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目的研究颞叶癫痫患者病史、脑电图、头颅影像学资料等与其预后的关系。方法回顾分析我院确诊的99例颞叶癫痫患者病史、头颅影像学资料、发作间期脑电图资料、药物疗效,依据药物疗效分为难治性癫痫组46例,非难治性癫痫组53例,比较两组间差异。结果比较两组间差异发现:头颅MRI异常(χ2=7.55,P<0.01)、发作间期脑电图(electroencephalogram,EEG)反复异常(χ2=8.21,P<0.01)、初发年龄小(Z=-3.81,P<0.01)、病程长(Z=-4.41,P<0.01)与难治性颞叶癫痫有关。结论头颅MRI异常、发作间期EEG反复异常、初发年龄小、病程长为颞叶癫痫预后的不良因素。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine the lateralization utility of preoperative verbal retention in patients with and without bilateral hippocampal atrophy. METHODS: The sample consisted of 74 patients with EEG-defined unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) who had also undergone volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Verbal retention was operationalized by the Logical Memory percentage retention subtest (LM%) of the Wechsler Memory Scale. Patients were divided into groups with (a) bilaterally normal hippocampal volumes, (b) unilateral atrophy, or (c) bilateral atrophy. Two different thresholds (empirically derived vs. normative) were used to lateralize on the basis of LM%. LM% lateralization was then examined by group using chi2, sensitivity, positive predictive values, and odds ratios. Analyses were also conducted separately in the subset of patients who were seizure free after surgery. RESULTS: Mean LM% performance was significantly lower in patients with left versus right TLE in the subset with bilateral hippocampal atrophy (p = 0.018), but not in patients with a normal MRI (p = 0.918) or unilateral atrophy (p = 0.087). The odds of a correct lateralization by LM% increased from 1.67 in patients with normal MRI to 36.11 in patients with bilateral hippocampal atrophy. The power of a right and left lateralization prediction by LM% was 100% and 75%, respectively, in patients with bilateral hippocampal atrophy. Similar results were obtained when analysis was restricted to patients who were seizure free after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative verbal retention as measured by LM% may provide meaningful lateralization information in patients who are difficult to lateralize via MRI.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Factors affecting blood flow observed by interictal single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) have not been systematically studied or consistently demonstrated. We evaluated interictal SPECT results with respect to many clinical variables in a large population of TLE patients, all of whom underwent temporal lobectomy. METHODS: Interictal 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT scans from 61 TLE patients were obtained before an anterior temporal lobectomy. SPECT was analyzed using a region of interest analysis (ROI) in the cerebellum, anterior temporal lobe, lateral temporal lobe, mesial temporal lobe, whole temporal lobe, and inferior frontal lobe. Asymmetry indices (AIs) were calculated. Correlative analysis of AIs and clinical variables was performed. RESULTS: The AIs from TLE patients differed significantly from those of controls in the anterior temporal (p < 0.01), lateral temporal (p < 0.001), and whole temporal (p < 0.01) regions. No consistent overall correlation between the AIs and clinical variables existed. In right TLE (RTLE) only, AIs in the lateral and whole temporal lobe were positively correlated with age of onset (r = 0.470, p < 0.05; r = 0.548, p < 0.01, respectively). Similarly, in RTLE only, duration of epilepsy was negatively correlated with the anterior (r = -0.395, p < 0.05) and mesial (r = -0.45, p < 0.05) temporal lobe AI. No correlations were found between clinical variables and AIs in left TLE (LTLE) patients. CONCLUSIONS: Significant correlation of age at onset and duration of epilepsy with AIs in RTLE but not LTLE suggests physiologic processes may be determined in part by laterality of TLE. Clinical applications are problematic.  相似文献   

