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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between risk factors and smoking status among high school students in Okinawa, Japan. We also examined if there is a dose-response relation between the number of risk factors and smoking status. Self-reported questionnaires including smoking status and potential risk factors were conducted using a sample of 1,029 students of a public senior high school in Okinawa. The percentage of smokers was 40.0% for males and 10.6% for females, and it was significantly higher for males than females. As a result of multivariate analysis, we identified four significant risk factors; peer smoking, attitude of peer toward subject smoking, intention to smoke at the age 20, and alcohol drinking. The number of these risk factors was linearly associated with increased percentage of smokers, and a linear trend was significant for both gender students. Additionally, magnitude of risk for smoking among females became considerably great compared with those of males as the number of risk factors increased. In conclusion, this study was the first study in Japan to indicate a significant dose-response relationship between the number of risk factors and smoking status among high school students. We also found that females with many risk factors had extremely increased vulnerability to smoking compared to male counterpart. These findings may be useful to identify high-risk students who need more intensive smoking prevention programs and to develop the content of effective interventions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of health-related behavior and family smoking habits on the future smoking habits of junior high school students in two Japanese cities with different life expectancies. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in January 2005 of all second-grade students in a junior high school in city A located in Aomori prefecture (399 students) and city B located in Nagano prefecture (447 students). Life expectancies in city B were 4.2 years longer in men and 2.9 years longer in women than in city A. Data on feelings about future smoking habits, dislike of tobacco smoke, family smoking habits and health-related behavior were collected. RESULTS: The proportion of boys who went on to become smokers was higher in city A (18.7%) than in city B (10.3%). The proportions of smoking mothers and other smoking family members were also higher in city A, while the proportion of students who disliked tobacco smoke was lower. For girls in both cities, there was a significant positive association between future smoking and maternal smoking. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that maternal smoking habits are especially strongly correlated with future smoking in girls. The family smoking environment and health-related behavior should therefore be considered in measures to prevent smoking by students.  相似文献   

探讨北京市高中生的学校适应状况,为学校开展有针对性的干预教育提供参考依据.方法 采用自编的信度和效度较好的高中学校适应量表,对北京市3所重点高中和2所非重点高中共951名高中生的学校适应现状进行调查.结果 高中生学校适应整体呈正态分布,学校适应各维度中以集体适应最好,为(4.279±0.653)分;学习适应最差,为(3.600±0.622)分.高中生学校适应的学校类型、年级和性别主效应均有统计学意义(F值分别为4.688,19.445,11.145,P值均<0.05).重点高中的学生学校适应、学习适应、师生亲密性、师生冲突和学校态度得分均高于非重点高中的学生(P值均<0.05).高三学生的学校适应最好,高二学生最差.高中女生的学校适应及学习适应、师生冲突、情绪适应和同伴关系得分均高于男生(P值均<0.05).结论 学校管理者和教师应根据不同学校、不同年级和性别高中生的学校适应特点,采取正确的教育方法,提高高中生的学校适应水平.  相似文献   

不同干预频次对降低中学生吸烟率效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价基于学校的青少年吸烟干预计划对降低初中生吸烟率的干预效应,探索不同次数干预的效应差异。方法 将25所初中学校随机分为3组,分别为对照组、1次干预组和3次干预组。每所学校的初中一年级学生均为研究对象。在每次干预后6个月时对3组进行一次问卷调查。结果 1次干预组在干预后一年半时的吸烟率显著低于对照组(OR=0.56,95%CI=0.33~0.87);3次干预组在第2次干预后(OR=0.32,95%CI=0.15~0.63)和第3次干预后(OR=0.27,95%CI=0.13~0.48)吸烟率均显著低于对照组。同时发现,在第3次干预后3次干预组的吸烟率显著低于1次干预组(OR=0.48,95%CI=0.28~0.81)。结论 本研究所实施的干预能有效地降低初中生吸烟率,且3次干预的效应强于1次干预。  相似文献   

Smoking among junior high school students in Nagoya, Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A questionnaire survey was administered in January 1982 to 3090 junior high school boys and girls in Nagoya, Japan. The proportion of current regular smokers who smoke at least one cigarette per week was 3.6% for boys and 0.5% for girls. By the third grade this had increased to 6.9% and 1.2% respectively for each sex. Multivariate analysis of associated social psychological factors revealed that peer smoking was most strongly related to individual smoking status. Parental smoking, sibling smoking, educational aspiration, and attitudes toward anti-smoking legislation for minors were also significantly related to smoking status. The fostering of resistance to social pressure to smoke, family involvement, strict execution of the law, and increased experiences of success in academic, social and physical activities should be considered in smoking prevention programmes for this age group.  相似文献   

