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DR antigens on melanoma cells: analysis with monoclonal antibodies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two monoclonal antibodies (691-13-17 and 37-7) can precipitate DR antigens from radioiodinated, detergent solubilized melanoma cells. However, after complete depletion of lysates with one antibody (691-13-17) alpha-like chains can be still be precipitated from some melanoma cells by the other antibody (37-7). Antibody 37-7 also precipitates an additional distinct antigen from SK-MEL 37 but not from any five other melanoma cell lines.  相似文献   

Messenger RNA (mRNA) coding for a variant specific surface antigen (VSA) from Trypanosoma brucei gambiense was isolated from total trypanosomal polyribosomes by indirect immunoprecipitation. An IgG fraction of antisera to purified VSA was obtained by ion exchange chromatography and Protein A-agarose affinity chromatography. These antibodies were then subjected to affinity chromatography on a VSA-agarose column to remove non-specific IgG. Polyribosomes from the same antigenic variant of T. b. gambiense were isolated from a cell lysate and those polysomes bearing nascent VSA were bound to the IgG by gentle mixing and the complexes formed were retrieved by precipitation with fixed Staphylococcus aureus cells. The VSA-specific mRNA was separated from these complexes be dissociation of the polysomes, deproteinization, and affinity chromatography on oligo(dT)-cellulose. The mRNA isolated in this way was shown to be undergraded, active in protein synthesis and homogeneous electrophoretically. The products of the cell-free translation of this mRNA were precipitable by specific IgG but not by antiserum to heterologous VSA. The translation product was analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and gel exclusion chromatography. The molecular weight of the mRNA was measured by electron microscopy, agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Enough highly purified mRNA can be isolated in this manner to be used for hybridization analysis of the VSA gene(s).  相似文献   

An indirect solid-phase radioimmunoassay involving purified influenza haemagglutinin bound to polyvinyl microtitre plates has been used to quantitate the humoral response to influenza infection in ferrets. Sialic acid residues, present on normal ferret immunoglobulin, caused non-specific binding of immunoglobulin to the haemagglutinin, resulting in a non-linear relationship between serum dilution and primary antibody bound to antigen. Direct proportionality was achieved by removal of sialic acid residues from serum immunoglobulin or by inclusion of free sialic acid in the incubation buffer. Absolute quantitation of IgG and IgM antibodies was achieved by determining the relationship between primary antibody bound to antigen and secondary anti-immunoglobulin antibodies using 131I-IgG or -IgM and the homologous 25I-labelled monospecific antiserum. Examples of antibody quantitations in sequential post-infection sera are presented.  相似文献   

A hybridoma monoclonal anti-HLA antibody has been produced by the technique of Kobler and Milstein [1]. This antibody recognizes a new specifity common to HLA A2 and B17. It was shown to be a single antibody by isoelectric focusing and absorption experiments.  相似文献   

We have prepared 2 mouse monoclonal antibodies which react with differentiation antigens on guinea pig lymphoid cells. Monoclone 5AB2 recognizes an antigen expressed on both T and B lymphocytes and absent on macrophages. It has proven useful in the preparation of populations of antigen presenting cells which are free of T and B lymphocytes. The second monoclonal, 8BE6, is specific for peripheral T cells and 10% of thymocytes. It reacts with a 68,000 dalton molecule which is also expressed on the guinea pig B cell leukemia, EN-L2C. 8BE6 has proven to be lytic for peripheral T cells in the presence of rabbit complement and has been used to deplete T cells from heterogenous cell populations.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies (IX-IF9-D8 and IX-5H9-CI) produced to a membrane enriched fraction of Leishmania mexicana amazonensis promastigotes have been demonstrated to be specific for the promastigote (insect) form and not the amastigote (mammalian host) form of the parasite. The antigens recognized by these monoclonal antibodies are not found on amastigotes isolated from infected animals or on amastigotes isolated from a macrophage cell line J774 infected initially with promastigotes. The antigens are not re-expressed by amastigotes cultured at 34°C; however, amastigotes cultured at 24°C that have begun transformation into promastigotes do express these antigens. The level of expression of these antigens in cultures of amastigotes undergoing transformation into promastigotes, increases with time from 16 to 36 h and appears to correlate with the percentage of promastigotes. Two protein molecules with apparent molecular weights of 40 000 and 92 000 have been identified by radioimmune precipitation as associated with L. mexicana promastigote stage specific determinants.  相似文献   

