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This research on user fee removal in three African countries is located at the interface of public policy analysis and health systems research. Public policy analysis has gradually become a vast and multifaceted area of research consisting of a number of perspectives. But the context of public policies in Sahelian Africa has some specific characteristics. They are largely shaped by international institutions and development agencies, on the basis of very common 'one-size-fits-all' models; the practical norms that govern the actual behaviour of employees are far removed from official norms; public goods and services are co-delivered by a string of different actors and institutions, with little coordination between them; the State is widely regarded by the majority of citizens as untrustworthy. In such a context, setting up and implementing health user fee exemptions in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger was beset by major problems, lack of coherence and bottlenecks that affect public policy-making and implementation in these countries.Health systems research for its part started to gain momentum less than twenty years ago and is becoming a discipline in its own right. But French-speaking African countries scarcely feature in it, and social sciences are not yet fully integrated. This special issue wants to fill the gap. In the Sahel, the bad health indicators reflect a combination of converging factors: lack of health centres, skilled staff, and resources; bad quality of care delivery, corruption, mismanagement; absence of any social security or meaningful commitment to the worst-off; growing competition from drug peddlers on one side, from private clinics on the other. Most reforms of the health system have various 'blind spots'. They do not take in account the daily reality of its functioning, its actual governance, the implicit rationales of the actors involved, and the quality of healthcare provision. In order to document the numerous neglected problems of the health system, a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods is needed to produce evidence.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine the determinants of attitudes towards some "general criteria" guiding the financing, provision and satisfaction of the Spanish health system. First we examine the degree of acceptance of a publicly funded health system such as the use of an intergenerational equity criteria for health care rationing based on patient's age. Second, employing the same sample we analyse the determinants of citizen's satisfaction with the health system in order to identify the profile that defines attitudes of Spanish population to their health system. METHODOLOGY: We undertake a quantitative analysis of the public opinion survey Eurobarometer 49.1 (1998) for a subsample of the Spanish population. The Eurobarometer is a periodical public opinion survey representative of European Union (EU) citizens. Due to the categorical nature of individual responses to public opinion surveys, the model estimated is an ordered probit. The explanatory variables used refer to socio-economic status and political attitudes. RESULTS: There appears to be a consensus on the criteria that public sector should go a way forward from what the public envisages as "essential health care". 73.5% of the populations rejects a libertarian criteria that sustains that individuals are self responsible for funding non-essential health care. This attitude is especially supported by male with leftists political tendencies and high education achievement. The use of age-related criteria to ration health care (fair innings) is rejected by a 81.5% of the population. However, we find that self interest is the main criteria guiding this attitude since elderly and middle and high income individuals tend reject the use of this criteria more than other groups. Satisfaction with the Spanish health system is higher than other southern EU countries, as Italy and Greece but still far from the levels achieved by Scandinavian and northern EU countries. Political attitudes, age and socio-economic status are positively associated with a higher satisfaction.Conclusions: Health systems reforms that significantly reduce the collective funding of health systems would not be accepted by the majority of the population. As it happens in other EU countries, attitudes on the financing and provision of health care are influenced by political attitudes. Health reforms reducing the extent of health care funding would be rejected by the population. The use of and age-related criteria for health care rationing would be envisaged as discriminatory against the elderly. Health system satisfaction is in an intermediate position and its sensitive to demographic and socio-economic composition of the Spanish population, still far from the levels achieved by Scandinavian and northern EU countries. This results show a particular general criteria when evaluating health systems key elements, and may be expected to vary when applied to the concrete decision making scenario. Finally, it should be noted that quantitative analysis of general surveys is subject to large limitations. Thus, caution should be posed when interpreting these results, always should be seen as complementary of other studies using alternative methodologies (those using qualitative and experimental methodologies).  相似文献   