Lee SK  Lee SH  Kim SK  Lee DS  Kim H 《Epilepsia》2000,41(8):955-962
PURPOSE: To analyze the relationship between ictal electroencephalography (EEG) and ictal single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and to evaluate the diagnostic usefulness of ictal SPECT as an independent presurgical evaluation technique. METHODS: Sixty-eight patients with temporal lobe epilepsy who underwent temporal lobectomy with good surgical outcome were included in this study. Ictal SPECT was performed during video-EEG monitoring. The ictal EEG was analyzed in 5-second intervals from the initiation of the ictal rhythm. Lateralized EEG dominance was determined by the amplitude, frequency, or regional patterns of ictal rhythm for each 5-second interval. The total ictal EEG was divided into three periods: preinjection (maximum, 30 seconds), the initial part of the postinjection period (30 seconds), and the latter part of the postinjection period (30 to 60 seconds). The results of ictal SPECT were compared with the lateralized EEG dominance of each period and at seizure onset. RESULTS: Fifty-four of 68 ictal EEGs correctly lateralized seizure focus ipsilateral to the side of surgery. Ictal SPECT correctly lateralized the epileptogenic temporal lobe in 61 of 68 patients (mean injection time, 29.8 seconds from onset). Multivariate analysis indicated that only the EEG dominance of the preejection period correlated significantly with the concordant hyperperfusion of ictal SPECT. Correct lateralization of ictal SPECT occurred in 10 of 14 patients with nonlateralized ictal EEG. CONCLUSIONS: Preinjection neuronal activity seems to be important for the accurate interpretation of the hyperperfused patterns of ictal SPECT. Ictal SPECT is an independent and confirmatory presurgical evaluation technique.  相似文献   

We present the results of single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in 40 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and normal computed transmission tomography (CT). Abnormalities of regional cerebral blood flow were found in 26 patients. There was focal hypoperfusion alone in 14, focal hyperperfusion alone in 6, and both types of abnormality in 6. In 4 patients there were bilateral abnormalities. Repeat SPECT showed persistence of interictal hyperperfusion in 5/12 patients. There were no significant correlations between SPECT findings and clinical parameters, and no relation between the persistence of interictal hyperperfusion and time since last seizure or seizure frequency. Where SPECT and multiple surface EEG recordings were both lateralising, agreement between them was good. The results of this study support the usefulness of HMPAO SPECT in detecting lateralising abnormalities in temporal lobe epilepsy. Interictal hyperperfusion may be commoner than previous publications suggest, and may be persistent in some cases.  相似文献   

Purpose: Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is usually associated with automatisms. Hyperkinetic seizures are supposed to be unusual. Because we witnessed several patients with TLE and ictal hyperkinetic symptoms, we retrospectively assessed the number, clinical findings, and seizure outcome in such patients who had undergone temporal lobe resection. Methods: We reviewed medical history, video–electroencephalography (EEG) recording and neuroimaging of adult patients who underwent epilepsy surgery for TLE at the Kork Epilepsy Center over the last 20 years with a minimum postoperative follow‐up of 12 months. Key Findings: Among 294 patients who were resected exclusively in the temporal region, we identified 17 (6%) who presented with hyperkinetic semiology such as violent vocalization, complex movements of the proximal segments of the limbs, rotation of the trunk, pelvic thrusting, or early tonic or dystonic posturing. Most of the patients had a preceding aura. Ictal EEG activity was located in the corresponding temporal region, usually with a wide distribution over temporal electrodes with fast spread to unilateral frontal electrodes and to the contralateral side. Neuroimaging revealed extended lesions in the temporal lobe involving mesial and neocortical structures. Most of the patients underwent classical anterior temporal lobe resection including amygdalo‐hippocampectomy. Fourteen patients (82%) became completely seizure‐free (Engel class Ia). Histopathology showed mainly focal cortical dysplasia plus hippocampal sclerosis. Significance: Hyperkinetic seizure semiology may occasionally occur in patients with TLE and is, therefore, no contradiction to the hypothesis of TLE if scalp EEG patterns and neuroimaging findings correspond. The postoperative seizure outcome is favorable in such patients and not different from outcome data in classical TLE.  相似文献   

