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More than 26,000 new cases of ovarian cancer are identified each year in the United States, with almost 75% of these malignancies in advanced stages at the time of diagnosis. Early-stage disease has a cure rate of up to 90%, but the long-term survival rate of patients with advanced disease is 5–20%. At this time, there are no biomarkers that are effective indicators of early ovarian cancer. Recently, immunohistochemical and Southern blot studies have suggested that overexpression/amplification of the oncogene ERBB2 (HER2/neu) is associated with aggressive ovarian malignancies; however, some studies have not supported this conclusion. Because tumor cells are known to be highly heterogeneous, we used fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to study individual ovarian cancer cells for HER2/neu amplification and chromosome 17 centromere copy number. Simultaneous multicolor cohybridization of HER2/neu and chromosome 17 centromere alpha-satellite probes were carried out on 43 ovarian cancer samples. Ten of the forty-three samples showed moderate to high amplification of HER2/neu, with varying numbers of chromosome 17 centromeres present. In some cells the amplified HER2/neu was dispersed throughout the nucleus, whereas in other cells the amplified oncogenes were clustered together. Within a sample there was heterogeneity in oncogene and centromere copy number. In this small study, we were unable to identify a specific clinical correlation. However, FISH is a powerful method for the study of oncogene amplification in tumor samples. Genes Chromosom Cancer 16:130–137 (1996). © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Errors in chromosome segregation during mitosis result in aneuploidy, which in humans may play a role in the onset of neoplasia by changing gene dosage. Nearly all solid tumors exhibit genomic instability at the chromosomal level, showing both structural and numerical chromosome abnormalities. Chromosomal instability occurs early in the development of cancer and may represent an important step in the initiation and/or progression of the disease. Telomere integrity appears to be a critical element in the genesis of structural chromosome imbalances, but it is still not clear whether it can also generate numerical chromosome aberrations. We investigated the possible relationship between telomere shortening and aneuploidy formation in human mammary epithelial cells using the cytokinesis‐block micronucleus assay combined with fluorescent DNA probes. In this cell system, uncapped chromosomes fuse with each other resulting in dicentric chromosomes, which are known to be a source of new structural chromosome rearrangements. Here, we show that in primary epithelial cells, the chromosomes with short telomeres are more frequently involved in missegregation events than chromosomes of normal telomere length. Whole chromosome aneuploidy occurs through both nondisjunction and anaphase lagging of dicentric chromatids, which suggests that pulling anaphase bridges toward opposite poles can generate the necessary force for detaching a chromosome from the microtubules of one or both spindle poles. Therefore, telomere‐driven instability can promote not only the appearance of chromosomal rearrangements but also the appearance of numerical chromosome aberrations that could favor cell immortalization and the acquisition of a tumor phenotype. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Oesophageal cancer is the most common malignancy encountered in South African males, especially in the Eastern Cape and surrounding region of South Africa. There are a number of risk factors and predisposing conditions that have been implicated in the aetiology of the disease. The tylosis oesophageal cancer (TOC) gene, localised to a small region on chromosome 17q25, has been shown to be associated with oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma. AIM: To investigate loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and microsatellite instability (MSI) in the region of the TOC locus. METHODS: In 74 oesophagectomy specimens for squamous cell carcinoma, microsatellite