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Splenic arteriovenous fistula (SAVF) is an unusual cause of portal hypertension, and is rarely associated with an infective aetiology. It is often difficult to identify SAVF clinically, and thus, radiological modalities are invariably required for diagnosis and treatment. We herein describe a case of SAVF occurring in a patient with compensated cirrhosis as a sequel to salmonella gastroenteritis, and presenting with acute gastric variceal bleeding. Selective transcatheter embolisation of the splenic artery was effective in controlling bleeding.  相似文献   

Although portobiliary fistula is a recognised complication of percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage, it is extremely uncommon and can result in haemobilia. Herein, we present a case of complicated transhepatic biliary drainage catheter insertion in a patient with underlying hepatitis B liver cirrhosis, which resulted in a portobiliary fistula. The patient had a preoperative transhepatic biliary drainage procedure done prior to a Whipple’s operation for a large, obstructive, gastrointestinal stromal tumour of the duodenum. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case in the English medical literature reporting the successful treatment of portobiliary fistula by embolisation of its tract with embolisation coils, without compromising the portal vein or bile ducts.  相似文献   

Ketamine is a short-acting anaesthetic agent that has gained popularity as a ‘club drug’ due to its hallucinogenic effects. Substance abuse should be considered in young adult patients who present with severe debilitating symptoms such as lower urinary tract symptoms, even though the use of controlled substances is rare in Singapore. Although the natural history of disease varies from person to person, a relationship between symptom severity and frequency/dosage of abuse has been established. It is important to be aware of this condition and have a high degree of clinical suspicion to enable early diagnosis and immediate initiation of multidisciplinary and holistic treatment. A delayed diagnosis can lead to irreversible pathological changes and increased morbidity among ketamine abusers.  相似文献   

Knowledge of both the common and atypical presentations of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated dermatoses may be helpful in arousing suspicion of HIV, especially in patients with no reported risk factors. Herein, we report the case of an otherwise healthy, nonpromiscuous 29-year-old man who presented to our institution with an eight-week history of plaques with oyster shell-like scales on the trunk, extremities and genital area. The plaques were associated with fever, and intermittent knee pain and swelling. Initial diagnostic tests were suggestive of drug hypersensitivity syndrome, and the patient’s condition improved with treatment using oral prednisone. However, the lesions recurred when the dose of prednisone was tapered, even after the culprit drug had long been discontinued. Repeat skin punch biopsy and arthrocentesis revealed a diagnosis of psoriasis vulgaris with psoriatic arthritis. Due to the atypical presentation of psoriasis, the patient was counselled to undergo HIV testing, which came back positive. Clinicians should be attuned to the skin signs heralding HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, in order to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

Rectovestibular fistula is the most common type of anomaly found in a female newborn with anorectal malformation. However, when the baby is found to have two orifices in the introitus, rectovaginal fistula is much less common and suspected. The rare differential diagnosis of Müllerian agenesis, a condition in which the rectum shifts anteriorly and the vagina is absent, is seldom considered. In many cases, the diagnosis of Müllerian agenesis is made only during definitive anorectoplasty. In view of its impact on management, a proper examination under anaesthesia, imaging studies and a diagnostic laparoscopy may be required to confirm the presence or absence of Müllerian structures in such patients. We herein describe a patient with the rare coexistence of VACTERL association and Müllerian agenesis, and discuss the management of anorectal malformations in female patients with Müllerian agenesis.  相似文献   



Although childhood autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) has been extensively investigated in the West, data on AIH in the East is lacking. We aimed to investigate AIH’s clinical, biochemical and histological features, as well as its outcomes, in one of Singapore’s two major paediatric units.


This was a retrospective study of children diagnosed with AIH in the paediatric unit of National University Hospital, Singapore, over the last 12 years. Children with de novo AIH after liver transplantation were excluded. The demographic and clinical features of the patients, and their laboratory, treatment and clinical outcomes were reviewed.


