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目的:翻译27项自我照护依赖评估量表(SCDEF?27),并对中文版SCDEF?27在老年人群中的信效度进行检验.方法:采取Beaton六步法对SCDEF?27进行翻译、文化调适等,使用便利取样法选取社区内居住、符合纳入标准的老年人进行问卷调查.结果:中文版SCDEF?27条目水平的内容效度为0.80~1.00,量表水...  相似文献   

阐述失能、长期照护的概念,综述国内外失能老年人长期照护的研究现状。指出伴随着我国人口老龄化进程,失能老年人口规模扩大,失能老年人的长期照护问题越来越严峻,建议应建立"医养康护相结合"养老照护模式,建立长期照护保险制度,夯实多元筹资机制,加强养老行业监管和人才队伍建设。  相似文献   

目的:验证精神幸福感指数量表(Spirituality Index of Well-Being,SIWB)在中国社区老年人群体中应用的信度与效度,为研究我国老年人的精神幸福感提供可靠测量工具.方法:对60岁以上的557名社区老年人进行问卷调查,检验中文版SIWB的信度与效度.结果:中文版SIWB的Cronbach's?...  相似文献   

韩明华  张萍  李蕾  刘化侠 《护理研究》2009,23(34):3119-3122
[目的]检验脑卒中照顾者照护结局量表(BCOS)中文版的信度和效度.[方法]引进并翻译BCOS英文版,使用BCOS中文版对147位脑卒中主要照护者进行评估.[结果] BCOS总的Cronbach's α系数为0.857,重测信度总的相关系数为0.878(P<0.001).内容效度指数为0.968.经分析得到4个公因子,累积方差贡献率为64.180%.BCOS与脑卒中照顾者压力量表中文版呈负相关(r=-0.319,P<0.01),证实了其效标关联效度.[结论] BCOS中文版具有良好的信度和效度,可行性高,可用于脑卒中主要照顾者照顾负担的测评.  相似文献   

韩明华  张萍  李蕾  刘化侠 《护理研究》2009,(12):3119-3122
[目的]检验脑卒中照顾者照护结局量表(BCOS)中文版的信度和效度。[方法]引进并翻译13(20S英文版,使用BCOS中文版对147位脑卒中主要照护者进行评估。[结果]BCOS总的Cronbaeh’s a系数为0.857,重测信度总的相关系数为0.878(P〈0.00])。内容效度指数为0.968。经分析得到4个公因子,累积方差贡献率为64.180%。BCOS与脑卒中照顾者压力量表中文版呈负相关(r=-0.319,P〈0.01),证实了其效标关联效度。[结论]BCOS中文版具有良好的信度和效度,可行性高,可用于脑卒中主要照顾者照顾负担的测评。  相似文献   

目的 检验中文版老年人运动功能量表在骨科门诊老年人中的信效度。 方法 采用便利取样收集 500 例年龄 ≥60 岁在骨科门诊就诊并由专家诊断患骨骼肌肉系统性疾病的老年人进行调查,通过项目分析、内部一致性、重测信度、效标关联效度、结构效度来进行信效度检验。 结果 中文版老年人运动功能量表为 25 个条目,经探索性因子分析提取 4 个公因子,累积方差贡献率为 64.26% ,与欧洲五维健康量表效标关联效度的相关系数为-0.854 。 总量表的Cronbach‘s α 为0.927 ,各因子的 Cronbach’s α 系数分别为 0.751 、 0.852 、 0.840 、 0.933 ,各条目重测信度为 0.791~0.949 。结论 中文版老年人运动功能量表具有较好的信效度,为进一步诊断运动障碍综合征提供工具,从而帮助老年人预防和治疗骨骼肌肉系统性疾病。  相似文献   

目的测评照顾者虐待老年人评估量表(中文版)的信度和效度。方法翻译国外的照顾者虐待老年人评估量表,调查广州市2所三级甲等医院老年患者的照顾者132名,并抽取其中20名进行重测。结果量表的内部一致性信度Cronbach’sα系数为0.77,重测Spearman相关系数为0.541(P〈0.05),配对t检验显示两次测量间差异无统计学意义。因子分析提取3个公因子,累计贡献率为65.471%,各项目在相应因子上有较满意的因子载荷量(〉0.4)。结论照顾者虐待老年人评估量表(中文版)的信度与效度良好,项目设置适用于初步筛查和评估老年人照顾者是否存在虐待老年人的危险倾向。  相似文献   

目的翻译中文版精简烧伤健康量表(burn specific health scale-brief,BSHS-B),并进行其信度和效度的研究。方法采用翻译并修订后的BSHS-B量表对117名烧伤患者进行调查,对测定结果进行信度和效度分析。结果 BSHS-B量表各维度Cronbachα系数为0.795~0.940,各维度的折半信度为0.690~0.901,具有良好的内部一致性;因子分析产生的6个因子功能解释总变异的76.5%,基本各条目在相应维度上有较高的因子负荷。结论中文版BSHS-B量表有较好的信度和效度,作为测量我国烧伤患者生活质量的工具是可信和有效的。  相似文献   