Cross-border patient mobility has become a topic of increasing interest for policy-makers and academic scholars. However, the focus on international dynamics hinders the fact that healthcare mobility takes place within national boundaries as well, particularly in countries characterized by decentralized health systems. This paper shifts the focus from the drivers of international patient mobility to the ones of policy-making on patient mobility within national borders, analyzing more than fifty policy arrangements adopted between Spanish Regions in the period 2000-2020. As the findings indicate, geographical/historical, economic and political factors are key to understanding the development of cross-border healthcare agreements, as well as the conflicts that may arise therefrom. Accordingly, these arrangements may become a controversial issue and a key arena for partisan competition, affecting the articulation of effective responses to patient mobility in Spain and, ultimately, patients’ rights.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in the prospects for managed market reforms in developing countries, stimulated by current reforms and policy debates in developed countries, and by perceptions of widespread public sector inefficiency in many countries. This review examines the prospects for such reforms in a developing country context, primarily by drawing on the arguments and evidence emerging from developed countries, with a specific focus on the provision of hospital services. The paper begins with a discussion of the current policy context of these reforms, and their main features. It argues that while current and proposed reforms vary in detail, most have in common the introduction of competition in the provision of health care, with the retention of a public monopoly of financing, and that this structure emerges from the dual goals of addressing current public sector inefficiencies while retaining the known equity and efficiency advantages of public health systems. The paper then explores the theoretical arguments and empirical evidence for and against these reforms, and examines their relevance for developing countries. Managed markets are argued to enhance both efficiency and equity. These arguments are analysed in terms of three distinct claims made by their proponents: that managed markets will promote increased provider competition, and hence, provider efficiency; that contractual relationships are more efficient than direct management; and that the benefits of managed markets will outweigh their costs. The analysis suggests that on all three issues, the theoretical arguments and empirical evidence remain ambiguous, and that this ambiguity is attributable in part to poor understanding of the behaviour of health sector agents within the market, and to the limited experience with these reforms. In the context of developing countries, the paper argues that most of the conditions required for successful implementation of these reforms are absent in all but a few, richer developing countries, and that the costs of these reforms, particularly in equity terms, are likely to pose substantial problems. Extensive managed market reforms are therefore unlikely to succeed, although limited introduction of particular elements of these reforms may be more successful. Developed country experience is useful in defining the conditions under which such limited reforms may succeed. There is an urgent need to evaluate the existing experience of different forms of contracting in developing countries, as well as to interpret emerging evidence from developed country reforms in the light of conditions in developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper explores some recent healthcare reforms within the Canadian healthcare sector. As in most countries across the world, healthcare managers in Canada have been faced with the dilemma of how to achieve a balance between equity of provision and expenditure control. This study explores the external and internal pressures for change at the provincial and national levels within Canada. More significantly, it focuses on how the early stages of these changes have resulted in altered work roles and relationships for healthcare managers. A case study of British Columbia is described, where radical changes occurred in the healthcare sector in the mid-1990s. Interviews conducted with a sample of senior healthcare managers in the province illustrate how the restructuring of healthcare impacted upon management roles, structures and communication. The qualitative interview data is intended to provide an important addition to the body of largely quantitative, statistical data that is collected on international health systems on a regular basis. How the findings of the case study can contribute to learning and practice within the health services management arena is discussed.  相似文献   

A new paradigm appeared in Europe in the early 1990 s regarding the reform of health care systems. This paradigm has come to be known as the managed competition paradigm, among other terms. First introduced in Great Britain, it entails the separation of the financing/purchasing and providing functions, so that competition among providers is enhanced, while maintaining universal access and public financing, at least in principle. This article explores to what extent such paradigm has been emulated within the Greek, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish health care systems. Reform in the direction of managed competition may be ascertained in all four countries. However, each country has emphasized different aspects of the paradigm, and the degree and rhythm of implementation of reform has varied. The article considers the circumstances under which the new paradigm was born, and its main characteristics; analyzes actual reforms in Southern European countries; and provides a tentative explanation of the diffusion mechanisms. It concludes that the crucial factor explaining the different paths of policy adoption and adaptation is the character of the initial health care system.  相似文献   

International financial institutions have played an increasing role in the formation of social policy in Latin American countries over the last two decades, particularly in health and pension programs. World Bank loans and their attached policy conditions have promoted several social security reforms within a neoliberal framework that privileges the role of the market in the provision of health and pensions. Moreover, by endorsing the privatization of health services in Latin America, the World Health Organization has converged with these policies. The privatization of social security has benefited international corporations that become partners with local business elites. Thus the World Health Organization, international financial institutions, and transnational corporations have converged in the neoliberal reforms of social security in Latin America. Overall, the process represents a mechanism of resource transfer from labor to capital and sheds light on one of the ways in which neoliberalism may affect the health of Latin American populations.  相似文献   

