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The lifespan of cells in the mouse taste bud was examined with high-voltage electron microscopic (HVEM) autoradiography (ARG) after giving a single injection of 3H-thymidine. Animals were killed at 1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, and then daily up through 10 days postinjection. Lingual tissues were prepared for HVEM ARG so that we could identify and characterize labeled cells. Four categories of taste cells were identified: basal, dark, intermediate, and light cells. Basal cells were polygonal cells located near the basolateral sides of the taste buds and were characterized primarily by the presence of filaments attached to the nuclear envelope. Dark and light cells had the typical features described by previous authors. Intermediate cells had features in between those of dark and light cells. Over 90% of the cells labeled in the first 2 days following injection of 3H-thymidine were basal cells. Labeled dark cells appeared 6 hours after injection, reached their peak incidence at the fourth day postinjection, and then gradually decreased. Labeled intermediate cells were identified after the appearance of dark cells (12 hours) and reached a peak incidence at the fifth day after injection of 3H-thymidine. Lastly, labeled light cells were first observed on the fourth day postinjection and continued to increase until the tenth day, when they constituted 45% of the labeled cells. These data support the hypothesis that there is one cell line in the mouse vallate taste bud that undergoes morphological changes in its lifespan. 相似文献
Taste buds in the mudpuppy Necturus maculosus were examined with electron microscopy. Three cell types (dark, light, and basal) were identified and reconstructed from serial thick sections. Dark and light cells extend from the basal lamina to the surface of the tongue. The apical process of the dark cells was usually quite lamellar when viewed in cross section, in contrast to light cells, whose apical process appeared more cylindrical. Basal cells are situated at the base of the bud and do not extend processes to the surface of the tongue. The cytoplasm of basal cells contains numerous clear and dense-cored vesicles. Small, spinelike processes (2-3 microns in length) project outward from the basal cells into the cytoplasm of the surrounding tast receptor cells. Morphologically, basal cells in mudpuppy taste buds resemble Merkel cells. Unmyelinated afferent nerve fibers enter the taste bud at the base and course through the lower portion of the bud. Synapses were found between taste receptor cells and nerve fibers, between basal cells and nerve fibers, and between basal cells and taste receptor cells. Over 65% of the synapses observed in the mudpuppy taste bud involved the basal cell. These findings suggest that basal cells play some role in chemosensory signal processing or integration of the taste response. 相似文献
David W. Pumplin Chengsi Yu David V. Smith 《The Journal of comparative neurology》1997,378(3):389-410
Cells of mammalian taste buds have been classified into morphological types based on ultrastructural criteria, but investigators have disagreed as to whether these are distinct cell types or the extremes of a continuum. To address this issue, we examined taste buds from rat vallate papillae that had been sectioned transversely, rather than longitudinally, to their longest axis. In these transverse sections, dark (Type I) and light (Type II) cells were easily distinguished by their relative electron density, shape and topological relationships. Cells with electron-lucent cytoplasm (light cells) were circular or oval in outline, while those with electron-dense cytoplasm (dark cells) had an irregular outline with sheetlike cytoplasmic projections that separated adjacent light cells. A hierarchical cluster analysis of 314 cells across five morphological parameters (cell shape and area, and nuclear ellipticity, electron density and invagination) revealed two distinct groups of cells, which largely corresponded to the dark and light cells identified visually. These cells were not continuously distributed within a principal components factor solution. Differences in the means for dark and light cells were highly significant for each morphological parameter, but within either cell type, changes in one parameter correlated little with changes in any other. These analyses all failed to reveal cells with a consistent set of intermediate characteristics, suggesting that dark and light cells of rat vallate taste buds are distinct cell types rather than extremes of a continuum. Sections of taste buds were stained with antibodies to several carbohydrates, then observed by indirect immunofluorescence. Optical sections taken with a confocal laser-scanning microscope showed that the Lewisb antigen was present only on spindle-shaped cells with circular or oval outlines and lacking transverse projections; these characteristic shapes matched those of light cells seen by electron microscopy. The H blood group antigen and the 2B8 epitope appeared at most cell-cell interfaces in the bud and are present on dark cells and possibly on some light cells. These findings relate molecular markers to morphological phenotypes and should facilitate future studies of taste cell turnover, development and regeneration. J. Comp. Neurol. 