This study comprised ten patients (six females, four males), with a median age of 5.1 (range 2.1–13.8) years at diagnosis. Five patients had inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Seven patients had type 1 AIH, and three had autoimmune sclerosing cholangitis (ASC) and IBD; none had type 2 AIH. The median level of aspartate aminotransferase at diagnosis was 183 (range 45–2,649) U/L. Prednisolone 1 mg/kg/day was prescribed at diagnosis for eight patients. Two patients were lost to follow-up and were treated symptomatically when they re-presented with end-stage liver disease. Azathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil was prescribed after 3–7 months of treatment. Normalisation of aminotransferase levels took an average of 5.3 (range 1–39) months.


AIH is a rare but important cause of liver pathology. Children in this region with elevated aminotransferases or unexplained hepatomegaly should be screened for AIH.  相似文献   

Pericarditis and myocarditis are characterised by electrocardiographic changes and elevated cardiac enzymes, respectively, and patients with perimyocarditis often complain of chest discomfort. These findings are nonspecific and often lead to diagnostic difficulties, as ST-elevation myocardial infarction commonly presents in a similar fashion. Clinical differentiation between perimyocarditis and myocardial infarction are especially important because adverse side effects can occur if reperfusion therapy is administered for a patient with acute pericarditis or if a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction is missed. We herein describe a case of perimyocarditis with ST elevation and raised cardiac markers, which led to two emergency coronary angiographies that were subsequently found to be normal. We include the three serial electrocardiographies (ECGs) performed to show the characteristic features of perimyocarditis and further discuss the importance of identifying typical and atypical ECG features of pericarditis.  相似文献   

肺结核(pulmonary tuberculosis, PTB)是威胁人类健康与生活的一类重要传染病,早期识别、诊断,减少误诊、漏诊是PTB防治工作的核心环节。在PTB的诊断中,影像学几乎起主导地位,常见的PTB计算机断层扫描(computed tomography, CT)影像学表现主要有空洞、树芽征、结节和肺实变等,但由于患者的年龄、合并基础疾病及免疫功能水平的差异,部分PTB失去了典型影像学征象,这些不典型的肺结核征象给临床诊断带来了巨大的困难,导致漏诊、误诊率的增加。为进一步加强对不典型PTB的认识,减少PTB的漏诊及误诊率,本文通过归纳总结不典型PTB的影像学表现,主要包括:微结节聚集征、反晕征、肺气肿合并肺结核、类转移瘤多发结节以及机化性肺炎表现,分别从几种不典型影像学表现的临床特征、产生机制、临床诊断意义及治疗转归进行总结分析,以期为肺结核的诊断提供依据。  相似文献   

Metastasis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) to the dura, an extremely rare condition, can be symptomatically silent and mistaken for a benign entity radiographically. Missed diagnosis can lead to serious consequences or prove immediately fatal. We report a woman with dural metastasis of NPC that mimicked a meningioma on radiography. Craniectomy with tumour resection was performed due to rapid progression from the onset of symptoms to disability. The patient was still alive two years after surgery. This case emphasises the need to keep in mind the possibility of dural metastasis of NPC in patients with abnormal imaging features. This would not only avoid wrong and optimistic diagnosis, but also allow for appropriate treatment in a timely manner. To our knowledge, this is the first report of metastasis of NPC to the dura. We provide detailed information on the neoplastic lesion, which masqueraded as a benign entity and caused potentially fatal consequences.  相似文献   



Penile cancer is an uncommon disease affecting only about one in 100,000 men worldwide in a year. The diagnosis of the condition is frequently delayed, and the disease and its treatment frequently result in significant morbidity in patients.


We herein describe seven cases of penile tumours: six cases of squamous cell carcinomas and one case of B-cell lymphoma that presented to our hospital’s urology department between March 2011 and October 2012. We reviewed the literature to discuss the clinical presentation, natural history and current management of penile cancer.


The patients were followed up for 1–24 months. They were managed according to their disease stage and lymph node status. Four out of seven patients showed disease progression during the follow-up period.


