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目的了解浙江省动物间鼠疫的流行特征及现状, 以期为全省鼠疫防控工作提供数据支撑。方法采用回顾性研究, 自"鼠疫防治管理信息系统"收集2006 - 2020年浙江省动物间鼠疫监测数据;采用描述性流行病学方法, 对家栖鼠和野栖鼠密度, 鼠种、蚤种检出及分布情况, 宿主动物的血清学和病原学检测结果进行分析。结果 2006 - 2020年浙江省年均家栖鼠密度为3.99%, 高于年均家栖鼠密度的年份有2006、2007、2008、2009、2019、2020年;年均野栖鼠密度为4.52%, 高于年均野栖鼠密度的年份有2013、2016、2017、2018、2019、2020年。2006 - 2020年共捕获173 432只鼠形动物, 隶属3目5科12属17种;在鼠种构成中, 褐家鼠最多, 占32.15%(55 765/173 432)。共检鼠107 736只, 染蚤鼠数为3 885只, 染蚤率为3.61%;获蚤数为9 039匹, 蚤指数为0.083 9。浙江省各监测点共检测血清学样品172 235份, 检出阳性样品10份, 分别为黑线姬鼠7份、臭鼩鼱2份和褐家鼠1份, 滴度范围为1 ∶ 40 ~...  相似文献   

目的了解龙岩市鼠疫宿主动物和传播媒介的种群构成、密度和季节消长规律,为防控工作提供科学依据。方法对2010—2018年全市监测资料进行统计分析。结果捕获5 103只鼠形动物,属2目2科4属11种,褐家鼠和黄毛鼠分别为家栖鼠和野栖鼠的优势种群,家栖鼠和野栖鼠的密度分别为4.90%和2.37%;检蚤5 083只鼠形动物,印鼠客蚤占总染蚤率和蚤指数分别为22.11%和0.51;检测鼠血清5 064份,肝脾数3 048份,均为阴性。结论龙岩市未发现鼠间鼠疫流行迹象,应继续加强监测。  相似文献   

辽宁省家栖鼠种类组成与数量动态的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以1985~1991年城乡家栖鼠鼠情监测资料为主要依据,揭示了辽宁省城乡家栖鼠种类组成与数量的月变动及七年来年变动趋势。城乡1年内均有两个数量商峰,城市数量高峰为4~5月与9~10月,农村数量高峰为3~4月与10~11月。城市家鼠数量明显呈下降趋势,鼠密度被控制在1%以下;农村鼠密度也下降,但平均密度高于2%。  相似文献   

湖北省鼠情8年监测结果分析表明:城乡家鼠组成均以褐家鼠、黄胸鼠、小家鼠为主,其次为黑线姬鼠和黄毛鼠;城镇褐家鼠构成比高于农村,黄胸鼠所占比重逐年缩小,小家鼠比重增大。农村户外野栖鼠组成以黑线姬鼠和褐家鼠为主。各县、市家野鼠密度存在不同程度的差别,农村鼠密度明显高于城镇;8年来全省城乡鼠密度总趋势是家鼠密度明显下降,野栖鼠密度1990~1994年比1987~1989年有所上升。城乡家鼠季节性数量变动曲线波形基本相似,每年有两个数量高峰(3~5月和8~10月),表明家鼠数量在时间分布上基本一致。结果还表明,褐家鼠、黄胸鼠、小家鼠的季节性数量变动曲线既有相似性,又有相抗性。农村野栖鼠的季节性数量高峰期年度间不稳定,农村野栖鼠优势种黑线姬鼠的数量变动,与野栖鼠季节性数量变动曲线相一致。  相似文献   

突击灭鼠后家栖鼠密度回升因素分析孟风英近几年来在灭家栖鼠方面开展的“一役达标”活动,使家栖鼠的数量在大范围内锐减。但灭后家栖鼠数量的复升速度各地快慢不一,而复升因素众说纷云,然灭田问鼠不力,是多数同志一致的意见,这就给人们一个提示,即在灭家栖鼠的同时...  相似文献   

三明市区家鼠组成自 1974~ 1999年 2 6年间 ,其种类构成发生了一定变化。现就其变化情况及原因分析如下。1 调查方法 自 1974年起每年结合冬春季开展爱国卫生运动 ,对市区家鼠进行密度调查。采用鼠夹 (笼 )法 ,诱饵统一为油条 ,对捕获鼠分类统计 (臭因与其他 3种家鼠组成中国南方家栖鼠形动物的特定群落 ,故按惯例一起统计 ,以便与以往资料对比分析 )。2 结果与分析  1974~ 1999年三明市区家鼠构成情况见附表。由表中看出 ,1975年以前三明市区家栖鼠以黄胸鼠为优势种 ,1976年至 80年代初期黄胸鼠和褐家鼠构成相近 ,为优势种 ,1984…  相似文献   