Differences were observed in the pattern of the cell surface proteins of evolutive stages of Trypanosoma cruzi after radioiodination of the cells and subsequent analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Affinity chromatography revealed that surface glycoproteins also vary in the epimastigote and trypomastigote forms of the parasite. The cell surface antigens of the two forms were identified after radioiodination or biosynthetic labeling with [35S]methionine and incubation with different antisera. Both epimastigotes and trypomastigotes share two main antigens, possibly glycoproteins, of apparent molecular weight 95 000 and 80 000, respectively, which are recognized by all antisera tested. On the other hand, the trypomastigote form possesses somewhat more cell surface antigens recognized both by rabbit anti-trypomastigote and by human Chagasic sera. Sequential immunoprecipitations with heterologous and homologous antisera established that an 85 000 and some higher molecular weight antigens are specific to the trypomastigote form. Preincubation of the trypomastigotes with sera from Chagasic patients elicits a 60% inhibition of the parasite interiorization into mammalian cells in culture when compared with normal human serum or anti-epimastigote serum. This result suggests that the antigens specific to the trypomastigote form are involved in the interiorization process.  相似文献   

Newborn larvae of Trichinella spiralis were collected for 30 min from female worms in culture, incubated in vitro for various times up to 18 h, and surface-labelled with iodine. The detergent-solubilised products were examined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. At time periods up to 6 h these larvae expressed only one Mr 64 000 iodine-labelled surface protein. Some time between 6 h and 18 h a further three components (apparent Mr 58 000, 34 000 and 32 000) became accessible to surface labelling. All four of these components are antigenic in that they can be immunoprecipitated with T. spiralis immune sera. Tryptic peptide analysis revealed that the 32 and 34 kDa antigens were structurally very similar, but the 58 and 64 kDa proteins differed from each other and the 32–34 kDa pair. Thus T. spiralis not only undergoes a total change in surface antigens between moults, but also major changes in surface antigen expression within one stage.  相似文献   

The specificity of 70 monoclonal anti-Ia monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) (18 mouse allo-induced and 52 rodent anti-human) was studied with a panel of 17 HLA-deletion mutants that were derived from a single parent line and vary in expression of Ia antigens due to deletion of different subregions of HLA. MoAb binding was analyzed both by ELISA and flow microfluorometry. Characterization of the MoAbs with respect to specificity for products of subregions of a DR1-DC1-SB2 haplotype revealed great complexity. Many antibodies were quite specific for DR-linked determinants (26 MoAbs), DC-linked determinants (5 MoAbs), or determinants indistinguishable from SB (4 MoAbs). However, many MoAbs bound to products of more than one subregion: DR + SB (± weak DC) (22 MoAbs); Dr + DC (3 MoAbs); or DR + DC + SB (1 MoAb). Furthermore, a number of the MoAbs bound unequally to products of the two HLA haplotypes analyzed, particularly among those recognizing DC1-linked determinants and the murine alloinduced MoAbs. Finally, despite strong structural homologies of murine I-A to human DC and murine I-E to human DR, the intraspecies cross-reactions of MoAbs do not closely follow that pattern. These data: (1) illustrate the usefulness of HLA-deletion mutant cell lines for analysis of the specificity of MoAbs and for delineation of HLA subregions; (2) demonstrate the great diversity of MoAbs specific for class II molecules and the high frequency of MoAbs that bind to products of more than one Ia subregion, particularly DR and SB. In view of such complexity, many (perhaps most) MoAbs cannot be relied on to unambiguously identify products of a particular Ia subregion, without extensive characterization.  相似文献   

