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Standard treatment of large gastric bezoars not amenable to medical or endoscopic management is surgical removal. The optimal operative approach, laparotomy versus laparoscopy, is a contested subject. Though laparoscopic removal has been described, it remains a relatively new technique for surgical management with outcome literature limited to case reports. In addition, currently described laparoscopic techniques often involve limited midline laparotomy incisions or >3 cm extensions of port sites.


The following describes the case of a 4-year-old girl with a large gastric trichobezoar.


The gastric trichobezoar was successfully removed through a 12-mm left lower quadrant trocar incision cosmetically hidden within a skin crease.


This case, along with accumulating literature, supports the use of laparoscopy to treat large gastric bezoars.  相似文献   

IntroductionBezoar is an unusual cause of small bowel obstruction accounting for 0.4–4% of all mechanical bowel obstruction. The common site of obstruction is terminal ileum.Case reportA 28-year-old male with no past surgical history, known to have severe mental retardation presented with anorexia. CT scan demonstrated dilated small bowel loops and intraluminal ileal mass with mottled appearance. At exploratory laparotomy, a bezoar was found impacted in the terminal ileum 5–6 inches away from the ileocecal valve and was removed through an enterotomy.DiscussionBezoars are concretions of fibers or foreign bodies in the alimentary tract. Small bowel obstruction is one of common clinical symptoms. The typical finding of well-defined intraluminal mass with mottled gas pattern in CT scan is suggestive of an intestinal bezoar. The treatment option of bezoar is surgery including manual fragmentation of bezoar and pushing it toward cecum, enterotomy or segmental bowel resection. Thorough exploration of abdominal cavity should be done to exclude the presence of concomitant bezoars. Recurrence is common unless underlying predisposing condition is corrected.ConclusionsBezoar-induced small bowel obstruction remains an uncommon diagnosis. It should be suspected in patients with an increased risk of bezoar formation, such as in the presence of previous gastric surgery, a history suggestive of increased fiber intake, or patient with psychiatric disorders. CT scan is helpful for preoperative diagnosis.  相似文献   

IntroductionRapunzel syndrome is a rare intestinal condition that starts with the ingestion of a trichobezoar. The condition is predominately found in females and can be associated with trichotillomania, or the compulsive urge to pull one’s own hair out. There are less than 40 cases described in the literature with the prevention of recurrence aimed at psychological treatment.Presentation of caseThe patient is a 7 year-old girl with a history of trichotillomania with trichophagia as a young child who presented with abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting, consistent with a gastric outlet obstruction. She had an exploratory laparotomy with gastrostomy performed revealing a 18 cm by 18 cm trichobezoar with extension into the small bowel.DiscussionBezoars, an already rare entity, can occasionally lead to gastric and small bowel obstructions. Small collections of ingested hair build up in the intestinal tract causing significant symptoms. These obstructions can sometimes be treated through minimally invasive techniques but, in our case described, it is unlikely to have been treated any other way due to the substantial size of the trichobezoar.ConclusionEarly consideration of Rapunzel syndrome is important in young females presenting with a gastric outlet obstruction.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe clinical manifestations of abdominal ‘cocoon’ are non-specific and hence its diagnosis is rarely made preoperatively and the management is often delayed. Surgery remains the main stay of treatment with satisfactory outcome and comprises excision of the fibrous membrane, meticulous adhesionolysis and release of the entrapped small bowel.PRESENTATION OF CASEA 45-year-old male patient presented with 6-month history of progressive subacute small bowel obstruction. After initial radiological investigations, he underwent diagnostic laparoscopy and was misdiagnosed as abdominal tuberculosis. He was started on anti-tuberculous therapy, but exploratory laparotomy was carried out after failure to respond to anti-tuberculous therapy. At laparotomy, the abdominal ‘cocoon’ which was encapsulating the entire small bowel was excised, and the adhesions were carefully lysed. The patient remained well and without recurrence at 1-year follow-up.DISCUSSIONAbdominal ‘cocoon’ is a rare cause of subacute, acute and chronic small bowel obstruction. Its diagnosis is rarely made preoperatively.CONCLUSIONAbdominal ‘cocoon’ should be thought of as a rare cause of small bowel obstruction. It may be mistaken with abdominal tuberculosis. Surgery remains the mainstay of curative treatment.  相似文献   

The use of mesh has become the gold standard in hernia operations recently due to advantages such as lower recurrence rates, lower post-surgical pain and earlier return to work. Plug mesh application, first described by Robins and Rutkow [Robbins AW, Rutkow IM (1993) The mesh-plug hernioplasty. Surg Clin North Am 73:501–512], is a popular method of hernia repair. Although rare, there may be complications of surgery using plug mesh. This report presents a case of mechanic bowel obstruction due to mesh migration, 3 years after a left inguinal hernia repair with plug mesh method.  相似文献   

