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The role of alcohol ingestion in the incidence of arterial hypertension has not been completely established. In addition, there are few studies addressing this point in relation to populations of workers. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between alcoholism and arterial hypertension among workers in an oil refinery in Mataripe, Bahia, Brazil, from 1986 to 1993. We designed a retrospective cohort study with a 7-year follow-up in a stratified systematic sample of 335 workers from the refinery. Arterial hypertension was diagnosed based on blood pressure measurements done during routine medical examinations. At the beginning of follow-up, three groups were defined using the CAGE test of alcohol dependency: nondrinkers (n = 121), CAGE-negative workers (n = 116), and CAGE-positive workers (n = 98). In comparison with the CAGE-negative group, the CAGE-positive group had both greater relative risk and greater attributable risk for developing arterial hypertension (RR = 2.58; AR = 24.95 per 1,000 person-years). The CAGE-positive group also had greater risks compared to nondrinkers (RR = 2.06; AR = 20.97 per 1,000 person-years). The attributable fractions for the same two comparisons of groups were 61% and 51%, respectively. Rate standardization by age or smoking habit did not substantially change the results. Alcoholism is an important risk factor for arterial hypertension.  相似文献   

Ten benzene-exposed oil refinery workers were genotoxicologically monitored in an annual follow-up study between 1990 and 2003 and compared with 87 industrial and 26 matched controls. Each of the exposed subjects suffered from several intercurrent non-infectious diseases such as joint, rheumatic, gastric and dental problems, as well as kidney and liver dysfunctions. The structural chromosome aberration (CA) yields of the exposed donors suggested a dose-dependent response to the mean peak benzene concentrations in the ambient air. Sister chromatid exchange (SCE), high-frequency SCE, DNA repair, and cell proliferation data also indicated the presence of genotoxic exposure at the workplace. The results of the biological and genotoxicological monitoring indicated the need of intervention (primary prevention of occupational exposure-related chronic non-infectious diseases) including the introduction of zero tolerance of benzene emission, health control, and education with motivation to change life-styles. The decrease in CA frequencies considered as the most established genotoxicological effect markers indicated the positive changes due to the achieved zero tolerance at the workplaces. The results also demonstrated the effectiveness of a trilateral co-operation between the health services, the employer and the employee in order to reduce the risk of the exposure-related intercurrent non-infectious diseases and to prevent further deterioration of the health state of the workers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Occupational exposure typical of an oil refinery may alter liver function among the workers. Thus, the objective of the study was to identify risk factors for liver enzyme abnormalities among oil refinery workers. METHODS: The workers at an oil refinery in Northeastern Brazil underwent routine annual medical examination from 1982 to 1998. This case-control study investigated all the 150 cases of individuals with simultaneous gamma-glutamyltransferase and alanine aminotransferase abnormalities of at least 10% above reference levels. As controls, 150 workers without any liver enzyme or bilirubin abnormalities since starting to work there were selected. Odds ratios and the respective 95% confidence intervals were calculated from logistic regression models. RESULTS: In all the production sectors, the risk of liver enzyme abnormalities was significantly higher than in the administrative sector (OR=5.7; 95% CI: 1.7-18.4), even when the effects of alcohol, obesity and medical history of hepatitis were controlled for. During the period from 1992 to 1994, 88 out of the 89 cases occurred among workers from the various production sectors. CONCLUSIONS: Occupational exposure plays an important role in causing liver enzyme abnormalities among oil refinery workers. This is in addition to the specifically biological and/or behavioral risk factors such as obesity and alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

A case-control study to investigate whether women employed in nickel-exposed work areas in early pregnancy are at elevated risk of spontaneous abortion (SA). Data about pregnancy outcome and maternal factors were obtained about each delivery and SA from women in selected work places. Each pregnancy record was assigned a categorical nickel (Ni) exposure rating according to the women's occupations at pregnancy onset. The guidelines were the water-soluble Ni subfraction of the inhalable aerosol fraction obtained by personal monitoring for nickel- and copper-refinery workers or/and measured urinary-Ni concentrations. The unadjusted odds ratio for the association between the maternal exposure to Ni and an SA for Ni-exposed women was 1.38 (95% confidence interval: 1.04-1.84), and the adjusted was 1.14 (0.95-1.37). In conclusion, there was no statistical association between maternal occupational exposure to water-soluble Ni in early pregnancy and the risk of self-reported SA. The findings do not exclude the possibility of a weak excess risk, or a risk in the first weeks of pregnancy.  相似文献   

