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目的 揭示足底内侧和外侧群肌的肌内神经整体分布模式,探讨其临床意义。 方法 24具成年尸体,完整取下足底内侧和外侧群肌,采用改良Sihler染色显示肌内神经分布模式。 结果 母收肌的神经支从肌止端的深面入肌,而 母展肌、母短屈肌、小趾展肌和小趾短屈肌的神经支常从肌起端的深面入肌。母展肌中有1个半月形和1个长方形的肌内神经密集区(INDR);母收肌横头内有2个肾形INDRs,斜头内有1个肾形和1个长方形的INDR;母短屈肌、小趾展肌和小趾短屈肌内均有2个长方形的INDRs。这5块肌均可分为2个神经肌肉亚部,但各肌的INDR及其中心点在肌长上的百分位置不同。结论 上述结果可为外科手术免于神经损伤,肌移植的选材匹配,以及注射肉毒毒素A阻滞这些肌肉的痉挛提供形态学指导依据。  相似文献   

家兔趾深屈肌肌构筑、肌内神经和运动终板分布   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
杨胜波  薛黔  张永 《解剖学杂志》2006,29(3):345-347
目的:探讨家兔趾深屈肌的肌构筑与肌内神经和运动终板分布的关系。方法:肌构筑法、改良Sihler s染色法、乙酰胆碱酯酶染色法。结果:家兔趾深屈肌为环羽肌。肌质量为(2.30±0.02)g,肌纤维长(1.00±0.01)cm,肌生理横切面积(2.17±0.12)cm2。肌的起端,神经干于腱板上方发出内侧和外侧两条初级支,初级支在肌内发出数目不等的次级支,继而向肌的深面和边缘发出终末支。有的次级支穿越腱板到达对侧。肌表面内、外两缘有线状排列的运动终板带,两带在肌止端相接,呈“V”形。结论:家兔趾深屈肌是环羽肌,倾向力量型设计;肌内神经分支存在越边支配;肌内神经和运动终板的分布与肌纤维排列有关;趾深屈肌有划分亚部的形态学特征。  相似文献   

家兔趾长伸肌肌内神经、运动终板和肌梭的分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨胜波  薛黔  李季蓉 《解剖学杂志》2005,28(4):468-470,i0001
目的:探究家兔趾长伸肌肌内神经、运动终板与肌梭的分布。方法:改良Sihler’s染色法、乙酰胆碱酯酶染色法及HE染色法。结果:趾长伸肌是短肌束构成的长肌,肌束起点高的,止点相应亦较高。连于第2趾的肌纤维占据了肌腹上1/3,止于其余3趾的肌纤维位于下2/3。趾长伸肌的神经来自2条肌外神经干,上支及其分支支配第2趾的肌纤维,下支司其余3趾。运动终板分布除冠状切面上为弥漫的黑色颗粒外,其余各切面均为一条连续的运动终板带。各部的肌梭密度分别是:起端33.95个/g、肌腹中部44.76个/g、止端为零。结论:家兔趾长伸肌内,肌梭分布不均匀。肌内神经分支密集的部位,运动终板集聚、肌梭密度亦高。家兔趾长伸肌具有划分亚部的特征。  相似文献   

在解剖1例成年男性右侧下肢尸体标本中,发现第3腓骨肌缺如并第3跖伸肌变异,从第5跖骨基底部追踪至胫、腓骨附着部位,为积累国人解剖学资料,现报道如下:在修去足背皮肤和浅筋膜,清理肌腱时,发现[母]长伸肌和[母]短伸肌附着于第1趾背的肌腱,趾长伸肌附着于第2~5趾背的肌腱,趾短伸肌附着于第2~4趾背的肌腱,未见到第3腓骨肌腱,但可见附着于第5跖骨粗隆的第3跖伸肌腱(图1)。第3跖伸肌腹从腓骨中下2/3内侧面发出,经胫腓连结背面,即外踝内侧面,于伸肌上、下支持带深面走行,逐步过渡为肌腱,呈半羽肌状,附着于第5跖骨粗隆处。第3跖伸肌全长27.4 cm,肌纤维附着于趾长屈肌和腓骨短肌起点之间的腓骨内侧面,长14.5 cm,平均厚度1.5 cm。  相似文献   

