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We report the construction of a deletion mutant (del22Z) that is unable to synthesize any detectable messenger RNA or protein products from the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) immediate early ICP22 gene upon infection. The del22Z deletion mutant lacks all but 18 nucleotides of the ICP22 coding sequence and carries the bacterial lacZ gene at the site of the deletion. No other known open reading frames or flanking sequences were disrupted. Del22Z was able to infect Vero cells productively but was severely restricted in human and rodent cells that were permissive for the parental HSV-1(F). The yield of del22Z was not enhanced significantly, either by increasing the multiplicity of infection or by increasing the duration of the infection. There was a prolonged expression of some early gene products and a delayed appearance of some late gene products in both permissive and restrictive cells. This phenotype of cell-line restricted growth and alteration of the normal gene expression cascade maps specifically to the ICP22 coding region.  相似文献   

O'Toole JM  Aubert M  Kotsakis A  Blaho JA 《Virology》2003,305(1):153-167
We previously reported that at least eight HSV-1 and five HSV-2 proteins were tyrosine phosphorylated in infected human and mouse cells and the first phosphotyrosine-modified gene product identified was the ICP22 regulatory protein (Blaho, J. A., Zong, C. S., and Mortimer, K. A., 1997, J. Virol. 71, 9828-9832). All electrophoretic forms of ICP22 are tyrosine phosphorylated with the exception of the fastest migrating (unmodified) isoform. We now report the following. (i) ICP22 that reacted with a specific anti-phosphotyrosine antibody contained a significant amount of phosphotyrosine based on phospho-amino acid analysis. These results validate the discovery of ICP22 tyrosine phosphorylation. (ii) Wild-type ICP22 extracted from infected HEp-2 cells migrated as at least seven isoforms, termed ICP22a-g, in denaturing gels. (iii) The primary structure of ICP22 possesses a sequence that is homologous to protein tyrosine kinase recognition sites. A virus, termed RF141, was generated in which ICP22 tyrosine(193) in the kinase target site was mutated to an alanine. (iv) Biochemical analyses of infected HEp-2 and primary HFF cells indicated that the distributions of ICP22 isoforms differed between RF141 and control HSV-1(F). (v) The accumulations of representative viral polypeptides in RF141-infected HEp-2 cells appeared similar to wild-type virus. (vi) RF141 had reduced efficiencies of plating in HFF cells compared to control Vero cells. These differences increased as the multiplicity of infection decreased. Based on these results, we conclude (vii) that ICP22 tyrosine(193) is required for optimal posttranslational modification of the protein in HSV-1 infected human epithelial HEp-2 and primary human fibroblast cells.  相似文献   

Summary The in vivo function of the herpes simplex virus type 1 immediate early gene ICP22 has been investigated in mice and guinea pigs using a deletion mutant (del22Z) of HSV-1(F) that lacks all but 18 nucleotides of the ICP22 coding sequence. This mutant carries the bacterial lacZ gene at the site of the deletion and makes functional beta-galactosidase, but is unable to synthesize any detectable ICP22 messenger RNA or protein in vitro. Del22Z was impaired in its ability to cause death in mice following intracerebral, intraperitoneal, or intravaginal inoculation. The mutant failed to produce lesions or other visible signs of infection after bilateral corneal infection of mice but could be recovered from trigeminal ganglia explanted at day 30 after inoculation. Del22Z replicated poorly after intravaginal inoculation of mice and guinea pigs in comparison to the parental virus, and was not recoverable from the dorsal root ganglia of either species. Nevertheless, del22Z sequences could be detected in the dorsal root ganglia of guinea pigs at day 30 by the polymerase chain reaction. These studies demonstrate that the ICP22 gene product is required for acute infection and virulence in two standard in vivo animal models.  相似文献   

Replication defective mutants of HSV have been proposed both as vaccine candidates and as vehicles for gene therapy because of their inability to produce infectious progeny. The immunogenicity of these HSV replication mutants, at both qualitative and quantitative levels, will directly determine their effectiveness for either of these applications. We have previously reported (Brehm et al., J. Virol., 71, 3534, 1997) that a replication defective mutant of HSV-1, which expresses a substantial level of viral genes without producing virus particles, is as efficient as wild-type HSV-1 in eliciting an HSV-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response. In this report, we have further evaluated the immunogenic potential of HSV-1-derived replication defective mutants by examining the generation of HSV-specific CTL following immunization with viruses that are severely restricted in viral gene expression due to mutations in one or more HSV alpha genes (ICP4, ICP27, ICP22, and ICP0). To measure the CTL responses induced by the HSV alpha-mutants, we have targeted two H-2Kb-restricted CTL epitopes: an epitope in a virion protein, gB (498-505), and an epitope in a nonvirion protein, ribonucleotide reductase (RR1 822-829). The HSV mutants used in this study are impaired in their ability to express gB while a majority of them still express RR1. Our findings demonstrate that a single immunization with these mutants is able to generate a strong CTL response not only to RR1 822-829, but also to gB498-505 despite their inability to express wild-type levels of gB. Furthermore, a single immunization with any individual mutant can also provide immune protection against HSV challenge. These results suggest that mutants which are restricted in gene expression may be used as effective immunogens in vivo.  相似文献   

