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Synaptopodin is an actin-associated molecule essential for the formation of a spine apparatus in telencephalic spines. To study whether synaptopodin and the spine apparatus organelle are regulated under conditions of lesion-induced plasticity, synaptopodin and the spine apparatus were analyzed in granule cells of the rat fascia dentata following entorhinal denervation. Confocal microscopy was employed to quantify layer-specific changes in synaptopodin-immunoreactive puncta densities. Electron microscopy was used to quantify layer-specific changes in spine apparatus organelles. Within the denervated middle and outer molecular layers, the layers of deafferentation-induced spine loss, synaptogenesis, and spinogenesis, the density of synaptopodin puncta and the number of spine apparatuses decreased by 4 days postlesion and slowly recovered in parallel with spinogenesis by 180 days postlesion. Within the nondenervated inner molecular layer, the zone without deafferentation-induced spine loss, a rapid loss of synaptopodin puncta and spine apparatuses was also observed. In this layer, spine apparatus densities recovered by 14 days postlesion, in parallel with plastic remodeling at the synaptic level and the postlesional recovery of granule cell activity. These data demonstrate layer-specific changes in the distribution of synaptopodin and the spine apparatus organelle following partial denervation of granule cells: in the layer of spine loss, spine apparatus densities follow spine densities; in the layer of spine maintenance, however, spine apparatus densities appear to be regulated by other signals.  相似文献   

The axon initial segment of cortical neurons contains the so-called cisternal organelle, an enigmatic formation of stacked endoplasmic reticulum and interdigitating plates of electron-dense material. This organelle shows many structural similarities to the spine apparatus, a cellular organelle found in a subpopulation of dendritic spines. Whereas roles in calcium signaling and protein trafficking have been proposed for the spine apparatus, little is yet known about the physiological function of its putative axonal counterpart. Considering the structural similarity of these two organelles, we hypothesized that synaptopodin, a protein essential for the formation of the dendritic spine apparatus, could also be a component of the cisternal organelle. By using immunofluorescence microscopy, we found that synaptopodin is indeed located within the axon initial segments of principal neurons in the mouse neocortex and hippocampus. Pre-embedding immunogold labeling demonstrated a close association of synaptopodin immunoreactivity with the dense plates of cisternal organelles. In synaptopodin-deficient mice, ultrastructural analysis of identified axon initial segments of CA1 pyramidal cells revealed a lack of cisternal organelles similar to the reported lack of spine apparatuses in these mutants. However, in vitro patch clamp recording of mutant neurons showed that the lack of cisternal organelles did not lead to any changes in basic electrophysiological parameters of action potentials. Taken together, our data demonstrate that synaptopodin is an essential component of the cisternal organelle of axons and of the dendritic spine apparatus, two organelles that are structurally and molecularly related.  相似文献   

Dendritic spines are sites of synaptic plasticity in the brain and are capable of remodeling their shape and size. However, little is known about the cellular mechanisms that regulate spine morphology and motility. Synaptopodin is a recently described actin-associated protein found in renal podocytes and dendritic spines (Mundel et al. J Cell Biol. [1997] 139:193-204), which is believed to play a role in spine plasticity. The present study analyzed the distribution of synaptopodin in the hippocampal formation. In situ hybridization histochemistry revealed a high constitutive expression of synaptopodin mRNA in the principal cell layers. Light microscopic immunohistochemistry showed that the protein is distributed throughout the hippocampal formation in a region- and lamina-specific manner. Postembedding immunogold histochemistry demonstrated that synaptopodin is exclusively present in dendrites and spines, specifically in the spine neck in close association with the spine apparatus. Spines lacking a spine apparatus are not immunoreactive for synaptopodin. These data suggest that synaptopodin links the spine apparatus to actin and may thus be involved in the actin-based plasticity of spines.  相似文献   

