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BACKGROUND: The question is investigated whether atypical depressive symptoms such as irritability, anger attacks, aggressiveness or abusive behavior, which are hypothesized to indicate a hypothetical male depressive syndrome are more prevalent in male than in female inpatients with unipolar major depression. METHODS: Data were obtained from 2411 patients who had been consecutively admitted to the Department of Psychiatry of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich. Psychopathological symptoms had been assessed by a standardized documentation system (AMDP). RESULTS: Neither frequency nor mean scores of most of the symptoms describing a male depressive syndrome differed between males and females. There were no gender differences in symptoms with respect to severity of depression, first hospitalization and duration of illness. However, gender differences emerged when regarding symptom patterns by factor analysis. Limitations: Only inpatients were studied, and comorbidity was not considered. CONCLUSIONS: The hypothesis of a male depressive syndrome needs further research, focusing on the gradual development of (masked) depression by men in mainly non-clinical samples.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Several studies have reported an observed relationship between a behaviorally inhibited temperament early in life and subsequent clinical anxiety, but few have explored the relationship between early inhibition and depression. METHODS: In a cross-sectional survey of non-clinical adults we examined the relationship between retrospectively reported childhood behavioral inhibition and lifetime depression. We then examined the mediating role of social anxiety and childhood relational stress factors. RESULTS: Subjects who qualified for a lifetime episode of depression also reported significantly more childhood inhibition, particularly if they had a juvenile onset depression (i.e., by age 16). Further analyses revealed that social anxiety mediated the link between reported childhood inhibition and later depression, and highlighted the additional meditating effect of parental influences. CONCLUSION: Any relationship between an early inhibited temperament and later depression, may in fact be dependent upon the presence of clinically meaningful social anxiety.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous research has suggested an interaction between distress and male fertility. The present longitudinal study sought to deliver evidence for a negative impact of distress due to infertility on sperm concentration. METHODS: The sample consisted of 120 patients who twice visited an andrological clinic on their own initiative for fertility work-ups. Baseline and follow-up examinations were at least 6 months apart. Prior to each fertility work-up, patients completed a questionnaire assessing distress due to infertility. RESULTS: Path analyses revealed that the level of infertility distress at follow-up has a negative impact on the change in sperm quality from baseline to follow-up assessment. Distress scores were highly stable. As a consequence, the level of distress at baseline assessment provided only little additional information for the changes in sperm concentration. Further analysis suggested that the fertility status had no impact on infertility distress. CONCLUSION: The present study delivers the strongest evidence to date that distress due to infertility is a significant risk factor for a decrease in sperm quality.  相似文献   

Men outperform women in mental rotation by about one standard deviation. Prenatal exposure to testosterone has been suggested as one cause. In animals it has been shown that a female fetus located between two male ones is exposed to higher levels of testosterone. It is still unclear whether intra-uterine hormone transfer exists in humans. Therefore, the influence of an intra-uterine presence of a male co twin was studied in female fraternal twins (N = 200). Women with a male co-twin outperformed women with a female co-twin by about a third standard deviation. In a no-twin control group (N = 200), performance of women with a slightly older sibling did not depend upon the sibling's sex. These findings provide preliminary support for the theory of an influence of prenatal testosterone on mental rotation performance.  相似文献   

Mental health professionals' (MHPs') accuracy in assessing the risk of violence in female patients is particularly limited. Based on assessments made by 205 MHPs of 605 patients in an emergency room, this study explored potential causes of MHPs' poorer accuracy in assessing women's potential for violence. The dimensions that underlie MHPs' envisioned violence in patients were identified and were compared with those that characterized patients' reported violence during a 6-month follow-up period. There were three key findings from their study. First, violence envisioned by MHPs differed depending on their professional role and varied in its congruence with patients' reported violence. Second, patients' violence was organized by dimensions of domesticity and substance relatedness; women's violent incidents were more domestic than were men's. Third, when MHPs envisioned violence that was highly conditional on psychiatric deterioration and medication noncompliance, violence often did not occur.  相似文献   



Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a leading cause of disease burden worldwide. With the rapid growth of neuroimaging research on relatively small samples, meta-analytic techniques are becoming increasingly important. Here, we aim to clarify the support in fMRI literature for three leading neurobiological models of MDD: limbic–cortical, cortico–striatal and the default mode network.


Searches of PubMed and Web of Knowledge, and manual searches, were undertaken in early 2011. Data from 34 case-control comparisons (n=1165) and 6 treatment studies (n=105) were analysed separately with two meta-analytic methods for imaging data: Activation Likelihood Estimation and Gaussian-Process Regression.


There was broad support for limbic–cortical and cortico–striatal models in the case-control data. Evidence for the role of the default mode network was weaker. Treatment-sensitive regions were primarily in lateral frontal areas.