378:389–410, 1997. © 1997 Wiley Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Several types of cells have been identified in vertebrate taste buds, including dark cells, light cells, intermediate cells, type III cells, and basal cells. The physiological roles of these cell types are not well understood, especially those of basal cells. In this paper we show that there are two types of basal cells in taste buds from Necturus maculosus. One type of basal cell is an undifferentiated cell, presumably a stem cell. By combining light microscopic immunocytochemistry with electron microscopy, we show that the other type of basal cell is positive for serotonin-like immunoreactivity and that these cells have ultrastructural features similar to those found in cutaneous Merkel cells. Based on these findings, and the fact that the Merkel-like taste cells have been shown to make synaptic contacts with adjacent taste cells and with innervating nerve fibers, we conclude that these Merkel-like basal taste cells are serotonergic interneurons. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Synaptobrevin is a vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP) that is believed to play a critical role with presynaptic membrane proteins (SNAP-25 and syntaxin) during regulated synaptic vesicle docking and exocytosis of neurotransmitter at the central nervous system. Synaptic contacts between taste cells and nerve processes have been found to exist, but little is known about synaptic vesicle docking and neurotransmitter release at taste cell synapses. Previously we demonstrated that immunoreactivity to SNAP-25 is present in taste cells with synapses. Our present results show that synaptobrevin-2-like immunoreactivity (-LIR) is present in approximately 35% of the taste cells in rat circumvallate taste buds. Synaptobrevin-2-LIR colocalizes with SNAP-25-, serotonin-, and protein gene product 9.5-LIR. Synaptobrevin-2-LIR also colocalizes with immunoreactivity for type III inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor (IP3R3), a taste-signaling molecule in taste cells. All IP3R3-LIR taste cells express synaptobrevin-2-LIR. However, approximately 27% of the synaptobrevin-2-LIR taste cells do not display IP3R3-LIR. We believe, based on ultrastructural and biochemical features, that both type II and type III taste cells display synaptobrevin-2-LIR. All of the synapses that we observed from taste cells onto nerve processes express synaptobrevin-2-LIR, as well as some taste cells without synapses. By using colloidal gold immunoelectron microscopy, we found that synaptobrevin-2-LIR is associated with synaptic vesicles at rat taste cell synapses. The results of this study suggest that soluble NSF attachment receptor (SNARE) machinery may control synaptic vesicle fusion and exocytosis at taste cell synapses. 相似文献
Martha McPheeters Andrew J. Barber Sue C. Kinnamon John C. Kinnamon 《The Journal of comparative neurology》1994,346(4):601-612
Isolated Necturus taste receptor cells were studied by giga-seal whole-cell recording and electron microscopy to correlate electrophysiological properties with taste cell structural features. Dark (type I) cells were identified by the presence of dense granular packets in the supranuclear and apical regions of the cytoplasm. In response to a series of depolarizing voltage commands from a holding potential of ?80 mV, these cells exhibited a transient, TTX-sensitive inward Na+ current, a sustained outward K+ current, and a slowly inactivating inward Ca++ current. Light (type II) cells were identified by a lack of granular packets and by an abundance of smooth endoplasmic reticulum distributed throughout the cell. In addition, isolated light cells had clear vesicular inclusions in the cytoplasm and blebs on the plasma membrane. Light cells were divided into two functional populations based upon electrophysiological criteria: cells with inward and outward currents, and cells with outward currents only. Light cells with inward and outward currents had voltage-activated Na+, K+, and Ca++ currents with properties similar to those of dark cells. In contrast, the second group of light cells had only voltageactivated outward K+ currents in response to depolarizing voltage commands. These data suggest that dark cells and light cells with inward and outward currents are capable of generating action potentials and releasing neurotransmitters onto gustatory afferent neurons in response to taste stimulation. In contrast, light cells with outward currents only likely serve a different function in the taste bud. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