目的了解南京地区中学生人群中抑郁障碍的现患率及其主要危险因素.方法采用横断面研究,研究对象来自南京地区13个区县的56个学校168个班级7161名在校初一至高三的中学生,其中初中生占71.0%,高中生占29.0%;男生为49.4%,女生为50.6%;城区占47.6%,乡村占52.4%;调查的有效应答率为92.5%.结果该样本人群中抑郁障碍现患率为14.8%,男生的现患率(16.4%)显著高于女生(13.0%),初中生与高中生之间则没有差异(14.6%vs.15.4%).不存在年龄、城乡差异.经多因素logistic回归模型分析,学习兴趣缺乏、学习成绩较差、自觉学习任务繁重、升学能力的自我评估较差、缺乏知心朋友、同学/亲朋之间相处不好、过于关心亲朋、父母失业状况、不与亲生父母居住、家庭成员构成的改变均可增加学生罹患抑郁障碍的风险.结论在样本人群中,抑郁障碍的现患率达到14.8%,中学生抑郁障碍的罹患情况与自身心理特质、家庭、教育、成长及社会环境有关,社会、家庭与学校均应加强针对中学生的心理健康教育.  相似文献   

Objectives: To establish an accurate estimate of the prevalence of smoking among high school students in Aleppo–Syria and to characterize the smoking habit in this age group. Design: A cross-sectional survey was performed, in which a self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 10th, 11th and 12th graders. Subjects: A sample of 1587 students (784 males; mean age 16 years, and 803 females; mean age 15.9 years) was studied. This sample was drawn from 16 schools randomly selected from a total of 73 schools in the city. Results: The prevalence of current smoking was 15.9% for males and 6.6% for females. The prevalence of daily smoking was 2.4% for males and 0.5% for females. Almost all smoking categories increased with age and grade. Forty seven percent of male daily smokers were heavy smokers. Peer influence was evident in all stages of the smoking process, especially for males. Parental smoking was also an important associated factor. The combination of parental and siblings smoking was the strongest predictor of the smoking status of the surveyed (OR: 4.4; 95% CI: 2.7–7). Thirty eight percent of male smokers and 47.2% of female smokers smoke out of boredom. Fifty one percent of male smokers were introduced to smoking by a friend. Forty percent of male smokers buy their cigarettes, while 56.6% of female smokers obtain their cigarettes from home. Logistic regression analyses showed that parental and siblings smoking were the most important predictors of ever trying to smoke or current smoking among male and female students. Conclusions: Our study shows that smoking is more frequent in male than female students. Parental and sibling smoking are the most important factors associated with smoking in this population, and peer influence is important particularly in the smoking initiation stage. Pattern of smoking and associated factors differed substantially between males and females in this study.  相似文献   

高中生吸烟行为影响因素问题行为理论方法分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解北京市某区不同性别、类型学校高中生尝试吸烟状况,以问题行为理论为基础探讨影响高中生尝试吸烟行为的因素。方法方便选取北京市某区重点高中、普通高中和职业高中各1所,采用问题行为理论提出者Jessor编制的《青少年健康与发展问卷》的中文版调查了1 325名高中生。结果高中生尝试吸烟报告率为26.6%(325/1325),其中男生报告率为35.5%(225/633),女生报告率为18.4%(127/692)。有尝试吸烟行为高中生的自我控制、同伴吸烟控制、家庭吸烟控制平均分分别为(3.05±0.80)、(3.35±0.72)、(3.09±0.96)分,均低于未尝试吸烟行为高中生,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001)。高自我控制、同伴健康行为榜样、来自同伴和家庭的高吸烟控制、高家庭控制、高学校支持是降低高中生尝试吸烟行为的保护因素;同伴吸烟榜样、邻居吸烟榜样、容易获得香烟、高偏差行为是增加高中生尝试吸烟行为的危险因素。结论应用问题行为理论可以部分解释高中生尝试吸烟行为。  相似文献   

