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The attitudes of 1020 Dutch GP's towards presymptomatic and prenatal testing for Huntington disease (HD) were studied by means of a postal questionnaire. The questionnaire contained questions about: approval of presymptomatic DNA-testing, informing individuals at-risk who do not request predictive testing, referral to a clinical genetics center, and opinions about different strategies of informing and supporting individuals at-risk. The response rate was 62%. More than two-thirds of the GP's considered post-test counselling and support as their responsibility. Twenty-six per cent were of the opinion that the test results should be disclosed by the GP. Fifty-nine per cent of GP's who had an individual at-risk in their practice were familiar with the test. The attitudes of GP's towards giving support and giving test results were independent of familiarity with the test and the incidence of HD-patients or at-risk individuals in the practice. Although GP's were willing to play an important role in presymptomatic DNA-testing procedures, there is a risk that they might underestimate the difficulties in communicating genetic information and the psychosocial effects of DNA-testing. Hence, we favor the premise that extensive pretest counselling and test disclosure should remain the prime responsibility of the clinical geneticist. Increasing involvement of GP's should, however, be encouraged and combined with appropriate postgraduate education about predictive DNA-testing in general.  相似文献   

We have studied the 6-month follow-up attitudes of 63 individuals, after predictive testing for Huntington disease (HD). Reducing uncertainty (81%) and family planning (60%) were the major reasons for taking the test. Twenty-four individuals were diagnosed as having an increased risk (± 98%), and 39 a decreased risk (± 2%). Among those with an increased risk, denial or minimization of the ultimate impact of the increased risk result was observed. Most of them (84%) rated their current life situation, at the very least, as being good. Twenty-one percent of individuals with an increased risk who originally planned to have a family, decided to refrain from having children. Sixty percent of those with increased risk who still wished to have children, would choose to have prenatal testing. In most individuals with increased risk, the test result did not increase the previously expected control over their own future. Half of the partners of persons with increased risk acknowledged the burden of the future disease. Half had no one in whom they could confide. They showed loyalty to the denial and avoidance reactions of their spouses. Half of the individuals with decreased risk denied the impact of the result, as reflected by absence of relief, and emotional numbness. A third of persons with decreased risk experienced involvement with problems of affected relatives. We found that 20% of all participants were discontented with the support given by their general practitioner, who is normally regarded as being the most significant professional for aftercare. Our findings suggest that the perpetuation of psychological defenses, which may temporarily be adequate, may ultimately prevent an individual from taking advantage of being informed. These questions should be further addressed in long-term follow-up studies. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We studied the baseline attitudes, prior to testing, of 70 applicants at risk for Huntington disease (HD) and their partners in the Dutch presymptomatic DNA-testing program. Two thirds of the applicants were female; 36% already had children. The main reason (60%) for undertaking the test was for family planning. Other reasons were either to reduce uncertainty (43%) or to obtain certainty (38%). Partners of applicants stated that planning for the future was for them the most important reason (76%). Significantly more at-risk females (42%) than males (16%) anticipated an unfavorable test outcome. Quite remarkably, most applicants and partners denied that a positive result might have adverse effects on either personal mood, quality of life, or marriage. Only a few did not expect that a favorable result would induce relief. The eventual outcome of the test was expected to enable applicants to gain control over their future, whatever the result. Hence, we propose that the applicants form a self-selected group, based on their expectation that they will not be emotionally affected by either result. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The predictive test for Huntington disease (HD) has allowed those at risk to determine gene status prior to symptoms. The purpose of this research was to understand the motivation and the anticipated reactions of those requesting the test. Forty persons at 50% risk for HD and 31 companions participated in a structured personal interview as part of the predictive test protocol. Reasons for taking the test centered on the reduction of anxiety and uncertainty associated with being at risk and enhanced planning and decision making. Participants also believed that taking the test would produce more positive than negative outcomes. With a favorable result, most anticipated a reduction of anxiety, a more normal future, and relief knowing their children would be at a very low risk. Most also cited benefits as more likely than consequences with an unfavorable result. Making the most of life, easier planning, and reduced uncertainty were rated as more likely than any of the adverse impacts, including short-term depression and becoming frightened. Almost all participants (95%) said they would rather learn that they have the HD gene than remain at 50% risk. The uncertainty, anxiety, and chronic stress associated with being at risk appears to underlie the motivation of many seeking the predictive test for HD.  相似文献   