PCR was performed using five fluorescently labelled TOC markers. The PCR products were analysed and the data correlated with clinicopathological findings. RESULTS: LOH ranged from 25% to 60%. LOH for the individual markers was as follows: D17S1839, 25%; D17S1864, 36%; D17S1817, 38%; D17S785, 47.8%; and D17S579, 60%. MSI ranged from 4.1% to 6.8% for the five loci in the 17q region. MSI was 4.1% for the markers D17S579, D17S785 and D17S1817. Marker D17S1864 showed MSI to occur in 4 cases (5.4%) and marker D17S1839 in 5 cases (6.8%). CONCLUSION: No significant relationship between genetic and clinical parameters was observed; however, aberrations in poorly differentiated tumours were high for markers D17S579 and D17S1864 (25% and 37%, respectively), indicating that these markers may have an underlying role in the molecular pathogenesis of oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma. In addition, 63% of patients who died showed LOH for the markers D17S579, D17S1864 and D17S1817.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the genomic structure of the deletions on chromosome 17 in ovarian carcinomas from women with inherited BRCA1 mutations. Normal and tumor DNA from 14 ovarian tumors associated with inherited BRCA1 mutations were extracted and tested for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at microsatellite markers along chromosome 17. Finer mapping using more microsatellite markers and single nucleotide polymorphisms helped further define the LOH margins. The genomic repeated elements within the LOH breakpoint regions were identified using the University of California Santa Cruz Genome Database, and the frequencies were compared to regions of equal GC percentages across the genome. Of the 14 ovarian tumors, 12 showed LOH of the entire chromosome 17. The other two tumors lost the distal end of the 17q arm. The breakpoints of these two tumors occurred in regions with significantly high frequencies of short interspersed nuclear elements (SINE), specifically Alu elements. Ovarian tumors of high grade and stage have large regions of LOH along chromosome 17, with most tumors showing loss of the entire chromosome. In those tumors with retention of part of chromosome 17, LOH margins suggest that a high Alu content may have a role in the deletions.  相似文献   

乳腺癌17号染色体多体的临床病理意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨乳腺癌17号染色体多体异常的临床病理学意义.方法 回顾性分析200例乳腺癌荧光原位杂交结果,并分析17号染色体多体与年龄、核异型性、淋巴结转移以及HER2基因扩增、HER2蛋白表达的关系.结果 200例乳腺癌患者中表现为17号染色体多体异常的52例(26.0%),均为浸润性导管癌;占180例浸润性导管癌的52.8%.17号染色体多体与HER2基因扩增和HER2蛋白表达有关(均P=0.000),并且多体伴HER2基因扩增时也与HER2蛋白表达有关(P=0.001).多体和(或)多体伴HER2基因扩增都与乳腺癌癌细胞的高度异型性(P=0.010或P=0.012)及淋巴结转移有关(P=0.009或P=0.002).17号染色体多体或多体伴HER2基因扩增与乳腺癌患者的年龄无关(P=0.415或P=1.000).结论 17号染色体多体可能与乳腺癌患者的预后不良有关.  相似文献   

Genetic changes have been shown to be important in determining the multistep progression of cancer. Allele loss studies and karyotypic analysis of epithelial ovarian tumours have indicated the presence of putative tumour suppressor genes on chromosomes 6, 11, 13, 17, 18, 22, and X. We have focused on chromosome arm 6q to identify the minimal region that may contain a putative tumour suppressor gene. Nineteen polymorphic microsatellite markers from 6q and one centromeric marker (D6S294) have been used to detect allele loss in 68 ovarian tumours (six benign, six borderline, and 56 with malignant histology). Allele loss was evaluated by separation of fluorescence labelled polymerase chain reaction-amplified products. Forty-six of fifty-six (82%) malignant tumours showed allele loss on 6q, whereas only four of 56 had lost all the markers tested. Forty-one of fifty-six (73%) malignant tumours showed allele loss at 6q26-27. The minimal region of allele loss was between markers D6S264 and D6S297 (3 cM), with maximal allele loss of 62% at D6S193 and 52% at D6S297. Three tumours showed loss of D6S193 only, while retaining flanking informative markers. Allele loss around 6q26-27 was observed in all histological types of epithelial ovarian cancer and did not correlate with any clinical factors. In addition, there was allele loss at ESR (56%) and D6S286 (47%), though a minimal region was