目的:为临床带血供的第1骨间背侧肌远端肌支神经肌蒂转移修复拇对掌功能手术提供供区肌肉神经、血管相关解剖学依据,评估切取该肌远端肌支对供区的影响.方法:手部固定标本,采用显微解剖方法,观察第1骨间背侧肌形态和神经支配情况.通过再改良Sihler's染色法对第1骨间背侧肌进行肌内神经染色.结果:第1骨间背侧肌神经来源于尺神经深支,在进入第1骨间背侧肌前分成2支.其中近端分支主要分布于肌腹的上2/3,远端分支主要分布在肌腹的下1/3.结论:切取第1骨间背侧肌远端肌支神经肌蒂转位修复拇对掌肌的功能是可行的,其对供区功能的影响较小.  相似文献   

目的探索儿童旋前圆肌和指浅屈肌的肌内终末神经密集区的分布范围,为注射BTX-A治疗脑瘫患儿前臂肌痉挛提供解剖定位。方法使用改良的Sihler`s肌内神经染色法观察儿童旋前圆肌和指浅屈肌的肌内神经分支分布模式。结果旋前圆肌的神经入肌点有上、下两个,下部的神经支较粗大、分布更广,其肌内神经分支呈扫帚状,相邻各神经分支末端可见明显的"O"和"Y"型吻合,该肌的肌内终末神经密集区位于肌腹中部;指浅屈肌的神经入肌点有上、中、下3个,肌内终末神经密集区可分上、中、下3部,其中以中部最为密集,各终末神经间可见"Y"、"O"吻合。结论鉴于两肌的肌内终末神经密集区均位于肌腹中部,当脑瘫患儿旋前圆肌、指浅屈肌痉挛时,使用BTX-A治疗肌痉挛的最佳注射靶区应选择在肌腹中部。  相似文献   

目的探索鱼际肌肌肌内神经分支和肌梭密度的分布。方法采用改良Sihler’s肌内神经染色法和HE染色法进行解剖学研究。结果鱼际肌的神经常从肌起端深面入肌,神经入肌后在拇短展肌、拇对掌肌、拇收肌横头内与肌长轴垂直走向,拇收肌斜头和拇短屈肌内沿肌长轴平行走形。80%~82.5%的拇短屈肌和拇指对掌肌接受正中神经和尺神经的双重支配。拇短屈肌浅头和深头、拇收肌横头和斜头有独立的神经支配,可分出神经肌肉亚部。4块肌内神经分支分布密集区多在肌的中部与近端,可见"Y"、"O"、"H"或"U"型等不同的神经吻合形式。鱼际肌肌梭密度高达16.19~27.14个/g,高低顺序为拇指对掌肌拇短屈肌拇短展肌拇收肌。结论鱼际肌肌内神经吻合丰富,肌梭密度高,除拇对掌肌外,其余肌块可作整肌或半肌移植的供体。  相似文献   

家兔不同形态骨骼肌的肌内神经分布   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
杨胜波  薛黔  张永 《解剖学报》2005,36(4):433-435
目的探讨家兔不同形态骨骼肌的肌内神经分支分布。方法肌构筑法和改良的Sihler肌内神经染色法。结果清楚显示扁形的胸大肌接受胸前神经和胸后神经支配。胸前神经主要支配横行纤维,并在其中部形成—“U”形的神经襻。胸后神经主要支配斜行纤维,与前者的神经细分支间有吻合;羽状的跖肌由胫神经肌支支配,入肌后逐渐向肌的内、外两侧发出许多初级神经支,这些神经支又分出若干树枝状的次级支与细分支;梭形的趾长伸肌,有2条肌外神经干,上千及其分支支配止于第二趾的肌纤维,下干支配其余3趾的肌纤维。结论不同形态肌的肌内神经分支、分布与肌纤维排列有关;肌内神经分支走行有与肌束平行和,或垂直两种形式。  相似文献   

拇短屈肌形态特点及其神经支配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:进一步弄清拇短屈肌的神经支配,为临床有关神经损伤的诊治提供应用解剖学形态基础。方法:对30只成人手标本拇短屈肌形态和神经支配进行了观测。结果:拇短屈肌浅头受正中神经返支支配,拇短屈肌深头受尺神经深支支配。尺神经深支的拇短屈肌深头肌支出现率占86.7%,肌内平均支数为2.0±0.7支,有10%的拇短屈肌深头肌支既支配拇短屈肌深头,又支配拇短屈肌浅头,并有一交通支与正中神经相连。结论:10%的拇短屈肌具有双重性神经支配。因此,当正中神经损伤,部分病例的鱼际肌中个别肌肉可不出现瘫痪。  相似文献   

<正> 作者用手术显微镜观测了50例成人尸体足底浅层肌肉的血管和神经,并对浅层肌瓣血管蒂的选择进行了讨论。结果显示:足底浅层肌肉的血供来源于足底内、外侧动脉,神经来自足底内、外侧神经。趾短屈肌的动脉几乎均匀地来自足底内、外侧动脉,神经来自足底内侧神经。(足母)展肌的血供69%来自足底内侧动脉发出的深支动脉,该动脉出现  相似文献   

