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河南省2004年中国国际戒烟竞赛参赛者一月随访   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评价河南省2004年中国国际戒烟竞赛的效果。方法戒烟竞赛开展1个月后,对来自17个省辖市的7378名参赛者进行系统抽样,共抽取936名参赛人员,通过电话或面谈的方式进行随访。结果1个月戒烟率为53.0%;没有戒烟的人中,平均每日吸烟量由原先的18支/d降至为8支/d(P<0.05);多因素分析表明,年龄、文化程度、戒烟态度、参赛目标、使用特别戒烟方法与最终戒烟效果有关,而参赛目标对戒烟成功与否影响最大(P<0.001),其次是戒烟态度(P=0.0042)。结论戒烟竞赛的效果令人满意。通过营造全方位的戒烟氛围,戒烟竞赛使多种戒烟方法得以综合运用。  相似文献   

杨晓剑  陈友兰  田丁  刘晓婷 《现代预防医学》2011,38(8):1492-1494,1496
[目的]评价厦门市参加中国戒烟大赛人群的戒烟效果,探讨影响戒烟行为的主要因素,为开展控烟工作提供依据。[方法]对2008年参加中国戒烟大赛厦门赛区的712名报名者,在戒烟大赛开始半年后,随机抽取20%进行电话随访。随访内容包括吸烟情况、戒烟情况和复吸情况。[结果]单因素分析显示参赛者的文化程度、婚姻、吸烟量、烟龄、戒烟次数、戒烟态度、戒烟措施和是否得到支持对成功戒烟有影响,差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.05);多因素Logistic回归分析显示戒烟成功的影响因素的OR值从大到小依次为家人亲戚支持、戒烟次数、吸烟量(P﹤0.05)。[结论]开展群体性戒烟竞赛对吸烟者戒烟起推动作用,家庭约束力和社会环境是戒烟成败的关键,营造不吸烟的环境关系到控烟工作的成败。  相似文献   

目的 了解2004年国际戒烟竞赛天津参加者的戒烟效果,探讨影响戒烟成功的相关因素,为有关部门制定相应的戒烟措施提供参考。方法在天津参加2004年国际戒烟竞赛的抽奖候选人中抽取调查对象,通过电话访问或面对面的形式对其进行调查,并进行Logistic回归分析。结果共随访调查300人,1a戒烟成功153人,占51.0%。Logistic同归分析显示,烟龄越长、吸烟量越大,其戒烟成功的可能性越小;另将职业.戒烟前态度进行哑变量分析显示,干部、其他职业者和想戒烟者戒烟成功率较高,差别有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。复吸者中,周围有人吸烟为复吸主要原因,占42.9%;在戒烟后1个月内开始复吸的62人,占52.1%,在1-6个月开始复吸的48人,占40.3%,在6个月后复吸的9人,占7.6%。周围公共场所禁止吸烟的221人,占73.7%,办公场所禁止吸烟的159人,占53.%,家中限制吸烟的134人,占44.7%。结论2004年国际戒烟竞赛天津参加者1a戒烟效果较好,建议针对影响戒烟成功的相关因素,采取相应的干预措施。  相似文献   

上海市2004年国际戒烟竞赛1个月随访分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黎江  李新建  卢伟  罗齐燕 《职业与健康》2005,21(8):1185-1187
目的分析上海市2004年国际戒烟竞赛的效果,并探讨其戒烟行为的影响因素:方法竞赛1个月后对全市3691名报名参赛者进行随机抽样调查。结果竞赛4周内戒烟率为63.4%,1个月随访戒烟率为45.4%,复吸的主要原因是周围的人吸烟,Logistic回归分析结果显示:性别、戒烟决心、是否会自己戒烟是影响戒烟成功的显著因子。结论竞赛组织者通过各种渠道向社会宣传报名信息,竞赛取得了成功,对促进今后的控烟工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   

