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目的评价腹腔镜下子宫动脉阻断联合肌瘤切除术治疗子宫肌瘤的临床可行性及中远期疗效。方法对520例子宫肌瘤患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,其中348例行腹腔镜下子宫动脉阻断联合肌瘤切除术(LUAO-M);172例行腹腔镜下单纯肌瘤切除术(LM),比较两种术式的相关手术指标及随访结果。结果LUAO组术中出血量(88.2±52.7)ml少于LM组(103.2±54.9)ml(P=0.003);LUAO组术后病率5.7%低于LM组19.2%(P〈0.05);LUAO组术后住院天数(7.7±2.5)d低于LM组(8.6±3.2)d(P=0.001)。LUAO组术后子宫体积缩小率(48.9±38.6)%大于LM组体积缩小率(39.2±41.6)%(P=0.019);LUAO组月经过多缓解率97.0%高于LM组86.4%(P〈0.05);LUAO组术后肌瘤复发率3.0%低于LM组10.7%(P=0.001)。结论腹腔镜下子宫动脉阻断术联合肌瘤切除术有助于拓宽腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤切除术的手术适应证,减少术中出血量,降低术后病率及子宫肌瘤复发率。  相似文献   

腹腔镜子宫动脉阻断并子宫肌瘤剔除术28例临床观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1995年,Ravina等报道子宫动脉栓塞术(UAE)治疗子宫肌瘤取得成功,引起广大学者的关注,目前已有大量的临床报道。但UAE术后7—20天内,因肌瘤栓塞后局部缺血,缺血性盆腔痛高达90%以上,发热率26%,下肢酸胀无力60%等,给患者造成很大的痛苦。1999年中国台湾省刘伟民首创腹腔镜子宫动脉阻断术治疗子宫肌瘤,疗效与UAE相似,但并发症减少。  相似文献   

为了解腹腔镜下子宫血管阻断治疗有症状子宫肌瘤的价值.选择46例绝经期前,平均年龄43(34~51)岁,有临床症状的子宫肌瘤患者纳入研究。组其中(24例)采用放射介导子宫动脉栓塞治疗.组2(22例)采用腹腔镜下子宫血管阻断治疗.组2操作要点为近髂内动脉水平以腹腔镜内铗阻断子宫动脉.同时双极电凝处理卵巢固有韧带以阻断卵巢与子宫的交通血供。对两组术后子宫出血的改变情况.子宫及子宫肌瘤的体积变化情况及术后疼痛及镇痛药的使用情况进行评估分析。  相似文献   

子宫肌瘤是女性生殖系统常见的良性肿瘤,在生育期妇女中的发生率达20%-40%,其发生部位主要位于宫体部,约占90%-96%。随着对生活质量要求的提高,患者保留子宫的愿望越来越强烈,腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤剔除术既能满足微创,又能保留子宫,因此越来越受到临床医生和患者的重视。但因子宫肌瘤大多为多发,腹腔镜下肌瘤剔除过程中出血多,易发生副损伤,且术后易复发。我们应用腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤剔除术联合子宫动脉上行支血流阻断治疗子宫多发肌瘤,取得了良好效果,现报道如下。对象与方法  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜子宫动脉暂时阻断术与子宫动脉栓塞术(UAE)预处理在治疗Ⅲ型剖宫产瘢痕部位妊娠(CSP)中的效果。方法:选择2016年1月至2018年4月就诊于南昌大学第一附属医院妇产科的65例经超声及MRI确诊为Ⅲ型CSP患者为研究对象,其中A组31例应用腹腔镜下子宫动脉暂时阻断术后行瘢痕妊娠病灶切除术。B组34例应用UAE预处理后行瘢痕妊娠病灶切除术。比较两组术中出血量、住院时间、住院费用、血β-人绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-hCG)术后第1天较术前下降百分比、月经复潮时间、术后并发症等。结果:两组术中出血量、住院时间、血β-hCG术后第1天下降百分比、月经复潮时间比较差异均无统计学意义(P0.05);住院费用A组少于B组(P0.05),B组术后并发症发生率高于A组(P0.05)。结论:腹腔镜子宫动脉暂时阻断术是Ⅲ型CSP手术治疗中的一种安全、有效、并发症少且较为经济的预处理方法,非紧急情况下可代替UAE。  相似文献   

