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We present two cases of solitary fibrous tumour (SFT) showing biphasic morphology with a spectrum of malignant epithelioid components. Slides prepared from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue from both cases were stained with haematoxylin and eosin and by immunohistochemistry. Interphase fluorescent in situ hybridisation studies were performed in both cases using paraffin-embedded tissue to look for the t(X;18) translocation, thereby to exclude synovial sarcoma. Both cases showed biphasic morphology with some areas having typical benign spindled SFT morphology (including CD34 expression) and other areas having a malignant epithelioid appearance. In one of the cases, the epithelioid area, which was well circumscribed and showed packeting of cell groups, demonstrated expression of cytokeratin and epithelial cadherin but not of CD34. In the second case, the immunophenotype of the epithelioid component was similar to that of the benign SFT component. These findings suggest that epithelioid change in SFT shows a range of differentiation at one end, similar to that of a standard SFT, and at the other end, possibly acquiring epithelial characteristics.  相似文献   

Solitary fibrous tumours (SFTs) of the pleura, in contrast to malignant mesothelioma, occur independently of previous asbestos exposure. They are benign tumours, but may recur if the stalk to the adjacent pleural or lung tissue remains in situ during surgical removal. The molecular pathology of SFTs is largely unknown. We used comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH) to characterise 12 localised SFTs and 12 predominantly sarcomatoid mesotheliomas. Fifty-eight percent of the investigated SFTs did not show any chromosomal imbalances. The most frequent defects were losses on chromosome arms 13q (33%), 4q and 21q (17% each). Significant gains were seen at chromosome 8 and at 15q in two cases each. There was no correlation between tumour size and molecular pathology findings. In contrast, 75% of the mesotheliomas carried chromosomal defects. On average, the mesotheliomas showed over three times as many defects per tumour as the SFTs. Localisation of several frequent losses and gains were similar to those of the SFTs. Therefore, in individual cases, a clear distinction between SFTs and sarcomatoid mesotheliomas is not possible based on CGH analysis alone. Further molecular characterisation of this rare tumour entity will be necessary to elucidate possible genes involved in early tumorigenesis. Received: 24 January 2000 / Accepted: 22 March 2000  相似文献   

Three new cases of the spindle cell tumour of the breast, usually termed myofibroblastoma, are reported. The histology and the immunological profile (expression of vimentin, CD34 antigen and of muscular markers) appear similar to those of solitary fibrous tumours recently described in various sites. It is proposed to include these mammary lesions into the group of solitary fibrous tumours and to regard breast as an additional site of origin.  相似文献   

We describe three cases of solitary fibrous tumour (SFT) arising from thyroid stroma. Grossly, the tumours were clearly delimited but only partly encapsulated. The following histomorphological growth patterns were observed: bundles of cells in storiform configuration; non-structured bundles; prevalence of fibrous matrix; highly cellular, non-structured; prevalence of loose, non-structured extracellular substance; cellular proliferation and vascular spaces in a haemangiopericytic configuration and a lipomatous component. Immunohistochemical investigation demonstrated intense, diffuse vimentin positivity and focal, less intense actin positivity in all three cases. At electron microscopy we observed a primitive cell of mesenchymal type, with cytoplasm poor in organelles and rich in filaments; this cell sometimes presented differentiation characteristics. SFT is at present the most correct term for the lesions presented here despite some morphological characteristics which differ from cases reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Solitary fibrous tumour (SFT), first described as a pleural lesion, has been reported in several extrathoracic sites over the past 10 years. We describe a SFT of the left adrenal gland incidentally discovered in a 23-year-old, 22-week pregnant woman and characterised by a rapid growth during the third trimester of pregnancy. Elevated serum and urinary levels of cortisol and elevated blood levels of delta 4 androstendione and 17-OH progesterone were observed. After spontaneous delivery, the patient underwent laparoscopic resectioning of the mass and of the left adrenal gland from which the tumour was apparently originating. The kidney was not involved, and no other abdominal tumours were found. Histological and immunohistochemical features were typical of SFT of pleura and other locations. Only one case of adrenal SFT is on record, and the adrenal gland is to be added to the long list of extrathoracic locations of SFT. The association with pregnancy was a previously unrecognised event in SFT. The focal expression of progesterone receptors in the tumour cells may be related to pregnancy. This observation prompted an analysis of steroid hormone receptors in SFT of classical sites (pleura). Two of five cases had focal progesterone receptors too, a finding which deserves further investigations in a much larger series of SFTs. Received: 22 December 1999 / Accepted: 22 May 2000  相似文献   