not defined. Allele loss at 6q12-25 correlated significantly with endometrioid and mucinous ovarian malignant tumours (P = 0.01). The physical mapping of the region between D6S297 and D6S264 will allow the eventual identification of the putative tumour suppressor gene. Genes Chromosom Cancer 15:223–233 (1996). © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Four cases of leukemia with a missing Y cell line are reported: one of chronic myeloid leukemia in blastic crisis; one of polycythemia vera terminating in acute myeloblastic leukemia, where the missing Y was observed prior to leukemia and was associated with other chromosome abnormalities in the leukemic phase; one of acute myelomonocytic leukemia; and one acute lymphocytic leukemia with, respectively, partial and complete reappearance of the Y chromosome on leukemia remission. The possible significance of the loss of the Y in leukemic cells is discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years, interest in the genetics of various solid tumours has increased dramatically. Over the last several years, our laboratory has pursued genetic studies of transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. We have studied the cytogenetics and disease course of more than 100 patients, achieving successful cultures in more than 75%. In these patients, we observed the loss of a sex chromosome (either X or Y) with a frequency of 40%. We stratified patients with loss of sex chromosomes into three groups: 1) presence of markers or chromosome rearrangements, 2) aneuploidy without marker chromosomes, and 3) loss of a sex chromosome only. The relevancy of both the natural history and potential impact of sex chromosome loss to the disease course, including invasive potential, will be discussed in detail for each of the three groups.  相似文献   

Eligibility to anti‐HER2 therapy for breast tumors strictly depends on demonstrating HER2 overexpression (by immunohistochemistry) or HER2 gene amplification by in situ hybridization (ISH), usually defined by the ratio of HER2 gene to chromosome 17 centromere (CEP17) copies. However, the CEP17 copy number increase (CNI) has been proven responsible for misleading HER2 FISH results and recent small cohort studies suggest that chromosome 17 polysomy is actually very rare. Here we investigated by FISH the frequency of true chromosome 17 polysomy in a consecutive cohort of 5,477 invasive breast cancer patients. We evaluated and selected the LSI 17p11.2 probe for chromosome 17 enumeration on a training cohort of 67 breast cancer samples (CEP17 ≥ 2.5). LSI 17p11.2 was used in the 297/5,477 patients from the validation cohort displaying CEP17 CNI (CEP17 ≥ 3.0). Using HER2/17p11.2 scoring criteria, 37.3%/1.5% patients initially classified as equivocal/non‐amplified were reclassified as amplified. For a more accurate assessment of chromosome 17 and ploidy in the samples, we tested six markers located on chromosome 17 and centromeric regions of chromosome 8 (CEP8) and 11 (CEP11) in 67 patients with CEP17 and LSI 17p11.2 CNI. True polysomy (hyperdiploidy) according to these markers was found in 0.48% of cases (24/5,020). CEP8 and CEP11 CNI (≥3.0) was more frequent in the hyperdiploid than CEP17 non‐polysomic group (55.6% vs. 6.1% and 25% vs. 2.3%, respectively). Our results suggest that chromosome 17 polysomy is a rare event found in <1% breast cancer cases and that polysomy of other chromosomes frequently occurs with chromosome 17 polysomy. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

荧光原位杂交分析胰腺癌Y染色体丢失   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨男性胰腺癌Y染色体丢失与胰腺癌发生的相关性。方法 选择Y染色体长臂Yq12区域(异染色质区)DNA片段作为探针,同时选择X染色体着丝粒区(a卫星DNA)探针作为对照,通过在石蜡切片标本上进行间期细胞双色荧光原位杂交,分析15例男性胰腺癌组织Y染色体丢失的状况:结果15例胰腺癌中有10例的胰腺癌细胞存在Y染色体丢失现象,癌细胞周嗣其他细胞和正常胰腺细胞中Y染色体数目没有改变。结论 男性胰腺癌细胞中存在非随机的Y染色体丢失现象,这种高频发生的分子细胞遗传学改变很可能是胰腺癌的特征性标记之一。  相似文献   

