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患者,男性,75岁。2001年9月某天午餐时,因说话呛咳,持续剧烈咳嗽后突然意识丧失,约半分钟自行缓解。20天后又发生上述同样情况。清醒后无其他不适,未及时就诊。  相似文献   

本研究报道我院呼吸科收治的肺炎伴胸腔积液病例。患者以咳嗽后晕厥伴胸痛为临床表现,胸部X线片、CT示肺炎伴胸腔积液,经胸腔穿刺及经验性抗感染治疗后症状好转出院。结合文献,对该病例的相关问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

患者 ,男 ,5 7岁。咳嗽、咳痰一周入院。无发热、心悸、胸闷、腹痛、腹泻等不适。诊断急性支气管炎。既往有高血压病十余年 ,平时血压控制在 18/ 10 k Pa左右。有矽肺史 10年 ,胸片和胸部 CT示矽肺 期。平素体健 ,无头部外伤史 ,不吸烟 ,饮酒 10 0 g/日 ,无类似剧烈咳嗽史和无晕厥发作史。体检 :血压 19/ 11k Pa,肥胖体型 ,身高 176 cm,体重 92 kg。神清 ,五官正 ,两肺呼吸音粗 ,未闻干湿罗音 ,心率 76次 / m in,律齐 ,心音强 ,各瓣膜区未闻及病理杂音 ,肝脾未扪及 ,四肢肌力正常 ,病理反射未引出。实验室检查 :三大常规、肝肾功能、心电…  相似文献   

患者男 ,5 4岁。因反复发作性咳嗽、喘息伴晕厥 2年收入院。无吸烟史 ,无其他类型晕厥史。患者自 2年前因剧烈咳嗽后晕厥 ,并反复发作 (共 2 3次 ) ,持续时间 5~ 30秒 ,发作时面色青紫 ,呼之不应 ,站立发作时可跌倒 ,无四肢抽动或大小便失禁 ,发作后自行缓解 ,无头痛、头晕、恶心、呕吐。发作频繁时曾到当地乡镇医院行抗生素、平喘、解痉等药物静脉注射治疗 ,但疗效不佳。查体 :T36 .4℃ ,P10 5次 /m in,R2 3次 /min,Bp12 0 /75 mm Hg。体型稍胖 ,喘憋貌 ,神志清 ,端坐体位。双侧颈静脉充盈 ,颈动脉搏动正常 ,按摩颈动脉窦意识无改变。双…  相似文献   

咳嗽晕厥综合征是指咳嗽时发生的短暂性意识丧失,能够迅速自行恢复而不留任何后遗症的一组病症,临床较少见。Sydenhan在1749年曾报道过类似本征的病例。1876年Charcof最早使用咳嗽晕厥综合征的名称。现将我院遇到1例报告如下。  相似文献   

聂晓红 《临床肺科杂志》2007,12(10):1069-1069
患者,男,34岁,已婚,司机,住院号146334。因咳嗽11天,反复晕厥6天于2007年2月26日入院。患者入院前11天受凉后出现阵发性咳嗽,咳少许白色粘痰,伴咽痒咽痛,无畏寒发热及胸痛,无头昏头痛及乏力,服中药后症状无明显好转。6天前晨起后不久发生剧烈咳嗽,伴耳呜、面部发胀,随即意识丧失晕倒在地,头部受轻伤,持续约30S后自行清醒,  相似文献   

咳嗽是最常见的临床症状,但咳嗽导致晕厥却极少见。2005年7月我科接诊咳嗽性晕厥患者1例,因相应文献少,现将病案诊治体会报告如下,供临床商榷参考。  相似文献   

李先生是一位事业成功人士,一家大公司的总经理,身材矮胖的他50岁不到,已经明显秃顶了。由于交际应酬的需要,李先生吸烟、饮酒都有很高的水平。人们都说吸烟、饮酒可以加速动脉硬化的发展.但李先生却并没有什么冠心病的迹象,不过近年来咳嗽则常常烦扰着他,  相似文献   