了解广州市中小学生贫血患病现状,为制定学生贫血防控措施提供依据.方法 采用分层随机整群抽样方法,抽取广州市7,9,12和14岁学生共2 912名,采用改良叠氮化高铁血红蛋白法测定血红蛋白含量,通过学生体检获得身高、体重并计算体质量指数(BMI)值等数据.结果 广州市义务教育阶段学生血红蛋白质量浓度中位数为133g/L,贫血患病率为7.0% (95% CI=6.1% ~ 7.9%),男生为6.4%(95%CI=5.5%~7.3%),女生为7.7%(95% CI=6.7%~8.7%).在总人群、男生和女生中,年龄和BMI均对血红蛋白浓度起正向作用(P值均<0.01).多因素Logistic回归分析显示,7和12岁组患贫血的风险是14岁组的1.761 (95% CI=1.114~2.782)和1.857倍(95%CI=1.218~2.831).结论 广州市中小学生贫血仍处于“轻度”流行水平,应加强低年龄和青春期学生贫血防控.  相似文献   

了解无锡市青少年尝试吸烟行为现况及影响因素,为开展学校控烟工作提供科学依据.方法 2012年10月对整群随机抽取的无锡市2 467名中小学生进行匿名自填式吸烟知识行为问卷调查.结果 学生自报有尝试吸烟行为的比例为5.11%,男生高于女生,高年级学生高于低年级学生,差异均有统计学意义(x2值分别为21.006,10.507,P值均<0.05).126名尝试吸烟的学生中,第一次尝试吸烟年龄主要分布在7岁(27.78%)和14~ 15岁(20.63%),第一次尝试吸烟的场所主要在自己家里(61.86%)和社交场所(18.64%),第一支烟的来源主要为父母给的(44.07%)、自己偷偷拿的(27.73%)和校外朋友给的(22.03%).尝试吸烟行为的危险因素是男生(OR=2.90,95%CI=1.88~4.46)、高年级(初中OR=3.80,95%CI=1.86~7.76;高中OR=10.84,95%CI=5.21 ~22.57;高职OR=13.44,95%CI=6.28 ~ 28.77)、父亲和(或)母亲吸烟(OR=1.52,95%CI=1.01~2.30)、校园内有人吸烟(OR=2.46,95%CI=1.50~4.04)、曾经买过烟(OR=13.71,95%CI=6.50~28.93)和不知晓吸烟危害(OR=2.87,95%CI=1.18~7.00).结论 青少年缺乏吸烟危害相关知识、生活环境中广泛存在的吸烟文化和宽松的吸烟环境是促成学生发生尝试吸烟行为的影响因素.除了向青少年普及烟草危害,还应教育家长减少孩子接触烟草的机会,落实学校无烟政策.  相似文献   

This paper explores the influence of social factors and school factors on cannabis use among Ontario high school students. The data are derived from a survey of students conducted by the Addiction Research Foundation in 1987. Multiple classification analysis was used to examine the relationship between the two groups of factors and cannabis use. Results of the analysis indicate that social factors are more highly predictive of cannabis use than are school factors. A theoretical framework specifying the influence of social and school factors on cannabis use needs to be developed and tested in order to understand this relationship more clearly.  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市高中生吸烟行为及家庭因素与吸烟关联的性别差异,为相关干预提供理论依据.方法 于2014年4-5月,采取分层整群随机抽样的方法,对北京市16669名高中生进行问卷调查.分性别采用x2检验和多因素Logistic回归法分析家庭因素与吸烟行为的关联.结果 北京市高中男女生尝试吸烟率分别为40.7%和20.6%...  相似文献   

目的了解北京市中学生吸烟行为的现状以及研究相关影响因素。方法采用横断面研究的方法,于2013年9—10月随机从城区、近郊区、远郊区中抽取2个区,每区随机抽取2所高中、2所初中,共6个区24所学校进行问卷调查,对2395份有效样本,其中男生1232名,女生1163名进行单因素、多因素Logistic回归分析影响因素。结果所调查中学生吸烟率为9.5%;男性吸烟率14.7%高于女性4.0%(P〈0.05)。初一~高三学生的吸烟率分别为3.6%、6.3%、7.9%、7.5%、13.4%和21.0%。Logistic回归结果显示男性(OR=4.18)、高年级(以初一学生为基准,初二~高三OR值分别为1.80、2.32、2.17、4.17和7.13)、自感孤独(OR=1.31)是吸烟行为的危险因素(P〈0.05);父母文化程度高(以初中及以下为基准,高中、大专、本科及以上OR值分别为0.721、0.377和0.476)为吸烟行为的保护因素(P〈0.05)。结论中学生吸烟率较高,高年级男生是干预重点,吸烟行为受学生所受到的社会支持水平影响,减少吸烟行为需要家庭、学校多方面共同参与。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES. This study investigated patterns of and risk factors for smoking among elementary school children in Beijing, China. METHODS. In 1988, anonymous questionnaires were administered to a multistage stratified cluster sample of 16996 students, aged mostly 10 to 12, in 479 fourth- to sixth-grade classes from 122 Beijing elementary schools. RESULTS. Approximately 28% of boys and 3% of girls had smoked cigarettes. The most frequently cited reasons for smoking initiation were "to imitate others'' behavior" and "to see what it was like." Girls were more likely to get cigarettes from home than to purchase their own. Having close friends who smoked and being encouraged by close friends to smoke were strong risk factors for smoking. Smoking was also associated with lower parental socioeconomic status; having parents, siblings, or teachers who smoked; buying cigarettes for parents; performing poorly in school; and not believing that smoking is harmful to health. CONCLUSIONS. Gender differences in smoking prevalence among adolescents in China are larger than those among US teenagers, whereas the proximal risk factors for smoking are similar. Major efforts are needed to monitor and prevent smoking initiation among Chinese adolescents, particularly girls.  相似文献   