The predictive test for Huntington disease (HD) has allowed those at risk to determine gene status prior to symptoms. The purpose of this research was to understand the motivation and the anticipated reactions of those requesting the test. Forty persons at 50% risk for HD and 31 companions participated in a structured personal interview as part of the predictive test protocol. Reasons for taking the test centered on the reduction of anxiety and uncertainty associated with being at risk and enhanced planning and decision making. Participants also believed that taking the test would produce more positive than negative outcomes. With a favorable result, most anticipated a reduction of anxiety, a more normal future, and relief knowing their children would be at a very low risk. Most also cited benefits as more likely than consequences with an unfavorable result. Making the most of life, easier planning, and reduced uncertainty were rated as more likely than any of the adverse impacts, including short-term depression and becoming frightened. Almost all participants (95%) said they would rather learn that they have the HD gene than remain at 50% risk. The uncertainty, anxiety, and chronic stress associated with being at risk appears to underlie the motivation of many seeking the predictive test for HD.  相似文献   

The paper reports on a 5-year longitudinal study on psychological distress after predictive testing for Huntington's disease (HD) and on correlates of post-test distress. Psychometric tests and questionnaires were used. The tested persons were invited to participate in the follow-up study; the uptake rate was 75% (24 carriers, 33 non-carriers). Three time points were included: baseline, 1 year and 5 years post-test. Five years after the test, mean distress scores of both carriers and non-carriers were within the normal range. Carriers did not differ from non-carriers with regard to mean general distress. Compared to non-carriers, however, carriers had significantly less positive feelings (P<0.001) and were more consciously avoiding HD-related situations and thoughts (P<0.01). These findings reflect the carriers' conscious and unconscious attempt to escape from pessimism and to minimise negative consequences of the test result. Psychological distress 5 years post-test was significantly associated with ego-strength (P<0.05 to P<0.001). Except for intrusion and avoidance, distress was also associated with test motivation (P<0.05 to P<0.01). Compared with baseline level, mean depression, general and specific anxiety had significantly decreased 1 year and 5 years post-test (P<0.05 to 0.01). This evolution was independent of the test result. However, based on test motivation, a subgroup of tested persons having long lasting psychological distress could be identified, also irrespective of test result. Persons who asked the test to get rid of the uncertainty, without being able to specify implications for substantial life areas, had more psychological distress before and after the test than those who wanted the test for specific reasons (P<0.001 to P<0.0001). Moreover, the pattern of post-test anxiety differed over time, depending on the test motivation (P<0.05). The findings suggest that pre- and post-test counselling should pay special attention to persons with lower ego-strength and with an unspecified test motivation, because they are at higher risk for long-term psychological distress, independently of the test result.  相似文献   

Fifty-five individuals at 50% risk of inheriting Huntington disease (HD) were given in-depth structured interviews to survey attitudes toward use of a predictive test and to assess the possible impact of such a test on the number of gene carriers born. Three-quarters of the sample said they would take predictive test. Given a positive predictive or prenatal test, the number of individuals choosing to have children is reduced from 80% of the total sample to 42%, or by almost one-half. The large proportion of at risk individuals who say they would use a predictive test underscores the importance of developing guidelines for its administration prior to implementation.  相似文献   