天津市继 1 996年参加国际戒烟竞赛 ,有2 5 6 %参加竞赛的吸烟者成功戒烟后 ,又参加了 1 998年国际戒烟竞赛 ,借以创造一个反吸烟的支持性环境 ,进一步推动全市控烟工作的开展。现将本次竞赛效果分析报告如下 :对象与方法1 998年 4月 ,天津市第二次参加了国际戒烟竞赛。以市慢性疾病示范区和卫Ⅶ项目示范点的吸烟者为调查对象。由市卫生局、卫Ⅶ项目办公室、市健康教育所组成竞赛组织委员会和业务指导委员会 ,制定竞赛活动安排 ,对有关区县卫生局领导和业务人员进行动员和业务培训 ,及时召开新闻发布会 ,广泛宣传竞赛活动和竞赛条件 ,并在…  相似文献   

1996-2004年天津国际戒烟竞赛方法及效果评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析天津市开展5次国际戒烟竞赛的效果和戒烟失败的原因。方法根据国际戒烟竞赛规则,采用随机抽样方法和统一的调查表,分别在竞赛结束1个月和1年后随访。结果国际戒烟竞赛结束1个月、1年后的戒烟率分别为53.8%,29.8%,复吸率占74.9%。结论国际成烟竞赛戒烟效果明显,复吸的主要原因是周围人吸烟和社交需要。  相似文献   

中国2004年国际戒烟竞赛一年随访效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了评价参加2004年国际戒烟竞赛的中国参赛者一年来戒烟的保持情况,探索影响戒烟成功的因素,中国疾病预防控制中心控烟办公室于2005年5月8日至6月8日开展了一年随访研究。1.对象与方法:调查对象为参加2004年5月戒烟竞赛的参赛者。根据可行性和各参赛省市注册报名表编号,利用系统抽样的方法,对参赛人数在300人以上的13个省市的所有参赛者系统抽取10%进行1年随访调查,共抽取4174  相似文献   

目的了解商丘市参加国际戒烟竞赛人员情况,探讨适宜的控烟方法。方法对按规定符合竞赛规则参赛的1200人一般情况、吸烟情况等进行统计分析。结果商丘市参加戒烟竞赛的烟民较少,对烟草危害性的认识不足,呈现出文化程度越高参赛人数越多趋势。结论控烟应采取综合措施,政府出台相应的政策营造控烟氛围,健康教育广泛宣传烟草危害及戒烟益处,通过戒烟竞赛调动烟民戒烟的主观能动性;通过开办戒烟门诊或戒烟咨询热线提供戒烟服务,帮助烟民更好的戒烟。  相似文献   

目的 探索基于健康信念模式的心理干预方法在控烟实践中的应用.方法 在报名参加2006年青岛市国际戒烟竞赛的3200名参赛者当中随机抽取200名吸烟者,并在基线调查后随机分为干预组和对照组.对干预组采用健康信念模式的心理干预方法进行团体培训帮助戒烟,对照组采用空白对照,不介入任何干预.6个月后,对该心理干预方法进行效果评价.结果 6个月后干预组的完全戒烟率达到32.5%,远高于对照组的9.6%,有显著性差异(P<0.01);在吸烟量变化方面,干预组有37.3%的人每日吸烟量减少,平均减少18.24±1.07支,对照组为32.9%,平均减少7.93±1.15支,有显著性差异(P<0.01);而且干预组的情感效能明显提高,认为自己肯定能戒烟的占49.4%,高于对照组(16.4%),有显著性差异(P<0.01);是否干预是影响吸烟量减少的主要原因(F=39.692,P<0.01),逻辑回归分析显示,是否接受干预是影响能否戒烟的主要因素(OR=4.126).结论 依据健康信念理论模式设计的心理干预方法能够有效地提高戒烟率.  相似文献   

烟草的危害性已成为慢性非传染性疾病之后又一威胁人类健康的行为性疾病因素,在全社会,一方面以疾病预防控制中心健康教育所为代表的卫生系统加大了对烟草危害性的宣传,在全社会形成了一个良好的氛围;另一方面,一些公共场所也加大了对无吸烟场所的构建,形成了一种对戒烟行为的外在要求。随着宣传的深入,吸烟者已经从根本上认识了烟草对健康的危害。宜都市在2006年5月参加了国际戒烟竞赛,为评价此次戒烟竞赛的效果,于2007年5月从1116参赛者中抽取了117人,对戒烟竞赛后一年进行了随访调查。1对象与方法1.1对象随访对象为宜都市2006年5月参加国…  相似文献   

Aims: To estimate the one year cumulative incidence and persistence of upper extremity (UE) soft tissue disorders, in a fixed cohort of automotive manufacturing workers, and to quantify their associations with ergonomic exposures.

