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70年来我国卫生用农药发展经历了探索起步、规范发展和稳步提升3个阶段。回顾分析,卫生用农药产品结构逐步优化,生物农药平稳发展,环境友好剂型产品增加较快,呈现多样化特征;有害生物防治企业兴起,将专业化技术队伍推向市场化,促进媒介生物防效显著提高。农药登记管理要求趋严,加强对施药者和居住者的健康和环境风险评估,加快实施健康中国战略。同时,对照FAO/WHO产品标准和生物农药登记指南要求,我国卫生用农药依然存在诸多不足,要加强农药抗性治理,着力提升农药登记和监督管理水平,推进风险评估体系建设,推动卫生用农药产品向低风险、环保、安全和持续有效性方向发展。  相似文献   

2012年10月,美国环境保护局发布了第二版农药对居住者的风险评估方法准则(Standard Operating Procedure2012)(简称:最新EPA—SOP),笔者主要介绍评估室内卫生用农药的部分。由于部分内容仅适用美国的情况,我国如何评估室内卫生用农药产品,还需探讨和研究。  相似文献   

四川省蔬菜中农药残留的暴露风险评估和预警风险评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 初步对四川省蔬菜中农药残留开展暴露风险评估和预警风险评估,为指导消费者蔬菜安全膳食、向管理者提出风险管理建议提供理论依据.方法 分析2009-2010年四川省蔬菜中农药残留现状,通过食品安全指数模型和风险系数模型,对超标受检农药分别开展暴露风险评估和预警风险评估.结果 在278项暴露风险评估结果中,有134项食品安全指数(IFS)大于1(48.20%),马拉硫磷残留对人体是安全的,危害农药清单随季节存在差异;在297项预警风险评估结果中,有121项处于中度及以上风险(40.74%),风险清单也随季节存在差异.结论 四川省蔬菜中农药暴露风险较高,应加强四川省蔬菜中农药质量安全监管力度.  相似文献   

目的 通过对蔬菜与水果中农药残留现状及风险评估工作进展进行综述,为开展农药残留研究、居民膳食暴露风险及为安全风险管理提供数据支撑.方法 针对国内外现有的研究资料与成果进行分析、总结.结果 主要综述了蔬菜与水果中农药残留现状以及国内外开展的农药残留膳食暴露风险评估工作的进展.结论 蔬菜与水果中存在农药残留现象,主要以有机...  相似文献   

浅谈卫生用农药理化性质的重要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卫生用农药包括杀虫剂、杀螨剂、杀鼠剂、杀菌剂等,此类农药的理化性质对环境和人类的安全性,施用方法,农药运输过程中防止对人身或财产发生事故、防止环境、所使用的运输工具或其他货物受到损害具有重要意义。本文综述了国内外对卫生用农药理化性质的重要性,同时探讨了目前在卫生用农药理化性质测试中出现的问题,以提高对卫生用农药产品理化参数和安全性的认识。  相似文献   

近年来,上海市卫生行政部门先后组织开展了一系列突发事件公共卫生风险评估相关工作。同时,上海市疾病预防控制机构结合全市突发事件公共卫生风险评估的需求和特点,并参考国内外突发事件公共卫生风险评估相关文件和资料,制定了《上海市突发事件公共卫生风险评估技术指南》,确保了全市突发事件公共卫生风险评估工作科学、有序、规范地开展。  相似文献   

本文概述了我国卫生用农药产品标准的定义、历史沿革、标准制定依据和标准分类。卫生用农药产品标准包括强制性和推荐性的国家标准和/或行业标准,及地方标准、团体标准和企业标准。国外WHO农药评审工作已转移到预审核团队媒介管理小组(PQT-VC),WHO标准新程序分全面和简单两种审核,评审重点为产品安全性、质量和药效。PQT-VC将对产品生命周期进行监管,以确保产品的持续有效性。我国卫生用农药产品标准已挺进WHO/FAO农药标准领域。尝试比较国内和国外(WHO/FAO标准)卫生用农药产品标准的基本现状,并对其差异进行分析。目前,我国卫生用农药产品标准数量和类别已具有一定覆盖率,且有不少采用或参考FAO/WHO标准的技术指标和检测方法,但还需进一步提高制定我国卫生用农药产品的标准水平,为保障其产品质量奠定科技基础。  相似文献   

