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HPV vaccination of men who have sex with men (MSM) prior to the commencement of sexual activity would have the maximum impact on preventing HPV and anal cancer in this population. However, knowledge and attitudes towards HPV vaccination among very young MSM have not been previously studied.


Two hundred MSM aged 16 to 20 were recruited via community and other sources. Participants were asked about their knowledge and attitudes towards HPV and HPV vaccination.


Most (80%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 72.2–87.2%) men were not willing to purchase the vaccine because of its cost (AUD$450). However, if the vaccine was offered to MSM free of charge, 86% (95% CI: 80–90%) reported they would be willing to disclose their sexuality to a health care provider in order to obtain the vaccine. Over half (54%, 95%: 47–61%) of men would only be willing to disclose their sexuality to receive the HPV vaccine after their first experience of anal intercourse. The age at first insertive anal intercourse and the age at first receptive anal intercourse were 0.21 (IQR: −2.5 to 3.2) and 0.17 (IQR: −2.9 to 2.7) years earlier than the age that men would be willing to disclose their sexuality to receive the HPV vaccine, respectively. Willingness to receive the vaccine at a younger age was associated with younger age at first insertive anal intercourse.


Overall, very young MSM expressed high acceptance of HPV vaccination. Early, opportunistic vaccination of very young MSM may be feasible in settings where very young MSM have not been vaccinated through universal programs targeting school aged males. However, given HPV infections occur early on, the effectiveness of this approach will be less than vaccination targeting school aged boys.  相似文献   

MSM是HPV感染与相关疾病发生的高危人群,四价和九价HPV疫苗能够为MSM提供有效的保护。本文综述了为MSM提供HPV疫苗接种的重要性,综合了关于MSM接种HPV疫苗的依据并提出建议:我国应加快HPV疫苗在男性中使用的适应症研究及审批;尽快为HIV阳性的MSM接种HPV疫苗;优先为 ≤ 26岁MSM接种HPV疫苗;在HPV疫苗资源充分的情况下,为>26岁的MSM进行补接种或机会性接种。采用这种接种策略能够为MSM提供保护,控制性病和艾滋病的传播。  相似文献   

目的了解山东省男男性接触者艾滋病防治相关知识、态度和行为状况,为制定艾滋病防治政策提供科学依据。方法采用滚雪球法或方便样本法,在全省8个城市使用统一设计的调查问卷对男男性接触者进行面对面调查,并采集静脉血标本。结果共调查1617名男男性接触者,平均年龄为26岁,已婚占71.9%,大学以上文化程度占58.6%,青年学生占25.3%。艾滋病防治相关知识全部回答正确率较低,为28.2%;发生高危性行为的比例较高,安全套使用率低于50%;检出HIV抗体阳性18例,感染率1.3%。结论山东省男男性接触者人群中存在着艾滋病流行,并有向一般人群蔓延的潜在危险。因此,应进一步加强该类人群艾滋病防治相关知识的宣传教育和安全套推广使用工作,以提高他们的艾滋病防治知识知晓率和自我防护意识。  相似文献   

目的:了解乌鲁木齐市MSM肛门HPV16型和18型的感染和自然清除情况。方法:采用动态队列研究的方法,按照队列研究样本量计算公式以HPV16型新发感染率估计样本量为712人。依托乌鲁木齐市MSM社会组织用滚雪球方式招募MSM 810名,每6个月随访1次。采集肛门脱落细胞分析HPV16型和18型感染率,利用Poissio...  相似文献   

目的:分析台州市男男性行为者(MSM)中HIV阴性者和HIV感染者中新型毒品使用与肛管人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染的相关性。方法:采用横断面调查方法,分别于2016年8月至2017年10月在台州市4个区(县)CDC自愿咨询检测门诊采用方便抽样招募HIV阴性MSM、2016年8月至2019年6月招募台州市随访管理的HIV感...  相似文献   