The branching patterns of nerves supplying the intrinsic muscles of the foot were analyzed as a basis to confirm the muscle layer structure. Thirty-eight feet of 20 Japanese cadavers were examined in detail in this study. The first dorsal interosseus was innervated by a branch from the deep peroneal nerve as well as a branch of the lateral plantar nerve in 92.1%, the second dorsal interosseus in 10. 5% and the third dorsal interosseus in 2.6%. In three specimens, branches from the deep peroneal nerve innervated the oblique head of the adductor hallucis or the lateral head the flexor hallucis brevis. In addition, branches from the medial and lateral plantar nerves and the deep peroneal nerve formed communication loops in three specimens. The first dorsal interosseus, the oblique head of the adductor hallucis and the lateral head of the flexor hallucis and their innervating nerve branches are closely related within the first intermetatarsal space. Since the tibial part of the first interosseus muscle primordium is occupied in the space during development, the variations of innervation patterns and formation of the communicating nerve loops may be explained by various combinations of the part and the other muscle primordia.  相似文献   

The branching patterns of nerves supplying the intrinsic muscles of the foot were analyzed as a basis to confirm the muscle layer structure. Thirty‐eight feet of 20 Japanese cadavers were examined in detail in this study. The first dorsal interosseus was innervated by a branch from the deep peroneal nerve as well as a branch of the lateral plantar nerve in 92.1%, the second dorsal interosseus in 10.5% and the third dorsal interosseus in 2.6%. In three specimens, branches from the deep peroneal nerve innervated the oblique head of the adductor hallucis or the lateral head the flexor hallucis brevis. In addition, branches from the medial and lateral plantar nerves and the deep peroneal nerve formed communication loops in three specimens. The first dorsal interosseus, the oblique head of the adductor hallucis and the lateral head of the flexor hallucis and their innervating nerve branches are closely related within the first intermetatarsal space. Since the tibial part of the first interosseus muscle primordium is occupied in the space during development, the variations of innervation patterns and formation of the communicating nerve loops may be explained by various combinations of the part and the other muscle primordia. Anat Rec 255:465–470, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To understand how the oblique and transverse heads of the adductor hallucis muscle of the human foot are phylogenitically and ontogenetically developed, it is essential to know nerve supplies of these two heads of the muscle. In the present study, we dissected seven feet of five Japanese cadavers in detail to clarify the ramification patterns of the deep branch of the lateral plantar nerve by peeling off its epineurium (the nerve fascicle analysis method). We found that the muscular branch to the oblique head of the adductor hallucis muscle directly separated from nerve fascicles constituting the deep branch of the lateral plantar nerve, whereas the muscular branch to the transverse head arose in common with branches which innervated other intrinsic muscles of the foot, i.e., the 2nd and 3rd lumbrical muscles and the 1st and 2nd dorsal interossei muscles. The present study revealed that two heads of the adductor hallucis muscle, the oblique and transverse, had different innervating patterns, suggesting that two heads of the human adductor hallucis muscle develop from different primordia, and not from common ancestors.  相似文献   



This study aims to investigate nerve distribution patterns of human lower leg skeletal muscles using a modified Sihler’s staining method.


Sixteen lower leg from eight fresh adult cadavers were used in this study and all the skeletal muscles were dissected. The muscle specimens were classified according to Lim’s classification. The specimens were then stained by further modified Sihler’s staining technique. Data were analyzed according to research results.


After the staining, we found four patterns of nerve distribution in human lower leg muscles: (1) Type 1: single nerve pattern in which the nerve branches into two either running parallel to each other or radiating in a spray pattern (such as the extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus, fibularis brevis and flexor hallucis longus). (2) Type 2: double nerve pattern, one being proximal and the other being distal (such as the extensor digitorum longus, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus). (3) Type 3: multiple branch pattern (such as the tibialis anterior, fibularis longus, gastrocnemius, soleus, tibialis anterior and popliteus).


Our modified Sihler’s staining method is useful for research of large muscles and intramuscular nerves in human. These findings might provide guidance for clinicians for muscle reconstruction surgery.