目的通过调查卫生行政机构主要的10项应急管理职责工作的开展现状及相应技术需求的程度,为进一步提高卫生行政机构应急管理能力提供参考。方法采用分层整群抽样方法对黑龙江省10个地级市及其县、区共76家卫生行政机构中的254名卫生应急工作人员进行问卷调查。结果(1)风险评估、应急演练与培训、物资储备、危机沟通的指导需求程度较高,物资储备、风险评估、危机沟通和事后评估工作的开展效果得分较低;(2)是否有应急工作制度、应急工作负责人数不同的卫生行政机构,应急管理能力水平不同(P<0.05)。结论为提升卫生行政机构应急管理能力,应进一步加强应急组织建设、完善应急工作制度,对物资储备管理、风险评估、危机沟通、应急演练和培训等工作进行技术指导。  相似文献   

目的研制1套适合惠州地区使用的公共卫生风险评估与处置计算机应用系统。方法在惠州市公共场所卫生监督量化分级管理及其风险评估与卫生监督管理系统的基础上,收集惠州市住宿单位、游泳场所、美容美发场所和沐浴场所等公共场所的卫生监督管理资料,建立惠州市公共卫生数据库并开发风险评估系统。结果成功研发了惠州市公共卫生风险评估计算机应用系统,系统能有效对公共场所卫生风险程度进行评估并作出预测,指导卫生监督员尽快提出卫生监督意见,提高了工作效率。结论该系统具有较好的科学性和先进性,可以对惠州市公共场所卫生水平进行定量风险评估。  相似文献   

目的探索建立口岸卫生检疫风险评估的总体框架。方法研读ISO 31000:2009及IEC/ISO 31010:2009、Guide 73:2009及相关技术文件,结合卫生检疫工作实际和已有的风险评估应用实践,研究卫生检疫风险评估的总体步骤和技术方法。结果建立了以"定量风险矩阵风险分析方法"为核心的卫生检疫风险评估总体框架。结论运用ISO 31000的指导理念建立的卫生检疫风险评估总体框架,可指导建立卫生检疫各类风险的风险评估程序,并推广应用于卫生检疫风险评估工作实践。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the profiles of pesticide intoxication, here distinguished by agricultural pesticides, household pesticides, veterinary products, and rodenticides, according to data obtained from the National Poisoning Information System (SINITOX) database, from 1999 to 2003. The findings indicate different profiles for poisonings caused by these four products. While poisoning by agricultural pesticides and veterinary products is more frequent among adults and males, poisoning by household pesticides and rodenticides is more frequent among children and females. The lethality for each kind also varies greatly, from 0.44% for household pesticides to 2.80% for agricultural pesticides. The integrated analyses of poisonings by pesticides, without distinguishing the type of pesticide may be an error, distorting the findings, even hiding risk factors. It is therefore necessary to disseminate information on each kind of poisoning.  相似文献   



Pesticides are widely used in households to control insects and weeds. Several studies, over the past decades, have examined the possible relationship of serum concentration of organochlorine pesticides and the development of breast cancer. However, little data exists regarding an association between self-reported, residential exposure to pesticides and breast cancer risk. We, therefore, present a case-control study examining self-reported exposure to household pesticides with regard to associated risk of breast cancer.  相似文献   