A survey on sudden unexpected death, that is, death within 24 hours from acute onset, among Japanese workers was carried out. Questionnaires were sent to full-time occupational health physicians who were active members of the Japan Association of Industrial Health at the time of the survey. Though 241 doctors answered (response rate: 61.5%), only 53 of them who had had both sudden death cases and the desire to join in this research co-operated in this survey. During the 5 years of observation (from Jan. 1, 1986 to Dec. 31, 1990), 143 cases of sudden death, 141 males and 2 females, were reported. The mean age was 46.5 (S. D. 10.5) for males. The ages of the 2 females were 31 and 44. Onset took place most frequently at home (55%) and most often during sleep (26%). This may be due to the higher rate not only of onset but of death resulting from acute onset at home and during sleep. Similar to the previous findings, a small peak of incidence was found early in the morning (4:00 AM--9:00 AM), although this was not statistically significant. However, the weekly and seasonal variations were a little different from previous reports. In this study, sudden death tended to occur more on Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (not statistically significant), and as for the seasonal variation, more cases occurred in April, November, and December which were statistically significant.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This case-control study examined the relationship between lung cancer and the work histories of male employees at a large Texas refinery. The study included 112 lung cancer deaths observed between 1946 and 1987 and 490 matched controls. Employment histories were obtained from personnel records, and smoking information was available from medical records. Both stratification methods and conditional logistic regression were used in data analyses. Overall employment in four general job categories (administrative, engineering/laboratory, process, maintenance/mechanical) was not associated with lung cancer mortality. Results by hire period (< 1940, 1940+) showed that workers hired into process jobs before 1940 had a nonsignificantly elevated odds ratio (OR) of 1.71 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.85-3.45) compared with nonprocess workers hired before 1940. Among process workers hired before 1940, there was a significant trend toward increasing OR with increasing duration of employment in process jobs, and the association with lung cancer was strongest among smokers in the highest duration category of 30+ years (OR = 2.98, 95% CI = 1.07-8.31). Latency analyses of process workers hired before 1940 indicated that their lung cancer risk had peaked between 30 and 50 years since first employment. Definitive statements about causal factors are limited because results among process workers were based on small numbers of subjects in some exposure categories, and there was no information on specific workplace exposures. The OR for maintenance/mechanical jobs after adjustment for smoking was 1.00 (95% CI = 0.55-1.82). Furthermore, there was no pattern in relation to duration of employment in maintenance/mechanical jobs. The results from this study do not support the hypothesis that work in maintenance/mechanical jobs increases lung cancer risk. On the basis of analyses in this study, it is unlikely that asbestos exposure contributed to excess lung cancer mortality. Additional analyses were conducted for specific maintenance jobs with potential exposure to asbestos and by duration in jobs with occasional or routine asbestos exposure. No significant increase in lung cancer was found in any subgroup. Furthermore, there was no significant trend toward lung cancer risk in relation to duration of employment in jobs with asbestos exposure.  相似文献   

Mortality study of cancer risk among oil refinery workers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The mortality experience of 1595 male workers employed in one of the largest Italian refineries in the period from 1949-1982 was examined. From the comparison with national and local death rates, increases in mortality owing to lung and kidney cancers, brain tumors, and leukemias emerged. No definite trends according to duration of exposure and years since first exposure were apparent. The increases regarding cancer of the lung, kidney and brain appeared to be associated with the early period of operations. Analysis by exposure category suggested an association of the increased mortality from leukemias with working in production (observed = 2; expected = 0.61). Kidney cancer mortality was elevated among maintenance workers (obs. = 2; exp. = 0.18). Small numbers prevented firmer conclusions. Workers in the moving department had a significantly increased mortality from all cancers (obs. = 22; exp. = 11.7), and lung cancer (obs. = 11; exp. = 3.6). Confounding by smoking could be excluded as sufficient explanation of the three-fold increase in lung cancer deaths. It was in moving that highest airborne levels of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons had been discovered in an independent environmental investigation.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors determined the characteristics of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and its association with hearing-loss-related symptoms (HLRSs) among workers at an oil refinery in Taiwan. Workers from the refinery (N = 384) who had chronic noise exposure (range = 73 to 89 dBa; mean = 81.2, standard deviation = 5.4 dBa) were enrolled in the study. Workers chronically exposed to noise levels that were less than 85 dBa experienced slight hearing loss at high frequencies [(3k + 4k + 6k)/3]. Workers with > or = 1 HLRSs had increased hearing loss at low frequencies [(0.5k + 1k + 2k)/3] and high frequencies (odds ratios = 7.2 and 3.7, respectively). An increased hearing threshold shift for high frequencies (3k, 4k, and 6k Hz) was found in workers who had chronic noise exposure for more than 15 yr. These findings indicate that self-reported HLRSs provide valuable early warning signs of NIHL.  相似文献   