Synaptopodin is an actin-binding protein of renal podocytes and dendritic spines. We have recently shown that synaptopodin is localized to the spine apparatus, a characteristic organelle of dendritic spines on forebrain neurons. Synaptopodin-deficient mice do not form spine apparatuses, indicating a role of synaptopodin in the formation of this organelle. Here we studied the development of synaptopodin expression in the postnatal rat hippocampus. At birth, synaptopodin mRNA is mainly expressed in CA3 pyramidal neurons. At postnatal day (P) 6, synaptopodin mRNA expression is still strongest in CA3 but is now also found in CA1 pyramidal neurons and granule cells of the suprapyramidal blade of the dentate gyrus. At P9, an almost adult pattern is seen with synaptopodin mRNA expressed by virtually all principal neurons. While synaptopodin mRNA was restricted to cell somata, immunostaining for synaptopodin protein labeled dendritic layers. At birth, no immunoreactivity was visible, while at P5 a weak staining mainly in stratum oriens was observed. At P9, immunolabeling was still strongest in stratum oriens followed by the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. The adult pattern with strong labeling of all dendritic layers was reached by P12. Together these findings show that synaptopodin expression follows the well-known sequence of hippocampal principal neuron development. Unexpectedly, we also observed synaptopodin mRNA expression in a small population of interneurons as revealed by double labeling with interneuron markers. However, no immunolabeling for synaptopodin was observed in identified interneurons, confirming that the protein is mainly present in spine-bearing principal cells.  相似文献   

The cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is involved in the regulation of physiological and pathophysiological processes in the central nervous system. In previous work, we showed that mice lacking constitutive levels of TNF exhibit a reduction in spine density and changes in spine head size distribution of dentate granule cells. Here, we investigated which TNF-receptor pathway is responsible for this phenotype and analyzed granule cell spine morphology in TNF-R1-, TNF-R2-, and TNF-R1/R2-deficient mice. Single granule cells were filled with Alexa568 in fixed hippocampal brain slices and immunostained for the actin-modulating protein synaptopodin (SP), a marker for strong and stable spines. An investigator blind to genotype investigated dendritic spines using deconvolved confocal image stacks. Similar to TNF-deficient mice, TNF-R1 and TNF-R2 mutants showed a decrease in the size of small spines (SP−negative) with TNF-R1/R2-KO mice exhibiting an additive effect. TNF-R1 mutants also showed an increase in the size of large spines (SP−positive), mirroring the situation in TNF-deficient mice. Unlike the TNF-deficient mouse, none of the TNF-R mutants exhibited a reduction in their granule cell spine densities. Since TNF tunes the excitability of networks, lack of constitutive TNF reduces network excitation. This may explain why we observed alterations in spine head size distributions in TNF- and TNF-R-deficient granule cells. The changes in spine density observed in the TNF-deficient mouse could not be linked to canonical TNF-R-signaling. Instead, noncanonical pathways or unknown developmental functions of TNF may cause this phenomenon.  相似文献   

The majority of excitatory synapses terminating on cortical neurons are found on dendritic spines. The geometry of spines, in particular the size of the spine head, tightly correlates with the strength of the excitatory synapse formed with the spine. Under conditions of synaptic plasticity, spine geometry may change, reflecting functional adaptations. Since the cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF) has been shown to influence synaptic transmission as well as Hebbian and homeostatic forms of synaptic plasticity, we speculated that TNF-deficiency may cause concomitant structural changes at the level of dendritic spines. To address this question, we analyzed spine density and spine head area of Alexa568-filled granule cells in the dentate gyrus of adult C57BL/6J and TNF-deficient (TNF-KO) mice. Tissue sections were double-stained for the actin-modulating and plasticity-related protein synaptopodin (SP), a molecular marker for strong and stable spines. Dendritic segments of TNF-deficient granule cells exhibited ~20% fewer spines in the outer molecular layer of the dentate gyrus compared to controls, indicating a reduced afferent innervation. Of note, these segments also had larger spines containing larger SP-clusters. This pattern of changes is strikingly similar to the one seen after denervation-associated spine loss following experimental entorhinal denervation of granule cells: Denervated granule cells increase the SP-content and strength of their remaining spines to homeostatically compensate for those that were lost. Our data suggest a similar compensatory mechanism in TNF-deficient granule cells in response to a reduction in their afferent innervation.  相似文献   

