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We have shown that prostaglandin E2-(PGE2) mediated inactivation of all killer lineage cells is a common event in the tumor-bearing host, so that chronic indomethacin therapy (CIT) combined with multiple rounds of IL-2 cures spontaneous and experimental metastases of a variety of murine tumors by activating killer cells in situ. Ehrlich ascites tumor (EAT) is fatal for any mouse strain even with a small i.p. inoculum. We compared the therapeutic efficacy of chronic indomethacin therapy (CIT), CIT + interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-2 + lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells and CIT + IL-2 + LAK cells on EAT grown in CBA mice. CIT alone retarded tumor growth and stimulated cytotoxic activity in splenocytes as well as tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes against YAC-1 lymphoma and EAT targets but resulted in no cure. The therapeutic efficacy in prolonging the median survival improved in the following order: CIT less than IL-2 + LAK cells less than CIT + IL-2 less than CIT + IL-2 + LAK cells. The last regimen cured 90% of mice and resulted in a short-lasting immunity against a second tumor challenge in some of the animals. Thus, this triple combination therapy may hold promise for eradicating carcinomatous ascites in the human.  相似文献   

S Nomi  N R Pellis  B D Kahan 《Cancer》1985,55(6):1296-1302
In a methylcholanthrene-induced tumor (MCA-F) model in C3H/HeJ mice, curative resection of a progressive tumor promotes artificial lung metastases following intravenous injection of a highly metastatic cell variant designated clone 9-4. The number of metastatic lung colonies depends upon the status of host immunity at the tumor resection: mice resected 7 or 14 days, but not 28 days after tumor inoculation display significantly retarded postoperative, experimentally induced lung metastases. The number of lung colonies in mice that had tumors resected at 14 days was three times greater than in mice that had 28-day neoplasms resected. Neither therapy with weekly injection of 50 micrograms tumor-specific transplantation antigen, which had been extracted using a single phase of 2.5% 1-butanol (CBE), nor 20 mg/kg cyclophosphamide (CY) alone prevented lung colonization. Assessment of helper-suppressor ratios in the spleen from mice after tumor surgery showed that CBE administration decreased the ratio in mice after resection of 14-day tumors, but not after resection of 28-day tumors. Combined therapy with specific tumor antigen and an antisuppressor cell agent reduced metastases, regardless of the tumor size.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that endogenous prostaglandin E (PGE) promotes the development, growth and metastasis of spontaneous mammary tumors in C3H/HeJ female retired breeder mice. The effect of chronic oral indomethacin (indo) therapy starting at 6 months of age was tested on these parameters as well as on animal survival, in comparison with control mice placed on 0.2% ethanol in drinking water for up to 25 months of age. Indo treatment delayed the initial (up to 27 weeks) development of primary tumors by 11–12 weeks; however, the subsequent rate of tumor appearance was unaffected (totaling 82% in indo-treated vs. 90% in controls by 25 months of age). Spontaneous regression of primary tumors (26% in controls) increased 2-fold (53%) with indo therapy. While the apparent reduction in the growth rate of primary tumors and the overall prolongation of animal survival were not significant, the lifespan of mice bearing multiple tumors was significantly prolonged by therapy. There was also a 2-fold reduction in the incidence of lung metastases in mice bearing detectable primary tumors, and this was more pronounced during the earlier phase of tumor development. Positive immunostaining for cyclooxygenase-2 enzyme (indicative of the cellular source of PGE) was exhibited by tumor cells, stromal cells and macrophages within the primary tumors. Tumors in indo-treated mice exhibited histological evidence of increased differentiation (acinar architecture), significant tumor cell death, mononuclear cell infiltration and reduction in vascularity, indicating that the beneficial effects of indo were due to multiple mechanisms, including improved immune response and reduced angiogenesis. Int. J. Cancer 73:371–380, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Bone metastasis is a common event and a major cause of morbidity in cancer patients. The hematopoietic marrow of the bones, rather than the bone tissue per se, is the target organ in bone metastasis. In the bone marrow, IL-1 induces the release of