目的探讨颞叶癫痫海马硬化的临床特点及手术治疗的效果。方法伴海马硬化的颞叶癫痫患者18例,其中男10例,女8例;年龄12~37岁,病程3~10年。癫痫复杂部分性发作10例,部分性发作继发全身性发作2例,全身强直-痉挛性发作6例。结合患者的临床表现、MRI检查和视频脑电图(V-EEG)监测结果,对这18例患者行前颞叶切除术(包括大部分海马和杏仁核)。结果所有患者术中皮层和深部电极脑电图均发现颞叶皮层海马、杏仁核有异常放电,术后病理检查均证实海马硬化的诊断。术后18例患者均出现发热,但经过抗炎、腰椎穿刺及支持治疗后渐好转。术后1年以上的随访发现16例癫痫发作完全消失,2例术后较术前显著改善,仅偶有癫痫发作,但均长期服用抗癫痫药物。结论对于颞叶癫痫伴有海马硬化的患者,如果同时脑电图又发现有同侧颞叶痫样放电,则可以考虑行该侧前颞叶切除术(包括大部分海马和杏仁核),若手术切除彻底,其术后疗效也较满意。  相似文献   

Seizure outcome in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy related to hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE-HS) that was evaluated according to a noninvasive protocol was assessed in 165 patients and reported using both Engel's and ILAE classifications. The mean postoperative follow-up was 5.0 +/- 2.7 years. At the end of first year, 77.1% of patients were in Engel-I, and 52.7% were in ILAE-I. Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) were discontinued in 41 patients (42.7%), all remained seizure-free for >or= 2 years that could be accepted as "cure." Thirty-six patients had recurrences, 19 had running-down phenomena. Anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL) was performed in 27 patients with a better outcome when compared to patients operated by selective anterior hippocampectomy. Clinical risk factors for better and worse outcome, which show some similarity in different reports, seem to veil the main reason, which is the accurate delineation of epileptogenic zone considering the presence of different subgroups and underlying developmental pathologies.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study examined the association of depression with laterality of epilepsy surgery in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy before standard lobectomy. METHODS: Forty-nine patients presented for EEG telemetry for localization of epilepsy and eventual temporal lobectomy. Patients underwent routine neuropsychiatric evaluation blinded for epileptic focus, including ratings on depression. Patients were grouped according to right (n = 25, M = 10/F = 15) and left (n = 24, M = 13/F = 11) temporal lobectomy. Analysis of variance included side of surgery as grouping variable and sex, general depressive, cognitive depressive, and vegetative depressive symptoms as dependent variables. Chi2 analyses included categoric variables of sex, handedness, education, neuropathologic findings, and current affective disorders. t Tests were performed on variables of age, epilepsy duration, and cognitive function. RESULTS: Right and left temporal epilepsy groups did not differ with regard to sex, handedness, age, duration of epilepsy, education, cognitive function, and neuropathology. Patients with right temporal epilepsy rated higher on general, cognitive. and vegetative depression scores. Women scored higher on general, cognitive, and vegetative depression scores. Current affective disorders were more common in the right temporal epilepsy group. CONCLUSIONS: Depression ratings and diagnoses were more prominent in patients with right temporal lobe epilepsy and in women in particular. The strength of this laterality finding lies in the selection of patients, as all underwent epilepsy surgery. The finding on gender difference partly reflects the higher incidence of depression in women and needs further exploration. The laterality finding contrasts with recent findings in epilepsy, stroke, and trauma that associate depression with left hemispheric lesions. However, our results are consistent with findings in electrically hyperactive lesions such as gelastic and dacrystic epilepsy.  相似文献   