Solitary fibrous tumour (SFT) rarely occurs in the kidney, with only one case exhibiting malignant behaviour. We report the case of a typical SFT of the kidney with sarcomatous overgrowth in a 34‐year‐old woman. This malignant component, grossly apparent as a nodular area arising in the context of the main tumour mass, consisted of CD34+ mitotically active atypical plump spindle‐ to epithelioid‐shaped cells, including pleomorphic multinucleated giant cells. A novel immunohistochemical finding was diffuse and strong S‐100 protein expression by sarcomatous cells. This should be kept in mind by pathologists to avoid confusion with other S‐100 protein‐positive malignant neoplasms.  相似文献   

Cases of solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) of the meninges are increasingly being reported. However, the real incidence of SFT among meningeal tumors has yet to be determined. We therefore clinicopathologically re-examined 64 meningeal tumors originally diagnosed to be either fibrous meningioma (FM group, n = 46) or hemangiopericytoma (HPC group, n = 18) while paying special attention to SFT. We thus reclassified one case from the FM group (2%) and one case from the HPC group (6%) to be SFT, both of which showed diffuse CD34-immunoreactivity and dense intercellular reticulin fibers but neither epithelial membrane antigen nor S-100 protein expression. The MIB-1 staining index of these cases were 6. 2% and 3.9%, respectively. The former recurred 15 years after the initial surgery and the patient underwent a second removal of the tumor. The patient has been alive with no evidence of recurrence for 7 years after the second surgery. The latter patient has been alive with no evidence of recurrence for 3 years postoperatively. The results confirmed that the incidence of SFT among meningeal tumors is relatively low, however, because of its clinically indolent nature, a careful histochemical examination is necessary to differentiate SFT from other neoplasms with a more aggressive nature. Our findings emphasize the need to clinically recognize this lesion as a distinct entity.  相似文献   

孤立性纤维性肿瘤临床病理学观察   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的探讨孤立性纤维性肿瘤(solitary fibrous tumor,SFT)的临床、病理组织学、免疫组化特征,提高对该病的认识。方法对7例SFT病例进行大体观察、病理组织学及免疫组化En V ision二步法标记,观察V im、CD34、CD99、bc l-2 Des、SMA、HMBE-1、CK、S-100蛋白在SFT组织中的表达。结果7例SFT分别发生于胸腔、腹腔、纵隔、眼眶及胸壁软组织,临床表现为肿块压迫所致的症状,肿块1.5 cm×1.5 cm×1 cm~20 cm×20 cm×18 cm,光镜下肿瘤细胞由长梭形细胞构成束状、编织状排列,间质内有多少不一的胶原纤维,无特殊的组织构型及形态的多样性为其组织学特点。免疫表型:CD34、V im、CD99均为弥漫强阳性,bc l-2 5例阳性,Des、SMA、HMBE-1、CK、S-100蛋白阴性。结论SFT是一组形态多样、无特殊组织构型及有多少不一胶原纤维的梭形细胞肿瘤,其特殊的免疫表型,有助于对该病的诊断,但SFT的确诊必须结合组织形态和免疫组化共同完成。SFT的生物学行为取决于其组织学形态和肿块的大小及生长方式,完全切除肿块者预后较好。  相似文献   

Solitary fibrous tumours (SFT), originally described in the pleura, were subsequently recognized in numerous extrapleural sites. This suggests that a common stem cell, present in various organs and tissues, may be at the origin of SFT and that specific factors may be involved in the proliferation of such cells. Recently it has been described that steroid hormone receptors, progesterone receptors in particular, are expressed by extrapleural SFT. In addition, progesterone may participate as growth factor in many CD34(+) stromal neoplasms, which express low levels of the hormone receptors. The present study analysed the expression of androgen (AR), oestrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) receptors in a series of 32 pleural SFT, 10 mesotheliomas and in reactive tissue of chronic pleuritis. ER and AR were never expressed by SFT or by chronic pleuritis, whereas PR were demonstrated in 2/16 "large" (>8 cm) and in 6/16 "small" (< or =8 cm) pleural SFT (all expressing CD34, bcl-2 and CD99). PR(+) SFT had a significantly higher proliferative activity (p = 0.04) (Ki-67 mean value 6.5%) and lower p27(kip1) (mean value 51.5%) expression than the PR(-) cases (Ki-67 mean value 3.81% and p27(kip1) mean value 57.86%). One of the cases expressing a high level of PR (80%) recurred 1 year after first surgery and the recurrence was PR(+) as well, but with a lower percentage of nuclear receptor expression (12%). In addition, in chronically inflamed subserosal tissue, a subpopulation of CD34(+) endothelial and interstitial dendritic cells was identified, which also expressed PR. These findings suggest that the CD34(+) submesothelial interstitial dendritic cells, activated during reactive processes, may be the stem cells that give rise to SFT, and that progesterone might participate in the growth of SFT through modulation of its specific receptors.  相似文献   