目的 研究子宫肌瘤患者应用腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤剥除术治疗的临床疗效及对术后康复的影响。方法 选取40例子宫肌瘤患者,根据手术方法不同分为开腹组(采用开腹手术治疗)与腹腔组(采用腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤剥除术治疗),每组20例。比较两组临床疗效、术后1年复发情况及围手术期指标。结果 开腹组总有效率80.00%和术后1年复发率15.00%与腹腔组的90.00%、10.00%比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。腹腔组手术时间、术后首次下床活动时间、恢复排气时间、恢复排便时间及住院时间均短于开腹组,术中出血量少于开腹组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤剥除术治疗子宫肌瘤的疗效良好,术后复发率较低,且术中出血量较少,手术创伤性较小,大大加速康复进程,缩短住院时间。  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜下行子宫肌瘤剥除术的术中护理配合效果。方法将我院2018年1月~2019年6月行腹腔镜下行子宫肌瘤剥除术患者40例分成两组,对照组20例行常规手术室护理,观察组20例行综合手术室护理。结果观察组SAS、SDS评分和血清皮质醇、去甲肾上腺素水平比对照组低,P<0.05。结论综合手术室护理应用于腹腔镜下行子宫肌瘤剥除术的术中护理配合的效果与作用明显。  相似文献   

子宫腺肌病是子宫内膜腺体和问质侵入子宫肌层而引起的子宫肌层增生性病变,好发于30~50岁的妇女,发病率从8.8%~31.0%不等。对无生育要求的子宫腺肌病患者可考虑子宫切除或者子宫内膜切除(或破坏)术,对有生育要求的患者,可行子宫腺肌病病灶(腺肌瘤)切除术。由于子宫腺肌病病变广泛且与正常肌层无明显界限,故手术切除难以彻底,失败率及复发率高。近年来有文献报道,子宫动脉栓塞术可有效改善子宫腺肌病的症状,但由于子宫腺肌病常常合并子宫内膜异位症(内异症),因此仍有近20%的病例行子宫动脉栓塞术治疗无效。本研究对比了腹腔镜下子宫腺肌瘤切除术+子宫动脉阻断术(uterine artery blockage,UAB)与单纯子宫腺肌瘤切除术的临床效果,旨在评价UAB在子宫腺肌病痛经治疗中的价值。  相似文献   

目的:探讨达芬奇机器人手术系统辅助腹腔镜用于子宫肌瘤剥除术的优势。方法:选取2012年5月至2014年5月采用达芬奇机器人辅助腹腔镜行子宫肌瘤剥除术的20例患者作为研究组,同时选取2013年5月至2014年5月在传统腹腔镜下行子宫肌瘤剥除术的20例患者作为对照组。比较两组患者的术中出血量、手术时间、术后肠道功能恢复时间、术后平均住院日、医生满意度评分、下床活动时间、剔除肌瘤数、肌瘤平均直径、术后24h腹腔引流量等。结果:达芬奇智能臂辅助腹腔镜子宫肌瘤剥除术在术后肠道功能恢复时间、术后平均住院日、医生满意度评分、下床活动时间等方面优于传统腹腔镜手术(P0.05);两组手术时间比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:达芬奇机器人辅助腹腔镜手术比传统腹腔镜手术具有缝合牢固、出血少、恢复快等优势。  相似文献   