About a decade ago the introduction of predictive testing for Huntington's disease (HD) was an important milestone in medical history. The aim of the present paper concerning predictive DNA-testing for HD is fourfold. First of all it describes the professional challenge of elaborating an adequate test protocol and of permanently using a multidisciplinary approach to deal with predictive test requests. Secondly the paper is aimed at unraveling the factors that play a part in uptake and decision making regarding predictive testing. Hereby the Health Belief Model is used as a framework for understanding differences between tested and untested persons. Thirdly the impact of the test result on psychological well-being is reviewed. Finally this paper assesses the utilisation of prenatal diagnosis after predictive testing for HD and reflects on the psychological and ethical implications of different types of prenatal tests, including preimplantation genetic diagnosis.  相似文献   

Predictive and pre-natal testing for Huntington's Disease (HD) has been available since 1987. Initially this was offered by linkage analysis, which was surpassed by the advent of the direct mutation test for HD in 1993. Direct mutation analysis provided an accurate test that not only enhanced predictive and pre-natal testing, but also permitted the diagnostic testing of symptomatic individuals. The objective of this study was to investigate the uptake, utilization, and outcome of predictive, pre-natal and diagnostic testing in Canada from 1987 to April 1, 2000. A retrospective design was used; all Canadian medical genetics centres and their affiliated laboratories offering genetic testing for HD were invited to participate. A total of 15 of 22 centres (68.2%), currently offering or ever having offered genetic testing for HD, responded, providing data on test results, demographics, and clinical history. A total of 1061 predictive tests, 15 pre-natal tests, and 626 diagnostic tests were performed. The uptake for predictive testing was approximately 18% of the estimated at-risk Canadian population, ranging from 12.5% in the Maritimes to 20.7% in British Columbia. There appears to have been a decline in the rate of testing in recent years. Of the predictive tests, 45.0% of individuals were found to have an increased risk, and a preponderance of females (60.2%) sought testing. A greater proportion of those at < or = 25% risk sought predictive testing once direct CAG mutation analysis had become available (10.9% after mutation analysis vs 4.7% before mutation analysis, p = 0.0077). Very few pre-natal tests were requested. Of the 15 pre-natal tests, 12 had an increased risk, resulting in termination of pregnancy in all but one. Diagnostic testing identified 68.5% of individuals to be positive by mutation analysis, while 31.5% of those with HD-like symptoms were not found to have the HD mutation. The positive diagnostic tests included 24.5% of individuals with no known prior family history of HD.  相似文献   

An investigation has been made of the social characteristics and knowledge and experience of Huntington disease (HD) for the first 80 individuals considering presymptomatic testing (applicants) at the medical genetics centres in Edinburgh and Glasgow and of attitudes to the test procedure and decisions made after testing for those who received a result. Sixty-one percent of applicants were female and 31% were over 40 years old. Almost all had a symptomatic parent but 38% did not know HD was in their family until they were over 25 years old and 48% had never received genetic counselling. Thirty-eight percent of applicants first heard of the test at the genetic clinic, 20% from a relative and 20% from the media, but none had received information from their GP. Thirty-one applicants did not have the test because they voluntarily withdrew (17 individuals), their family structure was unsuitable or no informative result was possible (11 individuals), or they were diagnosed clinically as being affected (3 individuals). Those who voluntarily withdrew did not differ significantly from the 49 who received a result in social characteristics or knowledge and experience of HD. Twenty-two individuals were found to be at increased risk (IR) (>50% of becoming affected) and 27 to be at decreased risk (DR) (< 50% of becoming affected). There was a median period of 9 months between entering the test procedure and receiving a result and the main criticism of the procedure was that it took too long to complete and several individuals experienced considerable anxiety while awaiting their result. One year after receiving their result, almost 40% of individuals had made major life decisions, mainly in the areas of personal relationships, career and financial matters and over a third of fecund individuals in both IR and DR groups had changed their decision about future childbearing. Eighty-five percent of the IR group and 53% of the DR group requested continued follow up after the 1-year follow-up visit. The majority wanted follow up by the genetic clinician, but we have found that in practice many individuals do not attend when offered clinic appointments after this time.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic testing for Huntington disease (HD) by linkage analysis of DNA markers close to the HD gene has been possible since the mid-1980s. Because of ethical and practical concerns about this kind of testing, most groups performing the test in the past have operated under lengthy research protocols designed to assess the psychological morbidity of the presymptomatic diagnosis of a fatal disease. Our approach to HD testing is service-oriented, and our testing process has been designed to be flexible, to meet the varying needs of our patients. Between 1988 and 1990, 87 inquiries about the test have been received; 22 inquiries had family structures which were unsuitable for linkage analysis. Eleven of the 37 individuals who entered the testing program have not completed it. Of 19 patients who have received DNA results, seven received an increased risk of carrying the HD gene, and ten, a decreased risk. For two additional individuals, nonpaternity resulted in a negligible risk for HD. Several of those consulted, or their spouses, have had continuing outpatient counseling since completing the test; none have required hospitalization. Our short-term results indicate that molecular genetic testing for HD can be performed safely in a clinical setting using our protocol. As molecular genetic testing for HD and other diseases moves out of research centers and into clinics, clinicians must devise practical strategies for providing the medical, genetic, and psychological services needed for the growing number of individuals who will seek such testing.  相似文献   