本文报告了部队营区残存家栖鼠种和其数量分布特点及季节消长规律.在营区灭鼠达标后2个月内残存鼠以小家鼠为主,以后为褐家鼠所取代.残存家栖鼠活动的主要场所在营区食源和水源丰富的地方,且大都分布在楼房底层.残存小家鼠全年密度消长有所波动,而褐家鼠的密度和其鼠洞数量均基本上呈逐月上升趋势.灭鼠达标后3个月残存鼠密度接近基本无鼠害标准,半年时间可恢复到原来鼠密度水平.  相似文献   

2002-2008年宁德市鼠疫监测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过对宿主动物及媒介昆虫的监测,及早发现鼠疫疫情,采取防制措施。方法采用笼日法捕鼠,对捕获的活鼠进行分类鉴定,采其肝脾及血清检测F1抗体和检蚤,并计算鼠密度、染蚤率、蚤指数等。结果家栖鼠主要为褐家鼠和黄胸鼠,野栖鼠主要为黄毛鼠和板齿鼠;室内外平均鼠密度分别为7.46%和2.90%。家栖鼠平均染蚤率42.00%,总蚤指数为1.19,鼠体寄生蚤以印鼠客蚤占绝对优势。结论虽然历史疫区的宿主和媒介种类构成保持稳定,密度低,且媒介蚤指数呈下降的趋势,但仍应开展监测工作,及时发现异常信号,采取必要措施,防止鼠疫复燃。  相似文献   

苏州市家栖鼠群落演替及其原因   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨苏州市区家栖鼠的群落演替及其原因,制定科学、合理的防制对策。方法 夹夜法捕鼠。结果1991~2000年的10年间,苏州市家栖鼠群落结构发生了较大变化,褐家鼠种群数量不断增加,成为优势种;小家鼠和黄胸鼠的种群数量逐渐减少。结论城市环境改造和人为干预活动,改变了鼠类栖息的生态环境和栖息场所,家栖鼠的群落结构也发生了相应变化。  相似文献   

以往群众采用敌鼠钠毒饵灭家栖鼠,突出的问题是毒饵投放不普遍,漏户漏间较多,毒饵投放量不足以及怕毒死家禽、家畜等原因,往往不能有效的把鼠密度控制到较低水平。1983年12月13日开始,我们对济南郊区宿家张马村进行了敌鼠钠小麦毒饵现场灭家栖鼠试验,在短期内把家栖鼠密度控制到较低水平。报告如下:  相似文献   

福建鼠类组成变动及季节消长研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对福建家鼠组成比进行了调查研究,并与50年代进行了比较,证明已有明显的变化,褐家鼠已成为优势种。对福建南部和北部家鼠组成上也进行了比较,闽北褐家鼠比闽南多52.50%,闽南臭鼩鼱比闽北多2.62倍。福建家鼠和田园鼠一年有两个季节高峰,前者在4月和10月,后者在4月和9月。  相似文献   

沈阳市生活垃圾调查及处置方式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铮铮 《环境卫生工程》2010,18(2):13-14,18
通过对沈阳市生活垃圾1a的理化性质分析,呈现出随季节变化所引起的生活垃圾性质变化情况,从而确定适合沈阳市的生活垃圾处理与处置方式,实现生活垃圾的减量化、无害化、资源化。  相似文献   

我国恙虫病按季节分布可分为两型:夏季型:流行于南方(浙江、福建、广东、广西、云南等省区);主要宿主动物为啮齿目的黄毛鼠、黄胸鼠、褐家鼠、北社鼠、黑线姬鼠,食虫目的臭嗣鼯;主要媒介为地里纤恙螨;流行于5—10月。秋冬型:流行于江苏、山东等省;主要宿主动物为啮齿目的黑线姬鼠、褐家鼠、大仓鼠,食虫目的大麝晌;主要媒介为小盾纤恙螨;流行于10—12月。  相似文献   

