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目的简要分析PACS/RIS系统在放射科质量控制管理工作中的应用价值。方法通过系统应用前后比较,从放射科质量控制管理角度分析系统的应用优势。结果 PACS/RIS系统的应用给放射科带来工作流程的改进、服务质量的提高以及诊断、技术和管理水平的增强。结论 PACS/RIS系统的应用符合医院现代化管理的需要,成为影像科室数字化管理的重要部分  相似文献   

目的基于普通PC机整合影像传输与归档系统(PACS)与放射信息管理系统(RIS),组建PACS/RIS,为临床各科室提供快捷的影像资料查询服务。方法利用普通PC机安装集成系统所需数据库、影像工作站、影像报告系统,组建PACS/RIS与医院局域网连接。结果可将所有影像科室资源整合、存储及终端影像后处理,实现资源共享。为临床诊断提供了方便快捷的服务;为影像科室对影像资料研究、统计,提供了很大的帮助。结论系统组建方法,可节省购买PACS的昂贵费用。  相似文献   

侯锋 《医疗装备》2013,26(5):16-17
目的:探讨PACS/RIS系统在放射科工作流程中的作用。方法:分析我院放射科引进PACS/RIS系统前后工作流程的变化。结果:PACS/RIS系统建设后普通摄片、CT/MRI诊断耗时较常规耗时均明显缩短(P<0.05)。结论:PACS/RIS系统的应用,符合放射科优化工作流程、提高医疗工作质量的建设要求,是医院科室信息化管理中的重要内容。  相似文献   

目的:探索大型综合性医院的RIS/PACS架构。方法:以某院RIS/PACS架构设计为例,介绍跨院级RIS/PACS的软硬件框架。结果:在PACS的部署中,结合医院的具体情况,实现了跨院区影像数据资源共享。结论:跨院级RIS/PACS的成功实施给医学影像科和临床科室的工作带来了很大的方便。  相似文献   

放射信息系统(radiology information system,RIS),是放射科(影像科)管理患者信息和资料、书写和打印影像诊断报告书、管理科室日常工作的综合性信息管理系统,也是高水平、高效率进行临床、科研、教学工作,全面提高科室、医院医疗水平的现代化信息平台。目前,RIS已经成为数字化医院建设的重要组成部分,RIS对于全面管理放射科信息资源、优化工作流程、提高工作效率,促进数字化医院建设均能起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

数字化影像科主要包括数字成像设备系统、数字化医学影像存储和通讯系统(Picture archiving and communication system,PACS)和放射科信息系统(Radiology information system,RIS)三大部分。医学影像诊断设备的数字化、网络化已逐步成为影像科室的必然发展趋势。现就我院影像科诊断设备RIS的建立做一介绍。  相似文献   

目的:介绍PACS及RIS在放射科的实施与应用现状。方法:结合放射科原有检查流程和管理需求,对PACS/RIS加以完善和改进,最终将所有检查设备及各环节操作连入PACS/RIS。结果:放射科的影像检查工作全部实现数字化操作。结论:基于国际化标准建立的PACS/RIS是医院迈向信息化时代的重要标志,是医学影像及相关信息达到充分共享的关键。  相似文献   

目的 笔者通过对该院PACS系统的应用与统计,探讨PACS系统在医学影像诊断及管理中的应用价值.材料和方法 将PACS系统和MRI、CT、CR及激光相机等连结在一起,组成一个局域信息网.结果 放射科的影像检查工作全部实现数字化操作,提高了影像诊断工作执行过程的速率,缩短患者的候诊时间和提高患者的满意度,为长期有效地保存影像档案创造了条件.结论 PACS系统和RIS系统的应用显著改善影像科的工作质量和效率,实现了医学影像检查信息数据的电子拷贝保存,消除了传统影像科的管理的许多问题和弊病,PACS系统应成为未来影像科管理的发展方向.  相似文献   