The development of a presymptomatic test for Huntington Disease (HD) has enabled some persons at risk to determine whether or not they are gene carriers. The purpose of this study was to explore the reasons why those at risk choose not to be tested in a situation where testing is available and most of the test-associated costs are covered by state funding. Subjects were also asked their levels of knowledge about testing, attitudes towards aspects of the testing protocols, and intentions towards testing once the gene for HD is found. Sixty-six individuals at risk for HD who had chosen not to be tested completed a mailed questionnaire. The most important reasons for not being tested were increased risk to children if one was found to be a gene carrier, absence of an effective cure, potential loss of health insurance, financial costs of testing, and the inability to “unndo” the knowledge. Individuals comprising this sample were quite knowledgeable about predictive testing. Most supported the availability of testing despite the lack of a cure, the need for special counseling prior to testing, and the idea that testing should be a voluntary decision. Most said they would take the test if a treatment was available, if the mechanics of the test were simplified, or if the test was 100% accurate. The risk to relatives, lack of treatment or cure, fear of losing one's health insurance, and the accuracy of the information to be gained from testing are important factors in the decision not to be tested. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Attitudes of 69 persons at risk for Huntington disease (HD) were obtained by means of semistructured interviews and questionnaires. About 79% of the individuals said that they would use a presymptomatic predictive test if it were available. All believed that the test should be made available even though there was no cure for HD. Nearly 2/3 of subjects would use the test for prenatal diagnosis, and of these 71% would terminate a pregnancy if the fetus was found to carry the HD gene. Most subjects believed that pretest counseling should be mandatory and many said that testing should be withheld from persons who were psychologically unstable or were threatening self-harm. The data suggest that about 2-6% of persons at risk for HD may have severe psychiatric or suicidal responses to a positive outcome of predictive testing. This underscores the need for adequate pretest counseling and the availability of professional and community resources to deal with the impact of predictive testing on individuals and their relatives.  相似文献   

