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目的了解流动小学生健康相关行为与卫生习惯现状,为提出针对性的干预措施提供科学依据。方法自拟调查问卷,对上海市闵行区所有流动小学生进行问卷调查。结果共调查小学生25 602名,65.4%的学生作业时间超标,98.6%的学生睡眠时间不达标,96.0%的学生在过去1周内至少1 d不吃早餐,学习压力过大和人际交往压力大的学生分别占63.7%和34.7%,课外活动以户外为主的学生占20.0%,同时存在众多的不良卫生习惯。结论流动小学生存在众多影响健康的不良行为。应开展有针对性的健康干预,实现流动儿童的健康行为不断改善和健康水平的不断提升。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: School‐based bullying, a global challenge, negatively impacts the health and development of both victims and perpetrators. This study examined the relationship between bullying victimization and selected psychological variables among senior high school (SHS) students in Ghana, West Africa. METHODS: This study utilized data from the 2008 Ghana Global School‐based Student Health Survey (GSHS). Prevalence rates of being bullied (95% confidence intervals [CI]) were calculated by each demographic group, as well as each psychological variable. Multiple logistic regression was used to model the relationship of being bullied (physical/nonphysical) on the linear combination of demographic variables. RESULTS: A total of 7137 students participated in the 2008 GSHS with 40.1% reporting being bullied. Senior high school‐level 1 (lowest grade) students were 3 (95% CI: 2.45‐3.68) times more likely to be bullied compared with SHS level 3 (highest grade) students. Victims of bullying were significantly more likely to report negative psychological health compared with those who reported not being bullied. Odds ratios were as follows: signs of depression, 1.97 (95% CI: 1.75‐2.21); suicide ideation, 1.72 (95% CI: 1.45‐2.05); being so worried that it affects sleep, 2.10 (95% CI: 1.77‐2.49); and loneliness, 1.82 (95% CI: 1.49‐2.22). There was no significant difference in self‐reports of negative psychological health when comparing students who experienced physical forms with those who were bullied in nonphysical ways. CONCLUSION: Bullying victimization is a major problem among SHS students. We recommend strengthening of existing proactive anti‐bullying programs by taking into account the association between bullying and the psychological health of students.  相似文献   