The most common inherited syndrome in man predisposing to neoplasia is neurofibromatosis-1 (von Recklinghausen disease) (NF1). We investigated the hypothesis that affected individuals carry a single inactive allele at the NF1 locus in the germline and that a tumor arises from a cell in a susceptible tissue in which the remaining normal allele has been lost or inactivated. DNA from tumor and nontumor tissue from 27 NF1 patients was analyzed with three markers closely linked to the NF1 locus and two additional markers from chromosome 17. No loss of heterozygosity was observed in neurofibromas, plexiform or not. For other tumor types analyzed, seven of 14 showed a loss. A loss of heterozygosity was observed in six of 11 of the malignant peripheral nerve tumors analyzed. Of the seven malignancies demonstrating a loss, five involved a neurofibrosarcoma. These findings suggest that the pathogenesis of neurofibrosarcoma in NF1 involves a deficiency of the NF1 gene product. In any given patient, loss of heterozygosity was detected at some marker loci but not others. Thus the mutations demonstrated in these tumors comprise a set of overlapping mutations, which may facilitate more precise localization of the NF1 gene.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the influence of loss of heterozygosity(LOH) events on mutation rate, we studied two closely relatedhuman lymphoblastoid cell lines, AHH-1 (h2E1.v2) and MCL-5,which are heterozygous at the tk locus (chromosome 17q23–25).Although they have similar mutant fractions at the hprt locus,the mutant fraction and rate at tk is four to five times higherin AHH-1. Analysis of 58 spontaneous TK-mutants from AHH-1 andMCL-5 showed that the occurrence of LOH events was more frequent(23/24) in AHH-1 than MCL-5 (16/34). A set of five microsatellitepolymorphism loci was used to map the extent of LOH along chromosome17q. In AHH-1 cells, 15/23 of the LOH events encompassed atleast 35% of the sex-averaged genetic length of chromosome 17q(98 cM). Additionally, the next most extensive category of LOHaccounted for 5/23 TK- mutants, and encompassed at least 17cM. In contrast, LOH events observed in MCL-5 are very restrictedin extent; only one LOH tract extended as far as 4 cM from tk.The higher mutation rate at tk in AHH-1 can, therefore, be entirelyattributed to the recovery of chromosomal scale LOH in viable,normal growth TK-mutants. Furthermore, these data demonstratethat the regional potential for LOH is likely to be an importantdeterminant of mutation rate for loci within that chromosomalsegment. 1To whom correspondence should be addressed  相似文献   

Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosome 17 is a frequent genetic alteration in breast cancer. To assess whether the location of potential tumor suppressor genes is compatible with the LOH pattern in individual tumors, we analyzed allele loss on chromosome 17 in 121 invasive ductal breast carcinomas and 16 benign breast tumors with 14 polymorphic microsatellite markers (4 on 17p and 10 on 17q). Fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for typing microsatellites coupled with DNA fragment analysis in an automated DNA sequencer was applied. Frequencies of LOH varied from 29.4% (D17S1322) to 57.4% (TP53-Alu). No LOH could be detected in benign breast tumors. In 54 tumors the deletion patterns were consistent with the complete loss of 17p (n = 28), 17q (n = 9), or the whole chromosome 17 (n = 17). Five smallest regions of overlap (SROs) were identified in tumors with interstitial deletion patterns. On 17p, two foci were detected affecting the TP53 locus and the hypermethylated in cancer I (HICI) region (17p13.3). On 17q, SROI was localized between markers THRAI and D17S855, centromeric to the breast/ovarian cancer gene BRCAI; SRO2 was flanked by markers AFM234 and NMEI, and SRO3 was centered between markers MPO and GH. Associations between LOH and histopathological characteristics were determined. Significant correlations were found between higher grade and loss of the TP53 gene (marker TP53, P = 0.019), loss of the BRCAI region (P < 0.009), LOH of marker AFM155 (P = 0.003) and marker NMEI (P = 0.026). For positive estrogen receptor status, only LOH of the THRAI marker correlated significantly, whereas highly significant correlations were determined between positive progesterone receptor and markers centromeric to the BRCAI region D17S250 (P = 0.00002), THRAI (P = 0.0006), and the intragenic BRCAI markers [D17S1322 (P = 0.021), D17S855 (P = 0.029)]. Results presented in this study identify five independent regions of chromosome 17 which are likely to contain potential tumor suppressor genes involved in the carcinogenesis of sporadic breast cancer. Genes Chromosom. Cancer 18:181–192, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Rearrangements or deletions of chromosome 17 are the most frequentlyobserved genetic changes identified in breast tumors. Molecularanalyses suggest that in addition to the p53 gene on 17p13.1there may be at least three other tumor suppressor genes onchromosome 17 involved in breast cancer. Regions of loss ofheterozygosity (LOH) identified on 17p13.3 and 17q12-qter occurfrequently in breast tumors, and the BRCA-1 gene has been mappedto 17q21 by genetic linkage analysis. Here we provide biologicalevidence for the presence of a growth suppressor gene(s) onchromosome 17 that results In the In vitro growth suppressionof the p53 wild-type MCF 7 breast cancer cell line. We haveIntroduced a normal chromosome 17 into MCF 7 cells by microcellmediatedchromosome transfer (MMCT), and demonstrate that cells growtharrest before 10 to 12 population doublings. In contrast, theintroduction of a normal chromosome 13 had no effect upon growthof these cells either In vitro or In vivo. These data providedirect functional evidence for the presence of a growth suppressorgene(s) on chromosome 17, which is not p53, and which may representone of several gene(s) that play a critical role in the developmentof breast cancer.  相似文献   

Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) is a common type of genomic alterations in ovarian cancer. Analyzing 74,415 copy neutral LOH events in 513 serous ovarian adenocarcinomas samples from the Cancer Genome Atlas, we report that the frequency of LOH events increases with age. Similar trend is observed for LOH involving chromosome 17, which is frequently implicated in ovarian cancer. The results are consistent when we analyze data from the Boston high‐grade serous cancer cohort. We further show that germ line and somatic mutations in BRCA1 (in chromosome 17) and BRCA2 (in chromosome 13) loci are not necessary to establish the pattern. We also report significant age‐related changes in expression patterns for several genes in the homologous recombination (HR) pathway, such as BRCA1, RAD50, RAD52, XRCC2, XRCC3, and MRE11A in these patient samples. Furthermore, we develop a metric for pathway‐level imbalance, and show that increased imbalance in the HR pathway, i.e., increase in expression of some HR genes and decrease in expression of others, is common and correlates significantly with the frequency of LOH events in the patient samples. Taken together, it is highly likely that aging and deregulation of HR pathway contribute to the increased incidence of copy‐neutral LOH in ovarian cancer patients. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Patients who receive curative treatment for lung cancer can develop additional lung tumors that may or may not be related to the original tumor and thus require different clinical management. If a subsequent tumor has a pattern of allele loss, revealed by allelotype analysis, overlapping that of the first tumor, it is believed to be a local recurrence or metastasis. In this case history, we present loss of heterozygosity analyses of the original primary tumor, and two second primary tumors occurring in the ipsilateral and the contra-lateral lungs. The allelotyping suggests that these tumors are all clonally related but concordance is not complete. Our interpretation is that the original primary tumor and the two new primary tumors have developed to full malignancy independently, but are clonally related, possibly via a clone of motile progenitor cells. Deletion mapping of DNA from biopsies of this patient delineated a region in 4p16 that we had previously shown to be lost in the transition from carcinoma in situ to invasive tumor. We identified a minimally deleted region encompassing six genes including two candidate tumor suppressor genes, CRMP1 a lung cancer metastasis-suppressing gene and PPP2R2C a gene for a regulatory subunit of the PP2 complex known to