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尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物受体(urokinase plasminogen activator receptor,uPAR)与尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物(urokinase plasminogen activator,uPA)同为纤溶酶原激活系统的主要成员,是一种协调多种信号转导途径的多功能分子,可溶性尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物受体(soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor,suPAR)是其可溶形式。除凝血-纤溶以外,uPAR参与了肿瘤侵袭及炎症等多种疾病过程,而suPAR可能是一种良好的炎性标志物。本文就uPAR及suPAR在炎症中的作用进行简要综述。  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence demonstrates the involvement of plasminogen activators (PAs) in a number of physiologic and pathologic events in the CNS. Induction of both tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) and urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) has been observed in different experimental models of epilepsy and tPA has been implicated in the mechanisms underlying seizure activity. We investigated the expression and the cellular distribution of tPA and uPA in several epileptogenic pathologies, including hippocampal sclerosis (HS; n=6), and developmental glioneuronal lesions, such as focal cortical dysplasia (FCD, n=6), cortical tubers in patients with the tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC; n=6) and in gangliogliomas (GG; n=6), using immuno-cytochemical, western blot and real-time quantitative PCR analysis. TPA and uPA immunostaining showed increased expression within the epileptogenic lesions compared to control specimens in both glial and neuronal cells (hippocampal neurons in HS and dysplastic neurons in FCD, TSC and GG specimens). Confocal laser scanning microscopy confirmed expression of both proteins in astrocytes and microglia, as well as in microvascular endothelium. Immunoblot demonstrated also up-regulation of the uPA receptor (uPAR; P<0.05). Increased expression of tPA, uPA, uPAR and tissue PA inhibitor type mRNA levels was also detected by PCR analysis in different epileptogenic pathologies (P<0.05). Our data support the role of PA system components in different human focal epileptogenic pathologies, which may critically influence neuronal activity, inflammatory response, as well as contributing to the complex remodeling of the neuronal networks occurring in epileptogenic lesions.  相似文献   

The genes encoding the two plasminogen activators, tissue plasminogen activator and urokinase, were mapped to mouse chromosomes using probes derived from the respective mouse cDNAs. DNA from mouse-Chinese hamster and mouse-rat somatic cell hybrids was digested with BamHI and EcoRI, respectively, and analyzed by Southern blot hybridization for the segregation of the two genes. Tissue plasminogen activator and urokinase cosegregated with mouse chromosomes 8 and 14, respectively. The plasminogen activator genes thus fall into two syntenic groups that are conserved in human and mouse.  相似文献   

Immunoreactive plasminogen activators were studied in tissue sections using a peroxidase method and monospecific antibodies to tissue plasminogen activator produced by a melanoma. Tissue plasminogen activator reactivity was found in skin melanomas and in endothelial and smooth muscle cells of arteries and veins. Vessels of the umbilical cord showed higher reactivity than peripheral vessels. Only faint antiurokinase reactivity was found. By means of the fibrin slide technique, fibrinolytic activity could be shown in peripheral vessel walls but not in the umbilical cord, which suggests that immunoreactivity of tissue plasminogen activator bound to an inhibitor can also be demonstrated. This method may be a useful tool in further studies of tissue plasminogen activator in physiological as well as pathological processes.  相似文献   

The distribution of mRNAs and antigens of tissue type (t) and urokinase type (u) plasminogen activators (PA) plus their corresponding inhibitors, type-1 (PAI-1) and type-2 (PAI-2) were studied in human and rhesus monkey placentae by in situ hybridisation and immunocytochemistry. Specific monkey cRNA and antibodies against human tPA, uPA, PAI-1 and PAI-2 were used as probes. The following results were obtained. (1) All the molecules tPA, uPA, PAI-1 and PAI-2 and their mRNAs were identified in the majority of the extravillous cytotrophoblast cells of the decidual layer between Rohr's and Nitabuch's striae and in cytotrophoblast cells of the chorionic plate, basal plate, intercotyledonary septae and cytotrophoblast cells of the chorionic villous tree. (2) Expression of uPA and PAI-2 was noted in villous trophoblast whereas tPA and PAI-1 were mainly concentrated where detachment from maternal tissue occurs. (3) No expression of tPA, uPA, PAI-1 and PAI-2 was observed in the basal plate endometrial stromal cells, chorionic plate connective tissue cells, septal endometrial stromal cells or villous core mesenchyme. (4) The distribution of probes observed following in situ hybridisation is generally consistent with the immunofluorescence pattern of the corresponding antigens and no significant interspecies differences were noted. It is possible that both decidual and extravillous trophoblast cells of placentae of human and rhesus monkey are capable of producing tPA, uPA, PAI-1 and PAI-2 to differing extents. Coordinated expression of these genes in the tissue may play an essential role in the maintenance of normal placentation and parturition. The differences in distribution we observed are consistent with the suggestion that coordinated expression of tPA and its inhibitor PAI-1 may play a key role in fibrinolytic activity in the early stages of placentation and separation of placenta from maternal tissue at term. On the other hand, uPA with its inhibitor PAI-2 appears mainly to play a role in degradation of trophoblast cell-associated extracellular matrix, and thus may be of greatest importance during early stages of placentation.  相似文献   