Lengyel J  Strain AK  Perkins KD  Rice SA 《Virology》2006,352(2):368-379
It was previously shown that herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is sensitive to leptomycin B (LMB), an inhibitor of nuclear export factor CRM1, and that a single methionine to threonine change at residue 50 (M50T) of viral immediate-early (IE) protein ICP27 can confer LMB resistance. In this work, we show that deletion of residues 21-63 from ICP27 can also confer LMB resistance. We further show that neither the M50T mutation nor the presence of LMB affects the nuclear shuttling activity of ICP27, suggesting that another function of ICP27 determines LMB resistance. A possible clue to this function emerged when it was discovered that LMB treatment of HSV-1-infected cells dramatically enhances the cytoplasmic accumulation of two other IE proteins, ICP0 and ICP4. This effect is completely dependent on ICP27 and is reversed in cells infected with LMB-resistant mutants. Moreover, LMB-resistant mutations in ICP27 enhance the nuclear localization of ICP0 and ICP4 even in the absence of LMB, and this effect can be discerned in transfected cells. Thus, the same amino (N)-terminal region of ICP27 that determines sensitivity to LMB also enhances ICP27's previously documented ability to promote the cytoplasmic accumulation of ICP4 and ICP0. We speculate that ICP27's effects on ICP4 and ICP0 may contribute to HSV-1 LMB sensitivity.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus recombinants containing the sequences from herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) encoding the immediate early (IE)(alpha) proteins ICP4 and ICP0, under the control of a mutated vaccinia virus 11K late promoter, were constructed. A cDNA copy of the gene encoding ICPO and an ICP4-encoding genomic segment were each inserted into the vaccinia virus genome at the thymidine kinase (TK) locus by homologous recombination. Steady-state analyses revealed that RNAs homologous to the IE-0 and IE-4 sequences accumulated in cells infected by recombinants with the kinetics of a typical vaccinia late mRNA. Western blot analyses demonstrated that the expression level of both ICPO and ICP4, produced by the recombinant viruses, was comparable to that in HSV-1-infected cells at late times postinfection. Both proteins synthesized in cells infected by the recombinants were located in the nucleus as revealed by immunofluorescence. Although in vitro studies reveal that extracts from vaccinia-virus-infected cells lose the ability to transcribe genes that contain RNA polymerase II promoters (Puckett and Moss (1983), Cell 35, 441-448) both ICPO and ICP4 expressed by the recombinant viruses can transactivate plasmids containing a reporter gene driven by the promoters for the HSV-1 TK and glycoprotein C genes. Nuclear extracts prepared from cells infected with the vaccinia virus vector expressing ICP4 exhibited sequence-specific DNA-binding activity.  相似文献   

Johnson KE  Song B  Knipe DM 《Virology》2008,374(2):487-494
Host cells respond to viral infection by many mechanisms, including the production of type I interferons which act in a paracrine and autocrine manner to induce the expression of antiviral interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs). Viruses have evolved means to inhibit interferon signaling to avoid induction of the innate immune response. Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) has several mechanisms to inhibit type I interferon production, the activities of ISGs, and the interferon signaling pathway itself. We report that the inhibition of the Jak/STAT pathway by HSV-1 requires viral gene expression and that viral immediate-early protein ICP27 plays a role in downregulating STAT-1 phosphorylation and in preventing the accumulation of STAT-1 in the nucleus. We also show that expression of ICP27 by transfection causes an inhibition of IFN-induced STAT-1 nuclear accumulation. Therefore, ICP27 is necessary and sufficient for at least some of the effects of HSV infection on STAT-1.  相似文献   