Aim:  The diets of young people are often described as poor, but young offenders may be at particular risk and in need of targeted nutrition education. There are very little data on the nutritional status of young offenders as they are rarely captured in national adolescent samples. This paper describes the food habits of young offenders supervised in the community and the association of food habits with overweight and obesity, and compares these with school-attending adolescents to determine whether they should be specifically targeted for nutrition education.
Methods:  During 2003–2005, 802 (85% male) young offenders took part in a comprehensive health survey that included interviewer-assisted recall of 11 food items. Height and weight were measured and body mass index calculated.
Results:  The diets of young offenders were poor. Only 32% of men and 20% of women reported eating breakfast every day, and 25% of participants ate fruit every day, while 30% of men and 16% of women ate extra foods (i.e. meat pies, sausage rolls or hot dogs) daily. One-third of the participants were either overweight or obese; however, there was no significant association between food habits and overweight and obesity.
Conclusion:  Programs which encourage healthy food habits among young people serving community orders are required to improve their diets and long-term health outcomes. The period of supervised orders offers an opportunity for health authorities to intervene, but further research is required to identify effective interventions in this traditionally difficult-to-reach group.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of symptomsrelated to constipation in urban Swiss men and to identify associatedsociodemographic factors and health habits. A sample of 773men aged between 35 and 74 years randomly selected from theGeneva population answered a questionnaire on bowel habits duringa personal interview in a mobile epidemiological unit. ‘Constipation’was reported by more than 6% of subjects, difficulties in stoolevacuation by approximately 5% and less than three stools perweek by approximately 2%. These symptoms appeared less prevalentin subjects with post-baccalaureate education (the excess prevalenceof self-reported constipation, difficulty in stool evacuationand frequent daily defecation was greater than 5%). Smokerswere more likely to have a frequency of 3–7 stools perweek and were less affected by frequent daily defecation. Self-reportedconstipation was more prevalent in subjects with a higher dietaryfibre intake. No statistically significant effects of age, nationality,dietary fat or physical activity were observed. These resultsare consistent with national surveys in US populations. Factorsrelated to socioeconomic status or education may be a causeof constipation in men, but they still need to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Dietary habits and food intake of the six basic food groups (milk, meats, cereals, fruits, vegetables and fats) were investigated in a random sample of 206 adolescents (aged 10–15 years) from a region of south-east Spain (Murcia). Adolescents were interviewed on their recall of food intake over the previous 24 h. The results showed a very low consumption of vegetables, some deficiencies in the intake of the milk and fruits, and an excessive intake of fats. Intake of foods belonging to the cereal and meat groups was adequate, agreeing with the recommendations for the adolescent population. Within the meat group, the distribution of foods consumed was not satisfactory; an excessive consumption of meats and sausages was observed, while the intake of fish and pulses was insufficient. In our study, nutritional advice was given to mothers and adolescents. The use of Spanish portions from the six basic food groups proved to be a very helpful method to popularize the principles of balanced diet in our population. Our results seem to indicate some nutritional imbalances in the diets of the adolescents in the study, especially deficits in fibre and calcium and an excess in saturated fats. The study reveals that although Murcia is a typically Mediterranean Region, the characteristics of the diet of Murcian adolescents are quite different in some respects from the typical alimentary habits of the Mediterranean diet.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The prevalence of obesity and underweight has increased in recent years due to the fact that eating and drinking habits have changed all over the world. This survey was conducted to estimate the prevalence of both obesity and underweight, as well as to understand the eating and drinking habits of a group of Turkish students. METHODS: 1044 students completed the survey. Responses were analyzed, using Chi-square (chi2) test and percent (%) ratios, according to gender. Differences were considered significant for p<0.05. RESULTS: About 10% of the students (123/1044, 11.8%) were underweight, most of them were male. Most students (868/1044, 83.1%) were of the correct weight. A small percentage of the students (52/1044, 4.9%) were overweight, with just one obese student, boy. Compared to boys, girls significantly obtained higher scores when questioned on preference of bran bread (62.0% vs. 38.0%, respectively), taking pains to not gain excess weight in order not to get fat (55.6% vs. 44.4%, respectively), doing physical exercise if they felt they were gaining too much weight (54.85% vs. 45.2%, respectively), and reducing food consumption when they felt that they were gaining weight (55.0% vs. 45.0%, respectively). CONCLUSION: For most people the importance of diet was obvious. This was especially reflected in the females' reports, since they reported a continual increase in their dieting and exercise behavior in an attempt to attain the contemporary ideal of being thin and physically fit.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined self-reported meal skipping and eating faster than usual with the goal of watching television or playing computer games. METHOD: Respondents reported their media use and indicated how often they skipped a meal to watch a favourite television programme or to play a computer game, and how often they ate faster than usual in order to watch television or play a computer game. SUBJECTS: Respondents were 2546 adolescents of 13 (first year of secondary school) and 16 years (fourth year of secondary school) of age. RESULTS: About one respondent in 10 skipped at least one meal every week for either television viewing or computer game playing. Weekly meal skipping for television viewing occurs more regularly in boys and first-year students, but particularly in teenagers who view 5 h or more daily (15% of the sample). The category of teenagers who play computer games four times a week or more (25.3% of the sample) is at increased risk of meal skipping; those who play more than four times a week are 10 times more likely weekly to skip a meal. A quarter of the adolescents eat faster at least once a week to be able to watch television or play a computer game. Regardless of gender and school year, teenagers' risk of eating faster progressively increases with their use of the media. Those who watch 4 h or more daily are about seven times more likely to skip a meal for television and those who play computer games at least four times a week are nine times more likely weekly to skip a meal. CONCLUSIONS: Unhealthy eating habits can be a side effect of heavy or excessive media use. Teenagers' use of television or game computers during nonworking or out-of-school hours partly displaces the amount of time that needs to be spent at meals. Practitioners and educators may try to encourage or restore a pattern of healthful meal consumption habits by reducing the amount of media use, and by supporting parental rule-making regarding children's eating habits and media use.  相似文献   

