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To determine the temporal evolution of laser induced tissue ablation, arterial wall specimens with either hard calcified or fatty plaques and normal tissue were irradiated in a 0.9% saline solution using a XeCl excimer laser (wavelength 308 nm, energy fluence 7 J/cm2, pulse width 30 ns) through a 600 microns fused silica fiber pointing perpendicular either at a 0.5 mm distance or in direct contact to the vascular surface. Radiation of a pulsed dye laser (wavelength 580 nm) was used to illuminate the tissue surface. The ablation process and the arising bubble above the tissue surface were recorded with a CCD camera attached to a computer based image-processing system. Spherical cavitation bubbles and small tissue particles emerging from the irradiated area have been recorded. The volume of this bubble increased faster for calcified plaques than for normal tissue.  相似文献   

The effect of force applied to a 430 micron single fiber, delivering 60 pulses of 308 nm XeCl laser radiation at 20 Hz, on the ablation depth in porcine aortic tissue under saline has been investigated. Energy densities of 8, 15, 25, 28, 31, 37, and 45 mJ/mm2 were used. Force was applied by adding weights from 0 to 10 grams to the fiber. The fiber penetration was monitored by means of a position transducer. At 0 grams, the ablation depth increased linearly with incident energy density, but the fiber did not penetrate the tissue; with any weight added, the fiber penetrated the tissue at energy densities above 15 mJ/mm2. The fiber did not penetrate during the first several pulses, possibly due to gas trapped under the fiber. After these first pulses, a smooth linear advancement of the fiber began, which lasted until the pulse train stopped. The ablation depth increased with increasing energy densities and weights. This effect was largest above 25 mJ/mm2 where the ablation efficiencies (unit mm3/J), with weights added to the fiber, were substantially larger than values found in 308 nm ablation experiments described in the literature, which were conducted with either a focused laser beam or a fiber without additional force. The results imply that in 308 nm excimer laser angioplasty, force must be applied to the beam delivery catheter for efficient recanalization, and that experiments performed with a focused beam or without actual penetration of the fiber do not represent the situation encountered in excimer laser angioplasty.  相似文献   

Laser–induced fluorescence may be used to guide laser ablation of atherosclerotic lesions. This study was performed to evaluate arterial autofluorescence spectroscopy in vitro using a single XeCl excimer laser (308 nm) for simultaneous tissue ablation and fluorescence excitation. The laser beam was coupled to a 600-μm silica fiber transmitting 40–50 mJ/mm2 per pulse. The fluorescence radiation emanating retrogradely from the fiber was collected by a concave mirror for spectroscopic analysis over a range of 321–657 nm. The arterial media (n = 26), lipid plaques (n = 26), and calcified lesions (n = 27) of aortic specimens from ten human cadavers were investigated in air, saline, and blood. Whereas the spectrum of calcified lesions changed with the surrounding optical medium, the other spectra remained constant. In air and blood, the spectra of arterial media, lipid plaques, and calcified lesions could be differentiated qualitatively and quantitatively (P < 0.0001). In saline, there was no clearcut spectroscopic difference between lipid plaques and calcified lesions. However, normal arterial media and atherosclerotic lesions (lipid plaques plus calcified lesions) could still be discriminated. Thus spectroscopy and plaque ablation can be combined using a single XeCl excimer laser. These encouraging results should stimulate further studies to determine the potential use of this approach to guide laser angioplasty in humans. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We present the results of 15 XeCl laser coronary artery endarterectomies performed in 13 patients during CABG surgery. The results are very encouraging but they show that the development of new and more efficient laser catheter delivery systems with a better proportion of optical active surface at the distal tip of the multifibre catheters is necessary to reduce the longterm and mid-term rates of restenosis.  相似文献   

