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Candida albicans, an important pathogenic yeast, activates all three pathways of the complement system. To understand how this yeast evades the effects of the activated system, we have analyzed the binding of the classical pathway inhibitor C4b-binding protein (C4BP) by C. albicans. Purified native as well as recombinant C4BP bound dose dependently to the yeast and hyphal forms, as shown by multiple methods, such as confocal microscopy, flow cytometry, a novel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, absorption from human serum, and direct binding assays with purified proteins. A prominent binding site was identified at the tip of the germ tube, a structure that is considered important for tissue penetration and pathogenesis. The binding site in C4BP was localized to the two N-terminal complement control protein domains by using recombinant deletion constructs and site-specific monoclonal antibodies. As the alternative pathway inhibitors factor H and FHL-1 also bind to C. albicans, the binding of all three plasma proteins was compared. Simultaneous binding of the classical regulator C4BP and the alternative pathway regulator factor H was demonstrated by confocal microscopy. In addition, FHL-1 competed for binding with C4BP, suggesting that these two related complement regulators bind to the same structures on the yeast surface. The surface-attached C4BP maintains its complement regulatory activities and inactivates C4b. The surface-attached human C4BP serves multiple functions relevant for immune evasion and likely pathogenicity. It inhibits complement activation at the yeast surface and, in addition, mediates adhesion of C. albicans to host endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Relapsing fever is a rapidly progressive and severe septic disease caused by certain Borrelia spirochetes. The disease is divided into two forms, i.e., epidemic relapsing fever, caused by Borrelia recurrentis and transmitted by lice, and the endemic form, caused by several Borrelia species, such as B. duttonii, and transmitted by soft-bodied ticks. The spirochetes enter the bloodstream by the vector bite and live persistently in plasma even after the development of specific antibodies. This leads to fever relapses and high mortality and clearly indicates that the Borrelia organisms utilize effective immune evasion strategies. In this study, we show that the epidemic relapsing fever pathogen B. recurrentis and an endemic relapsing fever pathogen, B. duttonii, are serum resistant, i.e., resistant to complement in vitro. They acquire the host alternative complement pathway regulator factor H on their surfaces in a similar way to that of the less serum-resistant Lyme disease pathogen, B. burgdorferi sensu stricto. More importantly, the relapsing fever spirochetes specifically bind host C4b-binding protein, a major regulator of the antibody-mediated classical complement pathway. Both complement regulators retained their functional activities when bound to the surfaces of the spirochetes. In conclusion, this is the first report of complement evasion by Borrelia recurrentis and B. duttonii and the first report showing capture of C4b-binding protein by spirochetes.  相似文献   

Using cDNA probes for Factor H (FH) and C4 binding protein (C4BP) on a panel of somatic cell hybrids, we show that both of these genes map to the long arm of chromosome 1.  相似文献   

C4b-binding protein (C4BP) is a potent regulator of the complement system because it strongly inhibits the classical pathway of complement. Furthermore, C4BP serves as a cofactor to factor I (FI) in the cleavage of fluid phase C3b and can, therefore, influence the alternative pathway of complement. The major form of C4BP in plasma consists of seven identical alpha-chains and one beta-chain. Both types of subunits are composed of complement control protein (CCP) domains, eight such domains make up one alpha-chain. To elucidate the structural requirements for the interaction between C3b and the alpha-chain, nineteen recombinant C4BP variants were used: six truncated monomeric variants, nine polymeric variants in which individual CCPs were deleted, and finally four variants in which double alanine residues were introduced between CCPs. We found that C4BP requires all four N-terminal CCPs of the alpha-chain, with CCP2 and 3 being the most important, to act as a cofactor in the cleavage of C3b. Also, a cluster of positively charged amino acids on the interface between CCP1 and 2 is involved in the binding. Compared to the interaction with C4b, we conclude that binding of C3b to C4BP requires larger molecular surface on C4BP. We found that C4BP was able to act as cofactor in degradation of surface bound C3b and to accelerate decay of alternative C3-convertase. However, in both cases 1,000-fold molar excess of C4BP over factor H (FH), well known inhibitor of the alternative pathway, was required to obtain the same effect.  相似文献   

Considering the destructive potential of the complement cascade, it is no surprise that there are several complement inhibitors present in blood and expressed on virtually all cells of the body to protect self tissue. C4b-binding protein (C4BP) is a potent soluble inhibitor of the classical and lectin pathways of complement. This large (500 kDa) plasma glycoprotein consists of seven identical 75 kDa alpha-chains and a unique 40 kDa beta-chain that are held together by disulphide bridges. Both types of subunit are almost exclusively composed of complement control protein (CCP) domains. In recent years, detailed studies of structure-function relationships have yielded new understanding of the interactions between C4BP and the activated complement factors C4b and C3b, heparin, and vitamin K-dependent anticoagulant protein S. This review describes the localization of binding sites for a number of C4BP ligands in relation to well-established and novel functions of C4BP such as complement inhibition, protection of apoptotic cells from complement, CD40-dependent stimulation of B cells, and the contribution of a number of human pathogens to pathogenesis.  相似文献   