A young gentleman presented with difficulty in breathing. Computed tomography (CT) scan showed a huge mass located between the heart and stomach, which might have rooted in the diaphragm. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with enhanced three dimensional construction showed a lobulated, heterogeneous soft tissue mass with short T1 weighted imaging signal and flake long T2-weighted imaging (T2WI). Tumor-enhanced scanning demonstrated heterogeneous contrast enhancement. The preliminary diagnosis was intra-abdominal huge mass and considering sarcoma. Resection was conducted where the base of the tumor was located in the diaphragm oppressing the left liver lobe and heart. The base of the tumor, together with partial surrounding of the diaphragm, pericardium base, and the left lateral hepatic segment, was resected. The defect in the diaphragm and pericardium was repaired by patching, and thoracic close drainage and abdominal drainage were placed following the surgical operation. The pathological report showed giant solitary fibrous tumor (SFT). This case report may provide a reference resource for the diagnosis and treatment of SFT located in the diaphragm.  相似文献   

Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is a rare spindle cell neoplasm that usually arising from the pleura, but has been reported in diverse extrapleural sites. Urogenital localization is rare, and only several cases of paratesticular SFT have been reported. In the present report, we present the case of a 61-year-old male suffering from a paratesticular SFT. A surgical excision of the lesion was performed. The tumor was well circumscribed and consisted of a mixture of bland spindle cells and dense collagen bands. Immunohistochemical studies showed positive reactivity for CD34, CD99 and vimentin, but stained negative for CD117, S100, SMA, HMB45, Desmin and CD68. All these clinicopathologic features are suggestive of the diagnosis of paratesticular SFT.  相似文献   

 The clinicopathological features of 12 extraserosal solitary fibrous tumours (SFT) are described. The age of the patients ranged from 18 to 72 years (mean: 48.2 years; median: 54 years); 5 were female patients. Seven lesions arose in soft tissue (5 in perifascial, and 1 each in subcutaneous and intramuscular tissues). They were situated in the groin (2 cases) and the neck, right buttock, left scapula, upper arm, and anterior abdominal wall (1 case each). One polypoid lesion was seen in in the nasal cavity and 1 in the nasopharynx; 2 neoplasms arose in the urinary bladder and 1 was located in the prostate and periprostatic tissue. Nine lesions were excised; in 1 patient wide excision was performed and in 2 patients, transurethral resection. Limited follow-up of 3 cases revealed a benign clinical course. The size of the neoplasms ranged from 1.7 cm to 20.0 cm (mean: 5.4 cm; median: 3.5 cm). Histologically, the neoplasms were well circumscribed and composed of cytologically bland spindle cells arranged without an obvious pattern; focally storiform or fascicular growth patterns were seen. Tumour cells were separated by thick bands of collagen demonstrating foci of keloid-like hyalinization. Prominent vascularity showing a haemangiopericytoma-like vascular pattern and vessels with thick, hyalinized vessel walls were seen in all cases. Increased mitotic activity was noted in 2 soft tissue cases (4–6 mitoses in 10 high-power fields); the other cases showed fewer than 2 mitotic figures in 10 high-power fields. Immunohistochemically, all cases tested stained positively for vimentin, CD34 and CD99, and 2 cases showed focal myofibroblastic differentiation. Two cases examined ultrastructurally showed a fibroblastic phenotype; focally pinocytic vesicles and microfilaments were identified. SFT represents a distinct neoplasm that should be included in the differential diagnosis of spindle-cell neoplasms in soft tissue, nasal cavity and nasopharynx, urinary bladder, and prostate. Strict diagnostic criteria are necessary to avoid overdiagnosis or confusion with more aggressive neoplasms in these locations. Received: 6 December 1996 / Accepted: 20 January 1997  相似文献   

Solitary fibrous tumours usually occur in the pleura, but occasionally they appear in extraserosal soft tissues or parenchymatous organs, where their diagnosis often causes problems. This report describes a solitary fibrous tumour (SFT) of the pancreas in a 50-year-old woman treated by left-side pancreatectomy. The tumour showed immunocytochemical reactivity for CD34, CD99 and bcl-2. Because of its favourable prognosis, SFT must be clearly distinguished from leiomyosarcoma, the most frequent nonepithelial tumour of the pancreas. Other mesenchymal tumours that may occur in the pancreas include tumours of the peripheral nerve sheath, fibrous histiocytic tumours and rare vascular tumours. Received: 14 December 1998 / Accepted: 24 March 1999  相似文献   

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