In Argentina, health sector reforms put particular emphasis on decentralization and self-management of the tax-funded health sector, and the restructuring of the social health insurance during the 1990s. Unlike other countries in the region, there was no comprehensive plan to reform and unify the sector. In order to assess the effects of the reforms on the performance of the health financing system, this study looks at impacts on the three inter-related functions of revenue collection, pooling, and purchasing/provision of health services. Data from various sources are used to illustrate the findings. It was found that the introduction of cost recovery by self-managed hospitals increased their budgets only marginally and competition among social health insurance funds did not reduce fragmentation as expected. Although reforming the Solidarity Redistribution Fund and implementing a single basic package for the insured was an important step towards equity and transparency, the extent of risk pooling is still very limited. This study also provides recommendations regarding strengthening reimbursement mechanisms for public hospitals, and regulating the private sector as approaches to improving the fairness of the health financing system and protecting people from financial hardship as a result of illness.  相似文献   

Years after its inception, the results of official development aid in terms of poverty reduction are still limited. Among the causes, especially in the health sector, are aid dispersion and its divergence from priorities and mechanisms of recipient countries' public policies. The Paris Declaration of the High Level Forum on AIDS Effectiveness (2005) fostered an agreement on the principles to be adopted to improve the effectiveness of aid by strengthening recipient countries governments' leadership of the aid and reducing aid delivery transaction costs. Aiming at these principles, the use of new instruments -programmatic instruments- and new approaches - the sector wide approach- are being promoted to increase the effectiveness of aid. Despite some weaknesses, the assessment conducted on their utilization seems to show better performance than that achieved with traditional instruments. Spain joined the Paris Declaration in March 2005 and incorporated the use of programmatic instruments and the participation in sector-wide approaches in its new Cooperation Policy, thus initiating a significant change from previous strategies that mainly encompassed project implementation and technical advice. The new strategies directed at strengthening public policy in recipient countries provide an opportunity to increase the effectiveness of aid; however, major changes are needed for their implementation.  相似文献   

Using national data and the most recent OECD figures, we provide an updated assessment of the Spanish health care system and its reforms. We compare figures from Spain with other major industrialized nations and find that the Spanish system appears macro-economically efficient and equitable. However, like many other countries in Europe and elsewhere, the Spanish health care system confronts continued pressures to provide high-quality universal care in the face of ever increasing costs and competing uses for financial resources. These pressures have prompted the enactment of several reforms, which are reviewed. We draw from the American experience with managed care and managed competition to illustrate possible paths for further reform.  相似文献   

Health care provision, like other areas of welfare, has increasingly been subject to processes of privatization and contracting out, leading in some cases to an increased involvement of for-profit corporations. Such processes are likely to interact with processes of liberalization at the international level in ways that we would expect to lead to a growth in the international trading of such services. However, health service provision is usually deeply embedded in state structures at the national level, and the form of such structures varies greatly. The degree and type of private involvement allowed for or facilitated by national-level systems defines the scope for the potential development of international trade in health services. The author reviews existing sources of data on the levels of private provision across advanced capitalist countries, countries in transition from Soviet-type systems, and developing countries, and highlights processes of change that are likely to increase such provision. Private provision is growing slowly but steadily in most countries. While levels of international trade in health services are difficult to ascertain, the interaction between national processes of reform and international processes of liberalization is likely to increase such trade.  相似文献   