The structural characteristics of antigens recognized by a panel of monoclonal antibodies prepared against a rabbit T-lymphocyte cell line have been investigated. Those antigens which could be isolated using immunoadsorbents prepared from the monoclonal antibodies had mol. wts of 42,000, 90,000 and 120,000. The 42,000 mol. wt molecule is similar or identical to a rabbit class I major histocompatibility complex antigen and its characterization has been reported elsewhere. Three different 90,000 mol. wt proteins can be distinguished by their reactivity with lectins and by sequential immunoprecipitation. The 120,000 mol. wt protein is a very abundant surface glycoprotein that appears to be a specific marker for T-cells in the rabbit. It is the immunodominant antigen in a lentil lectin bound glycoprotein pool. Over half of the antibodies were directed against this antigen. All antigens detected by the panel of monoclonal antibodies have been detected on normal lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies can be purified directly from ascitic fluids by chromatography on a DEAE Affi-gel blue column. Optimal conditions were determined for the recovery of immunoglobulins free of contaminating protease and nuclease activities.  相似文献   

Interaction of C3 and C3b with immunoglobulin G   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Human C3b as well as native C3 were found to bind to solid phase human and rabbit IgG. Haemolytically active C3 had significantly higher binding capacity to IgG than the C3b fragment. Inhibition experiments proved that C3 and C3b have common binding sites on the Fab and Fc part of the IgG molecule but the character of these binding sites was different. As a functional consequence of C3-IgG interaction, C3 binding was found to inhibit the specific precipitation of an IgG antibody preparation.  相似文献   

As an assay for the surface deposition of newly synthesized major variable surface coat glycoprotein (VSCG) we have treated intact Trypanosoma brucei cells with the cleavable cross-linking reagent dithiobis-(succinimidyl propionate). Under appropriate conditions, surface VSCG is converted to oligomers of n not less than 8. The oligomeric protein, apparent molecular weight greater than 4 × 105, does not migrate more than 1 to 2 mm into a 3–15% linear polyacrylamide gradient gel containing 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate, hence the appearance of newly synthesized radiolabeled protein in the top 2 mm of the gel indicates the translocation of VSCG from the site of synthesis to the surface and the gross establishment of normal interactions among the molecules. In addition, purified VSCG treated with the cross-linking reagent yielded a dimeric product on gel electrophoresis. To examine the role of N-linked carbohydrate in the translocation of the protein and in intermolecular interactions we have allowed trypanosomes to incorporate L-[14C]serine into protein in the presence of the antibiotic tunicamycin. Our results show that N-linked carbohydrate is not essential to the transfer of VSCG to the cell surface nor does its absence interfere with gross intermolecular interactions in the short term. On the other hand N-linked carbohydrate does appear to play an essential role in dimer formation.  相似文献   

Surface membrane proteins of viable merozoites of Plasmodium chabaudi were iodinated by the Iodogen method and analysed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Thirteen surface membrane proteins ranging from 22 to 270 kDa were thus identified. Most of these proteins could be immunoprecipitated by sera of mice immunized with extracts of P. chabaudi. A few, however, were precipitated only by sera of mice challenged with living parasites after immunization.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies of the IgE class (54.10) and of the IgG1 class (27.21), that were shown previously to possess biological activity against Schistosoma mansoni larvae, were used for identification of surface antigens of the cercariae and schistosomula. This was performed by immunoprecipitation, immunoaffinity chromatography and immunoblotting. The epitope reactive with 27.21 mcIgG1 is present on four polypeptides (60, 50, 27 and 19 kDa) derived from the parasite. The 60 kDa is specific to cercariae, whereas the 50 kDa is a glycoprotein shared both by cercariae and schistosomula. The antigen reactive with the 54.10 mcIgE was isolated by affinity chromatography on 54.10 column, and contained three major peptides of 125, 94 and 30 kDa. The 125 and 94 kDa band probably originate from the same protein, since they yield almost identical peptide maps. The isolated antigen retained its biological activity as demonstrated in the basophils degranulation assay.  相似文献   