In any meta-analysis, the increase in the statistical power of the inference comes with the risk of aggregating heterogeneous study pools. While we believe that this wide range of paradigms allows identification of key regions of dysfunction in MDD (regardless of task), we attempted to minimise such risks by employing GPR, which models such heterogeneity.


The focus of treatment effects in frontal areas indicates that dysregulation here may represent a biomarker of treatment response. Since the dysregulation in many subcortical regions in the case-control comparisons appeared insensitive to treatment, we propose that these act as trait vulnerability markers, or perhaps treatment insensitivity. Our findings allow these models of MDD to be applied to fMRI literature with some confidence.  相似文献   

The demonstration of efficacy of two candidate malaria vaccines in children living in malaria-endemic areas, namely RTS,S from the circumsporozoite protein that reduced infection and clinical malaria in Mozambique, and an asexual blood-stage vaccine combining MSP1/MSP2/RESA that reduced parasite density in Papua New Guinea, allows one to believe that a malaria vaccine will be available for the fight against malaria in the next decade. Even if long-lasting impregnated bednets and indoor residual spraying have proven to be effective in reducing malaria transmission, these interventions may not be sufficient in the long-run since they rely on too few compounds and are, thus, vulnerable to the emergence of resistance. New tools, such as malaria vaccines, may, therefore, provide an added value to achieve the goal of local elimination and subsequent eradication of malaria. A promising candidate for that purpose would be a highly efficacious multicomponent vaccine that includes at least a sexual-stage antigen, the appropriate initial setting would be an area with low endemicity and limited population exchange, and the most suitable mode of delivery would be mass vaccination. For nonimmune populations, such as travelers visiting malaria-endemic areas, the usefulness of the first generation of malaria vaccine(s) will be limited, since the level of protection that is foreseen is unlikely to achieve that of malaria chemoprophylaxis. Only long-term travelers, expatriates and soldiers might realistically benefit from a pre-erythrocytic and/or blood-stage vaccine with an intermediate level of efficacy.  相似文献   

Depression is a common brain disorder affecting about 350 million people worldwide. Although the pharmacological treatment currently available can produce benefits in the majority of cases, residual depressive symptoms, cognitive deficits, functional impairment, and increase in frequency of relapses are frequently present in unipolar and bipolar depressed patients correctly treated. In the last years, numerous evidences have demonstrated the involvement of endocannabinoid system in the pathophysiology of mood disorders. Considering the recent findings about the antidepressant effect of palmitoylethanolamide in animal model, we have hypothesized the potential antidepressant effect of this fatty acid amide in unipolar and bipolar depressed patients.  相似文献   

This study examined the cognitive mediation of relapse prevention by cognitive therapy (CT) in a trial of 158 patients with residual depression. Scores based on agreement with item content of 5 questionnaires of depression-related cognition provided no evidence for cognitive mediation. A measure of the form of response to those questionnaires, the number of times patients used extreme response categories ("totally agree" and "totally disagree"), showed significant and substantial prediction of relapse, differential response to CT. and conformity to mediational criteria. CT reduced relapse through reductions in absolutist, dichotomous thinking style. CT may prevent relapse by training patients to change the way that they process depression-related material rather than by changing belief in depressive thought content.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: While a female preponderance in unipolar depression is a consistent finding in community-based studies, determinants remain speculative. This study aimed to examine whether a female preponderance in certain anxiety disorders drives a gender difference in depression. METHOD: The relevant data from the National Comorbidity Study (NCS) are analysed. RESULTS: We observed a biphasic pattern in the emergence of a female preponderance in the depressive and anxiety disorders, with an initial pre-pubertal or early adolescent onset, and after attenuation in early to middle adulthood, re-emergence in mid- to late-adulthood. Analyses focused on determinants of the initial female preponderance. Female gender, presence of an anxiety disorder and variable ages of onset in the anxiety disorder all contributed to the increased chance of an initial depressive episode. Some specificity in linking the onset of depressive temporally in early adolescence with two anxiety disorders was demonstrated, specifically generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder. CONCLUSIONS: The separate anxiety disorders and their age of onset had variable links with depression, but female gender remained a significant predictor of depression after accounting for the effects of prior anxiety.  相似文献   