The association between breast cancer in women and the use of household or occupational pesticides was examined in a population-based case-control study. This study was conducted in Western Australia in 2009–2011and included 1,789 controls and 1,205 cases. Information on household pesticide exposure was collected from questionnaires. For occupational pesticide exposure, job-specific modules (JSMs) were used. To evaluate potential recall bias, we stratified the analysis by belief about whether pesticides contribute to breast cancer. Unconditional logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Women’s exposures to pesticides in households and workplaces were not related to increased risk of breast cancer (OR?=?1.10; CI: 0.86–1.37) and (OR?=?0.77; CI: 0.45–1.32), respectively. The prevalence of occupational exposure to pesticides among women in our study was low. In the stratified analyses, the odd ratios associated with household pesticide use were similar among participants who believed pesticides increased breast cancer risk and those who did not. The results of our study did not show associations between breast cancer and household or occupational exposure to pesticides.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested an association between exposure to pesticides and different types of childhood cancer. This paper presents results from a population-based case-control interview study of parents of children less than 15 years of age, which was conducted in the states of West Germany from 1993 to 1997. Cases were 1,184 children with leukemia, 234 with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and 940 with a solid tumor; 2,588 controls were also included. Parental occupational exposures were found to be related to childhood cancer regardless of the time period of exposure and the type of cancer. This finding might partially be explained by different recall of past exposures by the parents of cases and controls. Residential use of insecticides was associated with childhood lymphoma: both extermination of insects by professional pest controllers (odds ratio (OR) = 2.6, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.2, 5.7) and frequency of parental use of household insecticides (p for trend = 0.02) were significant risk factors for this diagnosis. The use of pesticides on farms was weakly related to childhood leukemia (OR = 1.5, 95% CI: 1.0, 2.2), while their use in gardens was not associated with childhood leukemia (OR = 1.0, 95% CI: 0.8, 1.2). The major strengths of this study were the population base and the large number of cases and controls included; a drawback was assessment of exposure on the basis of parental interviews. The data provide some evidence for an increased leukemia risk for children living on farms and for an association between use of household pesticides and risk of childhood leukemia or lymphoma.  相似文献   

Residential exposure assessment is in an early stage of development within many of the regulatory agencies responsible for pesticides. Some of the impetus for residential assessment comes from the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA), a federal law adopted in 1996 in the USA. The FQPA mandates that the aggregate and cumulative risks from all nonoccupational sources of exposure to similarly acting pesticides be assessed. The development of methods for residential exposure assessment is therefore proceeding in tandem with methods for aggregate risk assessment. The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (Cal DPR) regulates pesticides in the state of California much as the US EPA does at the national level. While Cal DPR is not explicitly bound by the federal law, it recognizes the importance of residential exposure and of cumulative risk, and tries to harmonize its methods with those of US EPA. Accordingly, Cal DPR is developing guidance for residential exposure assessment. Some factors to consider are the following: (1) although the end goal may be total exposure from all sources, in order to regulate the use of products it is necessary to have separate estimates of exposure from individual sources and routes; (2) probabilistic approaches will be used increasingly, and they must separate variability and uncertainty; (3) there is a critical need for data on residential use of pesticides, including the frequency of mishaps and improper handling; (4) data are needed on long-term activity patterns of individuals, including residential and occupational history; (5) regulatory agencies need a way to identify and screen potential exposure scenarios, in order to streamline the risk assessment process.  相似文献   

Nearly 50% of the world labour force is employed in agriculture. Over the last 50 years, agriculture has deeply changed with a massive utilisation of pesticides and fertilisers to enhance crop protection and production, food quality and food preservation. Pesticides are also increasingly employed for public health purposes and for domestic use. Pesticide are unique chemicals as they are intrinsically toxic for several biological targets, are deliberately spread into the environment, and their toxicity has a limited species selectivity. Pesticide toxicity depends on the compound family and is generally greater for the older compounds; in humans, they are responsible for acute poisonings as well as for long term health effects, including cancer and adverse effects on reproduction. Due to their intrinsic toxicity, in most countries a specific and complex legislation prescribes a thorough risk assessment process for pesticides prior to their entrance to the market (pre-marketing risk assessment). The post-marketing risk assessment takes place during the use of pesticides and aims at assessing the risk for exposed operators. The results of the risk assessment are the base for the health surveillance of exposed workers. Occupational exposure to pesticides in agriculture concerns product distributors, mixers and loaders, applicators, bystanders, and rural workers re-entering the fields shortly after treatment. Assessing and managing the occupational health risks posed by the use of pesticides in agriculture is a complex but essential task for occupational health specialists and toxicologists. In spite of the economic and social importance of agriculture, the health protection of agricultural workforce has been overlooked for too many years, causing an heavy tribute paid in terms of avoidable diseases, human sufferance, and economic losses. Particularly in the developing countries, where agricultural work is one of the predominant job, a sustainable model of development calls for more attention to occupational risks in agriculture. The experience of many countries has shown that prevention of health risk caused by pesticides is technically feasible and economically rewarding for the individuals and the whole community. A proper risk assessment and management of pesticide use is an essential component of this preventative  相似文献   



To estimate the prevalence of usage, unsafe practices and risk perception regarding household pesticides in a rural community of Tamil Nadu, India.

