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1. Four thioethers of 1,4-hydroquinone with glutathione (GSH) were prepared from 1,4-benzoquinone and characterized by 1H-n.m.r. and partly by 13C-n.m.r. spectroscopy. The structures of three additional thioethers were tentatively assigned by u.v. spectroscopy. 2. The corresponding thioethers of 1,4-benzoquinone with GSH were obtained by oxidation of the corresponding 1,4-hydroquinone thioadducts with PbO2 or potassium ferricyanide. 3. Relative redox potentials of the hydroquinone/benzoquinone thioethers were estimated by determination of their redox equilibria with benzoquinone/hydroquinone. The redox potential of the mono-substituted derivative was 30 mV lower, and that of the di-substituted derivatives 70 mV lower, than that of the unsubstituted couple, thus explaining the readiness of sequential oxidation and addition reactions of the produced thioethers. 4. By use of 1,4-[U-14C]benzoquinone the reaction products with GSH were quantified to elucidate the product orientation. As observed with 1,4-benzoquinoneimine and its thioethers, formation of GSSG was not detected at physiological pH. 5. The high susceptibility of particular thioethers of 1,4-hydroquinone towards (aut)oxidation characterizes these products as reactive intermediates rather than as definitive detoxication products.  相似文献   

The quinones tetrachloro-1,4-benzoquinone (1,4-TCBQ) and its glutathione conjugate (GS-1,4-TCBQ) are potent irreversible inhibitors of most human glutathione S-transferase (GST) isoenzymes. Human pi, psi, and mu are almost completely inhibited at a molar ratio 1,4-TCBQ/GST = 2/1. The isoenzyme B1B1 was inhibited up to 75%, and higher concentrations (1,4-TCBQ/GST = 6/1) were needed to reach this maximum effect. For these isoenzymes 75-85% of the maximal amount of inhibition was already reached on incubation of equimolar ratios of 1,4-TCBQ and subunit GST, while approximately 1 nmol (0.82-0.95) 1,4-[U-14C]TCBQ per nmol subunit GST could be covalently bound. These results suggest that these GST isoenzymes possess only one cysteine in or near the active site of GST, which is completely responsible for the inhibition. In agreement, human isoenzyme B2B2 which possesses no cysteine, was not inhibited and no 1,4-TCBQ was bound to it. The rate of inhibition was studied at 0 degrees: 1,4-TCBQ, trichloro-1,4-benzoquinone and GS-1,4-TCBQ all inhibit GST very fast. Especially for B1B1, the inhibition by the glutathione conjugate is significantly faster than inhibition by 1,4-TCBQ: the glutathione moiety seems to target the quinone to the enzyme. For the other isoenzymes only minor differences are observed between 1,4-TCBQ and its glutathione conjugate under the conditions used.  相似文献   

2, 3, 5, 6-Tetrachloro-1, 4-benzoquinone (TCBQ) is a metabolite of pentachlorophenol known to react with cysteines of glutathione transferases (GSTs). TCBQ treatment of rat kidney rGSTA1-2 and rGSTA1-1 abolishes 70-80% conjugation of glutathione (GSH) to 1-chloro-2, 4-dinitrobenzene and results in strongly correlated quenching of intrinsic fluorescence of Trp-20 (R>0.96). rGSTA2-2 is only inhibited by 25%. Approximately 70% (rGSTA1-1) and 60% (rGSTA1-2) conjugation activity is abolished at TCBQ: GST stoichiometries near 1:1. The inactivation follows a Kitz/Wilson model with K(D) of 4.77+/-2.5microM for TCBQ and k(3) for inactivation of 0.036+/-0.01min(-1). A single tryptic peptide labelled with TCBQ was isolated from kidney rGSTA1-2 containing Cys-17 which we identify as the site of modification. Treatment with more than stoichiometric amounts of TCBQ modified other residues but resulted in only modest further inhibition of catalysis. We interpret these findings in terms of localised steric effects on the relatively rigid alpha-helix 1 adjacent to the catalytic site of subunit 1 possibly affecting the Alpha class-specific alpha-helix 9 which acts as a "lid" on the hydrophobic part of the active site. Homology modelling of rGSTA1-1 modified at Cys-17 of one subunit revealed only modest structural perturbations in the second subunit and tends to exclude global structural effects.  相似文献   