Methods: At baseline and at follow up, cases of UE musculoskeletal disorders were determined by interviewer administered questionnaire and standardised physical examination of the upper extremities. The interview obtained new data on psychosocial strain and updated the medical and work histories. An index of exposure to ergonomic stressors, obtained at baseline interview, was the primary independent variable. Cumulative incidence and persistence of UE disorders (defined both by symptoms and by physical examination plus symptoms) were analysed in relation to baseline ergonomic exposures, adjusting for other covariates. The incidence of new disorders was modelled using multivariate proportional hazards regression among workers who were not cases in the first year and the prevalence on both occasions was modelled by repeated measures analysis.

Results: A total of 820 workers (69% of eligible cohort members) was examined. Follow up varied slightly by department group but not by baseline exposure level or other characteristics. Among the non-cases at baseline, the cumulative incidence of UE disorders was 14% by symptoms and 12% by symptoms plus examination findings. These rates increased with index of physical exposures primarily among subjects who had the same jobs at follow up as at baseline. Increased exposure during follow up increased risk of incidence. The persistence of UE disorders from baseline to follow up examination was nearly 60% and somewhat associated with baseline exposure score.

Conclusions: These longitudinal results confirm the previous cross sectional associations of UE musculoskeletal disorders with exposure to combined ergonomic stressors. The exposure-response relation was similar for incident cases defined by symptoms alone and those confirmed by physical examination.


The effects of an early home intervention program with prematurely born young children and their parents were assessed one year after the intervention ended, or at 28 months of age. The preterm control group continued to perform more poorly than did the preterm treatment groups or the full term control group on the Bayley motor scale. The full term group performed better than did the preterm groups on the Bayley mental scale. The preterm control group also continued to show lower maternal involvement and variety of stimulation than did the treatment groups or the full term group. While the HOME results at 28 months were not as markedly in favor of the treatment and full term groups as they were at 16 months, they continued to reflect better home environments for these than for preterm control group. These results support the claim that early home intervention focussed on the parents as active partners in the intervention and active learners of problem solving strategies of parenting issues results in lasting beneficial effects for both children and parents.  相似文献   

[目的]评价2004年上海市保持无脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)情况,巩固无脊灰成果。[方法]应用EPI info软件对监测数据进行处理分析。[结果]2004年上海市共报告本市急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)病例21例,小于15岁以下儿童非脊灰报告发病率1.04/10万,合格粪便采集率90.48%,其他监测指标达到WHO或卫生部要求。两轮强化免疫服苗率均>83%,全市AFP病例漏报率为1.19%,病原学监测未分离到脊灰野病毒。[结论]为了维持无脊灰,仍需保持敏感的AFP病例监测系统和高质量的脊髓灰质炎疫苗常规免疫和强化免疫活动。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To evaluate the effects of an early, active, and multidisciplinary rehabilitation programme for neck and shoulder disorders. METHODS--Primary health care and industrial health care of a nonrandomised, controlled, cohort was followed up over two years in a geographically defined area. The cohort consisted of working people who consulted a physician about disorders of the neck or shoulders from 1 August 1988 to 31 October 1989. Criteria for acceptance; not chronic symptoms, patients had sick leave of no more than four weeks. Disorders were not caused by trauma, infections, malignancy, rheumatic diseases, abuse, or pregnancy. 107 people qualified for the study, 87% were followed up for two years. They were divided into two groups. One group obtained active, multidisciplinary rehabilitation for eight weeks that comprised physical training, information, education, social interaction, and work place visits. Controls were given traditional treatment; physiotherapy, medication, rest, and sick leave. The main outcome measures were: average number of days of sick leave for the two years after rehabilitation, subjective pain on a visual analogue scale, and ratings on seven subscales of the sickness impact profile. RESULTS--At 12 and 24 months of follow up effects of the active rehabilitation programme did not differ from traditional treatment in any of the outcome measures. New work task (P < 0.05) or changed work place (P < 0.001) during the follow up period were associated with decreased sick leave, independent of treatment. CONCLUSIONS--Active, multidisciplinary rehabilitation of neck and shoulder disorders was not more effective than traditional treatment. Changed work conditions were associated with decreased sick leave, independent of type of treatment provided.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES—To identify determinants of sickness absence in hospital physicians.
METHODS—The Poisson regression analyses of short (1-3 days) and long (>3 days) recorded spells of sickness absence relating to potential determinants of sickness absence were based on a 2 year follow up period and cohorts of 447 (251 male and 196 female) physicians and 466 controls (female head nurses and ward sisters).
RESULTS—There were no differences in health outcomes, self rated health status, prevalence of chronic illness, and being a case on the general health questionnaire (GHQ), between the groups but physicians took one third to a half the sick leave of controls. All the health outcomes were strongly associated with sickness absence in both groups. Of work related factors, teamwork had the greatest effect on sickness absence in physicians but not in the controls. Physicians working in poorly functioning teams were at 1.8 (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.3 to 3.0) times greater risk of taking long spells than physicians working in well functioning teams. Risks related to overload, heavy on call responsibility, poor job control, social circumstances outside the workplace, and health behaviours were smaller.
CONCLUSION—This is the first study of hospital physicians to show the association between recorded sickness absence and factors across various areas of life. In this occupational group, sickness absence is strongly associated with health problems, and the threshold for taking sick leave is high. Poor teamwork seems to contribute to the sickness absenteeism of hospital physicians even more than traditional psychosocial risks—such as overload and low job control. These findings may have implications for training and health promotion in hospitals.