闵祥强 《医疗装备》2008,21(10):12-14
目的:通过程序开发、综合布线、系统集成等工序组建科室级医学影像存档与通讯系统(picture archiving and communication systems,PACS)实现放射科信息化。方法:根据科室影像设备的标准化程度,开发相应影像工作站或直接向DICOM服务器传输图像,建立科室局域网络。开发放射科信息系统(RIS)软件,集成各应用系统。结果:成功地实现了数字化图像在PACS内的传送、中心存储、终端工作站图像浏览;实现了病人数据流在RIS中的传输;实现了影像报告的计算机处理、在线二级审签、长期归档。结论:PACS提高了工作效率及管理水平,推动了放射科工作模式的变革;便于教学、科研和学习;规范化、计算机化的诊断报告质量优于人工书写报告。  相似文献   

PACS和RIS系统在临床实践中的应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨PACS和RIS系统在放射科医学影像诊断及管理中的应用价值。材料和方法PACS系统采用西门子公司的一套工作组服务器和5套MgicView300影像工作站构成,RIS系统采用深圳绿德公司的GeenRIS产品配置一套RIS服务器软件,将PACS系统及RIS系统和CT、CR及激光相机等连结在一起,组成一个局域信息网。结果放射科的影像检查工作全部实现数字化操作,提高了影像诊断工作执行过程的速率,缩短患者的候诊时间和提高患者的满意度,为长期有效地保存影像档案创造了条件。结论PACS系统和RIS系统的应用显著改善放射科的工作质量和效率,实现了医学影像检查信息数据的电子拷贝保存,消除了传统放射科的管理的许多问题和弊病,应成为未来放射科管理的发展方向。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展,新业态经济不断涌现,人口老龄化不断加剧,人力资源相对不足日益明显,因伤致贫、因伤返贫现象日益突出,而工伤保险基金覆盖面不断扩大、基金结余日益充沛,全社会对工伤预防日趋重视亦为工伤预防工作的开展提供有利条件。但目前工伤预防工作面临的难点在于:如何推进工伤预防、康复、补偿“三位一体”制度体系建设,如何实现工伤预防工作与生产安全、职业病防治工作的有效衔接。因此,文章结合成都高新区工伤预防工作实践经验对工伤预防工作进行系统梳理和分析,探讨创新工作机制、线上线下联动、推动工伤预防工作高质量发展的思路。  相似文献   

Patient's participation in their own care, conceived as work, is the central theme of this paper. A second theme is the patients' work in relation to technology. A third is: the prevalence of chronic illness and how this relates to patients' work in the service of their own care. Data are from a multi-hospital field-research and interviewing study of technology and patient care, carried out in San Francisco and the Bay Area, California. Questions addressed in this paper include the following: What are the sources of patients' work? What types of work do patients do? How does that work relate to courses of illness and the phases? What is the relation of that work to staff work? Under what conditions is the work visible or invisible to staff? Under what conditions is the work appreciated or not by staff? What are some consequences of patient work for staff work, for the management of the courses of illness, and for the patients' own medical and biographical fates? How does patient work at the hospital relate to patient work done at home?  相似文献   

Modified Work and Return to Work: A Review of the Literature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Workplace injuries which result in lost time from work can have considerable financial repercussions for employer and employee alike, not to mention their physical and emotional impact on the employee. In order to lessen workers' compensation costs and facilitate the rehabilitation process, some employers offer modified work to their injured employees in order to allow an earlier return to work than would ordinarily be possible. Although modified work is regarded by many as a cornerstone in the job rehabilitation process, little is known about the structure, effectiveness, and efficiency of such programs. This report is a systematic review of the scientific literature on modified work published since 1975. Its objective is to synthesize and critically appraise the research on modified work, and, specifically, to assess the effectiveness of modified work programs. Using a systematic keyword search in three online libraries, 29 empirical studies of modified work programs were selected for review. The studies were evaluated for methodological quality, from which 13 higher quality studies were identified. On the basis of these 13 studies, the effectiveness of modified work programs was evaluated. The main finding of this review is that modified work programs facilitate return to work for temporarily and permanently disabled workers. Injured workers who are offered modified work return to work about twice as often as those who are not. Similarly, modified work programs cut the number of lost work days in half. The available evidence also suggests that modified work programs are cost-effective. Comprehensive cost-benefit analyses are needed to confirm this finding.  相似文献   