了解南京市小学生尝试吸烟行为现状及相关影响因素,为青少年控烟工作提供科学依据.方法 多阶段随机整群抽取南京市31所小学3 636名学生进行自填式吸烟知信行问卷调查.采用x2检验比较不同组别小学生尝试吸烟率的差异,多因素Logistic回归分析对各种混杂因素进行调整.结果 小学生尝试吸烟率为6.1%,男生尝试吸烟率(8.1%)高于女生(3.8%),差异有统计学意义(x2 =28.207,P=0.000).多因素Logistic回归分析显示,男生、父母最高文化程度初中或以下、父母均吸烟、未在课堂上学过控烟知识、30 d内在学校暴露于二手烟的小学生尝试吸烟的风险较高,差异均有统计学意义.烟草相关知识总知晓率为87.2%,男、女生分别为86.7%和87.9%,差异无统计学意义(x2=7.145,P=0.067).烟草相关正向态度持有率为95.4%,男、女生分别为94.3%和96.7%,差异有统计学意义(x2=46.098,P=0.000).结论 小学生尝试吸烟影响因素较多.家庭和学校应共同采取措施,引导他们学会拒绝烟草.  相似文献   

  目的  了解贵州省贵阳市中学生烟草使用现状及控烟知识情况,为今后开展干预措施提供依据。  方法  于2015年5 — 6月采用分层整群抽样方法,在贵阳市抽取14所中学3 847名中学生,使用2013年中国青少年烟草流行调查问卷进行调查。  结果  贵阳市中学生尝试吸烟率为40.4 %,现在吸烟率为17.1 %,经常吸卷烟率为5.7 %。男生尝试吸烟率(54.5 %)、现在吸烟率(28.5 %)及经常吸卷烟率(10.9 %)均高于女生的27.3 %、6.5 %、0.9 %(均P < 0.05)。性别、地区、饮酒、学校类型是贵阳市中学生尝试吸烟、现在吸烟及经常吸卷烟的主要影响因素。贵阳市中学生烟草广告及促销暴露率高,控烟信息覆盖率低。  结论  贵阳市中学生烟草使用情况严峻,卫生计生及教育部门应加强控烟宣传,同时结合青少年身心发育特点及影响因素制定针对性的干预措施。  相似文献   

高中生吸烟行为相关因素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的了解当前高中学生的吸烟行为及其相关因素。方法分层抽样随机抽取995名高中学生进行横断面问卷调查研究。结果男女高中学生的吸烟行为与多种因素相关。男生中,家里人是否吵架、在家独处时间、学习成绩、最要好的朋友劝吸、同龄人吸烟人数、好友吸烟人数、拒绝别人递烟是否礼貌、给家里客人递烟是否为礼节等是尝试吸烟的危险因素;女生中,父母是否允许与他们不相识的朋友外出、最要好的朋友劝吸、好友吸烟人数、拒绝别人递烟是否礼貌、给家里客人递烟是否为礼节等是尝试吸烟的危险因素。结论预防控制高中学生吸烟应从家庭、学校、社会等多方面入手采取综合性干预措施。  相似文献   

Various stereotypes and cultural influences said to be associated with eating disorders were examined in a nonclinical population. The Eating Attitudes Test, The Family Functioning Scale, and a background questionnaire were administered to high school students (N = 284). Sex, frequency of contact with peers concerning dieting, involvement in activities associated with a specific body type, and poor school achievement were found to predict attitudes and behaviors associated with eating disorders. The impact of social influence was discussed with implications for intervention.  相似文献   

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