Thomas EA  Goldstone SE 《Vaccine》2011,29(3):570-576
Prior to FDA licensure in men, a surgical practice (SG) offered the quadrivalent HPV vaccine (qHPV) off-label to men who have sex with men (MSM). We administered a written or telephone survey to MSM to elicit drivers and barriers to vaccination, sexual behavior changes post-vaccination, and knowledge. 191 subjects enrolled: 68 refused qHPV, 71 received qHPV <1 year ago, and 52 received qHPV >1 year ago. History of HPV infection (86%, n = 164) and level of HPV and qHPV knowledge were high, with a mean of 10.8 of 13 knowledge questions correct. Ninety-seven percent of participants understood that qHPV does not cure present infection or disease. MSM refused qHPV for reasons including cost and not FDA approved; prevention of future HPV infection was the paramount driver for immunization. Vaccination did not affect sexual behavior.  相似文献   

男男性行为者抑郁症状的发生率较高,国内外对抑郁症状相关因素的研究主要关注男男性行为者性取向、HIV感染、性行为特征,非自愿性行为/童年期性虐待、社会支持等方面.不同研究报道的抑郁症状发生率变异范围较大,可能与抑郁症状评定工具、研究对象的情况及抽样方法有关.本文对男男性行为者抑郁症状及其影响因素的研究进行综述,为深入研究男男性行为者抑郁症状提供线索和依据.  相似文献   

Weerakoon AP  Chen MY  Read TR  Bradshaw C  Fairley CK 《Vaccine》2012,30(23):3430-3434


Epidemics of hepatitis A among men who have sex with men (MSM) have decreased significantly in recent years although the level of immunity that is required to prevent epidemics has not been studied. Our aim was to determine the level of immunity to hepatitis A among MSM.


This was a retrospective study conducted using notifications of Hepatitis A in Victoria from 1991 to 2010, serological testing for hepatitis A among MSM attending Melbourne Sexual Health Centre (MSHC), and vaccination records among MSM attending MSHC.


Hepatitis A notifications declined from 370 to 47 and the male to female ratio declined from 4.2 to 0.9 in Victoria between1991 to 2010. Between 2002 and 2011, there were 12,064 individuals MSM seen at MSHC of whom 3055 (25%) were tested for hepatitis A antibodies and 1180 (39%) had antibodies. The proportion of MSM who were tested for hepatitis A rose significantly over time (P < 0.01), but the proportion of these with hepatitis A antibodies did not (P = 0.28). Hepatitis A antibodies were more common in MSM over 30 (54%) compared to those 30 or less (32%), (Crude Odds Ratio 2.5 (95% confidence interval 2.1–2.9)) and were uncommon in MSM under 20 (19%). Vaccination against hepatitis A was recorded in 49% of 660 clinical files of MSM who attended the centre between 2003 and 2011 and did not change over time (P = 0.42) but was significantly more common in those over 30 years of age (P < 0.005).


Hepatitis A is rare in MSM in Victoria where levels of immunity are about 40–50%. As outbreaks have occurred when levels of immunity were around 30%, maintaining vaccination levels over 40–50% is important if outbreaks are to be prevented. The lower levels of immunity in younger MSM create the potential for outbreaks in this sub-group.  相似文献   

/茶吧(AOR=1.6,95%CI∶1.0~2.6)、首次性行为年龄大(AOR=0.6,95%CI∶0.4~0.8)、未卖性(AOR=0.5,95%CI∶0.3~1.0)以及HIV感染(AOR=1.7,95%CI∶1.1~2.7).结论 重庆市MSM/W人群HIV感染率较高,存在高危行为,该人群可能在MSM和异性性伴之间起着传播HIV的潜在桥梁作用,可能使HIV从高危人群向一般人群扩散.  相似文献   

男男性行为者(MSM)已成为我国HIV感染率上升最快的人群.安全套作为阻断艾滋病传播的重要手段,在MSM不同亚人群(使用互联网和出入场所)中的使用情况尚不清楚.互联网已经成为MSM沟通的重要平台;也成为中国MSM寻找性伴的重要场所之一[1].MSM目标人群隐蔽、难以招募的特点使得单纯通过活动现场招募存在偏性,探索利用互联网开展MSM的相关行为调查的可行性.  相似文献   