hematopoietic growth factors that may affect tumor-cell growth. We treated groups of mice with rhuIL-1 alpha to examine its role in the establishment of experimental bone/bone-marrow metastasis. We found that injection of 2 micrograms of rhuIL-1 alpha 24 hr prior to, simultaneously with or 24 hr after the injection of 10(4) B16 melanoma cells into the left cardiac ventricle of mice resulted in a 2-fold increase in the average number of colonized bones per mouse. GM-CSF is produced by bone-marrow stromal cells in response to IL-1, and its receptor has been found on tumor cells, including melanoma cells. However, the administration of rmuGM-CSF to mice by either multiple injections or continuous infusion did not affect the number of colonized bones. Many of the biologic effects of IL-1 are mediated by prostaglandins. Treatment of mice with 100 micrograms of indomethacin, a potent inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis, prior to the injection of rhuIL-1 alpha, prevented the increase in number of bone metastases. To determine whether constitutive productions of IL-1 and/or prostaglandins are involved in the pathogenesis of bone/bone marrow metastasis, we treated mice with antimouse IL-1 alpha neutralizing antibodies, rhuIRAP (an inhibitor of IL-1 activity) or indomethacin. We found no difference in the average number of colonized bones per mouse between treated and control mice. We conclude that exogenous administration of IL-1 enhances experimental bone/bone-marrow metastases, and that this phenomenon is mediated through prostaglandins. However, neither the constitutive production of IL-1 nor that of prostaglandins appear to play a role in the pathogenesis of bone/bone-marrow metastasis in our murine model system.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We determined whether polyethylenimine (PEI), a polycationic DNA carrier, can be used to deliver the interleukin (IL) 12 gene by aerosol to treat established osteosarcoma (OS) lung metastases in a nude mouse model. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Tumor response was assessed using our OS lung metastases model. Treatment with aerosolized PEI containing the murine IL-12 gene (PEI:IL-12; 600 microl PEI and 2 mg IL-12) was given twice weekly for 5-6 weeks. RESULTS: Aerosol therapy for 2 weeks resulted in high expression of both the p35 and p40 subunits of IL-12 in the lungs but not in the livers of mice. Peak IL-12 mRNA expression was seen 24 h after a single aerosol PEI:IL-12 treatment. This expression gradually decreased with continued detection for up to 7 days. IL-12 protein was not detectable in plasma even after 6 weeks of aerosol therapy. The number of lung metastases in mice treated with aerosol PEI:IL-12 was decreased significantly (median, 0; range, 0-33) compared with mice that received PEI alone (median, 37.5; range, 11-125; P = 0.002). Nodule size was also significantly smaller in the aerosol PEI:IL-12 group with 87% of the nodules measuring 1 mm. Weekly aerosol PEI:IL-12 therapy was as effective as twice weekly therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Aerosol therapy resulted in selective gene expression and protein production in the tumor area. Aerosol PEI:IL-12 may avoid the systemic toxicities described previously in patients treated with i.v. IL-12. Because OS metastasizes almost exclusively to the lung, aerosol PEI:IL-12 therapy may provide a therapeutic option, which may be especially valuable.  相似文献   

The therapeutic potential of rHuIFN-alpha A/D, a hybrid human IFN molecule with equal activity on murine cells, was studied in experimental and spontaneous metastatic models of a murine colon carcinoma COLON 26. rHuIFN-alpha A/D inhibited experimental pulmonary metastases of COLON 26 and prolonged the survival of BALB/c mice. Dose scheduling, survival and tumour-cell clearance studies showed that the first 5 days were critical in the inhibition of pulmonary metastases. However, it is unlikely that lung NK cells were involved in the anti-metastatic effect of rHuIFN-alpha A/D because inhibition of pulmonary metastases and a decrease in radio-labelled tumour-cell survival was seen in BALB/c mice depleted selectively of their NK cells by prior treatment with rabbit antiasialoGMI serum. Although rHuIFN-alpha A/D stimulated NK-cell activity in BALB/c mice, it was ineffective in abrogating the NK suppressant action of rabbit anti-asialoGMI serum on murine lung NK cells. Thus, IFN may mediate its early antimetastatic effect via a mechanism independent of NK-cell stimulation. IFN also inhibited the development of lung metastases from s.c. COLON 26 tumors in normal, NK-depleted and T-cell-deficient mice.  相似文献   