The glutathione transferase-catalyzed reaction of glutathione with haloalkenes results in the formation of addition or substitution products or both. Glutathione conjugates of haloalkenes may be metabolized and excreted at different rates, may follow different metabolic pathways, and may exhibit different toxicities. Microsomal glutathione transferase 1 (MGST1)-catalyzed conjugation of chlorotrifluoroethene, hexafluoropropene, and 2-(fluoromethoxy)-1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoro-1-propene results in differing proportions of addition and substitution products. The aim of the present study was to develop a computational model to predict the outcome of the MGST1-catalyzed reaction of glutathione with haloalkenes. An ab initio computational study of the reaction of ethanethiolate, a surrogate for glutathione, with the chlorotrifluoroethene, hexafluoropropene, and 2-(fluoromethoxy)-1,1,3,3,3-pentafluoro-1-propene was conducted. An empirical study was also conducted to quantify the distribution of addition and substitution products that resulted from the MGST1-catalyzed reaction of glutathione with these fluoroalkenes. The results show that this computational model accurately predicted the distribution of the addition and substitution products that result from the MGST1-catalyzed reaction of glutathione with these fluoroalkenes.  相似文献   

The interaction between glutathione and potential anti-tumour 3,6-disubstituted 2,5-bis(1-aziridinyl)-1,4-benzoquinone (BABQ) derivatives has been studied using u.v. spectrophotometry and h.p.l.c. The formation of BABQ-glutathione adducts was demonstrated in vitro for the BABQ parent compound (TW13), triaziquone (2,3,5-tris(1-aziridinyl)-1,4-benzoquinone) and for BABQ derivatives containing halogen substituents. The clinically-used BABQ derivative diaziquone (AZQ; 2,5-bis(1-aziridinyl)-3,6-bis(ethoxycarbonylamino)-1,4-benzoquinon e) did not react with glutathione. TW13 and triaziquone markedly inactivated bacteriophage M13-DNA in the presence of glutathione. This inactivation is probably produced by reductive activation of the BABQ derivative to a DNA-alkylating semiquinone radical. However, formation of bulky glutathione adducts decreases reactivity to DNA. Halogen-substituted BABQ derivatives react rapidly with glutathione to form adducts. This appeared to prevent DNA alkylation by these compounds. Comparison of these results with in vivo and in vitro activity against tumour models (L1210) suggests that in vivo halogen-substituted BABQ derivatives are efficiently inactivated by glutathione conjugation. The differences between the halogen-substituted BABQ derivatives on the one hand and TW13 and triaziquone on the other hand are probably caused by a difference in reaction mechanism with glutathione. From the viewpoint of drug design, halogen-substituted BABQ derivatives are expected to be inactive anti-tumour agents, in spite of high reactivity and activity in tumour models in vitro.  相似文献   

Methylone (2-methylamino-1-[3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl]propane-1-one) is a synthetic hallucinogenic amphetamine analog, like MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy- methamphetamine), considered to act on monoaminergic systems. However, the psychopharmacological profile of its cytotoxicity as a consequence of monoaminergic deficits remains unclear. We examined here the effects of methylone on the transporters for dopamine (DAT), norepinephrine (NET), and serotonin (SERT), using a heterologous expression system in CHO cells, in association with its cytotoxicity. Methylone inhibited the activities of DAT, NET, and SERT, but not GABA transporter-1 (GAT1), in a concentration-dependent fashion with a rank order of NET > DAT > SERT. Methylone was less effective at inhibiting DAT and NET, but more effective against SERT, than was methamphetamine. Methylone alone was not toxic to cells except at high concentrations, but in combination with methamphetamine had a synergistic effect in CHO cells expressing the monoamine transporters but not in control CHO cells or cells expressing GAT1. The ability of methylone to inhibit monoamine transporter function, probably by acting as a transportable substrate, underlies the synergistic effect of methylone and methamphetamine.  相似文献   

Depletion of glutathione (GSH) by treatment of mice with buthionine sulfoximine (BSO), an effective inhibitor of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase, markedly enhanced (about 10-fold) the lethal and renal toxicity of mercuric chloride. The lethal toxicity of HgCl2 was prevented by administration of GSH monoester; this was observed in mice pretreated with BSO and given a low dose of HgCl2, and also in untreated mice that were given a much higher dose of HgCl2. In contrast, administration of GSH did not protect. Since administered GSH is not transported effectively into cells, whereas GSH monoester is transported and split intracellularly to GSH, the findings indicate that protection against HgCl2 requires intracellular GSH. The experimental approaches used here suggest that cellular GSH is a major determinant of sensitivity to HgCl2 toxicity, and also that administration of GSH esters may be useful for prevention of HgCl2 toxicity.  相似文献   

A number of 2,5-disubstituted-1,4-benzoquinone derivatives were prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, infrared (IR), nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR), and mass spectra (MS). These compounds and their synthetic precursors were evaluated for their in vitro antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity. The most potent antimicrobial compound was the thiadiazolyl derivative 4b , which was 2- to 4 times more active than the antimicrobial drug sulfathiazole. All the tested compounds were active in the Brine Shrimp Lethality (BS) Test. Compound 4e which was the most active in the BS test was also found to possess a significant cytotoxicity against two tumor cell lines. Some of the compounds were found to be mutagenic at relatively high concentration.  相似文献   