Dendritic spines are dynamic structures that rapidly remodel their shape and size. These morphological adaptations are regulated by changes in synaptic activity, and result from rearrangements of the postsynaptic cytoskeleton. A cytoskeletal molecule preferentially found in mature spines is the actin-associated protein synaptopodin. It is strongly expressed by spine-bearing neurons in the olfactory bulb, striatum, cerebral cortex, and hippocampus. In the hippocampus, principal cells express synaptopodin mRNA and sort the protein to the spine compartment. Within the spine microdomain, synaptopodin is preferentially located in the spine neck and is closely associated with the spine apparatus. On the basis of these data we hypothesize that synaptopodin could affect spine motility by bundling actin filaments in the spine neck. In addition, it could link the actin cytoskeleton of spines to intracellular calcium stores, i.e., the spine apparatus and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The anaxonic granule cell of the olfactory bulb is believed to inhibit mitral and tufted cells through reciprocal dendrodendritic synapses. However, little is known about the detailed input-output properties of the granule cell. This study explores the functional properties of granule cells by using detailed reconstructions of Golgi-impregnated granule cells as the basis for computational models. Three Golgi-impregnated granule cells from the olfactory bulbs of C57BL/6j mice were selected for detailed analysis. Measurements were made of the diameter and length of all spine heads, spine necks, and dendritic branches. These measurements formed the basis of a compartmental model of each cell in which simulations of the spread of synaptic potentials within the dendritic tree were performed with SABER (Analogy, Inc.), a circuit analysis program. The results show that the degree of spread of synaptic potentials can define functionally related subsets of spines within the dendritic tree. The size of these subsets varies with the anatomical location of the input spine, the magnitude of the input, the time course of the input, the size of the spine neck resistance, and the activity of other spines. The data indicate that the functional organization of granule cell dendritic arbors is more complex than previously thought: between the level of the individual spine and the entire dendritic tree are several levels of subsets of spines that can mediate discrete localized inhibition onto subsets of mitral or tufted cell secondary dendrites within the external plexiform layer of the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

Synaptic activity can induce persistent modifications in the way a neuron reacts to subsequent inputs by changing either synaptic efficacy or intrinsic excitability. After high-frequency synaptic stimulation, long-term potentiation (LTP) of synaptic efficacy is commonly observed at hippocampal synapses (Bliss and Collingridge, 1993), and potentiation of intrinsic excitability has recently been reported in cerebellar deep nuclear neurons (Aizenmann and Linden, 2000). However, the potential coexistence of these two aspects of plasticity remained unclear. In this paper we have investigated the effect of high-frequency stimulation on synaptic transmission and intrinsic excitability at the mossy fiber-granule cell relay of the cerebellum. High-frequency stimulation, in addition to increasing synaptic conductance (D'Angelo et al., 1999), increased granule cell input resistance and decreased spike threshold. These changes depended on postsynaptic depolarization and NMDA receptor activation and were prevented by inhibitory synaptic activity. Potentiation of intrinsic excitability was induced by relatively weaker inputs than potentiation of synaptic efficacy, whereas with stronger inputs the two aspect of potentiation combined to enhance EPSPs and spike generation. Potentiation of intrinsic excitability may extend the computational capability of the cerebellar mossy fiber-granule cell relay.  相似文献   