We have used serial high voltage electron micrographs and computer-generated, three-dimensional reconstructions to study morphological relationships and patterns of synaptic connectivity in taste buds from the circumvallate papillae of the mouse. The intragemmal arborizations of 40 sensory nerve fibers were examined from 7 taste buds that were sectioned serially. We identified the synaptic connections from taste cells onto the reconstructed nerve fibers and classified the presynaptic taste cells based on previously established ultrastructural criteria. From these data we were able to extract the following information for the reconstructed nerve fibers: (1) the morphology of intragemmal nerve fibers and their arborizations within the taste bud, (2) the total number of synaptic connections from taste bud cells onto the nerve fibers, and (3) the taste cell types associated with each of the synapses. Fifty-six synapses were studied. Synapses were often found to be located at either the branch points or terminations of nerve fiber processes. The maximum number of taste cells observed to synapse onto a single nerve fiber was 5. Several nerve fibers had no apparent synapses. Dark cells (type I), intermediate cells, and light cells (type II) all formed synaptic connections with sensory nerve fibers. In no cases did dark cells and light cells synapse onto the same sensory nerve fiber. Our observation that any given nerve fiber receives its synaptic input from morphologically similar taste cells provides evidence for specificity in taste bud synaptic connections. We speculate that the observed pattern of synaptic connections is related to taste bud function. Since all of the synapses onto a given nerve fiber are from morphologically similar taste cells, we postulate that there is a correlation between taste cell morphology and sensory responsiveness. Intracellular electrophysiological studies on taste cells, in which responses to focally applied chemical stimuli are followed by characterization of the ultrastructural features of the same taste cells, will prove or disprove this hypothesis. 相似文献
David V. Smith Raisa Klevitsky Richard A. Akeson Michael T. Shipley 《The Journal of comparative neurology》1994,347(2):187-196
Taste receptor cells are replaced throughout life, accompanied by continuing synaptogenesis between newly formed taste cells and first-order gustatory fibers. The neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) is expressed by a subset of taste cells in adult rodents and appears on gustatory nerve fibers during development prior to differentiation of the taste buds. We employed antibodies against the extracellular domain of the NCAM polypeptide (mAb 3F4) and against polysialic acid (PSA) residues found on embryonic forms of NCAM (mAb 5A5) to investigate the relationship between the expression of these molecules and the innervation of taste buds in adult rats. In unoperated rats, anti-NCAM recognized a subset of cells within the vallate taste buds and also the fibers of the glossopharyngeal (IXth) nerve, including those innervating the gustatory epithelium. Taste bud cells did not express PSA but mAb 5A5 immunoreactivity was observed on some fibers of the IXth nerve, including a few that entered the taste buds. Bilateral crush of the IXth nerve resulted in the loss of NCAM expression from the gustatory epithelium within 8 days. As IXth nerve fibers reinnervated the epithelium, NCAM expression was seen first in the nerve, followed by increased expression in the epithelium as the taste cells differentiated from their precursors. PSA expression by fibers of the IXth nerve did not return to normal until well after the regeneration of the vallate taste buds. The present results demonstrate that taste cell expression of NCAM is dependent upon innervation by the IXth nerve and that NCAM expression appears in the nerve prior to its expression in the differentiating epithelium during regeneration. The occurrence of a similar temporal sequence in the developing taste system suggests that NCAM could play a role in cell-cell interactions that are important for the differentiation of the taste epithelium. Ongoing taste cell turnover and synaptogenesis between IXth nerve fibers and newly differentiating taste cells also requires recognition and adhesion, in which NCAM could play a role. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Lawton DM Furness DN Lindemann B Hackney CM 《The European journal of neuroscience》2000,12(9):3163-3171
A number of putative neurotransmitter substances have been found in vertebrate taste buds. Amongst these glutamate has been localized in fibres innervating the buds and uptake of glutamate has been shown to occur into receptor cells. It is therefore possible that, in common with other sensory systems, glutamate is a neurotransmitter in taste buds. In the inner ear and retina of mammals, the membranes of supporting cells have been shown to contain the glial glutamate transporter GLAST. In the brain, this protein is involved in glutamate re-uptake into glial cells where the glutamate is converted into glutamine for recycling into glutamatergic terminals. In this study, the presence of GLAST has been investigated in taste buds in the rat vallate papilla and its distribution compared with that of glutamine to