Formyl chloride has been indirectly implicated as an intermediate in the oxidation of CH(2)Cl(2) and proposed to be a product of the oxidation of some other compounds. Formyl chloride was synthesized and added to aqueous solutions, with CO formed as a product. The presence of glutathione (GSH) did not reduce the yield of CO at any of the pH values tested. At pH >or= 9, a small amount of S-formyl GSH was detected (相似文献   

Three novel series of benzoquinone derivatives were synthesized, namely: N-(3-aryl-4-phenylthiazolin-2-ylidene)-N-(1,4-benzoquinone carbonyl) hydrazines; N-(3-aryl-5-carbethoxy-4-methylthiazolin-2-ylidene)-N-(1,4- benzoquinone carbonyl)hydrazine and N-(3-arylthiazolin-4-one-2-ylidene)-N-(1,4- benzoquinone carbonyl) hydrazines. These series were prepared by oxidation of the new hydroquinone precursors. The antimicrobial activity of representative compounds of benzoquinone, as well as of hydroquinone derivatives was studied.  相似文献   

The effect of 1-cyano-3,4-epithiobutane (CEB) on glutathione (GSH) metabolism was investigated in rat liver, kidney and pancreas. Male Fischer 344 rats were gavaged with a single dose (125 mg/kg body weight or 50 mg/kg body weight) of CEB. Tissue samples were taken for histological examination, determination of GSH and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) concentrations and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) activities. Urine samples were analysed for non-protein thiol (NP-RSH) content. The high dose of CEB induced hepatic GSH depletion followed by increased GSH. The low dose of CEB induced elevated hepatic GSH by 12 hr without depletion. Renal GSH was increased with both doses without an observed depletion phase. Renal tubule epithelial cell death was observed only with the high dose of CEB, but both doses caused renal proximal tubule karyomegaly. Pancreatic GSH content was unaffected. No alterations of GSSG were observed. GST activity was unaffected in any tissue. Renal GGT activity was decreased at 12 hr with both doses and at 24 and 48 hr with the high dose. Urinary NP-RSH excretion was increased with both doses. Depletion of hepatic GSH concurrent with increased urinary NP-RSH excretion suggests that conjugation with GSH is a significant pathway in CEB metabolism.  相似文献   

Using two groups of substances (derivatives of 1,4-benzoquinone and azomethines) it was compared their effect on the microtubule formation in vitro and on experimental leukemias. 9 from the 28 substances tested acted cancerostatically, 4 substances inhibited microtubule assembly. 3 compounds (fluorenoneazomethines) revealed both effects.  相似文献   

Ochratoxin A (OTA, 1A) is a mycotoxin implicated in human kidney carcinogenesis, in which oxidative activation is believed to play a key role. To gain an understanding of the oxidative behavior of the toxin, we have carried out an electrochemical study and have observed a direct correlation between the electrochemistry of OTA and 4-chlorophenol (4-ClPhOH). Cyclic voltammetry (CV) of OTA in acetonitrile (MeCN) showed that the toxin exhibits an irreversible oxidative half-peak potential (E(p/2)) of 1.81 V vs saturated calomel electrode (SCE); the corresponding value for 4-ClPhOH is 1.59 V. For both compounds, subsequent scans revealed the appearance of the respective hydroquinone/benzoquinone couple, which formed from the oxidation of the parent para-chlorophenol moiety. The hydroquinone of OTA (OTHQ, 2) exhibited E(p/2) = 1.21 V in MeCN. Deprotonation of OTA to form the phenolate (OTA(-)) lowered the potential to E(p/2) = 1.0 V in MeCN. However, from the oxidation of OTA(-), no evidence for the OTHQ(2)/OTQ(3) redox couple was found. In aqueous phosphate buffer (pH 6-8), the electrochemical behavior of OTA mimicked that observed for OTA(-) in MeCN; E(p/2) was approximately 0.8 V vs SCE and subsequent scans did not generate the OTHQ/OTQ redox couple. From capillary electrophoresis (CE), a diffusion coefficient (D) of 0.48 x 10(-5) cm(2) s(-1) was determined for OTA in phosphate buffer, pH 7.0. Combining this value with electrochemical data suggested that OTA undergoes a 1H(+)/1e oxidation in aqueous media. The biological implications of these findings with respect to the oxidative metabolism of OTA, and other chlorinated phenols, are discussed.  相似文献   