We examined the performance of 21 patients with unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and hippocampal damage (10 lefts, and 11 rights) and 10 age-matched controls on the recognition and identification (name and occupation) of well-known faces. Famous face stimuli were selected from four time periods; 1970s, 1980s, 1990-1994, and 1995-1996. Differential patterns of performance were observed for the left and right TLE group across distinct face processing components. The left TLE group showed a selective impairment in naming famous faces while they performed similar to the controls in face recognition and semantic identification (i.e. occupation). In contrast, the right TLE group was impaired across all components of face memory; face recognition, semantic identification, and face naming. Face naming impairment in the left TLE group was characterized by a temporal gradient with better naming performance for famous faces from more distant time periods. Findings are discussed in terms of the role of the temporal lobe system for the acquisition, retention, and retrieval of face semantic networks, and the differential effects of lateralized temporal lobe lesions in this process.  相似文献   

Purpose:   To disclose clinical, electrophysiologic, and neuroradiologic factors correlated to prognosis in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE).
Methods:   One hundred thirty-six MTLE patients were studied for family history, clinical characteristics, instrumental data [electroencephalography (EEG), video-EEG, neuroimaging], and outcome. The population was divided into drug-resistant (DR: 108 patients, 79.4%) and non–drug-resistant (NDR: 28 patients, 20.6%) groups; all variables were analyzed in the two groups.
Results:   The comparison between the two groups shows a relation between resistance to therapy and febrile seizures (FS) (DR 43.5% vs. NDR 17.8%, p = 0.008), mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS) (DR 64.8% vs. NDR 32.1%, p = 0.0025), early age at seizure onset (DR 23.1% vs. NDR 3.6% p = 0.0160), and epileptiform interictal abnormalities (DR 89.7% vs. NDR 68%, p = 0.010). FS were more frequent in patients with MTS than in patients without (46.28% vs. 26.3%, p = 0.0199). Sixty-nine patients underwent surgery and 85.3% of them had a good outcome.
Conclusion:   MTLE is a heterogeneous syndrome. Establishing the factors responsible for and associated with drug resistance is important for therapeutic purposes, as prompt diagnosis of drug resistance must lead to early surgical management. This study shows that FS, MTS, early age at seizure onset, and epileptiform interictal abnormalities are negative prognostic factors and that FS are related to MTS.  相似文献   

Epilepsy surgery is a successful treatment for refractory temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Reports suggest fewer seizure-free outcomes for patients with TLE and who have a negative brain MRI (nMRI) for mesial temporal sclerosis. Data were collected prospectively from patients with nMRI who underwent temporal lobe surgery for TLE characterized by unilateral ictal temporal lobe seizure onset based on a scalp video electroencephalogram or invasive subdural electrode recordings. A total of 86 patients were followed for at least 24 months after surgery. Outcome was evaluated using the Engel classification. Seizure control was obtained by 55% (47/86) of patients (Class [CL]-I), 27% (23/86) showed significant improvement (CL-II) and 19% (16/86) were deemed surgical failures. Shorter duration of epilepsy, later onset of seizures, and ictal theta rhythm (5-7 Hz) were the most significant predictors of postoperative seizure control. Although hypometabolism on positron emission tomography scan and significant memory disparity (>2.5/8) were not significant prognosticators independently, cumulatively they were predictors for favorable outcome.  相似文献   

颞叶癫痫患者脑内细胞凋亡现象的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的探讨细胞凋亡在颞叶癫痫发病机制中的可能作用及意义。方法15例颞叶癫痫患者为我院手术的病人,选取同一时期死于非神经系统疾病的5例患者作为对照。采用TUNEL方法原位标记DNA片段,观察这15例颞叶癫痫患者手术切除的海马标本和5例死于非神经系统疾病患者的尸检的海马标本的细胞调亡现象。结果(1)TUNEL阳性细胞在海马各个部位分布不均匀,有区域性差异。(2)在海马细胞层结构中,主要分布于CA1-CA3区的腔隙分子层及齿状回颗粒细胞层外侧。(3)颞叶癫痫患者海马CA3区TUNEL阳性细胞平均百分率(51.19%)与死于非神经系统疾病患者的(15.8%)比较有极显著性差异(P<0.01),且与癫痫发作的病程、年龄及发作频率无关。结论细胞凋亡参与颞叶癫痫的发病过程,但可能并非其发病的特异性因素。  相似文献   