The most common clinical form of lung cancer is a disseminated disease with distant metastases; several years of cancer progression precede presentation, and this ultimately limits the efficacy of curative therapy. In this immunohistochemical study, we examined a mucinous adenocarcinoma cell line, maintained by xenogeneic transplantation, and a spontaneous metastatic variant which produces distant tumors (in liver, spleen and kidney). The aim was to investigate possible parameters which characterize the metastatic process. Histopathological comparison between the two subcutaneous transplanted tumor lines showed that both lines presented a similar cellular morphology, a different pattern of cellular growth and an increased vascularization in the metastatic line with respect to its parent. All the tumor sections expressed differential immune reactivity with monoclonal antibodies against Lewis y (MAb C14), sialyl-Lewis x (MAb SNH3) and Lewis x (MAb FH2) determinants. Neither expressed MUC 1 mucins detectable with monoclonal antibodies reactive with the mucin protein core (MAbs C595 and SM3) nor was carcinoembryonic antigen (MAb C365) expressed. Neoplastic cells were reactive with an anti-pan cytokeratin monoclonal antibody confirming their epithelial histogenesis. Our findings have been evaluated with respect to defining metastatic phenotypes in lung cancer by examination of distinct histopathological and immunological parameters.  相似文献   

The use of adenoviral vectors for therapeutic delivery of genes via pulmonary application poses several problems in terms of immune responses. The purpose of this study was to determine whether polyethylenimine (PEI), a polycationic DNA carrier, can be used to deliver the IL-12 gene into the lungs of mice having microscopic osteosarcoma (OS) lung metastases. Incubation of SAOS-LM6 cells in vitro with PEI containing the murine IL-12 (mIL-12) gene (PEI:IL-12) resulted in expression of both the p35 and p40 subunits of IL-12 mRNA and production of mIL-12 protein. Using our newly developed OS nude mouse model, we demonstrated that treatment of mice using intranasal PEI:IL-12 resulted in significant IL-12 mRNA expression in the lung but not the liver. Furthermore, plasma IL-12 was undetectable after up to 4 weeks of intranasal PEI:IL-12 therapy given twice weekly. No IL-12 expression was seen following intranasal PEI therapy alone. The number of lung metastases in animals that received intranasal PEI:IL-12 twice weekly for 4 weeks starting 6 weeks after tumor inoculation was significantly decreased (median, 11; range, 0-47) compared with those that received PEI alone (median, 89; range, 2 to >200; P=.012). Also, the size of the nodules was significantly smaller in the PEI:IL-12-treated animals, with 90% measuring < or =0.5 mm in diameter compared with 56% in the PEI-alone group. Animals that received PEI alone also had numerous large nodules (3-6 mm) throughout the lungs. Intranasal therapy is a noninvasive way to administer agents and has the advantage of targeting the pulmonary region, resulting in higher concentrations in the tumor area. Additionally, delivery of IL-12 to the lung via the airway using PEI may avoid systemic toxicity. Because OS metastasizes almost exclusively to the lung, this may be a novel approach to the treatment of pulmonary OS metastases.  相似文献   

Curative surgery is possible in barely 10% of patients with colorectal liver metastases and combined treatment modalities scarcely improve survival in this group of patients. Hence, investigations of new therapeutic modalities are crucial. Overexpression of the H19 gene in liver metastases points to H19 as a target for cancer gene therapy. Here we have evaluated the possibility of regional intra-arterial treatment of liver meta-stases with the DTA-H19 plasmid. Intra-arterial treatment of a total dose of 2.5 mg (repeated injections of 500 μg DTA-H19 plasmid each dose after the first injection of 1000 μg) caused a significant delay in the tumor growth compared to control group. All of the tumors treated with the control vector increased in size, whereas 35.7% of the tumors in the groups treated with a total amount of 2.5 mg DTA-H19 plasmid shrank in size. The present study showed that the DTA-H19 plasmid administered intra-arterially significantly delayed the tumor growth and even resulted in tumor regression in high percentage of the treated animals with liver metastases of colon cancer. Since human liver metastases demonstrated overexpression of the H19 gene, regional administration of the plasmid seems to be a promising therapeutic approach.  相似文献   