We study whether childhood neighbourhood context affects mental health in adolescence in Finland. We also examine heterogeneous effects by family background. By exploiting register data for 1999–2018, we use sibling fixed effects models to gain more robust evidence on the existence of neighbourhood effects. We do not find evidence of an association between neighbourhood characteristics and psychiatric disorders within families. Differences in the effects by family background were not consistent, and variation was mainly found in random effects models. In general, observed family characteristics were strongly associated with psychiatric disorders. This means that interventions should be targeted to children at risk rather than certain neighbourhoods.  相似文献   



Recently, there has been an increased interest in the importance of family meals on children''s health and nutrition. This study aims to examine if the eating habits and eating behaviors of children are different according to the frequency of family dinners.


The subjects were third-grade students from 70 elementary schools in 17 cities nationwide. A two-stage stratified cluster sampling was employed. The survey questionnaire was composed of items that examined the general characteristics, family meals, eating habits, eating behaviors, and environmental influence on children''s eating. The subjects responded to a self-reported questionnaire. Excluding the incomplete responses, the data (n = 3,435) were analyzed using χ2-test or t-test.


The group that had more frequent family dinners (≥ 5 days/week, 63.4%), compared to those that had less (≤ 4 days/week, 36.6%), showed better eating habits, such as eating meals regularly, performing desirable behaviors during meals, having breakfast frequently, having breakfast with family members (P < 0.001), and not eating only what he or she likes (P < 0.05). Those who had more frequent family dinners also consumed healthy foods with more frequency, including protein foods, dairy products, grains, vegetables, seaweeds (P < 0.001), and fruits (P < 0.01). However, unhealthy eating behaviors (e.g., eating fatty foods, salty foods, sweets, etc.) were not significantly different by the frequency of family dinners.


Having dinner frequently with family members was associated with more desirable eating habits and with healthy eating behaviors in young children. Thus nutrition education might be planned to promote family dinners, by emphasizing the benefits of having family meals on children''s health and nutrition and making more opportunities for family meals.  相似文献   

随着儿童青少年屏幕时间的不断增加,关于屏幕时间的研究也不断增加,本文主要综述屏幕时间对儿童青少年不良行为习惯、生理健康、心理健康的影响,以便为后期探讨屏幕时间影响儿童青少年健康的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

随着儿童青少年屏幕时间的不断增加,关于屏幕时间的研究也不断增加,本文主要综述屏幕时间对儿童青少年不良行为习惯、生理健康、心理健康的影响,以便为后期探讨屏幕时间影响儿童青少年健康的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

In 1987/88 a marketing orientated 'Healthy Eating' campaign was introduced across all Northumberland schools. Six middle schools (9–13 year olds) also piloted an additional change in school meals policy to a restricted 'fixed price' menu. A before and after evaluation of this campaign is described using questionnaires, self-completed by some 700 children aged 11–13 years in 4 middle schools chosen to represent contrasting policies and socio-economic status. There were important favourable changes associated with the campaign both in food 'aggregates' (e.g. sugary, fibrous) and also of individual 'indicator' foods (e.g. chips, low fat milk) eaten during the previous day. These changes were detected in both cross sectional and longitudinal analyses.  相似文献   