Subcortical input engages in cortico-hippocampal information processing. Neurons of the hypothalamic supramammillary nucleus (SuM) innervate the dentate gyrus (DG) by coreleasing two contrasting fast neurotransmitters, glutamate and GABA, and thereby support spatial navigation and contextual memory. However, the synaptic mechanisms by which SuM neurons regulate the DG activity and synaptic plasticity are not well understood. The DG comprises excitatory granule cells (GCs) as well as inhibitory interneurons (INs). Combining optogenetic, electrophysiological, and pharmacological approaches, we demonstrate that the SuM input differentially regulates the activities of different DG neurons in mice of either sex via distinct synaptic mechanisms. Although SuM activation results in synaptic excitation and inhibition in all postsynaptic cells, the ratio of these two components is variable and cell type-dependent. Specifically, dendrite-targeting INs receive predominantly synaptic excitation, whereas soma-targeting INs and GCs receive primarily synaptic inhibition. Although SuM excitation alone is insufficient to excite GCs, it enhances the GC spiking precision and reduces the latencies in response to excitatory drives. Furthermore, SuM excitation enhances the GC spiking in response to the cortical input, thereby promoting induction of long-term potentiation at cortical-GC synapses. Collectively, these findings provide physiological significance of the cotransmission of glutamate/GABA by SuM neurons in the DG network.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The cortical-hippocampal pathways transfer mnemonic information during memory acquisition and retrieval, whereas subcortical input engages in modulation of communication between the cortex and hippocampus. The supramammillary nucleus (SuM) neurons of the hypothalamus innervate the dentate gyrus (DG) by coreleasing glutamate and GABA onto granule cells (GCs) and interneurons and support memories. However, how the SuM input regulates the activity of various DG cell types and thereby contributes to synaptic plasticity remains unexplored. Combining optogenetic and electrophysiological approaches, we demonstrate that the SuM input differentially regulates DG cell dynamics and consequently enhances GC excitability as well as synaptic plasticity at cortical input-GC synapses. Our findings highlight a significant role of glutamate/GABA cotransmission in regulating the input-output dynamics of DG circuits.  相似文献   