综述了季节变化、气压、气湿、气候变化与空气污染的联合作用对我国心脑血管疾病死亡率的影响,并介绍了国际、国内气候预报模型研究现况,初步提出对策。作者认为探讨血浆氧化型低密度脂蛋白含量与气候变化的关系,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that the reservoir hosts of cowpox virus are wild rodents, although direct evidence for this is lacking for much of the virus's geographic range. Here, through a combination of serology and PCR, we demonstrate conclusively that the main hosts in Great Britain are bank voles, wood mice and short-tailed field voles. However, we also suggest that wood mice may not be able to maintain infection alone, explaining the absence of cowpox from Ireland where voles are generally not found. Infection in wild rodents varies seasonally, and this variation probably underlies the marked seasonal incidence of infection in accidental hosts such as humans and domestic cats.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of coronary heart disease mortality rates in New Zealand is analysed by age, sex and race using monthly national mortality data for the period 1970-83. A 35% variation from the winter peak to summer low is found in the crude mortality rate, but the size of the seasonal variation is age-dependent, being more pronounced in the elderly, and more so in males than in females. The hypothesis that respiratory infections are linked to coronary heart disease, and that their seasonal occurrence explains the seasonal variation in coronary rates, is examined by an analysis of the association between coronary disease and respiratory disease mortality rates. By partial correlation analysis and by examining the residual correlation after filtering the seasonal variation from both series, it is suggested that the season acts as a confounding factor to cause an apparent association between the two rates. After controlling for season there is a tenuous relationship, but it is apparent only in the elderly.  相似文献   

用圆形分布法探讨疫苗干预对麻疹发病季节性的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
[目的]探讨麻疹流行的季节性规律及麻疹疫苗的干预对其流行高峰期的影响.[方法]采用圆形分布法.分析湖南省1951~1999年麻疹发病高峰日的变迁情况并对疫苗干预的不同时期的流行高峰日进行比较.[结果]从1951至1999年,划分的各个时期均存在麻疹发病高峰期,高峰日逐阶段后移达两个月江结论]疫苗干预可使麻疹发病高峰日后移,但不改变每年出现发病高峰季节的流行规律;圆形分布分析单峰型有周期性的疾病季节高峰特征,具有计算简单、描述直观的优点.  相似文献   

Understanding how risks to human health change as a result of seasonal variations in environmental conditions is likely to become of increasing importance in the context of climatic change, especially in lower-income countries. A multi-disciplinary approach can be a useful tool for improving understanding, particularly in situations where existing data resources are limited but the environmental health implications of seasonal hazards may be high. This short article describes a multi-disciplinary approach combining analysis of changes in levels of environmental contamination, seasonal variations in disease incidence and a social scientific analysis of health behaviour. The methodology was field-tested in a peri-urban environment in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, where poor households face alternate seasonal extremes in the local environment as the water level in the Delta changes from flood to dry season. Low-income households in the research sites rely on river water for domestic uses, including provision of drinking water, and it is commonly perceived that the seasonal changes alter risk from diarrhoeal diseases and other diseases associated with contamination of water. The discussion focuses on the implementation of the methodology in the field, and draws lessons from the research process that can help in refining and developing the approach for application in other locations where seasonal dynamics of disease risk may have important consequences for public health.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in the rates of stillbirth, and of deaths under the age of one year, were studied for England and Wales in order to examine (a) changes in the seasonal variation over the years and (b) the correlation between seasonal rates and seasonal temperatures. The quarterly rates of stillbirths were studied for the period 1928-78; and of deaths under the age of one year, in six different age groups, for the period 1912-78. A disappearance of seasonal variation in rates ('deseasonality') occurrred from stillbirths in about 1950, and for neonatal deaths in about 1965. For deaths at 1-2 months a trend towards deseasonality has been apparent since 1955, but there has been no such trends for deaths at 3-11 months of age. In the period before deseasonality, and for the first quarter of the year, there was a high negative correlation between the neonatal death rate and the mean temperature in England and Wales but this correlation fell as the seasonal variation in rates fell. The findings suggest that seasonal variation in the neonatal death rate was closely related to winter temperatures during the period 1921-60. For deaths at 1-11 months old, there has been and still is a relation between temperature and seasonal variation in rates, but the relation was less close than for the neonatal death rate.  相似文献   

Indoor radon and well water radon in Virginia and Maryland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The domestic use of radioactive water has long been a cause for concern, but only a few studies have examined prolonged exposure to radionuclide concentrations found in natural settings. This paper reports on the indoor radon concentrations from 1,500 homes in northern Virginia and southern Maryland and well water radon from 700 homes in the same area. Indoor radon concentrations are almost all between 1 and about 40 pCi/L. The winter season shows the highest values with about 40% of the homes over the US EPA action level of 4.0 pCi/L. The summer season shows the lowest values with about 25% of the homes over this level. This seasonal variation is related to home ventilation. Waterborne radon in homes with private well ranges from about 100 pCi/L to about 8,000 pCi/L. In small homes, indoor radon can be significantly increased by outgassing of the home water supply, even at water radon levels of less than 10,000 pCi/L.  相似文献   

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