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Olfaction influences many insect behaviours including mate seeking and host selection. The molecular machinery underlying insect olfactory systems is a G protein-coupled receptor pathway that, in addition to activation, requires adaptation for olfactory sensitivity and discrimination. We have previously identified ARR1 (henceforth AgARR1), a sensory arrestin from the malaria vector mosquito Anopheles gambiae that has been postulated to modulate olfactory adaptation. This report describes three additional arrestin family members including ARR2 (henceforth AgARR2), which is similar to previously characterized insect sensory arrestins and is expressed at significantly higher levels in the antennae of male vs. female A. gambiae mosquitoes. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that AgARR2 may be important for the regulation of olfactory-driven behaviours particular to male mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Cloning and characterization of the white gene from Anopheles gambiae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A 14 kb region of genomic DN A containing the X-linked Anopheles gambiae eye colour gene, white , was cloned and sequenced. Genomic clones containing distinct white + alleles were polymorphic for the insertion of a small transposable element in intron 3, and differed at 1% of nucleotide positions compared. Sequence was also determined from a rare 2914 bp cDNA. Comparison of cDNA and genomic sequences established an intron-exon structure distinct from Drosophila white. Despite a common trend in Anopheles and Drosophila of weak codon bias given low levels of gene expression, codon usage by Anopheles gambiae white was strongly biased. Overall amino acid identity between the predicted mosquito and fruitfly proteins was 64%, but dropped to 14% at the amino terminus. To correlate phenotypically white-eyed strains of A. gambiae with structural lesions in white , five available strains were analysed by PCR and Southern blotting. Although these strains carried allelic mutations, independently generated by gamma radiation (three strains) or spontaneous events (two strains), no white lesions were detected. Significantly, another non-allelic X-linked mutation, causing an identical white-eyed phenotype, has been correlated with a structural defect in the cloned white gene (Benedict et al. , 1995). Taken together, these observations suggest that the white-eyed mutants analysed in the present study carry mutations in a second eye colour gene and are most likely white +.  相似文献   

Parasites of the genus Plasmodium are transmitted to mammalian hosts by anopheline mosquitoes. Within the insect vector, parasite growth and development are potentially limited by antimicrobial defence molecules. Here, we describe the isolation of cDNA and genomic clones encoding a cecropin antibacterial peptide from the malaria vector mosquito Anopheles gambiae. The locus was mapped to polytene division 1C of the X chromosome. Cecropin RNA was induced by infection with bacteria and Plasmodium. RNA levels varied in different body parts of the adult mosquito. During development, cecropin expression was limited to the early pupal stage. The peptide was purified from both adult mosquitoes and cell culture supernatants. Anopheles gambiae synthetic cecropins displayed activity against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts.  相似文献   

Codon usage was compiled for fourteen chromosomal genes and four retrotransposons from the mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Variation exists among chromosomal genes in the degree of bias. The genes showing the highest bias are probably most highly expressed. In these genes, the base composition at the third codon position is much richer in G + C than is the overall coding sequence. Thus, codon usage is biased toward G- or C-ending codons. Codon usage in each retrotransposon is quite different, not only from chromosomal genes but also from the other retrotransposons. Codon usage comparisons among homologous genes from An. gambiae and two other Dipterans, the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti and the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster, show that while there are similarities, particularly between An. gambiae and D. melanogaster in the preference for G-and C-ending codons, each species has evolved a distinct pattern of codon usage.  相似文献   

Larvae of the mosquito vector of human malaria, Anopheles gambiae , were inoculated wlth bacteria and extracts were biochemically fractionated by reverse-phase HPLC. Multiple induced polypeptides and antibacterial activities were observed following bacterial infection, including a member of the Insect defensin family of antibacterial proteins. A cDNA encoding An. gambiae preprodefensin was isolated using PCR primers based on phyiogeneticaiiy conserved sequences. The mature peptide is highly conserved, but the signal and propeptide segments are not, relative to corresponding defensin sequences of other insects. Defensin expression is Induced in response to bacterial infection, in both adult and larval stages. in contrast, pupae express defensin mRNA constitutively. Defensin expression may prove a valuable molecular marker to monitor the An. gambiae host response to infection by parasitic protozoa of medical importance.  相似文献   

Female Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes respond to odours emitted from humans in order to find a blood meal, while males are nectar feeders. This complex behaviour is controlled at several levels, but is probably initiated by the interaction of various molecules in the antennal sensilla. Important molecules in the early odour recognition events include odourant binding proteins (OBPs), which may be involved in odour molecule transport, odourant receptors (ORs) that are expressed in the chemosensory neurones and odour degrading enzymes (ODEs). To obtain a better understanding of the expression patterns of genes that may be involved in host odour reception in females, we generated a custom microarray to study their steady state mRNA levels in chemosensory tissues, antennae and palps. These results were supported by quantitative RT PCR. Our study detected several OBPs that are expressed at significantly higher levels in antennae and palps of females vs. males, while others showed the opposite expression pattern. Most OBPs are slightly down-regulated 24 h after blood feeding, but some, especially those with higher expression levels in males, are up-regulated in blood-fed females, suggesting a shift in blood-fed females from human host seeking to nectar feeding.  相似文献   