Synthesized in the cytosol of cells, a fraction of cytosolic glutathione (GSH) is then transported into the mitochondrial matrix where it reaches a high concentration and plays a critical role in defending mitochondria against oxidants and electrophiles. Evidence mainly from kidney and liver mitochondria indicated that the dicarboxylate and the 2-oxoglutarate carriers contribute to the transport of GSH across the mitochondrial inner membrane. However, differential features between kidney and liver mitochondrial GSH (mGSH) transport seem to suggest the existence of additional carriers the identity of which remains to be established. One of the characteristic features of the hepatic mitochondrial transport of GSH is its regulation by membrane fluidity. Conditions leading to increased cholesterol deposition in the mitochondrial inner membrane such as in alcohol-induced liver injury decrease membrane fluidity and impair the mitochondrial transport of GSH. Depletion of mitochondrial GSH by alcohol is believed to contribute to the sensitization of the liver to alcohol-induced injury through tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-mediated hepatocellular death. Through control of mitochondrial electron transport chain-generated oxidants, mitochondrial GSH modulates cell death and hence its regulation may be a key target to influence disease progression and drug-induced cell death.  相似文献   

The development of non-animal methods to predict the potential of chemicals to cause skin sensitization is of great importance. On the basis of many published studies into the underlying chemical mechanisms skin sensitization, the immunological priming which leads to the disease allergic contact dermatitis, is recognized as a reactive chemistry endpoint. Consequently, the combination of chemical assays with in vitro techniques may provide a useful surrogate to animal testing for skin sensitization. This study attempts to investigate the relationship between skin sensitization assessed in the local lymph node assay (LLNA) initially and a thiol reactivity index based on glutathione (GSH), pEC(50) thiol (EC(50) being defined as the concentration of the test substance which gives 50% depletion of free thiol under standard conditions) in combination with a measure of cytotoxicity (pIGC(50)) to Tetrahymena pyriformis (TETRATOX). The pEC(50) thiol values and the pIGC(50) values were determined for twenty-four compounds for which LLNA test data were available. Thiol reactivity was found to discriminate sensitizers from non-sensitizers according to the rule: pEC(50) thiol>-0.55 indicates that the compound will be a skin sensitizer. However, because of metabolic activation a pEC(50) thiol<-0.55 does not necessarily mean that the compound will be a non-sensitizer. Excess toxicity to T. pyriformis (i.e. the extent of toxic potency over that expected by non-polar narcosis) was determined in order to assess biological reactivity. The best discrimination based on excess toxicity in the TETRATOX assay was given by the "rule": excess toxicity>0.50 indicates that the compound will be a skin sensitizer. These approaches become more powerful when combined. When taken together, the thiol and TETRATOX assays predict the sensitization potential of 23 of the 24 compounds correctly. alpha-Hexylcinnamic aldehyde is incorrectly predicted to be a non-sensitizer, whereas LLNA results suggest it may be a weak sensitizer, this inaccuracy being rationalized in terms of its high hydrophobicity. Due to the selectivity of electro(nucleo)philic reactions some sensitizing compounds will not be identified using a single nucleophile such as thiol.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase catalyzed the polymerization of acetaminophen. Addition of reduced glutathione (GSH) to reaction mixtures resulted in decreased polymerization and formation of minor amounts of GSH-acetaminophen conjugates. The conjugates were identified as 3-(glutathion-S-yl)acetaminophen and 3-(glutathion-S-yl)diacetaminophen. Horseradish peroxidase also catalyzed polymerization of synthetic 3-(glutathion-S-yl)acetaminophen to a dimer conjugate. In contrast to acetaminophen, 3-(glutathion-S-yl)acetaminophen oxidation was slowly catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase. However, in reaction mixtures containing equimolar concentrations of acetaminophen and synthetic 3-(glutathion-S-yl)acetaminophen, the formation of 3-(glutathion-S-yl)diacetaminophen and 3-(diglutathion-S-yl)diacetaminophen was rapid and accounted for approximately 95% of the products, whereas acetaminophen polymers accounted for only 5% of the products. These findings suggest that horseradish peroxidase catalyzed the one-electron oxidation of acetaminophen to N-acetyl-p-benzosemiquinone imine which preferentially polymerized rather than reacted with GSH. N-Acetyl-p-benzosemiquinone imine may also oxidize 3-(glutathion-S-yl)acetaminophen to form acetaminophen and 3-(glutathion-S-yl)-N-acetyl-p-benzosemiquinone imine. The data indicate that once this conjugate radical is formed it reacts with either N-acetyl-p-benzosemiquinone minine or 3-(glutathion-S-yl)-N-acetyl-p-benzosemiquinone imine via a radical termination mechanism.  相似文献   

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