Cytokines are promising agents for cancer therapy due to their activity at low concentrations. We used a naked IL-12 DNA expression vector to achieve long-term systemic cytokine expression to inhibit breast tumor growth in MMTVneu transgenic and transplanted models. Constant low levels of IL-12 produced by this protocol provided effective tumor growth inhibition of both tumor models without adverse effects.  相似文献   

The ability of B16 melanoma clones to form tumor colonies in the lung after i.v. injection (experimental metastases) correlates positively with their capacity to respond to activators of cyclic adenosine 3-, 5-monophosphate (cAMP) metabolism (such as melanocyte-stimulating hormone and forskolin). To investigate whether this relationship is causal, the cAMP responses of 4 B16 melanoma clones of differing colonizing potential have been examined in freshly established stock cell cultures, in pulmonary colonies in vivo and in cultures established from these lesions. In all cases, the cAMP responsiveness of the excised colonies (and cultures derived from them) mimicked the responsiveness of the cultures from which they arose. B16 clones exhibiting low cAMP responsiveness gave rise to few experimental metastases all of which were poorly responsive to activators of cAMP metabolism. Similarly, clones with high cAMP responsiveness formed multiple lung colonies which displayed a marked sensitivity to agents that stimulated cAMP production. Parallel experiments on the spontaneous metastatic behavior of the same clones revealed that the cAMP responsiveness of cells in the primary (intrafootpad) tumor and spontaneous metastatic lesions in the lung faithfully reflected the response profile of the original tumor-cell inoculum but no correlation was found between cAMP responsiveness and the capacity to form spontaneous metastases. These data suggest that cAMP-dependent events may influence the survival, arrest and organ colony formation by cells injected directly into the circulation but appear to be of little or no importance in determining the early event(s) involved in the evolution of spontaneous metastases prior to the entry of cells into the circulation.  相似文献   

A case of metastatic adenocarcinoma of the thyroid is reported in which treatment by means of radioactive iodine has been successful. The patient was completely thyroidectomized for "malignant adenoma" in 1923, with neither thyrotoxicosis then nor hypothyroidism postoperatively; 15 years later there developed classic symptoms of hyperthyroidism and severe pain in the lower back. In October 1939 a pulsating tumor removed from the level of the 12th thoracic vertebra proved to be metastatic thyroid adenocarcinoma (histologically well differentiated, with small follicles and colloid). In the next two years hyperthyroidism increased and roentgenograms revealed new metastases in the lungs, upper part of the right femur, second rib on the left side, left ilium, and skull. Roentgenologic irradiation of the metastases proved ineffectual. In March 1943 a tracer dose of radioactive iodine revealed iodine retention by all the known lesions and no evidence of residual thyroid tissue in the neck. Therapeutic amounts of radioactive iodine were administered orally between May and October 1943. Definite and lasting clinical improvement followed. In April 1944 and March 1945 additional I* was administered with a resultant disappearance of pain, increase in weight, and progressive change in all clinical criteria in the direction of hypothyroidism. Roentgenographic evidence pointed to an arrest if not a regression of the disease. No untoward effects followed this therapy. Radioactive iodine seems to be an effective therapeutic agent in the control of this type of tumor.  相似文献   