The purification and properties of a cytotoxic mouse monoclonal anti-HLA-A2 antibody are described. This antibody, BB7.2, can be used as an HLA-A2 typing reagent with little modification of current typing techniques. It also recognizes a low frequency variant of HLA-A28. BB7 2 provides an example of an antibody which requires bivalent attachment to a polymeric antigen, e.g. a cell, to produce a readily detectable complex. This is due to a high rate of dissociation of the complex formed between a single BB7 2 combining site and HLA-A2 The consequences of this property were investigated and some complications for potential uses of such monoclonal antibodies are discussed.  相似文献   

Surface antigens of Schistosoma mansoni schistosomula were isolated using antibodies produced in rat and human schistosomiasis. Three immunoreactive surface proteins of 40 000, 37 000 and 32 000 daltons were identified by SDS—PAGE analysis of immune complexes formed by incubation of a detergent extract of surface labelled schistosomula with infected rat sera. Surface antigens of similar molecular weight were also isolated when using sera of patients with schistosomiasis. Binding of schistosomula surface antigens to specific antibodies was substantially inhibited by components released by adult worms. The results suggest that these schistosomula surface antigens could be involved in the immune response against challenge infection but their protective role in immunity still remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The Fc gamma receptor of guinea-pig peritoneal macrophages was purified by affinity chromatography by using rabbit IgG or guinea-pig IgG2 coupled to Sepharose. Lysates prepared by treatment of 125I-labeled macrophages with NP-40 were first applied to BSA-Sepharose and then to IgG-Sepharose and eluted with 0.5 M acetic acid containing 1% NP-40. The specific binding was determined by interaction of the 125I-labeled receptor with IgG-Sepharose in the presence and absence of soluble IgG. The specific binding of the purified receptor was 42-82%. Interactions of the purified receptor with IgG-Sepharose were equally well inhibited by soluble rabbit IgG or guinea-pig IgG2, but not by F(ab')2 fragments. Inclusion of NP-40 in the buffer used in the assay reduced nonspecific binding of the receptor to the affinity gels. The purified receptor can be stored for 20 days at 4 degrees C without a significant loss of the specific binding activity. Analysis of the receptor by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, under nonreducing and reducing conditions, revealed two major peaks of radioactivity corresponding to mol. wts of about 50,000 and 25,000, and one very minor peak corresponding to a mol. wt of about 30,000. The results obtained suggest that the protein of the second major peak is a product of the dissociation of the protein of the first major peak rather than a product of its reduction by 2-mercaptoethanol.  相似文献   

A rat IgG1 monoclonal antibody, produced by hybridoma 187.1.10, exhibits specificity for mouse immunoglobulins containing kappa light chains (Yelton et al., 1981). The 187.1.10 hybridoma cell line secreted upwards of 200 micrograms/ml of monoclonal antibody in tissue culture and the secreted product was purified in a single step by antigen-immunoadsorbent affinity chromatography. The homogeneity of the purified 187.1.10 protein was determined by isoelectrofocusing and SDS gel electrophoresis. Equilibrium binding analyses of the radioiodinated 187.1.10 antibody indicated a strong interaction with its antigen of KA = 2 X 10(9) l/mole. The 187.1.10 antibody did not readily bind to Staph. aureus protein A unless it was complexed with antigen. The binding of immune complexes of 187.1.10 to protein A was shown to be dependent on the Fc region of the antigen. The utility of the 187.1.10 monoclonal antibody as a general second antibody reagent for studying mouse immunoglobulins was demonstrated in a rapid solid phase immunoprecipitation assay to detect and analyze radioiodinated membrane proteins of a human cytotoxic T cell line.  相似文献   

In the absence of mammalian cells, freshly isolated monomorphic bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma brucei brucei maintain a constant and high level of aerobic glycolysis in vitro for at least 4 h at 37°C when suspended in RPMI medium 1640 containing 20% heat-inactivated and dialyzed fetal calf serum and 25 mM Hepes at an initial pH of 8. In the absence of nutrients other than glucose, salts and protein, some cell death and a decrease in the rate of glycolysis are observed. In the absence of protein, extensive cell death and a decrease in the rate of glycolysis are seen. These observations may be useful in the design of short-term in vitro metabolic studies with T. b. brucei.  相似文献   

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