目的:评价中文版Ohkuma问卷调查量表在老年患者中应用的信度及效度。方法:翻译并修订Ohkuma问卷调查量表,采用中文版Ohkuma问卷调查量表对70例老年患者进行调查研究,分别使用Cronbach′s Alpha系数、Cohen′s Kappa系数和Pearson相关系数对量表的内部信度、子项的重测信度、总得分的重...  相似文献   

护士职业认同量表中文版的信度与效度研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:检验"护士职业认同量表"中文版的信度和效度。方法:将日语版的"护士职业认同量表"翻译成中文,邀请270名护士填写量表,对量表的信度和效度进行检验。结果:"护士职业认同量表"中文版总的Cronbach’sα系数为0.84,各维度的Cronbach’sα系数为0.69~0.84。各条目的内容效度均大于0.80,内容效度指数平均值为0.92。因子分析抽出7个因子,解释了方差的77%,所有条目的因子负荷均大于0.4,有2个条目的归属与日语版不同。各维度之间呈现中等强度的相关关系。结论:"护士职业认同量表"中文版具有较好的信度和效度,可用于测量我国护士职业认同的状况。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and utility of the Care Dependency Scale (CDS). This 15-item scale has been developed recently for assessing the care dependency of demented or mentally handicapped inpatients. Data for this study were collected from 153 demented and 139 mentally handicapped inpatients. The sample was measured three times. Internal consistency was determined using Cronbach's alpha and ranged from 0.95 to 0.97. Interrater reliability revealed moderate to substantial weighted Kappa statistics between 0.51 and 0.83. Test-retest reliability analysis resulted in substantial weighted Kappas between 0.66 and 0.89. Utility tests also revealed satisfactory results. The findings support the reliability and utility of the CDS.  相似文献   

In an international study, psychometric properties of the Care Dependency Scale (CDS) were examined by analysing data gathered in Dutch, Canadian, Italian and Norwegian nursing homes. For that purpose, from these countries a convenience sample was developed consisting of 525 patients with dementia. The English, Italian and Norwegian research instruments were translations of the original Dutch CDS. Psychometric evaluations of the CDS were carried out for each country separately as well as for the four countries combined. High alpha coefficients between 0.94 and 0.97 were calculated. Subsequent test-retest and inter-rater reliability revealed moderate to substantial Kappa values. Factor analysis resulted in a one-factor solution. The scalability of the CDS was demonstrated by means of Mokken scale analysis. One of the main outcomes of the cross-cultural comparison was that the findings in the four countries show more similarities than differences, so that the scale can be used appropriately in nursing home practice.  相似文献   

Aim. To refine, test and evaluate the Community Client Need Classification System (CCNCS). Background. Workload assessment in community nursing is complicated by the range of services that may be delivered in one patient interaction. The CCNCS is a workload measurement system designed to capture the direct and indirect elements of community nursing work and is suitable for use with all care groups in the community. Design. Survey. Method. Forty‐four community nurses implemented the CCNCS with all clients in their caseload for four weeks. Community nursing in the Irish Republic is known as public health nursing. The Public Health Nurses (PHNs) recorded the total time in minutes that was spent on each client each week. The satisfaction with and experiences of PHNs using the CCNCS during the study period was also recorded. Results. Participants endorsed the utility of the CCNCS for use in community nursing. Inter‐rater and intra‐rater reliability results were positive with high level of agreement between raters in relation to scoring community clients. The amount of time the PHNs spent with clients correlated with ascending level of client need. Conclusions. The CCNCS affords insight into the complex nature of community nursing. It discriminates between levels of need and has potential to provide a standardised assessment of need in all community‐nursing clients. Adequate resources are required to conduct further testing of the reliability and predictive validity of this system. Relevance to clinical practice. The CCNCS can provide objective evidence of community nursing workload and thus facilitate workforce planning.  相似文献   