determine whether there are cells in this system that play a glia-like role in glutamate handling. Immunofluorescent labelling showed that a subset of cells in the taste bud contains GLAST. Immunogold labelling indicated that it occurs in the plasma membranes of supporting cells, especially on the fine cytoplasmic processes of dark cells towards the basal region of the bud. A protein of molecular mass similar to that of cerebellar GLAST was detected in immunoblots of excised papillae. Double labelling and semiquantitative analysis of glutamine and GLAST immunoreactivity showed that the GLAST-positive cells have a higher level of cytoplasmic glutamine than the adjacent cells. It is proposed that these GLAST-positive cells play a glia-like role in the uptake of glutamate following its release at synapses within the taste bud although the precise location of the latter remains uncertain. The GLAST-positive cells may also be involved in its subsequent conversion to glutamine in a glutamate/glutamine cycle similar to that described in the brain. 相似文献
High voltage electron microscopy and conventional transmission electron microscopy were used to examine the ultrastructure of foliate taste buds of mice. Computer-assisted, three-dimensional reconstructions from serial sections were used to visualize regions of interaction between taste cells and nerve fibers. Based on criteria previously established for murine vallate taste buds (Kinnamon et al., '85), foliate taste cells were classified as dark, light, or intermediate depending on their cytoplasmic content and the characteristics of their nuclei. Cells of foliate taste buds display a continuous range of morphologies, from "typical" dark cells to "typical" light cells. Cells of dark, intermediate, and light morphologies all make afferent synapses onto nerve processes, suggesting that cells of all 3 types are sensory in function. Synapses between taste cells and nerve processes may be either macular or fingerlike in shape. No efferent synapses were found. In addition to conventional synapses, taste cells exhibit 2 other types of specializations at sites of apposition with nerve fibers: subsurface cisternae and atypical mitochondria. Subsurface cisternae are narrow sacs of endoplasmic reticulum that are closely apposed to the inner leaflet of the taste cell membrane. Possible functions of subsurface cisternae include synthesis of synaptic membrane components, modification of the electrical or adhesive properties of the taste cell membrane, and exchange of trophic factors with nerve processes. Atypical mitochondria are usually much larger than typical taste cell mitochondria, and their cristae often display a swollen, twisted configuration. These mitochondria are closely apposed to the inside of the taste cell membrane adjacent to nerve fibers. Atypical mitochondria may be providing unusual amounts of energy for metabolic reactions in their vicinities or participating in calcium buffering in the taste cell. Within taste cells, presynaptic specializations, subsurface cisternae, and mitochondria are often clustered together to form "synaptic ensembles." We hypothesize that the functions served by the subsurface cisternae and mitochondria, as well as synaptic transmission, may be important in interactions between taste cells and nerve fibers. 相似文献
Taste buds contain two types of taste receptor cells, inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor type 3-immunoreactive cells (type II cells) and synaptosomal-associating protein-25-immunoreactive cells (type III cells). We investigated their postnatal development in mouse fungiform taste buds immunohistochemically and electrophysiologically. The cell density, i.e. the number of cells per taste bud divided by the maximal area of the horizontal cross-section of the taste bud, of type II cells increased by postnatal day (PD)49, where as that of type III cells was unchanged throughout the postnatal observation period and was equal to that of the adult cells at PD1. The immunoreactivity of taste bud cell subtypes was the same as that of their respective subtypes in adult mice throughout the postnatal observation period. Almost all type II cells were immunoreactive to gustducin at PD1, and then the ratio of gustducin-immunoreactive type II cells to all type II cells decreased to a saturation level, ~60% of all type II cells, by PD15. Type II and III cells generated voltage-gated currents similar to their respective adult cells even at PD3. These results show that infant taste receptor cells are as excitable as those of adults and propagate in a subtype-dependent manner. The relationship between the ratio of each taste receptor cell subtype to all cells and taste nerve responses are discussed. 相似文献
《Brain research. Developmental brain research》1998,105(1):85-96