医务社会工作在我国尚处于起步阶段,急需探索适合中国国情的医务社会工作实务模式;医务社会工作理论为医务社会工作实务提供理论指导,对推进医务社会工作实务具有重要意义。文章试从众多的社会工作理论中,归纳出符合我国社会环境、医药卫生文化的、能够直接地指导我国医务社会工作实务开展的理论。  相似文献   

Abstract Sentiment is frequently involved in work either to get work done efficiently or because of humanistic considerations. This paper explores several questions: Are there different kinds of sentimental work? How is sentimental work carried out? When and where is it done; when not? Who does it? What is its relation to other types of work? When is it likely to be in focus for the workers? When is it visible, when invisible and to whom? What are its consequences: for work, staff, client and organization? The illustrative materials used in this paper are taken from research on the impact of technology on medical work in hospitals.  相似文献   

A nurse watches chronically ill children at work on a hospital unit Food procurement work, body work, composure work, work during an IV procedure, resisting work, personal relations work, sick role work, and information work are among the extensive kinds of work children are observed carrying out However, the child's work is seldom recognized or valued Nurses need to evaluate how their own work facilitates or impedes the work of the child.  相似文献   

Little research is conducted to examine the determinants of nonfatal injury on the job. In particular, this study stresses the importance of race, human capital, and occupational conditions in explaining nonfatal injury at work. It measures nonfatal work injury as an episode of work injury, using the data from the 1988 Occupational Health Supplement (1988 OHS) to the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). First, this study confirms no association between race and nonfatal injury at work. Second, the findings show that human capital, expressed through education and work experience, is the crucial determinant of nonfatal injury at work. In general, workers of more years of schooling and more work experience encounter less nonfatal injury at work than their counterparts. Third, the results also demonstrate the significance of occupational conditions (occupational positions and work activity) for nonfatal injury at work. Specifically, workers in professional occupations experience less work injury than workers in production occupations, but more work injury than workers engaged in clerical jobs. Even after controlling for occupational positions, there is a significant correlation between work activity and nonfatal work injury. Our study is a first step towards the causation of nonfatal injury on the job in terms of race, human capital, and occupational conditions. Therefore, the next step of work injury study needs to consider the influence of the other important determinants on nonfatal injury at work.  相似文献   

《Children's Health Care》2013,42(3):113-117
A nurse watches chronically ill children at work on a hospital unit Food procurement work, body work, composure work, work during an IV procedure, resisting work, personal relations work, sick role work, and information work are among the extensive kinds of work children are observed carrying out However, the child's work is seldom recognized or valued Nurses need to evaluate how their own work facilitates or impedes the work of the child.  相似文献   

Ageing workers can be found in almost all occupations. Assessment of fitness to work in these workers is important, as it aims to match their functional capacity (which is reduced compared to younger workers), to the demands of their work (which may remain the same as that for younger workers). This outcome of assessment is influenced by the interaction between functional capacity, state of health, the nature of work, and possibilities for work accommodation. The assessment of functional capacity should include physical, mental and social capacity, as well as assessment of any disability. In addition to clinical or laboratory measurements, several authors have suggested the use of a 'work ability index' for specific occupations as a practical means of selecting the appropriate worker for the job. This index can also be used for monitoring functional capacity. In addition, as for any fitness to work assessment, a good understanding of the nature of the work and the work environment is required, and possibilities for work accommodations considered. While changes in the work environment and working conditions can be made to suit the functional capacity of the ageing worker, the maintenance of functional capacity is another important issue. There is a place for a greater role for disease screening and health promotion for such workers.  相似文献   

林筱莹  许晓洁 《现代医院》2008,8(1):126-127
目的通过规范流程,规范护士行为,减轻护士的压力,提高工作效率及生活质量,保证工作质量。方法对本院36名ICU护士采用问卷调查。结果通过规范各项操作及工作流程,护士工作有章可循,工作更有计划,当班工作完成的质量更好,减少护理缺陷的发生,人际关系得到缓解,护士凝聚力提高,减轻工作压力,护士愿意留在ICU工作。  相似文献   

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