Mortality patterns among petroleum refinery and chemical plant workers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A historical cohort study was conducted to evaluate the mortality experience of 6,831 employees of the Shell Oil Company, Deer Park, Texas, petroleum refinery and chemical plant with emphasis on cancer mortality. Subjects were all workers with potential plant exposure who were employed for at least 3 months during 1948-72. Vital status was determined as of 12/31/83 for 98% of the cohort and death certificates were obtained for 95.4% of 1,180 observed deaths. The statistical analyses excluded 159 female study members. For all causes of death combined, all cancers combined, and for most of the nonmalignant disease categories examined, there were deficits in mortality among refinery workers, chemical plant workers, and workers with experience in both areas. These deficits were generally most pronounced for chemical plant workers. An analysis of specific cancer sites revealed patterns of increased risk suggestive of a possible relationship between occupational exposures in the refinery and lympho-reticulosarcoma. Patterns of increased risk were also observed among chemical plant workers for a category of lymphopoietic tissue cancers, including multiple myeloma, myelofibrosis, polycythemia vera, and certain non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. Some very limited evidence of a possible workplace association was also found among refinery workers for leukemia and cancers of the central nervous system and biliary passages/liver. No evidence was found of an increased risk for cancer of the respiratory system or stomach or for malignant melanoma. A work history review of all suspect cancer excesses failed to identify any common work areas, job assignments, or exposure potentials, although the lack of detailed data on specific chemical exposures precluded accurate assessments of exposure-response.  相似文献   

Causes of death among workers in a bearing manufacturing plant   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Recent studies identify digestive cancer excesses among workers exposed to cutting fluids, abrasive dusts, and oil smoke. Standardized proportional mortality and mortality odds ratio studies were carried out for a ball bearing plant. Cause of death and work histories were obtained for 702 of 768 hourly employees with ten or more years' service who died between 1969 and 1982. Union and company records were used to define exposure measures. The major findings were significant excesses in proportional mortality ratios (PMR) from stomach cancer (PMR = 2.0) and rectal cancer (PMR = 3.1) among white men. After control for age at death, there was a significant association between stomach cancer and precision grinding exposures, consisting primarily of direct contact with water-based cutting fluids (usually emulsified oils) and their aerosols. Some straight oils and synthetic cutting fluids were used as well. The pattern of stomach cancer is consistent with previous findings and suggests an association with the soluble oil cutting fluids.  相似文献   

Data from the Verpleeghuis Informatie Systeem (Nursing Home Information System, SIVIS) of the Stichting Informatiecentrum Gezondheidszorg (Foundation Information Centre Public Health, SIG) unlike data from the Central Bureau voor de Statistiek (Central Statistics Office, CBS) can afford insight into the primary causes of death of patients in Dutch nursing homes. We studied the question whether the causes of death of patients in somatic and psychogeriatric care differed and whether in these groups there was difference between those decreased within and after six months. Also, using the death certificates issued for the 29 patients deceased in nursing home De Bieslandhof in the first quarter of 1991, a comparison was made of reporting to the SIG and to the CBS. In 1989, data on 82.5% of the nursing home patients were registered in the SIVIS. Irrespective of the interval between admission and death and the nature of the multidisciplinary care (somatic or psychogeriatric), pneumonia was the cause of death most frequently stated (16%). Of the somatic patients decreased within six months the cause of death was mostly a malignancy. The psychogeriatric patients mostly died due to dehydration and cachexia. However, uncertainties in establishing the primary cause of death and registration errors are not made sufficiently clear in the SIVIS registration. The reporting to SIG and CBS does not always tally.  相似文献   

Lung cancer in workers in a nickel refinery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

ABSTRACT This study is an analysis of the occurrence of lung cancer in nickel workers, particularly with regard to development time, histological types and tobacco smoking, in addition to specific exposure to nickel dust and fumes. It is a continuation of previous work in this field (Kreyberg, 1954a, b; 1962, 1969). The series consists of 44 cases of lung cancer occurring during the years 1948-74 in people currently or previously employed at Falconbridge nickel refinery. A seven-year period of reduced activity during the war enables lung cancer in workers who took up employment in 1927-39 to be compared with that in workers who started in or after 1946. It is confirmed that exposure to nickel dust and fumes increases the risk of developing lung cancer. However, all subjects with small cell anaplastic carcinoma and at least 25 out of 28 subjects with epidermoid carcinoma had been tobacco smokers. Four smokers and four non-smokers had Group II tumours. The mean age at diagnosis of lung cancer in the nickel workers corresponds closely with that of male subjects with lung cancer in general, in spite of the very wide differences in the development time, if this is related to the employment time in the refinery alone. The mean age at diagnosis is, however, consistent if the development time is related to the length of tobacco smoking. Tobacco smoking is an important factor in the development of lung cancer in nickel workers, and under the conditions described in this study the reduced carcinogenic influence may be attributable to reduced exposure to nickel and possibly also to tobacco.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional medical evaluation was conducted to determine respiratory and dermatological effects of platinum salts sensitization among workers in a secondary refinery of precious metals. Fifteen of 107 current employees and eight (28%) of 29 former employees, who had been terminated from employment on average for 5 years because of respiratory symptoms, had positive skin reactivity to platinum salts. Platinum salts skin reactivity was significantly associated with average air concentrations of platinum salts in employees' present work area. Workers with positive platinum salts skin tests had significantly higher prevalences of reported rhinitis, asthma, and dermatitis than negative skin test workers. They also had increased bronchial response to cold air challenge and elevated levels of total serum IgE. Platinum salts sensitization was not associated with atopic tendency as measured by sensitivity to common aeroallergens, but was strongly associated with cigarette smoking status. The findings indicate that cigarette smoking may be a risk factor for the development of platinum salts allergy. The persistence of platinum salts sensitization and high prevalence of adverse health outcomes among former workers demonstrate the importance of regular medical monitoring so that sensitized workers can be removed from exposure before they develop long-term health problems.  相似文献   