Aims. This study aimed to modify the Care Dependency Scale so that it could be used for children, to apply its Arabic version to Egyptian children to test the reliability and validity of the modified scale and to compare the care dependency of disabled and non‐disabled Egyptian children. Background. A higher dependence of children in their daily tasks undoubtedly places a greater burden on their caregivers. To estimate the extent of the problem of care dependency, data from different countries and proper standard instruments are required. Method. The Care Dependency Scale was modified for children by Delphi technique. This study assessed the care dependency of non‐disabled children compared with children with physical and mental disabilities using the modified version of the Care Dependency Scale for paediatrics. The total sample included 260 Egyptian school‐age children (50·8% of whom were disabled and 49·2% were non‐disabled). Results. Reliability was examined in terms of internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha (0·91). Inter‐rater reliability revealed moderate to very good Kappa statistics between 0·57–0·89. Content validity and criterion validity were evaluated. Differences regarding care dependency were found between disabled and non‐disabled children. Conclusion. The psychometric properties of the Care Dependency Scale for paediatrics support its usefulness in measuring the care dependency of children in Egypt. This study provides an Arabic version of the Care Dependency Scale for paediatrics that is easy to administer and may be useful to measure the care dependency in various Arabic countries. Relevance to clinical practice. The findings raise concerns regarding the extent to which disabled and also non‐disabled school‐age children are care dependent leading to an increased burden of care on nurses or on caregivers in general. The Care Dependency Scale for Paediatrics can help nurses conduct an appropriate assessment of children's care dependency so that any nursing care can be planned according to the children's needs.  相似文献   

[目的]评定中文版造瘘自我护理能力评价表的信度和效度。[方法]引进Susanne等发展的造瘘病人自我护理能力评价表,由研究者使用造瘘自我护理能力评价表对造瘘病人70例进行评价,并分析量表的信效度。[结果]中文版造瘘自我护理能力评价表所有条目的内容效度指数(CVI)为0.80~1.00,平均0.92,评定者信度为0.92,具有良好的区分度。[结论]中文版造瘘自我护理能力评价表具有良好的信度和效度,本量表的引进,将有利于医护人员对造口病人的自我护理技能进行持续动态监测,并为新的干预效果提供评价工具。  相似文献   

目的:检验ICF康复量表在创伤性脊髓损伤(TSCI)人群的信效度情况。方法:采用ICF康复量表、改良Barthel指数、Berg平衡能力、SDS抑郁量表等常用量表对45个TSCI恢复期患者进行综合评估。Cronbachα系数和Spearman相关系数分别检验ICF康复量表的内部一致性信度和与其他量表的校标关联效度。结果:采用ICF康复量表评估TSCI患者最主要障碍表现在:b640性功能、b280G痛觉、b455运动和耐受能力、b710关节活动能力、b620排尿功能,S610泌尿系统的结构、S430呼吸系统的结构,d660帮助别人、d450G步行、d470利用交通工具、d230进行日常事务、d540穿着、d850有报酬的就业,e115个人日常生活用的用品和技术、e580卫生的服务、体制和政策。ICF康复量表及4个子领域Cronbachα系数分别为0.870、0.560、0.368、0.896、0.717,如删除一些条目可提升整体的内部一致性。患者在身体功能(BF)与抑郁量表分数呈高度正相关(P<0.05),活动与参与(AP)和改良Barthel指数呈高度负相关(P<0.05)。环境因素(EF)与其他量表的相关性低(P>0.05)。结论:ICF康复量表可用于评估TSCI恢复期患者的功能状况,具有可靠的内部一致性信度和较好的校标关联效度。  相似文献   

目的:评价北京市残疾人“人人享有康复服务”评价指标体系的信度和效度。方法:根据指标体系和审评细则,形成两份调查问卷。分别对康复管理人员、残疾人及其亲友进行问卷调查,同时对康复管理专家进行访谈。根据问卷调查和访谈结果对指标体系的内在信度、表面效度和内容效度进行评价。结果:将指标体系的指标分成7组,每组(项)指标的克朗巴赫α系数分别是0.7845、0.5681、0.6086、0.7567、0.6963、0.8266、0.6838,内在一致性信度可以接受。指标体系符合专家和公众的共识和认同,说明其表面效度较好。10个区县得分和排序基本反映了区县的实际康复工作情况;4个区县的残疾人调查的统计分析结果与审评细则中三类地区目标值的高低形成对应,表明指标体系和审评细则具有较好的内容效度。结论:北京市残疾人“人人享有康复服务”评价指标体系和审评细则能够反映北京市各区县康复工作的状况,具有较好的内在信度和内容效度。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨中文版Morse跌倒评估量表(MFS)在中国住院老年患者中应用的信度、效度。 方法:采用便利抽样的方法抽取3所广州市三级甲等医院2009年8月—10月住院老年患者325例,使用中文版MFS对患者进行评估,有效评估319例,使用SPSS 13.0软件分析量表的测试者间信度、内部一致性、区分效度。 结果:中文版MFS可行性好,测试者间信度Pearson相关系数0.72—0.93(P<0.01),两名测试者测试量表得分差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。区分效度方面有跌倒史组和无跌倒史组MFS总分的差异有显著性意义(P<0.01)。内部一致性Cronbach α系数为0.086,跌倒史、使用行走辅助用具、步态条目与总量表的相关系数均大于0.6,其他三个条目与总量表的相关系数较低,均在0.3以下。 结论:中文版MFS应用于我国住院老年患者具有良好的测试者间信度及区分效度,但内部一致性较低,条目的内容效度不均衡,建议对量表的条目进行修订。  相似文献   

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