In Vero cells incubated at 40 degrees C or treated with azetidine at 37 degrees C, synthesis of a polypeptide ('C') of apparent mol. wt. 66000 was stimulated. It was not phosphorylated and was found in the cytoplasmic fraction of cell lysates. In cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) in the presence of azetidine, synthesis of cellular proteins, including polypeptide C, was suppressed and infected cell polypeptides ICP 4, 0, 22 and 27 (apparent mol. wt. 170000, 120000, 75000 and 60000, respectively) were made. All were phosphorylated and accumulated in the nucleus. Messenger RNA for the same four polypeptides was made in cells infected in the presence of cycloheximide. Thus, ICP 22 is distinct from cellular polypeptide C and is probably a virus-specific alpha polypeptide, although it differs from alpha ICP 4, 0 and 27 in that its rate of synthesis does not decline rapidly when later polypeptides are produced. It is modified after synthesis in at least two steps, the second of which may require a later virus-specific polypeptide. In cells infected with HSV-2 the synthesis of a polypeptide analogous to ICP 22 could not be detected.  相似文献   

Bjerke SL  Roller RJ 《Virology》2006,347(2):261-276
Cells infected with wild type HSV-1 showed significant lamin A/C and lamin B rearrangement, while UL34-null virus-infected cells exhibited few changes in lamin localization, indicating that UL34 is necessary for lamin disruption. During HSV infection, US3 limited the development of disruptions in the lamina, since cells infected with a US3-null virus developed large perforations in the lamin layer. US3 regulation of lamin disruption does not correlate with the induction of apoptosis. Expression of either UL34 or US3 proteins alone disrupted lamin A/C and lamin B localization. Expression of UL34 and US3 together had little effect on lamin A/C localization, suggesting a regulatory interaction between the two proteins. The data presented in this paper argue for crucial roles for both UL34 and US3 in regulating the state of the nuclear lamina during viral infection.  相似文献   

The ICP34.5 gene from HSV-2 strain 333 was cloned and, when expressed in Vero cells, enhanced the efficiency and extent of glycoprotein processing of glycoprotein C (gC1), a representative viral glycoprotein, during infection with HSV-1 SP7. The ICP34.5 from HSV-1 SP7 limits the extent and efficiency of viral glycoprotein processing. The ability of the HSV-2 ICP34.5 protein to enhance the efficiency and extent of HSV-1 SP7 glycoprotein processing indicates that modulation of viral glycoprotein processing is also a property of the HSV-2 ICP34.5 protein.  相似文献   

In this study we have defined protein-protein interactions between the structural proteins of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) using a LexA yeast two-hybrid system. The majority of the capsid, tegument and envelope proteins of HSV-1 were screened in a matrix approach. A total of 40 binary interactions were detected including 9 out of 10 previously identified tegument-tegument interactions (Vittone, V., Diefenbach, E., Triffett, D., Douglas, M.W., Cunningham, A.L., and Diefenbach, R.J., 2005. Determination of interactions between tegument proteins of herpes simplex virus type 1. J. Virol. 79, 9566-9571). A total of 12 interactions involving the capsid protein pUL35 (VP26) and 11 interactions involving the tegument protein pUL46 (VP11/12) were identified. The most significant novel interactions detected in this study, which are likely to play a role in viral assembly, include pUL35-pUL37 (capsid-tegument), pUL46-pUL37 (tegument-tegument) and pUL49 (VP22)-pUS9 (tegument-envelope). This information will provide further insights into the pathways of HSV-1 assembly and the identified interactions are potential targets for new antiviral drugs.  相似文献   

Li M  Wang L  Ren X  Zheng C 《Archives of virology》2011,156(6):1079-1084
In the present study, seven novel host cell factors associated with VP22 were identified from the human leukocyte cDNA library using a yeast two-hybrid high-throughput screening system. To confirm some of the interactions, VP22 and its homologues and two candidate targets were tagged with enhanced cyan or yellow fluorescent protein. While RING finger protein 10 (RNF10), WD repeat-containing protein 42A (WDR42A) or VP22 alone showed distinct subcellular localization patterns, RNF10 and WDR42A were relocated when co-expressed with VP22 or its homologues. Thus, these potential host cell factors of VP22 might expand the list of the host targets of VP22.  相似文献   

用放射免疫沉淀试验和单纯疱疹病毒1型、2型(HSV—1/HSV-2)型间重组株作物理谱图的方法.鉴定出抗HSV的单克隆抗体(McAb) 1A12、Mad-2、2D11、CM-D3、2A8和1C_4的靶抗原是一组分子量在105~130Ka之间的糖蛋白,其编码基因定位于长单一序列(UL)上,在0.536~0.682遗传单位之间,与gC的编码基因部分重叠。故认为这些McAbs的靶抗原为gC,其中,Mad-2和CM-D3分别为HSV-1和HSV-2型特异性,其靶抗原分别为gC-1和gC-2。ELISA阻断试验结果表明,4株型共同性McAbs 1A12、2D11、2A8和1C4.抗gC上4个独立的抗原位点。  相似文献   