We examined thermal effects during ablation of human joint cartilage using two XeCl excimer lasers with pulse durations of ~ 20 ns and 60 ns. An increase in radiant exposure or repetition rate caused a rise in tissue temperature up to 82°C at a 100- μm distance. With increasing distance from the crater edge, the temperature dropped exponentially. Radiant exposures higher than 1.8 J/cm2 and repetition rates above 20 Hz lead to a formation of hot gaseous products escaping from the laser crater. When os-teoarthritic cartilage is irradiated, these gases spread inside the tissue causing a temperature rise of > 50°C at a distance of 1 mm from the crater edge. In the contact mode, we found a linear rise of ablation rate with increasing repetition rate both in air or saline. But ablation rates in saline were only half the rates achieved in air. Both phenomenons can be explained by additional thermal effects of excimer lasers working in the range of higher repetition rates and pulse energies. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A XeCl laser with an optical pulse duration of 35 ns was used to determine the cut depth per laser pulse of postmortem human aorta as a function of laser fluence for four main categories of plaque development. The data indicate that the cut depth per pulse progressively decreases as the degree of calcification increases even at very high (100 mJ/mm2) laser fluences. A comparison was made between the XeCl laser cut rate data obtained using the 35-ns duration laser pulses to data obtained using 200-ns duration pulses for each of the four plaque types. As the degree of tissue calcification increased higher XeCl laser fluences were required for the long pulse case to achieve the same cut depth per pulse as that observed using the shorter pulse duration.  相似文献   

To assess the feasibility of intra-arterial tissue ablation by Holmium:YSGG laser pulses (2.1 microns) in a noncontact mode, the transmission of the laser pulses through saline and blood was measured. The temporal interaction between the 500 microseconds laser pulse and saline at the fiber tip was investigated with time-resolved flash photography. The penetration depth in blood, and saline depended on the fiber output energy. In blood at 37 degrees C, the penetration depth varied from 1.2 to 2.1 mm for intensities of 3.1 to 12.4 J/mm2 per pulse, respectively, whereas its theoretical value for water is 0.33 mm, which is based on the measured absorption coefficient of 3.0 +/- 0.1/mm. The large penetration depth was due to the development of a transparent vapour cavity around the fiber tip. In saline, its maximum length was 4.7 mm. Its maximum width was 2.8 mm. The lifetime of the cavity was 450 microseconds. In blood, ablation of porcine aorta was feasible at a distance of 3 mm. Large fissures observed in adjacent tissue are likely to be caused by the expansion of the vapour cavity. We conclude that, due to a "Moses effect in the microsecond region," Holmium:YSGG tissue ablation is possible through at least 2.7 mm of blood.  相似文献   

Laser beam deflection is a useful tool for studying the dynamics of the pulsed laser ablation mechanism, and has the advantage of being used as an in situ laser damage monitoring technique for both bulk and thin film polymeric and biological tissue samples. This work employs the photothermal deflection technique to study possible photo-acoustic phenomena during the excimer laser ablation of biocompatible polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and to examine the crater surface quality by video microscopy. Although photo-acoustic phenomena are detected in the laser fluence threshold region, ablation is mainly the result of the photothermal process.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to assess the characteristics of tissue photoemission obtained from normal and atherosclerotic segments of human postmortem femoral arteries by 308 nm excimer laser irradiation of 60 ns pulsewidth. Three ablative (20, 30, and 40 mJ/pulse) and three non-ablative (2.5, 5, and 10 mJ/pulse) energy fluences were employed. Both the activating laser pulses and the induced photoemission were guided simultaneously over one and the same 1,000 micron core optical fiber that was positioned in direct tissue contact perpendicular to the vascular surface. The spectral lineshape of normal arterial and noncalcified atherosclerotic structures was characterized by a broad-continuum, double-peak emission of relevant intensity between wavelengths of 360 and 500 nm, with the most prominent emission in the range of 400-415 (407 nm peak) and 430-445 nm (437 nm peak). Fibrous and lipid atherosclerotic lesions, however, exhibited a significantly reduced intensity at 437 nm compared to normal artery layers (P less than 0.001), expressed as a 407/437 nm ratio of 1.321 +/- 0.075 for fibrous and 1.392 +/- 0.104 for lipid lesions. Normal artery components presented with approximately equal intensity at both emission peaks (407/437 nm ratio: intima, 1.054 +/- 0.033; media, 1.024 +/- 0.019; adventitia, 0.976 +/- 0.021). Comparison of spectral lineshape obtained under various energy fluences within a group of noncalcified tissues disclosed no substantial difference using the 407/437 nm ratio (P greater than 0.05). In contrast, calcified lesions revealed high-intensity multiple-line (397, 442, 461, and 528 nm) emission spectra under ablative energy fluences, whereas a low-intensity broad-continuum, single-peak spectrum resulted from irradiation beyond the ablation threshold. Thus, these findings suggest fluorescence phenomena for broad-continuum spectra, and plasma emission for multiple-line spectra as an underlying photodynamic process. Regardless of the activating energy fluence, spectral analysis of 308 nm activated photoemission provides accurate information about the laser target under standardized in vitro conditions. It is demonstrated that direct contact ablation and simultaneous spectral imaging of the target tissue via the same optical fiber is feasible.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