Several national health systems in Latin America initiated health reforms to counter widespread criticisms of low equity and efficiency. For public purchasing agencies, these reforms often consisted in contracting external providers for primary care provision. This paper intends to clarify both the complex and intertwined issues characterizing such contracting as well as health system performances within the context of four Central American countries. It results from a European Commission financed project lead between 2002 and 2005, involving participants from Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Salvador, United Kingdom, Netherlands and Belgium, whose aim was to promote exchanges between these participants. The findings presented in this paper are the results of a two stage process: (a) the design of an initial analytical framework, built upon findings from the literature, interlinking characteristics of contractual relation with health systems performances criteria and (b) the use of that framework in four case studies to identify cross-cutting issues. This paper reinforces two pivotal findings: (a) contracting requires not only technical, but also political choices and (b) it cannot be considered as a mechanical process. The unpredictability of its evolution requires a flexible and reactive approach. This should be better assimilated by national and international organizations involved in health services provision, so as to progressively come out of dogmatic approaches in deciding to initiate contractual relation with external providers for primary care provision.  相似文献   

It is often asserted that public management of healthcare facilities is inefficient. On the basis of that unproven claim, it is argued that privatization schemes are needed. In this article we review the available evidence, in Spain and other countries, on the application of private management mechanisms to publicly funded systems similar to the Spanish national health system. The evidence suggests that private management of healthcare services is not necessarily better than public management, nor vice versa. Ownership—whether public or private—of health care centers does not determine their performance which, on the contrary, depends on other factors, such as the workplace culture or the practice of suitable monitoring by the public payer. Promoting competition among centers (irrespective of the specific legal form of the management arrangements), however, could indeed lead to improvements under some circumstances. Therefore, it is advisable to cease the narrow-minded debate on the superiority of one or other model in order to focus on improving healthcare services management per se. Understanding that good governance affects health policies, the management of health care organizations, and clinical practice is, undoubtedly, an essential requirement but may not necessarily lead to policies that stimulate the solvency of the system.  相似文献   

Quality-based purchasing is a growing trend that seeks to improve healthcare quality through the purchaser-provider relationship. This article provides a unifying conceptual framework, presents examples of the purchaser-provider relationship in countries at different income levels, and identifies important supporting mechanisms for quality-based purchasing. As countries become wealthier, a higher proportion of healthcare spending is channeled through pooled arrangements, allowing for greater involvement of purchasers in promoting the quality of service provision. Global and line item budgets are the most common type of provider payment system in low and middle-income countries. In these countries, improving public hospital performance through contracting and incentives is a key issue. In middle and high-income countries, there are several documented examples of governments contracting to private or non-governmental health care providers, resulting in higher perceived quality of care and lower delivery costs. Encouraging quality through employer purchasing arrangements has been promoted in several countries, particularly the United States. Community-based financing schemes are an increasingly common form of health financing in parts of sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, but these schemes still cover less than 10% of national populations in countries in which they are active. To date, there is little evidence of their impact on healthcare quality. The availability of information--concerning healthcare service provision and outcomes--determines the options for establishing and monitoring contract provisions and promoting quality. Regardless of the context, quality-based purchasing depends critically on informa-tion--reporting, monitoring, and providing useful information to healthcare consumers. In many low and middle-income countries, the lack of availability of information is the principal constraint on measuring performance, a critical component of quality-based purchasing.  相似文献   

高端医疗服务业是健康服务业发展的关键领域,但由于公立医院特需服务不断扩张、社会办医政策存"玻璃门"等原因,我国高端医疗服务业的发展尚处于初期阶段。事实上,高端医疗服务业在部分国家(特别是发达国家)已经初具规模,并在发展基础、运营模式、保障体系等方面积累了比较丰富的经验。本研究介绍了英国、美国、德国、新加坡、澳大利亚和印度发展高端医疗服务业的经验:建立国家安全网医院起兜底作用,实行分层定价和差异化补贴政策,借助商业健康保险,运用公私合作模式,优先发展若干领域。并结合我国实际情况,提出我国发展高端医疗服务业的启示:在确保基本医疗服务的前提下,实行有差别的支付政策;推广商业健康保险,拓展公私合作,确定发展高端医疗的优先领域。  相似文献   

Countries of Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States are facing a combination of difficulties in health including high rates of mortality from preventable diseases, and pressures for reform of their health care systems. The development of schools of public health is an important priority for international aid and for national government attention. This provides a challenge of integrating experience from many countries in the industrialized world and academic centers of excellence in the field of public health. Traditional departments of social hygiene within medical academies need to evolve to educate new generations of doctors to cope with challenges facing the health systems in these countries. Development of post-graduate centers of training will also be needed as independent schools of public health within single or multi-faculty universities to train health workers in a New Public Health. This paper outlines the mission of a school of public health (SPH), and the steps needed to achieve its objectives, with examples of several schools at relatively advanced and moderate levels of development. The purpose is to provide guidelines for those SPHs under development that are seeking international support and resources.  相似文献   