Erickson JC  Clapp LE  Ford G  Jabbari B 《Epilepsia》2006,47(1):202-206
PURPOSE: To determine the prevalence, manifestations, lateralizing value, and surgical prognostic value of somatosensory auras (SSAs) in patients with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). METHODS: Eighty-one consecutive patients undergoing temporal lobectomy for refractory complex-partial seizures were screened for SSAs. The characteristics of the somatosensory phenomena, occurrence of other aura types, seizure semiology, findings of EEG and imaging studies, temporal lobe neuropathology, and postoperative seizure outcome were determined in each patient with SSAs. RESULTS: Nine (11%) of 81 patients with refractory temporal lobe seizures reported distinct SSAs as part of their habitual seizures. The most common manifestation of SSAs was tingling (eight of nine, 89%), but sensory loss (one of nine, 11%) and pain (one of nine, 11%) also were reported. Five patients had unilateral somatosensory symptoms, and four patients had bilateral somatosensory symptoms. Seizure origin was in the contralateral temporal lobe in four (80%) of five patients with unilateral SSAs, including all patients with unilateral SSAs affecting a limb. Partial temporal lobe resection produced complete seizure remission in all nine (100%) patients 1 year after surgery and in seven (78%) of nine patients 2 years after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: SSAs occur more frequently than previously appreciated in patients with refractory temporal lobe seizures and usually manifest as either unilateral or bilateral tingling. In patients with temporal lobe seizures, unilateral SSAs involving a limb suggest a seizure origin in the contralateral temporal lobe. The surgical outcome of TLE patients with SSAs is favorable. Thus the presence of SSAs should not serve as a deterrent to temporal lobe resection in patients with clearly defined TLE.  相似文献   

Purpose: A variety of drugs have been used to activate and identify the epileptogenic area in patients during presurgical evaluation. We have evaluated the safety and usefulness of etomidate in identifying the epileptic zone by measuring bioelectrical brain activity and cerebral blood flow (CBF). Methods: We studied 13 men and 9 women under presurgical evaluation for temporal lobe epilepsy. We applied etomidate (0.1 mg/kg) while patients were monitored by video‐electroencephalography (VEEG) with foramen ovale electrodes. In a subset of 15 patients, we also measured CBF with single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Results: (1) Etomidate induced seizures in 2 of 22 patients. (2) The main side‐effects observed were myoclonus (14 of 20) and moderate pain (3 of 20). (3) No changes in capillary oxygen saturation, respiration, or heart rate were observed. (4) Irritative activity specifically increased in the temporal mesial and lateral areas. No spikes were observed in other areas, aside from those observed under baseline conditions. (5) Irritative activity induced by etomidate correctly lateralized the ictal onset zone in 19 of 20 patients. In addition, the two etomidate‐induced seizures appeared in the same regions as spontaneous ones. (6) The kinetics of pharmacologically induced activity was higher in the region of the ictal‐onset zone. (7) Etomidate increased the CBF in the basal ganglia and especially in the posterior hippocampus of the temporal mesial region contralateral to the ictal‐onset zone. Discussion: Etomidate activation is a safe, specific, and quick test that can be used to identify the epileptic region in patients evaluated as candidates for temporal lobe epilepsy surgery.  相似文献   