One hundred fifty-five individuals at 50% risk of inheriting Huntington disease (HD) were given a questionnaire surveying their sociodemographic characteristics, experience with HD, and attitudes toward presymptomatic and prenatal testing in HD. About two-thirds (63.2%) of the persons indicated they would take a presymptomatic test even if no specific treatment was available. Although one-half (49%) of the respondents stated they would make use of a prenatal test, only 43% of these individuals would decide to terminate a heterozygous fetus. Presymptomatic test results indicating carrier status would influence some of the respondents' decisions about marriage and childbearing. This strong interest of at-risk persons to make use of both presymptomatic and prenatal diagnosis in HD indicates the need for well-organized testing programs. These programs must be designed to address the genetic, psychosocial, and ethical issues that may arise in the use of this type of genetic test.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify factors that are associated with experiencing genetic discrimination (GD) among individuals at risk for Huntington disease (HD). Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to examine factors associated with experiencing GD in data from a cross‐sectional, self‐report survey of 293 individuals at risk for HD. The study sample comprised 167 genetically tested respondents, and 66 who were not tested (80% response rate). Overall, individuals who learn they are at risk for HD at a younger age (OR = 3.1; 95% CI: 1.5–6.2; P = 0.002), are mutation‐positive (OR = 2.8; 95% CI: 1.4–6.0; P = 0.006), or are highly educated (OR = 2.7; 95% CI: 1.4–5.1; P = 0.002) are more likely to experience GD, particularly in insurance, family, and social settings. Further, younger age was associated with discrimination in insurance (OR = 0.97; 95% CI: 0.94–1.00; P = 0.038). This study provides evidence that some people who are at risk for HD were more likely to experience GD than others. Individuals who learned they are at risk for HD at a younger age and those who are mutation‐positive were more likely to experience GD, particularly in insurance, family, and social settings. Younger individuals were more likely to experience discrimination in the insurance setting. Overall, highly educated individuals were also more likely to report discrimination. These results provide direction for clinical and family discussions, counseling practice, and policy aimed at mitigating experiences of GD. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Psychometric testing of participants in predictive DNA testing for Huntington's disease (HD) has shown that 15% of the subjects at risk for HD had at least mild depression or a high score for general anxiety or both in the pre-test period. The main aim of the study was the delineation of variables associated with pre-test distress of applicants for predictive testing for HD. Based on theoretical considerations, four specific hypotheses were tested regarding the role of (1) the test participant's age at the (perceived) parental onset of HD, (2) the affected parent's sex, (3) the perception of the risk for HD, and (4) the subjective proximity of the disease. Secondly, these four variables were used in multiple regression analyses to select the best predictors of pre- and post-test psychological functioning (one year after the test). Increasing the understanding of pre- and post-test distress is important for developing better counselling and support strategies for test applicants. METHODS: Data were collected by means of clinical interviews and psychometric questionnaires during the pre- and post-test (one year after the test) counselling sessions for predictive testing for HD. RESULTS: We found significant associations of the participant's age at the parental onset, the subjective proximity of the disease onset, and the perceived risk with pre-test psychometric measures of psychological functioning. Multiple regression analyses showed that the best predictors of pre-test functioning were the perceived proximity of the disease onset and its interaction with risk perception. Regarding post-test functioning, none of the proposed variables had a unique contribution beyond that accounted for by pre-test psychological functioning. CONCLUSIONS: Test participants who are close to the perceived age of onset of HD and who have a pessimistic risk perception should be given special attention during pre-test counselling because of their possible negative affective condition at that time. Pre-test psychological measures were the best predictors of post-test distress, irrespective of the test result. Suggestions for future longitudinal research are formulated. This kind of research should enable clinical geneticists and mental health professionals to refine the pre- and post-test counselling strategies for predictive DNA testing, not only for HD, but also for other incurable late onset disorders.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: At present, the problems associated with suicidal ideation and suicide in Huntington's disease (HD), worldwide, are much the same as 2 decades ago. This study seeks to investigate the psychological complications of predictive testing in HD at risk populations. METHODS: The key problems of predictive testing, fear of acquiring carrier status, psychological consequences, autonomy, and rights to know are discussed. RESULTS: This review (1) describes psychological affect and problems of persons facing the decision to test for HD, (2) discusses suicidal ideation, behaviour, and catastrophic events associated with predictive testing, (3) assesses ethical questions raised in the genetic counselling, (4) questions whether counsellors should promote or advocate predictive testing, and finally (5) discusses what professionalism actually is in genetic counselling. CONCLUSION: The need for professional counselling, using a well designed protocol, and the importance of focusing on the suicide risk of participants in predictive testing programs are emphasized. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: The counsellor has an obligation to provide adequate information. The professionals should not promote nor advocate presymptomatic DNA-testing. Depression, hopelessness, anxiety, emotional distress, suicidal tendencies, and social dysfunction grading should be considered in predictive testing of HD.  相似文献   

