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伊曲康唑治疗婴儿泛发性皮肤念珠菌病1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鞠梅  陈崑  顾恒 《临床皮肤科杂志》2002,31(10):642-643
采用伊曲康唑治疗1例婴儿泛发性皮肤念珠菌病。患儿男,4月大,3个月时无明显诱因臀部出现红斑、丘疹、渗出、糜烂,渐波及颈部、面部,口腔内有一灰白色膜。真菌镜检口腔内芽生孢子及假菌丝阳性,颈、臀部分泌物真菌培养白念珠菌生长。予伊曲康唑20mg[5mg/(kg·d)]口服15天,皮损好转。3个月后随访,皮肤恢复正常,未见复发。查肝功能未见异常。  相似文献   

伊曲康唑治疗念珠菌性龟头炎26例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
伊曲康唑治疗念珠菌性龟头炎26例李春阳,刘金耀,焦健,苑全德近年来,念珠菌性龟头炎的发病率同其他性病一样,呈逐年升高的趋势。自1994年1月~1995年7月,我们应用伊曲康唑治疗26例,取得较好疗效,分析总结如下。1资料与方法1.1;临床资料:26例...  相似文献   

例1 男,32岁,因包皮、龟头红肿,出现红色小丘疹,伴瘙痒10余天,于2002年6月15日来我院性病门诊就诊,患者10多天前自觉龟头瘙痒,未在意,大妻仍照常进行 性生活,2d后发现包皮和龟头红肿,出现红色小丘疹,上覆白色薄膜,近几天白膜处出现小片破溃,遂来就诊,患者自幼包皮过长,既往曾有包皮龟头炎史,无糖尿病史及其他慢性疾病史,2周前曾有1次  相似文献   

应用伊曲康唑(Itraconazole,商品名斯皮仁诺,西安杨森制药有限公司生产)治疗50例体癣、股癣、手足癣和花斑癣,现报告如下。资料与方法1.病例选择随机选择临床症状典型、真菌学检查阳性的体癣、股癣、手足癣、花斑癣共50例。其中男29例,女21例,年龄16~73岁,平均41岁。病程10天~20年。其中手癣7例,足癣10例(其中鳞屑角化型11例,水疱糜烂型6例),体癣15例,股癣13例,体股癣合并3例,花斑癣2例。初发者13例,复发者对例。均无肝肾疾患,最近1~2月内未用过其它口服抗真菌药物。本组患者病原体分离结果见表1。2.治疗方法每日午…  相似文献   

伊曲康唑治疗男性念珠菌性尿道炎的疗效观察廖元兴①王俊杰①谢卫红①1991年6月~1996年6月我们应用伊曲康唑(斯皮仁诺)口服治疗男性念珠菌性尿道炎获得满意疗效,现将随访观察到的85例作一报告。1病例选择本组病例均为性病门诊患者,所患性病有非淋菌性尿...  相似文献   

慢性皮肤黏膜念珠菌病   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
报告1例白念珠菌引起的皮肤黏膜念珠菌病,患儿女,7岁,全身散在丘疹5年,加重伴指疣状增生1年,同时出现口腔黏膜,皮肤及甲板损害,双手掌疣状赘生物,手指末节残缺,变形。口腔黏膜白斑,北部皮损组织及粪便真菌培养均为白念珠菌生长。皮肤组织病理改变为表皮角化明显,角质层中查见大量真菌菌丝。经伊曲康唑,制霉菌素等药治疗后,皮损逐渐好转。  相似文献   

伊曲康唑治疗皮肤,粘膜真菌病疗效观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我们于1996年4-12月对150例皮肤、粘膜真菌病患者进行病原学调查,并用伊曲康哩作治疗观察。现将调查和观察结果报告如下。1材料与方法1.1病例:本科门诊或住院患者150例。其中男108例,女42例;年龄15-74岁;病程2周-23年。全部病人根据临床表现和真菌直接镜检阳性而确诊,花斑癣24例,手癣28例,足癣26例,体癣25例,股癣26例,成人头白癣7例,皮肤、粘膜念珠菌病11例,糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎3例。所有病例均在3月内无系统使用及1月内无局部应用抗真菌药物,且不伴肝、肾、心、肺和神经系统疾患。1.2方法:一般用沙堡培养基,对花斑癣和糠…  相似文献   

伊曲康唑治疗1例原发性皮肤毛霉病   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用伊曲康唑治疗1例罕见的由冻土毛霉黄色(或土黄)型所致的原发性皮肤毛霉病,并对其治疗前后的临床、真菌学及组织病理改变进行了观察。临床、真菌学痊愈。斯皮仁诺对毛霉目某些真菌是敏感的,对原发性皮肤毛霉病的治疗是安全有效的。  相似文献   