IntroductionMeckel’s diverticulum is the most common anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract, occurring in 1–3% of the general population. The most common complication of Meckel’s diverticulum is intestinal obstruction. In this report, we describe a rare cause of intestinal obstruction due to Meckel’s; the phytobezoar. After thorough literature review, the authors found about ten individual reports of the same topic. In all these cases, diagnosis was established intra-operatively.Case presentationA forty-seven-year old male presented to the emergency department with a one-day history of abdominal pain associated with vomiting and constipation. Physical examination diagnostic tests revealed features of intestinal obstruction.DiscussionThe lifetime risk of complications in patients with a Meckel’sdiverticulum is usually small and occurs only in up to 4%. In adults’ intestinal obstruction is the most common complication (40%).ConclusionComplicated Meckel’s diverticulum can have different clinical presentations and can cause bowel obstruction. An association with bezoars impaction is possible and it should be suspected in adult patients presenting with bowel obstruction of unknown causes especially those with high vegetarian diet.  相似文献   

We present our experience in diagnosing and treating a case of a massive left paraduodenal fossa hernia, containing over 30% of the small bowel, presenting with a history of recurrent incomplete small bowel obstruction.  相似文献   

IntroductionMeckel's diverticulum (MD) is the prevailing anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract, found in about 2% of the population; it rarely gives rise to symptoms and its discovery is usually accidental. Phytobezoar is a concretion of poorly digested fruit and vegetable fibres that is found in the alimentary tract and rarely can be the cause of small intestinal obstruction. Herein we report a rare case of intestinal obstruction due to phytobezoar formation into a MD.Presentation of caseA 50 year-old patient, was admitted to author's institution with an history of abdominal pain, nausea and multiples episodes of vomiting. Plain X-ray showed dilated small-bowel loops. Computed tomography (CT) revealed jejunal loops with air-fluid levels. The patient underwent explorative laparotomy where we found a giant Meckel's diverticulum, filled by a phytobezoar that caused small bowel compression. We performed a segmental ileal, resection, containing the MD. The histological exam confirmed Meckel's diverticulum.DiscussionBowel obstruction due to a phytobezoar in a Meckel's diverticulum is rare: only 7 cases have been reported in literature. MD complications are rare and phytobezoar is one of them with only few cases described in literature.ConclusionThe conventional x rays studies were inconclusive whereas abdominal contrast enhanced CT led to a definitive diagnosis. Explorative laparotomy or laparoscopy is mandatory in these cases.  相似文献   

Representing a rare cause of bowel obstruction, the ileal intussusception is commonly met in the pediatric surgery. Even if in children's cases the symptoms can mimick a multitude of abdominal syndromes, usually in adult cases the symptoms fit the pattern of the intestinal obstruction. This paper presents 2 clinical cases of small bowel intussusception in adult, the particularity of cases being that the pathogenesis couldn't be established first hand; the pathology exam revealed only minor inflammatory responses,including modest reactive lymph nodes in the vicinity of lesions, without further alterations. The etiology of bowel intussusception was finally attributed to viral infection with gastroenteritis, based on clinical and pathological criteria.  相似文献   


Background and Objectives:

Gastric bezoars are a rare clinical entity, most commonly observed in patients with mental or emotional illness. Large bezoars can be difficult to remove laparoscopically without extending a port incision.


We report the case of a large symptomatic trichobezoar with Rapunzel syndrome that occurred in a 17-year-old girl who had trichotillomania.


The bezoar was removed laparoscopically, in piecemeal fashion, through a gastrotomy port. This procedure did not require an extension of any incision, nor did it require the contents of the stomach to directly touch the incision, thereby reducing the risk of infection. The patient was discharged home, on the fourth postoperative day, free of any complications.