3种子宫肌瘤剔除术的疗效比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价腹式子宫肌瘤剔除术、腹腔镜子宫肌瘤剔除术、腹腔镜子宫肌瘤剔除术联合子宫动脉阻断术的疗效及优缺点.方法:回顾分析腹式子宫肌瘤剔除术75例(腹式组),腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤剔除术163例(腹腔镜A组),腹腔镜子宫肌瘤剔除联合子宫动脉阻断术63例(腹腔镜B组)的临床资料.结果:腹腔镜A组手术时间为86.56±38.71分钟,手术时间最长;腹腔镜B组次之,为78.02±29.87分钟;腹式组手术时间最短,为70.28±22.86分钟.3组间手术时间比较差异有高度统计学意义(P<0.01).腹式组和腹腔镜A组术中失血量差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但明显多于腹腔镜B组(P<0.01).术后复发率3组间差异有高度统计学意义(P<0.01),其中腹腔镜B组复发率最低,其次为腹式组,腹腔镜A组术后复发率最高.结论:腹腔镜子宫肌瘤剔除术联合子宫动脉阻断术与常规的腹腔镜子宫肌瘤剔除术都具有创伤小、恢复快、腹部无切口等优点,同时明显减少术中出血量、术野清晰、缩短手术时间,复发率低.  相似文献   

目的:比较阴式子宫肌瘤剔除术与腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤剔除术治疗子宫肌瘤的临床效果。方法:选择2009年2月—2011年2月收治的80例子宫肌瘤患者,按照随机数字表法分为阴式组(40例)和腹腔镜组(40例)。对2组患者的手术创伤、术后疼痛率及术后病率进行比较分析。结果:2组患者的手术时间、术中出血量、术后肛门排气时间、术后疼痛率及术后病率比较,阴式组均优于腹腔镜组,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:在选择正确的适应证条件下,阴式子宫肌瘤剔除术与腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤剔除术均是临床上安全有效的微创手术方式,但阴式子宫肌瘤剔除术具有创伤更小、术后疼痛轻且体表无瘢痕等优点。  相似文献   

Case reports for uterine rupture subsequent to laparoscopic myomectomy were reviewed to determine whether common causal factors could be identified. Published cases were identified via electronic searches of PubMed, Google Scholar, and hand searches of references, and unpublished cases were obtained via E-mail queries to the AAGL membership and AAGL Listserve participants. Nineteen cases of uterine rupture after laparoscopic myomectomy were identified. The removed myomas ranged in size from 1 through 11 cm (mean, 4.5 cm). Only 3 cases involved multilayered closure of uterine defects. Electrosurgery was used for hemostasis in all but 2 cases. No plausible contributing factor could be found in 1 case. It seems reasonable for surgeons to adhere to techniques developed for abdominal myomectomy including limited use of electrosurgery and multilayered closure of the myometrium. Nevertheless, individual wound healing characteristics may predispose to uterine rupture.  相似文献   

目的探讨子宫肌瘤子宫动脉栓塞治疗与子宫肌瘤剔除术治疗疗效.方法回顾分析40例(A组)经子宫动脉栓塞治疗、42例(B组)经腹腔镜子宫肌瘤剔除术、36例(C组)经阴式子宫肌瘤剔除术及30例(D组)经腹式子宫肌瘤剔除术治疗子宫肌瘤病例临床资料及随访情况,分析疗效.结果4组病例均保留子宫,临床症状均明显改善,且未出现明显并发症.术后随访3~24 个月(平均18个月),术后6个月,A组子宫及肌瘤体积缩小平均62%,6例肌瘤消失;B、C、D组子宫体积缩小平均84%.术后18个月,A组子宫及肌瘤体积缩小平均86%,子宫体积恢复正常大小23例,14例肌瘤消失,B、C、D组子宫体积恢复正常大小分别为30例、29例、23例,肌瘤复发分别为3例、2例、2例.结论子宫动脉栓塞治疗与子宫肌瘤剔除术治疗子宫肌瘤均有良好疗效,子宫肌瘤剔除术治疗子宫肌瘤后子宫体积恢复正常大小及肌瘤消失率较子宫动脉栓塞治疗法高,但近期复发率高于子宫动脉栓塞治疗法.  相似文献   