D S McNabb  R J Courtney 《Virology》1992,190(1):221-232
ICP1/2 (also designated VP1/2) is a 270-kDa structural protein of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) which is located in the tegument region of the virion. In this report we describe the production of a polyclonal antiserum specific for ICP1/2 and the use of this antiserum to examine the synthesis, processing, and intracellular localization of the viral polypeptide. Pulse-labeling studies indicated that ICP1/2 is synthesized late during infection, being initially detectable between 8 and 9 hr postinfection with the rate of synthesis continuing to increase until 11 to 12 hr postinfection. Further studies on the expression of ICP1/2 in the presence or absence of viral DNA replication indicated that the synthesis of the polypeptide is absolutely dependent on viral DNA replication. These results suggest that ICP1/2 represents a gamma 2 (true late) gene product. Additionally, we have performed experiments to determine if ICP1/2 is post-translationally modified in HSV-infected cells. These studies indicated that ICP1/2 is phosphorylated on serine residues; however, we found no evidence to suggest that the protein is glycosylated. Using subcellular fractionation and indirect immunofluorescence techniques, we have determined that ICP1/2 is diffusely distributed throughout the nucleus and cytoplasm of HSV-infected cells with no specific compartmentalization of the polypeptide.  相似文献   

Reynolds AE  Fan Y  Baines JD 《Virology》2000,266(2):310-318
The U(L)33 protein is one of six genes (including U(L)6, U(L)15, U(L)17, U(L)28, and U(L)32) required for cleavage of viral concatemeric DNA into unit-length genomes and packaging of the virus genomes into preformed capsids. The U(L)25 gene product is dispensable for cleavage of viral DNA but essential for packaging of DNA into capsids. A polyclonal antiserum was produced against an affinity-purified protein containing the full-length U(L)33 gene product of herpes simplex virus 1 fused to glutathione-S-transferase. A protein of approximate M(r) 19,000 that reacted with the antiserum was detected in immunoblots of herpes simplex virus 1-infected cellular lysates. This protein was not detected in lysates of mock-infected cells or cells infected with a mutant virus containing a stop codon in U(L)33, indicating that the 19,000 M(r) protein is the product of the U(L)33 open reading frame. The U(L)33 gene product was not detected in purified virions or capsids. Accumulation of the U(L)33 protein to detectable levels required viral DNA synthesis, indicating that the protein was regulated as a late gene. Indirect immunofluorescence analysis demonstrated that U(L)33 protein accumulated predominantly within replication compartments in the central domains of infected cell nuclei and within the cytoplasm. Localization of the U(L)33 gene product in replication compartments was maintained in cells infected with a variety of cleavage/packaging mutants.  相似文献   

Analyses of the herpes simplex virus (HSV) DNA sequences which are present in three HSV thymidine kinase-transformed (HSVtk +)mouse cell lines have revealed that these cells contain relatively large and variable portions of the viral genome. Two of these cell lines do not contain the viral DNA sequences known to encode the early viral genes normally responsible for regulating tkgene expression during lytic HSV infections. This finding suggests that cell-associated viral tkgene expression may be regulated by cellular rather than viral control mechanisms. In addition, we have compared the viral DNA sequences present in one unstable HSVtk + cell line to those present in tk revenant and tk + rerevertant cell lines sequentially derived from it. Our results have shown that within the limits of sensitivity of our mapping approach, these three related cell lines contain the same set of viral DNA sequences. Thus, gross changes in viral DNA content do not appear to be responsible for the different tk phenotypes of these cells.  相似文献   

Summary Genomic profiles of 66 strains of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) isolated in Japan were investigated with regard to restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and length variation of fragments containing reiterations. There were two predominant genotypes of F1 and F35, and the genomic characteristics of each were studied. The nucleotide change between F1 and F35 was estimated to be 1.5%. An RFLP marker (VR23) peculiar to genotype F35 was identified as the first case of genomic marker specific to a predominant genotype of HSV-1, and is the diagnostic marker of F35. Thea sequences (repeating in an HSV-1 genome and containing reiterations) of F35 were cleaved by Sac II on the DR4 (direct repeat 4) stretch, whilea sequences of F1 had a rearranged DR4 and were resistant to Sac II digestion. Thus, analyses of fragments containing reiterations, such asa sequences, can serve to classify HSV-1 strains as well as for purpose of differentiation. The proportion of strains derived from primary infection to those from recurrent infection was higher in strains of F35 than in those of F1, and this genotypic difference within HSV-1 may possibly influence clinical manifestations.  相似文献   

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