The origin, relationships and innervation of the abductor digiti minimi muscle were determined in 145 human feet, from formaldehyde-fixed cadavers. The muscle arises from both processes of the calcaneal tuberosity, from the plantar aponeurosis and from the septum which separates it from the flexor digitorum brevis muscle. The nerve to the abductor digiti minimi muscle arises next to the origin of the lateral plantar nerve, close to the abductor hallucis muscle, and descends becoming closely related to the medial face of the calcaneus and the deep face of the abductor hallucis muscle. Then, it passes inferiorly through the origin of the quadratus plantae muscle and later divides into two branches for the two heads of the muscle.  相似文献   

Chronic recordings were made of electromyographic (EMG) activity, tension, and length of distal hindlimb muscles in six cats performing a variety of normal motor tasks. Muscles studied thoroughly or in part were medial gastrocnemius, lateral gastrocnemius, plantaris, soleus, flexor digitorum brevis, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, tibialis posterior, tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, peroneus longus, and peroneus brevis. Postural and locomotor activities were examined, as well as jumping, landing, scratching, and paw shaking. In general, muscles could be assigned to traditional groupings (e.g. extensor, flexor) related to the demands of the motor task. Patterns of muscle activity were most often consistent with current understanding of muscle mechanics and neural coordination. However, purely functional distinctions between flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus ("anatomical synergists") were made on the basis of activity patterns. Likewise, the activity of plantaris and flexor digitorum brevis, which are attached in series, was differentiated in certain tasks. The rhythmical oscillatory patterns of scratching and paw shaking were found to differ temporally in a manner consistent with the limb mechanics. In several cases, mechanical explanations of specific muscle activity required length and force records, as well as EMG patterns. Future efforts to study motor patterns should incorporate information about the relationships between muscle activation, tension, length and velocity.  相似文献   

目的    为足内侧穿支皮瓣的临床应用提供解剖基础。  方法 对8侧乳胶灌注的成人下肢标本足内侧区进行显微解剖,观测各穿支血管的位置、数目、外径、蒂长及吻合等情况。  结果 足内侧区皮肤的血供有:足底内侧动脉、内踝前动脉、跗内侧动脉和母趾胫侧动脉。足底内侧动脉浅支穿母展肌在舟骨粗隆附近浅出,外径(1.08±0.20)mm;深支从母展肌和趾短屈肌的间隙内向足底内侧平均发出5.3支穿支,平均外径(0.63±0.25)mm,蒂长(0.93±0.31)cm;内侧深支的内侧支由舟骨粗隆前(1.92±0.61)cm处从母展肌上缘浅出至足内侧。母趾胫侧动脉从第一跖趾关节近侧(2.03±0.56)cm处穿出至足内侧。足底内侧动脉浅支、内侧深支的内侧支与内踝前动脉、跗内侧动脉吻合形成展肌上缘动脉弓,动脉弓的远端与母趾胫侧动脉相吻合。  结论 足内侧穿支皮瓣可设计以不同的穿支为蒂进行带蒂转移,修复前足、踝部及足跟周围软组织缺损,也可设计游离皮瓣修复手指掌侧软组织缺损。  相似文献   

Summary Chronic recordings were made of electromyographic (EMG) activity, tension, and length of distal hindlimb muscles in six cats performing a variety of normal motor tasks. Muscles studied thoroughly or in part were medial gastrocnemius, lateral gastrocnemius, plantaris, soleus, flexor digitorum brevis, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, tibialis posterior, tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, peroneus longus, and peroneus brevis. Postural and locomotor activities were examined, as well as jumping, landing, scratching, and paw shaking. In general, muscles could be assigned to traditional groupings (e.g. extensor, flexor) related to the demands of the motor task. Patterns of muscle activity were most often consistent with current understanding of muscle mechanics and neural coordination. However, purely functional distinctions between flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus (anatomical synergists) were made on the basis of activity patterns. Likewise, the activity of plantaris and flexor digitorum brevis, which are attached in series, was differentiated in certain tasks. The rhythmical oscillatory patterns of scratching and paw shaking were found to differ temporally in a manner consistent with the limb mechanics. In several cases, mechanical explanations of specific muscle activity required length and force records, as well as EMG patterns. Future efforts to study motor patterns should incorporate information about the relationships between muscle activation, tension, length and velocity.Abbreviations EDL extensor digitorum longus - FDB flexor digitorum brevis - FDL flexor digitorum longus - FHL flexor hallucis longus - LG lateral gastrocnemius - MG medial gastrocnemius - PB peroneus brevis - PL peroneus longus - PLT plantaris - SOL soleus - TA tibialis anterior - TP tibialis posterior Limbs A ankle - K knee - LF left forelimb - LH left hindlimb - RF right forelimb - RH right hindlimb Step Cycle Phases E1 first extension, late swing phase prior to footfall - E2 second extension, early stance phase - E3 third extension, late stance phase - F flexion, early swing phase  相似文献   

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