目的:探讨宫腔镜下子宫肌瘤电切术(TCRM)和腹腔镜下子宫肌瘤剔除术(LM)的围手术期指标、术后子宫肌层愈合情况及对妊娠的影响,从而为子宫壁间肌瘤内镜手术方式的选择提供依据。方法:回顾性分析在2007年1月1日-2011年12月31日行TCRM和LM患者的临床资料,宫腔镜组236例、腹腔镜组392例,比较2组的一般情况、围手术期特点、术后肌层愈合情况及妊娠结局。结果:2组患者平均手术时间、术中出血量和围手术期血红蛋白减低程度比较,宫腔镜组均少于腹腔镜组,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05),术中转开腹率、术后发热率和术后月经改善率比较差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。在随访的181例宫腔镜组患者和336例腹腔镜组患者中,术后1,3,6个月的肌层完全愈合率宫腔镜组均高于腹腔镜组,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05),术后12个月肌层完全愈合率差异无统计学意义(P=0.709)。宫腔镜组首次妊娠距肌瘤剔除术的时间短于腹腔镜组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。所有术后妊娠患者均未发生妊娠期子宫破裂。结论:TCRM与LM均安全可靠,TCRM术中出血少、术后恢复快,对有生育要求的患者,TCRM优于LM。  相似文献   

Study ObjectiveTo evaluate uterine scar features after laparoscopic myomectomy (LM) compared with myomectomy performed by laparoscopy initially and then completed with minilaparotomy (LAM).DesignProspective cohort study.SettingAn academic center for advanced endoscopic gynecologic surgery.PatientsSixty-nine symptomatic women who underwent myomectomy between July and December 2018.InterventionPatients underwent LM or LAM and 3-month follow-up ultrasonography.Measurements and Main ResultsForty-four patients underwent LM and 25 underwent LAM. Demographic data, intraoperative parameters, and postoperative outcomes were collected. Two-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound was done at a 3-month follow-up to evaluate myomectomy scar features, myometrial thickness, and the presence of and vascularity of a heterogeneous mass. These features were compared with those of the intact myometrium on the opposite wall of the patient's uterus. The 2 groups had similar demographic characteristics, and there were no significant between-group differences in the number, maximum diameter, type, or location of myomas. The mean myometrial thickness at the scar site was 18.9 ± 3.22 mm in the LM group and 19.7 ± 3.50 mm in the LAM group, with no significant difference between the 2 groups. There was no meaningful difference in vascularity between the scar and normal myometrium. Heterogeneous masses were detected in 23% of patients in the LM group and in 24% of those in the LAM group. Other than mean operative time (207 minutes for LM vs 150 minutes for LAM; p < .001) and mean postoperative reduction in hemoglobin (1.77 mg/dL for LM vs 2.35 mg/dL for LAM; p = .023), there were no other statistical differences between the 2 groups. One patient in the LM group experienced a bowel injury resulting from morcellation.ConclusionThere were no differences in myometrial scar features after LM compared with after LAM, implying effective suturing via both approaches.  相似文献   

Study ObjectiveTo assess the quality of life (QoL) of women at 1 and 12 months after ultrasound-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound (USgHIFU) treatment as compared with laparoscopic myomectomy for treatment of symptomatic uterine myomas.DesignNonrandomized prospective clinical trial (Canadian Task Force classification II-2).SettingUrban university-based hospital in China.InterventionsOne hundred thirty premenopausal women underwent USgHIFU (n = 89) or laparoscopic myomectomy (n = 41) for treatment of symptomatic uterine myomas.Measurements and Main ResultsEighty-three patients in the HIFU group and 39 in the surgical group were followed up at 1 and 12 months. QoL was assessed using the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form General Health Survey, which showed no significant differences between groups in any of the 8 subscales at the 12-month follow-up visit. Symptom score, willingness to recommend the treatment to a friend, hospital stay, and recovery period were compared between the 2 groups. In the HIFU group, hospital stay was shorter (mean [SD] 2.9 [1.5] days vs 6.2 [2.7] days; p <.001) and patients resumed normal activities sooner (4.5 [1.5] days vs 10.9 [3.8] days; p <.001). Significant clinical complications and adverse events after each treatment were documented and compared, and HIFU yielded significantly better results.ConclusionsCompared with laparoscopic myomectomy, HIFU treatment of symptomatic uterine myomas leads to comparable QoL and symptom improvement, fewer significant clinical complications and adverse events, shorter hospital stay, and faster recovery. Randomized studies with long-term follow-up are needed to reach definitive conclusions insofar as HIFU treatment of uterine myomas.  相似文献   

