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Objective and design: To examine the effects of PTK787/ZK222584, a novel angiogenesis inhibitor, in a series of in vivo models of arthritis and inflammation.Materials: The granulomatous air pouch and antigen-induced arthritis models were established in female OFA-1 mice. Female DBA/1LacJ mice were used for the collagen-induced arthritis model and male OFA rats were used for the carrageenan oedema and hyperalgesia tests.Treatment: PTK787/ZK222584 was administered p.o., once daily, at various concentrations. Diclofenac (3 mg/kg) and DUP697 (0.5 mg/kg) were also given p.o, once daily.Methods: The anti-angiogenic effects of PTK787/ZK222584 were directly assessed in the granulomatous air pouch model using the carmine red assay. The anti-arthritic effects of this compound were further examined in the mouse antigen-induced and collagen-induced models of arthritis, using macroscopic observations (calliper measurements of joints) and histological scores (as assessed by degree of cellularity, cell infiltration and erosions and proteoglycan loss). All compounds were administered orally. PTK787/ZK222584 at 10, 30, 50 and 100 mg/kg and positive control compounds, diclofenac and DUP697 at 3 mg/kg and 0.5 mg/kg, respectively. In addition, the effects of PTK787/ZK222584 in the rat carrageenan oedema model and Randall Selitto hyperalgesia test were observed.Results: PTK787/ZK222584 treatment caused dose dependent reduction in the vascularity of the granulomatous air pouch model. It inhibited knee swelling by 40% in antigen-induced arthritis, at the dose of 30 mg/kg p.o., once daily (s.i.d). and inhibited both severity scores (by 51%) and global histological scores in mice with collagen-induced arthritis following oral treatment (45 mg/kg p.o.), as compared to control animals. PTK787/ZK222584 demonstrated no effects on inflammatory mediators in the VEGF-independent rat carrageenan model and displayed interesting analgesic activity in the Randall Selitto test in the acute setting.Conclusions: The anti-arthritic effects of this specific, receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor compound appear to be mediated by anti-angiogenic actions. This study represents a new indication for PTK787/ZK222584, namely, rheumatoid arthritis and further supports the belief that angiogenesis inhibition is likely to be beneficial in the therapy of this condition.Received 23 May 2003; returned for revision 10 July 2003; accepted by M. Parnham 5 November 2003  相似文献   

Assessment of tumour vascularity may characterize malignancy as well as predict responsiveness to anti-angiogenic therapy. Non-invasive measurement of tumour perfusion and blood vessel permeability assessed as the transfer constant, K(trans), can be provided by dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI). Using the orthotopic murine tumour model B16/BL6 melanoma, the small contrast agent GdDOTA (DOTAREM(R); Guerbet, Paris) was applied to assess the vascular transfer constant, K(trans), and interstitial leakage space, whereas intravascular iron oxide nanoparticles (Endorem(R); Guerbet, Paris) were used to detect relative tumour blood volume (rTBV), and in one experiment blood flow index (BFI). No correlations were observed between these four parameters (r(2) always <0.05). The B16/BL6 primary tumour and lymph-node cervical (neck) metastases produced high levels of the permeability/growth factor, VEGF. To probe the model, the novel VEGF receptor (VEGF-R) tyrosine kinase inhibitor, PTK787/ZK222584 (PTK/ZK) was tested for anti-tumour efficacy and its effects on DCE-MRI measured parameters of tumour vascularity. Data from the non-invasive measure of tumour vascularity were compared with a histological measurement of vasculature using the DNA-staining dye H33342. PTK/ZK inhibited growth of the primary and, particularly, cervical tumour metastases following chronic treatment for 2 weeks (50 or 100 mg/kg daily) of 1-week-old tumours, or with 1 week of treatment against more established (2-week-old) tumours. After chronic treatment with PTK/ZK, DCE-MRI detected significant decreases in K(trans) and interstitial leakage space, but not rTBV of both primary tumours and cervical metastases. Histological data at this time-point showed a significant decrease in blood vessel density of the cervical metastases but not the primary tumours. However, in the cervical metastases, the mean blood vessel width was increased by 38%, suggesting overall no marked change in blood volume. After acute (2-4 day) treatment, DCE-MRI of the cervical metastases demonstrated a significant decrease in K(trans) and interstitial leakage space and also in the initial area under the enhancement curve for GdDOTA (IAUC), but no change in the rTBV or BFI. Thus, significant changes could be detected in the DCE-MRI measurement of tumour uptake of a small contrast agent prior to changes in tumour size, which suggests that DCE-MRI could be applied in the clinic as a rapid and sensitive biomarker for the effects of VEGF-R inhibition on tumour blood vessel permeability and thus may provide an early marker for eventual tumour response.  相似文献   