Materials and Methods

In a cross-sectional survey we used a pre-tested questionnaire and trained interviewers to collect information on household pesticide use for the past 6 months from any adult member of randomly selected households.


Out of 143 households, 95% used at least one household pesticide (95% CI: 93.5–99.5) and 94% used at least one household pesticide specifically for mosquito control. The most commonly used pesticides were mosquito coils (75%), mosquito liquid vaporizers (36%), ant-killing powder (24%) and moth/naphthalene balls (18%). The major non-chemical methods of pest control were rat traps (12%) and mosquito bed nets (7.5%). Out of the mosquito coil users, 61% kept the windows and doors closed while the coil was burning. Out of the moth ball users, 88% left them in the place of use till they fully vaporized. Nearly half of the users did not know that household pesticides were harmful to their health and the health of their children.


The use of household pesticides was highly prevalent in this rural community. The prevalence of unsafe practices while handling them was also high. We recommend that the users of household pesticides be educated about the health hazards and about safe practices and non-chemical methods of pest control be promoted.  相似文献   

Liu J  Schelar E 《Workplace health & safety》2012,60(5):235-42; quiz 243
Widely used around the world, pesticides play an important role in protecting health, crops, and property. However, pesticides may also have detrimental effects on human health, with young children among the particularly vulnerable. Recent research suggests that even low levels of pesticide exposure can affect young children's neurological and behavioral development. Evidence shows a link between pesticides and neonatal reflexes, psychomotor and mental development, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Implications include a need for improved risk assessment and health histories by clinicians, greater education at all levels, more common use of integrated pest management, and continued policy and regulatory strategies to mitigate the effects of and the need for pesticides.  相似文献   

Diarrheal disease is a primary cause of childhood mortality and morbidity in developing countries. Significant reduction depends on the identification of high-risk households which can be targetted for proven-effective interventions, such as oral rehydration therapy. This paper describes the development of a household risk assessment model in the context of an on-going diarrheal disease control in Grenada. Contingency and logit analyses of household survey data are used to identify easily observed markers of high-risk households. A three-variable logit model gives accurate predictions of self-reported diarrhea, showing that the approach can be used to develop an effective and efficient risk assessment tool.  相似文献   

Infants and children are not little adults. They are uniquely vulnerable to environmental toxicants. To protect infants and children against toxicants, the National Research Council in 1993 called for development of an approach to risk assessment that considers children's unique patterns of exposure and their special vulnerabilities to pesticides. Many aspects of that call were codified into federal law in the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) of 1996. This report highlights the central elements needed for development of a child-protective approach to risk assessment: a) improved quantitative assessment of children's exposures at different life stages, from fetal life through adolescence, including acute and chronic exposures, exposures via multiple routes, and exposures to multiple agents; b) development of new approaches to toxicity testing of chemicals that can detect unanticipated and subtle outcomes and that evaluate experimental subjects over the entire life span from early exposure to natural death to replicate the human experience; c) development of new toxicodynamic and toxicokinetic models that account for the unique physiologic characteristics of infants and children; d) development of new approaches to assessment of outcomes, functional, organ, cellular and molecular, over the entire life span; these measures need to be incorporated into toxicity testing and into long-term prospective epidemiologic studies of children; and e) application of uncertainty and safety factors in risk assessment that specifically consider children's risks. Under FQPA, children are presumed more vulnerable to pesticides than adults unless evidence exists to the contrary. Uncertainty and safety factors that are protective of children must therefore be incorporated into risk assessment when data on developmental toxicity are lacking or when there is evidence of developmental toxicity. The adequate protection of children against toxic agents in the environment will require fundamental and far-reaching revisions of current approaches to toxicity testing and risk assessment.  相似文献   

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