Rodent models of Huntington disease (HD) are valuable tools for investigating HD pathophysiology and evaluating new therapeutic approaches. Non-invasive characterization of HD-related phenotype changes is important for monitoring progression of pathological processes and possible effects of interventions. The first transgenic rat model for HD exhibits progressive late-onset affective, cognitive, and motor impairments, as well as neuropathological features reflecting observations from HD patients. In this report, we contribute to the anatomical phenotyping of this model by comparing high-resolution ex vivo DTI measurements obtained in aged transgenic HD rats and wild-type controls. By region of interest analysis supplemented by voxel-based statistics, we find little evidence of atrophy in basal ganglia regions, but demonstrate altered DTI measurements in the dorsal and ventral striatum, globus pallidus, entopeduncular nucleus, substantia nigra, and hippocampus. These changes are largely compatible with DTI findings in preclinical and clinical HD patients. We confirm earlier reports that HD rats express a moderate neuropathological phenotype, and provide evidence of altered DTI measures in specific HD-related brain regions, in the absence of pronounced morphometric changes.  相似文献   

Patients with end stage renal diseases (ESRD) undergoing hemodialysis (HD) have high morbidity and mortality due to multiple causes; one of which is dramatically higher fall rates than the general population. In spite of the multiple efforts aiming to decrease the high mortality and improve quality of life in ESRD patients, limited success has been achieved. If adequate interventions for fall prevention are to be achieved, the functional and mobility mechanisms consistent with falls in this population must be understood. Human movements such as sit-to-walk (STW) tasks are clinically significant, and analysis of these movements provides a meaningful evaluation of postural and locomotor performance in elderly patients with functional limitations indicative of fall risks. In order to assess the effects of HD therapy on fall risks, 22 sessions of both pre- and post-HD measurements were obtained in six ESRD patients utilizing customized inertial measurement units (IMU). IMU signals were denoised using ensemble empirical mode decomposition and Savistky-Golay filtering methods to detect relevant events for identification of STW phases. The results indicated that patients were slower to get out of the chair (as measured by trunk flexion angular accelerations, time to peak trunk flexion, and overall STW completion time) following the dialysis therapy session. STW is a frequent movement in activities of daily living, and HD therapy may influence the postural and locomotor control of these movements. The analysis of STW movement may assist in not only assessing a patient’s physical status, but in identifying HD-related fall risk as well. This preliminary study presents a non-invasive method of kinematic measurement for early detection of increased fall risk in ESRD patients using portable inertial sensors for out-patient monitoring. This can be helpful in understanding the pathogenesis better, and improve awareness in health care providers in targeting interventions to identify individuals at risk for fall.  相似文献   

Predictive genetic testing for Huntington disease (HD) might cause severe short-term psychological reactions in patients with poor mental health. Very few studies exist on the long-term effects of genetic HD testing. The aim of this study was to assess mental health and quality of life in persons who were tested for HD mutation, to compare mental health depending on the result of the genetic test (non-carriers, gene carriers, and patients with HD) and to identify predictors of mental health and quality of life via linear regression. The data were collected by self-report questionnaires. In total, 121 individuals participated in this study: 52 were non-carriers, 54 were gene carriers, and 15 were gene carriers suffering from HD. Non-carriers and gene carriers showed better mental health and quality of life than HD-patients but did not differ from each other. In non-carriers four variables predicted increased depression and low mental quality of life: low perceived social support, no intimate relationship, female sex and younger age. For gene carriers three predictors were found: low perceived social support, the expectation of an unfavorable genetic test result before the testing procedure and being childless. To prevent detrimental effects of HD testing on mental health and mental quality of life, specific attention should be paid to persons with limited social networks during genetic counseling. Assessment of expectations related to the test result and mental health prior to a genetic testing procedure may help to identify gene carriers at risk of poor coping after an unfavorable test result.  相似文献   

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