Very low doses of ionizing radiation can enhance immune responsiveness and extend life span in normal mice. Total lymphoid irradiation at relatively high doses of radiation can retard autoimmune disease in genetically susceptible mice, but may impair immune function. In order to determine whether fractionated low dose exposure would enhance immune response and retard lymphadenopathy in autoimmune-prone mice, groups of C57B1/6 lpr/lpr mice were sham irradiated, exposed 5 days/week for 4 weeks to 0.04 Gy/day (0.8 Gy cumulative dose), or to 0.1 Gy/day (2.0 Gy cumulative dose). After the radiation protocol, the mice were evaluated for splenic T cell proliferative capacity, T cell subset distribution, and total spleen cell numbers. The independent and additive effect of caloric restriction was additionally assessed since this intervention has been shown to increase immune responsiveness and retard disease progression in autoimmune-prone mice. The congenic C57B1/6 +/+ immunologically normal strain was evaluated in parallel as congenic control. The results indicated that mitogen-stimulated proliferation was up-regulated in both strains of mice after exposure to 0.04 Gy/day. The proliferative capacity was additively enhanced when radiation at this dose level was combined with caloric restriction. Exposure to 0.1 Gy/day resulted in further augmentation of proliferative response in the lpr/lpr mice, but was depressive in the +/+ mice. Although the proportions of the various T cell subpopulations were altered in both strains after exposure to LDR, the specific subset alterations were different within each strain. Additional experiments were subsequently performed to assess whether the thymus is required for LDR-induced immune potentiation. Thymectomy completely abrogated the LDR effect in the +/+ mice, suggesting that thymic processing and/or trafficking is adaptively altered with LDR in this strain. In contrast, augmentation in proliferative activity after LDR in the lpr/lpr mice was maintained, although attenuated, in thymectomized mice. Taken together, these results indicate that fractionated exposure to LDR augments the proliferative response of spleen cells in both autoimmune-prone and immunologically normal mice; however, within each strain, the mechanisms appear to be different.  相似文献   

Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS) is an autosomal dominant disease. About 20% of the gene carriers studied developed medulloblastoma before the age of 5 years. Clinical follow-up of these patients, treated with radiotherapy, revealed a predisposition to radiogenic basal cell carcinomas with an unusually short latent period of 6 months to 3 years. The authors have therefore cultured skin fibroblasts from 5 NBCCS patients and measured their radiosensitivity in terms of clonogenic survival. Our results showed that, compared with 6 normal controls, the NBCCS cells were hypersensitive to X-rays. The average D0 (the inverse of the slope of the survival curve) for the NBCCS cells was 98 rads, compared with 142 rads for the normal controls and 44 rads for an ataxia telangiectasia (AT) strain. The average D10 values (the dose required to reduce survival to 10%) were 258, 351, and 123 rads for the NBCCS, normal, and AT strains, respectively. Unscheduled DNA synthesis measurements showed that NBCCS cells were not defective in excision repair of X-ray-damaged DNA. Pulse labeling index measurements showed that NBCCS cells were abnormally inhibited in the initiation of DNA synthesis following X-irradiation. The mechanisms underlying the radiosensitivity of NBCCS differ in several respects from those of AT. NBCCS appears to be potentially a useful model for studying the cellular processes that are important in radiation carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Groups of cattle were inoculated intravenously with cloned populations of bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma brucei or Trypanosoma congolense. All five steers infected with T. brucei ILTat 2.1 and six of the eight steers infected with T. congolense IL 13-E14 became aparasitemic within 16 and 32 weeks postinfection, respectively. Examination of sera from animals infected with T. brucei by indirect immunofluorescence and neutralization assays revealed the presence of antibodies against all the metacyclic variable antigen types (VATs) of the infecting clone. The neutralizing capacity of the sera increased with the course of infection from 1:10 at 2 months to 1:100 at 3 to 4 months postinfection. The recovered animals were completely immune to challenge by Glossina morsitans subsp. centralis infected with clone IL Tat 2.1, which had initiated the infection, as well as with another clone (IL Tat 2.2) belonging to the same serodeme, but they were susceptible to a tsetse-transmitted heterologous challenge with isolate STIB 367-H. Similar results were obtained with sera from T. congolense IL 13-E14-infected steers. The six steers infected with a different T. congolense ILNat 3.1 clone did not recover spontaneously; however, 2 months postinfection, sera from five of them also contained neutralizing antibodies against ILNat 3.1 metacyclic VATs. These results indicate that some of the bloodstream VATs that arise during the course of a chronic infection possess surface epitopes in their variable surface glycoproteins that are identical to those of the metacyclic VATs. It is suggested that in chronic infection, the infecting trypanosomes could exhaust their VAT repertoire, including those that cross-react with metacyclics, thereby leading to both "self-cure" and subsequent immunity to homologous cyclically transmitted challenge.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed with BALB/c mice to elucidate the roles of humoral and cell-mediated immune responses in the acquisition of protective immunity to Brucella ovis and to compare infection immunity with immunity developed through vaccination with a hot saline extract (HS) of B. ovis. Mice convalescing from a primary infection with B. ovis displayed a high level of resistance to reinfection, as evidenced by splenic bacterial counts decreased over 10,000-fold from control groups at 2 weeks after challenge. Passive transfer assays revealed that protection was mediated by both T lymphocytes and antibodies but that antibodies had a substantially greater role on the basis of log units of protection that were transferred. Antibodies specific for HS proteins in sera from convalescent mice were predominantly of the immunoglobulin G 2a and 3 isotypes. Vaccination with HS conferred good protection against B. ovis, but protection was greatly enhanced by the incorporation of QS-21 or other adjuvants. Protection provided by the HS vaccine resulted largely from immune responses to its protein moieties. A critical evaluation of the protective efficacy of the rough lipopolysaccharide component of HS was precluded by its poor immunogenicity in BALB/c mice. HS-QS-21 afforded protection against challenge infection with B. ovis as good as that which developed after a primary infection and as good as or better than that provided by attenuated Brucella melitensis vaccine strain Rev 1. Passive transfer experiments confirmed that the magnitudes of both humoral and cell-mediated forms of protective immunity were equivalent in mice vaccinated with HS-QS-21 and those recovering from a primary infection. Protective immunity to B. ovis in mice therefore resembled that to Brucella abortus, except that the relative roles of humoral and cell-mediated immunity, rather than being equivalent, were shifted toward a greater role for antibodies.  相似文献   