One of the main problems in orthopaedics is the surgical removal of hard substances, such as bone and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). Such materials are often very difficult to remove without mechanical trauma to the remaining tissue. This study investigated the feasibility of the ultraviolet 308 nm excimer laser in the ablation of these materials. The beam was delivered through a 1 mm-diameter fiber optic at 40 Hz with energy densities at the target surface of 20-80 J/cm2 per pulse. The goal of the study was to establish the ideal dosimetry for removing bone and PMMA with minimum trauma to the adjacent tissue. Histology revealed that the 308 nm laser effectively removed bone leaving a thermal damage zone of only 2-3 microns in the remaining tissue. Increasing the energy per pulse gave correspondingly larger and deeper cuts with increasing zones of thermal damage. The excimer laser was also effective in the ablation of PMMA, creating craters in the substrate with a thermal damage zone of 10-40 microns. The debris from both substrates was evaluated.  相似文献   

Laser angioplasty and laser-assisted angioplasty have become a clinical reality. Producing sharply defined borders of the ablated area with minimal adjacent thermal damage, excimer lasers offer several proven and some potential advantages over conventional systems. To evaluate the feasibility of excimer laser angioplasty, we have treated one patient using 308-nm radiation via a bare fiber in direct contact with the total occlusion of a right femoral artery. The lesion was successfully recanalized, thus allowing easy passage of the balloon catheter and subsequent dilatation. This percutaneous laser recanalization of an occluded peripheral artery is one of the first to be done in man using excimer laser radiation, thus demonstrating that the technique is feasible and the system is potentially useful.  相似文献   

A modified exeimer laser energy delivery system was used to irradiate 100 segments of normal and fibrous aorta in vitro. The laser beam was scanned into 8 fiber bundles consisting of 50 fibers each resulting in a reduction of the applied pulse energy. The total repetition rate was increased to 150 Hz in order to keep the repetition rate per fiber bundle close to 20 Hz and to minimize thermal injury. The results demonstrate that effective ablation (etch rate per 8 pulses > 2.0 μm) occurred at an energy fluency of 50 mJ/mm2 in both normal and fibrous aorta. Tissue damage (carbonization, tissue separation, fissures, cracks, and vacuolization) was in a range of 100 ± 28 to 152 ± 30 μm for normal aorta and in a range of 57 ± 35 to 110 ± 39 μm for fibrous aorta. We conclude that effective ablation of normal and fibrous human aorta can be achieved by the application of smooth excimer laser coronary angioplasty. This improvement of excimer laser technology may result in a reduction of shock wave- and cavitation-induced damage leading to a reduction of tissue injury. However, this awaits further in vitro and in vivo confirmation. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the vasomotor response to in vivo excimer laser irradiation with regard to laser-induced tissue effects. Transfemoral excimer laser angioplasty was performed in the right carotid artery of 11 New Zealand white rabbits. In four additional rabbits (sham group), the procedure was performed without the application of laser energy. Angiography documented vessel dissection in five laser-treated animals. Perforation occurred in one animal. Rings of the treated artery and controls of the contralateral artery were investigated in a contraction chamber. The passive stress-strain relation (PSS) and the maximum contraction force (MCF) after stimulation with noradrenaline, serotonin and potassium chloride were determined. The treated vessels had a higher PSS than the control (p=0.05). The MCF was lower in the treated vessels (p<0.05). The contraction force of the sham-operated vessels was higher, although statistically not significant, compared to the laser-irradiated segments. In a subset analysis, performed to compare vessels with moderate and severe trauma, MCF was significantly reduced in vessels with severe laser-induced injury. Experimental in vivo excimer laser angioplasty in this model resulted in heterogeneous structural changes, including dissections and perforation. Post-mortem assessment of vasomotor response showed no significant difference between laser-treated and sham-operated animals. However, the contractile function of the target vessel seems to be reduced following extensive laser-induced vessel injury.  相似文献   