The developmental absence of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in null mutant mice caused three interrelated defects in the vallate gustatory papilla: sparse innervation, a reduction in the area of the gustatory epithelium, and fewer taste buds. On postnatal day 7, the stunted vallate papilla of bdnf null mutant mice was 30% narrower, the trench walls 35% reduced in area, and the taste buds 75% less abundant compared with wild-type controls. Quantitative assessment of innervation density was carried out to determine if the small trench walls and shortage of taste buds could be secondary consequences of the depletion of gustatory neurons. The diminished gustatory innervation was linearly associated with a reduced trench wall area (r=+0.94) and fewer taste buds (r=+0.96). Residual taste buds were smaller than normal and were innervated by a few surviving taste neurons. We conclude that BDNF-dependent taste neurons contribute to the morphogenesis of lingual gustatory epithelia and are necessary for both prenatal and postnatal mammalian taste bud formation. The gustatory system provides a conspicuous example of impaired sense organ morphogenesis that is secondary to sensory neuron depletion by neurotrophin gene null mutation. 相似文献
Serially sectioned rabbit foliate taste buds were examined with high voltage electron microscopy (HVEM) and computer-assisted, three-dimensional reconstruction. This report focuses on the ultrastructure of the type III cells and their synapses with sensory nerve fibers. Type III cells have previously been proposed to be the primary gustatory receptor cells in taste buds of rabbits and other mammals. Within rabbit foliate taste buds, type III cells constitute a well-defined, easily recognizable class and are the only taste bud cells observed to form synapses with intragemmal nerve fibers. Among 18 type III cells reconstructed from serial sections, 11 formed from 1 to 6 synapses each with nerve fibers; 7 reconstructed type III cells formed no synapses. Examples of both convergence and divergence of synaptic input from type III cells onto nerve fibers were observed. The sizes of the active zones of the synapses and numbers of vesicles associated with the presynaptic membrane specializations were highly variable. Dense-cored vesicles 80-140 nm in diameter were often found among the 40-60 nm clear vesicles clustered at presynaptic sites. At some synapses, these large dense-cored vesicles appeared to be the predominant vesicle type. This observation suggests that there may be functionally different types of synapses in taste buds, distinguished by the prevalence of either clear or dense-cored vesicles. Previous investigations have indicated that the dense-cored vesicles in type III cells may be storage sites for biogenic amines. 相似文献
Takeshi Nakashima Kuniaki Toyoshima Akitatsu Shimamura Nagayoshi Yamada 《Brain research》1990,533(2):321-323
Long-term neurectomy of chorda tympani-lingual nerves results in a complete disappearance of taste buds from rabbit fungiform papillae. This supports the view that taste buds of mammalian fungiform papillae are neurally dependent. Furthermore, the covering epithelium of denervated fungiform papillae develops a characteristic keratinization pattern corresponding to that of filiform papillae. 相似文献
Little information is currently available about which neurotransmitters are involved in signal processing in the peripheral sensory organs of taste, taste buds. Synaptic contacts between taste cells and sensory axons have long been known to exist, but what substances are active at these synapses is not known. Our objective in this study was to test for the presence of the neurotransmitter candidates, GABA, glutamate, serotonin, and histamine in taste buds of Necturus maculosus. Light microscopic immunocytochemical techniques were used to investigate the location of these substances in taste buds and surrounding epithelium. GABA and glutamate were detected in nerve fibers that innervate the taste buds, and, to a substantially lesser extent, in fine, varicose axons that penetrated the surrounding nontaste epithelium. Serotonin immunostaining was strong in basal cells in frog taste discs but was only faintly detected in Necturus taste buds. Histamine was not detected at all in taste buds. We conclude that amino acid neurotransmission may be involved in taste mechanisms and that monoamines may also play a role in chemosensory transduction in the taste bud. On the basis of our inability to detect histamine with immunocytochemical techniques, we conclude that this substance is unlikely to be a major neurotransmitter in Necturus taste buds. 相似文献