目的:掌握辖区民工子弟学校学生常见传染病防治知识水平及卫生行为习惯,探索其影响因素,为今后开展健康干预工作提供依据。方法:采用整群抽样,对4所民工子弟学校4~6年级1597名学生发放自填式匿名问卷进行集体调查。结果:常见传染病防治知识平均得分率低于35%;卫生行为习惯平均得分率低于80%。单因素分析结果显示,常见传染病防治知识得分与年级、年龄、居甬时间、有无父/母同住等因素相关(P〈0.05);卫生行为习惯得分与性别、籍贯、有无母亲同住等因素相关(P〈0.05)。多元线性回归分析显示年级和居甬时间影响学生常见传染病防治知识得分,性别、年龄、同住人员影响卫生行为习惯得分(P〈0.05)。结论:辖区外来民工子弟学校学生常见传染病防治知识水平较低,卫生行为习惯较差,需要针对性别、年龄、年级、籍贯、居甬时间、同住人员等主要影响因素开展有针对性的健康干预工作。  相似文献   

Smoking prevalence among young people continues to rise and cigarettes are easily available from many shops. Test sales are used by trading standards departments to try to reduce under-age sales, but it is not known whether this has any real impact on cigarette purchase and consumption. This study aims to evaluate the impact of test sales on purchase and consumption of cigarettes by young people. A survey of two schools in Gateshead, one in the intervention area and one acting as a control was carried out. A series of test sales were targeted to shops within 1.5 km of the intervention school. A questionnaire was administered in both schools among year 10 pupils, age 14–15 years, prior to the intervention and again 1 year later. The outcomes measured were number of successful test sales, reported availability of cigarettes and change in smoking prevalence following the intervention. Some 224 pupils from both schools were surveyed in 1995 and 163 pupils from the new cohort of year 10 pupils in 1996. Prior to the intervention, the levels of regular smoking in the intervention school were 39% for girls and 26% for boys. In the control school these levels were 24% and 14%, respectively. The intervention by trading standards resulted in no purchases and hence no prosecutions, but children reported being able to buy cigarettes with ease from the nearby shops; only three (2.5%) reported sales refused in 1995 and five (5.8%) in 1996. Not surprisingly there was no significant change in smoking prevalence in either school in 1996. This study suggests that test sales may not be effective in modifying cigarette availability to young people and that they are not a reliable measure of access to cigarettes by children.  相似文献   

Health promotion research is distinct in some respects from research within its contributing disciplines. A study was conducted in Finland to identify the special characteristics and distinctiveness of health promotion research, to develop a set of specific quality evaluation criteria for health promotion research, and to test the usefulness of such criteria in selecting research applications for funding. A wide range of discussions supplemented a systematic literature review with experts within and outside Finland. The review was conducted with regard to the content of health promotion, its basic principles, as well as theories and models used to steer practical health promotion activities. This resulted in a proposal for quality criteria for health promotion research. Key informants from Finnish universities and institutes evaluated the criteria in three Delphi rounds, and they were suitably revised. The utility of the revised criteria was tested using 31 research proposals. After further revision, the criteria were tested with a further 16 research proposals. Seven health promotion research quality criteria were developed by these methods, as were seven general criteria of research quality, applicable to all social research, whether in the health promotion arena or not. The 14 criteria will undergo continuous revision for improvement, but they are already at this stage thought to be suitable for use by (a) funding agencies in the design of calls for health promotion research proposals, and calls for tenders; (b) researchers who respond to calls for health promotion research proposals and/or calls for tenders; (c) evaluators and proposal review groups; and (d) reviewers and auditors of research progress.  相似文献   