C1q is the first subcomponent of the classical pathway of the complement system and a major connecting link between innate and acquired immunity. As a versatile charge pattern recognition molecule, C1q is capable of engaging a broad range of ligands via its heterotrimeric globular domain (gC1q) which is composed of the C-terminal regions of its A (ghA), B (ghB) and C (ghC) chains. Recent studies using recombinant forms of ghA, ghB and ghC have suggested that the gC1q domain has a modular organization and each chain can have differential ligand specificity. The crystal structure of the gC1q, molecular modeling and protein engineering studies have combined to illustrate how modular organization, charge distribution and the spatial orientation of the heterotrimeric assembly offer versatility of ligand recognition to C1q. Although the biochemical and structural studies have provided novel insights into the structure-function relationships within the gC1q domain, they have also raised many unexpected issues for debate.  相似文献   

Meningococcal factor H binding protein (fHbp) is a human species-specific ligand for the complement regulator, factor H (fH). In recent studies, fHbp vaccines in which arginine at position 41 was replaced by serine (R41S) had impaired fH binding. The mutant vaccines elicited bactericidal responses in human fH transgenic mice superior to those elicited by control fHbp vaccines that bound human fH. Based on sequence similarity, fHbp has been classified into three variant groups. Here we report that although R41 is present in fHbp from variant groups 1 and 2, the R41S substitution eliminated fH binding only in variant group 1 proteins. To identify mutants in variant group 2 with impaired fH binding, we generated fHbp structural models and predicted 63 residues influencing fH binding. From these, we created 11 mutants with one or two amino acid substitutions in a variant group 2 protein and identified six that decreased fH binding. Three of these six mutants retained conformational epitopes recognized by all six anti-fHbp monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) tested and elicited serum complement-mediated bactericidal antibody titers in wild-type mice that were not significantly different from those obtained with the control vaccine. Thus, fHbp amino acid residues that affect human fH binding differ across variant groups. This result suggests that fHbp sequence variation induced by immune selection also affects fH binding motifs via coevolution. The three new fHbp mutants from variant group 2, which do not bind human fH, retained important epitopes for eliciting bactericidal antibodies and may be promising vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

C4BP has a central role in regulating the classical complement (C') pathway, but it is still uncertain whether or not it is consumed during in vivo complement activation. Attempts to demonstrate changes in C4BP plasma levels in systemic lupus erythematosus and essential mixed cryoglobulinaemia have failed, probably due to up-regulation of this protein during the inflammatory reaction. We have studied one patient with severe post-transfusion complement-mediated anaphylaxis (CMA), and 67 patients with hereditary C1 inhibitor deficiency (hereditary angioedema (HAE)). The first of these two conditions is characterized by the absence of systemic inflammatory reaction and the second by acute and chronic activation of the C' classical pathway. C4BP, C4BP-C4b complex, and soluble terminal C' complex (sC5b-9) were measured in the patients' plasmas by ELISA techniques and C3a and C4a by radioimmunoassays. In CMA, 15 min after the transfusion, there was a massive C' activation, with increases in C4a, C3a, sC5b-9, C4BP-C4b complexes and decreases in C4, C3 and C4BP. All parameters reverted to preinfusion values within 24 h. Depletion of C4 was correlated with that of C4BP. In patients with HAE, the median value of C4BP (83% range 54-165) was significantly lower (P < 0.0001) than in normal controls (99% range 70-159), with no difference between patients in remission or during acute attacks. C4BP-C4b complexes could not be detected in HAE patients. The results of this study indicate that C4BP is consumed in vivo during acute, and possibly during chronic activation of the C' classical pathway, and that this protein, after interaction with C4b, not longer circulates in plasma.  相似文献   