The rapidly growing older adult populations in Brazil and India present major challenges for health systems in these countries, especially with regard to the equitable provision of inpatient care. The objective of this study was to contrast inequalities in both the receipt of inpatient care and the length of time that care was received among adults aged over 60 in two large countries with different modes of health service delivery. Using the Brazilian National Household Survey from 2003 and the Indian National Sample Survey Organisation survey from 2004 inequalities by wealth (measured by income in Brazil and consumption in India) were assessed using concentration curves and indices. Inequalities were also examined through the use of zero-truncated negative binomial models, studying differences in receipt of care and length of stay by region, health insurance, education and reported health status. Results indicated that there was no evidence of inequality in Brazil for both receipt and length of stay by income per capita. However, in India there was a pro-rich bias in the receipt of care, although once care was received there was no difference by consumption per capita for the length of stay. In both countries the higher educated and those with health insurance were more likely to receive care, while the higher educated had longer stays in hospital in Brazil. The health system reforms that have been undertaken in Brazil could be credited as a driver for reducing healthcare inequalities amongst the elderly, while the significant differences by wealth in India shows that reform is still needed to ensure the poor have access to inpatient care. Health reforms that move towards a more public funding model of service delivery in India may reduce inequality in elderly inpatient care in the country.  相似文献   

Cuba is regarded as having achieved very good health outcomes for its level of economic development. It has adopted policies and programs that focus on prevention, universal access to healthcare, a strong primary care system, the integration of health in all policies, and public participation in health. It has also established a strong and accessible system of medical education and provides substantial medical aid and support to other countries. Why then, it may be asked, has the Cuban experience not had greater influence on health policies and reforms elsewhere? This article, based on a literature review and new primary sources, analyzes various factors highlighted in the policy transfer literature to explain this. It also notes other factors that have created greater awareness of Cuban health achievements in some countries and which provide a basis for learning lessons from its policies.  相似文献   

ContextSeveral countries have introduced competition in their health systems in order to maintain the supply of high quality health care in a cost-effective manner. The introduction of competition triggers competition enforcement. Since healthcare is characterized by specific market failures, many favor healthcare-specific competition enforcement in order not only to account for the competition interest, but also for the healthcare interests. The question is whether healthcare systems based on competition can succeed when competition enforcement deviates from standard practice.MethodsThis paper analyzes whether healthcare-specific competition enforcement is theoretically sound and practically effective. This is exemplified by the Dutch system that is based on regulated competition and thus crucially depends on getting competition enforcement right.FindingsGovernments are responsible for correcting market failures. Markets are responsible for maximizing the public healthcare interests. By securing sufficient competitive pressure, competition enforcement makes sure they do. When interpreted according to welfare-economics, competition law takes into account both costs and benefits specific market behavior may have for healthcare. Competition agencies and judiciary are not legitimized to deviate from standard evidentiary requirements. Dutch case law shows that healthcare-specific enforcement favors the healthcare undertakings concerned, but to the detriment of public health care.ConclusionHealthcare-specific competition enforcement is conceptually flawed and counterproductive. In order for healthcare systems based on competition to succeed, competition enforcement should be strict.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an extended typology of OECD healthcare systems. Our theoretical framework integrates the comparative-institutional perspective of existing classifications with current ideas from the international health policy research debate. We argue that combining these two perspectives provides a more comprehensive picture of modern healthcare systems and takes the past decade’s dynamic of reforms into account. Moreover, this approach makes the typology more beneficial in terms of understanding and explaining cross-national variation in population health and health inequalities. Empirically, we combine indicators on supply, public-private mix, and institutional access regulations from earlier typologies with information on primary care orientation and performance management in prevention and quality of care. The results from a series of cluster analyses indicate that at least five distinct types of healthcare systems can be identified. Moreover, we provide quantitative information on the consistency of cluster membership for individual countries via system types.  相似文献   

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