Altered granule cell≫CA3 pyramidal cell synaptic connectivity may contribute to the development of limbic epilepsy. To explore this possibility, granule cell giant mossy fiber bouton plasticity was examined in the kindling and pilocarpine models of epilepsy using green fluorescent protein‐expressing transgenic mice. These studies revealed significant increases in the frequency of giant boutons with satellite boutons 2 days and 1 month after pilocarpine status epilepticus, and increases in giant bouton area at 1 month. Similar increases in giant bouton area were observed shortly after kindling. Finally, both models exhibited plasticity of mossy fiber giant bouton filopodia, which contact GABAergic interneurons mediating feedforward inhibition of CA3 pyramids. In the kindling model, however, all changes were fleeting, having resolved by 1 month after the last evoked seizure. Together, these findings demonstrate striking structural plasticity of granule cell mossy fiber synaptic terminal structure in two distinct models of adult limbic epileptogenesis. We suggest that these plasticities modify local connectivities between individual mossy fiber terminals and their targets, inhibitory interneurons, and CA3 pyramidal cells potentially altering the balance of excitation and inhibition during the development of epilepsy. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neurons of the cerebellar nuclei generate the non-vestibular output of the cerebellum. Like other neurons, they integrate excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs and filter them through their intrinsic properties to produce patterns of action potential output. The synaptic and intrinsic features of cerebellar nuclear cells are unusual in several respects, however: these neurons receive an overwhelming amount of basal and driven inhibition from Purkinje neurons, but are also spontaneously active, producing action potentials even without excitation. Moreover, not only is spiking by nuclear cells sensitive to the amount of inhibition, but the strength of inhibition is also sensitive to the amount of spiking, through multiple forms of long-term plasticity. Here, we review the properties of synaptic excitation and inhibition, their short-term plasticity, and their influence on action potential firing of cerebellar nuclear neurons, as well as the interactions among excitation, inhibition, and spiking that produce long-term changes in synaptic strength. The data provide evidence that electrical and synaptic signaling in the cerebellar circuit is both plastic and resilient: the strength of IPSPs and EPSPs readily changes as the activity of cerebellar nuclear cells is modified. Notably, however, many of the identified forms of plasticity have an apparently homeostatic effect, responding to perturbations of input by restoring cerebellar output toward pre-perturbation values. Such forms of self-regulation appear consistent with the role of cerebellar output in coordinating movements. In contrast, other forms of plasticity in nuclear cells, including a long-term potentiation of excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) and excitation-driven increases in intrinsic excitability, are non-homeostatic, and instead appear suited to bring the circuit to a new set point. Interestingly, the combinations of inhibitory and excitatory stimuli that potentiate EPSCs resemble patterns of activity predicted to occur during eyelid conditioning, suggesting that this form long-term potentiation, perhaps amplified by intrinsic plasticity, may represent a cellular mechanism that is engaged during cerebellar learning.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) makes it a versatile platform for a broad range of homeostatic processes, ranging from calcium regulation to synthesis and trafficking of proteins and lipids. It is not surprising that neurons use this organelle to fine-tune synaptic properties and thereby provide specificity to synaptic inputs. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms that enable activity-dependent ER recruitment into dendritic spines, with a focus on molecular mechanisms that mediate transport and retention of the ER in spines. The role of calcium signaling in spine ER, synaptopodin ‘tagging’ of active synapses, and the formation of the spine apparatus (SA) are highlighted. Finally, we discuss the role of liquid–liquid phase separation as a possible driving force in these processes.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of homeostatic plasticity promote compensatory changes of cellular excitability in response to chronic changes in the network activity.This type of plasticity is essential for the maintenance of brain circuits and is involved in the regulation of neural regeneration and the progress of neurodegenerative disorders.One of the most studied homeostatic processes is synaptic scaling,where global synaptic adjustments take place to restore the neuronal firing rate to a physiological range by the modulation of synaptic receptors,neurotransmitters,and morphology.However,despite the comprehensive literature on the electrophysiological properties of homeostatic scaling,less is known about the structural adjustments that occur in the synapses and dendritic tree.In this study,we performed a meta-analysis of articles investigating the effects of chronic network excitation(synaptic downscaling)or inhibition(synaptic upscaling)on the dendritic spine density of neurons.Our results indicate that spine density is consistently reduced after protocols that induce synaptic scaling,independent of the intervention type.Then,we discuss the implication of our findings to the current knowledge on the morphological changes induced by homeostatic plasticity.  相似文献   

The dentate gyrus neurons in the hippocampus contain a high density of both mineralocorticoid and adrenergic receptors. By in vivo extracellular recording from adrenalectomized rats we investigated the possible relationships between the two systems with regard to neuronal excitability and activity-dependent synaptic plasticity. Pretreatment with aldosterone significantly enhanced both basal neuronal excitability and tetanically evoked synaptic plasticity in adrenalectomized, but not sham-operated rats. The enhancement was blocked by spironolactone, indicating a mineralocorticoid receptor–dependent effect. The adrenomedullary hormone epinephrine also significantly enhanced synaptic plasticity via activation of β-adrenergic receptors. β-Adrenergic antagonist propranolol, infused directly into the dentate gyrus granule cell layer, significantly reduced the effect of aldosterone on neuronal excitability and partly canceled the aldosterone-enhanced synaptic plasticity. No effect of propranolol was found after its amygdaloid infusion. The mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist spironolactone did not affect the epinephrine-induced effects. These results indicate that the pretreated adrenal steroids interact with the catecholaminergic system in the dentate gyrus of adrenalectomized rats and that the functional β-adrenergic pathway is involved in the mechanism of mineralocorticoid-induced cellular effects in vivo. J. Neurosci. Res. 51:593–601, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The morphology of olfactory bulb granule cell spines and their dendrodendritic synaptic relations with mitral and tufted cell dendrites were examined using serial electron micrographs and 3D computer reconstructions. Most granule cell spines were pedunculated with large elliptical heads and necks (stems) longer than those described for exclusively postsynaptic spines elsewhere in the nervous system. The spines typically contained a mitochondrion, which most likely reflects the metabolic requirements of the presynaptic functions of these spines. In several cases multiple spine heads were observed connected to the parent dendritic trunk via a common neck. In addition, dendritic varicosities making synaptic connections were noted. In the data set sampled, all of the reconstructions supported the hypothesis of divergence of granule cell connectivity: in no instance was a granule cell found to contact repeatedly the same mitral or tufted cell dendrite. Examination of the topological organization of reciprocal dendrodendritic synaptic connections with mitral/tufted cell dendrites revealed parallel rows of spine heads on mitral/tufted secondary dendrites separated by intervening zones of several microns in which no synaptic appositions were found. The results provide evidence regarding rules of connectivity underlying the function of local circuits in mediating lateral inhibition in the external plexiform layer of the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