suppress tumorigenesis, particularly viral induced transformation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the copy number changes of chromosomes 7, 17, 3p, and Y in a non-neoplastic tubular epithelium in end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). Seventeen kidneys from 11 patients with ESKD were retrieved from the archive files. Non-neoplastic kidney tissue in these cases was examined separately. Tissues containing papillary adenomas (PA), clear (CRCC) and papillary renal cell carcinomas (PRCC), and myxoid liposarcoma (LPS) were examined using the same probes and compared with non-neoplastic tissue. Tubular changes in the kidney parenchyma were classified into three types: (1) The vast majority of tubules were entirely atrophic; (2) Several tubules were hyperplastic, i.e., tubules with undifferentiated large epithelial cells, in which it was impossible to establish the specific type of a renal tubulus; (3) Dysplastic tubules were dilated, sometimes wrinkled. The basal membranes were lined by large eosinophilic epithelial cells with polymorphic nuclei and pseudostratification. Nucleoli were clearly visible. These tubular changes were multifocal with a haphazard distribution within the atrophic parenchyma. PA were detected in nine patients, of whom eight patients also revealed an additional tumor type(s) (4x CRCC, 3x PRCC, 1x PRCC, and CRCC). One patient had a CRCC only, another had a combination of PRCC and LPS. Chromosomal abnormalities were found in the second and third group of tubular changes, i.e., in hyperplastic and dysplastic tubules. Trisomy of chromosome 7 was detected in six cases, whereas trisomy of chromosome 17 in eight cases. A combination of both trisomies was found in five cases. Loss of chromosome Y was found in two cases. Fluorescence in situ hybridization on tissues containing papillary adenomas, renal cell carcinomas, and liposarcoma revealed expected results, i.e., trisomy of chromosomes 7 and 17 in all PAs and PRCC. No gains were present in CRCC and LPS. Loss of Y was found in six PA, five PRCC, and one LPS; loss of X was found in two CRCCs. We suggest that chromosomal changes typical of the papillary renal cell lesions, i.e., trisomies of chromosomes 7 and 17, are very frequent in non-neoplastic parenchyma of the end-stage kidney, and they have a tendency to a multifocal occurrence.  相似文献   

Objective: To study chromosome 1p/19q loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and Sox17 protein expression in oligodendrogliomas and correlate this loss with clinicopathological features. Methods: This study included 100 cases of oligodendrogliomas at the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University from 2003 to 2014. The cases included paraffin-embedded tissues from 50 low-grade oligodendrogliomas and 50 anaplastic oligodendrogliomas. Chromosome 1p/19q LOH was detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and Sox17 protein expression was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Clinicopathological characteristics of the oligodendrogliomas were compared and prognosis analyzed using Cox regression and Kaplan-Meier analyses. Results: The LOH positivity rate of 1p/19q was 52% in 50 cases of low-grade oligodendrogliomas and 68% in 50 cases of anaplastic oligodendrogliomas (P = 0.102). The rates of Sox17 expression were significantly different in oligodendrogliomas (82%) and anaplastic oligodendrogliomas (62%, P = 0.026). Single factor analysis determined that 1p/19q LOH (P = 0.000), Sox17 protein expression (P = 0.000), location (P = 0.001), chemotherapy (P = 0.000), and radiation therapy (P = 0.001) were associated with oligodendroglioma patient prognosis. Cox multiple factors regression analysis determined that 1p/19q LOH and Sox17 expression were independent prognostic factors of oligodendrogliomas. Conclusion: In this study, oligodendroglioma patients with 1p/19q LOH and Sox17 protein expression had a better prognosis. Thus, analysis of 1p/19q LOH and Sox17 protein expression could significantly enhance diagnostic accuracy, guide treatment, and improve the prognosis.  相似文献   

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