Several previous investigations have suggested that the gene for the α7‐nicotinic receptor may play a role in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia and may be responsible for the heavy smoking among schizophrenic patients. In a study of 129 healthy controls and 127 schizophrenic, schizoaffective, and bipolar patients we have aimed 1) to confirm the potential association between schizophrenia and the α7‐nicotinic receptor, 2) to test the diagnostic specificity of α7‐receptor subunits with respect to psychiatric diagnoses, and 3) to investigate potential receptor differences between smokers and nonsmokers in the general population. Our analysis included the two dinucleotide polymorphisms D15S1360 and L76630 that are localized in a genomic fragment containing the α7‐nicotinic receptor gene CHRNA7. Highly significant differences (P < 0.0001) between the allele distributions of patients and controls were detected for these two markers with all three diagnostic subgroups contributing to the discrimination. An independently ascertained replication sample of 24 patients confirmed this finding. Our results suggested an unspecific vulnerability that depended on the severity of overall psychopathology in terms of the co‐occurrence of psychopathology with no clear‐cut boundary between the diagnostic entities. In comparison with healthy controls, this vulnerability was lowest among schizophrenics, intermediate among bipolars, and highest among schizoaffectives. As to the question of α7‐receptor differences between smokers and nonsmokers among the healthy control subjects, our analysis revealed no significant differences, thus indicating that the differences between patients and controls are more than just a smoker/nonsmoker distinction. Am. J. Med. Genet. (Neuropsychiatr. Genet.) 96:173–177, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study examined 35 mothers (29 premutation carriers) of children with fragile-X syndrome in measures of intelligence and psychiatric disorders by comparing them with two control groups: a) 30 mothers of children in the general population and b) 17 mothers of non-fra-X retarded children with autism. Premutation carriers had a higher frequency of affective disorders than mothers from the general population. Preliminary data indicate that normally intelligent premutation carriers of the fra-X genetic abnormality have a similar frequency of affective disorders (DSM-III-R criteria [APA, 1987]) than mothers of autistic children. Neither carriers of the premutation nor carriers of the full mutation in the fra-X group obtained a diagnosis of the schizophrenia-spectrum (schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, and schizoaffective disorder). Carriers of the fra-X full mutation had considerably lower IQ than carriers of the fra-X premutation. There was a negative correlation between length of CGG repeats and IQ which failed to reach significance in both groups of fra-X carriers. Psychiatric morbidity was not restricted to carriers of the fra-X full mutation only but was also present in normal intelligent premutation carriers. Furthermore the age of onset of psychiatric morbidity in both groups of mothers of fra-X children as well as the group of mothers with autistic children was much earlier than the age when mental retardation had been diagnosed in their children. Increased psychosocial burden of raising a developmentally retarded child and/or feelings of guilt of being a fra-X carrier can therefore not fully explain our findings (three-fold higher frequencies of affective disorders compared to mothers from the general population). © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, theory and research on depression have increasingly focused on the recurrent and chronic nature of the disorder. These recurrent and chronic forms of depression are extremely important to study, as they may account for the bulk of the burden associated with the disorder. Paradoxically, however, research focusing on depression as a recurrent condition has generally failed to reveal any useful early indicators of risk for recurrence. We suggest that this present impasse is due to the lack of recognition that depression can also be an acute, time-limited condition. We argue that individuals with acute, single lifetime episodes of depression have been systematically eclipsed from the research agenda, thereby effectively preventing the discovery of factors that may predict who, after experiencing a first lifetime episode of depression, goes on to have a recurrent or chronic clinical course. Greater awareness of the high prevalence of people with a single lifetime episode of depression, and the development of research designs that identify these individuals and allow comparisons with those who have recurrent forms of the disorder, could yield substantial gains in understanding the lifetime pathology of this devastating mental illness.  相似文献   

There is little doubt that women experience a heightened psychiatric morbidity compared to men. A growing body of evidence suggests that, for some women, the menopausal transition and early postmenopausal years may represent a period of vulnerability associated with an increased risk of experiencing symptoms of depression, or for the development of an episode of major depressive disorder. Recent research has begun to shed some light on potential mechanisms that influence this vulnerability. At the same time, a number of studies and clinical trials conducted over the past decade have provided important data regarding efficacy and safety of preventative measures and treatment strategies for midlife women; some of these studies have caused a shift in the current thinking of how menopausal symptoms should be appropriately managed.  相似文献   

Controversy exists about the relationship between postpartum and nonpostpartum depression in both research and practice. While some researchers argue that these diagnoses cannot be differentiated, others insist that postpartum depression is distinct. The construct validity of the diagnosis “postpartum depression” is evaluated by critically reviewing the empirical evidence regarding prevalence, symptomatology, course, duration, relapse, and etiology. The literature suggests that women are at elevated risk for depression in the postpartum period. However, postpartum depressive episodes tend to be mild and to resolve quickly, which suggests that postpartum depression is best conceptualized as an adjustment disorder. Etiologically, postpartum depression is related to the same variables that predict nonpostpartum depression. These findings suggest that postpartum depression does not differ qualitatively from nonpostpartum depression. The implications of this conclusion for research and treatment are considered.  相似文献   

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