This case illustrates the safety of the laparoscopic approach in the removal of large gastric bezoars. In considering use of this approach, the potentially long operative time must be weighed against the benefits of both minimal risk of infection and minimal incisions.  相似文献   

Peritoneal encapsulation: a rare cause of bowel obstruction in children.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Two rare cases of peritoneal encapsulation causing partial intestinal obstruction are described. Both were operated on, and one of them had a "cocoonlike" appearance. The characteristics and differences of peritoneal encapsulation and abdominal cocoon are discussed.  相似文献   

Small-bowel obstruction caused by knotting of a peritoneal shunt catheter is an extremely rare and severe complication of a ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt. In the 1-week-old female infant reported here who had a VP shunt, inability to remove the peritoneal catheter was followed by small-bowel obstruction and necrosis due to intestinal strangulation in a tight loop of the catheter. An uncomplicated primary resection of the necrotic segment was followed by placement of a temporary ventriculoatrial shunt. The authors suggest that when withdrawal of the peritoneal part of a VP shunt meets with resistance, an intraoperative radiograph should be obtained to assess the position of the remaining catheter. If knotting is observed, an attempt to straighten the catheter with a guide wire is worthwhile. Should this fail, immediate laparoscopy or laparotomy is indicated.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONGallstone disease is one of the most common surgical problems necessitating intervention. It is estimated that approximately 15% of people in the western world will develop gallstones. Of these patients, 35% of patients initially diagnosed with gallstones will later develop a complication which will eventually result in cholecystectomy.2One of these complications is gallstone ileus, which is a rare complication associated with high morbidity and mortality, and the diagnosis is often missed.3PRESENTATION OF CASEA 66 year old female presented with an acute onset of “colicky” abdominal pain accompanied with vomiting. She had known gallstones diagnosed previously by ultrasound. Her abdomen was generally tender with guarding of the right hypochondrium and absent bowel sounds.DISCUSSIONGallstone ileus accounts for 0.5–4% of all cases of small bowel obstruction, and typically affects females over the age of 65.3, 4 The pathophysiological basis of the disease involves fistulation of the gallstone through the wall of the gallbladder into the bowel, where it becomes impacted and leads to obstruction. Mortality of the condition is not sufficiently reported, but surgical intervention in itself conveys significant morbidity, and mortality has been reported to be 18%.3, 9CONCLUSIONWe report a single large gallstone, which we believe to be one of the largest documented in recent literature, resulting in gallstone ileus. We also present a brief synopsis of the diagnosis and management of the condition, which although rare, should be considered by the astute surgical trainee.  相似文献   

IntroductionTrichobezoar is a rare clinical entity in which a ball of hair amasses within the alimentary tract. It can either be found as isolated mass in the stomach or may extend into the intestine. Trichobezoars mostly occur in young females with psychiatric disorders such as trichophagia and trichotillomania.Case reportAuthors present a giant trichobezoar in an 18 year old female presented with complaints of upper abdominal mass, epigastric area pain, anorexia and weight loss. The patient underwent trans-abdominal ultrasonography (USG), Computed tomography (CT), upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and subsequently laparotomy.USG was inconclusive due to non-specific findings. It revealed a thick echogenic layer with posterior dirty shadowing extending from the left sub-diaphragmatic area to the right sub hepatic region obscuring the adjacent structures. Abdominal CT images revealed a huge, well defined, multi-layered, heterogeneous, solid appearing, non-enhancing mass lesion in the gastric lumen extending from the gastric fundus to the pyloric canal. An endoscopic attempt was performed for removal of this intraluminal mass, but due to its large size, and hard nature, the endoscopic removal was unsuccessful. Finally the large trichobezoar was removed with open laparotomy.ConclusionTrichobezoars should be suspected in young females with long standing upper abdominal masses; as the possibility of malignancy is not very common in this age group. While USG is inconclusive, trichobezoar can be accurately diagnosed with CT. In patient with huge trichobezoar, laparotomy can be performed firstly because of big size and location of mass, and psychiatric recommendation should be made to prevent relapse of this entity.  相似文献   

G. Peach  L. C. Tan 《Hernia》2008,12(3):303-305
Laparoscopic techniques are now commonly used for the repair of inguinal hernias, since they offer rapid postoperative recovery and low complication rates. These methods usually involve the use of sutures, staples or titanium spiral tackers for safe, secure mesh fixation. We report a rare case of obstruction and perforation of the small bowel resulting from a band adhesion caused by a displaced spiral tacker.  相似文献   

Internal hernias are a rare cause of intestinal obstruction. Paraduodenal hernias are the most common type of internal hernias. Although small bowel obstruction is associated with internal hernias, large bowel obstruction is unique. The authors here report a case of left para duodenal hernia with simultaneous small and large bowel obstruction and gangrene. The patient underwent emergency laparotomy and generous resection of gangrenous small and large bowel was carried out and stoma was created. Postoperatively, the patient had a smooth recovery and was discharged after a few days.Reversal of stoma was carried out after 2 months.  相似文献   

?stling folds are considered to be normal variants of ureteral growth at a quicker rate than body lengthening and, therefore, have been reported to be of no clinical significance. We report a robotic correction of the first documented cases of ?stling folds causing a persistent ureteroplevic junction obstruction in children.  相似文献   

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