A questionnaire study of men in a wastewater treatment plant of a petroleum refinery showed twice the rate of fetal loss in the period during employment in the plant compared with the periods before and after. Questions regarding the interpretation of that study and continuing concern about reproductive risk prompted us to perform a cross sectional evaluation of sperm concentration and morphology. After adjustment for an abstinence period, the mean sperm concentration of the 74 unexposed men did not differ significantly from that of the 34 exposed men (79.9 million/cm3 v 68.2 million/cm3, p(1) = 0.16). The two groups also had a similar proportion of sperm with abnormal morphology (49.1% v 44.5%, p(1) = 0.94). This lack of association remained when degree of exposure, age, use of alcohol and marijuana, past illness or fever, use of baths or sauna, and history of urological problems were considered. These results are most consistent with the absence of sperm mediated reproductive problems.  相似文献   

Summary A total of 1388 workers employed for at least 3 months at a copper/nickel smelter and nickel refinery were followed up for cancer from 1953 to 1987 through the Finnish Cancer Registry. There were 1339 male and 49 female workers, making a total of 27130 and 706 person-years, respectively. All of the women worked in the refinery, which opened in 1960, the same year the smelting of nickel began. A total of 67 cancers were diagnosed among the men, the standardized incidence ratio for all cancers being 1.0. No cancer was found among the women (1.8 expected). The risk of cancer among men was analysed according to primary site, exposure to nickel, type of work, years since first exposure and age at diagnosis. In the subcohort of nickel refinery workers, one case of sinonasal cancer was observed, against 0.02 expected, but otherwise no significantly increased risks of cancer were found. In addition to the small size of the cohort, the non-positive finding concerning lung cancer might be related to the relatively low arsenic exposure and, perhaps, to the late commencement of nickel production.  相似文献   



Petrochemical plant maintenance workers are exposed to various carcinogens such as benzene and metal fumes. In Korea, maintenance operations in petrochemical plants are typically performed by temporary employees hired as contract workers.


The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate cancer risk in temporary maintenance workers in a refinery/petrochemical complex in Korea.


Subjects consisted of 14 698 male workers registered in a regional petrochemical plant maintenance workers union during 2002–2007. Cancer mortality and incidence were identified by linking with the nationwide death and cancer registries during 2002–2007 and 2002–2005, respectively. Standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) and standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) were calculated for each cancer.


Increased SMR 3.61 (six cases, 95% CI: 1.32–7.87) and SIR 3.18 (five cases, 95% CI: 1.03–7.42) were observed in oral and pharyngeal cancers.


Our findings may suggest a potential association between oral and pharyngeal cancers and temporary maintenance jobs in the petrochemical industry. Future studies should include a longer follow-up period and a quantitative exposure assessment.  相似文献   



Petrochemical plant maintenance workers are exposed to various carcinogens such as benzene and metal fumes. In Korea, maintenance operations in petrochemical plants are typically performed by temporary employees hired as contract workers.


The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate cancer risk in temporary maintenance workers in a refinery/petrochemical complex in Korea.


Subjects consisted of 14 698 male workers registered in a regional petrochemical plant maintenance workers union during 2002–2007. Cancer mortality and incidence were identified by linking with the nationwide death and cancer registries during 2002–2007 and 2002–2005, respectively. Standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) and standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) were calculated for each cancer.


Increased SMR 3·61 (six cases, 95% CI: 1·32–7·87) and SIR 3·18 (five cases, 95% CI: 1·03–7·42) were observed in oral and pharyngeal cancers.


Our findings may suggest a potential association between oral and pharyngeal cancers and temporary maintenance jobs in the petrochemical industry. Future studies should include a longer follow-up period and a quantitative exposure assessment.  相似文献   

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