Doxorubicin, an antibiotic of the anthracycline group, has proven effective in treating a variety of malignant disorders. However, its use has been limited due to the cardiotoxic side effects which include myocardial necrosis that is characterized by mitochondrial calcification. The present studies were conducted to determine if treatment of rabbits with doxorubicin (an anthracycline) would affect the ability of mitochondria isolated from heart, liver, and kidney to retain 45Ca2+. Increases in mitochondrial retention of 45Ca2+ by all of the tissues studied were observed, although only that from the heart showed a significant increase. The changes in 45Ca2+ retention and morphology (i.e., increased mitochondrial swelling and intra-mitochondrial calcium phosphate crystals) of heart mitochondria from doxorubicin-treated rabbits suggest that this anthracycline directly or indirectly affects mitochondrial flux of calcium. That liver and kidney (as compared to heart) mitochondria are relatively insensitive to the effects of doxorubicin suggests a chemical difference in the mitochondria isolated from these tissues. Digoxin/doxorubicin treatment of rabbits, however, leads to a decrease in mitochondrial retention of 45CA2+, except for hear tissue, which again was significantly increased over the control.2 The effects of this treatment on the Na+K+ activated ATPase of the heart, and on the accumulation of doxorubicin by the heart, were not significantly different from the control, suggesting that digoxin and doxorubicin do not compete for the same binding site.  相似文献   

Having previously shown that CCL20/macrophage inflammatory protein 3alpha and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) are released by polarized primary rat uterine epithelial cells (UEC) in response to Escherichia coli but not to Lactobacillus rhamnosus, we sought to determine if epithelial cells are responsive to pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMP), including lipopolysaccharide (LPS), lipoteichoic acid (LTA), and Pam(3)Cys, a bacterial lipoprotein analog. Epithelial cells were grown to confluence on Nunc cell culture inserts prior to apical treatment with PAMPs. In response to LPS, LTA, and Pam(3)Cys (EMC Microcollection GmbH, Tubingen, Germany), CCL20 levels increased (4- to 10-fold) while PAMPs caused increased TNF-alpha (1- to 4-fold) in the medium collected after 24 h of incubation. Both apical and basolateral secretion of CCL20 and TNF-alpha increased in response to PAMPs, but treatments had no effect on cell viability and integrity, as measured by transepithelial resistance. Time course studies of CCL20 and TNF-alpha release in response to Pam(3)Cys and LPS indicated that CCL20 release peaked between 2 and 4 h after treatment, whereas TNF-alpha release was gradual over the length of the incubation. Freeze-thaw and cell lysis experiments, along with actinomycin D studies, suggested that CCL20 and TNF-alpha are synthesized in response to PAMP stimulation. Taken together, these studies demonstrate that E. coli and selected PAMPs have direct effects on the production of CCL20 and TNF-alpha without affecting cell integrity. Since CCL20 is known to be both chemotactic and antimicrobial, the increase in apical and basolateral release by UEC in response to PAMPs suggests a new mechanism of innate immune protection in the female reproductive tract.  相似文献   



Acute kidney injury (AKI) is an initial factor in many kidney disorders. Pre- and intra-renal AKI biomarkers have recently been reported. Recovery from AKI by herbal medicine has rarely been reported. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the dose- and time-dependent effects of herbal medicines to protect against AKI in cisplatin-induced human kidney 2 (HK-2) cells by assessing the activities of high-mobility group box protein 1 (HMGB1), neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) and kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1).


Proximal tubular HK-2 cell lines were treated with either 400 μM of cisplatin for 6 h or 10 μM of cisplatin for 24 h and then exposed to ten types of single herbal medicines, including Nelumbo nymphaea (NY) at a dose of 100 μg/mL. The AKI biomarkers HMGB1, NGAL and KIM-1 were repeatedly measured by an ELISA assay at 2, 4, and 6 h in the group treated with 400 μM of cisplatin to confirm necrotic cell death and at 6, 24, and 48 h in the group treated with 10 μM of cisplatin to examine apoptotic cell death. Recovery confirm was conducted through in vivo study using ICR mice for 3 day NY or Paeonia suffruticosa intake.