伊曲康唑维持疗法预防复发性外阴阴道念珠菌病   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
复发性外阴阴道念珠菌病 (RVVC)是一种常见的医疗问题 ,如何减少复发很棘手。仅仅局部用药或阴道冲洗不能解决复发问题。伊曲康唑是一种广谱、高效口服抗真菌药物。为观察伊曲康唑预防性维持疗法是否能减少RVVC的复发 ,我们于1999年 2月~ 2 0 0 0年 2月用伊曲康唑口服治疗 70例RVVC ,取得一定疗效 ,现报告如下。1 病例与方法1.1 病例资料  70例RVVC患者均为我院性病门诊病人。年龄 2 0~ 5 2岁 ,平均31.2岁 ,其中 2 5~ 45岁患者 49例 ,病程 1~3年。所有患者符合RVVC诊断标准 :(1)临床检查外阴阴道充血水肿 ,阴道…  相似文献   

伊曲康唑治疗皮肤粘膜真菌病临床疗效观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
伊曲康唑(itraconazole)商品名斯皮仁诺是比利时杨森公司90年代推出的广谱抗真菌药。我科采用短程疗法治疗体股癣、手足癣。花斑癣及粘膜真菌病等取得满意效果,现总结如下。1临床资料门诊和病房随机选择通过临床和真菌学检查确诊的体股癣、手足癣、念珠菌病(包括念珠菌性龟头炎、阴道炎、口腔念珠菌病)、汗斑及头癣患者共152例。其中男93例、女59例。最小年龄4岁、最大年龄75岁,4-14岁儿童13例。病程最长10年,最短3天。工人53例,干部40例、学生19例农民12例,其它职业28例。60%的患者既往外用过抗真菌药或皮炎平膏。30%的患者合…  相似文献   

Dermatophytosis continues to be a worldwide problem, constituting a large bulk of cases attending the dermatology outpatient's department in tropical countries. Variable climatic conditions and multiple etiological agents, whose individual prevalence varies with time, prompted an attempt to define the current pattern and etiologic prevalence in our locality, and compare them with earlier studies from different centers. Of consenting patients clinically diagnosed to have superficial fungal infections, 1975 were investigated in the laboratory. All the specimens collected from patient skin, hair or nails were subjected to direct microscopy examination in 10% potassium hydroxide (KOH) and fungal culture. Confirmed diagnosis was made only if specimen was KOH and/or culture positive. Male : female ratio was 1.65 : 1. Tinea corporis (21.4%), onychomycoses (14.7%) and tinea capitis (6.2%) were the most common laboratory-confirmed infections. Only 909 patients (47%) out of 1035 clinically suspected patients had evidence of fungal infection by either microscopy and/or culture. Of these 909 patients, 787 (86.5%) were both KOH and culture positive, 25 (2.7%) were KOH negative and culture positive, while 97 (10.6%) were KOH positive but culture negative. In 1051 patients (53%), no evidence of fungal infection was seen. Trichophyton rubrum was the most commonly isolated dermatophyte (55.2%) followed by Trichophyton mentagrophytes (19.6%) and Trichophyton tonsurans (2.9%). Candida sp. accounted for 16% of all isolates. Non-dermatophyte moulds (NDM) were isolated only in patients with onychomycoses. Our study revealed a male preponderance, tinea corporis as the commonest clinical type, and dermatophytes as the commonest mycological isolates, which is in agreement with earlier studies. Relying on clinical diagnosis alone without laboratory confirmation may result in overestimation of the problem as evidenced in other studies as compared to our study. Rarely reported NDM appear to be important etiological agents of onychomycoses.  相似文献   

Infantile hemangiomas can present a therapeutic challenge to clinicians, especially when associated with severe pain and feeding difficulties. The standard therapeutic management includes corticosteroids and propranolol. However, the clinical response is not always satisfactory. We present six cases of infantile hemangiomas successfully treated with oral itraconazole approximately 5 mg/kg per day. In the first month, the red color of the lesions became a little lighter and the growth of the lesions was controlled in all cases. An obvious clinical improvement was noted in all cases during the 3‐month period, with 80–100% improvement in each patient at the end of the treatment, which was judged by both their parents and the dermatologists. Compliance with treatment instructions of oral itraconazole in infants was judged to be very good. Side‐effects were mild and limited. Although itraconazole can inhibit angiogenesis and tumor growth in vitro and in vivo associated with some cancers, further research is required to understand the pathogenesis of infantile hemangiomas and the mechanism of itraconazole.  相似文献   

Superficial fungal infections are common, especially onychomycosis, dermatophytoses, and superficial Candida infections. Most superficial fungal infections are treated with topical antifungal agents unless the infection covers an extensive area or is resistant to initial therapy. Onychomycosis often requires systemic therapy with griseofulvin, itraconazole, or terbinafine. The objective of this review is to provide the practicing dermatologist with the recommended available therapy for the treatment of common superficial fungal infections.  相似文献   

