% of the total liver volume and shows less than 10% fatty changes.  相似文献   

《Liver transplantation》2002,8(9):809-813
We evaluated the influence of portal and hepatic venous hemodynamics on the immediate and 3-month postoperative function of living donor right lobe grafts. Portal velocity was measured prospectively by ultrasound in 14 consecutive donor/recipient pairs. Velocity was converted to flow with the Moriyasu formula. Measurements were taken in donors in the operating room and in recipients at 1 hour after reperfusion and 3 months after transplant. Recipient liver function tests were measured postoperatively. Prereperfusion and postreperfusion liver biopsies were evaluated and correlated with the hemodynamic and biochemical results. There were 11 male (78.6%) and 3 female donors (mean age, 38.9 ± 9.8 years) for 10 male (71.4%) and 4 female recipients (mean age, 49.3 ± 14 years). The mean graft/recipient weight ratio was 1.22 ± 0.3. The mean right portal vein pressure was 8 ± 1.8 mm Hg in donors versus 13 ± 4.7 mm Hg in recipients (P < .05). The mean peak flow velocity (Vmax) in the portal vein in donors was 47.6 ± 12.8 cm/sec (normal, 44 cm/sec). One hour after graft reperfusion in the recipient, the mean portal Vmax was significantly higher at 94.7 ± 28.4 cm/sec (P = .004), but by 3 months follow-up, mean portal Vmax had fallen to 58.8 ± 37.8 (P = .01). Recipient portal vein Vmax highly correlated with portal flow (r = 0.7, P = .01). Increased recipient total bilirubin on postoperative day 2 correlated highly with higher recipient portal flow one hour after transplant (r = 0.6; P = .03). Portal vein velocity/flow dramatically increases after reperfusion, returning to baseline about 3 months after transplant. Evaluation of hepatic and portal venous flow is a relatively easy skill to acquire. Intraoperative ultrasound may enable the surgeon to predict graft dysfunction and possibly, may be used to implement pre-emptive therapies. (Liver Transpl 2002;8:809-813.)  相似文献   

目的 探讨成人活体右肝移植时肝静脉重建的方法.方法 2004年8月至2005年3月加拿大多伦多总医院移植中心行成人活体右肝移植术29例.移植肝的右肝静脉与患者肝静脉行端端吻合,或与患者的下腔静脉进行端侧吻合重建.当移植肝有右下肝静脉且直径大于5 mm时则与患者下腔静脉进行端侧吻合重建.移植肝的中肝静脉V8和V5分支直径大于5 mm时则采用静脉搭桥方式重建静脉回流;术中、术后用超声多普勒检测肝脏血流情况.移植3个月后CT检查移植肝的再生情况.结果 17例移植肝的右肝静脉与患者肝静脉直接进行端端吻合;12例移植肝的右肝静脉与患者的下腔静脉进行端侧吻合.10例移植肝的右下肝静脉与患者的下腔静脉进行端侧吻合.15例移植肝的中肝静脉V8和V5段主要分支采用了静脉搭桥重建.B超检查显示移植肝血流状况良好,CT检查移植肝再生均衡,肝功能正常.结论 我们的静脉重建方法简单易行,应用于成人活体右肝移植获得了满意的效果.  相似文献   

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