《Molecular immunology》2015,67(2):197-207
Surfactant proteins SP-A and SP-D, and complement protein C1q are soluble innate immune pattern recognizing molecules. SP-A, SP-D and C1q have an overall similar structure composed of an N-terminal triple-helical collagen region that is followed by a trimeric globular domain. While SP-A and SP-D belong to the collectin family (collagen containing lectin), C1q is the first recognition subcomponent of the classical pathway of the complement system. Recently, SP-A, SP-D and C1q have been considered to play important roles in early and late pregnancy. However, their expression in early human decidua has not been examined. Here, we investigated whether SP-A, SP-D and C1q are expressed within first trimester decidua in humans and their expression is associated with trophoblasts and decidual stromal cells. Decidual samples from women undergoing elective vaginal termination of pregnancy during first trimester were obtained from 25 subjects. Immunohistochemical studies using anti-human SP-A, anti-human SP-D and anti-human C1q antibodies were performed on decidual tissue sections along with anti-vimentin and cytokeratin-7 antibodies to identify stromal cells and trophoblasts. The expression was also examined by immunostaining and PCR using decidual and stromal cells. C1q expression was significantly higher when compared to SP-A and SP-D in the first trimester human decidua. Double immunostaining revealed that all stromal cells and trophoblasts expressed SP-A, SP-D and C1q, while only few invasive trophoblasts expressed C1q. Thus, expression of SP-A, SP-D and C1q in human decidua during first trimester suggests potential role of SP-A, SP-D and C1q during the early stages of pregnancy including implantation, trophoblast invasion and placental development.  相似文献   

Normal human sera were depleted of C1q, factor D (D) and properdin (P) by a simple and reproducible procedure providing reagents for analysis of complement-dependent functions. Classical pathway activity was restored with purified C1q, and alternative pathway activity with purified D and P. Since both activation pathways were abolished, antibodies and other components could be removed without loss of complement activity during immunoabsorption procedures. Synergism between the two pathways during haemolysis of rabbit erythrocytes was clearly demonstrated, and was also found on analysis of C3 cleavage in serum incubated with other alternative pathway activators such as zymosan and inulin. Experiments with a Neisseria meningitidis serogroup W-135 strain isolated from a patient with inherited P deficiency showed that both pathways were capable of supporting antibody-dependent killing of the bacteria in serum. The alternative pathway was possibly more efficient than the classical pathway in the assay system. In C1q,D,P-depleted serum with high concentrations of anticapsular IgG antibodies, the addition of D alone resulted in efficient alternative pathway-mediated killing. The alternative pathway was equally efficient in a C1q,D,P-depleted serum with low concentrations of anticapsular antibody, but in this case the reaction required both D and P.  相似文献   

A human monoclonal IgE from patient DES, IgE (DES), has been shown to activate the classical pathway of complement. The mechanism of this activation has been investigated and can be summarized as follows: (a) IgE (DES) is able to bind and activate C1 in a dose-dependent fashion. This activation increases with the size of the aggregates used, but the affinity of C1 for IgE (DES) is weaker than for IgG. (b) A classical pathway C3 convertase can be assembled on IgE (DES) using purified C1, C4 and C2. The formation decay of this convertase is similar to that formed on IgG with an half-life of 9 min at 37 degrees C. (c) The extrinsic regulation of the C3 convertase by C4bp is restricted on IgE (DES) as compared to IgG. This restriction is shown on both the formation and the decay of the convertase. The mechanism of activation of the classical pathway of complement by IgE (DES) thus present some similarities with the assembly of the C3 convertase by the alternative pathway.  相似文献   

Human C4b-binding protein (C4BP) is a soluble, multiple-subunit inhibitor of complement that circulates in blood. Recently C4BP was shown to bind DNA, reduce DNA release from necrotic cells and limit DNA-mediated complement activation in solution. Herein we employed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to measure chemical shift perturbations and used them to restrain the computational docking of a B-form 10-base-pair DNA molecule onto the solution structure of C4BP alpha-chain complement control protein (CCP) domains 1-2 (C4BP12). Six amino acid residues located on one face of the interdomain junction - Val(38), Ser(40), Thr(43), Tyr(62), Lys(63) and Arg(64) - exhibited the largest chemical shift changes. In the model, the DNA lies in a cleft formed by the interdomain interface. The double-helix is perpendicular to the long axis of C4BP12 consistent with the multiple arms of C4BP binding to adjacent sites on a longer DNA molecule. The DNA lies in a region previously shown to bind C4b and heparin and these molecules (but not C3b) inhibited the DNA-C4BP interaction. Nonetheless, crucial C4BP functions such as cofactor activity for factor I cleavage of C4b and C3b, and decay acceleration of the classical C3 convertase appeared not to be affected by the presence of DNA. Taken together these results reinforce the case for the occupation of some of the seven arms of C4BP in a multivalent interaction with DNA or surface bound glycosaminoglycans while other arms engage C4b or C3b.  相似文献   