Three weeks after completing a 4-pulse course of itraconazole for toenail onychomycosis, a 25-year-old woman patient developed severe liver crisis and required an emergency liver transplant. We report the case and discuss the use of itraconazole in onychomycosis and dermatomycoses.  相似文献   

伊曲康唑巩固疗法降低花斑癣复发率的临床研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:探讨一种能够降低花斑癣复发率的有效治疗方案。方法:将初诊的花斑癣患者按就诊时间分为两组,均口服伊曲康唑0.2g,每日1次,连续服药7d。7d后对照组停药观察,试验组则继续服用伊曲康唑,每月口服0.2g1次,共6个月。两组患者皆每月复诊1次,共6次。结果:试验组99例患者复发率为1.01%,治愈率为85.86%。对照组95例患者复发率为17.89%,治愈率为64.21%。经卡方检验两组患者的复发率及治愈率相比,差异均有极显著性(χ2=16.4195,P=0.0001和χ2=12.2013,P=0.0005)。结论:巩固治疗方案能在近期内降低花斑癣复发率,同时提高花斑癣的治愈率。  相似文献   

伊曲康唑治疗掌跖脓疱病临床观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:观察伊曲康唑治疗掌跖脓疱病的临床疗效及安全性。方法:对30例掌跖脓疱病患者给予口服伊曲康唑100mg/d,服用4周后减量至100mg隔日1次,再服用4周,并观察疗效及安全性。停药后随访8周。结果:30例患者中显效20例,好转7例,无效3例。随访至第8周时有12例复发,但复发频率及程度均较治疗前明显降低。未见明显不良反应。结论:伊曲康唑治疗掌跖脓疱病安全有效。  相似文献   

Alopecia areata (AA) affects anagen hair follicles, resulting in non‐scarring hair loss. Since introduced by Huang et al., superficial cryotherapy has been accepted as a considerable primary therapeutic modality for AA. The aim of this study was to objectively clarify the therapeutic efficacy and safety of superficial hypothermic cryotherapy for treatment of AA. Medical records of 353 patients from 1993 to 2014 were retrospectively analyzed. According to the response to the superficial cryotherapy, patients were categorized into four groups: “marked”, “partial”, “poor” and “no recovery”. The marked and partial recovery groups were considered as responders. The proportions of the responders among patient subgroups which were defined by various patients, disease, and treatment factors were compared. Of the patients, 60.9% were classified as responders after 3 months of superficial hypothermic cryotherapy. The proportion of the responders were higher when the treatment interval was 2 weeks or less and in the incipient disease stage, with statistical significance. No severe side‐effects other than mild pain and pruritus were reported. In conclusion, superficial cryotherapy is an effective and safe therapeutic modality for AA. Especially when the treatment interval is 2 weeks or less and in the first occurrence of the disease, the therapeutic outcome is superior.  相似文献   

Western Australia has only two superficial radiotherapy units, one of which is located at Fremantle Hospital, and run by the radiation oncologists of Perth Radiation Oncology Centre. A 3-year retrospective review was undertaken of all patients who underwent treatment at this unit from 1999 to 2001. Patients were identified from the unit's log book, and data was collected from their files. For malignant skin conditions, 369 lesions were treated in 259 patients over the study period. The patients' median age was 76 years. A wide variety of conditions were treated, but the most common diagnoses were basal cell carcinoma (237 lesions) and squamous cell carcinoma (92 lesions), most commonly located in the head region. The most frequently used treatment schedule was 36 Gy in six fractions over a 3-week period. Where radiotherapy was administered as primary treatment, the diagnoses had been biopsy-proven in only 53% of cases. Fifty-four patients underwent treatment of benign skin disease over the study period; most commonly keloid scars (41 patients) followed by warts (six patients). We conclude that superficial radiotherapy has a distinct role in dermatology, particularly for skin carcinomas around the nose and eyes, which cannot presently be superseded by electron beam therapy.  相似文献   

Itraconazole, a triazole antifungal agent, has been widely used for onychomycosis with high cure rates. Unchanged itraconazole and a major metabolite hydroxy-itraconazole reach the nail with a strong affinity for keratin. The aim of this study was to elucidate clinical effectiveness and pharmacokinetic profiles of a 6-month continuous itraconazole treatment at a daily dose of 100 mg. Nail growth, the decrease in nail turbidity, and the nail concentrations of unchanged- and hydroxy-itraconazole were investigated. The affected nails we examined demonstrated nail growth proportional to the decrease in turbidity and a quick increase in drug concentration with a long duration of a high concentration after cessation. Our results support the hypothesis that this continuous therapy is a good modality for onychomycosis.  相似文献   

Alternaria alternata is a rare etiology of phaeohyphomycosis in immunocompromised patients, which has never been reported to cause chromoblastomycosis. As far as we know, this is the first chromoblastomycosis case successfully treated with a short course of systemic antifungals and subsequent 5‐aminolevulinic acid‐photodynamic therapy.  相似文献   

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