The accurate staging of inguinal nodes in cases of low-risk disease is important to prescribe appropriate surgery for the inguinal nodes. Aggressive management of inguinal and pelvic lymph nodes remains the cornerstone in the treatment of high-risk disease cases.  相似文献   

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a rare, slowly progressing but invariably fatal disease that is related to a prior measles virus infection and most commonly affects paediatric patients. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is the modality of choice for determining such changes in white matter. SSPE typically demonstrates bilateral but asymmetric periventricular and subcortical white matter involvement. We herein report a rare case of unilateral white matter involvement in a 13-year-old boy with SSPE that closely simulated Rasmussen’s encephalitis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of an atypical presentation on MR imaging in which SSPE was a rare cause of unilateral brain parenchymal involvement in a patient with intractable seizures.  相似文献   

Pituitary apoplexy is a rare, life-threatening complication that may occur after coronary artery bypass graft surgery for patients with pituitary adenomas. The dynamics of cardiopulmonary bypass may contribute to a sudden expansion of silent pituitary adenomas and result in the compression of surrounding structures. A range of clinical features have been described, and the condition requires prompt diagnosis and treatment to prevent further complications. Herein, we present an uncomplicated case highlighting the importance of diagnosing pituitary apoplexy, ensuring high alertness to the condition, so as to prevent life-threatening tragedy due to missed diagnosis.  相似文献   

Colorectal carcinoma is a common lethal disease with signs and symptoms that may be nonspecific. Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis with or without contrast is frequently performed for various general abdominal complaints, but unlike CT colonography, the large bowel may not be optimally prepared for evaluation. As such, careful and diligent assessment of the non-prepared colon in all CT images of the abdomen and pelvis is important, as it ensures that incidental colorectal malignancy is not missed, especially in older patients. This article gives an overview of multidetector CT imaging signs and subtle clues to aid in the diagnosis of colorectal carcinoma, as well as their pitfalls.  相似文献   

In Singapore, male osteoporosis is gaining greater importance due to our ageing population. Family physicians should screen for osteoporosis in elderly men and men with risk factors or secondary causes for the condition. A bone mineral density (BMD) test is used for diagnosis. FRAX® can be used to predict the absolute ten-year fracture risk. Management includes reduction of risk factors or secondary causes, fall prevention, appropriate physical activity and a diet adequate in calcium and vitamin D. Referrals to specialists for evaluation and therapy can be considered, particularly for younger men with more severe disease. Current first-line drug treatment includes bisphosphonates and teriparatide. Testosterone increases BMD of the spine, but data on fracture risk reduction is unavailable. Public and physician education with the involvement of health authorities can create greater awareness of this silent condition, which can lead to complications, morbidity and death, if left untreated.  相似文献   



The incidence of coronary artery anomalies (CAAs) varies from 0.2% to 8.4%. Knowledge of such anatomical variations is important as coronary procedures are regularly performed these days. We aimed to find the coronary dominance pattern, intermediate artery (IMA) frequency and CAA incidence in our clinic, and compare them to those in the literature.


The medical reports of 5,548 patients who had undergone coronary angiography (CAG) between 2005 and 2009 were retrospectively investigated. Dominance pattern and presence of IMA and CAA were recorded. CAAs were described using two different classifications: Angelini and Khatami’s classification, and a new modified classification that was derived from Angelini and Khatami’s classification. Some procedural details and clinical features of the patients with CAA were also investigated.


Coronary dominance pattern was: 81.6% right coronary artery, 12.2% circumflex artery and 6.2% co-dominant. IMA was present in 613 (11.0%) patients. The incidences of overall anomaly were 2.7% and 1.4%, according to the different classifications. Absent left main coronary artery, which was the most common anomaly in the present study, was found in 51 (0.9%) patients. Incidences of myocardial bridge, coronary arteriovenous fistulae and aneurysms were 1.1%, 0.2% and 0.3%, respectively.


CAAs are generally asymptomatic, isolated lesions. Some may lead to anginal symptoms, myocardial infarction or sudden death. We found that CAA was associated with increased radiation and contrast exposure in patients who underwent CAG. This risk could be reduced if appropriate catheters were designed and training programmes on ostial cannulation were developed.  相似文献   



Asthma is a common childhood disease, and paediatric patients with asthma rely on caregivers to administer domiciliary asthma care. This study aimed to explore the knowledge, understanding, perceptions and main concerns of caregivers and its influence on their home management of children with asthma.