The urokinase plasminogen activator receptor-associated protein/Endo180 (uPARAP/Endo180) is a newly discovered member of the macrophage mannose receptor family that was reported to interact with ligand-bound urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR), matrix metalloprotease-13 (MMP-13), and collagen V on the cell surface. We have determined the sites of expression of this novel receptor during murine postimplantation development. uPARAP/Endo180 was expressed in all tissues undergoing primary ossification, including the developing bones of the viscerocranium and calvarium that ossify intramembranously, and developing long bones undergoing endochondral ossification. uPARAP/Endo180 mRNA was expressed by both immature osteoblasts and by mature osteocalcin-producing osteoblasts-osteocytes, and was coexpressed with MMP-13. Interestingly, osteoblasts also expressed uPAR. Besides bone-forming tissues, uPARAP/Endo180 expression was detected only in a mesenchymal condensation of the midbrain and in the developing lungs. The data suggest a function of this novel protease receptor in bone development, possibly mediated through its interactions with uPAR, MMP-13, or collagen V.  相似文献   

目的探索urokinase-type plasminogen activator(u PA)合成抑制剂阿米洛利(氨氯吡咪,Amiloride)在卵巢癌细胞迁徙、侵袭过程中的作用。方法检测阿米洛利处理后卵巢癌细胞OVCAR3的迁徙及侵袭能力变化,RT-RCR及Western Blotting检测u PA表达水平变化。结果卵巢癌细胞OVCAR3经阿米洛利处理后u PA m RNA及蛋白表达水平及细胞迁徙、侵袭能力显著下降,且呈浓度依赖性。结论 u PA合成抑制剂阿米洛利可能通过下调u PA表达水平抑制卵巢癌细胞迁徙及侵袭,是一种潜在的抑制卵巢癌发展的药物。  相似文献   

Human neural and mesenchymal stem cells have been identified for cell-based therapies in regenerative medicine and as vehicles for delivering therapeutic agents to areas of injury and tumors. However, the signals required for homing and recruitment of stem cells to these sites are not well understood. Urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) and urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) are involved in chemotaxis and cell guidance during normal development and are upregulated in invasive tumors. Here we provided evidence that activation of uPA and uPAR in malignant solid tumors (brain, lung, prostate, and breast) augments neural and mesenchymal stem cell tropism. Expression levels of uPAR on human solid tumor cell lines correlated with levels of uPA and soluble uPAR in tumor cell-conditioned media. Cytokine expression profiles of these tumor-conditioned media were determined by protein arrays. Among 79 cytokines investigated, interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 were the most highly expressed cytokines in uPAR-positive tumors. We provided evidence that human recombinant uPA induced stem cell migration, whereas depletion of uPA from PC-3 prostate cancer cell-conditioned medium blocked stem cell migration. Furthermore, retrovirus-mediated overexpression of uPA and uPAR in neuroblastoma (NB1691) cells induced robust migration of stem cells toward NB1691 cell-conditioned media, compared with media derived from wild-type NB1691 cells. We conclude that expression of uPA and uPAR in cancer cells underlies a novel mechanism of stem cell tropism to malignant solid tumors, which may be important for development of optimal stem cell-based therapies. Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest is found at the end of this article.  相似文献   

A fragment of recombinant urokinase plasminogen activator (u-PA), was expressed in E. coli in the form of inclusion bodies. Purification and renaturation was achieved in a three-stage process. Capture of the inclusion bodies was achieved by coupling wash steps in Triton X-100 and urea with centrifugation. Solubilised inclusion bodies were then renatured by buffer exchange performed by size-exclusion chromatography (SEPROS). Use of size-exclusion media with higher fractionation ranges resulted in an increase in the recovery of u-PA activity, to a maximum fractionation range of Mr 10000-1500000 after which recovery is reduced, due to a low resolution between the refolded u-PA and denaturant. Fractions of refolded u-PA were concentrated using cation ion-exchange chromatography, which selectively binds correctly folded u-PA. The result is concentrated, active, homogeneous u-PA.  相似文献   