Keywords: health care personnel; occupational health; psychosocial factors  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE--The aim was to trace 84 cases of jaundice that occurred following accidental ingestion of methylene dianiline (MDA) in Epping in 1965, and to look at long term health effects. DESIGN--The original case notes of the cases were used to identify the patients. Subsequent tracing procedures included local general practitioners, the Central NHS Registry, electoral rolls, and company records. SETTING--This was a community based survey. MAIN RESULTS--The health status of 68 (81%) of the group was established with 18 deaths. Of the 50 cases known to be alive, 58% completed a health questionnaire. The causes of death were unremarkable except for one case of carcinoma of the biliary tract. Two surviving cases had suffered retinal pathology. Four other surviving cases had had a further, perhaps unrelated, episode of jaundice. CONCLUSIONS--Although the dose and route of administration in the epidemic differed from occupational exposure, this follow up study a generation on provides little, if any, evidence of long term health sequelae. Nevertheless, in the absence of well documented exposure and health effects data, such accidental poisonings with proven animal carcinogens warrant long term follow up. The identified cohort will be the subject of further study.  相似文献   

为了迎接全国计划免疫审评,评价我市儿童免疫接种率,了解当前计划免疫工作现状及存在的问题,为制定有关免疫策略和政策提供科学依据,推动计划免疫工作的进一步发展,根据上海市自我审评实施方案要求,2004年9月15—17日开展了“四苗”全程及乙肝疫苗接种率入户调查。  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: It is still unclear if men and women are equally susceptible to the hazards of tobacco smoking. The objective of this study was to examine smoking related mortality among men and women. DESIGN: In 1963 a questionnaire concerning tobacco smoking habits was sent out to a random sample from the 1960 Swedish census population. Date and cause of death have been collected for the deceased in the cohort through 1996. SETTING: Sweden. PARTICIPANTS: The survey included a total of 27 841 men and 28 089 women, aged 18-69 years. The response rate was 93.1% among the men and 95.4% among the women. MAIN RESULTS: After adjustment for age and place of residence positive associations were found between cigarette smoking and mortality from ischaemic heart disease, aortic aneurysm, bronchitis and emphysema, cancer of the lung, upper aerodigestive sites, bladder, pancreas in both men and women, but not from cerebrovascular disease. When the effect of amount of the cigarette consumption was considered, female smokers displayed, for example, slightly higher relative death rates from ischaemic heart disease. However, no statistically significant gender differential in relative mortality rates was observed for any of the studied diseases. CONCLUSIONS: Women and men in this Swedish cohort seem equally susceptible to the hazards of smoking, when the gender differential in smoking characteristics is accounted for. Although the cohort under study is large, there were few female smokers in the high consuming categories and the relative risk estimates are therefore accompanied by wide confidence intervals in these categories.  相似文献   

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