BackgroundAlthough adnexal masses and ovarian torsion are common causes of acute pain in the female adolescent, fibroids are an uncommon etiology and little is reported in the literature. Because of the rarity of adolescent leiomyomas, the best surgical management is still unknown.CaseTo our knowledge, this is the first case report of a laparoscopic myomectomy in the adolescent population. The removed fibroid is one of the largest documented cases of uterine leiomyoma in adolescents.Summary and ConclusionDegenerative fibroids, albeit less common, should be kept on the differential diagnosis, as a possible cause of pelvic mass and pain in the adolescent population. Fibroids in the adolescent patient, like the adult, can be managed with minimally invasive surgery with excellent clinical outcomes.  相似文献   


Study Objective

To compare operative outcomes of single-port laparoscopic myomectomy (SP-LM) vs conventional laparoscopic myomectomy (CLM), including subjective and objective cosmetic aspects.


Prospective randomized controlled trial (Canadian Task Force classification I).


University hospital.


Women with uterine myoma scheduled for laparoscopic myomectomy.


Sixty-six women were assigned at random to either the SP-LM or CLM group. Surgical outcomes, including patient and observer scar assessments, were evaluated between the groups according to the intention-to-treat principle.

Measurements and Main Results

There were no significant differences in demographic characteristics and properties of myomectomy between the groups. There also were no differences in surgical outcomes, such as operation time, estimated blood loss, and complications, between the 2 groups. The mean total score of the Observer Scar Assessment Scale was lower in the SP-LM group at 1 week (13.0?±?3.2 vs 18.3?±?4.8; p?<?.001) and 8 weeks (9.9?±?3.2 vs 14.3?±?3.8; p?<?.001) after discharge. Similar results were obtained for the Patient Scar Assessment Scale at 1 week (11.6?±?7.2 vs 18.5?±?12.8; p?=?.024) and 8 weeks (9.5?±?6.0 vs 18.8?±?9.1; p?<?.001) after discharge. Postoperative pain and analgesic consumption did not differ between the groups, except in patient-controlled analgesia consumption at 6 hours after operation, which was lower in the SP-LM group (12.7?±?6.3?mL vs 16.4?±?6.2?mL; p?=?.039). Operative outcomes were similar in the 2 groups.


SP-LM is associated with more favorable cosmetic outcomes and better patient satisfaction compared with CLM. There were no differences in operative outcomes and complications between the 2 modalities.  相似文献   

Study ObjectiveTo assess the effect on ovarian reserve function after laparoscopic uterine artery occlusion (LUAO) compared with laparoscopic surgery supracervical hysterectomy (LSH) and laparoscopic myomectomy (LM).DesignProspective cohort study (Canadian Task Force classification II-1).SettingHospital with experience in gynecologic minimal access surgery.PatientsNinety patients with uterine myomas operated on from August through December 2007.InterventionNinety patients were divided into 3 groups of 30 patients each: the study group underwent LUAO and myomectomy (LUAO-M), control group 1 underwent LSH, and control group 2 underwent LM only.Measurements and Main ResultsBlood samples were collected before surgery and at 1, 3, and 6 months postoperatively. Concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), leuteinizing hormone (LH), and estradiol (EZ) were determined using an immunoassay, and serum inhibin B (INHB) concentration was evaluated using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. No significant differences in preoperative hormone concentrations between the 3 groups were found (p >.05). In the LSH group, FSH, LH, and E2 concentrations were significantly increased, whereas the INHB concentration was significantly decreased at 1 month postoperatively (p <.05); after 3 months, only the INHB concentration was significantly decreased (p <.05). However, in the LOUA-M and LM groups, there were no significant differences between preoperative and postoperative hormone concentrations (p >.05). Serum concentrations of FSH, LH, and INHB in the LSH group were significantly different from those in the study group at 1 and 3 months postoperatively (p <.05); however, the differences in postoperative hormone concentrations between the study group and the LM group were not significant (p >.05).ConclusionAt short-term follow-up, no significant effect on ovarian reserve in patients with myoma who underwent LUAO was found.  相似文献   

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