一些研究表明体液中的尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物(urokinasetypeplasminogenactivator,u PA)和尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活物受体 (uokinasetypeplasminogenactivatorreceptor,u PAR )浓度与癌细胞自身分泌和释放的水平及其浸润转移有关 ,而组织型纤溶酶原激活物 (tissueplasminogenactivator,t PA)则与癌组织血管内皮细胞的释放和血管新生有关 ,组织型纤溶酶原激活物抑制剂 (Tissueplasminogenactivatorinhibitor 1,PAI 1)则对t PA和u PA起调控作用 ,同时参与癌细胞的转移等过程[1 ,2 ] 。为探讨癌生长和癌扩散转移及血管新生与上述指标之间的…  相似文献   

Combined administration of tissue plasminogen activator and a urokinase-fibrinogen covalent conjugate is studied using modeled venous thrombosis in dogs. In comparison with the effect of the individual preparations the thrombolytic effect was potentiated when intravenous bolus injection of 1 mg tissue plasminogen activator followed by a 2-hour infusion of 4 mg of this preparation was combined with bolus injection of 25,000 IU urokinase-fibrinogen covalent conjugate 15 min after the first bolus. Potentiation and acceleration of thrombolysis were attained with the same scheme when tissue plasminogen activator was administered in a dose of 1 mg for both bolus and infusion and combined with 250,000 IU of fibrinogen-modified urokinase. Translated fromByulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 121, N o 1, pp. 48–51, January, 1996 Presented by E. I. Chazov, Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and Russian Academy of Sciences  相似文献   

Urokinase plasminogen activator receptor-associated protein (uPARAP, or Endo180) is a transmembrane endocytic receptor that mediates collagen internalization and degradation. uPARAP may be a novel pathway for collagen turnover and matrix remodeling in the lung. The function of uPARAP in lung injury has not been described. We analyzed the pulmonary mechanics of uPARAP(-/-) and wild-type mice at baseline and examined their response after bleomycin instillation. We compared collagen internalization in primary mouse lung fibroblasts (MLFs) from wild-type and uPARAP(-/-) mice using flow cytometry and fluorescent microscopy, and we examined the role of cytokines in regulating uPARAP expression and collagen internalization. We show that uPARAP is highly expressed in the lung, and that uPARAP(-/-) mice have increased lung elastance at baseline and after injury. uPARAP(-/-) mice are protected from changes in lung permeability after acute lung injury and have increased collagen content after bleomycin injury. uPARAP is the primary pathway for internalization of collagens in MLFs. Furthermore, collagen internalization through uPARAP does not require matrix metalloproteinase digestion and is independent of integrins. Mediators of lung injury, including transforming growth factor-β, TNF-α, and IL-1, down-regulate both uPARAP expression and collagen internalization. uPARAP is highly expressed in the murine lung, and loss of uPARAP leads to differences in lung mechanics, lung permeability, and collagen content after injury. uPARAP is required for collagen internalization by MLFs. Thus, uPARAP is a novel pathway that regulates matrix remodeling in the lung after injury.  相似文献   

The receptor for urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPAR) (CD87) plays an important role in leukocyte adhesion and migration. To assess the effect of endotoxin on cellular uPAR, uPAR expression was determined on leukocytes by fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis in seven healthy subjects following intravenous injection of endotoxin (lot G; 4 ng/kg). Endotoxin induced a transient increase in uPAR expression on monocytes, reaching a 92% +/- 46% increase over baseline expression after 6 h (P < 0.05). Endotoxin did not influence uPAR expression on granulocytes, while uPAR remained undetectable on lymphocytes. Endotoxin also increased soluble uPAR levels in plasma (P < 0.05). Stimulation of human whole blood with endotoxin or gram-positive stimuli in vitro also resulted in an upregulation of monocyte uPAR expression. Although tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF) upregulated monocyte uPAR expression, anti-TNF did not influence the endotoxin-induced increase in monocyte uPAR expression. These data suggest that infectious stimuli may influence monocyte function in vivo by enhancing the expression of uPAR.  相似文献   