Cisplatin treatment at a concentration of 10 μM decreased cell viability. Treatment with 400 μM of cisplatin reduced HMBG1 activity and resulted in lactate dehydrogenase release. In longer exposure durations (up to 48 h), NGAL and KIM-1 exhibited activity from 24 h onward. Additionally, NY treatment resulted in an approximately 50% change in all three biomarkers. The time-dependent profiles of HMGB1, NGAL and KIM-1 activities up to 48 h were notably different; HMGB1 exhibited a 7-fold change at 6 h, and NGAL and KIM-1 exhibited 1.7-fold changes at 24 h, respectively. Consistently, serum and urine NGAL and KIM-1 activities were all reduced in ICR mice.


Several single herbal medicines, including NY, have a potential as effectors of AKI due to their ability to inhibit the activation of HMGB1, NGAL and KIM-1 in an in vitro AKI-mimicked condition and simple in vivo confirm. Furthermore, an in vivo proof-of-concept study is needed.

Circulating monocytes/macrophages are important for the initiation of immune responses to hepatitis C virus (HCV). Their presentation capacities and production of immunoregulatory cytokines enable them to activate cellular immune responses which is critical in determining the outcome of infection. We used flow cytometry to examine the expression of a CD80 costimulatory molecule on the surface of peripheral blood CD14+ monocytes/macrophages and to analyse the production of IL10 and IL12 by these cells. Forty-three individuals (6 asymptomatic HCV carriers, 37 patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC)) were enrolled in this study. Thirty-seven patients with CHC (23 responders and 14 non-responders, NR) received combination (interferon+ribavirin) treatment for 52 weeks. The baseline percentage of CD14+CD80+ peripheral blood monocytes/macrophages was high in patients with CHC (P<0.001) and returned to normal after the treatment. All patients with CHC showed significantly high production of IL10 (P<0.001). In asymptomatic HCV carriers production level of this cytokine tended to be higher than in patients with CHC (P<0.001). A baseline production of IL12 was higher in asymptomatic HCV carriers and patients with CHC compared to healthy controls (P<0.001). The level of IL12 production was increased in treatment responders whereas in NR returned to normal value. Our data argue against functional impairment of circulating monocytes/macrophages during HCV infection. Furthermore, the positive therapeutic outcome following combination treatment might associate with increased production of IL12 by these cells.  相似文献   

Using the combined techniques of immunomagnetic depletion and multiple colour flow cytometry, the expression of HLA-ABC (W6/32) by normal T-cell subpopulations, defined by 2H4 (CD45RA) expression, was examined. It is thought that a CD45RA+CD45RO- phenotype defines the 'virgin' T-cell fraction, whereas a CD45RA-CD45RO+ phenotype defines the 'primed' or memory T-cell population. In addition, an intermediate phenotype (CD45RA+CD45RO+) appears to correspond to a transitional stage of development. In this study, these three phenotypic stages were represented by distinct levels of 2H4 staining defined as 2H4+, 2H4int and 2H4-, respectively. The results of this current investigation are of importance in two main areas. Firstly, when compared to the 2H4+ component, the HLA-ABC expression of 2H4- cells was significantly higher. This was true for both CD4+CD8- and CD4-CD8+ lymphocytes, but was not the case for CD4-CD8dim+, CD3+CD4-CD8- and CD3-CD4-CD8- fractions. Additionally, when HLA-ABC expression was examined as a function of 2H4 staining intensity, it was found that, for the CD4+ fraction, the greatest increase in HLA-ABC expression occurred between the 2H4int and 2H4- stages. In contrast, the increase in HLA-ABC expression by CD8+ lymphocytes was associated with transition from 2H4+ to 2H4int status, which suggests that increased HLA-ABC expression occurs at an earlier stage in the acquisition of CD45RO in CD8+ cells than for CD4+ cells. Secondly, for each individual blood examined, a close and highly significant correlation (P = 0.002) for membrane HLA-ABC expression was found between (i) CD4+2H4+ and CD8+2H4+ and (ii) CD4+2H4- and CD8+2H4- subpopulations. This suggests that modulation of HLA-ABC expression in CD4+ and CD8+ cells is subject to common control mechanisms and remains proportionate for these lymphocyte fractions in any given individual.  相似文献   

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