The beneficial effects of xylitol, a noncariogenic sweeteningagent, on oral health have been conclusively demonstrated ininternational trials, its therapeutic mechanisms have been thoroughlyinvestigated. A four-week trial was conducted to study universitystudents' conceptions of xylitol and their willingness to usexylitol chewing gum to improve their oral health. The trialwas carried out in a large student's refectory operated by theState Catering Centre in Turku. During the first test periodevery student eating in the refectory was given one packet ofxylitol gum free and during the second period only on request.Students' use of the gum after meals was monitored, and theiropinions were surveyed One thousand two hundred and twenty-onestudents returned completed questionnaires. Virtually everystudent was either chewing or about to chew when separatelymonitored on leaving the refectory. Students' attitudes towardsuse of xylitol chewing gum in the refectory diet were favourable:66% recommended it unconditionally and 31% accepted it. Thestudents were aware of the properties and benefit to oral healthof xylitol. Thirty-eight per cent of the students studied consideredxylitol chewing gum to be of considerable benefit to dentalhealth. Fifty-seven per cent considered it to be moderate benefitto dental health. Most students considered their teeth to bein good condition; only 2% felt they were not. Two thirds ofthe students stated that they used chewing gum at least oncea week Fifteen per cent of students regularly used chewing gumafter meals. The results of the trial demonstrated that universitystudents reacted favourably to provision of xylitol chewinggum in connection with refectory meals. There would seem tobe potential for the promotion of post prandial use of xylixolchewing gum.  相似文献   

Children's participation in physical activity is declining, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the incidental activity of walking to school. The aim of this pilot study was to examine the extent to which Australian children walked to and from primary school, and to survey parents to identify factors influencing this behaviour. Parents of 164 students in Grades 1 7 (mean age 9.1 +/- 2.02 years) from a primary school comprising 360 students responded to a questionnaire regarding psychosocial and environmental factors thought to influence the means by which their children went to and from school. Results indicated that parent perception of the importance of physical activity, parents' individual history of transport to school as well as distance from school were the most statistically significant factors determining children's involvement in walking to and from school. The results of this study highlight the attitudes and experiences of parents in determining the extent to which children are involved in non-motorized access to school. Also implicated are organizational policies about geographical school regions. While this study is limited to one school community, further study is recommended with others to better confirm findings by examining socioeconomic, geographic and policy variables. Occupational therapists are challenged to examine ways in which incidental physical activity can be increased in the lives of young children.  相似文献   

Consumers’ eating habits have changed significantly due to the anxiety and boredom from the reported cases and deaths of COVID-19, the change in work patterns, controlled food shopping, and the inability to meet loved ones during the lockdown. The magnitude of these changes in the eating behaviours and purchasing habits of consumers varies across different groups of people. This study provides empirical evidence of the effects of COVID-19 on the eating and purchasing behaviours of people living in England, which was assessed based on sociodemographic variables. A total of 911 participants were recruited by a market research company, while only 792 useable responses were included in this study. The participants, aged between 18 and 91 years, completed an online questionnaire, and the data were analysed using ordinal regression. Data were collected between October and December 2020. Male participants constituted 34.60%, females 63.89%, and others (other gender and those who prefer not to declare their gender) were 0.63%. The majority of participants’ ages fell into the ranges of 23–38 and 39–54. Participants aged 23 to 38 years had the greatest effect of COVID-19 on their purchasing decision of healthier foods, while participants in the age groups 55–73 and 74–91 were least affected. The amount of foods purchased during the pandemic decreased with increasing age. The amount of foods purchased by students, people in employment, and people from minority ethnic groups were greatly affected by the pandemic. All participants who stated that taking food supplements is not important during the pandemic were from the White ethnic group. The effects of the pandemic on purchasing healthier foods were greater in younger generations and participants in full- or part-time employment than participants who were retired and who were aged above 55. The participants with higher educational qualifications and those from minority ethnic groups were also more affected by the pandemic. We suggest further studies to monitor any changes in the effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on the eating and purchasing behaviours of consumers.  相似文献   

目的掌握邯郸市城区寄宿式学校蟑螂的本底情况,为制定有效的防治措施提供科学依据。方法粘捕法。结果共捕获蟑螂1964只德国小蠊,在邯郸市13所寄宿式学校中,学生食堂蟑螂的侵害率和密度指数最高,分别为28.74%和7.65只/张。此次调查填补了邯郸市城区寄宿式学校医学媒介资料的空白,为进一步开展蟑螂防治工作提供了依据。结论邯郸市城区寄宿式学校的蟑螂密度低于国家标准,但是仍需要对蟑螂做好杀灭工作。  相似文献   

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