Epilepsy is characterized by spontaneous recurrent seizures and temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common serious neurological example of acquired and frequent epilepsy. Oxidative stress is recognized as playing a contributing role in several neurological disorders, and most recently have been implicated in acquired epilepsies. The MTs occur in several brain regions and may serve as neuroprotective proteins against reactive oxygen species causing oxidative damage and stress. The main aim of this work was to describe the immunohistochemical localization of MT in the specimens derived from the patients affected by TLE. Histopathological examination showed NeuN, GFAP and MT immunopositive cells that were analyzed for determinate in hippocampal and parietal cortex samples. An increase in the reactive gliosis associated with increased MT expression was observed in patients with TLE.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Depression is common in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and after temporal lobectomy, and its etiology is obscure. In nonepileptic depression (including depression associated with other neurologic disorders), a consistent PET imaging finding is frontal lobe hypometabolism. Many TLE patients have hypometabolism involving frontal regions. Thus in data available from routine clinical assessments in an epilepsy surgery unit, we tested the hypothesis that the pattern of hypometabolism, particularly in the frontal lobe, may be associated with the depression seen in patients with TLE and TLE surgery. METHODS: We studied 23 medically refractory TLE patients who underwent anterior temporal lobectomy and who had preoperative FDG-PET scanning. All patients had pre- and postoperative psychiatric assessment. By using statistical parametric mapping (SPM-99), patterns of hypometabolism were compared between patients who had a preoperative history of depression (n=9) versus those who did not (n=14) and between those in whom postoperative depression developed (n=13) versus those in whom it did not (n=10). A significant region of hypometabolism was set at p<0.001 for a cluster of >or=20 contiguous voxels. RESULTS: Patients with a history of depression at any time preoperatively showed focal hypometabolism in ipsilateral orbitofrontal cortex compared with those who did not (t=4.64; p<0.001). Patients in whom depression developed postoperatively also showed hypometabolism in the ipsilateral orbitofrontal region (t=5.10; p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Although this study is methodologically limited, and other explanations merit consideration, orbitofrontal cortex dysfunction, already implicated in the pathophysiology of nonepileptic depression, may also be relevant to the depression of TLE and temporal lobectomy.  相似文献   

Helmstaedter C  Petzold I  Bien CG 《Epilepsia》2011,52(8):1402-1408
Purpose: Because more selective and individual versus extended standard surgery in the treatment of epilepsy appears to result in similar seizure outcomes, the issue of sparing nonlesional and hypothetically still‐functioning tissues has become a central topic in epilepsy surgery. Within this framework we hypothesized that surgery in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)‐ and histopathologically negative patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) may serve as a proof of principle about the negative cognitive consequences of resecting nonlesional tissue. Methods: Verbal and figural memory outcomes after temporal lobe surgery in 15 MRI‐ and histopathologically negative patients (MRH−) were compared to those obtained in 15 MRI‐ and histopathologically positive patients (MRH+). In the MRH− group, 53% were male, 66% were resected on the left side, 13% underwent selective amygdalohippocampectomy, and 20% became seizure‐free. MRH+ patients were selected from >1,000 TLE patients, and provided matched pairs in regard to chronological age, sex, IQ, attention performance, onset of epilepsy, side and type of surgery, age at surgery, and seizure outcome. Individual and combined standardized scores for verbal/figural memory were evaluated. Key findings: Preoperatively, memory was significantly better and less frequently impaired in MRH− as opposed to MRH+ patients. Postoperatively, memory losses in MRH− were more severe as opposed to MRH+ patients who did not change, on average. Losses in individual test parameters were seen in between 27% and 80% in MRH− patients as compared to between 13% and 47% in MRH+ patients. After surgery, outcomes for both groups were at comparably poor performance levels. Significance: Preoperative group differences in memory and the finding that, after surgery, both groups had comparably poor performance levels indicate a major relevance of morphologic structural lesions for memory impairment in TLE. The findings in particular confirm the negative impact of the resection of nonlesional functional tissue for cognitive surgical outcome. Absence of MRI lesion and unimpaired memory appear as significant risk factors for postoperative memory loss in temporal lobe surgery.  相似文献   

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