Reduced fibrinolytic activity has been described in primary anti-phospholipid syndrome (PAPS), and may be responsible for thrombotic events. Antibodies to tissue type plasminogen activator (t-PA) or plasminogen (PLG) might contribute to the hypofibrinolytic state in autoimmune diseases, but the clinical significance of these antibodies is still unclear in recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence and clinical significance of anti-PLG and anti-t-PA antibodies in 87 patients with a history of RPL: 54 women with well-defined PAPS (mean age 32.5 years; range 26-38) and 33 women with unexplained RPL (mean age 30 years; range 24-39). IgG anti-PLG antibodies were found in 20 and four patients from the group with RPL/PAPS and unexplained RPL, respectively; IgG anti-t-PA antibodies were found in 11 and two patients from the above two groups, respectively. IgG anti-PLG antibodies were associated with the high risk of RPL (OR 7.2, P = 0.004), especially with RPL/PAPS (OR 11.2, P < 0.001) evaluated by Fisher's exact test, while IgG anti-t-PA were associated with RPL/PAPS (OR 10.0, P = 0.01) but not with RPL (OR 6.8, P = 0.06). A significant inhibition of exogenous fibrinolysis was observed by IgG fractions from patients with anti-PLG or anti-t-PA antibodies on microplates and on the human umbilical vein endothelial cells, compared with those from healthy controls. The prevalence of IgG anti-PLG antibodies was high in RPL patients, especially in RPL/PAPS, while the prevalence of IgG anti-t-PA antibodies was high in RPL/PAPS but not in RPL, and some of them might inhibit fibrinolysis in patients.  相似文献   

The cause of the circadian variation in the incidence of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has not been identified. Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) have opposing effects on thrombi. Hence, the extent of the clot, the size of the infarct and outcome of patients could depend on t-PA and PAI-1 levels. In an effort to elucidate the pathophysiologic basis of circadian variation of AMI, we investigated the presence of a possible corresponding circadian variation in the levels of endogenous t-PA and PAI-1 in patients diagnosed to have AMI and the effects of hypertension, diabetes and site of the infarct on these levels. We estimated the levels of t-PA and PAI-1 in platelet-poor plasma of 42 patients with AMI on admission, using the enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay. Although not statistically significant, patients having an AMI in the morning hours had the highest t-PA:PAI-1 ratio. The normal circadian variation in PAI-1 levels was lost in patients with AMI, probably due to the disease process. Also, the t-PA levels in hypertensive patients were significantly lower than in nonhypertensives. PAI-1 levels were also significantly lower in patients with anteroseptal than in inferior and anterolateral AMI. This relationship between the fibrinolytic potential and the site of infarction needs further study. Furthermore, t-PA levels on admission were significantly lower in survivors and may have a predictive value in determining the outcome.  相似文献   

The plasminogen activators, urokinase PA (u-PA) and tissue-type PA (t-PA), are believed to play important roles in inflammatory cell infiltration, fibrin deposition, and joint destruction associated with rheumatoid arthritis; however, their precise roles in such processes, particularly u-PA, have yet to be defined. Using gene-deficient mice we examined the relative contribution of the PAs to the chronic systemic collagen-induced arthritis model. Based on clinical and histological assessments, u-PA-/- mice developed significantly milder disease and t-PA-/- mice more severe disease compared with the relevant wild-type mice. Fibrin deposition within joints paralleled disease severity and was particularly pronounced in t-PA-/- mice. Likewise, cytokine levels in the synovium reflected the severity of disease, with interleukin-1beta levels in particular being lower in u-PA-/- mice and increased in t-PA-/- mice. The antibody response to type II collagen was normal in both knockouts; however, T cells from u-PA-/- mice had a reduced proliferative response and produced less interferon-gamma on antigen stimulation in vitro. These results indicate that the major effect of u-PA in the collagen-induced arthritis model is deleterious, whereas that of t-PA is protective. Our data highlight the complexities of PA function, and suggest that approaches either to target u-PA or to enhance local t-PA activity in joints may be of therapeutic benefit in rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

Allon M 《The New England journal of medicine》2011,364(18):1779; author reply 1779-1779; author reply 1780

Daily fluctuations of t-PA antigen and PAM activity were measured in plasma samples of physically active young healthy volunteers (group 1, n = 11; age range 20–38 years) and compared to data obtained from resting patients (group 11, n = 23; age range 44–67 years) suffering from moderate valvular disease without evidence for inflammatory, neoplastic, or thrombosis-related diseases (e.g. deep vein thrombosis, coronary artery disease). t-PA antigen concentration showed a similar diurnal pattern in both study groups with the peak value at 06:00 but was significantly increased in the higher aged group at all collection times. PAM activity had its acrophase in both groups at or around 03:00 but no age-dependent differences could be demonstrated. t-PA antigen as well as PAI-1 activity fluctuations conserved their typical pattern despite differences in physical activity in the study groups.  相似文献   

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