The interaction of a short pulse XeCl excimer laser radiation with human dentin was investigated. The dependence of surface temperatures and temperature gradients into the treated teeth on laser parameters such as fluence (0.5J/cm2-7J/cm2), pulse repetition rate (1Hz-35Hz), and spot size (0.004cm2-0.12cm2) was studied. Additionally, the effect of fluence and pulse repetition rate on dentin microstructure was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It is demonstrated that this “cold ablation” excimer laser can result in significant thermal modification in the dentin surfaces. Changes include the formation of melted dentin grains, which uniformly cover the surface and the exposed dentin tubules. Maximum temperatures of the ablated surfaces, however, remained relatively low at most laser parameters used. Also, the immediate neighborhood of the root canal was essentially undisturbed at most laser parameters. These observations suggest that with the appropriate choice of parameters XeCl lasers can be effective in producing surface structures that may prove useful in enhancing bond strength or other applications in dentistry, without exposing tooth pulp to significant temperature elevation. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Excimer laser angioplasty is an alternative method for the treatment of obstructive coronary lesions. Initial clinical results demonstrated the safety and feasibility of the procedure. However, efficacy was limited by low catheter flexibility and unreliable energy transmission. Advanced transmission devices were used in 80 interventions in 79 patients. The catheter diameter is 1.3, 1.5 or 1.8 mm, the catheters consist of 20, 30 or 35 quartz fibres (100 m) respectively. The mean energy density was 55 ±18 mJ mm–2, mean loss of energy transmission was 20%. The pulse width was 60 ns and 115 ns in 40 interventions each. The target vessel was the LAD in 53, the LCX in 6 and the RCA in 21 interventions.Failure of laser angioplasty occurred in 10 patients due to failed guidewire placement (N=6), failed catheter placement (N=3) or impossibility to cross the lesion with the catheter (N=1). Stand-alone laser angioplasty was performed in 43/70 procedures. Additional balloon angioplasty was necessary due to an unsatisfactory result (N=10) or due to complications (N=17) in 27 patients. Vessel occlusion occurred in 18 patients (25%) and could be successfully resolved by balloon dilatation (N=16) or additional laser angioplasty (N=1) in 17 patients. Two early occlusions were found at the 24-h control angiography. The incidence of myocardial infarction and in-hospital death (N=1) was 1.4%.Conclusion: The use of an advanced energy delivery system with trusted energy transmission and higher energy density increased the primary success rate of stand-alone excimer laser angioplasty. However, further improvement of catheter flexibility and reduction of dead space at the catheter tip is necessary to optimize ablation efficacy.  相似文献   

We report our experience in 60 patients using a recently designed 4 French ring catheter system for coronary and a 7 French ring catheter for peripheral percutaneous excimer laser angioplasty. The advantages in comparison to bare fibres comprise an improved flexibility and a central channel for insertion of guide wires to minimize the risk of mechanical vessel wall perforation. The peripheral laser catheter initially transmitted overall energies of 20 mJ pulse–1 (51 mJ pulse–1 mm–2), the coronary device 4.5–5 mJ pulse–1 (32 mJ pulse–1 mm–2). A 50% or more decrease of energy transmission was found in 43% of coronary catheters due to a number of blinded fibres with other fibres remaining intact. This was either due to a retrograde expansion of shock waves generated by the excimer pulse at a calcified lesion, or the result of a deleterious back-reflection of the laser light by contrast media. However, using both laser catheters ablation of plaque in vivo proved to be possible. Small mechanical defects of the catheter tips in 27% did not result in patient related complications. Our initial experience favours further improvement of ring catheters for percutaneous excimer laser angioplasty.  相似文献   

Cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of excimer laser radiation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Excimer laser radiation at 193 nm, 248 nm and 308 nm cause DNA photochemistry. The photobiological effects resulting from exposure of cells to 308 nm and 248 nm radiation appear to be the same as those obtained using low irradiance CW sources at similar wavelengths. This indicates that the high irradiances available from the excimer laser cause the same DNA photochemistry as the lower-irradiance CW sources. Excimer laser radiation at 193 nm causes less cytotoxicity than predicted based on the DNA absorption spectrum. This may result from absorption of 193 nm radiation by protein present between the cell surface, and nuclear DNA, or from less efficient DNA photochemistry using 193 nm radiation. In vitro assays indicate that DNA-damaging effects resulting in cytotoxicity decrease in the order 248 nm greater than 308 nm greater than 193 nm.  相似文献   

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