To determine whether the innervation of taste buds changes during postnatal development, the number of geniculate ganglion cells that innervated single fungiform taste buds were quantified in the tip- and midregions of the tongue of adult and developing rats. There was substantial variation in both the size of individual taste buds and number of geniculate ganglion cells that innervated them. Importantly, taste bud morphology and innervation were highly related. Namely, the number of labeled geniculate ganglion cells that innervated a taste bud was highly correlated with the size of the taste bud (r = 0.91, P < .0003): The larger the taste bud, the more geniculate ganglion cells that innervated it. The relationship between ganglion cell number and taste bud volume emerged during the first 40 days postnatal. Whereas there was no difference in the average number of ganglion cells that innervated individual taste buds in rats aged 10 days postnatal through adulthood, taste bud volumes increased progressively between 10 and 40 days postnatal, at which age taste bud volumes were similar to adults. The maturation of taste bud size was accompanied by the emergence of the relationship between taste bud volume and number of innervating neurons. Specifically, there was no correlation between taste bud size and number of innervating geniculate ganglion cells in 10-, 20-, or 30-day-old rats, whereas taste bud size and the number of innervating ganglion cells in 40-day-old rats were positively correlated (r = .80, P < .002). Therefore, the relationship between taste bud size and number of innervating ganglion cells develops over a prolonged postnatal period and is established when taste buds grow to their adult size. J. Comp. Neurol. 398:13–24, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Takatoshi Nagai 《The Journal of comparative neurology》1993,331(1):122-133
Innervation of the axolotl lingual epithelium by the glossopharyngeal nerve was examined to reveal its sensory target cells. The carbocyanine dye diI was applied to the nerve stump in the tongue fixed with paraformaldehyde. After a diffusion period of several months, the tongues were examined with a conventional epifluorescence microscope and a confocal laser scanning microscope (LSM) in wholemounts or preparations sectioned with a vibratome. Beneath the epithelium the labeled nerve fibers spread horizontally to form a meshwork of fibers, from which fascicles of fibers extended upward perpendicularly to the epithelium to innervate taste buds. Numerous taste buds were labeled by possible transcellular diffusion of diI. At the base of the taste bud, the nerve fibers branched and formed a basal plexus of fine fibers, on which numerous varicosities were seen. One or at most several taste cells were labeled in a taste bud. In the basal part of taste buds, the cell without an apical process, the basal cell, was also labeled. In the epithelium, between the taste buds, a few solitary cells were labeled. In some cases, a single fascicle of fibers innervating these cells was clearly shown by the LSM. In addition, fine fibers apparently formed free nerve endings in the epithelial cell layer. The results showed that the IX nerve innervated not only taste cells, but also presumed mechanosensory basal cells in the taste bud and the solitary cells of unknown function in the non-taste lingual epithelium. Afferent nerve responses to mechanical stimulation of the tongue may be explained by these non-taste cellular elements in the epithelium. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Immunoreactivity to synapsin I, a neuronal phosphoprotein, was localized in free-floating tissue sections prepared from lingual tissue of rats. Many nerve fibers within the tissue exhibited clear immunoreactivity including motor endplates on striated muscle, autonomic fibers innervating blood vessels or glands, and sensory fibers innervating muscles or the lingual epithelium including taste buds. Numerous immunoreactive fibers occurred within each taste bud, with fewer, fine fibers being dispersed in the epithelium between taste buds. The majority of the intragemmal immunoreactive fibers extended throughout the taste buds most of the distance outward from the basal lamina toward the surface of the epithelium. Fine, perigemmal fibers reached nearly to the epithelial surface. Ultrastructural analysis of the immunoreactive sensory fibers revealed that synapsin I-immunoreactivity occurred diffusely throughout the cytoplasm, and heavily in association with microvesicles. The synaptic vesicles at the taste receptor cell-to-afferent fiber synapse were, however, not immunoreactive for synapsin I, although these vesicles fall into the size class shown to be immunoreactive in other systems. This absence of synapsin I may be a common property of vesicles in axonless short receptor cells. 相似文献
Immunoelectron-microscopic study on the fine structure of substance-P-containing fibers in the taste buds of the rat 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The fine structure of substance-P-like immunoreactive [SPI] fibers in the taste buds of the circumvallate papillae of the rat tongue was investigated by means of electron microscopy using the unlabeled antibody-enzyme method. Outside the epithelium, SPI and non-SPI fibers are surrounded by the cytoplasm of Schwann cells. When the SPI fibers enter the epithelium, they immediately lose this cytoplasmic sheath and begin to traverse the taste buds. Though passing through the taste buds, no profiles suggesting clear synaptic contact between SPI fibers and underlying cells are identified. SPI terminals are filled with small synaptic vesicles and contain a few mitochondria. No SPI-positive structures are found in nerve endings that make synaptic contact with type III cells, the gustatory receptor cells. 相似文献