The chironomid midges are the only insects that harbour true haemoglobin in their haemolymph. Here we report the identification of haemoglobin genes in two other nematoceran species. Two paralogous haemoglobin genes (glob1 and glob2) from the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae were cloned and sequenced. Furthermore, we identified two orthologous haemoglobin genes in the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti. All four haemoglobins were predicted to be intracellular proteins, with the amino acids required for heme- and oxygen-binding being conserved. In situ-hybridization studies showed that glob1 and glob2 expression in An. gambiae is mainly associated with the tracheal system. This pattern resembles that of other insect intracellular globins. We also observed expression of glob2 in visceral muscles. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the globins of the mosquitoes and the Chironomidae are not orthologous. The chironomid haemoglobins share a recent common origin with the brachyceran glob1 proteins. The mosquito glob1 and glob2 proteins, which separated by gene duplication around 170 million years ago, form a distinct clade of more ancient evolutionary origin within the insects. The glob1 genes have introns in the ancestral globin positions B12.2 and G7.0. An additional intron was observed in Ae. aegypti glob1 helix position E18.0, providing evidence for a recent intron gain event. Both mosquito glob2 genes have lost the B12.2 intron. This pattern must be interpreted in terms of dynamic intron gain and loss events in the globin gene lineage.  相似文献   

A cytoskeletal actin gene in the mosquito Anopheles gambiae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Five actin genes have been identified in the mosquito Anopheles gambiae , and a constitutively expressed actin gene has been chosen for detailed analysis. We have physically mapped and sequenced this gene and six associated cDNAs, including translated coding regions, as well as the 5 and 3 flanking sequences. Analysis of stage-specific RNA shows this gene to be present in all stages of mosquito development and in an established A. gambiae cell line, thus indicating a cytoskeietal actin. In the sequence of the translated coding region and in pattern of expression, this gene is very similar to the cytoskeietal actin genes of Droso-phila melanogaster , and in sequence, equally similar to the Artemia cytoskeietal actin gene 403 (99.2% identity among the three amino acid sequences). Sequencing of this A. gambiae actin gene (designated actWior its location in chromosome division 1D) and selected cDNAs shows that it possesses three alternative leader sequences; thus the gene appears to have three alternative promoters. These promoters should ultimately prove useful in the production of transgenic constructs for constitutive expression.  相似文献   

cDNAs of Anopheles gambiae Defensin 2 ( AgDef2 ), Defensin 3 ( AgDef3 ) and Defensin 4 ( AgDef4 ), identified in the genome sequence, have been characterized and their expression profiles investigated. In contrast to both typical defensins and insect antimicrobial peptides generally, the newly identified defensins were not upregulated with acute-phase kinetics following immune challenge in insects or cell culture. However, mRNA abundance of AgDef2, AgDef3 and AgDef4 increased significantly during the larval stages. Promoter analysis of all three genes failed to identify putative immune response elements previously identified in other mosquito defensin genes. As previous studies failed to identify these larval-specific defensins, it seems likely that further antimicrobial peptide genes with nontypical expression profiles will be identified as more genome sequences become available.  相似文献   

Analysis of the Anopheles gambiae genome using RAPD markers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
RAPD analysis technique is used as a rapid and reliable tool for genome analysis in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. Using more than eighty different commercially available primers we identified more than sixty different DNA segments that were differentially amplified in different strains of An. gambiae s.s. and An. arabiensis. An estimate of the cytogenetic position of these markers is provided by their hybridization to divisional dot-blot filters. Potentially useful RAPD markers can be cytogenetically mapped with more precision by in situ hybridization and, as they segregate as dominant markers in a Mendelian fashion, they can also be genetically mapped relative to other genes or rearrangements. Finally, we identified markers for their potential use in the identification of different mosquito strains.  相似文献   

The diverse habitats and diets encountered during the life cycle of an Anopheles mosquito have necessitated the development of extensive families of detoxification enzymes. Expansion of the three detoxification enzyme families (cytochrome P450s, carboxylesterases and glutathione transfereases), has occurred in mosquitoes compared with Drosophila, however, very little is known regarding the developmental expression of theses genes. Using a custom made microarray we determined the expression profile of the detoxification genes in adults, larvae and pupae of the malaria vector A. gambiae. The expression of approximately one quarter of these genes was developmentally regulated. The expression profile of each of these genes and the information this data provides on putative functions of the mosquito detoxification enzymes is discussed.  相似文献   

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