大学生男男性行为人群急速增加,男男性行为人群已成为艾滋病传播的纽带人群,学生男男性行为的人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染增加表现出明显的趋势,对大学生男男性行为人群中HIV传播因素进行分析,为更好的开展学生艾滋病预防和控制提供重要依据。  相似文献   

BackgroundWe investigated the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a targeted human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination program for young (15–26) men who have sex with men (MSM).MethodsWe developed a compartmental model to project HPV epidemic trajectories in MSM for three vaccination scenarios: a boys program, a targeted program for young MSM only and the combination of the two over 2017–2036. We assessed the gain in quality-adjusted-life-years (QALY) in 190,000 Australian MSM.ResultsA targeted program for young MSM only that achieved 20% coverage per year, without a boys program, will prevent 49,283 (31,253–71,500) cases of anogenital warts, 191 (88–319) person-years living with anal cancer through 2017–2036 but will only stablise anal cancer incidence. In contrast, a boys program will prevent 82,056 (52,100–117,164) cases of anogenital warts, 447 (204–725) person-years living with anal cancers through 2017–2036 and see major declines in anal cancer. This can reduce 90% low- and high-risk HPV in young MSM by 2024 and 2032, respectively, but will require vaccinating ≥84% of boys. Adding a targeted program for young MSM to an existing boys program would prevent an additional 14,912 (8479–21,803) anogenital wart and 91 (42–152) person-years living with anal cancer. In combination with a boys’ program, a catch-up program for young MSM will cost an additional $AUD 6788 ($4628–11,989) per QALY gained, but delaying its implementation reduced its cost-effectiveness.ConclusionsA boys program that achieved coverage of about 84% will result in a 90% reduction in HPV. A targeted program for young MSM is cost-effective if timely implemented.  相似文献   

目的了解承德市男男性行为者(MSM)群体的艾滋病/性传播疾病(AIDS/STD)感染状况。为在该人群中提供预防干预服务提供依据。方法以2011年1月—2012年12月到承德市疾病预防控制中心接受自愿咨询检测的MSM为调查对象,采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)进行人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)抗体初筛检测,初筛阳性样本采用免疫印迹法(WB)进行确证检测。采用快速血浆反应素环状卡片试验(RPR)、梅毒螺旋体明胶颗粒凝集试验(TPPA)检测梅毒螺旋体。结果共检测各种文化层次MSM260人,平均年龄33岁,未婚者占83.85%。HIV抗体阳性27例,感染率为10.38%(27/260);梅毒阳性21例,感染率8.08%(21/260)。结论MSM人群HIV和梅毒感染率较高,是AIDS/STD传播的桥梁人群,应加大在此人群中的HIV预防控制的各项干预措施。  相似文献   

目的了解浙江省"全国男男性行为人群艾滋病综合防治试点"项目艾滋病预防干预效果,为寻找和完善男男性行为人群(MSM)艾滋病预防干预方法提供依据。方法在接受项目调查的MSM中,通过问卷中设置的变量挑选出先后接受过第一、二轮和第二、三轮调查的MSM(项目调查分三轮),并通过ID编号实现自身对照,比较干预前后MSM艾滋病/性病感染、行为、知识等情况,综合分析预防干预效果。结果接受第一、二轮调查的157名MSM中,最近6个月:6.25%的人出现性病症状(P<0.05),分别有2.55%、5.04%的人HIV抗体、梅毒抗体发生阳转(梅毒抗体阳转P<0.05)。接受第二、三轮调查的83名MSM中,最近6个月:15.07%的人发生性病症状(P<0.05),分别有1.23%、5.41%的人发生HIV抗体、梅毒抗体阳转。结论试点项目MSM艾滋病干预效果有待提高,有效的干预方法尚待进一步探索和完善。  相似文献   