The neural cell adhesion molecule NCAM and its associated polysialic acid (PSA) play important roles in synaptic plasticity in the CA1 and/or CA3 regions of the hippocampus in vitro. Here, we address the question of whether NCAM and PSA are involved in regulation of synaptic transmission and plasticity also in vivo at synapses formed by entorhinal cortex axons in the dentate gyrus of mice anaesthetized with urethane. We show that basal synaptic transmission, measured as the slope of field excitatory postsynaptic potentials, was reduced strongly in mice lacking ST8SiaII/STX, the enzyme involved in polysialylation of NCAM in stem cell-derived immature granule cells, but not in mice deficient either in the NCAM glycoprotein or the enzyme ST8SiaIV/PST involved in polysialylation of NCAM in mature neurons. Strikingly, only mice deficient in NCAM, but not in PST or STX, were impaired in long-term potentiation (LTP) induced by theta-burst stimulation, suggesting that LTP in the dentate gyrus depends on the NCAM glycoprotein alone rather than on its associated PSA. As also patterns of synaptic activity during and immediately after induction of LTP were impaired in NCAM-deficient mice, it is likely that induction of LTP requires NCAM. These data are the first to describe that NCAM is necessary for induction of synaptic plasticity in identified synapses in vivo and suggest that polysialylation of NCAM expressed by immature granule cells in the dentate gyrus supports development of basal excitatory synaptic transmission in this region.  相似文献   

Cbln1 (a.k.a. precerebellin) is secreted from cerebellar granule cells as homohexamer or in heteromeric complexes with Cbln3. Cbln1 plays crucial roles in regulating morphological integrity of parallel fiber (PF)–Purkinje cell (PC) synapses and synaptic plasticity. Cbln1-knockout mice display severe cerebellar phenotypes that are essentially indistinguishable from those in glutamate receptor GluRδ2-null mice, and include severe reduction in the number of PF–PC synapses and loss of long-term depression of synaptic transmission. To understand better the relationship between Cbln1, Cbln3 and GluRδ2, we performed light and electron microscopic immunohistochemical analyses using highly specific antibodies and antigen-exposing methods, i.e. pepsin pretreatment for light microscopy and postembedding immunogold for electron microscopy. In conventional immunohistochemistry, Cbln1 was preferentially associated with non-terminal portions of PF axons in the molecular layer but rarely overlapped with Cbln3. In contrast, antigen-exposing methods not only greatly intensified Cbln1 immunoreactivity in the molecular layer, but also revealed its high accumulation in the synaptic cleft of PF–PC synapses. No such synaptic accumulation was evident at other PC synapses. Furthermore, Cbln1 now came to overlap almost completely with Cbln3 and GluRδ2 at PF–PC synapses. Therefore, the convergence of all three molecules provides the anatomical basis for a common signaling pathway regulating circuit development and synaptic plasticity in the cerebellum.  相似文献   

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