Data from 14 caregivers of children with asthma was collected during three focus group discussions held in two polyclinics in Singapore. The collected data was analysed using standard content analysis and classified into themes.


The caregivers’ main concerns included the perceived effects of infection, food and exercise on children with asthma. Several caregivers considered the disease to be infectious and had a lower threshold for physician consultation, as they believed that any delay in treating the infection would be detrimental to the child’s health. Some also perceived asthma to be episodic and self-limiting, and that their children could ‘outgrow’ it. Many caregivers believed that asthma could be modified by abstinence from, or intake of, certain foods. Others had the perception that sports, including swimming, would worsen asthma. These perceptions resulted in unnecessary restrictions of the children’s diet and activities. Most caregivers were unaware of influenza vaccination as a preventive measure to reduce triggers due to respiratory viral infections.


We found that the caregivers’ perceptions of asthma aetiology, its triggers and preventive measures affected their help-seeking behaviour and care of children with asthma. Healthcare professionals managing paediatric patients with asthma should recognise such caregiver misperceptions, and take a proactive approach to rectify and bridge the gaps in caregivers’ knowledge and understanding of the disease.  相似文献   

Clear cell chondrosarcoma is a rare cartilaginous tumour of low-grade malignancy. Although it has a characteristic histological appearance, its radiological features and clinical presentation often mimic a benign lesion. Herein, we describe the case of a patient with a clear cell chondrosarcoma of the right proximal femur that had an atypical appearance of chronic avascular necrosis on initial plain radiographs, which made preoperative diagnosis a challenge. In addition, the tumour also had extensive areas of aneurysmal bone cyst-like changes, which is not only a rare histologic phenomenon in clear cell chondrosarcoma, but also a confounding factor in the interpretation of the radiologic findings.  相似文献   

An infective aetiology, including fungal infection, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of immunocompromised patients presenting with skin lesions. Dematiaceous fungi are recognised as pathogens in organ transplant recipients. Herein, we describe a rare case of a chronic necrotising granulomatous skin lesion caused by Pyrenochaeta romeroi in a renal transplant recipient, and review the existing literature on the topic. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of such a case in Singapore. Recognition of infections caused by dematiaceous fungi is important because some strains are difficult to identify and require special molecular diagnostic techniques. Treatment involves surgical excision and long-term antifungal therapy. Data on the optimal antifungal regimen in such a diagnosis is limited.  相似文献   



This study aimed to assess the factors that influence the longevity and replacement frequency of Provox voice prostheses following their placement.


The medical records of 27 patients who received Provox voice prostheses after total laryngectomy and attended follow-up regularly between 1998 and 2012 were retrospectively reviewed. The success rate of the Provox voice prostheses (i.e. whether speech was achieved), quality of speech achieved, number and type of complications encountered, frequency of prostheses replacement and reasons for prostheses replacements were evaluated.


All 27 patients were men and their mean age was 63.0 (range 43–78) years. The mean follow-up period was 60.3 (range 1–168) months. Fluent and understandable speech was achieved in 85.0% of the patients. The mean duration before prosthesis replacement had to be performed was 17.1 (range 1–36) months. The most frequent complication was fluid leakage through the prosthesis. There was a strong positive correlation of 77.1% between the longevity of prostheses and postoperative follow-up duration (r = 0.771; p < 0.01).


The voice prosthesis is a tool that can be delivered in a practical fashion and replaced easily with no serious complications. It is a means by which speech can be restored, with a high success rate, after total laryngectomy. In the present study, we found that postoperative follow-up duration was the most important factor influencing the longevity of the Provox voice prosthesis.  相似文献   

Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) hepatic superscan refers to the diffuse intense uptake of 18F-FDG in the liver on positron emission tomography (PET), with reduced physiological activity in the brain and heart. The common causes include lymphoma and metastasis. In this case report, we describe the imaging features of tuberculosis as a rare cause of FDG hepatic superscan. PET imaging may be the only clue to a diagnosis of hepatic tuberculosis, as other imaging modalities may demonstrate only nonspecific hepatomegaly. It is important to consider this entity in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with FDG hepatic superscan and proceed with liver biopsy for a definitive diagnosis.  相似文献   

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