目的 了解广西省南宁市男男性接触者(MSM)艾滋病知识、行为的情况,以便进一步做好MSM人群的艾滋病、性病防治工作.方法 通过网络宣传及朋友介绍等方式动员,由疾病预防控制中心专业人员询问情况后由MSM当场填写,当场收回问卷.结果 共调查MSM 185人,艾滋病三大传播途径知晓率92.86%,总体知识知晓率为77.68%,对"在性行为前后服用抗生素是否可以预防性病"回答正确率最低仅33.51%;MSM人群安全套使用率较低,特别是口交中每次使用安全套的只有10.69%.结论 MSM对艾滋病核心知识知晓率较高,对部分相关知识知晓率较低,知识与行为存在明显不一致的情况,应加强南宁市MSM人群的艾滋病、性病健康促进工作.  相似文献   

目的  了解长沙市男男性行为人群(men who have sex with men,MSM)艾滋病知识知晓情况、性行为特征。 方法  基于长沙市青彩防艾志愿服务中心和中大阳光社工服务中心招募志愿者,采取滚雪球抽样法通过匿名填写问卷调查长沙市MSM人群,采用SPSS 19.0软件进行统计分析。 结果  本次研究共调查150例MSM人群,艾滋病基本知识知晓率为86.0%(129/150)。人口学特征方面,不同年龄、学历、收入人群艾滋病知识知晓率差异有统计学意义,年龄越大、学历越高、收入越高知晓率越高。性行为方面,首次发生插入性男男性交年龄<18岁的占32.7%,≥ 18岁组艾滋病知识知晓率明显高于<18岁组(χ2=4.315,P=0.038),过去6个月的性伴侣数>1个的占46.7%,半年内仅偶尔或从未使用安全套的分别为29.3%和6.7%。 结论  年龄较小,学历较低和月收入较低的长沙市MSM人群艾滋病知识知晓率相对较低,首次性交年龄低龄化,应针对这些特征的MSM人群及时采取措施,进行高危性行为干预。  相似文献   

目的了解男男性行为人群(MSM)梅毒预防知识知晓情况及其性行为,分析梅毒预防知识知晓情况对危险性行为的影响。方法使用结构性问卷,对抽选的深圳市MSM聚集场所内符合入选标准的MSM进行面对面调查。结果本次调查共招募MSM 354例,梅毒预防知识知晓率为81.1%。近6个月,77.4%MSM与男性发生过肛交性行为,29.1%与女性发生过性行为;在有肛交性行为的MSM中,60.6%每次都用安全套;在有女性性行为的MSM中,28.2%每次都用安全套。Logistic回归分析结果显示,MSM人群的梅毒预防知识知晓情况与上述性行为是否发生均无关。结论 MSM人群的梅毒预防知识知晓率低于国家2015年的目标;在MSM人群中加强梅毒防治,不仅需要通过宣传教育提高知识知晓率,更重要是采取有效的干预措施减少该人群的无保护性行为。  相似文献   

目的了解辽宁省大、中城市男男性接触者(MSM)的HIV感染现状及其二代传播风险,为艾滋病防控提供参考信息。方法于2008年4-6月对辽宁省6个大中城市的MSM进行横断面调查,通过访谈式问卷调查MSM人群的高危行为等特征,采集静脉血检测HIV-1和梅毒螺旋体抗体。结果 2 074名MSM参加了调查,HIV和梅毒的感染率分别为4.8%(100/2 074)和8.9%(184/2 074);过去6个月中,其平均男性性伴数为5.8人,与固定性伴、商业性伴和偶遇性伴的安全套使用率依次为43.3%(899/2 074)、65.0%(286/440)和68.5%(1 421/2 074);51.6%(1071/2 074)的MSM曾与女性发生过性行为,其中与女性性伴最近一次性行为中安全套使用率为50.3%(294/585);多因素Logistic回归分析结果表明,梅毒感染(OR=4.6,95%CI=2.3~9.2)、被动肛交偶尔使用安全套(OR=2.8,95%CI=1.4~5.5)、最近6个月男性性伴数≥10个(OR=2.0,95%CI=1.0~3.8)和学历低(OR=1.8,95%CI=1.0~3.3)为HIV感染的独立...  相似文献   

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