The effect of thorax irradiation on lung metastases, either occurring spontaneously from a primary mammary adenocarcinoma (M8013X) transplanted on the leg or artificially induced by intravenous injection of tumor cells was studied. Increasing the interval between the moment at which lung metastases are supposed to originate and the thorax irradiation resulted in a rapid decrease of the effectiveness of this treatment in preventing the development of lung metastases. Early treatment of the mice not only resulted in a considerable number of animals that were cured, but also in a significant decrease in the number of tumor localizations in the lung of those animals still developing metastases. Thorax irradiation performed later was much less effective; at autopsy the lung showed a large number of small metastases. Increasing the radiation dose led to an increased number of cures; however, an increased number of mice dying of lethal lung damage was also observed. Irradiation of the lungs of mice with 5 or 10 Gy, 24 hours, 7 days or 14 days prior to i.v. injection with tumor cells, did not significantly increase the number of mice with lung metastases. Immunological resistance against the tumor played a role in our experiments with both spontaneous and artificial lung metastases.  相似文献   

The establishment of an epithelial cell line from a mouse pancreatic adenocarcinoma is described. The cell line, designated LTPA, was aneuploid and exhibited many transformed growth properties (rapid growth rate, failure to show density-dependent inhibition of growth, ability to grow in defined medium). A type C oncornavirus was isolated from the culture medium, and electron microscopy also revealed the presence of intracisternal type A particles. LTPA cells carried a persistent polyoma infection which produced only low levels of cytopathic effects. A mycoplasmal contamination was also carried. When injected s.c. into Swiss nu/nu mice, LTPA cells formed ductular structures which were destroyed by inflammatory reactions within 3 weeks.  相似文献   

Previous reports showed that treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIA) can alter the growth profile of a variety of tumours. In this study, the effect of NSAIA treatment on the growth of the primary tumour and the appearance of spontaneous pulmonary metastases, was investigated. A mammary adenocarcinoma of non-detected immunogenicity, C7HI, was grafted subcutaneously in the lateral flank of Balb/c mice. Oral treatment with approximately 1 mg kg-1 day-1 piroxicam delayed both tumour growth and the growth of pulmonary metastases. Survival of mice bearing the primary tumour was significantly lengthened by anti-inflammatory treatment. Similarly, in separate experiments, after surgical removal of the primary tumour by day 34 after grafting, the group of mice treated orally with piroxicam also exhibited a higher survival rate than the control group. Upon surgical removal of the primary tumour 34 days after grafting, piroxicam treatment significantly decreased both the number and size of pulmonary metastases. The results of this study lends support to the hypothesis that inhibition or modulation of inflammation may delay tumour organisation and growth. It is suggested that piroxicam treatment may be an appropriate adjunct therapy to delay the appearance of pulmonary metastases and to increase life-expectancy in a host whose primary tumour has to be surgically removed.  相似文献   

Generation of cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells is an emerging approach in adoptive donor lymphocyte infusion for patients with a wide range of tumors. However, our previous in vitro studies have shown that the killing efficacy of CIK cells against lung cancer was lower than other tumor cells, while the underlying mechanisms are not clear. We explored the feasibility to improve CIK cells mediated cytotoxicity against lung cancer. Interleukin (IL)-15 is a pleiotropic cytokine that stimulates cytolytic activity and cytokine secretion of NK cells, which may enhance the cytotoxic activity of CIK cells. In this study, we intended to stimulate the CIK cells by IL-2 in combination with IL-15 in cell expansion to achieve enhanced cytotoxicity against lung cancer cells. The different phenotypes of IL-2 or combination of IL-2 and IL-15 stimulated cytokine-induced killer cells were determined, and the improved cytotoxicity of IL-2 and IL-15 induced CIK cells against lung adenocarcinoma were evaluated both in vitro and in vivo. CIK cells stimulated with both IL-2 and IL-15 has shown greater proliferative potential than CIK cells treated with IL-2 alone. IL-15 induction also has driven the expansion of CD3+CD56+ subset and significantly enhanced cytotoxicity against tumor cells. Further analysis has demonstrated that CIKIL-2&IL-15 injected mice models have shown significant tumor regression and lower expression level of CyclinD1 in tumor tissue. This study has provided preclinical evidences that CIKIL-2&IL-15 with enhanced cytotoxicity may offer alternative treatment option for patients with lung cancer.  相似文献   

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