Activation of the classical pathway in Alzheimer''s disease derives from the binding of the first protein, subcomponent C1q, to the amyloid beta-peptide (A beta). Analysis of the binding of C1q to A beta by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay shows that A beta fragments 1-16 and 1-28 but not 12-28 and 17-42 are capable of inhibiting the A beta/C1q interaction, implicating the A beta 1-11 region as the C1q binding site. Binding is also shown to be inhibited by conditions of high ionic strength, suggesting that charged side chains in the A beta 1-11 region are critical to the A beta/c1q interaction. Ultrastructural evidence of binding is provided by platinum replica electron microscopy. Along with a previous demonstration of the 14-26 region of the C1q A chain as the A beta binding site, these findings suggest that attractions between a negative charge cluster in A beta 1-11 and a positive charge cluster in C1qA14-26 mediate the binding of A beta and C1q.  相似文献   

The complement protein C1q, isolated from bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) serum, was found by electron microscopy to resemble human C1q; peripheral globular units, probably six in number, are connected by thin strands to a hollow stem-like central structure. The dimensions of frog and human C1q were also found to be very similar. These results are consistent with earlier observations that frog and human C1q are similar, although not identical, in overall size, subunit structure, amino acid composition, and functional properties. Evidently this protein, which binds to antigen-antibody complexes and to C1r and C1s, thereby forming a physical link between the immune and complement systems, has been highly conserved in evolution.  相似文献   

Classical pathway activation is often assessed by measuring circulating levels of activated C4. However, this parameter does not discriminate between activation through the classical or the lectin pathway. We hypothesized that during classical pathway activation, complexes are formed between C1q and activated C4 or C3. Using ELISA, we investigated whether such complexes constitute specific markers for classical pathway activation. In vitro, C1q-C3d/C4d complexes were generated upon incubation of normal recalcified plasma with aggregated IgG or an anti-C1q mAb that activates C1 (mAb anti-C1q-130). In contrast, during incubation with C1s or trypsin, C1q-C3d/C4d complexes were not generated, which excludes an innocent bystander effect. Additionally, C1q-C3d/C4d complexes were not generated during activation of the alternative or the lectin pathway. Repeated freezing and thawing did not influence levels of C1q-C3d/C4d complexes in recalcified plasma. To measure C1q-complement complexes in plasma samples, we separated unbound complement proteins from C1q-C3d/C4d complexes in the samples prior to testing with ELISA. In samples from patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery or suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, we found higher levels of C1q-C4 complexes than in samples from healthy individuals. We conclude that complexes between C1q and C4 or C3 are specific markers of classical complement pathway activation.  相似文献   

Human astroviruses (HAstVs) constitute a family of non-enveloped, RNA viruses which cause infantile gastroenteritis. We have previously demonstrated that purified HAstV coat protein (CP), multiple copies of which compose the viral capsid, bind C1q resulting in inhibition of classical complement pathway activity. The objective of this study was to further analyze the mechanism by which CP inhibits C1 activation. CP inhibited C1 activation, preventing cleavage of C1s to its active form in the presence of heat-aggregated IgG, a potent classical pathway activator. CP also inhibited generation of the potent anaphylatoxin C5a. CP dose-dependently bound to C1q, the isolated globular heads and the collagen-like regions of the C1q molecule. When CP was added to C1, C1s dissociated from C1q suggesting that CP functionally displaces the protease tetramer (C1s–C1r–C1r–C1s). Given the structural and functional relatedness of C1q and MBL, we subsequently investigated the interactions between CP and MBL. CP bound to purified MBL and was able to inhibit mannan-mediated activation of the lectin pathway. Interestingly, CP did not bind to a variant of MBL that replaces a lysine residue (Lys55) critical for binding to MASP-2, a functional homolog of C1s. Finally, CP was shown to cross the species barrier to inhibit C3 activation and MAC formation in rat serum. These findings suggest CP inhibits C1 and MBL activation via a novel mechanism of interference with the normal interaction of the recognition molecule with its cognate serine proteases.  相似文献   

We identified a 4-year-old Brazilian boy from a family of Japanese descent and history of consanguinity, who suffered from severe recurrent pneumonia. He carries factor H (FH) deficiency associated with reduced levels of component C9 and low serum levels of C3 and factor B. His mother also presented low levels of these proteins and factor I, while his father and sister had only lower levels of FH. Western blot assays confirmed the complete absence of FH and FHL-1 polypeptides in this patient. Sequencing of the proband's FH cDNA revealed a homozygous G453A substitution, encoding an Arg127His change. His mother, father and sister are heterozygous for this substitution. Despite the absence of FH in the plasma, this protein was detected in the patient's fibroblasts, suggesting that Arg127 may be important for FH secretion. Low concentrations of C9 were detected in the proband serum but no mutations in the patient's C9 gene or promoter have been identified, suggesting that this is a consequence of uncontrolled complement activation and high C9 consumption.  相似文献   

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