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This essay studies the phenomenon of‘obtaining of qi’in acupuncture.Combined with clinical practice,the authors think that it was a habitual misunderstanding in the past to equate‘needling sensation’to ‘obtaining of qi’in acupuncture practice.The two concepts are different and are related with each other.The authors have also classified the phenomenon of‘obtaining of qi’according to its depth in the skin layer. Based on the research achievements in neuroscience,the authors propose the study on‘catching’the ...  相似文献   

Toxic leucoencephalopathy (TLE) is a rare neurological complication of heroin abuse. ‘Chasing the dragon’ is an inhalational mode of heroin abuse that originated in Southeast Asia. Intriguingly, no cases of TLE have been reported from this region, although the inhalational mode of heroin abuse is common. We herein report the case of a middle-aged man with a history of polysubstance abuse who presented with progressive neurological symptoms and progressed to an uncommunicative state. While the initial impression was that of iatrogenic parkinsonism, diffuse leucoencephalopathy with sparing of the cerebellum was noted on magnetic resonance imaging. In view of his history of inhalational heroin abuse close to the onset of the neurological symptoms, a diagnosis of TLE was made. No clinical improvement was noted with administration of a dopaminergic agent. This is the first known case of delayed TLE following heroin inhalation from Southeast Asia with the unusual feature of cerebellar sparing.  相似文献   

A 62-year-old male presented with a history of upper abdominal discomfort. Past history included asymptomatic gallstones. Abdominal ultrasound and CT demonstrated gallstones within a thick-walled gallbladder, and intra and extrahepatic duct dilatation. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) revealed a stricture within the mid-portion of the common bile duct. At laparotomy, a single large stone was found causing external compression of the common bile duct causing a Mirizzi’s-type stricture. At repeat ERCP, cholangiogram showed no evidence of stricture. Clinicians should be aware that no definite clinical signs distinguish Mirizzi’s syndrome and surgical exploration is often required for diagnosis.  相似文献   



The indications for CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) have expanded greatly since the technique was introduced and theoretically it can be attempted on all prior to death. Policy initiatives (such as the British Medical Association/Royal College of Nursing guidelines) have attempted to provide a clinical rationale for the withholding of inappropriate CPR. Traditionally a care home was felt to be an inappropriate environment to attempt CPR but increased use of advance directives may bring the issue to the fore in this setting.


We elicited the views of managers of care homes regarding resuscitation strategies in hypothetical situations and in actual practice.


A purpose designed questionnaire in two parts was compiled, gathering factual information and employing a Likert scale to gauge opinion about this issue. The survey was conducted among 187 continuing care homes in South London the subjects being the care managers of the homes surveyed.

Results and conclusion

Responses were obtained from 86 care homes. Care managers would resuscitate 66% of cases of witnessed cardiac arrest but few efforts were reported. Policies in assigning ‘Do not resuscitate’ orders were referred to by only 9% of homes but 80% of facilities would welcome them, yet 50% would exclude the patient from this discussion. Clear policy guidelines are required for continuing care homes, and advance statements about CPR as part of residents care plans could reduce inappropriate resuscitative efforts and hospital transfers.  相似文献   

Liver enzymes are commonly used in the evaluation of patients with a range of diseases. Classically they are used to give information on whether a patient’s primary disorder is hepatitic or cholestatic in origin. However, knowledge of enzyme ratios and pattern recognition allow much more information to be derived from these simple tests.  相似文献   

ⅠThe significance for the minority students in Xinjiang to learn foreign languages.Xinjiang is a region with many minorities.The popula-tion of the minorities accounts for 60% of the total popula-tion.  相似文献   

A 60-year-old female presented with a 20-year history of progressive dark bluish discoloration of skin and passage of dark colored urine, painful arthritis and a recent history of invasive ductal carcinoma of right breast. Skin biopsy revealed hyaline material which was Periodic-Acid-Schiff stain positive and Congo-red stain negative, urine analysis revealed dark urine with presence reducing substance and radio-imaging showed intervertebral ossification and joint ankyloses. The patient was managed symptomatically with physiotherapy and acetaminophen on as required basis. This image is reported as a classic case of Alkaptonuria with clinical, histopathological and radio-imaging findings and the presence of invasive ductal breast carcinoma in the same patient.  相似文献   

黄褐斑(俗称蝴蝶斑)是指皮肤出现点状或片状的褐色斑,中医认为是由肝郁气滞、湿热骨蕴、阴虚火旺,上犯头面,荣气阻遏所致。可按如下三种类型进行治疗。①肝郁气滞型症状:斑呈浅褐或深褐点状、片状,境界清晰,边缘不整,以颜面、目周、鼻周多见。伴有两胁胀痛,烦躁易怒,嗳气,纳食不香,苔薄黄,脉弦数。治宜疏肝理气、解郁泻火。方药:丹参30克,茯苓、白芍各15克,川芎、白  相似文献   

由于人民政府重视劳动人民的健康,国内各出版社出版了一些有关工业卫生方面的书,但是,有理论指导且切合实际的工业卫生书还嫌太少。最近我买到「劳工卫生」这本书,通读了一遍后,首先我感觉编者付出很大的劳动写成此书,是值我们钦佩的;但是,一本书总会有它的优点和缺点。对于优点加以肯定,而对缺点加以批评,我认为也是非常重要的。因为像有关劳动卫生一类的书籍,不仅  相似文献   

GailNaughtonisahard-headed1scientistwithadreamthatsoundslikeascript2fromsciencefiction“Thereisnoreasonwhywecan’tmakeanypartoft?..  相似文献   

成都中医学院博士研究生张庆文在导师刘敏如教授指导下,对106名健康未婚女大学生30~119个正常月经周期中,不同时间的部分血液学、血液流变学、血流动力学及免疫学的31项指标的同步变化,进行了系统检测,发现其中21项的变化具有统计学意义(P<0.05),11项呈“近似月节  相似文献   

杨枕旦先生在《中国翻译》1986年第4期发表的短文中曾肯定“爱滋病”这个译名是音意兼顾的一个例子,而该刊1987年第6期的一篇文章则将此视为对海外译名的盲从,并称”爱滋病”改译为“艾滋病”是一可喜的进步。嗣后,杨先生又另文‘AIDS:“爱滋病还是“艾滋病”?”(《外语教学与研究》1988年第4期),仍主张;“爱滋病”这个译名不宜随便放弃不用,更不能轻率地把采用这一译名指责为对海外译名的“盲从”。其理由包括:①“根据最近的一些报道,AIDS这种病的传播确实与性爱(不限于同性恋)有一定的关系,②“对术活的译名是否精确…  相似文献   

To observe the therapeutic effects of acupuncture treatment by the‘Three-Step Needling’Methodfor acute cerebral infarction.Method:While receiving the routine medical treatment,68 cases were treatedby the acupuncture method of‘Three-Step Needling’.Results:27 of the 68 cases were basically cured,23markedly improved,15 improved,and 3 failed,the total effective rate being 95.59%.Conclusion:Theacupuncture method of‘Three-Step Needling’can give quite good therapeutic effects for acute cerebralinfarction.  相似文献   

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