高媛  秦军 《临床肺科杂志》2008,13(8):1074-1074
咳嗽性晕厥是指因剧烈咳嗽而引起短暂一过性意识丧失,临床比较少见。我科收治3例,现报告如下。 例1,患者男性,78岁。因反复咳嗽、喘息40年,加重伴咳嗽后晕厥20d入院。平素有慢性咳喘病史40余年。本次于入院前20天受凉后咳喘加重,有痰不易咳出,咳嗽剧烈时出现短暂意识丧失、四肢抽搐,约1~2min后可自行恢复清醒,无大小便失禁,无口吐白沫,无头痛、发热等伴随症状。  相似文献   

咳嗽-晕厥综合征10例临床分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
咳嗽-晕厥综合征(cough syncope syndrome)是指由连续性咳嗽后立即发生的一过性意识丧失,能自行迅速恢复而不留任何后遗症的一种良性综合征。本文报告我院1998~2004年10例住院咳嗽-晕厥综合征患者资料,对其发病特点、临床情况、治疗结果等进行回顾性分析,以提高呼吸内科医师对本病的认识和治疗水平。  相似文献   

In this correspondence, the pathophysiology of reflex syncope (vasovagal syncope, carotid sinus syndrome, and situational syncope) is reviewed, including clarification of the nomenclature.  相似文献   

The mechanism of cough syncope   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

A case of adult whooping cough is described, with the unusual complication of cough syncope. The pathophysiology of cough syncope is discussed.  相似文献   

The present case study reports a case of chronic cough and cough syncope associated with frequent premature ventricular complexes (PVCs). Careful analysis of cough-related symptoms and ECG monitoring led to the suspicion of PVC-induced cough. A coincidence between PVCs and episodes of cough was also documented by a portable multichannel recorder. Moreover, Doppler echocardiography revealed a PVC-induced transient increase in the pulmonary artery blood flow. After exclusion of other possible aetiologies, complete relief of chronic cough and cough syncope was achieved by radiofrequency ablation of the arrhythmogenic focus located in the right ventricular outflow tract. Premature ventricular complexes should be considered as a cause of chronic cough and cough syncope and an interdisciplinary cooperation can lead to successful diagnosis and treatment of this condition.  相似文献   

A 48-year-old man repeatedly experienced syncope associated with paroxysmal atrioventricular block (PAVB) while swallowing. PAVB ("Mobitz type II" AH block) occurred only when "balloon-like" deformity of the lower esophagus developed. Balloon inflation in the lower esophagus induced PAVB. However, inflation in the upper or mid portion, or other vagal maneuvers, caused only sinus slowing. PAVB was not induced after intravenous atropine. The PAVB in this patient was probably caused by a vagotonic reflex triggered by tensoreceptors in the lower esophagus, resulting in selective suppression of the atrioventricular node.  相似文献   

Coughing can be both voluntarily induced and involuntarily initiated by activation of vagal afferent nerves innervating the airways and lungs. Centrally, cough is regulated at the level of the brainstem through integration of vagal afferent nerve input by relay neurones in the nucleus tractus solitarius (nTS). Projections to and from the nTS add further complexity to cough regulation, as do the profound influences of psychological and social factors known to regulate cough. Peripherally, both neuronal and non-neuronal elements in the airways regulate the excitability of the vagal afferent nerve terminals regulating cough. These multiple levels of integration and encoding of the cough reflex may render this defensive respiratory response highly susceptible to modulation both by disease processes and through therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Enzymes degrading peptides may participate in the regulation of the cough reflex. Thus, decreases in enzyme activities may enhance cough reflex and a decrease in cough reflex may lead to aspiration pneumonia. Down- and up-regulation of cough reflex is important for the understanding of cough reflex.  相似文献   

2009年11月我院收治了一例以晕厥为主要症状并发室颤的急性心肌梗死患者,予除颤、扩冠、溶栓及安置起搏器治疗,获得满意效果,现报道如下。  相似文献   

Dysfunctional swallowing is an uncommon, but important cause of bronchiectasis. We describe a child with a brainstem tumor, who developed bronchiectasis caused by chronic aspiration secondary to a dysfunctional swallow. The case highlights the importance of thorough and repeated evaluation before a diagnosis of idiopathic bronchiectasis is made. If dysfunctional swallow is found further investigation to ascertain the cause is indicated. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2010; 45:205–207. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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